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Ellingson Properties - Brevard County Florida Real Estate For Sale
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Meta descripción
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Expert real estate agents in Brevard County. We have properties for sale in Melbourne, Cocoa, Viera, Rockledge, Satellite Beach, Indiatlantic & surrounding areas of Central Florida.
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descriptionExpert real estate agents in Brevard County. We have properties for sale in Melbourne, Cocoa, Viera, Rockledge, Satellite Beach, Indiatlantic & surrounding areas of Central Florida.
twitter:titleEllingson Properties - Brevard County Florida Real Estate For Sale
twitter:descriptionExpert real estate agents in Brevard County. We have properties for sale in Melbourne, Cocoa, Viera, Rockledge, Satellite Beach, Indiatlantic & surrounding areas of Central Florida.
og:titleEllingson Properties - Brevard County Florida Real Estate For Sale
og:descriptionExpert real estate agents in Brevard County. We have properties for sale in Melbourne, Cocoa, Viera, Rockledge, Satellite Beach, Indiatlantic & surrounding areas of Central Florida.

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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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/files/slider_photos/thumbs/1-75f.jpgFront elevation of massive estate taken at twilight. Palm trees in forground, light eminating from all windows and arched iron scroll double doors. Home two story light brown with cream trim and columns. Typical Brevard County, FL architecture
/files/slider_photos/thumbs/2-1t-1.jpgtwillight image of 3059 Wyndham Way showing massive paver pool deck and back of home. In foregroud is firepit sitting area with palm trees and bougainvillea. Free form pool with fire bowl features, raised paver spa. Background shows lanai dining and
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/files/slider_photos/thumbs/print-02.jpgCocoa Beach ocean front single family home
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..._listings/md/1517-auburn-lakes-dr-23.jpgCarece de atributo ALT m/f couple with dog on white couch looking at a tabl Properties Office Building Emeldi Lane - Fairway Lakes - Viera
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Ellingson Properties
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Hay 77 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Ellingson Properties
H2 Featured Listings
H2 “Bringing Florida homes to the global marketplace.”
H2 Client Reviews
H2 What We Offer Buyers
H2 What We Offer Sellers
H2 Events and News
H2 Keys to Your Golden Years: Unlocking the Ideal Home for Aging in Place in Melbourne
H2 Property Management and Relocation Services
H2 Get In Touch
H2 Sample Modal
H2 Community Search
H2 Encabezado vacío
H2 Search by Address
H2 Search by MLS
H3 $984,900.00 AND ABOVE
H3 10210 S Tropical Trail Merritt Island, FL 32952
H3 525 N Harbor City Boulevard Melbourne, FL 32935
H3 1515 N Highway A1a Unit #401 Indialantic, FL 32903
H3 303 Harrison Avenue Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
H3 1435 S Harbor City Boulevard Unit #1001 Melbourne, FL 32901
H3 2651 Crooked Antler Drive Melbourne, FL 32934
H3 2872 Emeldi Lane Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 1434 Arundel Way Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 720 Nightingale Drive Indialantic, FL 32903
H3 1291 Lake Washington Road Unit #2 Melbourne, FL 32935
H3 3962 Tradewinds Trail Merritt Island, FL 32953
H3 4065 Domain Court Melbourne, FL 32934
H3 $970,000.00 - $620,000.00 PRICE RANGE
H3 5336 Kirkwall Circle Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 3711 Durksly Drive Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 505 Island Court Indian Harbour Beach, FL 32937
H3 3180 Hilliard Court Melbourne, FL 32934
H3 1150 Old Parsonage Drive Merritt Island, FL 32952
H3 35 Loch Ness Drive Rockledge, FL 32955
H3 2200 Caravan Place Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 230 Baytree Drive Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 1253 Great Belt Circle Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 732 Bayside Drive Unit #502 Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
H3 1517 Auburn Lakes Drive Rockledge, FL 32955
H3 3618 Kennesaw Place Melbourne, FL 32934
H3 $459,000.00 - $375,000.00 PRICE RANGE
H3 815 Yacolt Road Palm Bay, FL 32909
H3 2365 Oak Creek Circle Melbourne, FL 32935
H3 4805 Citrus Boulevard Cocoa, FL 32926
H3 582 Dawson Drive Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 618 Mimosa Court Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 6626 Pacheco Lane Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 1233 Honeybee Lane Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 1764 Velky Lane Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 690 Thomas Barbour Drive Melbourne, FL 32935
H3 1137 Carol Avenue Titusville, FL 32780
H3 1436 N Martinez Street Palm Bay, FL 32909
H3 745 Remington Green Drive Palm Bay, FL 32909
H3 $355,000.00 AND BELOW
H3 3238 Cutty Sark Way Indialantic, FL 32903
H3 978 Beechfern Lane Rockledge, FL 32955
H3 2650 Bernice Court Melbourne, FL 32935
H3 371 Cressa Circle Cocoa, FL 32926
H3 1576 Peregrine Circle Unit #204 Rockledge, FL 32955
H3 1410 Huntington Lane Unit #1402 Rockledge, FL 32955
H3 2212 Woodfield Circle Melbourne, FL 32904
H3 2436 Addington Circle Rockledge, FL 32955
H3 6411 Borasco Drive Unit #216 Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 1239 Walnut Grove Way Rockledge, FL 32955
H3 1532 Laramie Circle Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 1701 La Maderia Drive Palm Bay, FL 32908
H3 273 E Towne Place Titusville, FL 32796
H3 1309 Harrison Street Titusville, FL 32780
H3 6451 Borasco Drive Unit #2609 Melbourne, FL 32940
H3 Upcoming Open Houses
H3 Our Affiliates
H3 Submit Your Testimonial
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 9 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to Content Greg Ellingson Logo Home
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/search/city.htmlBrevard MLS Search
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/buyers.htmlBuyers Information
/buyers/military-relocations.htmlMilitary Relocations
/buyers/corporate-relocations....Corporate Relocations
/fun-facts.htmlFun Facts
/neighborhood-guide.htmlNeighborhood Guide
/sellers.htmlSellers Information
/sellers/marketing-strategies....Marketing Strategies
/sellers/selling-your-home.htmlSelling Your Home
/sellers/corporate-relocation....Texto duplicado Corporate Relocations
/property-management-our-servi...Client Services
/property-management-about-us....About Us
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/echelon-builders-client-servi...Texto duplicado Client Services
/echelon-builders-about.htmlTexto duplicado About Us
/echelon-builders-team.htmlTexto duplicado The Team
/echelon-builders-the-process....The Process
/echelon-builders-eco-friendly...Eco Friendly
/galleries/builder-gallery.htmlEchelon Builder Gallery
/echelon-title-about.htmlTexto duplicado About Us
/echelon-title-team.htmlTexto duplicado The Team
/resources.htmlView Resources
/resources/local-school-distri...Schools in Brevard County
/resources/preferred-vendors.htmlPreferred Vendors
/resources/hurricane-preparati...Hurricane Preparation
/mortgage-calculator.htmlMortgage Calculator
/pdf-downloads.htmlPDF Downloads
/galleries.htmlPhoto Galleries
/open-houses.htmlOpen Houses
/the-team.htmlTexto duplicado The Team
/gregellingson.htmlGreg Ellingson
/contact.htmlContact Us
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/listings/commercial/fl/brevar...67 Photos
IMG-ALT 525 N Harbor City Boulevard
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IMG-ALT 1515 N Highway A1a Unit #401
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/listings/residential/fl/breva...94 Photos
IMG-ALT 303 Harrison Avenue
/listings/residential/fl/breva...303 Harrison Avenue Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
/listings/residential/fl/breva...51 Photos
IMG-ALT 1435 S Harbor City Boulevard Unit #1001
/listings/residential/fl/breva...1435 S Harbor City Boulevard Unit #1001 Melbourne, FL 32901
/listings/residential/fl/breva...77 Photos
IMG-ALT 2651 Crooked Antler Drive
/listings/residential/fl/breva...2651 Crooked Antler Drive Melbourne, FL 32934
/listings/residential/fl/breva...46 Photos
IMG-ALT 2872 Emeldi Lane
/listings/residential/fl/breva...2872 Emeldi Lane Melbourne, FL 32940
/listings/residential/fl/breva...53 Photos
IMG-ALT 1434 Arundel Way
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/listings/residential/fl/breva...65 Photos
IMG-ALT 720 Nightingale Drive
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IMG-ALT 1291 Lake Washington Road Unit #2
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/listings/residential/fl/breva...61 Photos
IMG-ALT 3962 Tradewinds Trail
/listings/residential/fl/breva...3962 Tradewinds Trail Merritt Island, FL 32953
/listings/residential/fl/breva...60 Photos
IMG-ALT 4065 Domain Court
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/listings/residential/fl/breva...39 Photos
IMG-ALT 5336 Kirkwall Circle
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/listings/residential/fl/breva...72 Photos
IMG-ALT 3711 Durksly Drive
/listings/residential/fl/breva...3711 Durksly Drive Melbourne, FL 32940
/listings/residential/fl/breva...56 Photos
IMG-ALT 505 Island Court
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/listings/residential/fl/breva...95 Photos
IMG-ALT 3180 Hilliard Court
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IMG-ALT 1150 Old Parsonage Drive
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IMG-ALT 35 Loch Ness Drive
/listings/residential/fl/breva...35 Loch Ness Drive Rockledge, FL 32955
/listings/residential/fl/breva...76 Photos
IMG-ALT 2200 Caravan Place
/listings/residential/fl/breva...2200 Caravan Place Melbourne, FL 32940
/listings/residential/fl/breva...Texto duplicado 46 Photos
IMG-ALT 230 Baytree Drive
/listings/residential/fl/breva...230 Baytree Drive Melbourne, FL 32940
/listings/residential/fl/breva...Texto duplicado 77 Photos
IMG-ALT 1253 Great Belt Circle
/listings/residential/fl/breva...1253 Great Belt Circle Melbourne, FL 32940
/listings/residential/fl/breva...55 Photos
IMG-ALT 732 Bayside Drive Unit #502
/listings/residential/fl/breva...732 Bayside Drive Unit #502 Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
/listings/residential/fl/breva...90 Photos
IMG-ALT 1517 Auburn Lakes Drive
/listings/residential/fl/breva...1517 Auburn Lakes Drive Rockledge, FL 32955
/listings/residential/fl/breva...Texto duplicado 53 Photos
IMG-ALT 3618 Kennesaw Place
/listings/residential/fl/breva...3618 Kennesaw Place Melbourne, FL 32934
/listings/residential/fl/breva...Texto duplicado 46 Photos
IMG-ALT 815 Yacolt Road
/listings/residential/fl/breva...815 Yacolt Road Palm Bay, FL 32909
/listings/residential/fl/breva...Texto duplicado 51 Photos
IMG-ALT 2365 Oak Creek Circle
/listings/residential/fl/breva...2365 Oak Creek Circle Melbourne, FL 32935
/listings/residential/fl/breva...2 Photos
IMG-ALT 4805 Citrus Boulevard
/listings/residential/fl/breva...4805 Citrus Boulevard Cocoa, FL 32926
/listings/residential/fl/breva...57 Photos
IMG-ALT 582 Dawson Drive
/listings/residential/fl/breva...582 Dawson Drive Melbourne, FL 32940
/listings/residential/fl/breva...41 Photos
IMG-ALT 618 Mimosa Court
/listings/residential/fl/breva...618 Mimosa Court Melbourne, FL 32940
/listings/residential/fl/breva...Texto duplicado 55 Photos
IMG-ALT 6626 Pacheco Lane
/listings/residential/fl/breva...6626 Pacheco Lane Melbourne, FL 32940
/listings/residential/fl/breva...37 Photos
IMG-ALT 1233 Honeybee Lane
/listings/residential/fl/breva...1233 Honeybee Lane Melbourne, FL 32940
/listings/residential/fl/breva...Texto duplicado 57 Photos
IMG-ALT 1764 Velky Lane
/listings/residential/fl/breva...1764 Velky Lane Melbourne, FL 32940
/listings/commercial/fl/brevar...13 Photos
IMG-ALT 690 Thomas Barbour Drive
/listings/commercial/fl/brevar...690 Thomas Barbour Drive Melbourne, FL 32935
/listings/residential/fl/breva...40 Photos
IMG-ALT 1137 Carol Avenue
/listings/residential/fl/breva...1137 Carol Avenue Titusville, FL 32780
/listings/residential/fl/breva...Texto duplicado 41 Photos
IMG-ALT 1436 N Martinez Street
/listings/residential/fl/breva...1436 N Martinez Street Palm Bay, FL 32909
/listings/residential/fl/breva...52 Photos
IMG-ALT 745 Remington Green Drive
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/listings/residential/fl/breva...42 Photos
IMG-ALT 3238 Cutty Sark Way
/listings/residential/fl/breva...3238 Cutty Sark Way Indialantic, FL 32903
/listings/residential/fl/breva...30 Photos
IMG-ALT 978 Beechfern Lane
/listings/residential/fl/breva...978 Beechfern Lane Rockledge, FL 32955
/listings/residential/fl/breva...35 Photos
IMG-ALT 2650 Bernice Court
/listings/residential/fl/breva...2650 Bernice Court Melbourne, FL 32935
/listings/residential/fl/breva...44 Photos
IMG-ALT 371 Cressa Circle
/listings/residential/fl/breva...371 Cressa Circle Cocoa, FL 32926
/listings/residential/fl/breva...Texto duplicado 35 Photos
IMG-ALT 1576 Peregrine Circle Unit #204
/listings/residential/fl/breva...1576 Peregrine Circle Unit #204 Rockledge, FL 32955
/listings/residential/fl/breva...34 Photos
IMG-ALT 1410 Huntington Lane Unit #1402
/listings/residential/fl/breva...1410 Huntington Lane Unit #1402 Rockledge, FL 32955
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/me...43 Photos
IMG-ALT 2212 Woodfield Circle
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/me...2212 Woodfield Circle Melbourne, FL 32904
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/ro...22 Photos
IMG-ALT 2436 Addington Circle
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/ro...2436 Addington Circle Rockledge, FL 32955
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/me...Texto duplicado 43 Photos
IMG-ALT 6411 Borasco Drive Unit #216
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/me...6411 Borasco Drive Unit #216 Melbourne, FL 32940
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/ro...48 Photos
IMG-ALT 1239 Walnut Grove Way
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/ro...1239 Walnut Grove Way Rockledge, FL 32955
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/me...28 Photos
IMG-ALT 1532 Laramie Circle
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/me...1532 Laramie Circle Melbourne, FL 32940
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/pa...9 Photos
IMG-ALT 1701 La Maderia Drive
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/pa...1701 La Maderia Drive Palm Bay, FL 32908
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/ti...Texto duplicado 13 Photos
IMG-ALT 273 E Towne Place
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/ti...273 E Towne Place Titusville, FL 32796
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/ti...Texto duplicado 22 Photos
IMG-ALT 1309 Harrison Street
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/ti...1309 Harrison Street Titusville, FL 32780
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/me...16 Photos
IMG-ALT 6451 Borasco Drive Unit #2609
/listings/rental/fl/brevard/me...6451 Borasco Drive Unit #2609 Melbourne, FL 32940
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/city/melbourne-shores-south-b...South Beaches
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Ellingson Properties - Brevard County Florida Real Estate For Sale
Expert real estate agents in Brevard County. We have properties for sale in Melbourne, Cocoa, Viera, Rockledge, Satellite Beach, Indiatlantic & surrounding areas of Central Florida.

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Ellingson Properties81%Check
Ellingson Properties as72%Check
Greg Ellingson69%Check
Properties Real Estate62%Check
Brevard County59%Check

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