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(Extremadamente importante)
Designcollectors - The biggest stock in Europe of Design furniture!
Con 594 píxeles, el título de esta página es demasiado largo. Optimizar el título
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Designcollectors - The biggest stock in Europe of Vitra, Artek, Knoll, Thonet, Classicon, Santa & Cole, Maharam, Kay Bojesen, Iittala furniture!
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (874 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
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El dominio no es un subdominio.
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URL de la página
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descriptionDesigncollectors - The biggest stock in Europe of Vitra, Artek, Knoll, Thonet, Classicon, Santa & Cole, Maharam, Kay Bojesen, Iittala furniture!
keywordsDesigncollectors,vitra,furniture,thonet,artek,classicon,maharam,kay bojesen,littala
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twitter:descriptionDesigncollectors - The biggest stock in Europe of Vitra, Artek, Knoll, Thonet, Classicon, Santa & Cole, Maharam, Kay Bojesen, Iittala furniture!
og:descriptionDesigncollectors - The biggest stock in Europe of Vitra, Artek, Knoll, Thonet, Classicon, Santa & Cole, Maharam, Kay Bojesen, Iittala furniture!
og:site_nameThe biggest stock in Europe of Vitra, Thonet, artek, ClassiCon Maharam, Kay Bojesen, Iittala furniture!

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Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es muy baja: 6.96 palabras.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 822 palabras.
Un 26% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 7 párrafos en esta página.
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Redes Sociales
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Etiquetas markup adicionales
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(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...-oak-deep-black-powder-coated-smooth.jpgStandard Chair - Natural oak - deep black powder-coated (smooth) of the brand VitraStandard Chair - Natural oak - deep black powder-coated (smooth) of the brand Vitra
...ult/classicon-adjustable-table-e1027.jpgAdjustable Table E1027 of the brand ClassiconAdjustable Table E1027 of the brand Classicon
...e_default/wassily-lounge-chair-black.jpgWassily Lounge Chair, Black cowhide of the brand KnollWassily Lounge Chair, Black cowhide of the brand Knoll
...d-group-ea-217-leather-premium-camel.jpgSoft Pad Chair EA 217 - Leather Premium - Chrome - Camel of the brand VitraSoft Pad Chair EA 217 - Leather Premium - Chrome - Camel of the brand Vitra
/23054-large_default/akari-e.jpgAkari E Ceiling Lamp of the brand VitraAkari E Ceiling Lamp of the brand Vitra
...25-large_default/s31a-stool-low-seat.jpgS31A Stool, low seat of the brand Pierre ChapoS31A Stool, low seat of the brand Pierre Chapo
/25714-large_default/la-chaise.jpgLa Chaise (showroom model) of the brand VitraLa Chaise (showroom model) of the brand Vitra
/26938-large_default/tabouret-307-blanc.jpgTabouret 307 Blanc Colombe (ecru) of the brand VitraTabouret 307 Blanc Colombe (ecru) of the brand Vitra
...ather-premium-nero-santos-palisander.jpgLounge Chair & Ottoman (new dimensions) - Leather premium - Nero - Santos Palisander of the brand VitraLounge Chair & Ottoman (new dimensions) - Leather premium - Nero - Santos Palisander of the brand Vitra
...ek-e60-stool-4-legs-walnutpewterlino.jpgStool E60 (4 Legs) Walnut Stained - Pewter Linoleum of the brand ArtekStool E60 (4 Legs) Walnut Stained - Pewter Linoleum of the brand Artek
...ctors2022/images/logo-chapocreations.svgChapo Créations
...ollectors2022/images/logo-santa-cole.svgSanta & Cole
...collectors2022/images/logo-pp-møbler.svgPP Møbler
...ectors2022/images/logo-herman-miller.svgHerman Miller
...2/images/logo-carlhansen-and-son-alt.svgCarl Hansen & Søn
...llectors2022/images/logo-be-classics.svgBE. Classics
...-stock-slider/hang-it-all-multicolor.jpgHang It All Coat Rack: Multicolor - Furniture by Designcollectors
/28248-stock-slider/akari-e.jpgAkari E Ceiling Lamp - Furniture by Designcollectors
/28169-stock-slider/s31a-stool-low-seat.jpgS31A Stool, low seat - Furniture by Designcollectors
/27522-stock-slider/tabouret-307-blanc.jpgTabouret 307 Blanc Colombe (ecru) - Furniture by Designcollectors
/28091-stock-slider/akari-14a.jpgAkari 14A Floor Lamp - Furniture by Designcollectors
...nnage-mural-natural-oak-japanese-red.jpgRayonnage Mural - Natural oak - Japanese red - Furniture by Designcollectors
/28796-stock-slider/thonet-209-natural.jpg209 Chair, Natural beech varnished - Furniture by Designcollectors
...lider/gueridon-bas-solid-natural-oak.jpgGuéridon Bas - Solid natural oak - Furniture by Designcollectors
...der/rayonnage-mural-natural-oak-bleu.jpgRayonnage Mural - Natural oak - Bleu marcoule - Furniture by Designcollectors
/28852-stock-slider/utensilo-i-red.jpgUten.Silo I Red - Furniture by Designcollectors
...jscomposer/uploads/landing-casagaros.jpgCasa Garós - Vitra Home StoriesCasa Garós - Vitra Home Stories
...poser/uploads/landing-opendays-recap.jpgOpen Days recap - Vitra Home StoriesOpen Days recap - Vitra Home Stories
...les/jscomposer/uploads/header-capcod.jpgCap Cod: From Bauhaus to Breuer - Vitra Home StoriesCap Cod: From Bauhaus to Breuer - Vitra Home Stories
...ollectors2022/img/trustpilot-stars-5.svg5 stars rating on Trustpilot

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Europe’s largest stock of design classics Next day delivery*
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 47 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Europe’s largest stock of design classics Next day delivery*
H2 Crafted Through Time
H2 Tea Time
H2 Akari Lights
H2 Santa & Cole
H2 Thonet Outdoor
H2 Buy 6, pay for 5
H2 Artek Foldable Tables
H2 The Perfect Match
H2 Midnight Flowers by Marni
H2 Eames Plastic Chairs RE
H2 M64 Valsells
H2 8 new colours
H2 Exclusive: Chapo
H2 Vitra Hang It All Coat Rack: Multicolor
H2 Vitra Akari E Ceiling Lamp
H2 Pierre Chapo S31A Stool, low seat
H2 Vitra Tabouret 307 Blanc Colombe ( ...
H2 Vitra Akari 14A Floor Lamp
H2 Vitra Rayonnage Mural - Natural oa ...
H2 Thonet 209 Chair, Natural beech var ...
H2 Vitra Guéridon Bas - Solid natural oak
H2 Vitra Rayonnage Mural - Natural oa ... Texto duplicado
H2 Vitra Uten.Silo I Red
H2 Furniture
H2 Lighting
H2 Outdoor
H2 Accessories
H2 What Our Customers Say 5.0 1star 1 star 1 star star star
H2 Stories & Design Inspiration
H2 Casa Garós
H2 Open Days recap
H2 Cap Cod: From Bauhaus to Breuer
H3 Europe’s biggest design classics stock
H3 free shipping for orders from 150 €
H3 Shop +80 designers
H3 star 1 star 1 star star star
H3 star 1 star 1 star star star Texto duplicado
H3 star 1 star 1 star star star Texto duplicado
H3 star 1 star 1 star star star Texto duplicado
H3 star 1 star 1 star star star Texto duplicado
H3 star star star star star
H3 Stay up-to-date
H3 Follow us
H4 Shopping Cart
H4 Log in
H4 In Stock
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay 5 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla Shopping
/en/snel bestellenSubdominio Proceed to Check Out
/en/wachtwoord-opvragenSubdominio Forgot your password?
A-TITLE Forgot your password?
/en/index.php?controller=registerSubdominio Register a new account
A-TITLE Register a new account
/en/index.php?controller=conta...Subdominio Get in touch
/nl/Subdominio Nederlands
A-TITLE Nederlands
/fr/Subdominio Français
A-TITLE Français
/en/1538-crafted-through-timeSubdominio More info
/en/1491-teatrolleySubdominio Texto duplicado More info
/en/1489-akari-lightingSubdominio Texto duplicado More info
/en/brand/12-santa-coleSubdominio Texto duplicado More info
/en/brand/4-thonet?ids_categor...Subdominio Texto duplicado More info
/en/content/88-buy-6-pay-for-5Subdominio Texto duplicado More info
/en/1527-artek-foldable-tablesSubdominio Texto duplicado More info
/en/content/76-the-perfect-matchSubdominio Texto duplicado More info
/en/brand/25-marniSubdominio Texto duplicado More info
/en/1528-eames-plastic-chairs-reSubdominio Texto duplicado More info
/en/1519-m64Subdominio Texto duplicado More info
/en/brand/17-pierre-chapoSubdominio Texto duplicado More info
/en/index.php?controller=stock...Subdominio In Stock
/en/vitra/jean-prouve/home/303...Subdominio IMG-ALT Standard Chair - Natural oak - deep black powder-coated (smooth) of the brand Vitra
A-TITLE Standard Chair - Natural oak - deep black powder-coated (smooth) of the brand Vitra
/en/classicon/eileen-gray/home...Subdominio IMG-ALT Adjustable Table E1027 of the brand Classicon
A-TITLE Adjustable Table E1027 of the brand Classicon
/en/knoll/marcel-breuer/chairs...Subdominio IMG-ALT Wassily Lounge Chair, Black cowhide of the brand Knoll
A-TITLE Wassily Lounge Chair, Black cowhide of the brand Knoll
/en/vitra/charles-ray-eames/ho...Subdominio IMG-ALT Soft Pad Chair EA 217 - Leather Premium - Chrome - Camel of the brand Vitra
A-TITLE Soft Pad Chair EA 217 - Leather Premium - Chrome - Camel of the brand Vitra
/en/vitra/isamu-noguchi/google...Subdominio IMG-ALT Akari E Ceiling Lamp of the brand Vitra
A-TITLE Akari E Ceiling Lamp of the brand Vitra
/en/pierre-chapo/pierre-chapo/...Subdominio IMG-ALT S31A Stool, low seat of the brand Pierre Chapo
A-TITLE S31A Stool, low seat of the brand Pierre Chapo
/en/vitra/charles-ray-eames/ho...Subdominio IMG-ALT La Chaise (showroom model) of the brand Vitra
A-TITLE La Chaise (showroom model) of the brand Vitra
/en/vitra/jean-prouve/new-jean...Subdominio IMG-ALT Tabouret 307 Blanc Colombe (ecru) of the brand Vitra
A-TITLE Tabouret 307 Blanc Colombe (ecru) of the brand Vitra
/en/vitra/charles-ray-eames/ho...Subdominio IMG-ALT Lounge Chair & Ottoman (new dimensions) - Leather premium - Nero - Santos Palisander of the brand Vitra
A-TITLE Lounge Chair & Ottoman (new dimensions) - Leather premium - Nero - Santos Palisander of the brand Vitra
/en/artek/alvar-aalto/google-s...Subdominio IMG-ALT Stool E60 (4 Legs) Walnut Stained - Pewter Linoleum of the brand Artek
A-TITLE Stool E60 (4 Legs) Walnut Stained - Pewter Linoleum of the brand Artek
/en/index.php?controller=stock...Subdominio View All in stock
/en/brand/3-vitraSubdominio IMG-ALT Vitra
A-TITLE Products of the brand Vitra
/en/brand/5-artekSubdominio IMG-ALT Artek
A-TITLE Products of the brand Artek
/en/brand/17-pierre-chapoSubdominio IMG-ALT Chapo Créations
A-TITLE Products of the brand Chapo Créations
/en/brand/12-santa-coleSubdominio IMG-ALT Santa & Cole
A-TITLE Products of the brand Santa & Cole
/en/brand/11-knollSubdominio IMG-ALT Knoll
A-TITLE Products of the brand Knoll
/en/brand/4-thonetSubdominio IMG-ALT Thonet
A-TITLE Products of the brand Thonet
/en/brand/19-pp-moblerSubdominio IMG-ALT PP Møbler
A-TITLE Products of the brand PP Møbler
/en/brand/22-herman-millerSubdominio IMG-ALT Herman Miller
A-TITLE Products of the brand Herman Miller
/en/brand/6-classiconSubdominio IMG-ALT ClassiCon
A-TITLE Products of the brand ClassiCon
/en/brand/10-iittalaSubdominio IMG-ALT Iittalla
A-TITLE Products of the brand Iittalla
/en/brand/15-carl-hansen-sonSubdominio IMG-ALT Carl Hansen & Søn
A-TITLE Products of the brand Carl Hansen & Søn
/en/brand/7-maharamSubdominio IMG-ALT Maharam
A-TITLE Products of the brand Maharam
/en/brand/18-nanimarquinaSubdominio IMG-ALT Manimarquina
A-TITLE Products of the brand Manimarquina
/en/brand/16-beclassicsSubdominio IMG-ALT BE. Classics
A-TITLE Products of the brand BE. Classics
/en/brand/23-nychair-xSubdominio IMG-ALT NychairX
A-TITLE Products of the brand NychairX
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A-TITLE Products of the brand Axis71
/en/brand/25-marniSubdominio IMG-ALT serax
A-TITLE Products of the brand Serax
/en/brand/26-gelderlandSubdominio IMG-ALT Gelderland
A-TITLE Products of the brand Gelderland
/en/brand/27-spectrumSubdominio IMG-ALT Spectrum
A-TITLE Products of the brand Spectrum
/en/index.php?controller=stock...Subdominio View more
/en/vitra/charles-ray-eames/ac...Subdominio In Stock Vitra Hang It All Coat Rack: Multicolor 299,00 €
IMG-ALT Hang It All Coat Rack: Multicolor - Furniture by Designcollectors
A-TITLE Hang It All Coat Rack: Multicolor - Vitra - Charles & Ray Eames - Accessories - Furniture by Designcollectors
/en/vitra/isamu-noguchi/google...Subdominio In Stock Vitra Akari E Ceiling Lamp 2 679,00 €
IMG-ALT Akari E Ceiling Lamp - Furniture by Designcollectors
A-TITLE Akari E Ceiling Lamp - Vitra - Isamu Noguchi - Google Shopping - Furniture by Designcollectors
/en/pierre-chapo/pierre-chapo/...Subdominio In Stock Pierre Chapo S31A Stool, low seat 776,82 €
IMG-ALT S31A Stool, low seat - Furniture by Designcollectors
A-TITLE S31A Stool, low seat - Pierre Chapo - Pierre Chapo - Stools & Benches - Furniture by Designcollectors
/en/vitra/jean-prouve/new-jean...Subdominio In Stock Vitra Tabouret 307 Blanc Colombe ( ... 799,00 €
IMG-ALT Tabouret 307 Blanc Colombe (ecru) - Furniture by Designcollectors
A-TITLE Tabouret 307 Blanc Colombe (ecru) - Vitra - Jean Prouvé - New Jean Prouvé Collection - Furniture by Designcollectors
/en/vitra/isamu-noguchi/google...Subdominio In Stock Vitra Akari 14A Floor Lamp 1 239,00 €
IMG-ALT Akari 14A Floor Lamp - Furniture by Designcollectors
A-TITLE Akari 14A Floor Lamp - Vitra - Isamu Noguchi - Google Shopping - Furniture by Designcollectors
/en/vitra/jean-prouve/new-jean...Subdominio In Stock Vitra Rayonnage Mural - Natural oa ... 1 489,99 €
IMG-ALT Rayonnage Mural - Natural oak - Japanese red - Furniture by Designcollectors
A-TITLE Rayonnage Mural - Natural oak - Japanese red - Vitra - Jean Prouvé - New Jean Prouvé Collection - Furniture by Designcollectors
/en/thonet/thonet-design-team/...Subdominio In Stock Thonet 209 Chair, Natural beech var ... 1 312,85 €
IMG-ALT 209 Chair, Natural beech varnished - Furniture by Designcollectors
A-TITLE 209 Chair, Natural beech varnished - Thonet - Thonet Design Team - Home - Furniture by Designcollectors
/en/vitra/jean-prouve/tables/3...Subdominio In Stock Vitra Guéridon Bas - Solid natural oak 2 375,00 €
IMG-ALT Guéridon Bas - Solid natural oak - Furniture by Designcollectors
A-TITLE Guéridon Bas - Solid natural oak - Vitra - Jean Prouvé - Tables - Furniture by Designcollectors
/en/vitra/jean-prouve/new-jean...Subdominio Texto duplicado In Stock Vitra Rayonnage Mural - Natural oa ... 1 489,99 €
IMG-ALT Rayonnage Mural - Natural oak - Bleu marcoule - Furniture by Designcollectors
A-TITLE Rayonnage Mural - Natural oak - Bleu marcoule - Vitra - Jean Prouvé - New Jean Prouvé Collection - Furniture by Designcollectors
/en/vitra/dorothee-becker/home...Subdominio In Stock Vitra Uten.Silo I Red 399,00 €
IMG-ALT Uten.Silo I Red - Furniture by Designcollectors
A-TITLE Uten.Silo I Red - Vitra - Dorothee Becker - Home - Furniture by Designcollectors
/en/index.php?controller=stock...Subdominio Europe’s biggest design classics stock
/en/content/9-shippingSubdominio free shipping for orders from 150 €
/en/56-furnitureSubdominio Furniture Shop all
/en/21-lightingSubdominio Lighting Shop all
/en/26-outdoorSubdominio Outdoor Shop all
/en/30-accessoriesSubdominio Accessories Shop all
/en/leverancierSubdominio Shop +80 designers
/en/designer/68-aino-aaltoSubdominio Aino Aalto
A-TITLE Aino Aalto,
/en/designer/3-alberto-medaSubdominio Alberto Meda
A-TITLE Alberto Meda,
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A-TITLE Alexander Girard,
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A-TITLE Alfonso Mila,
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A-TITLE Alfredo Häberli,
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A-TITLE Alvar Aalto,
/en/designer/109-andre-ricardSubdominio André Ricard
A-TITLE André Ricard,
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A-TITLE Àngel Jové,
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A-TITLE Anna Calvera,
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A-TITLE Anthony Dickens,
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A-TITLE Antoni Arola,
/en/designer/66-antoni-de-mora...Subdominio Antoni de Moragas i Galissa
A-TITLE Antoni de Moragas i Galissa,
/en/designer/8-antonio-citterioSubdominio Antonio Citterio
A-TITLE Antonio Citterio,
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A-TITLE Ariadna Miquel,
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A-TITLE Arik Levy,
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A-TITLE Arne Jacobsen,
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A-TITLE Begüm Cana Özgur,
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A-TITLE Bjorn Dahlström,
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A-TITLE Børge Mogensen,
/en/designer/86-carles-riartSubdominio Carles Riart
A-TITLE Carles Riart,
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A-TITLE Charles & Ray Eames,
/en/designer/61-charles-pollockSubdominio Charles Pollock
A-TITLE Charles Pollock,
/en/designer/92-christophe-geversSubdominio Christophe Gevers
A-TITLE Christophe Gevers,
/en/designer/82-daniel-rybakkenSubdominio Daniel Rybakken
A-TITLE Daniel Rybakken,
/en/designer/104-don-chadwick-...Subdominio Don Chadwick & Bill Stumpf
A-TITLE Don Chadwick & Bill Stumpf,
/en/designer/11-dorothee-beckerSubdominio Dorothee Becker
A-TITLE Dorothee Becker,
/en/designer/14-eero-saarinenSubdominio Eero Saarinen
A-TITLE Eero Saarinen,
/en/designer/46-eileen-graySubdominio Eileen Gray
A-TITLE Eileen Gray,
/en/designer/89-ferran-freixa-...Subdominio Ferran Freixa Jové
A-TITLE Ferran Freixa Jové,
/en/designer/64-florence-knollSubdominio Florence Knoll
A-TITLE Florence Knoll,
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A-TITLE Francesco Risso,
/en/designer/83-franco-albiniSubdominio Franco Albini
A-TITLE Franco Albini,
/en/designer/15-frank-gehrySubdominio Frank Gehry
A-TITLE Frank Gehry,
/en/designer/110-gabriel-ordei...Subdominio Gabriel Ordeig Cole
A-TITLE Gabriel Ordeig Cole,
/en/designer/60-george-nakashimaSubdominio George Nakashima
A-TITLE George Nakashima ,
/en/designer/16-george-nelsonSubdominio George Nelson
A-TITLE George Nelson,
/en/designer/40-hans-coraySubdominio Hans Coray
A-TITLE Hans Coray,
/en/designer/75-hans-wegnerSubdominio Hans Wegner
A-TITLE Hans Wegner,
/en/designer/58-harry-bertoiaSubdominio Harry Bertoia
A-TITLE Harry Bertoia,
/en/designer/85-heikki-orvolaSubdominio Heikki Orvola
A-TITLE Heikki Orvola,
/en/designer/17-hella-jongeriusSubdominio Hella Jongerius
A-TITLE Hella Jongerius,
/en/designer/124-holger-langeSubdominio Holger Lange
A-TITLE Holger Lange,
/en/designer/52-ilkka-suppanenSubdominio Ilkka Suppanen
A-TITLE Ilkka Suppanen,
/en/designer/19-ilmari-tapiovaaraSubdominio Ilmari Tapiovaara
A-TITLE Ilmari Tapiovaara,
/en/designer/97-ilse-crawfordSubdominio Ilse Crawford
A-TITLE Ilse Crawford,
/en/designer/20-isamu-noguchiSubdominio Isamu Noguchi
A-TITLE Isamu Noguchi,
/en/designer/122-jan-des-bouvrieSubdominio Jan des Bouvrie
A-TITLE Jan des Bouvrie,
/en/designer/21-jasper-morrisonSubdominio Jasper Morrison
A-TITLE Jasper Morrison,
/en/designer/88-jaume-sansSubdominio Jaume Sans
A-TITLE Jaume Sans,
/en/designer/22-jean-prouveSubdominio Jean Prouvé
A-TITLE Jean Prouvé,
/en/designer/62-jens-risomSubdominio Jens Risom
A-TITLE Jens Risom,
/en/designer/81-jordi-miralbel...Subdominio Jordi Miralbell - Mariona Raventós
A-TITLE Jordi Miralbell - Mariona Raventós,
/en/designer/69-jorge-ferrari-...Subdominio Jorge Ferrari Hardoy
A-TITLE Jorge Ferrari Hardoy,
/en/designer/115-julie-richozSubdominio Julie Richoz
A-TITLE Julie Richoz,
/en/designer/93-jorn-utzonSubdominio Jørn Utzon
A-TITLE Jørn Utzon ,
/en/designer/50-kaj-franckSubdominio Kaj Franck
A-TITLE Kaj Franck,
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A-TITLE Kay Bojesen,
/en/designer/57-klaartje-martensSubdominio Klaartje Martens
A-TITLE Klaartje Martens,
/en/designer/70-klaus-haapaniemiSubdominio Klaus Haapaniemi
A-TITLE Klaus Haapaniemi,
/en/designer/24-konstantin-grcicSubdominio Konstantin Grcic
A-TITLE Konstantin Grcic,
/en/designer/27-louis-maharamSubdominio Louis Maharam
A-TITLE Louis Maharam,
/en/designer/25-ludwig-mies-va...Subdominio Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
A-TITLE Ludwig Mies van der Rohe,
/en/designer/26-maarten-van-se...Subdominio Maarten van Severen
A-TITLE Maarten van Severen,
/en/designer/28-marcel-breuerSubdominio Marcel Breuer
A-TITLE Marcel Breuer,
/en/designer/114-marcos-catalanSubdominio Marcos Catalán
A-TITLE Marcos Catalán,
/en/designer/107-marre-moerelSubdominio Marre Moerel
A-TITLE Marre Moerel,
/en/designer/29-mart-stamSubdominio Mart Stam
A-TITLE Mart Stam,
/en/designer/123-martin-visserSubdominio Martin Visser
A-TITLE Martin Visser,
/en/designer/54-matti-klenellSubdominio Matti Klenell
A-TITLE Matti Klenell,
/en/designer/41-michel-charlotSubdominio Michel Charlot
A-TITLE Michel Charlot,
/en/designer/65-miguel-milaSubdominio Miguel Milá
A-TITLE Miguel Milá,
/en/designer/76-morten-gottlerSubdominio Morten Gøttler
A-TITLE Morten Gøttler,
/en/designer/95-nani-marquinaSubdominio Nani Marquina
A-TITLE Nani Marquina,
/en/designer/53-oiva-toikkaSubdominio Oiva Toikka
A-TITLE Oiva Toikka,
/en/designer/30-pancho-nikanderSubdominio Pancho Nikander
A-TITLE Pancho Nikander,
/en/designer/87-philippe-malouinSubdominio Philippe Malouin
A-TITLE Philippe Malouin,
/en/designer/74-piero-lissoniSubdominio Piero Lissoni
A-TITLE Piero Lissoni,
/en/designer/94-pierre-chapoSubdominio Pierre Chapo
A-TITLE Pierre Chapo,
/en/designer/101-poul-kjaerholmSubdominio Poul Kjærholm
A-TITLE Poul Kjærholm,
/en/designer/112-rafael-marquinaSubdominio Rafael Marquina
A-TITLE Rafael Marquina,
/en/designer/116-ramon-bigasSubdominio Ramon Bigas
A-TITLE Ramon Bigas,
/en/designer/63-richard-schultzSubdominio Richard Schultz
A-TITLE Richard Schultz,
/en/designer/67-robert-heritageSubdominio Robert Heritage
A-TITLE Robert Heritage,
/en/designer/39-ronan-and-erwa...Subdominio Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec
A-TITLE Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec,
/en/designer/103-sam-hecht-kim...Subdominio Sam Hecht & Kim Colin
A-TITLE Sam Hecht & Kim Colin,
/en/designer/72-santa-cole-teamSubdominio Santa & Cole Team
A-TITLE Santa & Cole Team,
/en/designer/91-santiago-roquetaSubdominio Santiago Roqueta
A-TITLE Santiago Roqueta,
/en/designer/71-sebastian-herknerSubdominio Sebastian Herkner
A-TITLE Sebastian Herkner,
/en/designer/34-sori-yanagiSubdominio Sori Yanagi
A-TITLE Sori Yanagi,
/en/designer/105-studio-75Subdominio Studio 7.5
A-TITLE Studio 7.5,
/en/designer/98-sybillaSubdominio Sybilla
A-TITLE Sybilla,
/en/designer/73-taf-studioSubdominio TAF Studio
/en/designer/111-takeshi-niiSubdominio Takeshi Nii
A-TITLE Takeshi Nii,
/en/designer/48-tapio-wirkkalaSubdominio Tapio Wirkkala
A-TITLE Tapio Wirkkala,
/en/designer/35-thonet-design-...Subdominio Thonet Design Team
A-TITLE Thonet Design Team,
/en/designer/49-timo-sarpanevaSubdominio Timo Sarpaneva
A-TITLE Timo Sarpaneva,
/en/designer/108-tobia-scarpaSubdominio Tobia Scarpa
A-TITLE Tobia Scarpa,
/en/designer/37-verner-pantonSubdominio Verner Panton
A-TITLE Verner Panton,
/en/designer/121-walter-antonisSubdominio Walter Antonis
A-TITLE Walter Antonis,
/en/designer/59-warren-platnerSubdominio Warren Platner
A-TITLE Warren Platner,
/en/designer/38-yrjo-kukkapuroSubdominio Yrjö Kukkapuro
A-TITLE Yrjö Kukkapuro,
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/en/content/97-cap-codfrom-bau...Subdominio Cap Cod: From Bauhaus to Breuer
/en/content/97-cap-codfrom-bau...Subdominio IMG-ALT Cap Cod: From Bauhaus to Breuer - Vitra Home Stories
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Designcollectors - The biggest stock in Europe of Design furniture!
Designcollectors - The biggest stock in Europe of Vitra, Artek, Knoll, Thonet, Classicon, Santa & Cole, Maharam, Kay Bojesen, Iittala furniture!

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Design Furniture77%Check
stock Europe77%Check
biggest stock Europe73%Check
design classics72%Check
Design Inspiration64%Check

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