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Puntuación SEO
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3,15 s
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677,30 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
169 internos / 6 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
EWN: Eyewitness News
La longitud del título es óptima (219 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest local and international news, ensuring you never miss a beat with our daily bulletin. Count on EWN as your ultimate source for staying informed every single day.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
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(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
No se detecta ningún favicon enlazado en el código HTML.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
smartbanner:titleEyewitness News
smartbanner:authorPrimedia (Pty) Ltd
keywordsewn, ewn news, news, eyewitness news, eye witness news, latest news, news today, ewn south africa, ewn-news, primedia+, primedia plus, prime media plus
descriptionStay ahead of the curve with the latest local and international news, ensuring you never miss a beat with our daily bulletin. Count on EWN as your ultimate source for staying informed every single day.
twitter:titleEWN: Eyewitness News
twitter:descriptionStay ahead of the curve with the latest local and international news, ensuring you never miss a beat with our daily bulletin. Count on EWN as your ultimate source for staying informed every single day.
og:titleEWN: Eyewitness News
og:descriptionStay ahead of the curve with the latest local and international news, ensuring you never miss a beat with our daily bulletin. Count on EWN as your ultimate source for staying informed every single day.

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
No se detecta ningún párrafo.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 832 palabras.
Un 15.7% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
Con 677.3 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 17 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
La descripción del atributo ALT se utiliza correctamente en todas las imágenes rastreadas.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 43 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Top Stories
H2 Local
H2 Politics
H2 Elections 2024
H3 Kingmaker NFP opts for NGU in KZN, snubs MK Party
H3 7th Parliament: ANC NEC meets, parties eagerly await as moment of truth nears
H3 Khumalo loses urgent court bid to be sworn in as MK Party MP
H3 Expelled MK founder Khumalo says he has a prima facie right to be sworn in as an MP
H3 Winde elected for second term as Western Cape premier
H3 Israel says UN probe into Gaza war 'biased and tainted'
H3 Health Dept confirms second Mpox death
H3 'It's a dangerous time': Gordhan on Zuma's return to active politics
H3 ConCourt dismisses MK Party's application to halt first sitting of Parliament
H3 Khumalo heads to WC High Court in another bid to represent MK in Parliament
H3 Gaza war rages as US wants to 'close' truce deal
H3 The Aubrey Masango Show
H3 947 Essentials
H3 Best of CapeTalk
H3 Kfm Late Nights with Ute Hermanus
H3 ANC's Phophi Ramathuba set to be sworn in as the province's first female premier
H3 Kingmaker NFP opts for NGU in KZN, snubs MK Party Texto duplicado
H3 Another trial-within-a-trial is on the cards against Soshanguve couple
H3 7th Parliament: ANC NEC meets, parties eagerly await as moment of truth nears Texto duplicado
H3 Last-minute changes made to MP candidate lists
H3 Gauteng police establish specialised team to tackle crime in Tshwane
H3 ANC has community safety concerns in the Western Cape
H3 KZN DA says it's waiting for the ANC on the way forward
H3 ANC's Phophi Ramathuba set to be sworn in as the province's first female premier Texto duplicado
H3 Kingmaker NFP opts for NGU in KZN, snubs MK Party Texto duplicado
H3 7th Parliament: ANC NEC meets, parties eagerly await as moment of truth nears Texto duplicado
H3 Last-minute changes made to MP candidate lists Texto duplicado
H3 ANC has community safety concerns in the Western Cape Texto duplicado
H3 KZN DA says it's waiting for the ANC on the way forward Texto duplicado
H3 Khumalo loses urgent court bid to be sworn in as MK Party MP Texto duplicado
H3 ​PA has a fruitful meeting with ANC, eyes police or Home Affairs ministry
H3 MK Party says it would be gross subversion of people’s ‘will’ if it doesn’t govern KZN
H3 'It's a dangerous time': Gordhan on Zuma's return to active politics Texto duplicado
H3 Gauteng EFF says ANC using govt of national unity to mask intent to partner with DA
H3 ANC-DA partnership not a prerequisite for market stability - Gordhan
H3 ATM files papers in Electoral Court to have 2024 elections declared null and void
H3 WC Premier Winde says his new Cabinet carefully chosen to build on successes of his first term
H3 Ramokgopa blames SA's energy crisis for ANC’s dismal election performance
H3 ConCourt dismisses MK Party's application to halt first sitting of Parliament Texto duplicado
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 6 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla texto texto News
/topics/Elections 2024Elections 2024
/2024/06/13/eff-rejects-ancs-g...EFF rejects ANC's Government of National Unity
/2024/06/13/kingmaker-nfp-opts...Kingmaker NFP opts for NGU in KZN, snubs MK Party
/2024/06/13/7th-parliament-anc...7th Parliament: ANC NEC meets, parties eagerly await as moment of truth nears
/2024/06/13/khumalo-loses-urge...Khumalo loses urgent court bid to be sworn in as MK Party MP
/2024/06/13/expelled-mk-founde...Expelled MK founder Khumalo says he has a prima facie right to be sworn in as an MP
/2024/06/13/winde-elected-for-...Winde elected for second term as Western Cape premier
/2024/06/13/israel-says-un-pro...Israel says UN probe into Gaza war 'biased and tainted'
/2024/06/13/health-dept-confir...Health Dept confirms second Mpox death
/2024/06/13/its-a-dangerous-ti...'It's a dangerous time': Gordhan on Zuma's return to active politics
/2024/06/13/concourt-dismisses...ConCourt dismisses MK Party's application to halt first sitting of Parliament
/2024/06/13/khumalo-heads-to-w...Khumalo heads to WC High Court in another bid to represent MK in Parliament
/2024/06/13/gaza-war-rages-as-...Gaza war rages as US wants to 'close' truce deal ventana Externo The Aubrey Masango Show The Aubrey Masango Show
IMG-ALT The Aubrey Masango Show ventana Externo 947 Essentials 947 Essentials
IMG-ALT Image ventana Externo Best of CapeTalk Best of CapeTalk
IMG-ALT Image ventana Externo Kfm Late Nights with Ute Hermanus Kfm Late Nights with Ute Hermanus
/topics/LocalShow all
/2024/06/13/eff-rejects-ancs-g...Texto duplicado EFF rejects ANC's Government of National Unity
/2024/06/13/ancs-phophi-ramath...ANC's Phophi Ramathuba set to be sworn in as the province's first female premier
/tag/African National Congress...African National Congress (ANC)
/tag/Phophi RamathubaPhophi Ramathuba
/2024/06/13/kingmaker-nfp-opts...Texto duplicado Kingmaker NFP opts for NGU in KZN, snubs MK Party
/tag/National Freedom Party (NFP)National Freedom Party (NFP)
/tag/MK PartyMK Party
/tag/Democratic Alliance (DA)Democratic Alliance (DA)
/2024/06/13/another-trial-with...Another trial-within-a-trial is on the cards against Soshanguve couple
/2024/06/13/7th-parliament-anc...Texto duplicado 7th Parliament: ANC NEC meets, parties eagerly await as moment of truth nears
/tag/African National Congress...Texto duplicado African National Congress (ANC)
/tag/Democratic Alliance (DA)Texto duplicado Democratic Alliance (DA)
/tag/African National Congress...Texto duplicado African National Congress (ANC)
/tag/ParliamentTexto duplicado Parliament
/tag/Democratic Alliance (DA)Texto duplicado Democratic Alliance (DA)
/2024/06/13/last-minute-change...Last-minute changes made to MP candidate lists
/tag/National AssemblyNational Assembly
/tag/National AssemblyTexto duplicado National Assembly
/2024/06/13/gauteng-police-est...Gauteng police establish specialised team to tackle crime in Tshwane
/tag/South African Police Serv...South African Police Service (SAPS)
/tag/City of TshwaneCity of Tshwane
/2024/06/13/anc-has-community-...ANC has community safety concerns in the Western Cape
/tag/Western CapeWestern Cape
/tag/Alan WindeAlan Winde
/tag/Reagen AllenReagen Allen
/2024/06/13/kzn-da-says-its-wa...KZN DA says it's waiting for the ANC on the way forward
/tag/Democratic Alliance (DA)Texto duplicado Democratic Alliance (DA)
/tag/African National Congress...Texto duplicado African National Congress (ANC)
/tag/National Freedom Party (NFP)Texto duplicado National Freedom Party (NFP)
/tag/Democratic Alliance (DA)Texto duplicado Democratic Alliance (DA)
/tag/African National Congress...Texto duplicado African National Congress (ANC)
/tag/National Freedom Party (NFP)Texto duplicado National Freedom Party (NFP)
/topics/PoliticsTexto duplicado Show all
/2024/06/13/eff-rejects-ancs-g...Texto duplicado EFF rejects ANC's Government of National Unity
/2024/06/13/ancs-phophi-ramath...Texto duplicado ANC's Phophi Ramathuba set to be sworn in as the province's first female premier
/tag/African National Congress...Texto duplicado African National Congress (ANC)
/tag/Phophi RamathubaTexto duplicado Phophi Ramathuba
/2024/06/13/kingmaker-nfp-opts...Texto duplicado Kingmaker NFP opts for NGU in KZN, snubs MK Party
/tag/National Freedom Party (NFP)Texto duplicado National Freedom Party (NFP)
/tag/MK PartyTexto duplicado MK Party
/tag/Democratic Alliance (DA)Texto duplicado Democratic Alliance (DA)
/2024/06/13/7th-parliament-anc...Texto duplicado 7th Parliament: ANC NEC meets, parties eagerly await as moment of truth nears
/tag/African National Congress...Texto duplicado African National Congress (ANC)
/tag/ParliamentTexto duplicado Parliament
/tag/Democratic Alliance (DA)Texto duplicado Democratic Alliance (DA)
/tag/African National Congress...Texto duplicado African National Congress (ANC)
/tag/ParliamentTexto duplicado Parliament
/tag/Democratic Alliance (DA)Texto duplicado Democratic Alliance (DA)
/2024/06/13/last-minute-change...Texto duplicado Last-minute changes made to MP candidate lists
/tag/National AssemblyTexto duplicado National Assembly
/tag/National AssemblyTexto duplicado National Assembly
/2024/06/13/anc-has-community-...Texto duplicado ANC has community safety concerns in the Western Cape
/tag/Western CapeTexto duplicado Western Cape
/tag/Alan WindeTexto duplicado Alan Winde
/tag/Reagen AllenTexto duplicado Reagen Allen
/tag/Western CapeTexto duplicado Western Cape
/tag/Alan WindeTexto duplicado Alan Winde
/tag/Reagen AllenTexto duplicado Reagen Allen
/2024/06/13/kzn-da-says-its-wa...Texto duplicado KZN DA says it's waiting for the ANC on the way forward
/tag/Democratic Alliance (DA)Texto duplicado Democratic Alliance (DA)
/tag/African National Congress...Texto duplicado African National Congress (ANC)
/tag/National Freedom Party (NFP)Texto duplicado National Freedom Party (NFP)
/2024/06/13/khumalo-loses-urge...Texto duplicado Khumalo loses urgent court bid to be sworn in as MK Party MP
/tag/Jabulani KhumaloJabulani Khumalo
/tag/MK PartyTexto duplicado MK Party
/2024/06/13/pa-has-a-fruitful-...​PA has a fruitful meeting with ANC, eyes police or Home Affairs ministry
/tag/Kenny KuneneKenny Kunene
/tag/Patriotic Alliance (PA)Patriotic Alliance (PA)
/tag/African National Congress...Texto duplicado African National Congress (ANC)
/tag/Kenny KuneneTexto duplicado Kenny Kunene
/tag/Patriotic Alliance (PA)Texto duplicado Patriotic Alliance (PA)
/tag/African National Congress...Texto duplicado African National Congress (ANC)
/topics/Elections 2024Texto duplicado Show all
/2024/06/13/expelled-mk-founde...Texto duplicado Expelled MK founder Khumalo says he has a prima facie right to be sworn in as an MP
/2024/06/13/mk-party-says-it-w...MK Party says it would be gross subversion of people’s ‘will’ if it doesn’t govern KZN
/tag/KwaZulu-Natal (KZN)KwaZulu-Natal (KZN)
/tag/uMkhonto weSizweuMkhonto weSizwe
/tag/MK PartyTexto duplicado MK Party
/2024/06/13/its-a-dangerous-ti...Texto duplicado 'It's a dangerous time': Gordhan on Zuma's return to active politics
/tag/Elections 2024Texto duplicado Elections 2024
/tag/uMkhonto weSizweTexto duplicado uMkhonto weSizwe
/tag/MK PartyTexto duplicado MK Party
/2024/06/13/gauteng-eff-says-a...Gauteng EFF says ANC using govt of national unity to mask intent to partner with DA
/tag/Elections 2024Texto duplicado Elections 2024
/tag/Economic Freedom Fighters...Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) duplicado Gauteng
/tag/Elections 2024Texto duplicado Elections 2024
/tag/Economic Freedom Fighters...Texto duplicado Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) duplicado Gauteng
/2024/06/13/anc-da-partnership...ANC-DA partnership not a prerequisite for market stability - Gordhan
/tag/African National Congress...Texto duplicado African National Congress (ANC)
/tag/Democratic Alliance (DA)Texto duplicado Democratic Alliance (DA)
/tag/Pravin GordhanPravin Gordhan
/tag/African National Congress...Texto duplicado African National Congress (ANC)
/tag/Democratic Alliance (DA)Texto duplicado Democratic Alliance (DA)
/tag/Pravin GordhanTexto duplicado Pravin Gordhan
/2024/06/13/atm-files-papers-i...ATM files papers in Electoral Court to have 2024 elections declared null and void
/tag/Elections 2024Texto duplicado Elections 2024
/tag/African Transformation Mo...African Transformation Movement (ATM)
/tag/Electoral Commission of S...Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC)
/tag/Elections 2024Texto duplicado Elections 2024
/tag/African Transformation Mo...Texto duplicado African Transformation Movement (ATM)
/tag/Electoral Commission of S...Texto duplicado Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC)
/2024/06/13/wc-premier-winde-s...WC Premier Winde says his new Cabinet carefully chosen to build on successes of his first term
/tag/Elections 2024Texto duplicado Elections 2024
/tag/Western CapeTexto duplicado Western Cape
/tag/Democratic Alliance (DA)Texto duplicado Democratic Alliance (DA)
/2024/06/13/ramokgopa-blames-s...Ramokgopa blames SA's energy crisis for ANC’s dismal election performance
/tag/Kgosientsho RamokgopaKgosientsho Ramokgopa
/tag/African National Congress...Texto duplicado African National Congress (ANC)
/tag/Elections 2024Texto duplicado Elections 2024
/2024/06/13/concourt-dismisses...Texto duplicado ConCourt dismisses MK Party's application to halt first sitting of Parliament
/tag/Elections 2024Texto duplicado Elections 2024
/tag/Constitutional CourtConstitutional Court
/tag/uMkhonto weSizweTexto duplicado uMkhonto weSizwe
/tag/Elections 2024Texto duplicado Elections 2024
/tag/Constitutional CourtTexto duplicado Constitutional Court
/tag/uMkhonto weSizweTexto duplicado uMkhonto weSizwe ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto duplicado Latest
/topics/LocalTexto duplicado Local
/topics/PoliticsTexto duplicado Politics
/topics/Elections 2024Texto duplicado Elections 2024
/topics/MultimediaTexto duplicado Multimedia
/topics/WorldTexto duplicado World
/topics/SportTexto duplicado Sport
/topics/BusinessTexto duplicado Business
/topics/LifestyleTexto duplicado Lifestyle
/topics/OpinionTexto duplicado Opinion
/topics/FeaturesTexto duplicado Features
/topics/EntertainmentTexto duplicado Entertainment
/topics/AfricaTexto duplicado Africa duplicado Podcasts
/ewn-contact-usContact Us Notice
/ewn-terms-and-conditionsTerms and Conditions

Configuración del servidor

Redirecciones HTTP
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Cabecera HTTP
La cabecera X-Powered-by se envía innecesariamente en la cabecera de la página.
Esta página utiliza GZip para la transmisión de datos comprimidos.
(Poco importante)
Con 3,15 segundos, el tiempo de respuesta de la página es superior al límite recomendado de 0,4 segundos. Un tiempo de respuesta elevado ralentiza innecesariamente el rastreo de los buscadores y propicia una mala experiencia de uso.
Con 677 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.

Cabecera HTTP

dateThu, 13 Jun 2024 20:58:09 GMT
cache-controls-maxage=300, stale-while-revalidate
last-modifiedThu, 13 Jun 2024 20:58:09 GMT
alt-svch3=":443"; ma=86400

Factores externos

Listas negras
Esta página no está clasificada como “contenido para adultos”.
Wikipedia enlaza esta página en sus fuentes.
Esta página recibe enlaces de calidad de otros sitios web.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 725 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 8.062 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 532 direcciones IP distintas.
Popularidad en Facebook
(Poco importante)
Esta página tiene 0 compartir y comentarios en Facebook.

Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
EWN: Eyewitness News
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest local and international news, ensuring you never miss a beat with our daily bulletin. Count on EWN as your ultimate source for staying informed every single day.

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
National Unity48%Check
Western Cape44%Check

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