Icmagroup.org - SEO Checker

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327,00 kB
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(Extremadamente importante)
The International Capital Market Association » ICMA
La longitud del título es óptima (470 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) represents financial institutions active in the international capital market worldwide.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (835 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-us
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-us.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0
generatorSilverStripe - https://www.silverstripe.org
descriptionThe International Capital Market Association (ICMA) represents financial institutions active in the international capital market worldwide.
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El contenido de esta página es demasiado extenso (4013 palabras). Tal vez podrías dividirlo en varias páginas según el tema.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es elevada: 30.43 palabras.
Un 17.5% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 8 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
Esta página carga 8 archivos JavaScript. Esto puede afectar negativamente a la velocidad de carga.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 80 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 4 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de Schema.org) adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
REGISTER NOW 10th Annual Conference of the Principles Amsterdam, 25 June 2024
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 164 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 REGISTER NOW 10th Annual Conference of the Principles Amsterdam, 25 June 2024
H1 SAVE THE DATE ICMA FinTech & Digitalisation Forum London, 18 September 2024
H2 Primary Markets
H2 Secondary Markets
H2 Repo and Collateral Markets
H2 Sustainable Finance
H2 Asset Management
H2 FinTech & Market Electronification
H2 News In Brief
H2 Key Issues
H2 ICMA Education
H2 ICMA Events
H3 Welcome to the International Capital Market Association
H3 Mission statement
H3 History
H3 Governance
H3 The Regions
H3 ICMA in Asia Pacific
H3 ICMA Social Networks
H3 International Affiliations
H3 ICMA product information
H3 Employment Opportunities
H3 A global community for the capital markets
H3 Benefits of Membership
H3 Apply for Membership
H3 List of ICMA Member Firms
H3 ICMA Members Register
H3 ICMA engages with its global membership on market practice and regulatory policy issues through its expert forums.
H3 ICMA Councils & Committees
H3 Primary Markets Texto duplicado
H3 Secondary Markets Texto duplicado
H3 Repo and Collateral Markets Texto duplicado
H3 Euro Commercial Paper and certificates of deposit
H3 Asset Management Texto duplicado
H3 FinTech and Digitalisation
H3 Benchmark Reform and Transition to Risk-free Rates
H3 Capital Markets Union
H3 International Capital Market Fragmentation
H3 ICMA Quarterly Report
H3 ICMA Legal & Regulatory Helpdesk
H3 ICMA serves as Secretariat to the GBP, the SBP, the SBG and the SLBP, providing support while advising on governance and other issues.
H3 The Principles, Guidelines and Handbooks
H3 Membership, Governance & Working Groups
H3 Other Sustainable Finance Initiatives & Regulatory Issues
H3 Sustainable Bond Market Data
H3 Impact Reporting
H3 External Reviews
H3 Resource Centre
H3 Principles Helpdesk
H3 Contacts
H3 Studying with ICMA
H3 Already studying?
H3 Accreditations
H3 Online Self-Study Courses
H3 Financial Market Foundations Courses
H3 Debt Capital Markets Courses
H3 Fixed Income Trading & Strategies Courses
H3 Financial Markets Operations Courses
H3 Financial Technology courses
H3 Repo & Collateral Courses
H3 Sustainable Finance Courses
H3 Dubai Programmes
H3 2024 Scholarship Programme
H3 Corporate Finance Certificate
H3 What’s happening at ICMA?
H3 ICMA Reports and Papers
H3 News
H3 Market Data
H3 ICMA Webinars & Podcasts
H3 Subscribe to Mailing Lists
H3 Mission statement Texto duplicado
H3 History Texto duplicado
H3 Governance Texto duplicado
H3 The Regions Texto duplicado
H3 ICMA in Asia Pacific Texto duplicado
H3 ICMA Social Networks Texto duplicado
H3 International Affiliations Texto duplicado
H3 ICMA product information Texto duplicado
H3 Employment Opportunities Texto duplicado
H3 Benefits of Membership Texto duplicado
H3 Apply for Membership Texto duplicado
H3 List of ICMA Member Firms Texto duplicado
H3 ICMA Members Register Texto duplicado
H3 ICMA Councils & Committees Texto duplicado
H3 Primary Markets Texto duplicado
H3 Secondary Markets Texto duplicado
H3 Repo and Collateral Markets Texto duplicado
H3 Euro Commercial Paper and certificates of deposit Texto duplicado
H3 Asset Management Texto duplicado
H3 FinTech and Digitalisation Texto duplicado
H3 Benchmark Reform and Transition to Risk-free Rates Texto duplicado
H3 Capital Markets Union Texto duplicado
H3 International Capital Market Fragmentation Texto duplicado
H3 ICMA Quarterly Report Texto duplicado
H3 ICMA Legal & Regulatory Helpdesk Texto duplicado
H3 The Principles, Guidelines and Handbooks Texto duplicado
H3 Membership, Governance & Working Groups Texto duplicado
H3 Other Sustainable Finance Initiatives & Regulatory Issues Texto duplicado
H3 Sustainable Bond Market Data Texto duplicado
H3 Impact Reporting Texto duplicado
H3 External Reviews Texto duplicado
H3 Resource Centre Texto duplicado
H3 Principles Helpdesk Texto duplicado
H3 Contacts Texto duplicado
H3 Online Self-Study Courses Texto duplicado
H3 Financial Market Foundations Courses Texto duplicado
H3 Debt Capital Markets Courses Texto duplicado
H3 Fixed Income Trading & Strategies Courses Texto duplicado
H3 Financial Markets Operations Courses Texto duplicado
H3 Financial Technology courses Texto duplicado
H3 Repo & Collateral Courses Texto duplicado
H3 Sustainable Finance Courses Texto duplicado
H3 Dubai Programmes Texto duplicado
H3 2024 Scholarship Programme Texto duplicado
H3 Corporate Finance Certificate Texto duplicado
H3 ICMA Reports and Papers Texto duplicado
H3 News Texto duplicado
H3 Market Data Texto duplicado
H3 ICMA Webinars & Podcasts Texto duplicado
H3 Subscribe to Mailing Lists Texto duplicado
H3 Introduction to Digital Assets & Securities
H3 Introduction to Sustainable Bonds
H3 Introduction to Securities Operations Qualification (ISOQ)
H3 Advanced Repo Trading & Securities Lending
H3 Fixed Income Certificate (FIC)
H3 Fintech in the Capital Market: Spotlight on Primary
H3 Corporate Actions: An Introduction
H3 Inflation-Linked Bonds and Derivatives
H3 Primary Market Certificate (PMC)
H3 Operations Certificate Programme (OCP)
H3 Introduction to Primary Markets Qualification (IPMQ)
H3 Prudential Regulation & Fixed Income Markets
H3 Asset & Liability Management
H3 ICMA Financial Services Summer Networking BBQ
H3 10th Annual Conference of the Principles
H3 Point Zero Forum
H3 Professional Repo Market and Collateral Management Course (PRMCMC)
H3 ICMA Women's Network: AI and Tech innovation in capital markets, an opportunity for female leadership
H3 ICMA FinTech & Digitalisation Forum
H3 The AMIC Forum: Mind the Gap – democratisation of investing and financing the real economy.
H3 8th Annual ICMA & JSDA Conference: Enabling Sustainable Society / Economy-Wide Transition through Sustainable Bonds
H4 Primary Market Committees
H4 Primary Market Topics
H4 Primary Market Products
H4 ICMA’s Rules and Recommendations for the Secondary Market
H4 Secondary Market Practices Committee (SMPC) and related Working Groups
H4 Electronic Trading
H4 Market Transparency
H4 Market Data Texto duplicado
H4 Market Liquidity
H4 Secondary Markets Regulation
H4 Legal Documentation
H4 Repo and Collateral Council and related groups
H4 ICMA ERCC Publications
H4 Market Data Texto duplicado
H4 Regulation
H4 FinTech
H4 Other Resources
H4 ICMA AMIC Councils and Committees
H4 AMIC Publications
H4 Regulatory Issues
H4 FinTech Advisory Committee and related groups
H4 ICMA FinTech Directories
H4 FinTech resources
Página base: https://www.icmagroup.org/
Hay demasiados enlaces internos (610) en esta página.
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 7 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
https://www.lilo.co.uk/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Web Design London
A-TITLE Web Design London
https://www.icmagroup.org/IMG-ALT ICMA
/About-ICMA/About ICMA
/market-practice-and-regulator...Market Practice & Regulatory Policy
/sustainable-finance/Sustainable Finance
/executive-education/Education & Training
/media-and-market-data/Media & Market Data
/About-ICMA/mission/Mission statement
/About-ICMA/Governance/the-board/The Board
/About-ICMA/Governance/the-chi...The Chief Executive
/About-ICMA/Governance/the-exe...The Executive Committee
/About-ICMA/Governance/the-gen...The General Meeting
/About-ICMA/Governance/the-nom...The Nomination Committee
/About-ICMA/Governance/the-aud...The Auditors
/About-ICMA/Governance/icma-co...ICMA Competition Law Guidelines
/About-ICMA/icma-regions/The Regions
/About-ICMA/icma-in-asia-pacific/ICMA in Asia Pacific
/About-ICMA/icma-in-asia-pacif...Benchmark-related Resources in selected Asia-Pacific Markets
https://www.icmagroup.org/ICMA Social Networks
/About-ICMA/icma-social-networ...ICMA Future Leaders
/About-ICMA/icma-social-networ...ICMA Women's Network
https://icma.onpld.com/Externo Subdominio ICMA Mentoring Platform
/About-ICMA/international-affi...International Affiliations
/About-ICMA/icma-product-infor...ICMA product information
/About-ICMA/employment-opportu...Employment Opportunities
/membership/benefits-of-member...Benefits of Membership
/membership/apply-for-membership/Apply for Membership
/membership/List-of-principal-...List of ICMA Member Firms
/membership/icma-members-regis...ICMA Members Register
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Councils & Committees
/market-practice-and-regulator...Primary Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Primary Market Handbook - Home
https://www.icmagroup.org/Primary Market Committees ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Primary Market Practices Committee
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Asia Pacific Bond Syndicate Forum
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Legal and Documentation Committee
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Asia Pacific Legal & Documentation Forum
/market-practice-and-regulator...Public Sector Issuer Forum
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Corporate Issuer Forum
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Financial Institution Issuer Forum
https://www.icmagroup.org/Primary Market Topics ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...Accounting and Auditing
/market-practice-and-regulator...Benchmark Reform and Transition to Risk-Free Rates
/market-practice-and-regulator...MiFID II/R in Primary Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Primary Markets Conduct (non-MiFID)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Primary Markets Technology Mapping Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...Dialogue with Investors
/market-practice-and-regulator...PRIIPs KIDs
/market-practice-and-regulator...Retail Access to Bond Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Market Infrastructure and Asset Servicing
/market-practice-and-regulator...Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) - Primary Market Aspects
/market-practice-and-regulator...Periodic Reporting / Continuing Obligations
/market-practice-and-regulator...Taxation (Primary Markets)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Other ICMA Primary Market Advocacy Materials
https://www.icmagroup.org/Primary Market Products ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...Bank Capital
/market-practice-and-regulator...Infrastructure Financing
/market-practice-and-regulator...Islamic Finance
/market-practice-and-regulator...Private Placements
/market-practice-and-regulator...Retail Structured Products
/resources-2/Sovereign-Debt-In...Sovereign Debt
/market-practice-and-regulator...Securitisation (Asset Management Perspective)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Secondary Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA’s Rules and Recommendations for the Secondary Market ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Consultation on the Buy-in Rules
https://www.icmagroup.org/Secondary Market Practices Committee (SMPC) and related Working Groups ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA SMPC and Terms of Reference
/market-practice-and-regulator...MiFID II/R Working Group
/market-practice-and-regulator...CSDR-SD Working Group
/market-practice-and-regulator...SMPC - Secondary Market Rules & Recommendations
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Electronic Trading Working Group (ETWG)
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Bond Market Liquidity Taskforce
/market-practice-and-regulator...Central Bank Corporate Bond Purchase Programmes
https://www.icmagroup.org/Electronic Trading ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Electronic Trading FinTech Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Industry Guide to Definitions and Best Practice for Bond Pricing Distribution
/market-practice-and-regulator...Papers and Reports
/market-practice-and-regulator...Common Domain Model (CDM)
/market-practice-and-regulator...“T+1” – the shortening of standard settlement cycles
/market-practice-and-regulator...Market Transparency ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...Transparency Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...Consolidated Tape
/market-practice-and-regulator...Market Data ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...IG Corporate Bond Traded Volumes (ICE Data Services)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Euro Government Bond Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Euro Corporate Bond Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Global Bond Yields
https://www.icmagroup.org/Market Liquidity ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...Bond Market Liquidity Library
/market-practice-and-regulator...European Commission Expert Group on Corporate Bond Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Studies and Papers
https://www.icmagroup.org/Secondary Markets Regulation ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...MiFID II/R
/market-practice-and-regulator...CSDR Settlement Discipline
/market-practice-and-regulator...Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB)
/market-practice-and-regulator...MAR/Investment recommendations
/market-practice-and-regulator...Euro Safe Assets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Repo and Collateral Markets
https://www.icmagroup.org/Legal Documentation ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...Global Master Repurchase Agreement (GMRA)
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA GMRA Legal Opinions
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA GMRA Clause Library and Taxonomy
/market-practice-and-regulator...Master Regulatory Reporting Agreement (MRRA)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Resolution Stays
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA FAQs in relation to the GMRA and market turbulence
/market-practice-and-regulator...2011 Global Master Repurchase Agreement (GMRA) Protocol (Revised) Adhering Parties
https://www.icmagroup.org/Repo and Collateral Council and related groups ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA European Repo and Collateral Council (ERCC)
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA European Repo and Collateral Committee
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA ERCC Operations Group
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Global Repo and Collateral Forum (GRCF)
https://www.icmagroup.org/ICMA ERCC Publications ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA ERCC Reports
/market-practice-and-regulator...Frequently Asked Questions on Repo
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA ERCC Papers and Responses
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA ERCC Guide to Best Practice in the European Repo Market
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA ERCC Recommendations for Reporting under SFTR
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado “T+1” – the shortening of standard settlement cycles
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Market Data ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...SFTR Public Data
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA European Repo Market Survey
/market-practice-and-regulator...Euro Repo Funds Rate
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Asia-Pacific Repo Market Survey
https://www.icmagroup.org/Regulation ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...MiFID II/R and SFTs
/market-practice-and-regulator...SFT Regulation (SFTR)
https://www.icmagroup.org/FinTech ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Ops FinTech Mapping Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Common Domain Model (CDM)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Repo Trading FinTech Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...Repo and Sustainability
https://www.icmagroup.org/Other Resources ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Guide to Asia Repo Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Latest ICMA Repo News
/market-practice-and-regulator...Sanctions on Russia: Considerations for repo and secondary trading
/market-practice-and-regulator...Euro Commercial Paper and certificates of deposit
/market-practice-and-regulator...Asset Management
https://www.icmagroup.org/ICMA AMIC Councils and Committees ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...AMIC Committee Composition
/market-practice-and-regulator...Current Active Subcommittees and Working Groups
https://www.icmagroup.org/AMIC Publications ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...AMIC Reports and Reviews
/market-practice-and-regulator...AMIC Responses
/market-practice-and-regulator...Regulatory Issues ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)
/market-practice-and-regulator...MiFID II/R - Research Unbundling
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Securitisation
/market-practice-and-regulator...FinTech and Digitalisation
https://www.icmagroup.org/FinTech Advisory Committee and related groups ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA FinTech Advisory Committee
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Common Domain Model (CDM)
/market-practice-and-regulator...DLT Bonds Working Group
/market-practice-and-regulator...Bond Data Taxonomy Working Group
/market-practice-and-regulator...Electronic Trading Council (ETC)
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA FinTech Directories ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Primary Markets FinTech Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Electronic Trading FinTech Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Repo Trading FinTech Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Operations FinTech Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Regulatory directory
https://www.icmagroup.org/FinTech resources ‣
/market-practice-and-regulator...Frequently Asked Questions on DLT and blockchain in bond markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...FinTech Publications, Consultations and Reports
/market-practice-and-regulator...FinTech Regulatory Roadmap
/market-practice-and-regulator...Tracker of New FinTech Applications in Bond Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...FinTech Glossary
/market-practice-and-regulator...Benchmark Reform and Transition to Risk-free Rates
/market-practice-and-regulator...Capital Markets Union
/market-practice-and-regulator...International Capital Market Fragmentation
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Quarterly Report
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA Legal & Regulatory Helpdesk
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...The Principles, Guidelines and Handbooks
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Green Bond Principles (GBP)
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Social Bond Principles (SBP)
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Sustainability Bond Guidelines (SBG)
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles (SLBP)
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Climate Transition Finance Handbook
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Guidance Handbook and Q&A
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Mapping to the Sustainable Development Goals
/sustainable-finance/membershi...Membership, Governance & Working Groups
/sustainable-finance/membershi...Governance Framework
/sustainable-finance/membershi...Texto duplicado Membership
/sustainable-finance/membershi...Executive Committee
/sustainable-finance/membershi...Advisory Council
/sustainable-finance/membershi...Working groups
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...Other Sustainable Finance Initiatives & Regulatory Issues
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...Code of Conduct for ESG Ratings and Data Products Providers
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...The Hong Kong ESG Ratings and Data Code of Conduct Working Group
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...Singapore Code of Conduct for ESG Rating and Data Product Providers
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...Global Sustainable Finance Council (GSFC)
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...International Policy Initiatives
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...ICMA Publications
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...Regulatory responses & commentary
/sustainable-finance/sustainab...Sustainable Bond Market Data
/sustainable-finance/impact-re...Impact Reporting
/sustainable-finance/external-...External Reviews
/sustainable-finance/resource-...Resource Centre
/sustainable-finance/principle...Principles Helpdesk
/executive-education/about-icm...FIND OUT MORE
https://www.linkedin.com/showc...Externo Subdominio LINKEDIN
/executive-education/download-...DOWNLOAD THE BROCHURE
https://icma.moodle.tituslearn...Externo Subdominio MY ICMA EDUCATION
/executive-education/online-se...Online Self-Study Courses
/executive-education/financial...Financial Market Foundations Courses
/executive-education/debt-capi...Debt Capital Markets Courses
/executive-education/fixed-inc...Fixed Income Trading & Strategies Courses
/executive-education/financial...Financial Markets Operations Courses
/executive-education/financial...Financial Technology courses
/executive-education/repo-and-...Repo & Collateral Courses
/executive-education/sustainab...Sustainable Finance Courses
/executive-education/dubai-cou...Dubai Programmes
/executive-education/icma-scho...2024 Scholarship Programme
/executive-education/corporate...Corporate Finance Certificate
/media-and-market-data/icma-re...ICMA Reports and Papers
/media-and-market-data/icma-pu...Market Data
/media-and-market-data/icma-we...ICMA Webinars & Podcasts
/resources-2/icma-publications...Subscribe to Mailing Lists
https://www.icmagroup.org/Sin texto
/Security/loginIMG-ALT Member
/events/icma-fintech-and-digit...Subdominio Texto duplicado
/About-ICMA/Texto duplicado About ICMA
/membership/Texto duplicado Membership
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Market Practice & Regulatory Policy
/sustainable-finance/Texto duplicado Sustainable Finance
/executive-education/Texto duplicado Education & Training
https://www.icmagroup.org/events/Texto duplicado Events
/media-and-market-data/Texto duplicado Media & Market Data
/About-ICMA/mission/Texto duplicado Mission statement
/About-ICMA/history/Texto duplicado History
https://www.icmagroup.org/Texto duplicado Governance
/About-ICMA/Governance/members/Texto duplicado Members
/About-ICMA/Governance/the-board/Texto duplicado The Board
/About-ICMA/Governance/the-chi...Texto duplicado The Chief Executive
/About-ICMA/Governance/the-exe...Texto duplicado The Executive Committee
/About-ICMA/Governance/the-gen...Texto duplicado The General Meeting
/About-ICMA/Governance/the-nom...Texto duplicado The Nomination Committee
/About-ICMA/Governance/the-aud...Texto duplicado The Auditors
/About-ICMA/Governance/icma-co...Texto duplicado ICMA Competition Law Guidelines
/About-ICMA/icma-regions/Texto duplicado The Regions
/About-ICMA/icma-in-asia-pacific/Texto duplicado ICMA in Asia Pacific
/About-ICMA/icma-in-asia-pacif...Texto duplicado Benchmark-related Resources in selected Asia-Pacific Markets
https://www.icmagroup.org/Texto duplicado ICMA Social Networks
/About-ICMA/icma-social-networ...Texto duplicado ICMA Future Leaders
/About-ICMA/icma-social-networ...Texto duplicado ICMA Women's Network
https://icma.onpld.com/Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado ICMA Mentoring Platform
/About-ICMA/international-affi...Texto duplicado International Affiliations
/About-ICMA/icma-product-infor...Texto duplicado ICMA product information
/About-ICMA/employment-opportu...Texto duplicado Employment Opportunities
/membership/benefits-of-member...Texto duplicado Benefits of Membership
/membership/apply-for-membership/Texto duplicado Apply for Membership
/membership/List-of-principal-...Texto duplicado List of ICMA Member Firms
/membership/icma-members-regis...Texto duplicado ICMA Members Register
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Councils & Committees
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Primary Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Primary Market Handbook - Home
https://www.icmagroup.org/Primary Market Committees
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Primary Market Practices Committee
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Asia Pacific Bond Syndicate Forum
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Legal and Documentation Committee
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Asia Pacific Legal & Documentation Forum
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Public Sector Issuer Forum
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Corporate Issuer Forum
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Financial Institution Issuer Forum
https://www.icmagroup.org/Primary Market Topics
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Accounting and Auditing
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Benchmark Reform and Transition to Risk-Free Rates
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado MiFID II/R in Primary Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Primary Markets Conduct (non-MiFID)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Electronification
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Primary Markets Technology Mapping Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Dialogue with Investors
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Prospectuses
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado PRIIPs KIDs
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Retail Access to Bond Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Market Infrastructure and Asset Servicing
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) - Primary Market Aspects
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Periodic Reporting / Continuing Obligations
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Taxation (Primary Markets)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Other ICMA Primary Market Advocacy Materials
https://www.icmagroup.org/Primary Market Products
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Bank Capital
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Infrastructure Financing
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Islamic Finance
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Private Placements
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Retail Structured Products
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Securitisation
/resources-2/Sovereign-Debt-In...Texto duplicado Sovereign Debt
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Securitisation (Asset Management Perspective)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Secondary Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA’s Rules and Recommendations for the Secondary Market
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Consultation on the Buy-in Rules
https://www.icmagroup.org/Secondary Market Practices Committee (SMPC) and related Working Groups
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA SMPC and Terms of Reference
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado MiFID II/R Working Group
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado CSDR-SD Working Group
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado SMPC - Secondary Market Rules & Recommendations
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Electronic Trading Working Group (ETWG)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Bond Market Liquidity Taskforce
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Central Bank Corporate Bond Purchase Programmes
https://www.icmagroup.org/Electronic Trading
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Electronic Trading FinTech Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Industry Guide to Definitions and Best Practice for Bond Pricing Distribution
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Papers and Reports
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Common Domain Model (CDM)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado “T+1” – the shortening of standard settlement cycles
/market-practice-and-regulator...Market Transparency
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Transparency Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Consolidated Tape
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Market Data
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado IG Corporate Bond Traded Volumes (ICE Data Services)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Euro Government Bond Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Euro Corporate Bond Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Global Bond Yields
https://www.icmagroup.org/Market Liquidity
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Bond Market Liquidity Library
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado European Commission Expert Group on Corporate Bond Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Studies and Papers
https://www.icmagroup.org/Secondary Markets Regulation
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado MiFID II/R
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado CSDR Settlement Discipline
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado MAR/Investment recommendations
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Euro Safe Assets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Archive
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Repo and Collateral Markets
https://www.icmagroup.org/Legal Documentation
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Global Master Repurchase Agreement (GMRA)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA GMRA Legal Opinions
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA GMRA Clause Library and Taxonomy
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Master Regulatory Reporting Agreement (MRRA)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Resolution Stays
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA FAQs in relation to the GMRA and market turbulence
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado 2011 Global Master Repurchase Agreement (GMRA) Protocol (Revised) Adhering Parties
https://www.icmagroup.org/Repo and Collateral Council and related groups
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA European Repo and Collateral Council (ERCC)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA European Repo and Collateral Committee
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA ERCC Operations Group
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Global Repo and Collateral Forum (GRCF)
https://www.icmagroup.org/ICMA ERCC Publications
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA ERCC Reports
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Frequently Asked Questions on Repo
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA ERCC Papers and Responses
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA ERCC Guide to Best Practice in the European Repo Market
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA ERCC Recommendations for Reporting under SFTR
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado “T+1” – the shortening of standard settlement cycles
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Market Data
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado SFTR Public Data
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA European Repo Market Survey
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Euro Repo Funds Rate
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Asia-Pacific Repo Market Survey
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado MiFID II/R and SFTs
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado SFT Regulation (SFTR)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Ops FinTech Mapping Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Common Domain Model (CDM)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Repo Trading FinTech Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Repo and Sustainability
https://www.icmagroup.org/Other Resources
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Guide to Asia Repo Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Latest ICMA Repo News
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Sanctions on Russia: Considerations for repo and secondary trading
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Euro Commercial Paper and certificates of deposit
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Asset Management
https://www.icmagroup.org/ICMA AMIC Councils and Committees
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado AMIC Committee Composition
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Current Active Subcommittees and Working Groups
https://www.icmagroup.org/AMIC Publications
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado AMIC Reports and Reviews
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado AMIC Responses
/market-practice-and-regulator...Regulatory Issues
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado MiFID II/R - Research Unbundling
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Securitisation
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Other
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado FinTech and Digitalisation
https://www.icmagroup.org/FinTech Advisory Committee and related groups
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA FinTech Advisory Committee
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Common Domain Model (CDM)
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado DLT Bonds Working Group
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Bond Data Taxonomy Working Group
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Electronic Trading Council (ETC)
/market-practice-and-regulator...ICMA FinTech Directories
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Primary Markets FinTech Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Electronic Trading FinTech Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Repo Trading FinTech Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Operations FinTech Directory
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Regulatory directory
https://www.icmagroup.org/FinTech resources
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Frequently Asked Questions on DLT and blockchain in bond markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado FinTech Publications, Consultations and Reports
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado FinTech Regulatory Roadmap
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Tracker of New FinTech Applications in Bond Markets
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado FinTech Glossary
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Benchmark Reform and Transition to Risk-free Rates
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado Capital Markets Union
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado International Capital Market Fragmentation
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Quarterly Report
/market-practice-and-regulator...Texto duplicado ICMA Legal & Regulatory Helpdesk
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Texto duplicado The Principles, Guidelines and Handbooks
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Texto duplicado Green Bond Principles (GBP)
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Texto duplicado Social Bond Principles (SBP)
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Texto duplicado Sustainability Bond Guidelines (SBG)
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Texto duplicado Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles (SLBP)
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Texto duplicado Climate Transition Finance Handbook
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Texto duplicado Guidance Handbook and Q&A
/sustainable-finance/the-princ...Texto duplicado Mapping to the Sustainable Development Goals
/sustainable-finance/membershi...Texto duplicado Membership, Governance & Working Groups
/sustainable-finance/membershi...Texto duplicado Governance Framework
/sustainable-finance/membershi...Texto duplicado Membership
/sustainable-finance/membershi...Texto duplicado Executive Committee
/sustainable-finance/membershi...Texto duplicado Advisory Council
/sustainable-finance/membershi...Texto duplicado Working groups
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...Texto duplicado Other Sustainable Finance Initiatives & Regulatory Issues
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...Texto duplicado Code of Conduct for ESG Ratings and Data Products Providers
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...Texto duplicado The Hong Kong ESG Ratings and Data Code of Conduct Working Group
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...Texto duplicado Singapore Code of Conduct for ESG Rating and Data Product Providers
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...Texto duplicado Global Sustainable Finance Council (GSFC)
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...Texto duplicado International Policy Initiatives
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...Texto duplicado ICMA Publications
/sustainable-finance/icma-and-...Texto duplicado Regulatory responses & commentary
/sustainable-finance/sustainab...Texto duplicado Sustainable Bond Market Data
/sustainable-finance/impact-re...Texto duplicado Impact Reporting
/sustainable-finance/external-...Texto duplicado External Reviews
/sustainable-finance/resource-...Texto duplicado Resource Centre
/sustainable-finance/principle...Texto duplicado Principles Helpdesk
/sustainable-finance/contacts/Texto duplicado Contacts
/executive-education/online-se...Texto duplicado Online Self-Study Courses
/executive-education/financial...Texto duplicado Financial Market Foundations Courses
/executive-education/debt-capi...Texto duplicado Debt Capital Markets Courses
/executive-education/fixed-inc...Texto duplicado Fixed Income Trading & Strategies Courses
/executive-education/financial...Texto duplicado Financial Markets Operations Courses
/executive-education/financial...Texto duplicado Financial Technology courses
/executive-education/repo-and-...Texto duplicado Repo & Collateral Courses
/executive-education/sustainab...Texto duplicado Sustainable Finance Courses
/executive-education/dubai-cou...Texto duplicado Dubai Programmes
/executive-education/icma-scho...Texto duplicado 2024 Scholarship Programme
/executive-education/corporate...Texto duplicado Corporate Finance Certificate
/media-and-market-data/icma-re...Texto duplicado ICMA Reports and Papers
https://www.icmagroup.org/News/Texto duplicado News
/media-and-market-data/icma-pu...Texto duplicado Market Data
/media-and-market-data/icma-we...Texto duplicado ICMA Webinars & Podcasts
/resources-2/icma-publications...Texto duplicado Subscribe to Mailing Lists
/Regulatory-Policy-and-Market-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Primary Markets
/Regulatory-Policy-and-Market-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Secondary Markets
/Regulatory-Policy-and-Market-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Repo and Collateral Markets
/sustainable-finance/Subdominio Texto duplicado Sustainable Finance
/Regulatory-Policy-and-Market-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Asset Management
/Regulatory-Policy-and-Market-...Subdominio FinTech & Market Electronification
/Regulatory-Policy-and-Market-...Quarterly Report
/Regulatory-Policy-and-Market-...ICMA Primary Market Handbook
/Regulatory-Policy-and-Market-...ICMA Rule Book
/Regulatory-Policy-and-Market-...Repo Documents
/Regulatory-Policy-and-Market-...Legal or Regulatory queries?
/membership/icma-members-regis...Members Register
/About-ICMA/icma-social-networ...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT ICMA Women's Network
/News/news-in-brief/rssSin texto
/News/news-in-brief/highlights...4 June 2024 Highlights of the 56th ICMA AGM & Conference in Brussels...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Highlights of the 56th ICMA AGM & Conference in Brussels}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-respo...29 May 2024 ICMA responds to joint Bank of England and FCA consultation on a Digital Securities Sandbox...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA responds to joint Bank of England and FCA consultation on a Digital Securities Sandbox}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-membe...23 May 2024 ICMA members elect new board at Brussels annual meeting...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA members elect new board at Brussels annual meeting}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-ercc-...20 May 2024 ICMA ERCC publishes Best Practices on pair-offs and error trades for consultation...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA ERCC publishes Best Practices on pair-offs and error trades for consultation}"
/News/news-in-brief/industry-l...17 May 2024 Industry-led working group launches consultation on Hong Kong Code of Conduct for ESG ratings and data products providers...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Industry-led working group launches consultation on Hong Kong Code of Conduct for ESG ratings and data products providers}"
/market-practice-and-regulator...Subdominio 15 May 2024 Participate in the ICMA European Repo and Collateral Council's 47th European repo market survey...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Participate in the ICMA European Repo and Collateral Council's 47th European repo market survey}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-annou...14 May 2024 ICMA announces new co-head structure for its Market Practice and Regulatory Policy team...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA announces new co-head structure for its Market Practice and Regulatory Policy team}"
/News/news-in-brief/the-europe...14 May 2024 The European repo market – ICMA survey shows record outstanding value of EUR 10.9 trillion at December 2023...
A-TITLE Read more on "{The European repo market – ICMA survey shows record outstanding value of EUR 10.9 trillion at December 2023}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-ercc-...7 May 2024 ICMA ERCC publishes a Briefing Note on EU NSFR and short-term reverse repos...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA ERCC publishes a Briefing Note on EU NSFR and short-term reverse repos}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...29 April 2024 ICMA, IsDB and LSEG publish guidance on green, social and sustainability sukuk...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA, IsDB and LSEG publish guidance on green, social and sustainability sukuk}"
/News/news-in-brief/new-icma-m...16 April 2024 New ICMA members in April 2024...
A-TITLE Read more on "{New ICMA members in April 2024}"
/market-practice-and-regulator...Subdominio 11 April 2024 ICMA Quarterly Report for the Second Quarter of 2024 now available...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA Quarterly Report for the Second Quarter of 2024 now available}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...11 April 2024 ICMA publishes 2024 legal opinion updates for the Global Master Repurchase Agreement...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes 2024 legal opinion updates for the Global Master Repurchase Agreement}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-welco...28 March 2024 ICMA welcomes Geffen Report on faster settlement of financial trades in the UK...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA welcomes Geffen Report on faster settlement of financial trades in the UK}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...26 March 2024 ICMA publishes a fourth edition of The Asian International Bond Markets: Developments and Trends report...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes a fourth edition of The Asian International Bond Markets: Developments and Trends report}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-and-c...26 March 2024 ICMA and CCDC issue joint White Paper on the use of RMB bonds in global repo transactions...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA and CCDC issue joint White Paper on the use of RMB bonds in global repo transactions}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-co-si...25 March 2024 ICMA co-signs Joint Associations’ response to the ESMA consultation of December 2023 on the review of SECR Article 7 templates...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA co-signs Joint Associations’ response to the ESMA consultation of December 2023 on the review of SECR Article 7 templates}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...22 March 2024 ICMA publishes report outlining how bond markets can meet future EU investment challenges ...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes report outlining how bond markets can meet future EU investment challenges }"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...19 March 2024 ICMA publishes the fourth semi-annual report that provides detailed data on EU and UK bond market trading activity...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes the fourth semi-annual report that provides detailed data on EU and UK bond market trading activity}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-and-a...13 March 2024 ICMA and a number of US and global organisations oppose New York legislature bill on sovereign debt...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA and a number of US and global organisations oppose New York legislature bill on sovereign debt}"
/News/news-in-brief/new-icma-m...13 March 2024 New ICMA members in March 2024...
A-TITLE Read more on "{New ICMA members in March 2024}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...11 March 2024 ICMA publishes briefing note on the ESMA proposals for CSDR penalties...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes briefing note on the ESMA proposals for CSDR penalties}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-respo...7 March 2024 ICMA responds to UK FCA Consultation on improving transparency for bond and derivatives markets...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA responds to UK FCA Consultation on improving transparency for bond and derivatives markets}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...5 March 2024 ICMA publishes a new paper on liquidity and resilience in the core European sovereign bond markets...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes a new paper on liquidity and resilience in the core European sovereign bond markets}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-has-r...29 February 2024 ICMA has responded to the ESMA consultation on the EU CSDR Penalty Mechanism...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA has responded to the ESMA consultation on the EU CSDR Penalty Mechanism}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...14 February 2024 ICMA publishes a new paper on transition finance in the debt capital market...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes a new paper on transition finance in the debt capital market}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-annou...12 February 2024 ICMA announces 2024 scholarship programme recipients...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA announces 2024 scholarship programme recipients}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-respo...9 February 2024 ICMA responds to the FCA Consultation CP23/33 on Payments to Data Providers...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA responds to the FCA Consultation CP23/33 on Payments to Data Providers}"
/News/news-in-brief/results-of...8 February 2024 Results of the ERCC Committee elections 2024...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Results of the ERCC Committee elections 2024}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-welco...7 February 2024 ICMA welcomes the HKSAR Government digital green bonds’ alignment with ICMA’s Bond Data Taxonomy...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA welcomes the HKSAR Government digital green bonds’ alignment with ICMA’s Bond Data Taxonomy}"
/News/news-in-brief/new-icma-m...6 February 2024 New ICMA members in February 2024...
A-TITLE Read more on "{New ICMA members in February 2024}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-co-si...1 February 2024 ICMA co-signs joint trade association response to BCBS consultation on banks' disclosure of crypto-asset exposures...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA co-signs joint trade association response to BCBS consultation on banks' disclosure of crypto-asset exposures}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-ercc-...31 January 2024 ICMA ERCC responds to AMI-SeCo survey on remaining post-trade barriers in Europe...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA ERCC responds to AMI-SeCo survey on remaining post-trade barriers in Europe}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-ercc-...29 January 2024 ICMA ERCC publishes its analysis of how the repo market performed over the 2023 year-end...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA ERCC publishes its analysis of how the repo market performed over the 2023 year-end}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-and-a...26 January 2024 ICMA and ASIFMA publish results of the latest survey of the Asia-Pacific repo market...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA and ASIFMA publish results of the latest survey of the Asia-Pacific repo market}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-and-a...26 January 2024 Celebrating 10 years of the Green Bond Principles...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Celebrating 10 years of the Green Bond Principles}"
/News/news-in-brief/paul-richa...9 January 2024 Paul Richards to step down as Head of ICMA’s Market Practice and Regulatory Policy...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Paul Richards to step down as Head of ICMA’s Market Practice and Regulatory Policy}"
/News/news-in-brief/new-icma-m...8 January 2024 New ICMA members in January 2024...
A-TITLE Read more on "{New ICMA members in January 2024}"
/News/news-in-brief/a-review-o...21 December 2023 A review of 2023: ICMA members update...
A-TITLE Read more on "{A review of 2023: ICMA members update}"
/News/news-in-brief/the-europe...20 December 2023 The European repo market – ICMA survey shows new record outstanding value of EUR 10,794 billion at June 2023...
A-TITLE Read more on "{The European repo market – ICMA survey shows new record outstanding value of EUR 10,794 billion at June 2023}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-respo...15 December 2023 ICMA responds to ESMA Call for Evidence on the Shortening of the settlement cycle...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA responds to ESMA Call for Evidence on the Shortening of the settlement cycle}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...14 December 2023 ICMA publishes a new GMRA annex and templates ...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes a new GMRA annex and templates }"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...14 December 2023 ICMA publishes voluntary Code of Conduct for ESG ratings and data products providers...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes voluntary Code of Conduct for ESG ratings and data products providers}"
/News/news-in-brief/joint-icma...13 December 2023 Joint ICMA response to the European Commission’s targeted consultation on the SFDR...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Joint ICMA response to the European Commission’s targeted consultation on the SFDR}"
/News/news-in-brief/new-icma-m...8 December 2023 New ICMA members in December 2023...
A-TITLE Read more on "{New ICMA members in December 2023}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-to-ho...7 December 2023 ICMA to host list of adopters of the Singapore Code of Conduct for ESG Rating and Data Product Providers...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA to host list of adopters of the Singapore Code of Conduct for ESG Rating and Data Product Providers}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...6 December 2023 ICMA publishes updated Master Regulatory Reporting Agreement...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes updated Master Regulatory Reporting Agreement}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-isdb-...4 December 2023 ICMA, IsDB and LSEG announce collaboration to develop a practitioners guide on the issuance of Green Sukuk...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA, IsDB and LSEG announce collaboration to develop a practitioners guide on the issuance of Green Sukuk}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-isda-...4 December 2023 ICMA, ISDA, ISLA and FINOS launch version 5.0 of the Common Domain Model...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA, ISDA, ISLA and FINOS launch version 5.0 of the Common Domain Model}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-at-co...1 December 2023 ICMA at COP28...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA at COP28}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...29 November 2023 ICMA and the Executive Committee of the Principles update the Guidance Handbook...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA and the Executive Committee of the Principles update the Guidance Handbook}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...21 November 2023 ICMA publishes considerations for risk factors and disclosure in DLT bond documentation...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes considerations for risk factors and disclosure in DLT bond documentation}"
/News/news-in-brief/are-you-at...17 November 2023 Are you attending COP28?...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Are you attending COP28?}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...8 November 2023 ICMA publishes Guide to Asia Repo Markets: South Korea...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes Guide to Asia Repo Markets: South Korea}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...2 November 2023 ICMA publishes updated Guide to Best Practice in the European Repo Market...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes updated Guide to Best Practice in the European Repo Market}"
/News/news-in-brief/hong-kong-...31 October 2023 Hong Kong SFC sponsors ICMA to form a working group to develop an ESG code of conduct...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Hong Kong SFC sponsors ICMA to form a working group to develop an ESG code of conduct}"
/News/news-in-brief/new-icma-m...19 October 2023 New ICMA members in October 2023...
A-TITLE Read more on "{New ICMA members in October 2023}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-relea...10 October 2023 ICMA releases new paper on market integrity and greenwashing risks in sustainable finance...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA releases new paper on market integrity and greenwashing risks in sustainable finance}"
/News/news-in-brief/esma-issue...5 October 2023 ESMA issued today a Call for Evidence on the shortening of the settlement cycle in the EU...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ESMA issued today a Call for Evidence on the shortening of the settlement cycle in the EU}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...27 September 2023 ICMA publishes the third semi-annual report that provides detailed data on EU and UK bond market trading activity ...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes the third semi-annual report that provides detailed data on EU and UK bond market trading activity }"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-and-t...26 September 2023 ICMA and the Executive Committee of the Principles update the Q&As related to Sustainability-Linked Bonds...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA and the Executive Committee of the Principles update the Q&As related to Sustainability-Linked Bonds}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-respo...15 September 2023 ICMA response to the FCA Consultation Paper on The Framework for a Consolidated Tape...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA response to the FCA Consultation Paper on The Framework for a Consolidated Tape}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-to-ho...7 September 2023 ICMA to hold side events at the World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings in Marrakech...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA to hold side events at the World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings in Marrakech}"
/News/news-in-brief/new-guidan...6 September 2023 New Guidance on Blue-Themed Bonds to Help Unlock Finance for a Sustainable Ocean Economy...
A-TITLE Read more on "{New Guidance on Blue-Themed Bonds to Help Unlock Finance for a Sustainable Ocean Economy}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-amic-...4 September 2023 ICMA AMIC responds to FSB consultation on liquidity mismatch in OEF...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA AMIC responds to FSB consultation on liquidity mismatch in OEF}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-enhan...31 August 2023 ICMA enhances its offering to members with the launch of its GMRA Clause Library and Taxonomy...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA enhances its offering to members with the launch of its GMRA Clause Library and Taxonomy}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-respo...24 August 2023 ICMA responds to the ESMA consultation on the draft regulatory technical standards under the revised ELTIF regulation...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA responds to the ESMA consultation on the draft regulatory technical standards under the revised ELTIF regulation}"
/News/news-in-brief/new-icma-m...23 August 2023 New ICMA members in August 2023...
A-TITLE Read more on "{New ICMA members in August 2023}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-respo...22 August 2023 ICMA responds to HM Treasury's consultation on a UK Digital Securities Sandbox...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA responds to HM Treasury's consultation on a UK Digital Securities Sandbox}"
/News/news-in-brief/uk-prospec...21 August 2023 UK prospectus regime: ICMA comments on near-final statutory instrument...
A-TITLE Read more on "{UK prospectus regime: ICMA comments on near-final statutory instrument}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-updat...Subdominio 27 July 2023 ICMA identifies 58 solutions for electronic trading in fixed income markets...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA identifies 58 solutions for electronic trading in fixed income markets}"
/News/news-in-brief/new-icma-p...17 July 2023 New ICMA Podcast with four Leading Law Firms about Transition from Legacy US Dollar LIBOR in the Bond Market...
A-TITLE Read more on "{New ICMA Podcast with four Leading Law Firms about Transition from Legacy US Dollar LIBOR in the Bond Market}"
/News/news-in-brief/industry-l...5 July 2023 Industry led working group launches consultation on Code of Conduct for ESG ratings and data providers...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Industry led working group launches consultation on Code of Conduct for ESG ratings and data providers}"
/News/news-in-brief/uk-fca-lau...5 July 2023 UK FCA launches consultation on a consolidated tape for bonds...
A-TITLE Read more on "{UK FCA launches consultation on a consolidated tape for bonds}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-respo...3 July 2023 ICMA responds to ESAs’ joint consultation on the review of the SFDR Delegated Regulation...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA responds to ESAs’ joint consultation on the review of the SFDR Delegated Regulation}"
/News/news-in-brief/political-...Subdominio 3 July 2023 Political agreement reached on MiFIR review...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Political agreement reached on MiFIR review}"
/News/news-in-brief/european-c...28 June 2023 European Council and Parliament reach agreement on CSDR Refit...
A-TITLE Read more on "{European Council and Parliament reach agreement on CSDR Refit}"
/News/news-in-brief/the-princi...22 June 2023 The Principles announce updated guidance for transition finance and climate-themed bonds, and the integration of sovereign issuer considerations...
A-TITLE Read more on "{The Principles announce updated guidance for transition finance and climate-themed bonds, and the integration of sovereign issuer consideratio...
/News/news-in-brief/icma-respo...21 June 2023 ICMA response to HMT consultation on ESG ratings providers...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA response to HMT consultation on ESG ratings providers}"
/News/news-in-brief/pricing-re...21 June 2023 Pricing references for new Sterling Eurobonds...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Pricing references for new Sterling Eurobonds}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-women...12 June 2023 ICMA Women’s Network (IWN) announces new Chair of the IWN International Steering Committee...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA Women’s Network (IWN) announces new Chair of the IWN International Steering Committee}"
/News/news-in-brief/new-icma-m...7 June 2023 New ICMA members in June 2023...
A-TITLE Read more on "{New ICMA members in June 2023}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-membe...25 May 2023 ICMA members elect new board at Paris annual meeting and new ICMA chair appointed...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA members elect new board at Paris annual meeting and new ICMA chair appointed}"
/News/news-in-brief/elfa-and-i...22 May 2023 ELFA and ICMA publish Practical Recommendations for High Yield Sustainability-Linked Bonds...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ELFA and ICMA publish Practical Recommendations for High Yield Sustainability-Linked Bonds}"
/News/news-in-brief/acli-the-c...22 May 2023 ACLI, The Credit Roundtable, ICI, ICMA, IIF and LICONY Oppose New York Legislature Bills on Sovereign Debt...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ACLI, The Credit Roundtable, ICI, ICMA, IIF and LICONY Oppose New York Legislature Bills on Sovereign Debt}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-launc...17 May 2023 ICMA launches new sustainable bond database powered by the LGX DataHub...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA launches new sustainable bond database powered by the LGX DataHub}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...25 April 2023 ICMA publishes the second semi-annual report that provides detailed data on EU and UK bond market trading activity...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes the second semi-annual report that provides detailed data on EU and UK bond market trading activity}"
/News/news-in-brief/new-icma-m...19 April 2023 New ICMA members in April 2023...
A-TITLE Read more on "{New ICMA members in April 2023}"
/News/news-in-brief/miriam-pat...18 April 2023 Miriam Patterson: joining ICMA...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Miriam Patterson: joining ICMA}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...13 April 2023 ICMA publishes 2023 legal opinion updates for the Global Master Repurchase Agreement...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes 2023 legal opinion updates for the Global Master Repurchase Agreement}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-updat...5 April 2023 ICMA update on the EU GBS Provisional Agreement...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA update on the EU GBS Provisional Agreement}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-updat...5 April 2023 ICMA updates public version of its SFTR reporting recommendations...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA updates public version of its SFTR reporting recommendations}"
/News/news-in-brief/new-icma-m...4 April 2023 New ICMA members in March 2023...
A-TITLE Read more on "{New ICMA members in March 2023}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-analy...4 April 2023 ICMA analysis: SFTR public data for repo in 2022...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA analysis: SFTR public data for repo in 2022}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-publi...29 March 2023 ICMA publishes a third edition of the report Asian International Bond Markets: Developments and Trends...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA publishes a third edition of the report Asian International Bond Markets: Developments and Trends}"
/News/news-in-brief/update-to-...24 March 2023 Update to Members on Credit Suisse / UBS merger and the trading of Credit Suisse AT1 Bonds...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Update to Members on Credit Suisse / UBS merger and the trading of Credit Suisse AT1 Bonds}"
/News/news-in-brief/digital-ev...20 March 2023 Digital evolution in debt issuance - ICMA primary markets technology directory review...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Digital evolution in debt issuance - ICMA primary markets technology directory review}"
/News/news-in-brief/the-europe...15 March 2023 The European repo market – ICMA survey shows new record outstanding value of EUR 10,374 billion at year-end 2022...
A-TITLE Read more on "{The European repo market – ICMA survey shows new record outstanding value of EUR 10,374 billion at year-end 2022}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-relea...14 March 2023 ICMA releases Bond Data Taxonomy...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA releases Bond Data Taxonomy}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-respo...7 March 2023 ICMA responds to FCA Discussion Paper - Future Disclosure Framework...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA responds to FCA Discussion Paper - Future Disclosure Framework}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-suppo...1 March 2023 ICMA supports voluntary nature of EU Green Bond (EU GB) label and of wider sustainable bond disclosures...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA supports voluntary nature of EU Green Bond (EU GB) label and of wider sustainable bond disclosures}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-cours...20 February 2023 ICMA courses chosen for HKMA Sustainable Finance Support Scheme...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA courses chosen for HKMA Sustainable Finance Support Scheme}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-respo...20 February 2023 ICMA responds to ESMA’s Guidelines on funds’ names using ESG or sustainability-related terms...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA responds to ESMA’s Guidelines on funds’ names using ESG or sustainability-related terms}"
/News/news-in-brief/finos-laun...16 February 2023 FINOS Launches Common Domain Model Project in Partnership with ISDA, ISLA and ICMA for Standardizing Financial Products and Worksflows...
A-TITLE Read more on "{FINOS Launches Common Domain Model Project in Partnership with ISDA, ISLA and ICMA for Standardizing Financial Products and Worksflows}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-annou...9 February 2023 ICMA announces 2023 scholarship programme recipients...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA announces 2023 scholarship programme recipients}"
/News/news-in-brief/results-of...9 February 2023 Results of the ERCC Committee elections 2023...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Results of the ERCC Committee elections 2023}"
/News/news-in-brief/icma-ercc-...26 January 2023 ICMA ERCC publishes its analysis of how the repo market performed over the 2022 year-end...
A-TITLE Read more on "{ICMA ERCC publishes its analysis of how the repo market performed over the 2022 year-end}"
https://www.icmagroup.org/News/show all
/assets/documents/Sustainable-...Subdominio Sustainable finance Market integrity and greenwashing risks in sustainable ...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Sustainable finance}"
/market-practice-and-regulator...Subdominio T+1 ICMA’s engagement on the shortening of settlement cycle ...
A-TITLE Read more on "{T+1}"
/market-practice-and-regulator...Subdominio Bond market liquidity ICMA’s reports on the liquidity and resilience of the bond ...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Bond market liquidity}"
/market-practice-and-regulator...Subdominio Bond Data Taxonomy A standardised and machine-readable language of key economic terms of a ...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Bond Data Taxonomy}"
/market-practice-and-regulator...Subdominio Common Domain Model ICMA has completed phase 2 of the CDM for repo and ...
A-TITLE Read more on "{Common Domain Model}"
/executive-education/Texto duplicado show all
/executive-education/icma-exec...Introduction to Digital Assets & Securities Classroom | London, 13-14 June 2024
/executive-education/icma-exec...Introduction to Sustainable Bonds Livestreamed, 18-20 September 2024
/executive-education/icma-exec...Introduction to Securities Operations Qualification (ISOQ) Livestreamed, 23 September-1 October 2024
/executive-education/icma-exec...Advanced Repo Trading & Securities Lending Livestreamed, 23 September-2 October 2024
/executive-education/icma-exec...Fixed Income Certificate (FIC) Livestreamed, 25 September-16 October 2024
/executive-education/icma-exec...Fintech in the Capital Market: Spotlight on Primary Classroom, 26-27 September 2024
/executive-education/icma-exec...Corporate Actions: An Introduction Livestreamed, 14-22 October 2024
/executive-education/icma-exec...Inflation-Linked Bonds and Derivatives Livestreamed, 17-25 October 2024
/executive-education/icma-exec...Primary Market Certificate (PMC) Classroom | London, 21-25 October 2024
/executive-education/icma-exec...Operations Certificate Programme (OCP) Classroom | Brussels, 4-8 November 2024
/executive-education/icma-exec...Introduction to Primary Markets Qualification (IPMQ) Classroom | London, 4-6 November 2024
/executive-education/icma-exec...Prudential Regulation & Fixed Income Markets Classroom | London, 11-12 November 2024
/executive-education/icma-exec...Asset & Liability Management Livestreamed, 12-20 November 2024
https://www.icmagroup.org/eventsTexto duplicado show all
/events/icma-financial-service...ICMA Financial Services Summer Networking BBQ Zurich, 20 June 2024
/events/10th-annual-conference...10th Annual Conference of the Principles Amsterdam, 25 June 2024
/events/point-zero-forum/Point Zero Forum Zurich, 1-3 July 2024
/events/professional-repo-mark...Professional Repo Market and Collateral Management Course (PRMCMC) London, 11-12 July 2024
/events/ai-and-tech-innovation...ICMA Women's Network: AI and Tech innovation in capital markets, an opportunity for female leadership Paris, 17 September 2024
/events/icma-fintech-and-digit...ICMA FinTech & Digitalisation Forum London, 18 September 2024
/events/the-amic-forum-mind-th...The AMIC Forum: Mind the Gap – democratisation of investing and financing the real economy. London, 16 October 2024
/events/8th-annual-icma-and-js...8th Annual ICMA & JSDA Conference: Enabling Sustainable Society / Economy-Wide Transition through Sustainable Bonds Tokyo / virtual, 22 November 2024
https://www.icmagroup.org/newsTexto duplicado News
https://www.icmagroup.org/contactTexto duplicado Contacts
/update-your-preferences/Subdominio Subscribe to mailing list
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The International Capital Market Association » ICMA
The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) represents financial institutions active in the international capital market worldwide.

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