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"Changing Minds One Book at a Time" Bookstore located in Roxbury with a passion of promoting literacy within our children, teens and adults. We've got all these great books (and getting more all the time) at incredible prices that we want you to see.
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description"Changing Minds One Book at a Time" Bookstore located in Roxbury with a passion of promoting literacy within our children, teens and adults. We've got all these great books (and getting more all the time) at incredible prices that we want you to see.
twitter:titleWelcome to Frugal Bookstore!
twitter:description"Changing Minds One Book at a Time" Bookstore located in Roxbury with a passion of promoting literacy within our children, teens and adults. We've got all these great books (and getting more all the time) at incredible prices that we want you to see.
og:site_nameFrugal Bookstore
og:titleWelcome to Frugal Bookstore!
og:description"Changing Minds One Book at a Time" Bookstore located in Roxbury with a passion of promoting literacy within our children, teens and adults. We've got all these great books (and getting more all the time) at incredible prices that we want you to see.

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H2 Author Spotlight:
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H2 Fresh Off The Press
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H2 Testimonials
H3 Holiday Gift Bundles
H3 New Releases
H3 Deals & Steals
H3 Get Cozy with a Good Book this Winter
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Hay 1 enlaces externos en esta página.
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/collections/pre-order/product...IMG-ALT -Pre-Order 01/21- Becoming a Ballerina: The Story of Michaela Mabinty DePrince by Laura Obuobi (Author), Olivia Duchess (Illustrator)
/collections/pre-order/product...Texto duplicado -Pre-Order 01/21- Becoming a Ballerina: The Story of Michaela Mabinty DePrince by Laura Obuobi (Author), Olivia Duchess (Illustrator)
A-TITLE -Pre-Order 01/21- Becoming a Ballerina: The Story of Michaela Mabinty DePrince by Laura Obuobi (Author), Olivia Duchess (Illustrator)
/collections/pre-order/product...IMG-ALT -Pre-Order 01/21- Dark Laboratory: On Columbus, the Caribbean, and the Origins of the Climate Crisis by Tao Leigh Goffe
/collections/pre-order/product...Texto duplicado -Pre-Order 01/21- Dark Laboratory: On Columbus, the Caribbean, and the Origins of the Climate Crisis by Tao Leigh Goffe
A-TITLE -Pre-Order 01/21- Dark Laboratory: On Columbus, the Caribbean, and the Origins of the Climate Crisis by Tao Leigh Goffe
/collections/pre-order/product...IMG-ALT -Pre-Order 01/21- Greatness: Diverse Designers of Architecture by Pascale Sablan
/collections/pre-order/product...Texto duplicado -Pre-Order 01/21- Greatness: Diverse Designers of Architecture by Pascale Sablan
A-TITLE -Pre-Order 01/21- Greatness: Diverse Designers of Architecture by Pascale Sablan
/collections/pre-order/product...IMG-ALT -Pre-Order 01/21- Power of Persuasion by Stacey Abrams, Selena Montgomery
/collections/pre-order/product...Texto duplicado -Pre-Order 01/21- Power of Persuasion by Stacey Abrams, Selena Montgomery
A-TITLE -Pre-Order 01/21- Power of Persuasion by Stacey Abrams, Selena Montgomery
/collections/pre-order/product...IMG-ALT -Pre-Order 01/21- Space for Everyone by Seina Wedlick (Author), Camilla Sucre (Illustrator)
/collections/pre-order/product...Texto duplicado -Pre-Order 01/21- Space for Everyone by Seina Wedlick (Author), Camilla Sucre (Illustrator)
A-TITLE -Pre-Order 01/21- Space for Everyone by Seina Wedlick (Author), Camilla Sucre (Illustrator)
/collections/pre-order/product...IMG-ALT -Pre-Order 01/21- The Theater of Refusal: Black Art and Mainstream Criticism by Charles Gaines, Catherine Lord
/collections/pre-order/product...Texto duplicado -Pre-Order 01/21- The Theater of Refusal: Black Art and Mainstream Criticism by Charles Gaines, Catherine Lord
A-TITLE -Pre-Order 01/21- The Theater of Refusal: Black Art and Mainstream Criticism by Charles Gaines, Catherine Lord
/collections/pre-order/product...IMG-ALT -Pre-Order 01/28- Black in Blues: How a Color Tells the Story of My People by Imani Perry
/collections/pre-order/product...Texto duplicado -Pre-Order 01/28- Black in Blues: How a Color Tells the Story of My People by Imani Perry
A-TITLE -Pre-Order 01/28- Black in Blues: How a Color Tells the Story of My People by Imani Perry
/collections/pre-order/product...IMG-ALT -Pre-Order 01/28- Brown Boys Rule by Ashok Banker (Author), Brittney Bond (Illustrator)
/collections/pre-order/product...Texto duplicado -Pre-Order 01/28- Brown Boys Rule by Ashok Banker (Author), Brittney Bond (Illustrator)
A-TITLE -Pre-Order 01/28- Brown Boys Rule by Ashok Banker (Author), Brittney Bond (Illustrator)
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/collections/young-readersTexto duplicado Young Readers
/collections/new-release-1/pro...IMG-ALT You Deserve to Be Rich: Master the Inner Game of Wealth and Claim Your Future by Rashad Bilal, Troy Millings
/collections/new-release-1/pro...Texto duplicado You Deserve to Be Rich: Master the Inner Game of Wealth and Claim Your Future by Rashad Bilal, Troy Millings
A-TITLE You Deserve to Be Rich: Master the Inner Game of Wealth and Claim Your Future by Rashad Bilal, Troy Millings
/collections/new-release-1/pro...IMG-ALT The Space Between Men by Mia S. Willis
/collections/new-release-1/pro...Texto duplicado The Space Between Men by Mia S. Willis
A-TITLE The Space Between Men by Mia S. Willis
/collections/new-release-1/pro...IMG-ALT Three Leaves, Three Roots: Poems on the Haiti-Congo Story by Danielle Legros Georges
/collections/new-release-1/pro...Texto duplicado Three Leaves, Three Roots: Poems on the Haiti-Congo Story by Danielle Legros Georges
A-TITLE Three Leaves, Three Roots: Poems on the Haiti-Congo Story by Danielle Legros Georges
/collections/new-release-1/pro...IMG-ALT Make Your Mark: The Empowering True Story of the First Known Black Female Tattoo Artist by Jacci Gresham, Sherry Fellores, David Wilkerson (Illustrator)
/collections/new-release-1/pro...Texto duplicado Make Your Mark: The Empowering True Story of the First Known Black Female Tattoo Artist by Jacci Gresham, Sherry Fellores, David Wilkerson (Illustrator)
A-TITLE Make Your Mark: The Empowering True Story of the First Known Black Female Tattoo Artist by Jacci Gresham, Sherry Fellores, David Wilkerson (Illustrator)
/collections/new-release-1/pro...IMG-ALT Operation Sisterhood: Stealing the Show! Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich
/collections/new-release-1/pro...Texto duplicado Operation Sisterhood: Stealing the Show! Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich
A-TITLE Operation Sisterhood: Stealing the Show! Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich
/collections/new-release-1/pro...IMG-ALT Esther Mahlangu: To Paint is in My Heart by Thomas Girst, Azu Nwagbogu, Hans Ulrich Obrist
/collections/new-release-1/pro...Texto duplicado Esther Mahlangu: To Paint is in My Heart by Thomas Girst, Azu Nwagbogu, Hans Ulrich Obrist
A-TITLE Esther Mahlangu: To Paint is in My Heart by Thomas Girst, Azu Nwagbogu, Hans Ulrich Obrist
/collections/new-release-1/pro...IMG-ALT Snoop Dogg Presents Goon with the Spoon: A Cookbook by Snoop Dogg, Earl “E-40” Stevens
/collections/new-release-1/pro...Texto duplicado Snoop Dogg Presents Goon with the Spoon: A Cookbook by Snoop Dogg, Earl “E-40” Stevens
A-TITLE Snoop Dogg Presents Goon with the Spoon: A Cookbook by Snoop Dogg, Earl “E-40” Stevens
/collections/new-release-1/pro...IMG-ALT Daughter of the Light-Footed People: The Story of Indigenous Marathon Champion Lorena Ramírez by Belen Medina, Natalia Rojas Castro (Illustrator)
/collections/new-release-1/pro...Texto duplicado Daughter of the Light-Footed People: The Story of Indigenous Marathon Champion Lorena Ramírez by Belen Medina, Natalia Rojas Castro (Illustrator)
A-TITLE Daughter of the Light-Footed People: The Story of Indigenous Marathon Champion Lorena Ramírez by Belen Medina, Natalia Rojas Castro (Illustrator)
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IMG-ALT LatinX Heritage - Frugal Bookstore
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IMG-ALT Books We Are Talking About Now - Frugal Bookstore
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Welcome to Frugal Bookstore!
"Changing Minds One Book at a Time" Bookstore located in Roxbury with a passion of promoting literacy within our children, teens and adults. We've got all these great books (and getting more all the time) at incredible prices that we want you to see.

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