- SEO Checker

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Calidad de la página
Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
2,60 s
Tamaño HTML
291,90 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
213 internos / 0 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Home - GIS Geography
La longitud del título es óptima (213 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Want to learn GIS? How about geography? You’ve come to the right place. is the headquarters for all things geospatial,
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (858 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-us
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-us.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1
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descriptionWant to learn GIS? How about geography? You’ve come to the right place. is the headquarters for all things geospatial,
og:titleHome - GIS Geography
og:descriptionWant to learn GIS? How about geography? You’ve come to the right place. is the headquarters for all things geospatial,
og:site_nameGIS Geography

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Hay 2 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado: There are free tools online that convert DWG to SHP. But we recommende...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1437 palabras.
Un 33% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 38 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 14.3 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 29 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 1 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...content/uploads/2021/06/Home-425x325.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...s/2024/02/DWG-to-SHP-Feature-768x426.jpgDWG to SHP Feature
...s/2024/02/What-Are-Waypoints-360x216.jpgWhat Are Waypoints
...and-Survey-System-PLSS-Works-360x198.jpgHow the Public Land Survey System PLSS Works
...-vs-Dominion-Land-Survey-DLS-360x198.jpgPublic Land Survey System PLSS vs Dominion Land Survey DLS
...Maps-with-Streetview-Feature-360x198.jpgMaps with Streetview Feature
...oads/2021/06/US-Physical-Map-550x318.pngUS Physical Map
...s/2024/02/DWG-to-SHP-Feature-300x167.jpgDWG to SHP Feature
.../02/Spatial-Patterns-Feature-300x165.jpgSpatial Patterns Feature
...oads/2023/01/Hexagon-Binning-300x169.jpgHexagon Binning
...tent/uploads/2023/11/AI-Maps-300x168.jpgAI Maps
...igitizing-Editing-ArcGIS-Pro-300x169.jpgGIS Digitizing Editing ArcGIS-Pro
...4/02/Digital-Mapping-Feature-300x180.jpgDigital Mapping
...t/uploads/2023/01/GIS-Skills-300x169.jpgGIS Skills
...oads/2023/01/GIS-Internships-300x169.jpgGIS Internships
...t/uploads/2023/01/CAD-vs-GIS-300x169.jpgCAD vs GIS
...t/uploads/2020/12/BestOf2023-300x158.pngBest Of 2023
...nce-Professional-Certificate-300x190.pngIBM Data Science Professional Certificate
...ds/2024/02/As-Builts-Feature-300x180.jpgAs-Built Drawings
.../uploads/2024/01/TIN-Feature-300x169.jpgTIN Feature
...gery-and-Photography-Sources-300x171.pngAerial Imagery and Photography Sources
...23/03/Free-UAV-Drone-Imagery-300x169.jpgFree UAV Drone Imagery
...2/04/Real-Time-Satellite-Map-300x144.pngReal-Time Satellite Map
...and-Survey-System-PLSS-Works-300x165.jpgHow the Public Land Survey System PLSS Works
...-vs-Dominion-Land-Survey-DLS-300x165.jpgPublic Land Survey System PLSS vs Dominion Land Survey DLS
...ploads/2024/01/Map-Symbology-300x180.jpgMap Symbology
...t/uploads/2023/01/3D-Mapping-300x169.jpg3D Mapping
.../2023/01/Underground-Mapping-300x169.jpgUnderground Mapping
...oads/2023/08/Earthquake-Maps-300x143.jpgEarthquake Maps
...s/2024/02/What-Are-Waypoints-300x180.jpgWhat Are Waypoints vs Photogrammetry Feature
...024/01/BlackSky-Maxar-Planet-300x172.jpgBlackSky vs Maxar vs Planet
...023/01/GPS-Uses-Applications-300x169.jpgGPS Uses and Applications
...oads/2023/01/Ground-Truthing-300x169.jpgGround Truthing GPS
...Maps-with-Streetview-Feature-300x165.jpgMaps with Streetview Feature
.../2024/02/Best-Map-Dashboards-300x180.jpgBest Map Dashboards
...023/01/ArcGIS-For-Sharepoint-300x187.jpgArcGIS For Sharepoint
...s/2023/01/Excel-Maps-Feature-300x169.jpgExcel Maps Feature
.../01/Google-Maps-Alternatives-300x169.jpgGoogle Maps Alternatives
...togrammetry-Software-Feature-300x147.pngBest Photogrammetry Software
.../uploads/2021/06/World-Atlas-550x421.pngWorld Atlas
...-Mountain-Ranges-Map-Feature-300x162.pngUS Mountain Ranges Map Feature
...loads/2021/05/US-Regions-Map-300x191.jpgUS Regions Map
...020/03/US-States-Map-Feature-300x202.pngUS States Map
...nited-States-Country-Outline-300x244.jpgUnited States Country Outline
...s/2020/04/US-Satellite-Image-300x192.pngUS Satellite Image
...20/04/US-Highway-Map-Feature-300x206.pngUS Highway Map Feature
.../04/US-Election-2008-Feature-300x170.pngUS Election 2008 Feature
...04/United-States-Map-Feature-300x192.pngUnited States Map Feature
...0/04/US-Lakes-Rivers-Feature-300x190.pngUS Lakes Rivers Feature
...0/04/US-Physical-Map-Feature-300x179.pngUS Physical Map Feature
...ds/2020/03/US-Map-Collection-300x167.pngUS Map Collection
...ds/2020/03/Map-USA-Feature-0-300x205.pngMap USA Feature
...020/03/US-County-Map-Feature-300x189.pngUS County Map Feature
...3/US-Temperature-Map-Feature-300x205.pngUS Temperature Map Feature
...0/02/US-Map-Capitals-Feature-300x192.pngUS Map Capitals Feature
...nt/uploads/2021/01/GISGeography-Logo.pngGISGeography Logo

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Learn GIS and Geography
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 67 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Learn GIS and Geography
H2 DWG to SHP – CAD Files in GIS
H2 US Map Collection
H2 World Atlas
H2 US Map Collection Texto duplicado
H2 10 US Mountain Ranges Map
H2 US Regions Map
H2 US Map Collection: The 50 States of America
H2 State Outlines: Blank Maps of the 50 United States
H2 Satellite Map of USA – United States of America
H2 US Road Map: Interstate Highways in the United States
H2 The Presidential Election Map Collection of America
H2 Map of the United States of America
H2 Lakes and Rivers Map of the United States
H2 Physical Map of the United States
H2 The United States Map Collection: 30 Defining Maps of America
H2 Map of USA – United States of America
H2 US County Map of the United States
H2 US Temperature Map
H2 United States Map with Capitals
H4 Reference
H4 Landmarks
H4 Administration
H4 Lakes and Rivers
H4 DWG to SHP – CAD Files in GIS Texto duplicado
H4 Spatial Patterns in Geography and GIS
H4 GeoAI: Artificial Intelligence in Geography
H4 What’s the Difference Between Hexagon Binning and Rectangular Binning?
H4 AI Maps: Is This Our Future?
H4 Digitizing Tips: 15 Must-Know Editing Tools in ArcGIS Pro
H4 Digital Mapping: Paper Maps to Computer Cartography
H4 5 Key Skills in GIS: A Guide for New Professionals
H4 7 GIS Internships To Kickstart Your Career
H4 What’s the Difference Between CAD and GIS?
H4 Best of in 2023
H4 Is the IBM Data Science Certificate Worth It?
H4 As-Built Drawings in CAD
H4 Triangular Irregular Network (TIN)
H4 7 Aerial Imagery and Photography Sources (Free and Paid)
H4 HydroSHEDS GIS Data For Water Management
H4 Free UAV & Drone Imagery in Geospatial Format
H4 5 Live Satellite Maps to See Earth in Real-Time
H4 How the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Works
H4 Public Land Survey System (PLSS) vs Dominion Land Survey (DLS)
H4 Map Symbology in Cartography
H4 What Is 3D Mapping? A Beginner’s Guide
H4 What Is Underground Mapping?
H4 Earthquake Maps for Disaster Response
H4 What Are Waypoints?
H4 LiDAR vs. Photogrammetry: A Guide to Mapping Technologies
H4 BlackSky vs Planet vs Maxar – 10 Differences in Technology
H4 10 Uses and Applications of GPS Technology
H4 Ground Truthing: Verify Remotely Collected Data‍
H4 Differential GPS: What It Is and How to Use It
H4 5 Maps with Street View To See Your House
H4 Best Dashboards for Mapping
H4 What is ArcGIS Maps for Sharepoint
H4 A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Excel Maps
H4 7 Alternatives to Google Maps for Navigation
H4 Best Photogrammetry Software in Geomatics
H4 About Us
H4 Categories
H5 Want to learn GIS? How about geography? You’ve come to the right place.
H6 What Are Waypoints? Texto duplicado
H6 How the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Works Texto duplicado
H6 Public Land Survey System (PLSS) vs Dominion Land Survey (DLS) Texto duplicado
H6 5 Maps with Street View To See Your House Texto duplicado
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Esta página no contiene ningún enlace externo.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to content GISGeography
/gis-software/Software Maps
/world-atlas/World Atlas duplicado IMG-ALT GISGeography
/gis-software/SOFTWARE MAPS
/world-atlas/WORLD ATLAS
/dwg-to-shp/IMG-ALT DWG to SHP Feature
/category/gis-analysis/GIS Analysis
/dwg-to-shp/DWG to SHP – CAD Files in GIS
/dwg-to-shp/Read More DWG to SHP – CAD Files in GIS
/what-are-waypoints/IMG-ALT What Are Waypoints
/what-are-waypoints/What Are Waypoints?
/public-land-survey-system-plss/IMG-ALT How the Public Land Survey System PLSS Works
/public-land-survey-system-plss/How the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Works
/public-land-survey-system-pls...IMG-ALT Public Land Survey System PLSS vs Dominion Land Survey DLS
/public-land-survey-system-pls...Public Land Survey System (PLSS) vs Dominion Land Survey (DLS)
/street-view-maps/IMG-ALT Maps with Streetview Feature
/street-view-maps/5 Maps with Street View To See Your House
/us-map-collection/Nueva ventana Reference
/us-county-map/Nueva ventana Administration
/lakes-rivers-map-united-states/Nueva ventana Lakes and Rivers
/physical-map-united-states/IMG-ALT US Physical Map ancla Texto duplicado Analysis ancla Texto duplicado Career ancla Texto duplicado Datasets ancla Texto duplicado Mapping ancla Texto duplicado Sensors ancla Texto duplicado Software
/dwg-to-shp/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT DWG to SHP Feature
/category/gis-analysis/Texto duplicado GIS Analysis
/dwg-to-shp/Texto duplicado DWG to SHP – CAD Files in GIS
/spatial-patterns/IMG-ALT Spatial Patterns Feature
/category/gis-analysis/Texto duplicado GIS Analysis
/spatial-patterns/Spatial Patterns in Geography and GIS GeoAI
/category/gis-analysis/Texto duplicado GIS Analysis Artificial Intelligence in Geography
/hexagon-binning/IMG-ALT Hexagon Binning
/category/gis-analysis/Texto duplicado GIS Analysis
/hexagon-binning/What’s the Difference Between Hexagon Binning and Rectangular Binning? AI Maps
/category/gis-analysis/Texto duplicado GIS Analysis Maps: Is This Our Future?
/digitizing-editing-tools-arcg...IMG-ALT GIS Digitizing Editing ArcGIS-Pro
/category/gis-analysis/Texto duplicado GIS Analysis
/digitizing-editing-tools-arcg...Digitizing Tips: 15 Must-Know Editing Tools in ArcGIS Pro
/digital-mapping/IMG-ALT Digital Mapping
/category/gis-career/GIS Career
/digital-mapping/Digital Mapping: Paper Maps to Computer Cartography
/gis-skills/IMG-ALT GIS Skills
/category/gis-career/Texto duplicado GIS Career
/gis-skills/5 Key Skills in GIS: A Guide for New Professionals
/gis-internships/IMG-ALT GIS Internships
/category/gis-career/Texto duplicado GIS Career
/gis-internships/7 GIS Internships To Kickstart Your Career
/cad-gis-differences/IMG-ALT CAD vs GIS
/category/gis-career/Texto duplicado GIS Career
/cad-gis-differences/What’s the Difference Between CAD and GIS?
/best-of-gisgeography/IMG-ALT Best Of 2023
/category/gis-career/Texto duplicado GIS Career
/best-of-gisgeography/Best of in 2023
/ibm-data-science-professional...IMG-ALT IBM Data Science Professional Certificate
/category/gis-career/Texto duplicado GIS Career
/ibm-data-science-professional...Is the IBM Data Science Certificate Worth It?
/as-built-drawings/IMG-ALT As-Built Drawings
/category/data-sources/Data Sources
/as-built-drawings/As-Built Drawings in CAD
/triangular-irregular-network-...IMG-ALT TIN Feature
/category/data-sources/Texto duplicado Data Sources
/triangular-irregular-network-...Triangular Irregular Network (TIN)
/aerial-imagery-sources/IMG-ALT Aerial Imagery and Photography Sources
/category/data-sources/Texto duplicado Data Sources
/aerial-imagery-sources/7 Aerial Imagery and Photography Sources (Free and Paid)
/hydrosheds/IMG-ALT HydroSHEDS
/category/data-sources/Texto duplicado Data Sources
/hydrosheds/HydroSHEDS GIS Data For Water Management
/free-uav-drone-imagery/IMG-ALT Free UAV Drone Imagery
/category/data-sources/Texto duplicado Data Sources
/free-uav-drone-imagery/Free UAV & Drone Imagery in Geospatial Format
/live-satellite-map/IMG-ALT Real-Time Satellite Map
/category/data-sources/Texto duplicado Data Sources
/live-satellite-map/5 Live Satellite Maps to See Earth in Real-Time
/public-land-survey-system-plss/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT How the Public Land Survey System PLSS Works
/category/maps-cartography/Maps & Cartography
/public-land-survey-system-plss/Texto duplicado How the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Works
/public-land-survey-system-pls...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Public Land Survey System PLSS vs Dominion Land Survey DLS
/category/maps-cartography/Texto duplicado Maps & Cartography
/public-land-survey-system-pls...Texto duplicado Public Land Survey System (PLSS) vs Dominion Land Survey (DLS)
/map-symbology/IMG-ALT Map Symbology
/category/maps-cartography/Texto duplicado Maps & Cartography
/map-symbology/Map Symbology in Cartography
/3d-mapping/IMG-ALT 3D Mapping
/category/maps-cartography/Texto duplicado Maps & Cartography
/3d-mapping/What Is 3D Mapping? A Beginner’s Guide
/what-is-underground-mapping/IMG-ALT Underground Mapping
/category/maps-cartography/Texto duplicado Maps & Cartography
/what-is-underground-mapping/What Is Underground Mapping?
/earthquake-maps/IMG-ALT Earthquake Maps
/category/maps-cartography/Texto duplicado Maps & Cartography
/earthquake-maps/Earthquake Maps for Disaster Response
/what-are-waypoints/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT What Are Waypoints
/category/remote-sensing/Remote Sensing
/what-are-waypoints/Texto duplicado What Are Waypoints?
/lidar-vs-photogrammetry/IMG-ALT Lidar vs Photogrammetry Feature
/category/remote-sensing/Texto duplicado Remote Sensing
/lidar-vs-photogrammetry/LiDAR vs. Photogrammetry: A Guide to Mapping Technologies
/blacksky-planet-maxar/IMG-ALT BlackSky vs Maxar vs Planet
/category/remote-sensing/Texto duplicado Remote Sensing
/blacksky-planet-maxar/BlackSky vs Planet vs Maxar – 10 Differences in Technology
/gps-uses/IMG-ALT GPS Uses and Applications
/category/remote-sensing/Texto duplicado Remote Sensing
/gps-uses/10 Uses and Applications of GPS Technology
/ground-truthing/IMG-ALT Ground Truthing
/category/remote-sensing/Texto duplicado Remote Sensing
/ground-truthing/Ground Truthing: Verify Remotely Collected Data‍
/differential-gps/IMG-ALT Differential GPS
/category/remote-sensing/Texto duplicado Remote Sensing
/differential-gps/Differential GPS: What It Is and How to Use It
/street-view-maps/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Maps with Streetview Feature
/category/software/Texto duplicado Software
/street-view-maps/Texto duplicado 5 Maps with Street View To See Your House
/best-map-dashboards/IMG-ALT Best Map Dashboards
/category/software/Texto duplicado Software
/best-map-dashboards/Best Dashboards for Mapping
/arcgis-maps-for-sharepoint/IMG-ALT ArcGIS For Sharepoint
/category/software/Texto duplicado Software
/arcgis-maps-for-sharepoint/What is ArcGIS Maps for Sharepoint
/excel-maps/IMG-ALT Excel Maps Feature
/category/software/Texto duplicado Software
/excel-maps/A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Excel Maps
/google-maps-alternatives/IMG-ALT Google Maps Alternatives
/category/software/Texto duplicado Software
/google-maps-alternatives/7 Alternatives to Google Maps for Navigation
/photogrammetry-software/IMG-ALT Best Photogrammetry Software
/category/software/Texto duplicado Software
/photogrammetry-software/Best Photogrammetry Software in Geomatics
/north-america-map/NORTH AMERICA
/south-america-map/SOUTH AMERICA
/us-mountain-ranges-map/IMG-ALT US Mountain Ranges Map Feature
/us-mountain-ranges-map/10 US Mountain Ranges Map
/us-regions-map/IMG-ALT US Regions Map
/us-regions-map/Texto duplicado US Regions Map
/us-map-collection/IMG-ALT US States Map
/us-map-collection/US Map Collection: The 50 States of America
/state-outlines-blank-maps-uni...IMG-ALT United States Country Outline
/state-outlines-blank-maps-uni...State Outlines: Blank Maps of the 50 United States
/satellite-map-usa/IMG-ALT US Satellite Image
/satellite-map-usa/Satellite Map of USA – United States of America
/us-road-map/IMG-ALT US Highway Map Feature
/us-road-map/US Road Map: Interstate Highways in the United States
/presidential-election-map-col...IMG-ALT US Election 2008 Feature
/presidential-election-map-col...The Presidential Election Map Collection of America
/united-states-of-america-map/IMG-ALT United States Map Feature
/united-states-of-america-map/Map of the United States of America
/lakes-rivers-map-united-states/IMG-ALT US Lakes Rivers Feature
/lakes-rivers-map-united-states/Lakes and Rivers Map of the United States
/physical-map-united-states/IMG-ALT US Physical Map Feature
/physical-map-united-states/Physical Map of the United States
/united-states-map-collection/IMG-ALT US Map Collection
/united-states-map-collection/The United States Map Collection: 30 Defining Maps of America
/map-of-usa/IMG-ALT Map USA Feature
/map-of-usa/Map of USA – United States of America
/us-county-map/IMG-ALT US County Map Feature
/us-county-map/US County Map of the United States
/us-temperature-map/IMG-ALT US Temperature Map Feature
/us-temperature-map/US Temperature Map
/united-states-map-with-capitals/IMG-ALT US Map Capitals Feature
/united-states-map-with-capitals/United States Map with Capitals
/tag/us-map-collection/See All US Maps ▸
/about-us/About Us
/articles/Articles Us
/how-to-cite/How To Cite
/privacy-policy/Privacy Policy
/terms-service/Terms of Service
/category/gis-analysis/Texto duplicado Analysis
/category/gis-career/Texto duplicado Career
/category/data-sources/Texto duplicado Data Sources
/learn-gis/Learn GIS
/category/world-atlas/Texto duplicado World Atlas
/category/us-maps/Texto duplicado US Maps
/category/remote-sensing/Texto duplicado Remote Sensing
/category/software/Texto duplicado Software
/gis-analysis/Texto duplicado Analysis
/gis-career/Texto duplicado Career
/gis-datasets/Texto duplicado Datasets
/gis-mapping/Texto duplicado Mapping
/remote-sensing/Texto duplicado Sensors
/gis-software/Texto duplicado Software duplicado US Maps
/world-atlas/Texto duplicado World Atlas

Configuración del servidor

Redirecciones HTTP
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página redirige a "".
Cabecera HTTP
La cabecera X-Powered-by no se envía en la cabecera de la página.
Esta página utiliza GZip para la transmisión de datos comprimidos.
(Poco importante)
Con 2,60 segundos, el tiempo de respuesta de la página es superior al límite recomendado de 0,4 segundos. Un tiempo de respuesta elevado ralentiza innecesariamente el rastreo de los buscadores y propicia una mala experiencia de uso.
El tamaño HTML de la página es adecuado: 292 kB.

Cabecera HTTP

last-modifiedWed, 10 Apr 2024 13:56:17 GMT
cache-controlmax-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
expiresMon, 29 Oct 1923 20:30:00 GMT
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Factores externos

Listas negras
Esta página no está clasificada como “contenido para adultos”.
Esta página recibe enlaces de calidad de otros sitios web.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 3.062 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 45.736 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 2.165 direcciones IP distintas.
Popularidad en Facebook
(Poco importante)
Esta página tiene 0 compartir y comentarios en Facebook.

Backlinks desde Wikipedia

No se ha encontrado ningún enlace lanzado desde la Wikipedia.

Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Home - GIS Geography
Want to learn GIS? How about geography? You’ve come to the right place. is the headquarters for all things geospatial,

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
GIS Geography93%Check
Learn GIS79%Check
GIS Mapping70%Check
GIS Data70%Check
GIS Software69%Check
GIS Internships69%Check

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