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(Extremadamente importante)
The Official Guide to Edinburgh - Forever Edinburgh
Algunas palabras se repiten en el título.
La longitud del título es óptima (467 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Edinburgh’s beauty is both staggering and stunning but the city is more than just a pretty face.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (576 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-us
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-us.
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URL de la página
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viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionEdinburgh’s beauty is both staggering and stunning but the city is more than just a pretty face.
twitter:titleThe Official Guide to Edinburgh - Forever Edinburgh
twitter:descriptionEdinburgh’s beauty is both staggering and stunning but the city is more than just a pretty face.
og:titleThe Official Guide to Edinburgh - Forever Edinburgh
og:descriptionEdinburgh’s beauty is both staggering and stunning but the city is more than just a pretty face.
og:site_nameForever Edinburgh

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(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Hay 4 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: One of Edinburgh’s hidden gems, filled with colourful, stylish boutiqu...
  • Texto duplicado 2: This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and ...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2199 palabras.
Un 26.5% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 10 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 21 palabras.
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

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...Orchestra_RyanBuchanan_032-1620x1080.jpgNicola Benedetti performs with Scottish Chamber Orchestra |
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...estate-Photo-Antonia-Reeve-1589x1080.jpgAdam Bruce Thomson, picture of Stormy Sea, c.1963.
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...estate-Photo-Antonia-Reeve-1589x1080.jpgAdam Bruce Thomson, picture of Stormy Sea, c.1963.
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...estate-Photo-Antonia-Reeve-1589x1080.jpgAdam Bruce Thomson, picture of Stormy Sea, c.1963.
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...-the-poet-Robert-Fergusson-1620x1080.jpgReal Mary King's Close Tour Guide dressed as the poet Robert Fergusson
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...humb_45467_point_of_interest_bigger.jpegThe exterior of the Modern Two building,© National Galleries Scotland/Keith Hunter
...-National-Museums-Scotland-1619x1080.jpgGirl playing Tetris on computer during Game on Exhibition.
...humb_45467_point_of_interest_bigger.jpegThe exterior of the Modern Two building,© National Galleries Scotland/Keith Hunter
...6.04.2023_HopeHolmes-02952-1799x1080.jpgPeople looking through microscopes at the Edinburgh Science Festival
...xpected-Gift-©Andrew-Perry-1620x1080.jpgactors from The Unexpected Gift- at Edinburgh International Children's Festival
...l-on-street-e1684495460636-1920x1037.jpgEdinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival on street
...mith-c-EIFF-e1684755612313-1920x1037.jpgRaiders of the Lost Ark with RSNO/
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...uchanan_032-e1683895820630-1920x1037.jpgNicola Benedetti & Scottish Chamber Orchestra
...al-Bookshop-e1683896953425-1920x1037.jpgEdinburgh International Book Festival Bookshop
...f-performer-e1684752962325-1920x1037.jpgFringe Parliament Square view of performer
...lle-Charles-e1683893302632-1920x1037.jpgEdinburgh Printmakers - Caress, Face screenprint, 2022
...-Hattersley-e1683898199528-1920x1037.jpgStoryteller speaking to crowd at outdoor v venue at the Storytelling Festival
...-Matt-Beech-e1684756431708-1920x1037.jpgEdinburgh's Christmas - Market
...-Matt-Beech-e1684756431708-1920x1037.jpgEdinburgh's Christmas - Market
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URL del VídeoAnchoAlto

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Visit Edinburgh
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (15 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 41 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Visit Edinburgh
H2 Inspire
H2 Things To Do
H2 Food & Drink
H2 What’s On
H2 Neighbourhoods
H2 Accommodation
H2 Planning
H2 Inspire Texto duplicado
H2 Things To Do Texto duplicado
H2 Food & Drink Texto duplicado
H2 What's On
H2 Neighbourhoods Texto duplicado
H2 Accommodation Texto duplicado
H2 Planning Texto duplicado
H2 Latest from Edinburgh
H2 Things to do
H2 Explore our neighbourhoods
H2 Events & Festivals
H2 Sign up to our newsletter
H2 #edinburgh
H2 Contact
H2 Sitemap
H2 Legal Information
H2 Connect
H3 City Centre
H3 Beyond the City Centre
H3 Day Trips outside Edinburgh
H3 View our Map
H3 Weather
H3 Currency
H3 Currency Texto duplicado
H3 Weather Texto duplicado
H3 Edinburgh's summer festivals
H3 Health and wellness
H3 Sip & Bark competition
H3 Babymoon in Edinburgh
H3 Events
H3 Festivals
H4 Old Town
H4 New Town
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
2 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 12 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
https://edinburgh.org/Texto ancla Skip to content
https://edinburgh.org/900/Edinburgh 900
/travel-trade/Travel Trade
/business-events/Business Events
/corporate-and-media/Corporate and Media
https://edinburgh.org/map/A-TITLE Map
https://edinburgh.org/favourites/Sin texto
https://edinburgh.org/IMG-ALT Forever Edinburgh Logo
https://edinburgh.org/900/Texto duplicado Edinburgh 900
/residentrewards/Texto duplicado Residents
https://edinburgh.org/study/Texto duplicado Study
/travel-trade/Texto duplicado Travel Trade
/business-events/Texto duplicado Business Events
/corporate-and-media/Texto duplicado Corporate and Media
https://edinburgh.org/map/Texto duplicado A-TITLE Map
https://edinburgh.org/favourites/Sin texto
https://edinburgh.org/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Forever Edinburgh Logo
/things-to-do/Things To Do
/food-and-drink/Food & Drink
https://edinburgh.org/whats-on/What’s On
/inspire/edinburgh-city-guides/Edinburgh City Guides
/inspire/season-guide/Edinburgh Season Guide
/inspire/eco-friendly-edinburgh/Eco-friendly Edinburgh
/inspire/edinburgh-on-film/Film and TV in Edinburgh
/inspire/question-and-answer/Question and Answer
/inspire/blog/Our Blog
/blog/the-tale-of-greyfriars-b...The tale of Greyfriars Bobby Greyfriars Bobby is one of Edinburgh's most popular tourist attractions, but how much do you really know about the city's favour...
IMG-ALT Greyfriars Graveyard
/things-to-do/itineraries/expl...Explore Edinburgh on a budget in 48 hours Edinburgh on a budget…
/things-to-do/Explore Things To Do
/things-to-do/castles-and-hist...Castles and Historical Places
/things-to-do/arts-culture/Arts and culture
/things-to-do/night-time-activ...Night-time activities
/things-to-do/live-music-in-ed...Live Music
/things-to-do/hidden-gems/Hidden Gems
/things-to-do/top-attractions/Top attractions
/things-to-do/city-passes/City Passes
/all-things-to-do/All Things To Do
/blog/10-reasons-to-visit-edin...10 reasons to visit Edinburgh this spring After a long winter, spring has finally sprung and this bright and colourful season is a glorious time of year to e...
IMG-ALT Spring time in St Andrew Square
/food-and-drink/Explore Food & Drink
/food-and-drink/healthy-food/Healthy Food
/food-and-drink/comfort-food/Comfort Food
/food-and-drink/afternoon-tea/Afternoon Tea
/food-and-drink/bars-and-pubs-...Bars and Pubs
/food-and-drink/cafes-and-coff...Cafes and coffee shops
/food-and-drink/scottish/Scottish Food and Drink
/food-and-drink/around-the-world/Around the World
/food-and-drink/fine-dining/Fine Dining
/food-and-drink/vegetarian-and...Vegetarian and vegan
/food-and-drink/bakeries-and-d...Bakeries and delicatessens
/all-food-and-drink/All Food & Drink
/blog/brilliant-beers-burgers-...Brilliant beers and burgers in Edinburgh With the weekend looming, now is the perfect time to treat yourself to the classic combo of a burger and a beer. And...
IMG-ALT Rabbit the Bruce vegan-burger at Rabbit Food
https://edinburgh.org/festivals/Edinburgh Festivals Explore some of Edinburgh's biggest festivals
IMG-ALT The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo pipers
https://edinburgh.org/event/Events Learn more about our upcoming events
IMG-ALT Girl playing Tetris on computer during Game on Exhibition.
/neighbourhoods/the-royal-mile/The Royal Mile Home to Edinburgh Castle and a UNESCO heritage site in the heart of the Old Town.
/neighbourhoods/grassmarket/Grassmarket A historic marketplace filled with independent shops, bars & restaurants.
/neighbourhoods/new-town/New Town Enjoy shopping & dining amongst Georgian architecture.
/neighbourhoods/west-end/West End One of Edinburgh’s hidden gems, filled with colourful, stylish boutiques and much-loved pubs and bars.
/neighbourhoods/stockbridge/Stockbridge Discover lush parks, delightful shops and family-friendly markets in this charming neighbourhood.
/neighbourhoods/southside/Southside Home to Edinburgh’s oldest university, fascinating museums, cosy coffee shops and leafy spaces.
/neighbourhoods/tollcross/Tollcross A vibrant neighbourhood that is perfect for theatre lovers and film fanatics.
/neighbourhoods/bruntsfield-mo...Bruntsfield and Morningside Relaxing, leafy neighbourhood with specialist food & thrift shops and charming cafes.
/neighbourhoods/gorgie-dalry/Gorgie & Dalry Home of family fun and international food shops.
/neighbourhoods/leith/Leith A historical port that holds the title of one of the world’s coolest neighbourhoods.
/neighbourhoods/portobello/Portobello Edinburgh’s year-round seaside resort.
/neighbourhoods/corstorphine/Corstorphine A friendly suburb perfect for nature lovers.
/neighbourhoods/south-queensfe...South Queensferry UNESCO World Heritage Site with coastal views and a nautical heritage.
/neighbourhoods/east-lothian/East Lothian Vast beaches, captivating wildlife and award-winning attractions.
/neighbourhoods/west-lothian/West Lothian A region rich in heritage, expansive green spaces, and picture-worthy sights.
/neighbourhoods/midlothian/Midlothian An area of both natural and industrial heritage.
/neighbourhoods/the-kingdom-of...The Kingdom of Fife Quaint fishing villages, rich history, and an unforgettable coastline.
/neighbourhoods/scottish-borders/Scottish Borders Rolling hills, winding rivers, and farmland as far as the eye can see.
/neighbourhoodsIMG-ALT Neighbourhood Map of Edinburgh
/neighbourhoodsExplore the Map
/neighbourhoods/Learn more about Neighbourhoods
/accommodation/Explore Accommodation
/accommodation/bb-and-guest-ho...B&B and Guest Houses
/accommodation/boutique-hotels/Boutique Hotels
/accommodation/exclusive-use/Exclusive Use
/accommodation/campsites-carav...Campsites, caravans, glamping and lodges
/accommodation/luxury-accommod...Luxury Accommodation
/accommodation/serviced-apartm...Serviced Apartments & Self-Catering Accommodation
/all-accommodation/All Accommodation
/blog/top-haunted-hotels-in-ed...Top Haunted Hotels in Edinburgh With so many places in Edinburgh said to be the home of ghostly visitors, why should the city’s hotels be any different - aft...
IMG-ALT Red Rose Room, Borthwick Castle
/planning/getting-here/Getting Here
/planning/getting-around/Getting Around
/planning/local-information/Practical Information
/planning/offers-deals/Offers and deals
https://edinburgh.org/900/Texto duplicado Edinburgh 900
/residentrewards/Texto duplicado Residents
https://edinburgh.org/study/Texto duplicado Study
/travel-trade/Texto duplicado Travel Trade
/business-events/Texto duplicado Business Events
/corporate-and-media/Texto duplicado Corporate and Media
/inspire/edinburgh-city-guides/Texto duplicado Edinburgh City Guides
/inspire/season-guide/Texto duplicado Edinburgh Season Guide
/inspire/eco-friendly-edinburgh/Texto duplicado Eco-friendly Edinburgh
/inspire/edinburgh-on-film/Texto duplicado Film and TV in Edinburgh
/inspire/question-and-answer/Texto duplicado Question and Answer
/inspire/blog/Texto duplicado Our Blog
/blog/the-tale-of-greyfriars-b...The tale of Greyfriars Bobby
IMG-ALT Greyfriars Graveyard
/things-to-do/itineraries/expl...Explore Edinburgh on a budget in 48 hours
/things-to-do/Texto duplicado Explore Things To Do
/things-to-do/castles-and-hist...Texto duplicado Castles and Historical Places
/things-to-do/markets/Texto duplicado Markets
/things-to-do/shopping/Texto duplicado Shopping
/things-to-do/arts-culture/Texto duplicado Arts and culture
/things-to-do/night-time-activ...Texto duplicado Night-time activities
/things-to-do/museums/Texto duplicado Museums
/things-to-do/live-music-in-ed...Texto duplicado Live Music
/things-to-do/itineraries/Texto duplicado Itineraries
/things-to-do/tours/Texto duplicado Tours
/things-to-do/hidden-gems/Texto duplicado Hidden Gems
/things-to-do/top-attractions/Texto duplicado Top attractions
/things-to-do/city-passes/Texto duplicado City Passes
/all-things-to-do/Texto duplicado All Things To Do
/blog/10-reasons-to-visit-edin...10 reasons to visit Edinburgh this spring
IMG-ALT Spring time in St Andrew Square
/food-and-drink/Texto duplicado Explore Food & Drink
/food-and-drink/healthy-food/Texto duplicado Healthy Food
/food-and-drink/comfort-food/Texto duplicado Comfort Food
/food-and-drink/afternoon-tea/Texto duplicado Afternoon Tea
/food-and-drink/bars-and-pubs-...Texto duplicado Bars and Pubs
/food-and-drink/cafes-and-coff...Texto duplicado Cafes and coffee shops
/food-and-drink/scottish/Texto duplicado Scottish Food and Drink
/food-and-drink/around-the-world/Texto duplicado Around the World
/food-and-drink/fine-dining/Texto duplicado Fine Dining
/food-and-drink/vegetarian-and...Texto duplicado Vegetarian and vegan
/food-and-drink/bakeries-and-d...Texto duplicado Bakeries and delicatessens
/all-food-and-drink/Texto duplicado All Food & Drink
/blog/brilliant-beers-burgers-...Brilliant beers and burgers in Edinburgh
IMG-ALT Rabbit the Bruce vegan-burger at Rabbit Food
https://edinburgh.org/festivals/Texto duplicado Edinburgh Festivals Explore some of Edinburgh's biggest festivals
IMG-ALT The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo pipers
https://edinburgh.org/event/Texto duplicado Events Learn more about our upcoming events
IMG-ALT Girl playing Tetris on computer during Game on Exhibition.
/neighbourhoods/the-royal-mile/Texto duplicado The Royal Mile Home to Edinburgh Castle and a UNESCO heritage site in the heart of the Old Town.
/neighbourhoods/grassmarket/Texto duplicado Grassmarket A historic marketplace filled with independent shops, bars & restaurants.
/neighbourhoods/new-town/Texto duplicado New Town Enjoy shopping & dining amongst Georgian architecture.
/neighbourhoods/west-end/Texto duplicado West End One of Edinburgh’s hidden gems, filled with colourful, stylish boutiques and much-loved pubs and bars.
/neighbourhoods/stockbridge/Texto duplicado Stockbridge Discover lush parks, delightful shops and family-friendly markets in this charming neighbourhood.
/neighbourhoods/southside/Texto duplicado Southside Home to Edinburgh’s oldest university, fascinating museums, cosy coffee shops and leafy spaces.
/neighbourhoods/tollcross/Texto duplicado Tollcross A vibrant neighbourhood that is perfect for theatre lovers and film fanatics.
/neighbourhoods/bruntsfield-mo...Texto duplicado Bruntsfield and Morningside Relaxing, leafy neighbourhood with specialist food & thrift shops and charming cafes.
/neighbourhoods/gorgie-dalry/Texto duplicado Gorgie & Dalry Home of family fun and international food shops.
/neighbourhoods/leith/Texto duplicado Leith A historical port that holds the title of one of the world’s coolest neighbourhoods.
/neighbourhoods/portobello/Texto duplicado Portobello Edinburgh’s year-round seaside resort.
/neighbourhoods/corstorphine/Texto duplicado Corstorphine A friendly suburb perfect for nature lovers.
/neighbourhoods/south-queensfe...Texto duplicado South Queensferry UNESCO World Heritage Site with coastal views and a nautical heritage.
/neighbourhoods/east-lothian/Texto duplicado East Lothian Vast beaches, captivating wildlife and award-winning attractions.
/neighbourhoods/west-lothian/Texto duplicado West Lothian A region rich in heritage, expansive green spaces, and picture-worthy sights.
/neighbourhoods/midlothian/Texto duplicado Midlothian An area of both natural and industrial heritage.
/neighbourhoods/the-kingdom-of...Texto duplicado The Kingdom of Fife Quaint fishing villages, rich history, and an unforgettable coastline.
/neighbourhoods/scottish-borders/Texto duplicado Scottish Borders Rolling hills, winding rivers, and farmland as far as the eye can see.
/accommodation/Texto duplicado Explore Accommodation
/accommodation/bb-and-guest-ho...Texto duplicado B&B and Guest Houses
/accommodation/boutique-hotels/Texto duplicado Boutique Hotels
/accommodation/exclusive-use/Texto duplicado Exclusive Use
/accommodation/campsites-carav...Texto duplicado Campsites, caravans, glamping and lodges
/accommodation/hostels/Texto duplicado Hostels
/accommodation/hotels/Texto duplicado Hotels
/accommodation/luxury-accommod...Texto duplicado Luxury Accommodation
/accommodation/serviced-apartm...Texto duplicado Serviced Apartments & Self-Catering Accommodation
/all-accommodation/Texto duplicado All Accommodation
/blog/top-haunted-hotels-in-ed...Top Haunted Hotels in Edinburgh
IMG-ALT Red Rose Room, Borthwick Castle
/planning/getting-here/Texto duplicado Getting Here
/planning/getting-around/Texto duplicado Getting Around
/planning/local-information/Texto duplicado Practical Information
/planning/offers-deals/Texto duplicado Offers and deals
/experiencethebeauty/Plan your summer visit
/experiencethebeauty/Texto duplicado Plan your summer visit
/experiencethebeauty/Texto duplicado Plan your summer visit
/experiencethebeauty/Texto duplicado Plan your summer visit
/blog/edinburghs-summer-festiv...Edinburgh's summer festivals
IMG-ALT Book Festival Crowd
/inspire/edinburgh-city-guides...Health and wellness
IMG-ALT Couple enjoying a coffee sitting on a bench with Pentland Hills in background
/win-brunch-for-4-adults-and-u...Sip & Bark competition
IMG-ALT Lady with a sharing platter of pancakes and sweet treats with a dog sitting looking on
/blog/babymoon-in-edinburgh/Babymoon in Edinburgh
IMG-ALT Couple walking on Fingal deck at dusk
/things-to-do/top-attractions/Top Attractions
IMG-ALT two people looking in awe at the interior of the great hall in the gallery,© National Galleries of Scotland
/things-to-do/itineraries/Texto duplicado Itineraries
IMG-ALT Two men enjoying a takeaway coffee in Dean Village
/accommodation/Where to Stay
IMG-ALT The Balmoral - Executive View Room
IMG-ALT The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo
/planning/local-information/Texto duplicado Practical Information
IMG-ALT Princes St Gardens Ross fountain
/neighbourhoods/Texto duplicado Neighbourhoods
IMG-ALT Port of Leith Distillery,© Port of Leith Distillery
/residentrewards/Resident Rewards
/things-to-do/city-passes/Texto duplicado City Passes
IMG-ALT Scott Monument
https://edinburgh.org/900/Texto duplicado Edinburgh 900
https://edinburgh.org/event/View all Events
/event/women-in-revolt/Started 25 May Women in Revolt! 25th May 2024 - 26th January 2025
IMG-ALT The exterior of the Modern Two building,© National Galleries Scotland/Keith Hunter
/event/bottle-design-and-tasti...From 01 Aug Bottle Design and Tasting Experience 1st August - 31st August
IMG-ALT Line of Johnnie Walker Blue Label bottles
/event/the-royal-edinburgh-mil...From 02 Aug The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2nd August - 24th August
IMG-ALT Drum Major - The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo
/event/true-crime-tours/From 02 Aug True Crime Tours 2nd August - 31st August
IMG-ALT Tour Guide at The Real Mary's King Close dressed up for the True Crime tour
/event/edinburgh-festival-fringe/From 02 Aug Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2nd August - 26th August
IMG-ALT EFFS - Virgin Money Street Events
/event/edinburgh-international...From 02 Aug Edinburgh International Festival 2nd August - 25th August
IMG-ALT Nicola Benedetti performs with Scottish Chamber Orchestra |
/event/edinburgh-art-festival/From 09 Aug Edinburgh Art Festival 9th August - 25th August
IMG-ALT City Art Centre Italian Connection display
/event/edinburgh-international...From 10 Aug Edinburgh International Book Festival 10th August - 25th August
IMG-ALT Edinburgh International Book Festival Bookshop
/event/st-james-quarter-sessions/From 16 Aug St James Quarter Sessions 16th August - 25th August
IMG-ALT Two musicians on roof of St James Quarter
/event/lego-creativity-workshops/From 18 Aug LEGO® Creativity Workshops 18th August - 15th September
IMG-ALT Assortment of LEGO® creations , including an animal and a car.
/event/aig-womens-open/From 21 Aug AIG Women’s Open 21st August - 25th August
IMG-ALT The Old Course in St. Andrews
/event/tea-green-summer-market/From 23 Aug Tea Green Summer Market 23rd August - 25th August
IMG-ALT Products that will be on sale at the summer market at the National Gallery of Scotland poster
/event/conor-toomey-dining-event/From 23 Aug Conor Toomey Dining Event 23rd August - 25th August
IMG-ALT Chef Conor Toomey on board Fingal
/event/rooftop-yoga-brunch/On 25 Aug Rooftop Yoga & Brunch 25th August
IMG-ALT Exterior of Brewdog and Doghouse Hotel showing the roof terrace
/event/do-ho-suh-tracing-time/Started 17 Feb Do Ho Suh: Tracing Time 17th February - 1st September
IMG-ALT Do Ho Suh sitting next to his Tracing Time exhibition.
/event/style-society/Started 22 Mar Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians 22nd March - 22nd September
IMG-ALT Style and Society Dressing for the Georgians exhibition at King's Gallery at the Palace of Holyrood House
/event/before-and-after-coal/Started 23 Mar Before and After Coal 23rd March - 15th September
IMG-ALT National Galleries Scotland, Peter and Grandson Former miner, Peter McCutcheon from Fife, with his grandson, in front of a banner displaying a Milton Rogovin...
/event/adam-bruce-thomson-the-...Started 11 May Adam Bruce Thomson: The Quiet Path 11th May - 6th October
IMG-ALT Adam Bruce Thomson, picture of Stormy Sea, c.1963.
/event/women-in-revolt/Texto duplicado Started 25 May Women in Revolt! 25th May 2024 - 26th January 2025
IMG-ALT The exterior of the Modern Two building,© National Galleries Scotland/Keith Hunter
/event/play-with-plants/Started 15 Jun Play with plants 15th June - 1st September
IMG-ALT Girl building LEGO® creation at the Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh
/event/chris-ofili-the-caged-b...Started 28 Jun Chris Ofili: The Caged Bird’s Song 28th June - 5th October
IMG-ALT Chris Ofili, The Caged Bird's Song, 2014–2017 at Dovecot Tapestry Studio, Edinburgh
/event/game-on/Started 29 Jun Game On 29th June - 3rd November
IMG-ALT Girl playing Tetris on computer during Game on Exhibition.
/event/eric-liddell-legacy-of-...Started 25 Jul Eric Liddell: Legacy of an Olympic Legend 25th July - 12th September
IMG-ALT Eric Liddell's EHL Cap from 1879
/event/the-west-end-fair/Started 29 Jul The West End Fair 29th July - 25th August
/event/the-lost-castle/On 01 Sep The Lost Castle 1st September
IMG-ALT Poster for The Lost Castle event at Lauriston Castle
/event/curious/From 02 Sep Curious 2nd September - 15th September
IMG-ALT 2 females standing in grassy area with Edinburgh Castle in background.
/event/sketching-by-the-seaside/On 06 Sep Sketching by the Seaside 6th September
IMG-ALT Sketch of puffins
/event/festival-theatres-demen...From 06 Sep Festival Theatre’s Dementia Friendly Activities 6th September - 30th September
IMG-ALT Festival Theatre Auditorium
/event/a-dram-of-history/From 06 Sep A Dram of History 6th September - 28th September
IMG-ALT Tour guide with dram of whisky at The Real Mary Kings Close
/event/art-walk-porty/From 07 Sep Art Walk Porty 7th September - 15th September
IMG-ALT Jamu making workshop at Art Walk Porty
/event/moonwalk-scotland/On 07 Sep MoonWalk Scotland 7th September
IMG-ALT Lady with microphone looking down to people taking part in Moonwalk
/event/dalkeithphoto/From 08 Sep DalkeithPhoto 8th September - 6th October
IMG-ALT Exterior of Dalkeith Palace.
/event/vogrie-pogrie-festival/From 13 Sep Vogrie Pogrie Festival 13th September - 15th September
IMG-ALT Main Tent Stage at Vogrie Pogrie festival
/event/meet-the-poet-robert-fe...From 20 Sep Meet the Poet: Robert Fergusson 20th September - 27th September
IMG-ALT Real Mary King's Close Tour Guide dressed as the poet Robert Fergusson
/event/afternoon-tea-dance/On 25 Sep Afternoon Tea Dance 25th September
IMG-ALT Poster for Tea Dance at Coffee Saints
/event/murder-mystery-night-an...On 27 Sep Murder Mystery Night and Dinner 27th September
IMG-ALT Poster with skull
/event/doors-open-days/From 28 Sep Doors Open Days 28th September - 29th September
IMG-ALT Panmure House Exterior
/event/do-ho-suh-tracing-time/Texto duplicado Started 17 Feb Do Ho Suh: Tracing Time 17th February - 1st September
IMG-ALT Do Ho Suh sitting next to his Tracing Time exhibition.
/event/style-society/Texto duplicado Started 22 Mar Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians 22nd March - 22nd September
IMG-ALT Style and Society Dressing for the Georgians exhibition at King's Gallery at the Palace of Holyrood House
/event/before-and-after-coal/Texto duplicado Started 23 Mar Before and After Coal 23rd March - 15th September
IMG-ALT National Galleries Scotland, Peter and Grandson Former miner, Peter McCutcheon from Fife, with his grandson, in front of a banner displaying a Milton Rogovin...
/event/adam-bruce-thomson-the-...Texto duplicado Started 11 May Adam Bruce Thomson: The Quiet Path 11th May - 6th October
IMG-ALT Adam Bruce Thomson, picture of Stormy Sea, c.1963.
/event/women-in-revolt/Texto duplicado Started 25 May Women in Revolt! 25th May 2024 - 26th January 2025
IMG-ALT The exterior of the Modern Two building,© National Galleries Scotland/Keith Hunter
/event/play-with-plants/Texto duplicado Started 15 Jun Play with plants 15th June - 1st September
IMG-ALT Girl building LEGO® creation at the Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh
/event/chris-ofili-the-caged-b...Texto duplicado Started 28 Jun Chris Ofili: The Caged Bird’s Song 28th June - 5th October
IMG-ALT Chris Ofili, The Caged Bird's Song, 2014–2017 at Dovecot Tapestry Studio, Edinburgh
/event/game-on/Texto duplicado Started 29 Jun Game On 29th June - 3rd November
IMG-ALT Girl playing Tetris on computer during Game on Exhibition.
/event/eric-liddell-legacy-of-...Texto duplicado Started 25 Jul Eric Liddell: Legacy of an Olympic Legend 25th July - 12th September
IMG-ALT Eric Liddell's EHL Cap from 1879
/event/lego-creativity-workshops/Started 18 Aug LEGO® Creativity Workshops 18th August - 15th September
IMG-ALT Assortment of LEGO® creations , including an animal and a car.
/event/peaky-blinders-rambert/From 01 Oct Peaky Blinders: Rambert 1st October - 5th October
IMG-ALT Cast of Peaky Blinders: Rambert on stage
/event/comic-con-scotland/From 05 Oct Comic Con Scotland 5th October - 6th October
/event/lantern-led-tours/From 11 Oct Lantern Led Tours 11th October - 31st October
IMG-ALT Real Mary Kings Close Tour guide with a Lantern at the top of the close
/event/rioja-wine-fair/On 15 Oct Rioja Wine Fair 15th October
IMG-ALT people tasting wine at the rioja wine fair
/event/scottish-international-...From 18 Oct Scottish International Storytelling Festival 18th October - 31st October
IMG-ALT Women standing on stage performing.
/event/glasville-a-night-of-mo...On 25 Oct Glasville: A Night Of Modern Country Music 25th October
IMG-ALT glasville band on stage
/event/adam-bruce-thomson-the-...Texto duplicado Started 11 May Adam Bruce Thomson: The Quiet Path 11th May - 6th October
IMG-ALT Adam Bruce Thomson, picture of Stormy Sea, c.1963.
/event/women-in-revolt/Texto duplicado Started 25 May Women in Revolt! 25th May 2024 - 26th January 2025
IMG-ALT The exterior of the Modern Two building,© National Galleries Scotland/Keith Hunter
/event/chris-ofili-the-caged-b...Texto duplicado Started 28 Jun Chris Ofili: The Caged Bird’s Song 28th June - 5th October
IMG-ALT Chris Ofili, The Caged Bird's Song, 2014–2017 at Dovecot Tapestry Studio, Edinburgh
/event/game-on/Texto duplicado Started 29 Jun Game On 29th June - 3rd November
IMG-ALT Girl playing Tetris on computer during Game on Exhibition.
/event/the-lost-castle/Started 01 Sep The Lost Castle 1st September
IMG-ALT Poster for The Lost Castle event at Lauriston Castle
/event/curious/Started 02 Sep Curious 2nd September - 15th September
IMG-ALT 2 females standing in grassy area with Edinburgh Castle in background.
/event/sketching-by-the-seaside/Started 06 Sep Sketching by the Seaside 6th September
IMG-ALT Sketch of puffins
/event/festival-theatres-demen...Started 06 Sep Festival Theatre’s Dementia Friendly Activities 6th September - 30th September
IMG-ALT Festival Theatre Auditorium
/event/a-dram-of-history/Started 06 Sep A Dram of History 6th September - 28th September
IMG-ALT Tour guide with dram of whisky at The Real Mary Kings Close
/event/art-walk-porty/Started 07 Sep Art Walk Porty 7th September - 15th September
IMG-ALT Jamu making workshop at Art Walk Porty
/event/moonwalk-scotland/Started 07 Sep MoonWalk Scotland 7th September
IMG-ALT Lady with microphone looking down to people taking part in Moonwalk
/event/dalkeithphoto/Started 08 Sep DalkeithPhoto 8th September - 6th October
IMG-ALT Exterior of Dalkeith Palace.
/event/vogrie-pogrie-festival/Started 13 Sep Vogrie Pogrie Festival 13th September - 15th September
IMG-ALT Main Tent Stage at Vogrie Pogrie festival
/event/meet-the-poet-robert-fe...Started 20 Sep Meet the Poet: Robert Fergusson 20th September - 27th September
IMG-ALT Real Mary King's Close Tour Guide dressed as the poet Robert Fergusson
/event/afternoon-tea-dance/Started 25 Sep Afternoon Tea Dance 25th September
IMG-ALT Poster for Tea Dance at Coffee Saints
/event/murder-mystery-night-an...Started 27 Sep Murder Mystery Night and Dinner 27th September
IMG-ALT Poster with skull
/event/doors-open-days/Started 28 Sep Doors Open Days 28th September - 29th September
IMG-ALT Panmure House Exterior
/event/women-in-revolt/Texto duplicado Started 25 May Women in Revolt! 25th May 2024 - 26th January 2025
IMG-ALT The exterior of the Modern Two building,© National Galleries Scotland/Keith Hunter
/event/game-on/Texto duplicado Started 29 Jun Game On 29th June - 3rd November
IMG-ALT Girl playing Tetris on computer during Game on Exhibition.
/event/women-in-revolt/Texto duplicado Started 25 May Women in Revolt! 25th May 2024 - 26th January 2025
IMG-ALT The exterior of the Modern Two building,© National Galleries Scotland/Keith Hunter
https://edinburgh.org/festivals/View all Festivals
/festivals/edinburgh-internati...Learn More
/festivals/edinburgh-internati...Texto duplicado Learn More
/festivals/edinburgh-jazz-blue...Texto duplicado Learn More
/festivals/edinburgh-internati...Texto duplicado Learn More
/festivals/the-royal-edinburgh...Texto duplicado Learn More
/festivals/edinburgh-internati...Texto duplicado Learn More
/festivals/edinburgh-internati...Texto duplicado Learn More
/festivals/edinburgh-festival-...Texto duplicado Learn More
/festivals/edinburgh-art-festi...Texto duplicado Learn More
/festivals/scottish-internatio...Texto duplicado Learn More
/festivals/edinburghs-christmas/Texto duplicado Learn More
/festivals/edinburghs-christmas/Texto duplicado Learn More
https://policies.google.com/pr...Externo Subdominio Privacy Policy
https://policies.google.com/termsExterno Subdominio Terms of Service
https://policies.google.com/pr...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Privacy Policy
https://policies.google.com/termsExterno Subdominio Texto duplicado Terms of Service
https://my.whereverly.com/sign...Externo Subdominio Create your free business listing
https://edinburgh.org/inspire/Texto duplicado Inspire
/things-to-do/Texto duplicado Things To Do
https://edinburgh.org/whats-on/Texto duplicado What’s On
/accommodation/Texto duplicado Accommodation
/inspire/edinburgh-on-film/Texto duplicado Film and TV in Edinburgh
/neighbourhoods/Texto duplicado Neighbourhoods
/corporate-and-media/media-cen...Corporate & Media
/residentrewards/Texto duplicado Residents
/travel-trade/Texto duplicado Travel Trade
/terms-conditions/Terms and conditions
https://edinburgh.org/about-us/About Us
/accessibility/Accessibility Statement
https://www.facebook.com/Edinb...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Facebook Icon
https://www.instagram.com/this...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Instagram Icon
https://www.youtube.com/user/t...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Youtube Icon
https://www.pinterest.co.uk/Fo...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Pinterest Icon
https://twitter.com/edinburghNueva ventana Externo IMG-ALT X Icon
https://www.tiktok.com/@visit_...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT TikTok Icon
https://whereverly.com/Externo Whereverly

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The Official Guide to Edinburgh - Forever Edinburgh
Edinburgh’s beauty is both staggering and stunning but the city is more than just a pretty face.

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