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0,12 s
Tamaño HTML
140,50 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
343 internos / 15 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Home - GUNT Gerätebau
La longitud del título es óptima (231 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Equipment for Engineering Education. For technical Universities and Colleges. Made in Germany!
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (601 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-gb
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-gb.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se identifica ningún error en los enlaces alternate/hreflang.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


descriptionEquipment for Engineering Education. For technical Universities and Colleges. Made in Germany!
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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Hay 14 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: GUNT has been known for decades as the leading manufacturer of educati...
  • Texto duplicado 2: GUNT experimental flumes and their accessories open up a wide range of...
  • Texto duplicado 3: You may download catalogues and brochures as well as our extensive "kn...
  • Texto duplicado 4: If you need assistance with your GUNT equipment, you can contact us an...
  • Texto duplicado 5: In addition to our range of equipment we offer training courses and co...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1974 palabras.
Un 23.4% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 25 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 17.97 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Se han encontrado etiquetas de negritas vacías en esta página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 30 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/HM150.jpg- HM 150 digital
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...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/SE200.jpg- MEC Line: engineering mechanics
...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/WL110.jpg- WL 110 series: heat exchangers
...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/Solar.jpg- Solar Line: solar thermal energy
...ue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/Hydrodynamik.jpg- Fluid Line: fluid mechanics
...enue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/Thermoline.jpg- Thermoline: heat transfer
/images/Prktbr_Icons/Menue_Icons/plants.pngPilot & Training Plants - Bild
...tbr_Icons/Menue_Icons/versuchsrinnen.pngFlumes - Bild - Bild
...s/Prktbr_Icons/Menue_Icons/digi_blau.pngGUNT DigiSkills learning projects - Bild
...Prktbr_Icons/Menue_Icons/mediacenter.pngGUNT Media Center - Bild
...cons/Menue_Icons/SKILLS_blau_55x42px.png SKILLS Media Center
...ons/Menue_Icons/SCIENCE_blau_55x42px.png SCIENCE Media Center
...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/HM150.jpg- HM 150 digital
...s/Geraete_Serien/Symbol_Kaelte-Klima.jpg- GUNT Cold Play: Refrigeration and air conditioning technology
...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/SE200.jpg- MEC Line: engineering mechanics
...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/WL110.jpg- WL 110 series: heat exchangers
...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/Solar.jpg- Solar Line: solar thermal energy
...ue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/Hydrodynamik.jpg- Fluid Line: fluid mechanics
...enue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/Thermoline.jpg- Thermoline: heat transfer
...ges/Prktbr_Icons/Menue_Icons/e-learn.pngE-Learning courses - Bild
...tbr_Icons/Menue_Icons/remotelearning.pngRemote learning with GUNT devices - Bild
...tbr_Icons/Menue_Icons/versuchsrinnen.pngFlumes - Bild
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...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/HM150.jpg- HM 150 digital
...s/Geraete_Serien/Symbol_Kaelte-Klima.jpg- GUNT Cold Play: Refrigeration and air conditioning technology
...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/SE200.jpg- MEC Line: engineering mechanics
...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/WL110.jpg- WL 110 series: heat exchangers
...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/Solar.jpg- Solar Line: solar thermal energy
...ue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/Hydrodynamik.jpg- Fluid Line: fluid mechanics
...enue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/Thermoline.jpg- Thermoline: heat transfer
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...tbr_Icons/Menue_Icons/versuchsrinnen.pngFlumes - Bild - Bild
...s/Prktbr_Icons/Menue_Icons/digi_blau.pngGUNT DigiSkills learning projects - Bild
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...cons/Menue_Icons/SKILLS_blau_55x42px.png SKILLS Media Center
...ons/Menue_Icons/SCIENCE_blau_55x42px.png SCIENCE Media Center
...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/HM150.jpg- HM 150 digital
...s/Geraete_Serien/Symbol_Kaelte-Klima.jpg- GUNT Cold Play: Refrigeration and air conditioning technology
...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/SE200.jpg- MEC Line: engineering mechanics
...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/WL110.jpg- WL 110 series: heat exchangers
...ons/Menue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/Solar.jpg- Solar Line: solar thermal energy
...ue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/Hydrodynamik.jpg- Fluid Line: fluid mechanics
...enue_Icons/Geraete_Serien/Thermoline.jpg- Thermoline: heat transfer
...ges/Prktbr_Icons/Menue_Icons/e-learn.pngE-Learning courses - Bild
...tbr_Icons/Menue_Icons/remotelearning.pngRemote learning with GUNT devices - Bild
...tbr_Icons/Menue_Icons/versuchsrinnen.pngFlumes - Bild
/images/Prktbr_Icons/Menue_Icons/plants.pngPilot & Training Plants - Bild
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
G.U.N.T. Hamburg
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (16 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 28 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 G.U.N.T. Hamburg
H2 Equipment for Engineering Education
H2 Encabezado vacío
H2 GUNT DigiSkills 4
H2 Equipment for Engineering Education: Our product programme
H2 Our product programme
H2 News
H2 Encabezado vacío
H3 Energy efficiency in compressed air systems
H3 Hands-on teaching engineering with GUNT’s SMART features
H3 Any questions? We are happy to help...
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 GUNT DigiSkills 4 Texto duplicado
H4 GUNT DigiSkills 5
H4 Augmented Reality
H4 Climate neutrality at GUNT
H4 Regional commitment
H4 Augmented reality
H4 Pilot plants & training plants
H4 Hydraulic engineering: flumes
H4 GUNT DigiSkills
H4 Media Center
H4 Remote Learning
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H5 Engineering mechanics and engineering design
H5 Mechatronics
H5 Thermal engineering
H5 Fluid mechanics
H5 Process engineering
H5 2E Energy & Environment
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
6 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay 15 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Engineering mechanics and engineering design
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Strength of materials
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Machine dynamics
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Engineering design
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Materials testing
/en/products/mechatronics/engi...Engineering drawing – Technical communication
/en/products/mechatronics/cuta...Cutaway models
/en/products/mechatronics/dime...Dimensional metrology
/en/products/mechatronics/fast...Fasteners and machine parts
/en/products/mechatronics/manu...Manufacturing engineering
/en/products/mechatronics/asse...Assembly projects
/en/products/mechatronics/mach...Machinery diagnosis
/en/products/mechatronics/auto...Automation and process control engineering
/en/products/thermal-engineeri...Thermal engineering
/en/products/thermal-engineeri...Fundamentals of thermodynamics
/en/products/thermal-engineeri...Heat exchangers
/en/products/thermal-engineeri...Thermal fluid energy machines
/en/products/thermal-engineeri...Internal combustion engines
/en/products/refrigeration/pri...Principles of cold production
/en/products/refrigeration/fun...Fundamentals of refrigeration
/en/products/refrigeration/the...Thermodynamics of the refrigeration cycle
/en/products/refrigeration/com...Components of refrigeration
/en/products/refrigeration/hea...Heat pumps and ice store
/en/products/refrigeration/sol...Solar cooling
/en/products/refrigeration/ele...Electrical engineering in refrigeration and air conditioning technology
/en/products/refrigeration/ass...Assembly, fault finding, maintenance
/en/products/hvac/heating-tech...Heating technics
/en/products/hvac/air-conditio...Air conditioning technology
/en/products/hvac/renewable-en...Renewable energies in building services engineering
/en/products/hvac/sanitary-sys...Sanitary systems
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/g...Fluid mechanics
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/p...Physical principles
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/s...Steady flow
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/t...Transient flow
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/f...Flow around bodies
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/c...Components in piping systems and plant design
/en/products/fluid-machinery/g...Fluid machinery
/en/products/fluid-machinery/d...Driving machines
/en/products/fluid-machinery/d...Driven machines
/en/products/fluid-machinery/p...Positive displacement machines
/en/products/fluid-machinery/t...Texto duplicado Thermal fluid energy machines
/en/products/fluid-machinery/h...Hydraulic fluid energy machines
/en/products/hydraulics-for-ci...Hydraulics for civil engineering
/en/products/hydraulics-for-ci...Fundamentals of fluid mechanics
/en/products/hydraulics-for-ci...Hydraulic engineering
/en/products/process-engineeri...Process Engineering
/en/products/process-engineeri...Mechanical process engineering
/en/products/process-engineeri...Thermal process engineering
/en/products/process-engineeri...Chemical process engineering
/en/products/process-engineeri...Biological process engineering
/en/products/2e-energy/glct-1:...2E Energy
/en/products/2e-energy/solar-e...Solar energy
/en/products/2e-energy/hydropo...Hydropower and ocean energy
/en/products/2e-energy/wind-po...Wind power
/en/products/2e-energy/geother...Geothermal energy
/en/products/2e-energy/energy-...Energy systems
/en/products/2e-energy/energy-...Energy efficiency in buildings
/en/products/2e-environment/gl...2E Environment
/en/products/equipment-series/...- HM 150 digital
IMG-ALT - HM 150 digital
/en/products/equipment-series/...- GUNT Cold Play: Refrigeration and air conditioning technology
IMG-ALT - GUNT Cold Play: Refrigeration and air conditioning technology
/en/products/equipment-series/...- MEC Line: engineering mechanics
IMG-ALT - MEC Line: engineering mechanics
/en/products/equipment-series/...- WL 110 series: heat exchangers
IMG-ALT - WL 110 series: heat exchangers
/en/products/equipment-series/...- Solar Line: solar thermal energy
IMG-ALT - Solar Line: solar thermal energy
/en/products/equipment-series/...- Fluid Line: fluid mechanics
IMG-ALT - Fluid Line: fluid mechanics
/en/products/equipment-series/...- Thermoline: heat transfer
IMG-ALT - Thermoline: heat transfer
/en/products/pilot-training-pl...PILOT & TRAINING PLANTS
/en/products/pilot-training-pl...IMG-ALT Pilot & Training Plants - Bild
/en/products/flumes/flumes-2IMG-ALT Flumes - Bild
/en/products/downloadIMG-ALT Download - Bild
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskillsGUNT DigiSkills
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...IMG-ALT GUNT DigiSkills learning projects - Bild
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...GUNT DigiSkills learning projects
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...1 Engineering drawing
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...2 Dimensional metrology
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...3 Preventive maintenance
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...4 Energy efficiency in compressed air systems
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...5 Robotics & automation
/en/highlights/gunt-arAugmented reality
/en/highlights/gunt-media-centerGUNT Media Center
/en/highlights/gunt-media-cent...IMG-ALT GUNT Media Center - Bild
/de/highlights/gunt-media-centerTexto ancla SKILLS Media Center
/en/highlights/gunt-media-centerTexto ancla SCIENCE Media Center
/en/highlights/equipment-serie...Texto duplicado - HM 150 digital
IMG-ALT - HM 150 digital
/en/highlights/equipment-serie...Texto duplicado - GUNT Cold Play: Refrigeration and air conditioning technology
IMG-ALT - GUNT Cold Play: Refrigeration and air conditioning technology
/en/highlights/equipment-serie...Texto duplicado - MEC Line: engineering mechanics
IMG-ALT - MEC Line: engineering mechanics
/en/highlights/equipment-serie...Texto duplicado - WL 110 series: heat exchangers
IMG-ALT - WL 110 series: heat exchangers
/en/highlights/equipment-serie...Texto duplicado - Solar Line: solar thermal energy
IMG-ALT - Solar Line: solar thermal energy
/en/highlights/equipment-serie...Texto duplicado - Fluid Line: fluid mechanics
IMG-ALT - Fluid Line: fluid mechanics
/en/highlights/equipment-serie...Texto duplicado - Thermoline: heat transfer
IMG-ALT - Thermoline: heat transfer ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT E-Learning courses - Bild ventana Externo Subdominio - Heat transfer ventana Externo Subdominio - Fluid mechanics ventana Externo Subdominio - Control engineering ventana Externo Subdominio - Wind energy ventana Externo Subdominio - Solar thermal energy
/en/highlights/remote-learningRemote Learning
/en/highlights/remote-learning...IMG-ALT Remote learning with GUNT devices - Bild
/en/highlights/remote-learning...Remote learning with GUNT devices:
/en/highlights/remote-learning...- Upgrade Web Access Box
/en/highlights/remote-learningTexto ancla - Screen mirroring
/en/highlights/remote-learningTexto ancla - Network capable GUNT software
/en/highlights/flumesTexto duplicado Flumes
/en/highlights/flumes/flumes-3Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Flumes - Bild
/en/highlights/pilot-training-...Texto duplicado PILOT & TRAINING PLANTS
/en/highlights/pilot-training-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Pilot & Training Plants - Bild
/en/about-us/company/find-out-...Find out more about us! A look behind the scenes ... ancla - GUNT Timeline
/en/made-in-germany-made-by-g-...Texto ancla - Made in Germany - Made by GUNT
/en/didaktisches-konzept-en/Texto ancla - Didactic concept
/en/component/content/article/...Technical Support
/en/about-us/service-performancesService performances
/index.php?option=com_content&...Contact G.U.N.T. Hamburgçaisñol
/index.php?option=com_gunt&tas...translate duplicado Home
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Texto duplicado Engineering mechanics and engineering design
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Texto duplicado Statics
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Texto duplicado Strength of materials
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Texto duplicado Dynamics
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Texto duplicado Machine dynamics
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Texto duplicado Engineering design
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Texto duplicado Materials testing
/en/products/mechatronics/glct...Texto duplicado Mechatronics
/en/products/mechatronics/engi...Texto duplicado Engineering drawing – Technical communication
/en/products/mechatronics/cuta...Texto duplicado Cutaway models
/en/products/mechatronics/dime...Texto duplicado Dimensional metrology
/en/products/mechatronics/fast...Texto duplicado Fasteners and machine parts
/en/products/mechatronics/manu...Texto duplicado Manufacturing engineering
/en/products/mechatronics/asse...Texto duplicado Assembly projects
/en/products/mechatronics/main...Texto duplicado Maintenance
/en/products/mechatronics/mach...Texto duplicado Machinery diagnosis
/en/products/mechatronics/auto...Texto duplicado Automation and process control engineering
/en/products/thermal-engineeri...Texto duplicado Thermal engineering
/en/products/thermal-engineeri...Texto duplicado Fundamentals of thermodynamics
/en/products/thermal-engineeri...Texto duplicado Heat exchangers
/en/products/thermal-engineeri...Texto duplicado Thermal fluid energy machines
/en/products/thermal-engineeri...Texto duplicado Internal combustion engines
/en/products/refrigeration/glc...Texto duplicado Refrigeration
/en/products/refrigeration/pri...Texto duplicado Principles of cold production
/en/products/refrigeration/fun...Texto duplicado Fundamentals of refrigeration
/en/products/refrigeration/the...Texto duplicado Thermodynamics of the refrigeration cycle
/en/products/refrigeration/com...Texto duplicado Components of refrigeration
/en/products/refrigeration/hea...Texto duplicado Heat pumps and ice store
/en/products/refrigeration/sol...Texto duplicado Solar cooling
/en/products/refrigeration/ele...Texto duplicado Electrical engineering in refrigeration and air conditioning technology
/en/products/refrigeration/ass...Texto duplicado Assembly, fault finding, maintenance
/en/products/hvac/glct-1:pa-14...Texto duplicado HVAC
/en/products/hvac/heating-tech...Texto duplicado Heating technics
/en/products/hvac/air-conditio...Texto duplicado Air conditioning technology
/en/products/hvac/ventilation/...Texto duplicado Ventilation
/en/products/hvac/renewable-en...Texto duplicado Renewable energies in building services engineering
/en/products/hvac/sanitary-sys...Texto duplicado Sanitary systems
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/g...Texto duplicado Fluid mechanics
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/p...Texto duplicado Physical principles
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/s...Texto duplicado Steady flow
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/t...Texto duplicado Transient flow
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/f...Texto duplicado Flow around bodies
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/c...Texto duplicado Components in piping systems and plant design
/en/products/fluid-machinery/g...Texto duplicado Fluid machinery
/en/products/fluid-machinery/d...Texto duplicado Driving machines
/en/products/fluid-machinery/d...Texto duplicado Driven machines
/en/products/fluid-machinery/t...Texto duplicado Turbomachines
/en/products/fluid-machinery/p...Texto duplicado Positive displacement machines
/en/products/fluid-machinery/t...Texto duplicado Thermal fluid energy machines
/en/products/fluid-machinery/h...Texto duplicado Hydraulic fluid energy machines
/en/products/hydraulics-for-ci...Texto duplicado Hydraulics for civil engineering
/en/products/hydraulics-for-ci...Texto duplicado Fundamentals of fluid mechanics
/en/products/hydraulics-for-ci...Texto duplicado Hydraulic engineering
/en/products/process-engineeri...Texto duplicado Process Engineering
/en/products/process-engineeri...Texto duplicado Mechanical process engineering
/en/products/process-engineeri...Texto duplicado Thermal process engineering
/en/products/process-engineeri...Texto duplicado Chemical process engineering
/en/products/process-engineeri...Texto duplicado Biological process engineering
/en/products/2e-energy/glct-1:...Texto duplicado 2E Energy
/en/products/2e-energy/solar-e...Texto duplicado Solar energy
/en/products/2e-energy/hydropo...Texto duplicado Hydropower and ocean energy
/en/products/2e-energy/wind-po...Texto duplicado Wind power
/en/products/2e-energy/biomass...Texto duplicado Biomass
/en/products/2e-energy/geother...Texto duplicado Geothermal energy
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/en/products/2e-environment/ai...Texto duplicado Air
/en/products/2e-environment/so...Texto duplicado Soil
/en/products/2e-environment/wa...Texto duplicado Waste
/en/products/equipment-series/...Texto duplicado - HM 150 digital
IMG-ALT - HM 150 digital
/en/products/equipment-series/...Texto duplicado - GUNT Cold Play: Refrigeration and air conditioning technology
IMG-ALT - GUNT Cold Play: Refrigeration and air conditioning technology
/en/products/equipment-series/...Texto duplicado - MEC Line: engineering mechanics
IMG-ALT - MEC Line: engineering mechanics
/en/products/equipment-series/...Texto duplicado - WL 110 series: heat exchangers
IMG-ALT - WL 110 series: heat exchangers
/en/products/equipment-series/...Texto duplicado - Solar Line: solar thermal energy
IMG-ALT - Solar Line: solar thermal energy
/en/products/equipment-series/...Texto duplicado - Fluid Line: fluid mechanics
IMG-ALT - Fluid Line: fluid mechanics
/en/products/equipment-series/...Texto duplicado - Thermoline: heat transfer
IMG-ALT - Thermoline: heat transfer
/en/products/pilot-training-pl...Texto duplicado PILOT & TRAINING PLANTS
/en/products/pilot-training-pl...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Pilot & Training Plants - Bild
/en/products/flumesTexto duplicado Flumes
/en/products/flumes/flumes-2Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Flumes - Bild
/en/products/download?view=wis...Texto duplicado Download
/en/products/downloadTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Download - Bild duplicado News
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskillsTexto duplicado GUNT DigiSkills
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT GUNT DigiSkills learning projects - Bild
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...Texto duplicado GUNT DigiSkills learning projects
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...Texto duplicado 1 Engineering drawing
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...Texto duplicado 2 Dimensional metrology
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...Texto duplicado 3 Preventive maintenance
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...Texto duplicado 4 Energy efficiency in compressed air systems
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...Texto duplicado 5 Robotics & automation
/en/highlights/gunt-arTexto duplicado Augmented reality
/en/highlights/gunt-media-centerTexto duplicado GUNT Media Center
/en/highlights/gunt-media-cent...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT GUNT Media Center - Bild
/de/highlights/gunt-media-centerTexto ancla Texto duplicado SKILLS Media Center
/en/highlights/gunt-media-centerTexto ancla Texto duplicado SCIENCE Media Center
/en/highlights/equipment-serie...Texto duplicado - HM 150 digital
IMG-ALT - HM 150 digital
/en/highlights/equipment-serie...Texto duplicado - GUNT Cold Play: Refrigeration and air conditioning technology
IMG-ALT - GUNT Cold Play: Refrigeration and air conditioning technology
/en/highlights/equipment-serie...Texto duplicado - MEC Line: engineering mechanics
IMG-ALT - MEC Line: engineering mechanics
/en/highlights/equipment-serie...Texto duplicado - WL 110 series: heat exchangers
IMG-ALT - WL 110 series: heat exchangers
/en/highlights/equipment-serie...Texto duplicado - Solar Line: solar thermal energy
IMG-ALT - Solar Line: solar thermal energy
/en/highlights/equipment-serie...Texto duplicado - Fluid Line: fluid mechanics
IMG-ALT - Fluid Line: fluid mechanics
/en/highlights/equipment-serie...Texto duplicado - Thermoline: heat transfer
IMG-ALT - Thermoline: heat transfer ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT E-Learning courses - Bild ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado - Heat transfer ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado - Fluid mechanics ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado - Control engineering ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado - Wind energy ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado - Solar thermal energy
/en/highlights/remote-learningTexto duplicado Remote Learning
/en/highlights/remote-learning...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Remote learning with GUNT devices - Bild
/en/highlights/remote-learning...Texto duplicado Remote learning with GUNT devices:
/en/highlights/remote-learning...Texto duplicado - Upgrade Web Access Box
/en/highlights/remote-learningTexto ancla Texto duplicado - Screen mirroring
/en/highlights/remote-learningTexto ancla Texto duplicado - Network capable GUNT software
/en/highlights/flumesTexto duplicado Flumes
/en/highlights/flumes/flumes-3Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Flumes - Bild
/en/highlights/pilot-training-...Texto duplicado PILOT & TRAINING PLANTS
/en/highlights/pilot-training-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Pilot & Training Plants - Bild
/en/about-us/companyTexto duplicado Company
/en/about-us/company/find-out-...Texto duplicado Find out more about us! A look behind the scenes ... ancla Texto duplicado - GUNT Timeline
/en/made-in-germany-made-by-g-...Texto ancla Texto duplicado - Made in Germany - Made by GUNT
/en/didaktisches-konzept-en/Texto ancla Texto duplicado - Didactic concept
/en/component/content/article/...Texto duplicado Technical Support
/en/about-us/service-performancesTexto duplicado Service performances
/index.php?option=com_content&...Texto duplicado Contact duplicado deutsch duplicado français duplicado español
/index.php?option=com_gunt&tas...Texto duplicado translate
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...Nueva ventana IMG-ALT DigiSkills 4
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...further information...
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...GUNT DigiSkills 5
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...Subdominio GUNT DigiSkills 1
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...GUNT DigiSkills 2
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...GUNT DigiSkills 3
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Texto duplicado Statics
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Texto duplicado Strength of materials
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Texto duplicado Dynamics
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Texto duplicado Machine dynamics
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Texto duplicado Engineering design
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Texto duplicado Materials testing
/en/products/mechatronics/engi...Texto duplicado Engineering drawing – Technical communication
/en/products/mechatronics/cuta...Texto duplicado Cutaway models
/en/products/mechatronics/dime...Texto duplicado Dimensional metrology
/en/products/mechatronics/fast...Texto duplicado Fasteners and machine parts
/en/products/mechatronics/manu...Texto duplicado Manufacturing engineering
/en/products/mechatronics/asse...Texto duplicado Assembly projects
/en/products/mechatronics/main...Texto duplicado Maintenance
/en/products/mechatronics/mach...Texto duplicado Machinery diagnosis
/en/products/mechatronics/auto...Texto duplicado Automation and process control engineering
/en/products/thermal-engineeri...Texto duplicado Fundamentals of thermodynamics
/en/products/thermal-engineeri...Texto duplicado Heat exchangers
/en/products/thermal-engineeri...Texto duplicado Thermal fluid energy machines
/en/products/thermal-engineeri...Texto duplicado Internal combustion engines
/en/products/refrigeration/glc...Texto duplicado Refrigeration
/en/products/hvac/glct-1:pa-14...Texto duplicado HVAC
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/p...Texto duplicado Physical principles
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/s...Texto duplicado Steady flow
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/t...Texto duplicado Transient flow
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/f...Texto duplicado Flow around bodies
/en/products/fluid-mechanics/c...Texto duplicado Components in piping systems and plant design
/en/products/fluid-machinery/t...Texto duplicado Turbomachines
/en/products/fluid-machinery/p...Texto duplicado Positive displacement machines
/en/products/hydraulics-for-ci...Texto duplicado Hydraulic engineering
/en/products/process-engineeri...Texto duplicado Thermal process engineering
/en/products/process-engineeri...Texto duplicado Mechanical process engineering
/en/products/process-engineeri...Texto duplicado Chemical process engineering
/en/products/process-engineeri...Texto duplicado Biological process engineering
/en/products/2e-energy/solar-e...Texto duplicado Solar energy
/en/products/2e-energy/hydropo...Texto duplicado Hydropower and ocean energy
/en/products/2e-energy/wind-po...Texto duplicado Wind power
/en/products/2e-energy/biomass...Texto duplicado Biomass
/en/products/2e-energy/geother...Texto duplicado Geothermal energy
/en/products/2e-energy/energy-...Texto duplicado Energy systems
/en/products/2e-energy/energy-...Texto duplicado Energy efficiency in buildings
/en/products/2e-environment/wa...Texto duplicado Water
/en/products/2e-environment/ai...Texto duplicado Air
/en/products/2e-environment/so...Texto duplicado Soil
/en/products/2e-environment/wa...Texto duplicado Waste
/images/download/Shortform_eng...Nueva ventana » catalogue
/en/news-neu/new-catalogue-sho...Nueva ventana » further information...
/en/products/equipment-series/...Nueva ventana » HM 150 Hydraulics Bench
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...Nueva ventana Sin texto
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...Nueva ventana » DigiSkills 4
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskills...Nueva ventana » DigiSkills 5
/en/highlights/gunt-arNueva ventana IMG-ALT ar
/en/highlights/gunt-arNueva ventana » further information
/en/highlights/pilot-training-...Nueva ventana IMG-ALT Plnts Cards 800x600px
/en/highlights/pilot-training-...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado » further information
/en/highlights/flumesNueva ventana IMG-ALT Flumes Cards 800x600px
/en/highlights/flumesNueva ventana Texto duplicado » further information
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskillsNueva ventana IMG-ALT Ref1 Cards 800x600px
/en/highlights/gunt-digiskillsNueva ventana Texto duplicado » further information
/en/highlights/gunt-media-centerNueva ventana IMG-ALT Media Center 800x600px
/en/highlights/gunt-media-centerNueva ventana Texto duplicado » further information
/en/highlights/remote-learningNueva ventana IMG-ALT Remote Cards 800x600px
/en/highlights/remote-learningNueva ventana Texto duplicado » further information
/en/products/engineering-mecha...Sin texto
/en/about-us/service-performancesSin texto
/en/about-us/service-performancesSin texto
/en/made-in-germany-made-by-g-...Texto ancla Sin texto
/en/made-in-germany-made-by-g-...Texto ancla Sin texto
/en/highlights/pilot-training-...Sin texto
/en/highlights/pilot-training-...Sin texto
/en/made-in-germany-made-by-g-...Texto ancla Sin texto
/en/made-in-germany-made-by-g-...Texto ancla Sin texto
/en/made-in-germany-made-by-g-...Texto ancla Sin texto
/en/made-in-germany-made-by-g-...Texto ancla Sin texto ancla Sin texto
/en/didaktisches-konzept-enTexto ancla Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Newsletter ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Newsletter us
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Home - GUNT Gerätebau
Equipment for Engineering Education. For technical Universities and Colleges. Made in Germany!

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Engineering Education57%Check
GUNT DigiSkills55%Check
Engineering mechanics55%Check
Process Engineering53%Check
engineering design53%Check
GUNT Gerätebau53%Check

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