| Texto ancla | Direkt zum Inhalt | | Nueva ventana Externo | Sin texto | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Sin texto | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Sin texto | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Sin texto | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Sin texto | | | Suchen | | | WÄHLEN NACH |
/collections/new-arrivals | | NEUHEITEN |
/collections/all-organisers | | ORGANISER |
/collections/alle-planer | | PLANER |
/collections/all-notebooks | | NOTIZBÜCHER |
/collections/all-folios | | FOLIOS |
/pages/refills | | EINLAGEN |
/collections/all-accessories | | ACCESSOIRES |
/collections/offers-and-sale | | ANGEBOTE | | | PHONE APP | | | IMG-ALT Filofax A-TITLE Filofax |
/account/login | | Kundenkonto | | Texto duplicado | Suchen | | | Warenkorb | | Externo Subdominio | Australia | | Subdominio | España | | Externo Subdominio | United Kingdom | | Externo Subdominio | Belgique (Français) | | Subdominio | France | | Externo Subdominio | Schweiz (Deutsch) | | Externo Subdominio | United States | | Externo Subdominio | België (Vlaams) | | Externo Subdominio | Česká republika | | Externo Subdominio | Canada (English) | | Externo Subdominio | Italia | | Externo Subdominio | Slovensko | | Externo Subdominio | Ελλάδα | | Externo Subdominio | Canada (Français) | | Externo Subdominio | Luxembourg | | Externo Subdominio | Suisse (Français) | | Subdominio | Deutschland | | Externo Subdominio | Nederland | | Externo Subdominio | Sverige | | Texto duplicado | WÄHLEN NACH | | | UNSERE BELIEBTESTEN |
/collections/eco-essential | | Eco Essential |
/collections/malden | | Malden |
/collections/norfolk | | Norfolk |
/collections/the-original | | The Original |
/collections/garden | | Garden |
/collections/clipbook-organiser | | Clipbook |
/collections/finsbury | | Finsbury |
/collections/collections | | WEITERE SERIEN |
/collections/colours | | Farben |
/collections/pastels | | Pastelltöne |
/collections/brights | | Satte Töne |
/collections/shop-all-styles?f... | | Neutrale Töne |
/collections/patterns | | Gemustert |
/collections/for-zodiac-signs | | Nach Sternzeichen |
/collections/colours | | WÄHLEN NACH FARBEN |
/collections/gifts | | GESCHENKIDEEN |
/collections/for-crafters | | Für Ideenreiche |
/collections/for-him | | Für Ihn |
/collections/for-planners | | Für Planer |
/collections/for-students-and-... | | Für Studierende |
/collections/geschenkideen-fur... | | Für Budget Planer |
/collections/for-the-multi-tasker | | Für Multitasker |
/collections/for-the-refined | | Für Anspruchsvolle |
/collections/for-zodiac-signs | | Für Sternzeichen | | | Best Sellers |
/collections/organiser-diary-r... | | 2025er Kalender Einlagen |
/collections/for-the-budget-savvy | | Saffiano Personal Compact Zip |
/collections/storage | | Artikel zur Aufbewahrung |
/collections/pens-and-pencils | | Kugelschreiber |
/collections/magnetic-clips | | Magnetic Clips |
/collections/stickers-and-stic... | | Sticker & Haftnotizen |
/collections/all-organisers?fi... | | ZU DEN LEDER ORGANISERN |
/collections/new-arrivals | Texto duplicado | NEUHEITEN |
/collections/all-organisers | Texto duplicado | ORGANISER |
/collections/all-organisers | | ALLES ANZEIGEN |
/collections/organisers | | Organiser |
/collections/organiser-diary-r... | | Kalender für Organiser |
/collections/organiser-refills | | Einlagen für Organiser |
/collections/organiser-accesso... | | Accessories für Organiser |
/pages/organiser-sizes | | Größen-Ratgeber |
/collections/organisers | | ZU DEN ORGANISERN |
/collections/for-the-budget-savvy | | HAUSHALTEN MIT SAFFIANO ZIP |
/collections/alle-planer | Texto duplicado | PLANER |
/collections/planners | Texto duplicado | ALLES ANZEIGEN |
/collections/planners | | Planer |
/collections/a5-notebooks-comp... | | Einlagen & Accessoires für Planer |
/collections/planners | | ZU DEN PLANERN |
/collections/a5-notebooks-comp... | | ZU EINLAGEN & ACCESSOIRES FÜR PLANER |
/collections/all-notebooks | Texto duplicado | NOTIZBÜCHER |
/collections/all-notebooks | Texto duplicado | ALLES ANZEIGEN |
/collections/notebooks | | Notizbücher |
/collections/notebook-diary-re... | | Kalender für Notizbücher |
/collections/filofax-notebook-... | | Einlagen für Notizbücher |
/collections/notebook-accessories | | Accessories für Notizbücher |
/collections/planners | Texto duplicado | Planer |
/pages/notebook-sizes | Texto duplicado | Größen-Ratgeber |
/collections/notebooks | | ZU DEN NOTIZBÜCHERN |
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/collections/all-folios | Texto duplicado | ALLES ANZEIGEN |
/collections/folios | | Folios |
/collections/folio-inserts | | Zubehör für Folios |
/collections/all-folios?filter... | | ZU DEN THE ORIGINAL FOLIOS |
/collections/folio-inserts | | ZUM FOLIO ZUBEHÖR |
/pages/refills | Texto duplicado | EINLAGEN |
/pages/refills | | Welche Art von Einlage benötigen Sie? |
/collections/organisers-and-cl... | | ZU DEN ORGANISER & CLIPBOOKS EINLAGEN IMG-ALT Organiser & Clipbook Einlagen |
/collections/filofax-notebook-... | | ZU DEN NOTEBOOKS EINLAGEN IMG-ALT Filofax Notebook Einlagen |
/collections/all-accessories | Texto duplicado | ACCESSOIRES |
/collections/all-accessories | | ALLE ACCESSORIES |
/collections/pens-and-pencils | | Schreibgeräte |
/collections/stickers-and-stic... | Texto duplicado | Sticker & Haftnotizen |
/collections/washi-tapes | | Washi Tapes |
/collections/stencils | | Schablonen |
/collections/magnetic-clips | Texto duplicado | Magnetic Clips |
/collections/pencil-cases-pouches | | Schreibgeräte Etuis |
/collections/storage | | Aufbewahrung |
/collections/notepads | | Notizblöcke |
/collections/paper-punches | | Locher |
/collections/dividers | | Trennblätter |
/collections/add-ons | | Ergänzungen |
/collections/lederwaren | | Kleinlederwaren |
/collections/folio-inserts?fil... | Subdominio | Tablet Halter |
/collections/all-accessories | | ZU DEN ACCESSORIES |
/collections/storage | | ZU DEN ARCHIVORDNERN |
/collections/offers-and-sale | Texto duplicado | ANGEBOTE |
/collections/offers-and-sale | | AKTUELLE ANGEBOTE |
/collections/promo | | 20% Rabatt bei einer Bestellung ab 65€ oder höher* |
/collections/2024er-kalenderei... | | 80% auf 2024er Kalendereinlagen |
/collections/flex-by-filofax-1 | | Flex by Filofax |
/collections/last-chance?filte... | Subdominio | Laurige |
/collections/last-chance | | LETZTE CHANCE > IMG-ALT Angebote. Greifen Sie zu, bevor es zu spät ist! | | Texto duplicado | PHONE APP |
/collections/promo | | Sin texto |
/collections/malden | | Sin texto |
/collections/new-arrivals | | Sin texto |
/collections/2024er-kalenderei... | | Sin texto | | | Sin texto |
/collections/alle-planer | | Sin texto |
/collections/new-arrivals | Texto duplicado | NEUHEITEN |
/products/malden-a5-organiser-... | | Neue Farbe IMG-ALT Malden A5 Organiser |
/products/malden-a5-organiser-... | | zum Produkt |
/products/malden-a5-organiser-... | | Malden A5 Organiser €184,00 |
/products/malden-personal-orga... | Texto duplicado | Neue Farbe IMG-ALT Malden Personal Organiser |
/products/malden-personal-orga... | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/malden-personal-orga... | | Malden Personal Organiser €130,50 |
/products/malden-pocket-organi... | Texto duplicado | Neue Farbe IMG-ALT Malden Pocket Organiser Burgundy |
/products/malden-pocket-organi... | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/malden-pocket-organi... | | Malden Pocket Organiser €114,50 |
/products/meadow-a5-planner-sk... | | Erhältlich ab September Neu IMG-ALT Meadow A5 Planer Sky 2025 |
/products/meadow-a5-planner-sk... | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/meadow-a5-planner-sk... | | Meadow A5 Planer Sky 2025 €21,99 nicht vorrätig |
/products/confetti-a5-planner-... | | Erhältlich ab September IMG-ALT Confetti A5 Planer Rose Quartz 2025 |
/products/confetti-a5-planner-... | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/confetti-a5-planner-... | | Confetti A5 Planer Rose Quartz 2025 €21,99 |
/products/garden-a5-planner-du... | Texto duplicado | Erhältlich ab September IMG-ALT Garden A5 Planer Dusk 2025 |
/products/garden-a5-planner-du... | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/garden-a5-planner-du... | | Garden A5 Planer Dusk 2025 €21,99 |
/products/moonlight-a5-planner... | Texto duplicado | Erhältlich ab September IMG-ALT Moonlight A5 Planer Black 2025 |
/products/moonlight-a5-planner... | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/moonlight-a5-planner... | | Moonlight A5 Planer Black 2025 €21,99 nicht vorrätig |
/products/minimal-monthly-divi... | | Neu IMG-ALT Minimal Monatsregister A5 |
/products/minimal-monthly-divi... | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/minimal-monthly-divi... | | Minimal Monatsregister A5 €10,50 |
/products/minimal-notebook-pla... | Texto duplicado | Neu IMG-ALT Minimal Notebook Monatsregister A5 |
/products/minimal-notebook-pla... | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/minimal-notebook-pla... | | Minimal Notebook Monatsregister A5 €10,50 |
/products/leather-magnetic-cli... | Texto duplicado | Neu IMG-ALT Leder Magnetic Clip |
/products/leather-magnetic-cli... | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/leather-magnetic-cli... | | Leder Magnetic Clip Black & Smoke €16,00 |
/products/everyday-sticky-notes | Texto duplicado | Neu IMG-ALT Everyday Haftnotizen |
/products/everyday-sticky-notes | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/everyday-sticky-notes | | Everyday Haftnotizen €8,50 |
/products/meadow-pocket-organiser | Texto duplicado | Neu IMG-ALT Meadow Pocket Organiser 021702 |
/products/meadow-pocket-organiser | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/meadow-pocket-organiser | | Meadow Pocket Organiser €49,50 |
/products/meadow-personal-orga... | Texto duplicado | Neu IMG-ALT Meadow Personal Organiser 021701 |
/products/meadow-personal-orga... | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/meadow-personal-orga... | | Meadow Personal Organiser €54,00 |
/products/meadow-a5-organiser | Texto duplicado | Neu IMG-ALT Meadow A5 Organiser |
/products/meadow-a5-organiser | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/meadow-a5-organiser | | Meadow A5 Organiser €76,50 |
/products/meadow-a5-refillable... | Texto duplicado | Neu IMG-ALT Meadow A5 Refillable Notebook 179539 |
/products/meadow-a5-refillable... | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/meadow-a5-refillable... | | Meadow A5 Nachfüllbares Notizbuch €15,00 |
/products/meadow-ballpoint-pen | Texto duplicado | Neu IMG-ALT Meadow Ballpoint Pen 132964 |
/products/meadow-ballpoint-pen | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/meadow-ballpoint-pen | | Meadow Kugelschreiber €18,50 |
/products/meadow-magnetic-clip | Texto duplicado | Neu IMG-ALT Meadow Magnetic Clip 132953 |
/products/meadow-magnetic-clip | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/meadow-magnetic-clip | | Meadow Magnetic Clip €13,00 |
/products/meadow-zipper-pouch | Texto duplicado | Neu IMG-ALT Meadow Zipper Pouch 132963 |
/products/meadow-zipper-pouch | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/meadow-zipper-pouch | | Meadow Reißverschlusstasche €14,00 nicht vorrätig |
/products/meadow-sticky-notes | Texto duplicado | Neu IMG-ALT Meadow Sticky Notes 132970 |
/products/meadow-sticky-notes | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/meadow-sticky-notes | | Meadow Haftnotizen €8,50 |
/products/meadow-stickers | Texto duplicado | Neu IMG-ALT Meadow Stickers 132969 |
/products/meadow-stickers | Texto duplicado | zum Produkt |
/products/meadow-stickers | | Meadow Sticker €7,00 |
/collections/the-original | | Sin texto |
/collections/the-original | | JETZT BESTELLEN |
/collections/malden | | Sin texto |
/collections/malden | Texto duplicado | JETZT BESTELLEN |
/collections/classic-croc | | Sin texto |
/collections/classic-croc | Texto duplicado | JETZT BESTELLEN | | | BLOG POSTS |
/blogs/blog/malden-a-timeless-... | | IMG-ALT Malden: A Timeless Stationery Icon |
/blogs/blog/malden-a-timeless-... | | Malden: Eine zeitlose Ikone |
/blogs/blog/malden-a-timeless-... | | MEHR ERFAHREN A-TITLE Malden: Eine Zeitlose Ikone - Filofax Blog |
/blogs/blog/find-inner-peace-w... | | IMG-ALT Meadow Collection |
/blogs/blog/find-inner-peace-w... | | Finden Sie Ihre Ruhe mit der Meadow Collection! |
/blogs/blog/find-inner-peace-w... | Texto duplicado | MEHR ERFAHREN A-TITLE Find Inner Peace with the Meadow Collection! - Filofax Blog |
/blogs/blog/make-beautiful-pla... | | IMG-ALT Make beautiful plans with Domino Soft! |
/blogs/blog/make-beautiful-pla... | | Machen Sie schöne Pläne mit Domino Soft! |
/blogs/blog/make-beautiful-pla... | Texto duplicado | MEHR ERFAHREN A-TITLE Machen Sie schöne Pläne mit Domino Soft - Filofax Blog |
/collections/new-arrivals | | Neuheiten |
/pages/delivery | | Ohne Versandkosten für Bestellungen ab 30 € |
/pages/size-guide | | Größen-Übersicht | | Nueva ventana Externo | Sin texto | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Sin texto | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Sin texto | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Sin texto | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Sin texto |
/pages/about-us | | Über uns |
/pages/sustainability | | Nachhaltigkeit | | | Blog |
/pages/wholesale | | Fachhandel |
/pages/size-guide | Texto duplicado | Größen-Übersicht |
/pages/delivery | | Lieferung |
/pages/returns | | Retouren | | | FAQs |
/pages/contact-us | | Kontakt |
/pages/terms | Nueva ventana | AGB A-TITLE /pages/terms |
/pages/privacy | Nueva ventana | Privacy Policy A-TITLE /pages/privacy |
/policies/terms-of-service | Texto duplicado | AGB |
/policies/privacy-policy | | Datenschutz |
/policies/contact-information | | Impressum | | Texto duplicado | Filofax |
/pages/terms | Nueva ventana Texto duplicado | AGB A-TITLE /pages/terms |
/pages/privacy | Nueva ventana Texto duplicado | Privacy Policy A-TITLE /pages/privacy |
/pages/subscribe | Nueva ventana | E-Mail-Adresse hier eingeben A-TITLE TRAGEN SIE SICH EIN! |