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Meta descripción
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Framar is a female founded, family owned, Canadian brand of hair tools and accessories. The perfect combination of style and substance, we’ve been in the business of creating products for the world’s most creative hairstylists for over 35 years.
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descriptionFramar is a female founded, family owned, Canadian brand of hair tools and accessories. The perfect combination of style and substance, we’ve been in the business of creating products for the world’s most creative hairstylists for over 35 years.
twitter:descriptionFramar is a female founded, family owned, Canadian brand of hair tools and accessories. The perfect combination of style and substance, we’ve been in the business of creating products for the world’s most creative hairstylists for over 35 years.
og:descriptionFramar is a female founded, family owned, Canadian brand of hair tools and accessories. The perfect combination of style and substance, we’ve been in the business of creating products for the world’s most creative hairstylists for over 35 years.

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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
What's Hot
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Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 What's Hot
H1 Sorry to Foil Your Plans
H1 Word on the street
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H1 Good Deals & Good Vibes Only
H1 Encabezado vacío
H2 Just added to your cart
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Lisa Walker
H3 Jacob Khan
H3 Cynthia Lumzy
H3 Larisa Love
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Hay 16 enlaces externos en esta página.
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/a/account/loginA-TITLE My Account
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/products/star-struck-silver-p...IMG-ALT Hair foil, embossed foil, pop up foil, salon foil, highlighting foil, hair foils on head, hair foils with designs, hair foils for highlights, hair foils with...
/products/star-struck-silver-p...Star Struck Silver - Pop Up
/products/dye-defenderIMG-ALT Framar dye defender, barrier cream, barrier cream brands, barrier cream hair dye, barrier cream hairdressing-original
/products/dye-defenderDye Defender - Barrier Cream
/products/all-yall-embossed-rollIMG-ALT -original
/products/all-yall-embossed-rollAll Y'all - Embossed Roll
/collections/allView all
/collections/pop-ups-2Pop Ups
/collections/foil-alternatives-2Foil Alternatives
IMG-ALT Foil Alternatives
/collections/foilTexto duplicado View all
/collections/gator-grips-1Gator Grips
IMG-ALT Gator Grips
/collections/sectioning-clipsSectioning Clips
IMG-ALT Sectioning Clips
/collections/claw-clipsClaw Clips
IMG-ALT Claw Clips
/collections/king-klawsKing Klaws
IMG-ALT King Klaws
/collections/clips-1Texto duplicado View all
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/collections/color-brush-setsColor Brush Sets
IMG-ALT Color Brush Sets
/collections/single-color-brushesSingle Color Brushes
IMG-ALT Single Color Brushes
/collections/color-brushesTexto duplicado View all
/collections/nitrile-glovesNitrile Gloves
IMG-ALT Nitrile Gloves
/collections/vinyl-glovesVinyl Gloves
IMG-ALT Vinyl Gloves
/collections/latex-glovesLatex Gloves
IMG-ALT Latex Gloves
/collections/bleach-blender-gl...Bleach Blender Gloves
IMG-ALT Bleach Blender Gloves
/collections/glovesTexto duplicado View all
/collections/color-bowlsColor Bowls
IMG-ALT Color Bowls
/collections/bowls-1Texto duplicado View all
IMG-ALT Dreamweavers
/collections/combsTexto duplicado View all
/collections/hair-brusheshair brushes
/collections/detangle-brushes-1Detangle Brushes
IMG-ALT Detangle Brushes
/collections/paddle-brushes-1Paddle Brushes
IMG-ALT Paddle Brushes
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IMG-ALT Vent Brushes
/collections/hair-brushesTexto duplicado View all
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IMG-ALT Shampoo Capes
/collections/color-capesColor Capes
IMG-ALT Color Capes
/collections/cutting-capesCutting Capes
IMG-ALT Cutting Capes
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/products/dye-defenderTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Framar dye defender, barrier cream, barrier cream brands, barrier cream hair dye, barrier cream hairdressing-original
/products/dye-defenderTexto duplicado Dye Defender - Barrier Cream
/products/kolor-killer-wipesIMG-ALT Kolor killer wipes, hair dye remover, hair dye remover wipes, wipes for hair dye from skin, wipes to remove hair dye from skin, hair color wipes, how to get ...
/products/kolor-killer-wipesKolor Killer Wipes - 100 Color Removers
/products/backwards-bibsIMG-ALT Framar backwards bibs, framar bibs, Salon bib, Disposable bibs, protection, plastic cape, biodegradable cover, hair salon protection-original
/products/backwards-bibsBackwards Bib - 50 Biodegradable Bibs
/collections/disposablesTexto duplicado View all
/collections/tools-equipmenttools & equipment
IMG-ALT Dispensers
IMG-ALT Aprons
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/products/rose-all-day-pop-upTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Hair foil, embossed foil, pop up foil, salon foil, highlighting foil, hair foils on head, hair foils with designs, hair foils for highlights, hair foils with...
/products/rose-all-day-pop-upRose All Day - Pop Up
/products/bleach-blendersIMG-ALT Blending gloves, fluffy gloves, foil pull, coloring glove, microfibre glove, blender glove, framar blending gloves, bleach blender gloves-original
/products/bleach-blendersBleach Blenders
/products/dreamweaver-comb-pastelIMG-ALT Comb brush, highlighting comb, comb for hair, comb hair brush, comb in hair dye, comb my hair, comb with pick, comb with metal end, comb with handle, highlig...
/products/dreamweaver-comb-pastelDreamweaver Combs - Pastel
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/collections/trending-productsSin texto
/collections/trending-productsShop all
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/products/feline-fine-pop-upFeline Fine - Pop Up
/products/feline-fine-embossed...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/feline-fine-embossed...Feline Fine - Embossed Roll
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/products/quilted-pop-upQuilted - Pop Up
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/products/quilted-embossed-rollQuilted - Embossed Roll
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/products/gator-grip-clips-qui...Gator Grip Clips - Quilted
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/products/quilted-yellow-puffe...Quilted - Yellow Puffer Tote
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/products/checked-out-detangle...Checked Out - Detangle Brush
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/products/espresso-martini-emb...Espresso Martini - Embossed Roll
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/products/plaid-hair-day-pop-upTexto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/plaid-hair-day-pop-upPlaid Hair Day - Switch Pop Up
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/products/charlotte-detangle-b...Charlotte - Detangle Brush
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/products/toning-tub-coloring-...Toning Tub
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/products/polish-brush-blackPolish Brush - Black
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/products/flex-brush-blackFlex Brush - Black
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/products/i-need-to-vent-choco...Vent Brush - Chocolate
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/products/hair-to-stay-pop-upHair to Stay - Pop Up
/products/plant-mom-pop-upTexto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/plant-mom-pop-upPlant Mom - Pop Up
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/products/plant-scalePlant Scale
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/products/checked-out-pop-upChecked Out - Pop Up
/products/whoopsie-daisy-smoot...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/whoopsie-daisy-smoot...Whoopsie Daisy - Smooth Roll
/products/whoopsie-daisy-pop-upTexto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/whoopsie-daisy-pop-upWhoopsie Daisy - Pop Up
/products/whoopsie-daisy-embos...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/whoopsie-daisy-embos...Whoopsie Daisy - Embossed Roll
/products/checked-out-smooth-rollTexto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/checked-out-smooth-rollChecked Out - Smooth Roll
/products/checked-out-embossed...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/checked-out-embossed...Checked Out - Embossed Roll
/products/yeehaw-smooth-rollTexto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/yeehaw-smooth-rollYeehaw - Smooth Roll
/products/banana-hammock-pop-upTexto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/banana-hammock-pop-upBanana Hammock - Pop Up
/products/draft-of-all-yall-po...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/draft-of-all-yall-po...All Y'all - Pop Up
/products/all-yall-embossed-rollTexto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/all-yall-embossed-rollTexto duplicado All Y'all - Embossed Roll
/products/you-bet-giraffe-pop-upTexto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/you-bet-giraffe-pop-upYou Bet Giraffe - Pop Up
/products/you-bet-giraffe-deta...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/you-bet-giraffe-deta...You Bet Giraffe - Detangle Brush
/products/gator-grip-clips-yeehawTexto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/gator-grip-clips-yeehawGator Grip Clips - Yeehaw
/products/gator-grip-clips-vib...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/gator-grip-clips-vib...Gator Grip Clips - Vibe Check
/products/pine-palms-biodegrad...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/pine-palms-biodegrad...Pine Palms Biodegradable Nitrile Gloves - 100 count
/products/yeehaw-embossed-rollTexto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/yeehaw-embossed-rollYeehaw - Embossed Roll
/products/chocolate-detangle-b...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/chocolate-detangle-b...Chocolate - Detangle Brush
/collections/foilShop all foil
/products/ethereal-pop-upTexto duplicado IMG-ALT -original
/products/ethereal-pop-upEthereal - Pop Up
/products/back-in-black-pop-upTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Hair foil, embossed foil, pop up foil, salon foil, highlighting foil, hair foils on head, hair foils with designs, hair foils for highlights, hair foils with...
/products/back-in-black-pop-upBack in Black - Pop Up
/products/badass-blue-pop-upIMG-ALT Hair foil, embossed foil, pop up foil, salon foil, highlighting foil, hair foils on head, hair foils with designs, hair foils for highlights, hair foils with...
/products/badass-blue-pop-upBadAss Blue - Pop Up
/products/rose-all-day-pop-upTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Hair foil, embossed foil, pop up foil, salon foil, highlighting foil, hair foils on head, hair foils with designs, hair foils for highlights, hair foils with...
/products/rose-all-day-pop-upTexto duplicado Rose All Day - Pop Up
/pages/our-storysee more testimonials ventana Externo Subdominio @lisalovesbalayage ventana Externo Subdominio @jacobhkhan ventana Externo Subdominio @cynthialumzy ventana Externo Subdominio @larisadoll
/products/color-coverIMG-ALT Salon capes cover, salon hair dye cape, salon hair dye cape-original
/products/color-coverColor Cover - Cape
/products/king-klaws-acetateIMG-ALT Acetate claw clip, cellulose acetate claw clip, acetate clips, acetate hair clip, acetate hair claw, acetate hair clip pack, acetate clips-original
/products/king-klaws-acetateKing Klaws - Acetate
/products/cutting-cover-1Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Salon capes cover, salon hair dye cape, salon hair dye cape-original
/products/cutting-cover-1Cutting Cover - Cape
/products/back-in-black-pop-upTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Hair foil, embossed foil, pop up foil, salon foil, highlighting foil, hair foils on head, hair foils with designs, hair foils for highlights, hair foils with...
/products/back-in-black-pop-upTexto duplicado Back in Black - Pop Up
/products/the-classicIMG-ALT Coloring brush, hair coloring, hair dye tools, coloring hair, hair color applying brush, beard color brush, brush color dye hair, color brush for hair, colou...
/products/the-classicThe Classic
/products/star-struck-silver-p...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Hair foil, embossed foil, pop up foil, salon foil, highlighting foil, hair foils on head, hair foils with designs, hair foils for highlights, hair foils with...
/products/star-struck-silver-p...Texto duplicado Star Struck Silver - Pop Up
/products/big-daddy-brush-set-...IMG-ALT Extra wide color brush, extra large hair color brush, hair color brush for roots, Coloring brush, hair coloring, hair dye tools, coloring hair, hair color ap...
/products/big-daddy-brush-set-...Big Daddy Brush Set - 3 Pack
/products/badass-blue-pop-upTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Hair foil, embossed foil, pop up foil, salon foil, highlighting foil, hair foils on head, hair foils with designs, hair foils for highlights, hair foils with...
/products/badass-blue-pop-upTexto duplicado BadAss Blue - Pop Up
/pages/framar-artistsSee framar artists texto
/pages/our-storyOur Story
/pages/framar-artistsTexto duplicado Framar artists
/pages/find-framarTexto duplicado Find framar
/pages/labor-policyLabor policy
/pages/contact-usContact duplicado FAQ duplicado AfterPay
/pages/return-policy-newReturn Policy
/collections/toolsTexto duplicado Tools
/pages/privacy-policy-newPrivacy Policy
/pages/terms-of-useTerms of Use ventana Externo Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Home – Framar
Framar is a female founded, family owned, Canadian brand of hair tools and accessories. The perfect combination of style and substance, we’ve been in the business of creating products for the world’s most creative hairstylists for over 35 years.

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