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0,70 s
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96,50 kB
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204 internos / 35 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Ohio State Health & Discovery | Health, wellness and innovation news
Con 628 píxeles, el título de esta página es demasiado largo. Optimizar el título
Algunas palabras se repiten en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Today's health news explained, Ohio State Health & Discovery provides information you can trust. Visit our site to learn more about Ohio State Health & Discovery.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


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descriptionToday's health news explained, Ohio State Health & Discovery provides information you can trust. Visit our site to learn more about Ohio State Health & Discovery.
twitter:titleOhio State Health & Discovery | Health, wellness and innovation news
twitter:descriptionOhio State Health & Discovery | Answering your everyday questions and giving you the deeper story on today’s health, wellness, innovation and discovery news. @OSUWexMed
og:titleOhio State Health & Discovery | Health, wellness and innovation news
og:descriptionOhio State Health & Discovery | Health, wellness and innovation news

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1286 palabras.
Un 27.7% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 7 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 17.23 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: subscribe..
Algunas etiquetas de negritas son demasiado largas (más de 70 caracteres). Con 136 caracteres:
"ohio state health & discovery is your source for health, wellness, innovation, research and science ne...".
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
La descripción del atributo ALT se utiliza correctamente en todas las imágenes rastreadas.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...en&hash=9CD747DE7C098479D9D55531134163BEOhio State Block O
...en&hash=1A1CB8473E21B037DCD32E317CE9B55FThe Ohio State University
...en&hash=41A3AFF0FBE9120D109E0EBEF782E0EEOhio State Health and Discovery
...en&hash=41A3AFF0FBE9120D109E0EBEF782E0EEOhio State Health and Discovery
...-to-be-perfect/mother-child-homework.jpgStudy finds pressure to be perfect leads to parental burnout
...lth/images/stories/2024/05/hydration.jpgWhen do you really need to add hydration tablets or other electrolytes to your exercise?
...mages/stories/2024/05/women-athletic.jpgUterine fibroids can be treated — even without losing your uterus
...ories/2024/05/man-exercise-breathing.jpgIs it asthma or a vocal cord dysfunction?
...h/images/stories/2024/05/school-hall.jpgCould radon gas in your basement or child’s school increase your family’s lung cancer risk?
...ages/stories/2024/05/hand-horizontal.jpgHow deep brain stimulation is used to treat Parkinson’s, epilepsy and other disorders
...ges/stories/2024/05/woman-wheelchair.jpgHow multiple sclerosis changes with age Talks: Bringing mobile lung cancer screenings to the underserved
...mages/stories/2024/05/women-athletic.jpgUterine fibroids can be treated — even without losing your uterus
...lth/images/stories/2024/05/hydration.jpgWhen do you really need to add hydration tablets or other electrolytes to your exercise? reconstruction restores ‘normal life’ to patients after head traumas
...-to-be-perfect/mother-child-homework.jpgStudy finds pressure to be perfect leads to parental burnout
...-students-volunteer/comm-clinic-mast.jpgGiving back: Health care students serve across the community
...en&hash=41A3AFF0FBE9120D109E0EBEF782E0EEOhio State Health & Discovery logo
...en&hash=4D08C796A9C8A9F3271524BA10879120The Ohio State University
...en&hash=41A3AFF0FBE9120D109E0EBEF782E0EEOhio State Health & Discovery logo

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Ohio State Health & Discovery | Health, wellness and innovation news
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 48 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Ohio State Health & Discovery | Health, wellness and innovation news
H2 In the News
H2 Recent Videos
H2 Articles On Health
H2 Topics
H2 Articles On Wellness
H2 Topics Texto duplicado
H2 Articles On Discovery & Innovation
H2 Topics Texto duplicado
H2 Articles On Community Health
H2 Topics Texto duplicado
H2 Articles On Teaching & Learning
H2 Topics Texto duplicado
H2 Subscribe
H3 Study finds pressure to be perfect leads to parental burnout
H3 When do you really need to add hydration tablets or other electrolytes to your exercise?
H3 Uterine fibroids can be treated — even without losing your uterus
H3 Is it asthma or a vocal cord dysfunction?
H3 Could radon gas in your basement or child’s school increase your family’s lung cancer risk?
H3 Dr. Jessica Yih on younger patients seeking vasectomies after Roe v. Wade overturn
H3 Dr. Chyke Doubeni listed in Becker's Black health care leaders to know
H3 Former library site becomes Ohio State Healthy Community Center on Near East Side
H3 Dr. Andrew Bowman weighs in on bird flu cases likely missed in dairy workers
H3 Professor’s transformative approach to teaching anatomy
H3 How deep brain stimulation is used to treat Parkinson’s, epilepsy and other disorders
H3 How multiple sclerosis changes with age
H3 Health Talks: Bringing mobile lung cancer screenings to the underserved
H3 Uterine fibroids can be treated — even without losing your uterus Texto duplicado
H3 Is it asthma or a vocal cord dysfunction? Texto duplicado
H3 Should a preventive full-body MRI be considered for screening?
H3 How deep brain stimulation is used to treat Parkinson’s, epilepsy and other disorders Texto duplicado
H3 When do you really need to add hydration tablets or other electrolytes to your exercise? Texto duplicado
H3 When to take the keys from elderly drivers
H3 Disaster prep: kits, shelter and know-how for the next calamity
H3 How to cook cicadas, which, yes, are edible
H3 Skull reconstruction restores ‘normal life’ to patients after head traumas
H3 Leading the next generation of robotic surgery technology
H3 Life-changing gene therapy expanding beyond neurological conditions
H3 How gene therapy changed everything for child born with AADC deficiency
H3 Study finds pressure to be perfect leads to parental burnout Texto duplicado
H3 New Healthy Community Center transforms historic library into beacon of wellness
H3 Making health equity more than a dream
H3 Parenting’s new crisis: the loneliness epidemic
H3 Giving back: Health care students serve across the community
H3 Ohio State, Columbus State build blueprint for job-ready surgical techs to fill vital need
H3 Professor’s transformative approach to teaching anatomy Texto duplicado
H3 Medical school journey year by year
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
Hay 1 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (35) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Ohio State Block O ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT The Ohio State University Ohio State Health and Discovery
/utility/about-usAbout Us ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado The Ohio State University ventana Externo Subdominio College of Dentistry ventana Externo Subdominio College of Medicine ventana Externo Subdominio College of Nursing ventana Externo Subdominio College of Optometry ventana Externo Subdominio College of Pharmacy ventana Externo Subdominio College of Public Health ventana Externo Subdominio College of Veterinary Medicine ventana Externo Subdominio Ohio State Wexner Medical Center Subdominio Ohio State's Comprehensive Cancer Center – James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute ventana Externo Subdominio Give duplicado IMG-ALT Ohio State Health and Discovery
/health/animal-healthAnimal Health
/health/bone-and-jointBone & Joint
/health/brain-and-spineBrain & Spine
/health/dental-healthDental Health
/health/eye-healthEye Health
/health/family-healthFamily Health
/health/general-healthGeneral Health
/health/heart-and-vascularHeart & Vascular
/health/mental-healthMental Health
/health/sexual-healthSexual Health
/health/skin-and-bodySkin and Body
/health/virus-and-infectionVirus & Infection
/health/womens-healthWomen's Health all articles and topics
/wellness/exercise-and-nutritionExercise & Nutrition
/wellness/integrative-healingIntegrative Healing
/wellness/preventionPrevention duplicado View all articles and topics
/discovery-and-innovationDiscovery & Innovation
/discovery-and-innovation/one-...One Health
/discovery-and-innovation/rese...Research Advances
/discovery-and-innovation/trea...Treatment Advances
/discovery-and-innovationTexto duplicado View all articles and topics
/community-healthCommunity Health
/community-health/equity-and-raceEquity & Race
/community-health/health-and-s...Health & Society
/community-health/substance-useSubstance Use
/community-healthTexto duplicado View all articles and topics
/teaching-and-learningTeaching & Learning
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Teaching Advancements
/teaching-and-learningTexto duplicado View all articles and topics
/utility/about-usTexto duplicado About Us ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Give ancla Subscribe duplicado Health duplicado Wellness
/discovery-and-innovationTexto duplicado Discovery & Innovation
/community-healthTexto duplicado Community Health
/teaching-and-learningTexto duplicado Teaching & Learning ancla Texto duplicado Subscribe
/community-health/health-and-s...Subdominio IMG-ALT Study finds pressure to be perfect leads to parental burnout
/community-health/health-and-s...Health and Society
/community-health/health-and-s...Subdominio Texto duplicado Study finds pressure to be perfect leads to parental burnout
/wellness/exercise-and-nutriti...Subdominio IMG-ALT When do you really need to add hydration tablets or other electrolytes to your exercise?
/wellness/exercise-and-nutritionExercise and Nutrition
/wellness/exercise-and-nutriti...Subdominio Texto duplicado When do you really need to add hydration tablets or other electrolytes to your exercise?
/health/womens-health/how-to-t...Subdominio IMG-ALT Uterine fibroids can be treated — even without losing your uterus
/health/womens-healthTexto duplicado Women's Health
/health/womens-health/how-to-t...Subdominio Texto duplicado Uterine fibroids can be treated — even without losing your uterus
/health/general-health/asthma-...Subdominio IMG-ALT Is it asthma or a vocal cord dysfunction?
/health/general-healthTexto duplicado General Health
/health/general-health/asthma-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Is it asthma or a vocal cord dysfunction?
/health/cancer/radon-lung-cancerSubdominio IMG-ALT Could radon gas in your basement or child’s school increase your family’s lung cancer risk?
/health/cancerTexto duplicado Cancer
/health/cancer/radon-lung-cancerSubdominio Texto duplicado Could radon gas in your basement or child’s school increase your family’s lung cancer risk? ventana Externo Subdominio Los Angeles Times ventana Externo Subdominio Dr. Jessica Yih on younger patients seeking vasectomies after Roe v. Wade overturn
https://www.beckershospitalrev...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Becker's Hospital Review
https://www.beckershospitalrev...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Dr. Chyke Doubeni listed in Becker's Black health care leaders to know ventana Externo Subdominio The Columbus Dispatch ventana Externo Subdominio Former library site becomes Ohio State Healthy Community Center on Near East Side ventana Externo Subdominio NBC News ventana Externo Subdominio Dr. Andrew Bowman weighs in on bird flu cases likely missed in dairy workers
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Texto duplicado Teaching Advancements
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Subdominio Professor’s transformative approach to teaching anatomy
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Subdominio Texto ancla no relevante
Read More
/health/brain-and-spine/dbs-is...Subdominio IMG-ALT How deep brain stimulation is used to treat Parkinson’s, epilepsy and other disorders
/health/brain-and-spineBrain and Spine
/health/brain-and-spine/dbs-is...Subdominio Texto duplicado How deep brain stimulation is used to treat Parkinson’s, epilepsy and other disorders
/health/brain-and-spine/aging-...Subdominio IMG-ALT How multiple sclerosis changes with age
/health/brain-and-spineTexto duplicado Brain and Spine
/health/brain-and-spine/aging-...Subdominio Texto duplicado How multiple sclerosis changes with age
/health/cancer/mobile-lung-can...Subdominio IMG-ALT Health Talks: Bringing mobile lung cancer screenings to the underserved
/health/cancerTexto duplicado Cancer
/health/cancer/mobile-lung-can...Subdominio Texto duplicado Health Talks: Bringing mobile lung cancer screenings to the underserved all Videos
/health/womens-health/how-to-t...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Uterine fibroids can be treated — even without losing your uterus
/health/womens-healthTexto duplicado Women's Health
/health/womens-health/how-to-t...Subdominio Texto duplicado Uterine fibroids can be treated — even without losing your uterus
/health/general-healthTexto duplicado General Health
/health/general-health/asthma-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Is it asthma or a vocal cord dysfunction?
/health/general-healthTexto duplicado General Health
/health/general-health/full-bo...Subdominio Should a preventive full-body MRI be considered for screening?
/health/brain-and-spineTexto duplicado Brain and Spine
/health/brain-and-spine/dbs-is...Subdominio Texto duplicado How deep brain stimulation is used to treat Parkinson’s, epilepsy and other disorders
/health/brain-and-spine/dbs-is...Subdominio Watch
/health/animal-healthTexto duplicado Animal Health
/health/bone-and-jointBone and Joint
/health/brain-and-spineTexto duplicado Brain and Spine
/health/cancerTexto duplicado Cancer
/health/dental-healthTexto duplicado Dental Health
/health/eye-healthTexto duplicado Eye Health
/health/family-healthTexto duplicado Family Health
/health/general-healthTexto duplicado General Health
/health/heart-and-vascularHeart and Vascular
/health/mental-healthTexto duplicado Mental Health
/health/ob-gynTexto duplicado Ob/Gyn
/health/sexual-healthTexto duplicado Sexual Health
/health/skin-and-bodyTexto duplicado Skin and Body
/health/sleepTexto duplicado Sleep
/health/virus-and-infectionVirus and Infection
/health/womens-healthTexto duplicado Women's Health duplicado View all articles and topics more on Health
/wellness/exercise-and-nutriti...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT When do you really need to add hydration tablets or other electrolytes to your exercise?
/wellness/exercise-and-nutritionTexto duplicado Exercise and Nutrition
/wellness/exercise-and-nutriti...Subdominio Texto duplicado When do you really need to add hydration tablets or other electrolytes to your exercise?
/wellness/agingTexto duplicado Aging
/wellness/aging/taking-away-th...Subdominio When to take the keys from elderly drivers
/wellness/preventionTexto duplicado Prevention
/wellness/prevention/disaster-...Subdominio Disaster prep: kits, shelter and know-how for the next calamity
/wellness/exercise-and-nutritionTexto duplicado Exercise and Nutrition
/wellness/exercise-and-nutriti...Subdominio How to cook cicadas, which, yes, are edible
/wellness/agingTexto duplicado Aging
/wellness/exercise-and-nutritionTexto duplicado Exercise and Nutrition
/wellness/integrative-healingTexto duplicado Integrative Healing
/wellness/preventionTexto duplicado Prevention duplicado View all articles and topics more on Wellness
/discovery-and-innovation/trea...Subdominio IMG-ALT Skull reconstruction restores ‘normal life’ to patients after head traumas
/discovery-and-innovation/trea...Texto duplicado Treatment Advances
/discovery-and-innovation/trea...Subdominio Texto duplicado Skull reconstruction restores ‘normal life’ to patients after head traumas
/discovery-and-innovation/trea...Texto duplicado Treatment Advances
/discovery-and-innovation/trea...Subdominio Leading the next generation of robotic surgery technology
/discovery-and-innovation/rese...Texto duplicado Research Advances
/discovery-and-innovation/rese...Subdominio Life-changing gene therapy expanding beyond neurological conditions
/discovery-and-innovation/trea...Texto duplicado Treatment Advances
/discovery-and-innovation/trea...Subdominio How gene therapy changed everything for child born with AADC deficiency
/discovery-and-innovation/trea...Subdominio Texto duplicado Watch
/discovery-and-innovation/one-...Texto duplicado One Health
/discovery-and-innovation/rese...Texto duplicado Research Advances
/discovery-and-innovation/trea...Texto duplicado Treatment Advances
/discovery-and-innovationTexto duplicado View all articles and topics
/discovery-and-innovationRead more on Discovery & Innovation
/community-health/health-and-s...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Study finds pressure to be perfect leads to parental burnout
/community-health/health-and-s...Texto duplicado Health and Society
/community-health/health-and-s...Subdominio Texto duplicado Study finds pressure to be perfect leads to parental burnout
/community-health/health-and-s...Texto duplicado Health and Society
/community-health/health-and-s...Subdominio New Healthy Community Center transforms historic library into beacon of wellness
/community-health/equity-and-raceEquity and Race
/community-health/equity-and-r...Subdominio Making health equity more than a dream
/community-health/health-and-s...Texto duplicado Health and Society
/community-health/health-and-s...Subdominio Parenting’s new crisis: the loneliness epidemic
/community-health/equity-and-raceTexto duplicado Equity and Race
/community-health/health-and-s...Texto duplicado Health and Society
/community-health/substance-useTexto duplicado Substance Use
/community-healthTexto duplicado View all articles and topics
/community-healthRead more on Community Health
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Subdominio IMG-ALT Giving back: Health care students serve across the community
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Texto duplicado Teaching Advancements
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Subdominio Texto duplicado Giving back: Health care students serve across the community
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Texto duplicado Teaching Advancements
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Subdominio Ohio State, Columbus State build blueprint for job-ready surgical techs to fill vital need
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Texto duplicado Teaching Advancements
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Subdominio Texto duplicado Professor’s transformative approach to teaching anatomy
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Texto duplicado Teaching Advancements
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Subdominio Medical school journey year by year
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Texto duplicado Teaching Advancements
/teaching-and-learningTexto duplicado View all articles and topics
/teaching-and-learningRead more on Teaching & Learning
/utility/terms-of-useSubdominio Terms of Use
/utility/privacy-statementSubdominio Privacy Policy ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado The Ohio State University ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado College of Dentistry ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado College of Medicine ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado College of Nursing ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado College of Optometry ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado College of Pharmacy ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado College of Public Health ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado College of Veterinary Medicine ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Ohio State Wexner Medical Center ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Ohio State's Comprehensive Cancer Center – James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute
/utility/about-usAbout Ohio State Health & Discovery ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Give ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT The Ohio State University duplicado Health
/health/animal-healthTexto duplicado Animal Health
/health/bone-and-jointTexto duplicado Bone & Joint
/health/brain-and-spineTexto duplicado Brain & Spine
/health/cancerTexto duplicado Cancer
/health/dental-healthTexto duplicado Dental Health
/health/eye-healthTexto duplicado Eye Health
/health/family-healthTexto duplicado Family Health
/health/general-healthTexto duplicado General Health
/health/heart-and-vascularTexto duplicado Heart & Vascular
/health/mental-healthTexto duplicado Mental Health
/health/ob-gynTexto duplicado Ob/Gyn
/health/sexual-healthTexto duplicado Sexual Health
/health/skin-and-bodyTexto duplicado Skin and Body
/health/sleepTexto duplicado Sleep
/health/virus-and-infectionTexto duplicado Virus & Infection
/health/womens-healthTexto duplicado Women's Health duplicado View all articles and topics duplicado Wellness
/wellness/agingTexto duplicado Aging
/wellness/exercise-and-nutritionTexto duplicado Exercise & Nutrition
/wellness/integrative-healingTexto duplicado Integrative Healing
/wellness/preventionTexto duplicado Prevention duplicado View all articles and topics
/discovery-and-innovationTexto duplicado Discovery & Innovation
/discovery-and-innovation/one-...Texto duplicado One Health
/discovery-and-innovation/rese...Texto duplicado Research Advances
/discovery-and-innovation/trea...Texto duplicado Treatment Advances
/discovery-and-innovationTexto duplicado View all articles and topics
/community-healthTexto duplicado Community Health
/community-health/equity-and-raceTexto duplicado Equity & Race
/community-health/health-and-s...Texto duplicado Health & Society
/community-health/substance-useTexto duplicado Substance Use
/community-healthTexto duplicado View all articles and topics
/teaching-and-learningTexto duplicado Teaching & Learning
/teaching-and-learning/teachin...Texto duplicado Teaching Advancements
/teaching-and-learningTexto duplicado View all articles and topics
/utility/privacy-statementPrivacy Statement
/utility/terms-of-useTexto duplicado Terms of Use Subdominio Accessibility

Configuración del servidor

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Factores externos

Listas negras
Esta página no está clasificada como “contenido para adultos”.
Esta página recibe enlaces de calidad de otros sitios web.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 1.692 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 5.346 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 1.230 direcciones IP distintas.
Popularidad en Facebook
(Poco importante)
Esta página tiene 0 compartir y comentarios en Facebook.

Backlinks desde Wikipedia

No se ha encontrado ningún enlace lanzado desde la Wikipedia.

Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Ohio State Health & Discovery | Health, wellness and innovation...
Today's health news explained, Ohio State Health & Discovery provides information you can trust. Visit our site to learn more about Ohio State Health & Discovery.

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
State Health92%Check
Health Discovery90%Check
Ohio State Health90%Check
State Health Discovery88%Check
Ohio State Health Discovery87%Check
Health News87%Check

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