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Human Rights Watch | Defending Human Rights Worldwide
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Meta descripción
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Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 100 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice
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descriptionHuman Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 100 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice
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twitter:titleHuman Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 100 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice
twitter:descriptionHuman Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 100 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice
og:titleHuman Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 100 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice
og:descriptionHuman Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 100 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice

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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...monstration.jpg?h=00a4ea5b&itok=DvRj3QOpPeople protest in a corridor with two men with amputated legs hold a sign that says "Look what AP landmines will do to your people."
... researcher.jpg?h=ce28c445&itok=pKsnWVwqA researcher takes notes while sitting with an interviewee
...anistan_artists header.jpg?itok=n-AyFpw_Infinite Power No 5 by Rada Akbar (L) and Monster by Fatima Wojohat
..._east_iran_evin_prison.jpg?itok=TvcX5pZtExterior view of Evin prison
...́erimović.jpeg?h=08b866d1&itok=1sncop4LEmina Ćerimović speaks at the United Nations Security Council “Arria formula” meeting on December 6, 2024.
...monstration.jpg?h=00a4ea5b&itok=9isqBYtbPeople protest in a corridor with two men with amputated legs hold a sign that says "Look what AP landmines will do to your people."
...ake_protest.jpg?h=24ae3cb4&itok=QIOdjHj2At an October 7, 2024 protest organized by the Families in Pursuit of Justice Platform, founded by those who lost their loved ones in the February 6, 2023 earthquakes, members hold a banner that reads, “Not a disaster but a massacre. We demand justice.”
..._colombia_webcam_cover.jpg?itok=_opbpcs7Report cover in English
...ne_collaboration_cover.jpg?itok=IK41DJBVEnglish report cover
...a_migrantworkers_cover.jpg?itok=QQh2J7uOReport cover in English
...grationdetention_cover.jpg?itok=oHJzLUsOReport cover in English
...bnail_CLEAN.jpg?h=c673cd1c&itok=txdrqOF4Forced Displacement Gaza
...bnail_CLEAN.jpg?h=c673cd1c&itok=txdrqOF4Forced Displacement Gaza
...s_Thumbnail.jpg?h=d1cb525d&itok=CHz-tOSHGaza Children with Disabilities
...s_Thumbnail.jpg?h=d1cb525d&itok=CHz-tOSHGaza Children with Disabilities
...m/vi_webp/uS1eUXHPezA/maxresdefault.webpCarece de atributo ALT
...m/vi_webp/uS1eUXHPezA/maxresdefault.webpCarece de atributo ALT
...s_Thumbnail.jpg?h=86af949a&itok=i6i4VS-pUnhoused in LA
...s_Thumbnail.jpg?h=86af949a&itok=i6i4VS-pUnhoused in LA
...Thumbnail_0.jpg?h=c673cd1c&itok=2vhJi8UPEl Salvador: Rights Violations Against Children in ‘State of Emergency’
...Thumbnail_0.jpg?h=c673cd1c&itok=2vhJi8UPEl Salvador: Rights Violations Against Children in ‘State of Emergency’
...m/vi_webp/3q7-YMannpk/maxresdefault.webpCarece de atributo ALT
...m/vi_webp/BA37hM7l_B4/maxresdefault.webpCarece de atributo ALT
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...m/vi_webp/DhqgHN07DGg/maxresdefault.webpCarece de atributo ALT
...es_2015/syria1215_main.jpg?itok=l21Lo_LUcover syria report
...landmine_jody_williams.jpg?itok=ryiWEXLuThe winner of the Nobel Peace Prize Jody Williams bows in front of Cambodian Tun Channereth, who holds the International Campaign to Ban Landmines diploma and medal, on her way to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo City Hall, December 10, 1997.
...vinceswin_0.jpg?h=2240b8e9&itok=MJr3HwQ7This is a list with checkmarks next to the names of Canada's ten provinces to show their ending of immigration detention in jails. There is a question mark next to the word "Federal."
...ion_at_home.jpg?h=b8a8b93a&itok=k5H-bfbfA girl studies online at home during Covid-19 school closures in Berlin.
...s_activists.JPG?h=08b866d1&itok=6cRZCWBAMarite Fernández and disability rights adovocates demonstrate before the Mexican Senate demanding the right to full legal capacity, Mexico City, Mexico, 2007.
...victimswalkingtocourt.jpeg?itok=OnRTzlXwVictims turned victors
...act_protest.jpg?h=c6980913&itok=a0ZQNFGBSupporters of Equality Act Japan gather in front of parliament
..._east_iran_evin_prison.jpg?itok=JFlGpg40Exterior view of Evin prison
...monstration.jpg?h=00a4ea5b&itok=gQEk6SqXPeople protest in a corridor with two men with amputated legs hold a sign that says "Look what AP landmines will do to your people."
...ake_protest.jpg?h=24ae3cb4&itok=wxlIP7xXAt an October 7, 2024 protest organized by the Families in Pursuit of Justice Platform, founded by those who lost their loved ones in the February 6, 2023 earthquakes, members hold a banner that reads, “Not a disaster but a massacre. We demand justice.”
...cuyito jail.jpg?h=ac778ff2&itok=pEcMkJIRRelatives of detainees outside the Tocuyito jail to protest against the arrests of those demonstrating against the announced presidential election results, Pocaterra, Venezuela, August 26, 2024.
...llayekokolo.JPG?h=626a3a52&itok=5imo8zniScreenshot of a video posted on social media on November 9, 2024 that Human Rights Watch analyzed and geolocated to the village of Allaye-Kokolo, located on the National Road 15 between Mopti and Bandiagara. The video shows armed men, some on motorbikes, on the road while buildings are burning around. A men can be heard speaking in Fulfulde, saying “God is great, Allaye-Kokolo is burning.”
...ists header.jpg?h=c0d9b751&itok=ln8IjmIBInfinite Power No 5 by Rada Akbar (L) and Monster by Fatima Wojohat
...́erimović.jpeg?h=08b866d1&itok=n-tD0smcEmina Ćerimović speaks at the United Nations Security Council “Arria formula” meeting on December 6, 2024.
...́erimović.jpeg?h=08b866d1&itok=n-tD0smcEmina Ćerimović speaks at the United Nations Security Council “Arria formula” meeting on December 6, 2024.
...́erimović.jpeg?h=08b866d1&itok=n-tD0smcEmina Ćerimović speaks at the United Nations Security Council “Arria formula” meeting on December 6, 2024.
...n_cellphone.jpg?h=12f97b7a&itok=--qhrIpKA message is typed on a smartphone, July 2022.
...n_cellphone.jpg?h=12f97b7a&itok=--qhrIpKA message is typed on a smartphone, July 2022.
...monstration.jpg?h=00a4ea5b&itok=gQEk6SqXPeople protest in a corridor with two men with amputated legs hold a sign that says "Look what AP landmines will do to your people."
...alth_clinic.jpg?h=8aa5fa2d&itok=5N4mRNOOThe Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Spain, January 26, 2024.
...alth_clinic.jpg?h=8aa5fa2d&itok=5N4mRNOOThe Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Spain, January 26, 2024.
...py_children.jpg?h=51a72048&itok=9VEwBLUnChildren at the Khone Phapheng Falls, Laos, December 3, 2019.
...al_violence.jpg?h=6154b163&itok=Rl1LdomEArtwork by the Ukrainian artist Julia Tveritina to raise awareness for the victims of sexual violence, at an art center in Kyiv, Ukraine, June 19, 2024.
...epatriation.jpg?h=9f6dd7fa&itok=30QCLgFmA Syrian refugee arrives with his family to cross into Syria from Turkey at the Oncupinar border crossing, December 10, 2024.
...ate_justice.jpg?h=48b1e943&itok=WL8QUyxoThe International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands, opens hearings into the legal obligations of countries with respect to combating climate change on December 2, 2024.
...ate_justice.jpg?h=48b1e943&itok=WL8QUyxoThe International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands, opens hearings into the legal obligations of countries with respect to combating climate change on December 2, 2024.
...ememberance.jpg?h=2992ba0a&itok=1vWYpD4r People carry the names of murdered transgendered women as dozens of transgender women and allies gather to commemorate murdered members of their community on Transgender Day of Remembrance in Mexico City.
...barbed_wire.jpg?h=762c5264&itok=k5AFiuBVBarbed wire.
..._abu_ghraib.jpg?h=f9be2858&itok=wibLR1yfA detainee in an outdoor solitary confinement cell talks with a military police officer at the Abu Ghraib prison on the outskirts of Baghdad, Iraq, June 22, 2004.
...aa Sissi_0.jpeg?h=19f14c2c&itok=0YbFyQJNFrancisca, “Yaa Sissi,” in her living room.
...ali_drought.jpg?h=ac778ff2&itok=bbNln_kVChildren and women run among a cloud of dust at the village of El Gel, in Ethiopia’s Somali region, on January 12, 2023. The last five rainy seasons since the end of 2020 have failed, triggering the worst drought in four decades in Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya.

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
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Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
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Hay 131 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Primary navigation
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H2 US Landmine Transfers Contravene Long-Standing Policy
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H3 Saudi Arabia: Hosting UN Internet Conference Amid Crackdown
H3 Syria: Post-Assad Transition Should Center Human Rights
H3 Mali: Atrocities by the Army and Wagner Group
H3 El Salvador: New Laws Threaten Free Expression, Privacy
H3 Afghanistan: Women Artists Help Drive Resistance to Taliban
H3 Iran: Detained Activists Denied Medical Care
H3 UN Security Council Recommits to Protecting People with Disabilities
H3 Q&A: US Antipersonnel Landmine Transfers
H3 Türkiye: No Transparency on Earthquake Deaths Inquiry
H3 “I Learned How to Say No”
H3 “All She Did Was Help People”
H3 “Die First, and I'll Pay You Later”
H3 “It Felt Like Everything in Life Stopped”
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H3 A Proud Record Tackling the Scourge of Landmines
H3 Canada: All 10 Provinces To End Immigration Detention in Jails
H3 Some Governments, Companies Take Steps to Protect Children
H3 Interview: Victory for People with Disabilities and Older Persons in Mexico
H3 Chad’s Ex-Dictator Convicted of Atrocities
H3 Japan Passes Law to ‘Promote Understanding’ of LGBT People
H3 Middle East/North Africa
H3 Iran: Detained Activists Denied Medical Care Texto duplicado
H3 Saudi Arabia: Hosting UN Internet Conference Amid Crackdown Texto duplicado
H3 We Should All be Worried About Saudi Arabia Hosting the 2034 World Cup
H3 United States
H3 Q&A: US Antipersonnel Landmine Transfers Texto duplicado
H3 US Landmine Transfers Contravene Long-Standing Policy Texto duplicado
H3 US: Agents Block, Mistreat Mexican Asylum Seekers
H3 Europe/Central Asia
H3 Türkiye: No Transparency on Earthquake Deaths Inquiry Texto duplicado
H3 Ukraine Parliament Adopts Bill on Legal Status of CRSV Survivors
H3 Azerbaijan’s Post-COP29 Crackdown
H3 Americas
H3 Venezuela: Reveal Whereabouts of Disappeared Woman
H3 El Salvador: New Laws Threaten Free Expression, Privacy Texto duplicado
H3 Argentina: Don’t Name Supreme Court Justices by Decree
H3 Africa
H3 Mali: Atrocities by the Army and Wagner Group Texto duplicado
H3 Sudan: War Crimes in South Kordofan
H3 Niger: Prominent Civil Society Activist Arbitrarily Arrested
H3 Asia
H3 Afghanistan: Women Artists Help Drive Resistance to Taliban Texto duplicado
H3 Vietnam: Repeal Harmful Internet Laws
H3 India: Police Raid Rights Group in Delhi
H3 Disability Rights
H3 UN Security Council Recommits to Protecting People with Disabilities Texto duplicado
H3 Canada: Abuse, Bias Against Immigration Detainees with Disabilities
H3 Ugandan Disability Rights Mental Health Advocate Honored
H3 United Nations
H3 UN Security Council Recommits to Protecting People with Disabilities Texto duplicado
H3 Killer Robots: UN Vote Should Spur Treaty Negotiations
H3 UN: Russia Vetoes Sudan Resolution Despite Global Support
H3 Crisis and Conflict
H3 UN Security Council Recommits to Protecting People with Disabilities Texto duplicado
H3 Sudan: War Crimes in South Kordofan Texto duplicado
H3 UN: Deploy New Haiti Mission to Restore Security
H3 Free Speech
H3 Saudi Arabia: Hosting UN Internet Conference Amid Crackdown Texto duplicado
H3 Kyrgyzstan is Relentless in its Crackdown on Civil and Political Rights
H3 Film Crew Stopped and Questioned in Autonomous Republic of Uzbekistan
H3 Technology and Rights
H3 Saudi Arabia: Hosting UN Internet Conference Amid Crackdown Texto duplicado
H3 Greek Surveillance Lawsuit Aims to Silence Journalism
H3 Armenia: Surveillance Bill Threatens Rights
H3 Arms
H3 Q&A: US Antipersonnel Landmine Transfers Texto duplicado
H3 US Landmine Transfers Contravene Long-Standing Policy Texto duplicado
H3 Killer Robots: UN Vote Should Spur Treaty Negotiations Texto duplicado
H3 Health
H3 Worldwide, Policies Leave Health Care Inaccessible for Too Many
H3 Brazil Fails to Launch Long-Awaited Pesticide Reduction Plan
H3 Brazil: Pesticide Bill Threatens Health, Livelihoods
H3 Economic Justice and Rights
H3 Worldwide, Policies Leave Health Care Inaccessible for Too Many Texto duplicado
H3 Volkswagen’s China Joint Venture to Exit Xinjiang
H3 Study Finds Third of UK Children Living in Poverty
H3 Children's Rights
H3 10 Good News Stories for Kids in 2024
H3 Egypt: Education Restricted for Refugees
H3 Study Finds Third of UK Children Living in Poverty Texto duplicado
H3 Women's Rights
H3 Ukraine Parliament Adopts Bill on Legal Status of CRSV Survivors Texto duplicado
H3 Afghanistan: Women Artists Help Drive Resistance to Taliban Texto duplicado
H3 Action Needed to Confront Domestic Violence in Central Asia
H3 Refugees and Migrants
H3 As Many Syrian Refugees Return Home, Others Cannot
H3 Poland: Brutal Pushbacks at Belarus Border
H3 The Need to Continue Protecting Syrian Refugees
H3 Environment and Human Rights
H3 World Court Considers Climate Change
H3 China State Bank Shouldn’t Back East African Crude Oil Pipeline
H3 Lack of Progress at COP29 Puts Rights at Risk
H3 International Justice
H3 World Court Considers Climate Change Texto duplicado
H3 ICC: Member States Should Act to Protect Justice
H3 Myanmar: ICC Prosecutor Requests Arrest Warrant
H3 LGBT Rights
H3 Trans Day of Remembrance Marked with Grim Murder Data
H3 Colombia Charges Former FARC Leaders with Child Recruitment
H3 Interview: Trump Poses More Threats to Rights of LGBT People
H3 Torture
H3 Iraq: Surging Unlawful Executions
H3 Israel: Palestinian Healthcare Workers Tortured
H3 Israel: Detainees Face Inhumane Treatment
H3 Terrorism / Counterterrorism
H3 US Jury Awards $42 Million to 3 Iraqis Abused at Abu Ghraib Prison
H3 Yemen: Houthis Disappear Dozens of UN, Civil Society Staff
H3 Mali: Islamist Armed Groups, Ethnic Militias Commit Atrocities
H3 Rights of Older People
H3 Witness: “It Took Me Over 30 Years to Come Out. I Stopped Crying.”
H3 The Impacts of Climate Change on Older People and Ways Forward
H3 UN Body Recommends New Treaty on Older People’s Rights
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (26) en esta página.
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/middle-east/north-africa/isra...Texto duplicado Israel/Palestine duplicado Sudan
/tag/russia-ukraine-warRussia-Ukraine War
/tag/trumps-returnTrump’s Return
/tag/tigray-conflictTigray Conflict texto Subdominio Please rush an urgent gift now to help expose human rights abuses and defend justice. Subdominio Texto duplicado Donate Now
/news/2024/12/13/us-landmine-t...IMG-ALT People protest in a corridor with two men with amputated legs hold a sign that says "Look what AP landmines will do to your people."
/news/2024/12/13/us-landmine-t...US Landmine Transfers Contravene Long-Standing Policy
/news/2024/12/13/qa-us-antiper...Subdominio Q&A: Biden's Landmine Legacy
/about/about-usLearn more news
/news/2024/12/13/saudi-arabia-...Saudi Arabia: Hosting UN Internet Conference Amid Crackdown
/news/2024/12/12/syria-post-as...Syria: Post-Assad Transition Should Center Human Rights
/news/2024/12/12/mali-atrociti...Mali: Atrocities by the Army and Wagner Group
/news/2024/12/12/el-salvador-n...El Salvador: New Laws Threaten Free Expression, Privacy
/middle-east/n-africa/syriaTexto duplicado Syria
/middle-east/north-africa/isra...Texto duplicado Israel/Palestine duplicado Sudan
/tag/russia-ukraine-warTexto duplicado Russia-Ukraine War
/tag/trumps-returnTexto duplicado Trump’s Return
/tag/tigray-conflictTexto duplicado Tigray Conflict
/about/about-usTexto duplicado Learn more
/news/2024/12/11/afghanistan-w...IMG-ALT Infinite Power No 5 by Rada Akbar (L) and Monster by Fatima Wojohat
/news/2024/12/11/afghanistan-w...Afghanistan: Women Artists Help Drive Resistance to Taliban
/news/2024/12/13/iran-detained...IMG-ALT Exterior view of Evin prison
/news/2024/12/13/iran-detained...Iran: Detained Activists Denied Medical Care
/news/2024/12/13/un-security-c...IMG-ALT Emina Ćerimović speaks at the United Nations Security Council “Arria formula” meeting on December 6, 2024.
/news/2024/12/13/un-security-c...UN Security Council Recommits to Protecting People with Disabilities
/news/2024/12/13/qa-us-antiper...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT People protest in a corridor with two men with amputated legs hold a sign that says "Look what AP landmines will do to your people."
/news/2024/12/13/qa-us-antiper...Q&A: US Antipersonnel Landmine Transfers
/news/2024/12/13/turkiye-no-tr...IMG-ALT At an October 7, 2024 protest organized by the Families in Pursuit of Justice Platform, founded by those who lost their loved ones in the February 6, 2023 ea...
/news/2024/12/13/turkiye-no-tr...Türkiye: No Transparency on Earthquake Deaths Inquiry more
/report/2024/12/09/i-learned-h...“I Learned How to Say No” Labor Abuses & Sexual Exploitation in Colombian Webcam Studios The 175-page report, “‘I Learned How to Say No’: Labor Abuses & ...
/report/2024/12/05/all-she-did...“All She Did Was Help People” Flawed Anti-Collaboration Legislation in Ukraine The 48-page report, “‘All She Did Was Help People’: Flawed Anti-Collaboration ...
/report/2024/12/04/die-first-a...“Die First, and I'll Pay You Later” Saudi Arabia’s ‘Giga-Projects’ Built on Widespread Labor Abuses The 79-page report, “‘Die First, and I’ll Pay You Later’:...
/report/2024/12/03/it-felt-eve...“It Felt Like Everything in Life Stopped” Legal Capacity Rights Violations Against People with Disabilities in Canada’s Immigration Detention System The 40-p... more
/report/2015/12/16/if-dead-cou...IMG-ALT cover syria report
/report/2015/12/16/if-dead-cou...If the Dead Could Speak X
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/news/2024/06/01/proud-record-...IMG-ALT The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize Jody Williams bows in front of Cambodian Tun Channereth, who holds the International Campaign to Ban Landmines diploma an...
/news/2024/06/01/proud-record-...A Proud Record Tackling the Scourge of Landmines
/news/2024/03/21/canada-all-10...IMG-ALT This is a list with checkmarks next to the names of Canada's ten provinces to show their ending of immigration detention in jails. There is a question mark n...
/news/2024/03/21/canada-all-10...Canada: All 10 Provinces To End Immigration Detention in Jails
/news/2023/02/14/some-governme...IMG-ALT A girl studies online at home during Covid-19 school closures in Berlin.
/news/2023/02/14/some-governme...Some Governments, Companies Take Steps to Protect Children
/news/2023/07/11/interview-vic...IMG-ALT Marite Fernández and disability rights adovocates demonstrate before the Mexican Senate demanding the right to full legal capacity, Mexico City, Mexico, 2007.
/news/2023/07/11/interview-vic...Interview: Victory for People with Disabilities and Older Persons in Mexico
/news/2016/05/30/chads-ex-dict...IMG-ALT Victims turned victors
/news/2016/05/30/chads-ex-dict...Chad’s Ex-Dictator Convicted of Atrocities
/news/2023/07/12/japan-passes-...IMG-ALT Supporters of Equality Act Japan gather in front of parliament
/news/2023/07/12/japan-passes-...Japan Passes Law to ‘Promote Understanding’ of LGBT People
/middle-east/north-africaMiddle East/North Africa
/news/2024/12/13/iran-detained...Texto duplicado Iran: Detained Activists Denied Medical Care
IMG-ALT Exterior view of Evin prison
/news/2024/12/13/saudi-arabia-...Texto duplicado Saudi Arabia: Hosting UN Internet Conference Amid Crackdown
/news/2024/12/12/we-should-all...We Should All be Worried About Saudi Arabia Hosting the 2034 World Cup States
/news/2024/12/13/qa-us-antiper...Texto duplicado Q&A: US Antipersonnel Landmine Transfers
IMG-ALT People protest in a corridor with two men with amputated legs hold a sign that says "Look what AP landmines will do to your people."
/news/2024/12/13/us-landmine-t...Texto duplicado US Landmine Transfers Contravene Long-Standing Policy
/news/2024/12/05/us-agents-blo...US: Agents Block, Mistreat Mexican Asylum Seekers
/europe/central-asiaEurope/Central Asia
/news/2024/12/13/turkiye-no-tr...Texto duplicado Türkiye: No Transparency on Earthquake Deaths Inquiry
IMG-ALT At an October 7, 2024 protest organized by the Families in Pursuit of Justice Platform, founded by those who lost their loved ones in the February 6, 2023 ea...
/news/2024/12/12/ukraine-parli...Ukraine Parliament Adopts Bill on Legal Status of CRSV Survivors
/news/2024/12/11/azerbaijans-p...Azerbaijan’s Post-COP29 Crackdown
/news/2024/12/12/venezuela-rev...Venezuela: Reveal Whereabouts of Disappeared Woman
IMG-ALT Relatives of detainees outside the Tocuyito jail to protest against the arrests of those demonstrating against the announced presidential election results, P...
/news/2024/12/12/el-salvador-n...Texto duplicado El Salvador: New Laws Threaten Free Expression, Privacy
/news/2024/12/09/argentina-don...Argentina: Don’t Name Supreme Court Justices by Decree
/news/2024/12/12/mali-atrociti...Texto duplicado Mali: Atrocities by the Army and Wagner Group
IMG-ALT Screenshot of a video posted on social media on November 9, 2024 that Human Rights Watch analyzed and geolocated to the village of Allaye-Kokolo, located on ...
/news/2024/12/10/sudan-war-cri...Sudan: War Crimes in South Kordofan
/news/2024/12/09/niger-promine...Niger: Prominent Civil Society Activist Arbitrarily Arrested
/news/2024/12/11/afghanistan-w...Texto duplicado Afghanistan: Women Artists Help Drive Resistance to Taliban
IMG-ALT Infinite Power No 5 by Rada Akbar (L) and Monster by Fatima Wojohat
/news/2024/12/11/vietnam-repea...Vietnam: Repeal Harmful Internet Laws
/news/2024/12/04/india-police-...India: Police Raid Rights Group in Delhi
/topic/disability-rightsTexto duplicado Disability Rights
/news/2024/12/13/un-security-c...Texto duplicado UN Security Council Recommits to Protecting People with Disabilities
IMG-ALT Emina Ćerimović speaks at the United Nations Security Council “Arria formula” meeting on December 6, 2024.
/news/2024/12/03/canada-abuse-...Canada: Abuse, Bias Against Immigration Detainees with Disabilities
/news/2024/12/03/ugandan-disab...Ugandan Disability Rights Mental Health Advocate Honored
/topic/united-nationsTexto duplicado United Nations
/news/2024/12/13/un-security-c...Texto duplicado UN Security Council Recommits to Protecting People with Disabilities
IMG-ALT Emina Ćerimović speaks at the United Nations Security Council “Arria formula” meeting on December 6, 2024.
/news/2024/12/05/killer-robots...Killer Robots: UN Vote Should Spur Treaty Negotiations
/news/2024/11/25/un-russia-vet...UN: Russia Vetoes Sudan Resolution Despite Global Support
/topic/crisis-and-conflictTexto duplicado Crisis and Conflict
/news/2024/12/13/un-security-c...Texto duplicado UN Security Council Recommits to Protecting People with Disabilities
IMG-ALT Emina Ćerimović speaks at the United Nations Security Council “Arria formula” meeting on December 6, 2024.
/news/2024/12/10/sudan-war-cri...Texto duplicado Sudan: War Crimes in South Kordofan
/news/2024/12/09/un-deploy-new...UN: Deploy New Haiti Mission to Restore Security
/topic/free-speechTexto duplicado Free Speech
/news/2024/12/13/saudi-arabia-...Texto duplicado Saudi Arabia: Hosting UN Internet Conference Amid Crackdown
IMG-ALT A message is typed on a smartphone, July 2022.
/news/2024/12/10/kyrgyzstan-re...Kyrgyzstan is Relentless in its Crackdown on Civil and Political Rights
/news/2024/12/05/film-crew-sto...Film Crew Stopped and Questioned in Autonomous Republic of Uzbekistan
/topic/technology-and-rightsTexto duplicado Technology and Rights
/news/2024/12/13/saudi-arabia-...Texto duplicado Saudi Arabia: Hosting UN Internet Conference Amid Crackdown
IMG-ALT A message is typed on a smartphone, July 2022.
/news/2024/12/04/greek-surveil...Greek Surveillance Lawsuit Aims to Silence Journalism
/news/2024/10/31/armenia-surve...Armenia: Surveillance Bill Threatens Rights duplicado Arms
/news/2024/12/13/qa-us-antiper...Texto duplicado Q&A: US Antipersonnel Landmine Transfers
IMG-ALT People protest in a corridor with two men with amputated legs hold a sign that says "Look what AP landmines will do to your people."
/news/2024/12/13/us-landmine-t...Texto duplicado US Landmine Transfers Contravene Long-Standing Policy
/news/2024/12/05/killer-robots...Texto duplicado Killer Robots: UN Vote Should Spur Treaty Negotiations duplicado Health
/news/2024/12/12/worldwide-pol...Worldwide, Policies Leave Health Care Inaccessible for Too Many
IMG-ALT The Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Spain, January 26, 2024.
/news/2024/12/03/brazil-fails-...Brazil Fails to Launch Long-Awaited Pesticide Reduction Plan
/news/2024/11/18/brazil-pestic...Brazil: Pesticide Bill Threatens Health, Livelihoods
/topic/economic-justice-and-ri...Texto duplicado Economic Justice and Rights
/news/2024/12/12/worldwide-pol...Texto duplicado Worldwide, Policies Leave Health Care Inaccessible for Too Many
IMG-ALT The Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Spain, January 26, 2024.
/news/2024/12/02/volkswagens-c...Volkswagen’s China Joint Venture to Exit Xinjiang
/news/2024/11/20/study-finds-t...Study Finds Third of UK Children Living in Poverty
/topic/childrens-rightsTexto duplicado Children's Rights
/news/2024/12/12/10-good-news-...10 Good News Stories for Kids in 2024
IMG-ALT Children at the Khone Phapheng Falls, Laos, December 3, 2019.
/news/2024/12/02/egypt-educati...Egypt: Education Restricted for Refugees
/news/2024/11/20/study-finds-t...Texto duplicado Study Finds Third of UK Children Living in Poverty
/topic/womens-rightsTexto duplicado Women's Rights
/news/2024/12/12/ukraine-parli...Texto duplicado Ukraine Parliament Adopts Bill on Legal Status of CRSV Survivors
IMG-ALT Artwork by the Ukrainian artist Julia Tveritina to raise awareness for the victims of sexual violence, at an art center in Kyiv, Ukraine, June 19, 2024.
/news/2024/12/11/afghanistan-w...Texto duplicado Afghanistan: Women Artists Help Drive Resistance to Taliban
/news/2024/12/09/action-needed...Action Needed to Confront Domestic Violence in Central Asia
/topic/refugees-and-migrantsTexto duplicado Refugees and Migrants
/news/2024/12/10/many-syrian-r...As Many Syrian Refugees Return Home, Others Cannot
IMG-ALT A Syrian refugee arrives with his family to cross into Syria from Turkey at the Oncupinar border crossing, December 10, 2024.
/news/2024/12/10/poland-brutal...Poland: Brutal Pushbacks at Belarus Border
/news/2024/12/06/need-continue...The Need to Continue Protecting Syrian Refugees
/topic/environmentTexto duplicado Environment and Human Rights
/news/2024/12/02/world-court-c...World Court Considers Climate Change
IMG-ALT The International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands, opens hearings into the legal obligations of countries with respect to combating climate change...
/news/2024/11/27/china-state-b...China State Bank Shouldn’t Back East African Crude Oil Pipeline
/news/2024/11/25/lack-progress...Lack of Progress at COP29 Puts Rights at Risk
/topic/international-justiceTexto duplicado International Justice
/news/2024/12/02/world-court-c...Texto duplicado World Court Considers Climate Change
IMG-ALT The International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands, opens hearings into the legal obligations of countries with respect to combating climate change...
/news/2024/12/02/icc-member-st...ICC: Member States Should Act to Protect Justice
/news/2024/11/27/myanmar-icc-p...Myanmar: ICC Prosecutor Requests Arrest Warrant
/topic/lgbt-rightsTexto duplicado LGBT Rights
/news/2024/11/20/trans-day-rem...Trans Day of Remembrance Marked with Grim Murder Data
IMG-ALT People carry the names of murdered transgendered women as dozens of transgender women and allies gather to commemorate murdered members of their community on...
/news/2024/11/20/colombia-char...Colombia Charges Former FARC Leaders with Child Recruitment
/news/2024/11/19/interview-tru...Interview: Trump Poses More Threats to Rights of LGBT People duplicado Torture
/news/2024/11/19/iraq-surging-...Iraq: Surging Unlawful Executions
IMG-ALT Barbed wire.
/news/2024/08/26/israel-palest...Israel: Palestinian Healthcare Workers Tortured
/news/2024/07/23/israel-detain...Israel: Detainees Face Inhumane Treatment
/topic/terrorism-counterterrorismTexto duplicado Terrorism / Counterterrorism
/news/2024/11/14/us-jury-award...US Jury Awards $42 Million to 3 Iraqis Abused at Abu Ghraib Prison
IMG-ALT A detainee in an outdoor solitary confinement cell talks with a military police officer at the Abu Ghraib prison on the outskirts of Baghdad, Iraq, June 22, ...
/news/2024/06/26/yemen-houthis...Yemen: Houthis Disappear Dozens of UN, Civil Society Staff
/news/2024/05/08/mali-islamist...Mali: Islamist Armed Groups, Ethnic Militias Commit Atrocities
/topic/rights-older-peopleTexto duplicado Rights of Older People
/news/2024/10/04/witness-it-to...Witness: “It Took Me Over 30 Years to Come Out. I Stopped Crying.”
IMG-ALT Francisca, “Yaa Sissi,” in her living room.
/news/2024/07/31/impacts-clima...The Impacts of Climate Change on Older People and Ways Forward
/news/2024/05/31/un-body-recom...UN Body Recommends New Treaty on Older People’s Rights Subdominio Texto duplicado Give Monthly Subdominio Make a one-time gift Texto duplicado X
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Human Rights Watch | Defending Human Rights Worldwide
Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 100 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice

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