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171,00 kB
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182 internos / 9 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Switzerland's finest since 1928 | Gottlieber
La longitud del título es óptima (380 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Gottlieber Spezialitäten AG is an independent owner-managed manufacturing company. Since 1928, it has developed, produced and marketed its unique top-quality filled wafer rolls known as Gottlieber Hüppen, employing both passion and specialist knowledge to maintain the traditions of Swiss artisanal confectionery.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se identifica ningún error en los enlaces alternate/hreflang.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
No se detecta ningún favicon enlazado en el código HTML.


descriptionGottlieber Spezialitäten AG is an independent owner-managed manufacturing company. Since 1928, it has developed, produced and marketed its unique top-quality filled wafer rolls known as Gottlieber Hüppen, employing both passion and specialist knowledge to maintain the traditions of Swiss artisanal confectionery.
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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Solo se han encontrado 2 párrafos en esta página.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 892 palabras.
Un 21% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 20 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 18 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 33 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
.../gottlieber/img/rebrand/logo_rebrand.svgGottlieber Spezialitäten AG
...eber/img/rebrand/logo_rebrand_mobile.svgGottlieber Spezialitäten AG
...-slider_Weihnachtsfoto 2024-a1e87e1a.jpgMerry Christmas from Gottlieben
...onlineshop_home-slider_eule-b955eaed.jpgExperience the magic of winter
...images/c/Home-Slider_240909-fa7fd0b9.jpgCocoa almonds and hazelnuts with white chocolate
...Slider_Hot-Chocolate-Sticks-c6d2c5bc.jpgHot Chocolate Sticks with mini marshmallows
...ertgutschein-zum-ausdrucken-9e987498.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...eppen_winter-eule-20-stueck-1f0dd27e.pngCarece de atributo ALT
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/assets/images/5/id-9-05a30e87-24be81dd.pngCarece de atributo ALTück-70bd5dec.pngPraliné Hüppen 10 Stück «Swiss Edition»Praliné Hüppen 10 Stück «Swiss Edition»
...lage_schatzkistli_1440x1440-a0ebdaf5.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...ets/images/4/id-21-d2e34d11-4741c9eb.pngCarece de atributo ALT
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...schatzkistli_hueppen-genuss-58b15c6c.pngCarece de atributo ALT
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Gottlieber Sweets & Coffees
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 26 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Gottlieber Sweets & Coffees
H2 Product highlights
H2 Wafer Rolls
H2 Elegant wooden cases
H2 Gift guide
H2 Winter delights
H2 Happy new year!
H2 Trusted Shops Award 2024 received
H2 Gottlieber Hüppen - Quality and Pleasure since 1928
H2 Elegant gifts for the team
H3 Gift voucher print@home
H3 Tradition «Winter dreams owl» (20 pieces)
H3 Gift collection winter II «Snowman»
H3 «Honey & Tartufi» wooden case collection
H3 «Swiss Edition» praline (10 pieces)
H3 Treasure Box «Lekker & lecker»
H3 Hot Chocolate Stick «Milk»
H3 Wooden case collection «Mountain Love»
H3 Gift collection «GRANDE Italia»
H3 Treasure Box No 2: «The pleasure of wafer rolls»
H3 Gottlieber Newsletter
H3 Gottlieber Product Brochure
H6 Subscribe to our newsletter and benefit from promotions and product news.
H6 Your Benefits
H6 Payment Methods
H6 Follow us on
Página base:
El texto ancla es una URL.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
16 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 9 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/de/produktsucheSin texto
/ihr-kontoSin texto
/ihr-kontoSin texto
/en/online-shop/cartShopping Cart 0 duplicado Newsletter
/de/produktsucheSin texto
/ihr-kontoSin texto navigation
A-TITLE Online-Shop
/en/online-shop/current-newCurrent & New
A-TITLE Discover new creations and the latest products from the Gottlieber Hüppenbäckerei.
/en/online-shop/current-new/ne...New Products
A-TITLE New products from Gottlieber
/en/online-shop/current-new/ha...Happy New Year
A-TITLE Happy New Year!
/en/online-shop/current-new/ch...Chocolate delights
A-TITLE Fine delicacies with cacao and chocolate
/en/online-shop/current-new/wi...Winter delights
A-TITLE Winter delights
/en/online-shop/current-new/sp...Special Offer
A-TITLE Special Offer
/en/online-shop/hueppenGottlieber Wafer Rolls
A-TITLE The original since 1928
/en/online-shop/hueppen/tradit...Tradition, Classic & Swiss Line
A-TITLE Tradition, Classic & Swiss Line
/en/online-shop/hueppen/royal-...Royal Edition
A-TITLE The exclusive indulgence
/en/online-shop/hueppen/specia...Special Editions
A-TITLE Fruity flavors and trends
/en/online-shop/hueppen/mini-w...Mini Wafer Rolls
A-TITLE Mini Wafer Rolls
/en/online-shop/decorative-tin...Switzerland Collection
A-TITLE With picturesque scenes
/en/online-shop/hueppen/bulk-p...Bulk Packs of wafer rolls
A-TITLE Bulk Packs of wafer rolls
/en/online-shop/decorative-tinsDecorative Tins
A-TITLE Wafer rolls in elegant motif tins
/en/online-shop/decorative-tin...All decorative tins
A-TITLE High-quality decorative tins from Gottlieber
/en/online-shop/decorative-tin...Artists' tins by Rolf Knie
A-TITLE Artists' tins by Rolf Knie
/en/online-shop/hueppen/tin-co...Seasonal Decorative Tins
A-TITLE Elegant creations for any time of the year
/en/online-shop/decorative-tin...Gottlieber Decorative Tins
A-TITLE Motifs for enthusiasts
/en/online-shop/decorative-tin...Texto duplicado Switzerland Collection
A-TITLE Switzerland Collection
/en/online-shop/gift-setsGift Sets
A-TITLE Gottlieber gift sets
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/gift...Gift Collections
A-TITLE Gottlieber Gift Collections combined with wines and spirits
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/trea...Treasure Box Collections
A-TITLE Gottlieber Treasure Box Collections in an elegant gift box
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/wood...Wooden Case Collections
A-TITLE Gottlieber Wooden Case Collections - gifts for every occasion
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/gift...Wafer rolls combined with vouchers
A-TITLE Gottlieber Wafer rolls combined with vouchers
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/week...Gourmet and Advent Calendars
A-TITLE Gottlieber 7-day gourmet calendars and Advent Calendars
/en/online-shop/chocolate-spec...Chocolate specialities & Spread
A-TITLE Chocolate specialities & Spread
/en/online-shop/chocolate-spec...«Morning Delight» Spread
A-TITLE «Morning Delight» Spread
/en/online-shop/chocolate-spec...Cocoa Almonds & Hazelnuts
A-TITLE Cocoa Almonds & Hazelnuts
A-TITLE Tartufi
/en/online-shop/rahmtafeli«Rahmtäfeli» Caramels
A-TITLE «Rahmtäfeli»
/en/online-shop/drinking-choco...Drinking Chocolate, Tea and Coffee
A-TITLE Drinking chocolate, fine tea and coffee flavors
/en/online-shop/drinking-choco...Drinking chocolate
A-TITLE Premium chocolate indulgence to drink
/en/online-shop/tea-coffee/teaTea assortment
A-TITLE Gottlieber tea assortment with wonderful flavours in fine tea tins
/en/online-shop/tea-coffee/coffeeCoffee beans
A-TITLE Gottlieber coffee beans for fine coffee
/en/online-shop/vegan-productsVegan products
A-TITLE Vegan products
/en/online-shop/gift-vouchersGift Vouchers
A-TITLE Gottlieber gift vouchers for every occasion
/en/online-shop/susse-blumengr...Flower gifts from Fleurop and Gottlieber
A-TITLE Flower gifts from Fleurop and Gottlieber
/en/online-shop/gottlieber-bou...Gottlieber Boutique
A-TITLE Gottlieber accessories for everyday life
/en/online-shop/gottlieber-ges...Gottlieber gift guide
A-TITLE Gottlieber gift guide - the perfect gift every time
/en/sortiment-fur-firmenkunden...Corporate Clients
A-TITLE Corporate Clients
/en/sortiment-fur-firmenkunden...Corporate gifts for customers & employees
A-TITLE Corporate gifts for customers & employees
/en/corporate-clients/personal...Personalised Gifts
A-TITLE Personalised Gifts with Gottlieber delicacies
/en/corporate-clients/wafer-ro...NEW: Wafer rolls in a wooden box
A-TITLE NEW: Wafer rolls in a wooden box
/en/corporate-clients/personal...Wafer Rolls with Carton Sleeves
A-TITLE Wafer Rolls with Carton Sleeves
/en/corporate-clients/personal...Edit Christmas motif templates
A-TITLE Edit Christmas motif templates
/en/corporate-clients/personal...Wafer Rolls in Decorative Tins
A-TITLE Wafer Rolls in Decorative Tins
/en/corporate-clients/personal...Wafer Rolls in the Delicacy Box
A-TITLE Wafer Rolls in the Delicacy Box
/en/corporate-clients/personal...Wooden box with individual laser engraving
A-TITLE Gottlieber wooden box with laser engraving and individual filling
/en/corporate-clients/personal...Wafer Roll Foil with your Design
A-TITLE Wafer Roll Foil with your Design
/en/corporate-clients/personal...Mini Wafer Roll Table Dispenser
A-TITLE Mini Wafer Roll Table Dispenser
/en/corporate-clients/personal...Spread «Morning delight» with individual banderole
A-TITLE Spread «Morning delight» with individual banderole
/en/corporate-clients/personal...Bespoke Special Orders
A-TITLE Bespoke Special Orders
/en/corporate-clients/personal...Gift Paper and Ribbons
A-TITLE Gift Paper and Ribbons
/en/corporate-clients/geschenk...Gift ideas under CHF 25
A-TITLE Gift ideas under CHF 25
/en/corporate-clients/gift-ide...Gift ideas under CHF 50
A-TITLE Gift ideas under CHF 50
/en/corporate-clients/how-you-...How you Benefit
A-TITLE How you Benefit as a Corporate Client
/en/corporate-clients/client-t...Customer feedback
A-TITLE Customer feedback - what corporate clients had to say about Gottlieber
A-TITLE Contact
/en/shops-cafeShops & Café
A-TITLE Shops & Café
/en/shops-cafe/basel-barfussliBasel «BarFüssli»
A-TITLE Basel «BarFüssli»
/en/shops-cafe/seecafe-gottliebenSeecafé Gottlieben
A-TITLE Seecafé Gottlieben
/en/shops-cafe/pfaffikon-szPfäffikon SZ
A-TITLE Pfäffikon SZ
A-TITLE Regensdorf
A-TITLE Winterthur
/en/shops-cafe/shop-in-shop-in...Shop-in-Shop in St. Gallen and Zug
A-TITLE Shop-in-Shop in St. Gallen and Zug
/en/about-us/retailerOther Retailers
A-TITLE Other Retailers
/en/about-usAbout us
A-TITLE About us
A-TITLE History
/en/about-us/swiss-handicraftSwiss Handicraft
A-TITLE Swiss Handicraft
A-TITLE Philosophy
A-TITLE Retailer
/en/about-us/media-about-usMedia about us
A-TITLE Media about us
/en/workshop-toursTours & Workshop
A-TITLE Tours & Workshop
/en/workshop-tours/toursGuided tours
A-TITLE Guided tours
/en/workshop-tours/chocolate-w...Chocolate Workshops
A-TITLE Chocolate Workshops
/en/workshop-tours/ideen-manuf...Idea Factory
A-TITLE Idea Factory
/en/contactTexto duplicado Contact
A-TITLE Contact duplicado Newsletter
/de/produktsucheSin texto
/ihr-kontoSin texto Deutsch
A-TITLE Original Gottlieber Hüppen - Tradition seit 1928
/en/online-shop/cartTexto duplicado Shopping Cart 0 duplicado Skip navigation
/en/online-shop/current-newTexto duplicado Online-Shop
A-TITLE Online-Shop
/en/online-shop/current-newTexto duplicado Current & New
A-TITLE Discover new creations and the latest products from the Gottlieber Hüppenbäckerei.
/en/online-shop/hueppenTexto duplicado Gottlieber Wafer Rolls
A-TITLE The original since 1928
/en/online-shop/decorative-tinsTexto duplicado Decorative Tins
A-TITLE Wafer rolls in elegant motif tins
/en/online-shop/gift-setsTexto duplicado Gift Sets
A-TITLE Gottlieber gift sets
/en/online-shop/chocolate-spec...Texto duplicado Chocolate specialities & Spread
A-TITLE Chocolate specialities & Spread
/en/online-shop/rahmtafeliTexto duplicado «Rahmtäfeli» Caramels
A-TITLE «Rahmtäfeli»
/en/online-shop/drinking-choco...Texto duplicado Drinking Chocolate, Tea and Coffee
A-TITLE Drinking chocolate, fine tea and coffee flavors
/en/online-shop/vegan-productsTexto duplicado Vegan products
A-TITLE Vegan products
/en/online-shop/gift-vouchersTexto duplicado Gift Vouchers
A-TITLE Gottlieber gift vouchers for every occasion
/en/online-shop/susse-blumengr...Texto duplicado Flower gifts from Fleurop and Gottlieber
A-TITLE Flower gifts from Fleurop and Gottlieber
/en/online-shop/gottlieber-bou...Texto duplicado Gottlieber Boutique
A-TITLE Gottlieber accessories for everyday life
/en/online-shop/gottlieber-ges...Texto duplicado Gottlieber gift guide
A-TITLE Gottlieber gift guide - the perfect gift every time
/en/sortiment-fur-firmenkunden...Texto duplicado Corporate Clients
A-TITLE Corporate Clients
/en/sortiment-fur-firmenkunden...Texto duplicado Corporate gifts for customers & employees
A-TITLE Corporate gifts for customers & employees
/en/corporate-clients/personal...Texto duplicado Personalised Gifts
A-TITLE Personalised Gifts with Gottlieber delicacies
/en/corporate-clients/geschenk...Texto duplicado Gift ideas under CHF 25
A-TITLE Gift ideas under CHF 25
/en/corporate-clients/gift-ide...Texto duplicado Gift ideas under CHF 50
A-TITLE Gift ideas under CHF 50
/en/corporate-clients/how-you-...Texto duplicado How you Benefit
A-TITLE How you Benefit as a Corporate Client
/en/corporate-clients/client-t...Texto duplicado Customer feedback
A-TITLE Customer feedback - what corporate clients had to say about Gottlieber
/en/corporate-clients/contactTexto duplicado Contact
A-TITLE Contact
/en/shops-cafeTexto duplicado Shops & Café
A-TITLE Shops & Café
/en/shops-cafe/aarauTexto duplicado Aarau
/en/shops-cafe/basel-barfussliTexto duplicado Basel «BarFüssli»
A-TITLE Basel «BarFüssli»
/en/shops-cafe/seecafe-gottliebenTexto duplicado Seecafé Gottlieben
A-TITLE Seecafé Gottlieben
/en/shops-cafe/pfaffikon-szTexto duplicado Pfäffikon SZ
A-TITLE Pfäffikon SZ
/en/shops-cafe/regensdorfTexto duplicado Regensdorf
A-TITLE Regensdorf
/en/shops-cafe/winterthurTexto duplicado Winterthur
A-TITLE Winterthur
/en/shops-cafe/shop-in-shop-in...Texto duplicado Shop-in-Shop in St. Gallen and Zug
A-TITLE Shop-in-Shop in St. Gallen and Zug
/en/about-us/retailerTexto duplicado Other Retailers
A-TITLE Other Retailers
/en/about-usTexto duplicado About us
A-TITLE About us
/en/about-us/historyTexto duplicado History
A-TITLE History
/en/about-us/swiss-handicraftTexto duplicado Swiss Handicraft
A-TITLE Swiss Handicraft
/en/about-us/philosophyTexto duplicado Philosophy
A-TITLE Philosophy
/en/about-us/retailerTexto duplicado Retailer
A-TITLE Retailer
/en/about-us/media-about-usTexto duplicado Media about us
A-TITLE Media about us
/en/workshop-toursTexto duplicado Tours & Workshop
A-TITLE Tours & Workshop
/en/workshop-tours/toursTexto duplicado Guided tours
A-TITLE Guided tours
/en/workshop-tours/chocolate-w...Texto duplicado Chocolate Workshops
A-TITLE Chocolate Workshops
/en/workshop-tours/ideen-manuf...Texto duplicado Idea Factory
A-TITLE Idea Factory
/en/contactTexto duplicado Contact
A-TITLE Contact Gottlieber Spezialitäten AG
/de/online-shop/aktuell-neu/ne...DISCOVER NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS NOW
/de/online-shop/aktuell-neu/we...Discover now
A-TITLE Discover now
/en/online-shop/chocolate-spec...Discover more
A-TITLE Discover more
/en/online-shop/drinking-choco...Texto duplicado Discover more
A-TITLE Discover more
/en/online-shop/gift-vouchers/...Sin texto
/en/online-shop/gift-vouchers/...Gift voucher print@home
A-TITLE View Details ventana Externo Subdominio +
/en/online-shop/hueppen/tradit...Sin texto
/en/online-shop/hueppen/tradit...Tradition «Winter dreams owl» (20 pieces)
A-TITLE View Details
/en/online-shop/hueppen/tin-co...Sin texto
/en/online-shop/hueppen/tin-co...Gift collection winter II «Snowman»
A-TITLE View Details
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/wood...Sin texto
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/wood...«Honey & Tartufi» wooden case collection
A-TITLE View Details
/en/online-shop/hueppen/tradit...IMG-ALT Praliné Hüppen 10 Stück «Swiss Edition»
A-TITLE Praliné Hüppen 10 Stück «Swiss Edition»
/en/online-shop/hueppen/tradit...«Swiss Edition» praline (10 pieces)
A-TITLE View Details
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/trea...Sin texto
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/trea...Treasure Box «Lekker & lecker»
A-TITLE View Details
/en/online-shop/drinking-choco...Sin texto
/en/online-shop/drinking-choco...Hot Chocolate Stick «Milk»
A-TITLE View Details
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/wood...Sin texto
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/wood...Wooden case collection «Mountain Love»
A-TITLE View Details
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/gift...Sin texto
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/gift...Gift collection «GRANDE Italia»
A-TITLE View Details
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/trea...Sin texto
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/trea...Treasure Box No 2: «The pleasure of wafer rolls»
A-TITLE View Details
/en/online-shop/hueppenWafer Rolls The original since 1928
/en/online-shop/gift-sets/wood...Elegant wooden cases News gift ideas
/en/online-shop/gottlieber-ges...Gift guide Tips for suitable gifts
/en/online-shop/current-new/wi...Winter delights during the cold season
/en/online-shop/current-new/ha...Happy new year! Give the gift of happiness
/de/ueber-uns/medien-ueber-unsTrusted Shops Award 2024 received Media release in German
/en/online-shop/current-newGo to the Online Shop
A-TITLE Go to the Online Shop
/en/sortiment-fur-firmenkunden...To the assortment for corporate gifts
A-TITLE To the assortment for corporate gifts
/en/shops-cafe/aarauAarau - In the middle of the shopping street @Orell Füssli Wirz
/en/shops-cafe/basel-barfussliBasel - Above the hustle and bustle of the city center @Orell Füssli Basel
/en/shops-cafe/seecafe-gottliebenGottlieben - Directly at the Seerhein and nature reserve Manufactory store with full assortment
/en/shops-cafe/pfaffikon-szPfäffikon SZ - Sit down and rest at the shopping center @Orell Füssli at Seedamm-Center
/en/shops-cafe/regensdorfRegensdorf - Cozy coffee break while shopping @Orell Füssli at Neuwiesen-Zentrum
/en/shops-cafe/winterthurWinterthur - A unique ambience Three minutes from Winterthur station ventana Externo Subdominio Privacy Policy ventana Externo Subdominio Terms of Service ventana Externo Sin texto ventana Externo BROWSE PRODUCT BROCHURE NOW Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto
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A-TITLE Original Gottlieber Hüppen - Tradition seit 1928
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Switzerland's finest since 1928 | Gottlieber
Gottlieber Spezialitäten AG is an independent owner-managed manufacturing company. Since 1928, it has developed, produced and marketed its unique top-quality filled wafer rolls known as Gottlieber Hüppen, employing both passion and specialist knowledge to maintain the traditions of Swiss artisanal confectionery.

Palabras clave más importantes

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Gottlieber Hüppen74%Check
Gottlieber Spezialitäten70%Check
Gottlieber Wafer Rolls65%Check
Gottlieber Spezialitäten AG63%Check
Wafer Rolls54%Check

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