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Health Careers |
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Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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URL de la página
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Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Solo se han encontrado 2 párrafos en esta página.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es elevada: 26 palabras.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 988 palabras.
Un 26.4% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...lthcareers/_lib/img/icons/user-white.svguser iconuser icon
..._features/[email protected]?itok=v56LLHZeFind about an NHS career
...eatures/Careers@2x_1_2.png?itok=YYFDzCdpTry our careers quiz
...atures/Training@2x_0_1.png?itok=fR9jFJo3Find a course in health and care
..._features/[email protected]?itok=mbgZiAoCFing out how to apply for a job in the NHS
...gos/logos-the-nhs-constitution-white.pngThe NHS constitution, the NHS belongs to us allThe NHS constitution, the NHS belongs to us all
URL del VídeoAnchoAlto
...les/video/hc-video-processed-med (1).mp41280720

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
350 careers. One NHS.
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 350 careers. One NHS.
H2 Spotlights grid
H2 Help us improve
H2 Your NHS career
H2 Find your ideal NHS role
H2 Find courses and training
H2 See role vacancies
H3 Explore roles
H3 NHS apprenticeships
H3 Getting experience to kickstart your NHS career
H3 Resources for teachers and careers advisers
H3 The NHS is expanding its workforce
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 12 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content logo. Return to home.
/user/registerRegister ventana Nofollow Externo Find Health Careers on twitter ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Find Health Careers on facebook ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Find Health Careers on youtube ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Find Health Careers on linkedin ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Find Health Careers on instagram
/working-healthWorking in health
A-TITLE Information about the health sector, its employers and pay and benefits
/working-health/your-nhs-careerYour NHS career
A-TITLE The breadth of careers in the NHS
/working-health/working-nhs/nh...NHS pay and benefits
A-TITLE Pay and benefits of a career in the NHS
/working-health/working-nhs/nh...The NHS values
A-TITLE Values and behaviours of the NHS Constitution
/working-health/working-nhs/wh...Who works for the NHS?
A-TITLE Find out about the variety of roles in the NHS
/working-health/working-nhs/nh...NHS employers
A-TITLE The different types of NHS organisation
/working-health/pay-and-benefitsPay and benefits
A-TITLE Information on the pay and benefits of a health career
/working-health/real-life-storiesReal-life stories
/working-health/working-social...Working in social care
A-TITLE Information about working in social care
/working-health/overseas-healt...Overseas health professionals
A-TITLE Information for healthcare professionals from outside the UK
/working-health/uk-health-systemsUK health systems
A-TITLE UK health systems
/working-health/frequently-ask...FAQs - working in health
A-TITLE General FAQs about careers in the health sector
/working-health/working-public...Working in public health
A-TITLE Information on working in public health
/working-health/working-public...What is public health?
A-TITLE Useful information about public health
/working-health/working-public...Why work in public health?
A-TITLE Why work in public health?
/working-health/working-public...The public health workforce explained
A-TITLE The public health workforce explained
/FindYourCareerTake our careers quiz
A-TITLE Find your health careers by answering some simple questions
/explore-rolesExplore roles
A-TITLE Explore the range of roles in health
/explore-roles/compare-roles-h...Compare roles
A-TITLE Compare roles in health
/explore-roles/allied-health-p...Allied health professionals
A-TITLE An overview of the allied health professions
/explore-roles/allied-health-p...Roles in the allied health professions
A-TITLE Find out about the roles in the allied health professions
/explore-roles/allied-health-p...Studying to be an allied health professional
A-TITLE Information on studying to be an allied health professional
/explore-roles/allied-health-p...Information for overseas allied health professionals
A-TITLE Information for overseas allied health professionals
/explore-roles/allied-health-p...FAQs - allied health professions
A-TITLE FAQs about careers in the allied health professions
/explore-roles/allied-health-p...Returning to the allied health professions
A-TITLE Returning to the allied health professions
/explore-roles/ambulance-servi...Ambulance service team
A-TITLE Information on the ambulance service
/explore-roles/ambulance-servi...Roles in the ambulance service
A-TITLE Find out about the range of roles in the ambulance service
/explore-roles/ambulance-servi...FAQs - ambulance service team
A-TITLE FAQs about careers in the ambulance service team
/ambulance-team-real-life-storiesReal-life stories - the ambulance team
/explore-roles/dental-team-0Dental team
A-TITLE A career in the dental team
/explore-roles/dental-team/rol...Roles in the dental team
A-TITLE Information on the roles in the dental team
/explore-roles/explore-roles/d...Studying for a career in the dental team
A-TITLE Studying for a career in the dental team
/explore-roles/explore-roles/d...Pay for the dental team in the NHS
/explore-roles/explore-roles/d...Information for overseas dental care professionals
A-TITLE Information for overseas dental care professionals
/explore-roles/dental-team /in...Information for overseas dentists
A-TITLE Information for overseas dentists
/explore-roles/dental-team/faq...FAQs - dental team
A-TITLE FAQs about careers in the dental team
/dental-team-real-life-storiesReal-life stories - the dental team
A-TITLE Hear from real-life members of the dental team
/explore-roles/doctors/roles-d...Roles for doctors
A-TITLE Discover over 50 different medical specialties
/explore-roles/doctors/trainin...Training as a doctor
A-TITLE Find out about training as a doctor
/explore-roles/doctors/why-stu...Why study medicine?
A-TITLE Why study medicine?
/explore-roles/doctors/applyin...Applying for medical school
A-TITLE Applying for medical school
/explore-roles/doctors/pay-doc...Pay for doctors
A-TITLE Pay for doctors
/explore-roles/doctors/returni...Returning to medicine
A-TITLE Returning to medicine
/explore-roles/doctors/informa...Information for overseas doctors
A-TITLE Information for overseas doctors
/explore-roles/doctors/career-...Career opportunities for doctors
A-TITLE Career opportunities for doctors
/doctors-real-life-storiesReal-life stories - NHS doctors
A-TITLE Hear from real-life stories of doctors in the NHS
/explore-roles/doctors/faqs-ab...FAQs - doctors
A-TITLE FAQs about a career as a doctor
/explore-roles/explore-roles/e...Estates and facilities
/explore-roles/estates-and-fac...Roles in estates and facilities
A-TITLE Roles in NHS estates and facilities
/explore-roles/explore-roles/e...Texto duplicado Real-life stories
/explore-roles/explore-roles/h...Health informatics
A-TITLE An overview of health informatics as a career
/explore-roles/explore-roles/h...Roles in health informatics
A-TITLE Find out more about the roles in health informatics
/health-informatics-real-life-...Real-life stories - health informatics
/explore-roles/health-informat...FAQs - health informatics
A-TITLE FAQs about careers in health informatics
/explore-roles/healthcare-supp...Healthcare support worker
A-TITLE Information on being an healtcare support worker
/explore-roles/healthcare-supp...Roles as a healthcare support worker
A-TITLE Discover healthcare support worker careers
/explore-roles/healthcare-scienceHealthcare science
/explore-roles/healthcare-scie...Roles in healthcare science
A-TITLE Discover the roles in healthcare science
/explore-roles/healthcare-scie...Returning to a career in healthcare science
A-TITLE Returning to a career in healthcare science
/explore-roles/healthcare-scie...How to become a healthcare scientist
A-TITLE Information on studying healthcare science
/explore-roles/healthcare-scie...Information for overseas healthcare scientists
A-TITLE Information for overseas healthcare scientists
/explore-roles/healthcare-scie...FAQs - healthcare science
A-TITLE FAQs about careers in healthcare science
/healthcare-scientists-real-li...Real-life stories - healthcare science
A-TITLE Find out more about management opportunities in the health sector
/explore-roles/management/role...Roles in management
A-TITLE Find out more about roles in management
/explore-roles/management/faqs...FAQs - management
A-TITLE FAQs about careers in management
/management-real-life-storiesReal-life stories - NHS management
/explore-roles/explore-roles/m...Medical associate professions (MAPs)
A-TITLE Find out more about the medical associate professions (MAPs)
/explore-roles/medical-associa...Roles in the medical associate professions
A-TITLE Find out more about the roles in the medical associate professions
/explore-roles/medical-associa...FAQs about careers in the medical associate professions
A-TITLE Frequently asked questions about careers in the medical associate professions
/explore-roles/explore-roles/m...Real-life stories - medical associate professions
A-TITLE Find information on a career in midwifery
/explore-roles/midwifery/roles...Roles in midwifery
A-TITLE Find out about the roles that work in maternity services
/explore-roles/midwifery/study...How to become a midwife
A-TITLE Information on studying to be a midwife
/midwifery-real-life-storiesReal-life stories - midwifery
/explore-roles/midwifery/faqs-...FAQs - midwifery
A-TITLE FAQs about careers in midwifery
/explore-roles/midwifery/retur...Returning to midwifery
A-TITLE Information returning to midwifery after a break
/explore-roles/midwifery/infor...Information for overseas midwives
A-TITLE Information for overseas midwives
/explore-roles/nursingNursing careers
A-TITLE Information on the career opportunities in nursing
/explore-roles/nursing/roles-n...Roles in nursing
/explore-roles/nursing-careers...Benefits of a nursing degree
A-TITLE Find out why you should choose a nursing degree
/explore-roles/nursing/how-bec...How to become a nurse
A-TITLE Information on studying to be a nurse
/explore-roles/nursing/informa...Information for overseas nurses
A-TITLE Information for overseas nurses
/explore-roles/nursing/faqs-nu...FAQs - nursing
A-TITLE FAQs about careers in nursing
/explore-roles/nursing/returni...Returning to nursing
A-TITLE Returning to nursing after a break
A-TITLE Find out more about pharmacy careers
/explore-roles/pharmacy/roles-...Roles in pharmacy
A-TITLE Find out more about the roles in pharmacy
/explore-roles/pharmacy/studyi...Studying pharmacy
A-TITLE Information on studying to be a pharmacist
/explore-roles/explore-roles/p...Information for overseas pharmacists
A-TITLE Information for you if you trained as a pharmacist outside of the UK
/explore-roles/explore-roles/p...FAQs - pharmacy team
A-TITLE FAQs about careers in the pharmacy team
/explore-roles/pharmacy/real-l...Real-life stories - pharmacy
/explore-roles/psychological-p...Psychological professions
A-TITLE Information on the career opportunities in the psychological professions
/explore-roles/psychological-t...Roles in the psychological professions
A-TITLE Information on the roles in the psychological professions
/explore-roles/psychological-t...Studying for the psychological professions
A-TITLE Information on studying to be a psychologist
/explore-roles/psychological-t...FAQs - psychological professions
A-TITLE FAQs about careers in the psychological professions
/explore-roles/psychological-t...Differences between psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy
A-TITLE Differences between psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy
/psychological-professions-rea...Real-life stories - psychological professions
/explore-roles/public-health-0Public health careers
A-TITLE Public health careers
/explore-roles/public-health/r...Roles in public health
/explore-roles/public-health/f...FAQs - public health
A-TITLE FAQs about careers in public health
/explore-roles/public-health-c...Real-life stories - public health
/explore-roles/wider-healthcar...Wider healthcare team
A-TITLE Information on the range of roles in the wider healthcare team
/explore-roles/wider-healthcar...Roles in the wider healthcare team
A-TITLE Explore the roles in the wider healthcare team
/explore-roles/wider-healthcar...FAQs - wider healthcare team
A-TITLE FAQs about careers in the wider healthcare team
/wider-healthcare-team-real-li...Real-life stories - wider healthcare team
/career-planning/career-planningCareer planning
A-TITLE Help in planning your career
/career-planning/course-finderCourse finder
A-TITLE Find NHS courses
/career-planning/career-planni...Study and training
A-TITLE Find out more about studying and training for a career in health
/career-planning/study-and-tra...NHS apprenticeships
A-TITLE Apprenticeships
A-TITLE Information for those considering going to university or already there
/career-planning/study-and-tra...Graduate training opportunities
A-TITLE Information for those not studying a health related degree.
/career-planning/career-planni...Looking for a job
A-TITLE Information on looking for a job in health
/career-planning/career-planni...Getting experience
A-TITLE Gaining work experience
/career-planning/career-planni...Applications and interviews
A-TITLE Applications and interviews
/career-planning/career-planni...Identifying transferable skills
A-TITLE Identify your transferable skills for a career in health
/career-planning/career-advise...Supporting guidance for local careers events
/career-planning/career-advise...Good Practice - NHS Health Careers @ What Career? Live
/career-planning/career-advise...Good practice - NHS England in the North West
/career-planning/career-planni...Developing your health career
A-TITLE Information on how you can take the next steps in your health career
/career-planning/career-planni...Continuing professional development (CPD)
A-TITLE Find out more about continuing professional development (CPD)
/career-planning/career-planni...Personal development planning
A-TITLE Information on personal development planning
/career-planning/career-planni...Developing your portfolio
A-TITLE Information on developing a portfolio
/career-planning/career-planni...Doing a Master's degree
A-TITLE Information about doing a Master's degrees and funding
/career-planning/career-planni...E-learning for healthcare
A-TITLE E-learning
/career-planning/career-planni...Clinical academic and research careers
A-TITLE Find out about clinical academic and research careers and the types of clinical research programmes available
/career-planning/career-planni...NHS Leadership Academy
A-TITLE NHS Leadership Academy
/career-planning/developing-yo...NHS Higher Specialist Scientist Training
A-TITLE Information on NHS Higher Specialist Scientist Training
/career-planning/developing-yo...Becoming an armed forces reservist
A-TITLE Information on being an armed forces reservist
/career-planning/career-planni...Returning to a health career
A-TITLE Information on returning to a health career after a break
/career-planning/career-planni...Career advisers and teachers
A-TITLE Information and resources if you are providing careers information advice and guidance
/career-planning/career-advise...Teaching resources
A-TITLE Teaching resources for careers education
/career-planning/career-advise...Work experience toolkit
A-TITLE Work experience toolkit for teachers and careers advisers
/career-planning/career-planni...FAQs for teachers and careers advisers
A-TITLE FAQs for teachers and careers advisers
A-TITLE Career events
/we-are-nhs/we-are-nhsWe are the NHS
A-TITLE Information to support the We are the NHS campaign
/we-are-the-nhs/nursing-careersTexto duplicado Nursing careers
A-TITLE Find out about careers in nursing and how to apply
/we-are-the-nhs/nursing-career...Nursing careers quiz
/nursing-careers/nursing-caree...At school or college?
/nursing-careers/nursing-caree...Switching to nursing?
A-TITLE Switching to nursing?
/nursing-careers/annual-nursin...Annual nursing payments
A-TITLE Page with information about new grant for nursing students
/we-are-the-nhs/nursing-career...International recruitment
A-TITLE Information for international nurses wanting to work in the UK
/we-are-the-nhs/nursing-career...International nurses. Your career. Our commitment.
/we-are-the-nhs/allied-health-...Texto duplicado Allied health professionals
A-TITLE We are the NHS campaign information on being an allied health professional
/we-are-the-nhs/allied-health-...Texto duplicado Returning to the allied health professions
/we-are-the-nhs/healthcare-sup...Texto duplicado Healthcare support worker
A-TITLE Find out about being a healthcare support worker
/we-are-the-nhs/registrationGet your guide to an NHS career.
/we-are-nhs/returning-nhsReturning to the NHS
/we-are-nhs/returning-nhs/retu...Get your guide to returning to the NHS
/we-are-nhs/nhs-111-recruitmentNHS 111 recruitment
/we-are-nhs/nhs-reservistsNHS reservists
/send-us-your-questionContact us
/explore-rolesTexto duplicado Explore roles
/career-planning/study-and-tra...Texto duplicado NHS apprenticeships
/career-planning/improving-you...Getting experience to kickstart your NHS career
/career-planning/career-planni...Resources for teachers and careers advisers Subdominio The NHS is expanding its workforce ancla Make a comment or report a problem with this page
/send-us-your-questionNueva ventana Subdominio contact us page
/working-health/your-nhs-careerTexto duplicado Your NHS career
/FindYourCareerFind your ideal NHS role
/career-planning/course-finderFind courses and training
/career-planning/career-planni...See role vacancies
/working-health/working-nhs/nh...IMG-ALT The NHS constitution, the NHS belongs to us all
/working-healthTexto duplicado Working in health
A-TITLE Information about the health sector, its employers and pay and benefits
/FindYourCareerTexto duplicado Take our careers quiz
A-TITLE Find your health careers by answering some simple questions
/explore-rolesTexto duplicado Explore roles
A-TITLE Explore the range of roles in health
/career-planning/career-planningTexto duplicado Career planning
A-TITLE Help in planning your career
/we-are-nhs/we-are-nhsTexto duplicado We are the NHS
A-TITLE Information to support the We are the NHS campaign
/send-us-your-questionTexto duplicado Contact us
/about-usAbout us
A-TITLE Information about the Health Careers service Subdominio NHS Jobs
A-TITLE The NHS Jobs website where you can find all current vacancies in the NHS
/privacy-and-cookiesPrivacy and cookies
A-TITLE Privacy and cookies
A-TITLE The sitemap of the HealthCareers website.
/terms-and-conditionsTerms and conditions
A-TITLE Terms and conditions
/accessibility-statementSubdominio Accessibility statement
A-TITLE NHS Health Careers accessibility statement ventana Nofollow Externo Texto duplicado Find Health Careers on twitter ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Find Health Careers on facebook ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Find Health Careers on youtube ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Find Health Careers on linkedin ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Find Health Careers on instagram

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Disallow: /INSTALL.pgsql.txt
Disallow: /INSTALL.sqlite.txt
Disallow: /install.php
Disallow: /INSTALL.txt
Disallow: /LICENSE.txt
Disallow: /MAINTAINERS.txt
Disallow: /update.php
Disallow: /UPGRADE.txt
Disallow: /xmlrpc.php
# Paths (clean URLs)
Disallow: /admin/
Disallow: /comment/reply/
Disallow: /filter/tips/
Disallow: /node/add/
Disallow: /search/
Disallow: /user/register/
Disallow: /user/password/
Disallow: /user/login/
Disallow: /user/logout/
# Paths (no clean URLs)
Disallow: /?q=admin/
Disallow: /?q=comment/reply/
Disallow: /?q=filter/tips/
Disallow: /?q=node/add/
Disallow: /?q=search/
Disallow: /?q=user/password/
Disallow: /?q=user/register/
Disallow: /?q=user/login/
Disallow: /?q=user/logout/
# Sitemap

Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Health Careers |

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
NHS career75%Check
Health Careers73%Check
Find Health Careers65%Check
Public health careers61%Check
Career advisers61%Check
careers advisers61%Check
careers quiz60%Check

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