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The Smithsonian's Human Origins Program | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
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Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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El dominio no es un subdominio.
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URL de la página
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(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1835 palabras.
Un 26% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 13 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 18.67 palabras.
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Optimización para móviles
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
... website carousel.jpg.webp?itok=XBvPUkk3Image of timeline spiral and earth globe with handprint
...eractive-timeline.jpg.webp?itok=ZS-WWBGgImage of figurines, bone and stone tools
...s-interactive-OH5.jpg.webp?itok=Su2gApM9Image of five views of fossil skull OH-5 of illustration of Homo erectus group butchering a dead elephant
.../support-our-work.jpg.webp?itok=RXhNkL1vImage of human hand reaching out to primate hand.
...llofHumanOrigins2.jpg.webp?itok=dyxPXhbgImage of reconstructed faces of three early humans in profile view
...8/HOHall_02967_CC.jpg.webp?itok=aD0Elel-Human Origins Exhibit Entrance
...t_corrected_cc_sq.jpg.webp?itok=I3_nWaj5image of Homo floresiensis; LB1, skeleton
...e/StoneToolorRock.jpg.webp?itok=0ASh6kUBRock or stone tool
...-16 at 8.51.44 AM.png.webp?itok=Prgd2dYxVideo Thumbnail of Rick Potts from "Designing the Exhibition"

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
H2 Main Menu
H2 Anthropocene: The Age of Humans
H2 Interactive Timeline
H2 Digital Collection
H2 Adventures in the Rift Valley
H2 Support Our Work
H2 Hall of Human Origins
H2 Visit the Exhibit
H2 What Does It Mean To Be Human?
H2 Featured Research
H2 For Teachers
H2 Human Evolution: Religious Perspectives
H2 Featured Media
H2 Fun Facts
H3 'Hobbits' on Flores, Indonesia
H3 AP Biology Curriculum Materials
H3 Lesson Plans
H3 How To Tell a Rock from a Stone Tool
H3 Designing the Exhibition
H3 What can lice tell us about human evolution?
H4 Comparison of Human and Chimp Chromosomes (Grades 9-12)
H4 Investigating Common Descent: Formulating Explanations and Models (Grades 9-12)
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 7 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content Home ancla Menu
/education/frequently-asked-qu...FAQ Subdominio Support Our Work Subdominio Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
A-TITLE Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
/researchHuman Evolution Research
A-TITLE Research
/research/climate-and-human-ev...Climate and Human Evolution
/research/climate-and-human-ev...Climate Effects on Human Evolution
/research/climate-and-human-ev...Survival of the Adaptable
/evidence/human-evolution-inte...Human Evolution Timeline Interactive
/research/east-african-researc...East African Research Projects
/research/east-african-researc...Olorgesailie Field Blog
/research/east-african-researc...Olorgesailie Drilling Project
/research/east-african-researc...Kanam, Kenya
/research/east-african-researc...Kanjera, Kenya
/research/east-african-researc...Ol Pejeta, Kenya
/research/east-african-researc...Olorgesailie, Kenya
/research/east-african-researc...Evolution of Human Innovation
/research/east-african-researc...Adventures in the Rift Valley: Interactive
/research/asian-research-projectsAsian Research Projects
/research/asian-research-proje...'Hobbits' on Flores, Indonesia
/research/asian-research-proje...Earliest Humans in China
/research/asian-research-proje...Bose, China
/research/age-humans-evolution...Anthropocene: The Age of Humans
/research/fossil-forensics-int...Fossil Forensics: Interactive
/research/whats-hot-human-originsWhat's Hot in Human Origins?
/research/digital-archive-ungu...Digital Archive of Ungulate and Carnivore Dentition
/evidenceHuman Evolution Evidence
A-TITLE Evidence
/evidence/behavior/primate-beh...Primate Behavior
/evidence/behavior/stone-toolsStone Tools
/evidence/behavior/getting-foodGetting Food
/evidence/behavior/carrying-st...Carrying & Storing
/evidence/behavior/hearths-she...Hearths & Shelters
/evidence/behavior/recording-i...Recording Information
/evidence/behavior/making-clot...Making Clothing
/evidence/behavior/art-musicArt & Music
/evidence/human-fossilsHuman Fossils
/evidence/human-fossils/myster...Mystery Skull Interactive
/evidence/human-fossils/shanid...Shanidar 3 - Neanderthal Skeleton
/evidence/3d-collection3D Collection
/evidence/3d-collection/fossilsTexto duplicado Fossils
/evidence/genetics/one-species...One Species, Living Worldwide
/evidence/genetics/human-skin-...Human Skin Color Variation
/evidence/genetics/ancient-dna...Ancient DNA and Neanderthals
/evidence/human-evolution-inte...Texto duplicado Human Evolution Timeline Interactive
/evidence/human-family-treeHuman Family Tree
/evidence/snapshots-timeSnapshots in Time
/human-characteristicsHuman Characteristics
/human-characteristics/walking...Walking Upright
/human-characteristics/tools-foodTools & Food
/human-characteristics/social-...Social Life
/human-characteristics/languag...Language & Symbols
/human-characteristics/humans-...Humans Change the World
/education/introduction-human-...Introduction to Human Evolution
/education/lesson-plansLesson Plans
/education/college-studentsFor College Students
/education/fun-factsFun Facts
/education/human-origins-glossaryHuman Origins Glossary
/education/learning-unity-and-...Learning Unity and Diversity in Alabama
/education/teaching-evolution-...Teaching Evolution through Human Examples
/education/frequently-asked-qu...Frequently Asked Questions
/education/recommended-booksRecommended Books
/exhibit/exhibit-floorplanExhibit Floorplan
/exhibit/exhibit-floorplan/exh...Exhibit Floorplan Interactive
/education/interactive-exhibit...Print Floorplan PDF
/exhibit/reconstructions-early...Reconstructions of Early Humans
/exhibit/exploring-human-origi...Human Origins Traveling Exhibit
/exhibit/human-origins-do-it-y...Human Origins Do it Yourself Exhibit
/exhibit/exhibit-field-trip-guideExhibit Field Trip Guide Us
/about/human-origins-program-teamHuman Origins Program Team
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Broader Social Impacts Committee
/about/broader-social-impacts-...What We Do
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Members & Member Resources
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Members Thoughts on Science, Religion & Human Origins (video)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Science, Religion, Evolution and Creationism: Primer
/about/broader-social-impacts-...BSIC Public Event Videos and Audio
/about/become-involvedBecome Involved
/about/pressFor Press
/research/age-humans-evolution...Texto duplicado Anthropocene: The Age of Humans
IMG-ALT Image of timeline spiral and earth globe with handprint
/evidence/human-evolution-inte...Interactive Timeline
IMG-ALT Image of figurines, bone and stone tools
/evidence/3d-collectionDigital Collection
IMG-ALT Image of five views of fossil skull OH-5
/research/east-african-researc...Adventures in the Rift Valley
IMG-ALT Image of illustration of Homo erectus group butchering a dead elephant Subdominio Texto duplicado Support Our Work
IMG-ALT Image of human hand reaching out to primate hand.
/exhibitHall of Human Origins
IMG-ALT Image of reconstructed faces of three early humans in profile view
/about/broader-social-impacts-...More Resources >>
/exhibitIMG-ALT Human Origins Exhibit Entrance
/about/become-involved/submit-...Submit Your Answer or Explore Others >>
/researchView more Human Evolution Research >>
/research/asian-research-proje...IMG-ALT image of Homo floresiensis; LB1, skeleton
/research/asian-research-proje...Texto duplicado 'Hobbits' on Flores, Indonesia
/education/lesson-plansTexto duplicado More Resources >>
/education/lesson-plan/compari...Comparison of Human and Chimp Chromosomes (Grades 9-12)
/education/lesson-plan/investi...Investigating Common Descent: Formulating Explanations and Models (Grades 9-12)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Texto duplicado More Resources >>
/multimediaView all Multimedia >>
/media/1045/editHow To Tell a Rock from a Stone Tool
/media/1047/editDesigning the Exhibition
/education/fun-facts/what-can-...What can lice tell us about human evolution? ventana Externo Subdominio © Copyright Smithsonian Institution
A-TITLE Copyright National Museum of Natural History
/about/pressTexto duplicado For Press Subdominio Privacy Subdominio Terms of Use the Human Origins Initiative
/contactContact Us
/researchTexto duplicado Human Evolution Research
A-TITLE Research
/research/climate-and-human-ev...Texto duplicado Climate and Human Evolution
/research/climate-and-human-ev...Texto duplicado Climate Effects on Human Evolution
/research/climate-and-human-ev...Texto duplicado Survival of the Adaptable
/evidence/human-evolution-inte...Texto duplicado Human Evolution Timeline Interactive
/research/east-african-researc...Texto duplicado East African Research Projects
/research/east-african-researc...Texto duplicado Olorgesailie Field Blog
/research/east-african-researc...2011 Olorgesailie Dispatches
/research/east-african-researc...2004 Olorgesailie Dispatches
/research/east-african-researc...1999 Olorgesailie Dispatches
/research/east-african-researc...Texto duplicado Olorgesailie Drilling Project
/research/east-african-researc...Texto duplicado Kanam, Kenya
/research/east-african-researc...Texto duplicado Kanjera, Kenya
/research/east-african-researc...Texto duplicado Ol Pejeta, Kenya
/research/east-african-researc...Texto duplicado Olorgesailie, Kenya
/research/east-african-researc...Texto duplicado Evolution of Human Innovation
/research/east-african-researc...Texto duplicado Adventures in the Rift Valley: Interactive
/research/asian-research-projectsTexto duplicado Asian Research Projects
/research/asian-research-proje...Texto duplicado 'Hobbits' on Flores, Indonesia
/research/asian-research-proje...Texto duplicado Earliest Humans in China
/research/asian-research-proje...Texto duplicado Bose, China
/research/age-humans-evolution...Texto duplicado Anthropocene: The Age of Humans
/research/fossil-forensics-int...Texto duplicado Fossil Forensics: Interactive
/research/whats-hot-human-originsTexto duplicado What's Hot in Human Origins?
/research/digital-archive-ungu...Texto duplicado Digital Archive of Ungulate and Carnivore Dentition
/research/digital-archive-ungu...Carnivore Dentition
/research/digital-archive-ungu...Ungulate Dentition
/evidenceTexto duplicado Human Evolution Evidence
A-TITLE Evidence
/evidence/behaviorTexto duplicado Behavior
/evidence/behavior/primate-beh...Texto duplicado Primate Behavior
/evidence/behavior/footprintsTexto duplicado Footprints
/evidence/behavior/footprints/...Footprints from Koobi Fora, Kenya
/evidence/behavior/footprints/...Laetoli Footprint Trails
/evidence/behavior/footprints/...Footprints from Engare Sero, Tanzania
/evidence/behavior/stone-toolsTexto duplicado Stone Tools
/evidence/behavior/stone-tools...Early Stone Age Tools
/evidence/behavior/stone-tools...Hammerstone from Majuangou, China
/evidence/behavior/stone-tools...Handaxe and Tektites from Bose, China
/evidence/behavior/stone-tools...Handaxe from Europe
/evidence/behavior/stone-tools...Handaxe from India
/evidence/behavior/stone-tools...Oldowan Tools from Lokalalei, Kenya
/evidence/behavior/stone-tools...Olduvai Chopper
/evidence/behavior/stone-tools...Stone Tools from Majuangou, China
/evidence/behavior/stone-tools...Middle Stone Age Tools
/evidence/behavior/stone-tools...Later Stone Age Tools
/evidence/behavior/stone-tools...Burin from Laugerie Haute & Basse, Dordogne, France
/evidence/behavior/stone-tools...La Madeleine, Dordogne, France
A-TITLE La Madeleine, Dordogne, France
/evidence/behavior/getting-foodTexto duplicado Getting Food
/evidence/behavior/getting-foo...Bone Tools
/evidence/behavior/getting-foo...Butchered Animal Bones from Gona, Ethiopia
/evidence/behavior/getting-foo...Katanda Bone Harpoon Point
/evidence/behavior/getting-foo...Oldest Wooden Spear
/evidence/behavior/getting-foo...Punctured Horse Shoulder Blade
/evidence/behavior/getting-foo...Stone Sickle Blades
/evidence/behavior/getting-foo...Projectile Point
/evidence/behavior/carrying-st...Texto duplicado Carrying & Storing
/evidence/behavior/carrying-st...Oldest Pottery
/evidence/behavior/carrying-st...Pottery Fragment
/evidence/behavior/hearths-she...Texto duplicado Hearths & Shelters
/evidence/behavior/hearths-she...Fire-Altered Stone Tools
/evidence/behavior/hearths-she...Terra Amata Shelter
/evidence/behavior/burialTexto duplicado Burial
/evidence/behavior/burial/qafz...Qafzeh: Oldest Intentional Burial
/evidence/behavior/recording-i...Texto duplicado Recording Information
/evidence/behavior/recording-i...Assyrian Cylinder Seal
/evidence/behavior/recording-i...Blombos Ocher Plaque
/evidence/behavior/recording-i...Ishango Bone
/evidence/behavior/making-clot...Texto duplicado Making Clothing
/evidence/behavior/making-clot...Bone Awls
/evidence/behavior/making-clot...Bone and Ivory Needles
/evidence/behavior/art-musicTexto duplicado Art & Music
/evidence/behavior/art-music/f...Carved Ivory Running Lion
/evidence/behavior/art-music/f...Female torso in ivory
/evidence/behavior/art-music/f...Ivory Horse Figurine
/evidence/behavior/art-music/f...Ivory Horse Sculpture
/evidence/behavior/art-music/f...Lady of Brassempouy
/evidence/behavior/art-music/f...Lion-Man Figurine
/evidence/behavior/art-music/f...Willendorf Venus
/evidence/behavior/art-music/j...Ancient Shell Beads
/evidence/behavior/art-music/j...Carved Bone Disc
/evidence/behavior/art-music/j...Cro-Magnon Shell Bead Necklace
/evidence/behavior/art-music/j...Oldest Known Shell Beads
/evidence/behavior/art-music/m...Musical Instruments
/evidence/behavior/art-music/m...Ancient Flute
/evidence/behavior/art-music/r...Rock Art
/evidence/behavior/art-music/r...Ancient Pigments
/evidence/behavior/art-music/r...Apollo 11 Plaque
/evidence/behavior/art-music/o...Other Decorated Objects
/evidence/behavior/art-music/o...Carved antler baton with horses
/evidence/behavior/art-music/o...Geometric incised bone rectangle
/evidence/behavior/art-music/o...Tata Plaque
/evidence/human-fossilsTexto duplicado Human Fossils
/evidence/human-fossils/speciesTexto duplicado Species
/evidence/human-fossils/fossilsTexto duplicado Fossils
/evidence/human-fossils/myster...Texto duplicado Mystery Skull Interactive
/evidence/human-fossils/shanid...Texto duplicado Shanidar 3 - Neanderthal Skeleton
/evidence/3d-collectionTexto duplicado 3D Collection
/evidence/3d-collection/artifactsTexto duplicado Artifacts
/evidence/3d-collection/fossilsTexto duplicado Fossils
/evidence/3d-collection/primatesTexto duplicado Primates
/evidence/geneticsTexto duplicado Genetics
/evidence/genetics/one-species...Texto duplicado One Species, Living Worldwide
/evidence/genetics/human-skin-...Texto duplicado Human Skin Color Variation
/evidence/genetics/ancient-dna...Texto duplicado Ancient DNA and Neanderthals
/evidence/datingTexto duplicado Dating
/evidence/human-evolution-inte...Texto duplicado Human Evolution Timeline Interactive
/evidence/human-family-treeTexto duplicado Human Family Tree
/evidence/snapshots-timeTexto duplicado Snapshots in Time
/evidence/snapshots-time/swart...Swartkrans, South Africa
/evidence/snapshots-time/olorg...Texto duplicado Olorgesailie, Kenya
/evidence/snapshots-time/shani...Shanidar, Iraq
/human-characteristicsTexto duplicado Human Characteristics
/human-characteristics/walking...Texto duplicado Walking Upright
/human-characteristics/tools-foodTexto duplicado Tools & Food
/human-characteristics/bodiesTexto duplicado Bodies
/human-characteristics/brainsTexto duplicado Brains
/human-characteristics/social-...Texto duplicado Social Life
/human-characteristics/languag...Texto duplicado Language & Symbols
/human-characteristics/humans-...Texto duplicado Humans Change the World
/educationTexto duplicado Education
/education/introduction-human-...Texto duplicado Introduction to Human Evolution
/education/lesson-plansTexto duplicado Lesson Plans
/education/lesson-plan/nuts-an...Nuts and bolts classification: Arbitrary or not? (Grades 6-8)
/education/lesson-plan/the-ori...The Origins and Evolution of Human Bipedality (Grades 9-12)
/education/lesson-plan/compari...Texto duplicado Comparison of Human and Chimp Chromosomes (Grades 9-12)
/education/lesson-plan/hominid...Hominid Cranial Comparison: The "Skulls" Lab (Grades 9-12)
/education/lesson-plan/investi...Texto duplicado Investigating Common Descent: Formulating Explanations and Models (Grades 9-12)
/education/lesson-plan/fossil-...Fossil and Migration Patterns in Early Hominids (Grades 9-12)
/education/college-studentsTexto duplicado For College Students
/education/fun-factsTexto duplicado Fun Facts
/education/fun-facts/why-do-we...Why do we get goose bumps?
/education/fun-facts/chickens-...Chickens, chimpanzees, and you - what do they have in common?
/education/fun-facts/grandpare...Grandparents are unique to humans
/education/fun-facts/how-stron...How strong are we?
/education/fun-facts/humans-ar...Humans are handy!
/education/fun-facts/humans-ru...Humans: the running ape
/education/fun-facts/our-big-h...Our big hungry brain!
/education/fun-facts/our-eyes-...Our eyes say it!
/education/fun-facts/early-hum...The early human tool kit
/education/fun-facts/short-hai...The short-haired human!
/education/fun-facts/“nutcracker”The “Nutcracker”
/education/fun-facts/what-can-...Texto duplicado What can lice tell us about human evolution?
/education/fun-facts/what-does...What does gut got to do with it?
/education/fun-facts/why-do-pa...Why do paleoanthropologists love Lucy?
/education/fun-facts/why-do-we...Why do we have wisdom teeth?
/education/human-origins-glossaryTexto duplicado Human Origins Glossary
/education/learning-unity-and-...Texto duplicado Learning Unity and Diversity in Alabama
/education/teaching-evolution-...Texto duplicado Teaching Evolution through Human Examples
/education/frequently-asked-qu...Texto duplicado Frequently Asked Questions
/education/recommended-booksTexto duplicado Recommended Books
/exhibitTexto duplicado Exhibit
/exhibit/exhibit-floorplanTexto duplicado Exhibit Floorplan
/exhibit/exhibit-floorplan/exh...Texto duplicado Exhibit Floorplan Interactive
/education/interactive-exhibit...Texto duplicado Print Floorplan PDF
/exhibit/reconstructions-early...Texto duplicado Reconstructions of Early Humans
/exhibit/exploring-human-origi...Texto duplicado Human Origins Traveling Exhibit
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Chesterfield County Public Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Orange County Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Andover Public Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Ephrata Public Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Oelwein Public Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Cedar City Public Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Milpitas Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Spokane County Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Cottage Grove Public Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Pueblo City-County Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Springfield-Greene County Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Peoria Public Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Orion Township Public Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Skokie Public Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Wyckoff Free Public Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Tompkins County Public Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Otis Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Fletcher Free Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Bangor Public Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Payne Theological Seminary
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Columbia Theological Seminary
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Yuma County Library
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Hood Theological Seminary & Livingstone College
/exhibit/human-origins-traveli...Broward County Public Library
/exhibit/human-origins-do-it-y...Texto duplicado Human Origins Do it Yourself Exhibit
/exhibit/exhibit-field-trip-guideTexto duplicado Exhibit Field Trip Guide duplicado About Us
/about/acknowledgmentsTexto duplicado Acknowledgments
/about/eventsTexto duplicado Events
/about/human-origins-program-teamTexto duplicado Human Origins Program Team
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Texto duplicado Broader Social Impacts Committee
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Texto duplicado What We Do
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Texto duplicado Members & Member Resources
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Connie Bertka
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Jim Miller
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Betty Holley
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Nancy Howell
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Wes McCoy
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Lee Meadows
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Jamie L. Jensen
/node/136882David Orenstein
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Michael Tenneson
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Ilia Delio
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Leonisa Ardizzone
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Fatimah Jackson
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Shai Cherry
/about/broader-social-impacts-...David Haberman (Emeritus)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Fred Edwords (Emeritus)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Elliot Dorff (Emeritus)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Francisca Cho (Emeritus)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Peter F. Ryan (Emeritus)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Mustansir Mir (Emeritus)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Randy Isaac (Emeritus)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Mary Evelyn Tucker (Emeritus)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Wentzel van Huyssteen (Emeritus)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Joe Watkins (Emeritus)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Tom Weinandy (Emeritus)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Texto duplicado Members Thoughts on Science, Religion & Human Origins (video)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Texto duplicado Science, Religion, Evolution and Creationism: Primer
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Texto duplicado BSIC Public Event Videos and Audio
/about/broader-social-impacts-...The Evolution of Religious Belief: Seeking Deep Evolutionary Roots
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Laboring for Science, Laboring for Souls: Obstacles and Approaches to Teaching and Learning Evolution in the Southeastern United States
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Public Event : Religious Audiences and the Topic of Evolution: Lessons from the Classroom (video)
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Evolution and the Anthropocene: Science, Religion, and the Human Future
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Imagining the Human Future: Ethics for the Anthropocene
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Human Evolution and Religion: Questions and Conversations from the Hall of Human Origins
/about/broader-social-impacts-...I Came from Where? Approaching the Science of Human Origins from Religious Perspectives
/about/broader-social-impacts-...Religious Perspectives on the Science of Human Origins
/about/become-involvedTexto duplicado Become Involved
/about/become-involved/submit-...Submit Your Response to "What Does It Mean To Be Human?"
/about/become-involved/volunte...Volunteer Opportunities
/about/become-involved/submit-...Submit Question
/about/productsTexto duplicado Products
/about/products/shaping-humani..."Shaping Humanity: How Science, Art, and Imagination Help Us Understand Our Origins" (book by John Gurche)
/about/products/what-does-it-m...What Does It Mean To Be Human? (book by Richard Potts and Chris Sloan)
/about/pressTexto duplicado For Press
/multimediaTexto duplicado Multimedia
/multimedia/slideshowsTexto duplicado Slideshows
/multimedia/slideshows/bronze-...Bronze Statues
/multimedia/slideshows/reconst...Reconstructed Faces
/multimedia/videosTexto duplicado Videos
/multimedia/audioTexto duplicado Audio
/education/frequently-asked-qu...Texto duplicado FAQ Subdominio Texto duplicado Support Our Work ancla A-TITLE Back to top

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Human Origins81%Check
Human Origins Program76%Check
Hall Human Origins69%Check
Science Human Origins68%Check
Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins65%Check
Institution's Human Origins Program65%Check

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