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Home - DAkkS - German Accreditation Body
La longitud del título es óptima (398 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
The German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) is the national accreditation body of the Federal Republic of Germany.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (688 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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Redirección canónica
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
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El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
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URL de la página
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descriptionThe German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) is the national accreditation body of the Federal Republic of Germany.
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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • interational => international
Hay 12 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 testing laboratories DAkkS changes category desig...
  • Texto duplicado 2: Commitment to greater information security in Germany DAkkS is a parti...
  • Texto duplicado 3: Certification bodies in the area of sustainable construction Successfu...
  • Texto duplicado 4: Digital quality infrastructure Digital accreditation symbol – contribu...
  • Texto duplicado 5: International cooperation Digital accreditation symbol as a component ...
  • Texto duplicado 6: Digital quality infrastructure Digital accreditation symbol and digita...
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es elevada: 26.47 palabras.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2663 palabras.
Un 31.7% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 37 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
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No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Se han encontrado etiquetas de negritas vacías en esta página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 23 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 We are DAkkS
H2 News Selection of our news
H2 New: The digital accreditation symbol Important step towards digital quality infrastructure
H2 Database of accredited bodies One for all
H2 Start your accreditation! Step by step
H2 Careers working at DAkkS
H2 Facts and figures current figures, data and facts about DAkkS
H2 Zahl der Akkreditierungen
H2 Assessors at DAkkS Information for DAkkS assessors and for those looking to become one
H2 Basis of our work Mission statement, work practices and legal basis
H2 International recognition Tested once, accepted everywhere
H2 Organisational structure of DAkkS Organisation chart, committees and bodies
H2 Document database Find the right documents here
H3 Accreditation activities The types of conformity assessment
Página base:
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
Hay 1 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 6 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/en/home-en.htmlSkip navigation
A-TITLE Contact
/en/document-folder.htmlDocument folder
A-TITLE Document folder
A-TITLE Search
/en/dakks-en.htmlSin texto
/en/home-en.htmlTexto duplicado Skip navigation
/en/what-is-accreditation.htmlAccreditation compact
A-TITLE Accreditation compact
/en/what-is-accreditation.htmlWhat is accreditation?
A-TITLE What is accreditation?
/en/who-is-accredited.htmlWho is accredited?
A-TITLE Who is accredited?
/en/how-is-accreditation-carri...How is accreditation carried out?
A-TITLE How is accreditation carried out?
/en/who-benefits-from-accredit...Who benefits from accreditation?
A-TITLE Who benefits from accreditation?
/en/benefits-for-accredited-bo...Benefits for accredited bodies
A-TITLE Benefits for accredited bodies
/en/benefits-for-business-and-...Benefits for business and industry
A-TITLE Benefits for business and industry
/en/benefits-for-consumers.htmlBenefits for consumers
A-TITLE Benefits for consumers
/en/benefits-for-policymakers-...Benefits for policymakers and regulators
A-TITLE Benefits for policymakers and regulators
/en/what-does-accreditation-do...What does accreditation do?
A-TITLE What does accreditation do?
A-TITLE What does accreditation do?
A-TITLE What does accreditation do?
/en/market-access.htmlMarket access
A-TITLE What does accreditation do?
A-TITLE What does accreditation do?
/en/free-trade.htmlFree trade
A-TITLE What does accreditation do?
/en/start-accreditation.htmlAccreditation concrete
A-TITLE Accreditation concrete
/en/start-accreditation.htmlStart accreditation
A-TITLE Start accreditation
/en/accreditation-outside-germ...Accreditation outside Germany
A-TITLE Accreditation outside Germany
/en/accreditation-activities.htmlAccreditation activities
A-TITLE Accreditation activities
/en/testing-and-calibration-la...Testing and calibration laboratories
A-TITLE Testing and calibration laboratories / DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025
/en/medical-laboratories.htmlMedical laboratories
A-TITLE Medical laboratories / DIN EN ISO 15189
/en/inspection-bodies.htmlInspection bodies
A-TITLE Inspection bodies / DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020
/en/certification-bodies-for-m...Certification bodies for management systems
A-TITLE Certification bodies for management systems / DIN EN ISO/IEC 17021-1
/en/certification-bodies-for-p...Certification bodies for persons
A-TITLE Certification bodies for persons / DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024
/en/certification-bodies-for-p...Certification bodies for products, processes and services
A-TITLE Certification bodies for products, processes and services / DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065
/en/validation-and-verificatio...Validation and verification bodies
A-TITLE Validation and verification bodies / DIN EN ISO/IEC 17029
/en/proficiency-testing-provid...Proficiency testing providers
A-TITLE Proficiency testing providers / DIN EN ISO/IEC 17043
/en/reference-material-produce...Reference material producers
A-TITLE Reference material producers DIN EN ISO 17034
A-TITLE Biobanks / DIN EN ISO 20387
/en/accreditation-sectors.htmlAccreditation sectors
A-TITLE Accreditation sectors
/en/traffic-and-transport.htmlTraffic and Transport
A-TITLE Traffic and Transport
A-TITLE Energy
/en/environment-supply-and-dis...Environment | Supply and disposal
A-TITLE Environment | Supply and disposal
/en/agriculture-food-consumer-...Agriculture, Food and Consumer Health Protection
A-TITLE Agriculture, Food and Consumer Health Protection
A-TITLE Construction
/en/installation-and-product-s...Installation and Product Safety
A-TITLE Installation and product safety
/en/it-and-telecommunications....IT and Telecommunications
A-TITLE IT and Telecommunications
/en/forensics-internal-securit...Forensics, Internal Security and Defence
A-TITLE Forensics, internal security and defence
/en/medicine-and-health.htmlMedicine and Health
A-TITLE Medicine and health
/en/occupational-safety-social...Occupational Safety | Social Services and Education
A-TITLE Occupational safety | Social services and education
A-TITLE Metrology
/en/chemical-products.htmlChemical Products
A-TITLE Chemical products
/en/trade-crafts-procurement.htmlTrade and Crafts | Procurement
A-TITLE Trade and crafts | Procurement
/en/international_cooperation....International cooperation
A-TITLE International cooperation
/en/technical-cooperation.htmlTechnical cooperation
A-TITLE Technical cooperation
/en/global-project-quality-inf...Global Project Quality Infrastructure
A-TITLE Global Project Quality Infrastructure
/en/accreditation-symbol.htmlAccreditation symbol
A-TITLE Accreditation symbol
/en/the-digital-accreditation-...The digital accreditation symbol
A-TITLE digital accreditation symbol
/en/digital-accreditation-symb...Digital accreditation symbol FAQ
A-TITLE FAQ on the digital accreditation symbol
/en/digital-quality-infrastruc...Digital quality infrastructure
A-TITLE Digital quality infrastructure
/en/responsibilities-and-servi...DAkkS at a glance
A-TITLE DAkkS at a glance
/en/responsibilities-and-servi...Responsibilities and services
A-TITLE Responsibilities and services
/en/legal-mandate.htmlLegal mandate
A-TITLE Legal mandate for accreditation
/en/evaluation-of-conformity-a...Evaluation of conformity assessment schemes
A-TITLE Evaluation of conformity assessment schemes
/en/tbt-enquiry-point.htmlTBT Enquiry Point
A-TITLE TBT Enquiry Point
/en/basis-of-our-work.htmlBasis of our work
A-TITLE Basis of the work of DAkkS
/en/mission-statement.htmlMission statement
A-TITLE The DAkkS mission statement
/en/legal-basis.htmlLegal basis
A-TITLE Legal basis of DAkkS
/en/body-of-rules.htmlBody of rules
A-TITLE DAkkS body of rules page
/en/work-practices.htmlWork practices
A-TITLE Work practices at DAkkS
A-TITLE Compliance at DAkkS
A-TITLE Financing of DAkkS
/en/organisational-structure.htmlOrganisational structure
A-TITLE Organisational structure
/en/organisation-chart.htmlOrganisation Chart
A-TITLE Organisation Chart Executive Officer
A-TITLE Chief Executive Officer
A-TITLE Departments
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A-TITLE Department 1
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A-TITLE Department 2
/en/department-3.htmlDepartment 3
A-TITLE Department 3
/en/department-4.htmlDepartment 4
A-TITLE Department 4
/en/accreditation-service-depa...Accreditation Service Department
A-TITLE Accreditation Service Department
/en/central-service-department...Central Service Department
A-TITLE Central Service Department
/en/organisation-units.htmlStaff Units
A-TITLE Staff Units
/en/legal-and-compliance.htmlLegal and Compliance
A-TITLE Legal and Compliance
/en/accreditation-governance-r...Accreditation Governance, Research and Innovation
A-TITLE staff unit Accreditation Governance, Research and Innovation
/en/organisational-development...Organisational Development
A-TITLE Organisational Development
/en/quality-management.htmlQuality Management
A-TITLE Quality Management
A-TITLE Communication
A-TITLE Bodies
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A-TITLE Shareholders' Meeting
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A-TITLE Supervisory Board
/en/accreditation-committee.htmlAccreditation Committee
A-TITLE Accreditation Committee
A-TITLE Committees
/en/advisory-board.htmlAdvisory Board
A-TITLE Advisory Board
/en/expert-council-of-dakks.htmlExpert Council of DAkkS
A-TITLE Expert Council of DAkkS
/en/accreditation-advisory-boa...Accreditation Advisory Board
A-TITLE Accreditation Advisory Board
/en/appeals-office.htmlAppeals Office
A-TITLE Appeals Office
A-TITLE Complaints
A-TITLE Assessors
/en/become-an-assessor.htmlBecome an assessor
A-TITLE Become an assessor
/en/from-application-to-appoin...From application to appointment
A-TITLE From application to appointment
/en/assessor-at-dakks.htmlAssessor at DAkkS
A-TITLE Assessor at DAkkS
/en/basic-training.htmlBasic training
A-TITLE Assessor basic training
/en/Ongoing-training-for-DAkkS...Ongoing training for DAkkS assessors
A-TITLE Ongoing training for DAkkS assessors
/en/filtersearch.htmlDocument Search for assessors
A-TITLE Document Search for assessors
A-TITLE Careers
/en/dakks-as-an-employer.htmlDAkkS as an employer
A-TITLE DAkkS as an employer
/en/international-network.htmlInternational network
A-TITLE International network
/en/dakks-memberships.htmlMemberships and interational recognition
A-TITLE Memberships and interational recognition
/en/international-committee-wo...International committee work
A-TITLE International committee work
A-TITLE Newsroom
/en/contact-dakks.htmlContact DAkkS
A-TITLE Contacting DAkkS
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/en/training-and-events.htmlTrainings & events
/en/accredited-bodies-search.htmlAccredited bodies
/en/home-en.htmlTexto duplicado Skip navigation
/en/what-is-accreditation.htmlTexto duplicado What is accreditation?
A-TITLE What is accreditation?
/en/who-is-accredited.htmlTexto duplicado Who is accredited?
A-TITLE Who is accredited?
/en/how-is-accreditation-carri...Texto duplicado How is accreditation carried out?
A-TITLE How is accreditation carried out?
/en/who-benefits-from-accredit...Texto duplicado Who benefits from accreditation?
A-TITLE Who benefits from accreditation?
/en/benefits-for-accredited-bo...Texto duplicado Benefits for accredited bodies
A-TITLE Benefits for accredited bodies
/en/benefits-for-business-and-...Texto duplicado Benefits for business and industry
A-TITLE Benefits for business and industry
/en/benefits-for-consumers.htmlTexto duplicado Benefits for consumers
A-TITLE Benefits for consumers
/en/benefits-for-policymakers-...Texto duplicado Benefits for policymakers and regulators
A-TITLE Benefits for policymakers and regulators
/en/what-does-accreditation-do...Texto duplicado What does accreditation do?
A-TITLE What does accreditation do?
/en/trust.htmlTexto duplicado Trust
A-TITLE What does accreditation do?
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A-TITLE What does accreditation do?
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A-TITLE What does accreditation do?
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A-TITLE What does accreditation do?
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A-TITLE What does accreditation do?
/en/ more
/en/home-en.htmlTexto duplicado Skip navigation
/en/start-accreditation.htmlTexto duplicado Start accreditation
A-TITLE Start accreditation
/en/accreditation-outside-germ...Texto duplicado Accreditation outside Germany
A-TITLE Accreditation outside Germany
/en/accreditation-activities.htmlTexto duplicado Accreditation activities
A-TITLE Accreditation activities
/en/testing-and-calibration-la...Texto duplicado Testing and calibration laboratories
A-TITLE Testing and calibration laboratories / DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025
/en/medical-laboratories.htmlTexto duplicado Medical laboratories
A-TITLE Medical laboratories / DIN EN ISO 15189
/en/inspection-bodies.htmlTexto duplicado Inspection bodies
A-TITLE Inspection bodies / DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020
/en/certification-bodies-for-m...Texto duplicado Certification bodies for management systems
A-TITLE Certification bodies for management systems / DIN EN ISO/IEC 17021-1
/en/certification-bodies-for-p...Texto duplicado Certification bodies for persons
A-TITLE Certification bodies for persons / DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024
/en/certification-bodies-for-p...Texto duplicado Certification bodies for products, processes and services
A-TITLE Certification bodies for products, processes and services / DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065
/en/validation-and-verificatio...Texto duplicado Validation and verification bodies
A-TITLE Validation and verification bodies / DIN EN ISO/IEC 17029
/en/proficiency-testing-provid...Texto duplicado Proficiency testing providers
A-TITLE Proficiency testing providers / DIN EN ISO/IEC 17043
/en/reference-material-produce...Texto duplicado Reference material producers
A-TITLE Reference material producers DIN EN ISO 17034
/en/biobanks_din_en_iso_20387....Texto duplicado Biobanks
A-TITLE Biobanks / DIN EN ISO 20387
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A-TITLE Accreditation sectors
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A-TITLE Traffic and Transport
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A-TITLE Energy
/en/environment-supply-and-dis...Texto duplicado Environment | Supply and disposal
A-TITLE Environment | Supply and disposal
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A-TITLE Agriculture, Food and Consumer Health Protection
/en/construction.htmlTexto duplicado Construction
A-TITLE Construction
/en/installation-and-product-s...Texto duplicado Installation and Product Safety
A-TITLE Installation and product safety
/en/it-and-telecommunications....Texto duplicado IT and Telecommunications
A-TITLE IT and Telecommunications
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A-TITLE Forensics, internal security and defence
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A-TITLE Medicine and health
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A-TITLE Occupational safety | Social services and education
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A-TITLE Metrology
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A-TITLE Chemical products
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A-TITLE Trade and crafts | Procurement
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A-TITLE International cooperation
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A-TITLE Technical cooperation
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A-TITLE Global Project Quality Infrastructure
/en/accreditation-symbol.htmlTexto duplicado Accreditation symbol
A-TITLE Accreditation symbol
/en/the-digital-accreditation-...Texto duplicado The digital accreditation symbol
A-TITLE digital accreditation symbol
/en/digital-accreditation-symb...Texto duplicado Digital accreditation symbol FAQ
A-TITLE FAQ on the digital accreditation symbol
/en/digital-quality-infrastruc...Texto duplicado Digital quality infrastructure
A-TITLE Digital quality infrastructure
/en/accreditation-outside-germ...Texto duplicado show more
/en/ a glance
/en/home-en.htmlTexto duplicado Skip navigation
/en/responsibilities-and-servi...Texto duplicado Responsibilities and services
A-TITLE Responsibilities and services
/en/legal-mandate.htmlTexto duplicado Legal mandate
A-TITLE Legal mandate for accreditation
/en/evaluation-of-conformity-a...Texto duplicado Evaluation of conformity assessment schemes
A-TITLE Evaluation of conformity assessment schemes
/en/tbt-enquiry-point.htmlTexto duplicado TBT Enquiry Point
A-TITLE TBT Enquiry Point
/en/basis-of-our-work.htmlTexto duplicado Basis of our work
A-TITLE Basis of the work of DAkkS
/en/mission-statement.htmlTexto duplicado Mission statement
A-TITLE The DAkkS mission statement
/en/legal-basis.htmlTexto duplicado Legal basis
A-TITLE Legal basis of DAkkS
/en/body-of-rules.htmlTexto duplicado Body of rules
A-TITLE DAkkS body of rules page
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A-TITLE Work practices at DAkkS
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A-TITLE Compliance at DAkkS
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A-TITLE Financing of DAkkS
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A-TITLE Organisational structure
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A-TITLE Organisation Chart duplicado Chief Executive Officer
A-TITLE Chief Executive Officer
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A-TITLE Departments
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A-TITLE Department 1
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A-TITLE Department 2
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A-TITLE Department 3
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A-TITLE Department 4
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A-TITLE Accreditation Service Department
/en/central-service-department...Texto duplicado Central Service Department
A-TITLE Central Service Department
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A-TITLE Staff Units
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A-TITLE Legal and Compliance
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A-TITLE staff unit Accreditation Governance, Research and Innovation
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A-TITLE Organisational Development
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A-TITLE Quality Management
/en/communication.htmlTexto duplicado Communication
A-TITLE Communication
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A-TITLE Bodies
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A-TITLE Shareholders' Meeting
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A-TITLE Supervisory Board
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A-TITLE Accreditation Committee
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A-TITLE Committees
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A-TITLE Advisory Board
/en/expert-council-of-dakks.htmlTexto duplicado Expert Council of DAkkS
A-TITLE Expert Council of DAkkS
/en/accreditation-advisory-boa...Texto duplicado Accreditation Advisory Board
A-TITLE Accreditation Advisory Board
/en/appeals-office.htmlTexto duplicado Appeals Office
A-TITLE Appeals Office
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A-TITLE Complaints
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A-TITLE Assessors
/en/become-an-assessor.htmlTexto duplicado Become an assessor
A-TITLE Become an assessor
/en/from-application-to-appoin...Texto duplicado From application to appointment
A-TITLE From application to appointment
/en/assessor-at-dakks.htmlTexto duplicado Assessor at DAkkS
A-TITLE Assessor at DAkkS
/en/basic-training.htmlTexto duplicado Basic training
A-TITLE Assessor basic training
/en/Ongoing-training-for-DAkkS...Texto duplicado Ongoing training for DAkkS assessors
A-TITLE Ongoing training for DAkkS assessors
/en/filtersearch.htmlTexto duplicado Document Search for assessors
A-TITLE Document Search for assessors
/en/careers.htmlTexto duplicado Careers
A-TITLE Careers
/en/dakks-as-an-employer.htmlTexto duplicado DAkkS as an employer
A-TITLE DAkkS as an employer
/en/international-network.htmlTexto duplicado International network
A-TITLE International network
/en/dakks-memberships.htmlTexto duplicado Memberships and interational recognition
A-TITLE Memberships and interational recognition
/en/international-committee-wo...Texto duplicado International committee work
A-TITLE International committee work
/en/newsroom.htmlTexto duplicado Newsroom
A-TITLE Newsroom
/en/contact-dakks.htmlTexto duplicado Contact DAkkS
A-TITLE Contacting DAkkS
/en/contact-dakks.htmlTexto duplicado show more
/en/what-does-accreditation-do...Texto ancla no relevante
read more
/en/home-en.htmlSkip dynamic content
/en/newsroom.htmlTexto duplicado Newsroom
/en/training-and-events.htmlTexto duplicado Trainings & events
/en/document-database-filterse...Texto duplicado Documents
/en/accredited-bodies-search.htmlTexto duplicado Accredited bodies
/en/pressrelease/dakks-changes...Learn more DAkkS changes category designations to present flexible scopes of application
A-TITLE Read the article: DAkkS changes category designations to present flexible scopes of application
/en/pressrelease/accreditation...Learn more Accreditation as a root of trust for digital developments
A-TITLE Read the article: Accreditation as a root of trust for digital developments
/en/news/dakks-is-a-participan...Learn more DAkkS is a participant in the “Alliance for Cyber Security”
A-TITLE Read the article: DAkkS is a participant in the “Alliance for Cyber Security”
/en/news/successful-accreditat...Learn more Successful accreditations of certification bodies for the award of the QNG
A-TITLE Read the article: Successful accreditations of certification bodies for the award of the QNG
/en/pressrelease/digital-accre...Learn more Digital accreditation symbol – contribution to trustworthy chains of evidence at international level
A-TITLE Read the article: Digital accreditation symbol – contribution to trustworthy chains of evidence at international level
/en/pressrelease/dakks-port-ma...Learn more DAkkS-PORT makes accreditation more customer-orientated
A-TITLE Read the article: DAkkS-PORT makes accreditation more customer-orientated
/en/news/digital-accreditation...Learn more Digital accreditation symbol as a component of trustworthy international chains of evidence
A-TITLE Read the article: Digital accreditation symbol as a component of trustworthy international chains of evidence
/en/pressrelease/digital-accre...Learn more Digital accreditation symbol and digital calibration certificate: DAkkS and PTB prepare introduction
A-TITLE Read the article: Digital accreditation symbol and digital calibration certificate: DAkkS and PTB prepare introduction
/en/pressrelease/dakks-accredi...Learn more DAkkS accredits first biobank
A-TITLE Read the article: DAkkS accredits first biobank
/en/pressrelease/twinning-proj...Learn more Twinning project with Armenia successfully completed
A-TITLE Read the article: Twinning project with Armenia successfully completed
/en/pressrelease/twinning-proj...Learn more Twinning project with Georgia successfully completed
A-TITLE Read the article: Twinning project with Georgia successfully completed
/en/pressrelease/dakks-and-ptb...Learn more DAkkS and PTB start test phase for digitisation project
A-TITLE Read the article: DAkkS and PTB start test phase for digitisation project
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/en/start-accreditation.htmlThe entire process at a glance
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Home - DAkkS - German Accreditation Body
The German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) is the national accreditation body of the Federal Republic of Germany.

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Accreditation Body68%Check
German Accreditation Body67%Check
national accreditation65%Check
national accreditation body63%Check
International Accreditation59%Check
Start accreditation57%Check

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