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1,40 s
Tamaño HTML
95,30 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
144 internos / 14 externos

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Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
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El dominio no es un subdominio.
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URL de la página
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No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1338 palabras.
Un 28% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 13 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 16.57 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
Esta página carga 5 archivos JavaScript. Esto puede afectar negativamente a la velocidad de carga.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
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El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 27 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
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La descripción del atributo ALT se utiliza correctamente en todas las imágenes rastreadas.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...heater_awards_showcase.jpg?itok=5Kta6kxWIowa High School Musical Theater Awards ShowcaseIowa High School Musical Theater Awards Showcase
...er_state_championships.jpg?itok=vjOaB5v-Iowa Girls Soccer State ChampionshipsIowa Girls Soccer State Championships
...05/shows-poster-astrid.jpg?itok=Hork2P8-Two actresses from the tv show face each other with a vertical bar of light illuminating their faces in an otherwise dark space. Bar of light strikes through the T in the ASTRID logo.Astrid
...-05/shows-poster-disco.jpg?itok=7ACiYGLnDisco: Soundtrack of a Revolution logo over a simple purple-patterned background.Disco: Soundtrack of a Revolution
...-poster-dynamic-planet.jpg?itok=J8yYjBF6Four panorama scenes from around the globe stacked on each other - each featuring a person facing the camera: a man and snowy mountains and icy water, a woman firefighter in front of a burning brush/neighborhood, a woman in front of a Caribbean-like shallow water scene, and a man in front of thick tree cover.Dynamic Planet Show Poster
...ster-hope-in-the-water.jpg?itok=MyyzpkOgHosts Baratunde Thurston, Shailene Woodley and Martha Stewart are featured in front of an underwater ocean scene looking up towards the sun.Hope in the Water
...-05/shows-poster-tgar.jpeg?itok=5z5MaJE4The Great American RecipeThe Great American Recipe
...ogo-EZAa8DQ.png?resize=125x28&format=pngIowa PBS
...ng_scenic_byway_web_sm.jpg?itok=ibvGV5gKIowa Byways: Delaware Crossing Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
...05/soccer2023_1556x875.jpg?itok=mr8G7MQEA girls high school soccer game - a player in maroon runs up to the soccer ball to kick it downfield.
...gs_20240601_1102_3a_sm.jpg?itok=si8MTdrOClass 3A - Valley Tigers vs. Bettendorf Bulldogs
...gs_20240601_1103_2a_sm.jpg?itok=HGjnktejClass 2A - North Polk Comets vs. Dallas Center-Grimes Mustangs
...gs_20240601_1101_1a_sm.jpg?itok=ZyrwImCoClass 1A - Nevada Cubs vs. Denver Cyclones
...05/ip_20240531_5141_sm.jpg?itok=ncz5Mx4nMark Campbell and Barry Anderson
...20240531_4942_fullshow.jpg?itok=R3ryReTdMarket to Market - May 31, 2024
..._awards_showcase_thumb.jpg?itok=U2yTUa-oIowa High School Musical Theater Awards Showcase
...white_pole_road_web_sm.jpg?itok=h-oRTJs0Iowa Byways: White Pole Road Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
...rdening-steil2-718x404.jpg?itok=k3xVPwe6Host Aaron Steil surrounded by plants
...lic/2024-05/doe_a_deer.jpg?itok=WcKQrCjYA white building store front with the words Doe A Deer above the doors
...ddle_river_county_park.jpg?itok=CBJ2EwL0Drone image of yellow and green lush trees with a curving road through the middle
.../2024-05/bohemian_alps.jpg?itok=fMsSbkvWDrone image of green farm land Trip Iowa collage
...rticle_images-9_1_min.jpeg?itok=wPCsRzlfTwo warships featured in USS Iowa
.../article_images-9-min.jpeg?itok=5AARtRv4What Cheer water tower
...ic/2024-05/snake_alley.jpg?itok=T9S5dWDmA curvy road shot from above
..._article_imagefinal-1.jpeg?itok=zvci4ziYAnnika sits along the shore.
...4-05/article_images-7.jpeg?itok=1PqRZiZSTwo women standing in front of a building on Maryland on Masterpiece
...inton_showboat_theater.jpg?itok=tcLoMfniA white riverboat
...03/article_images-1_4.jpeg?itok=TFFy7qlWAntiques Roadshow 2024 Tour Logo
..._master_web_version_sm.jpg?itok=K4PzpNtXIowa Byways: Western Skies Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
...jefferson_hwy_south_sm.jpg?itok=ZPYBitRQIowa Byways: Jefferson Highway Heritage Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
...jefferson_hwy_north_sm.jpg?itok=ZgYT_AWPIowa Byways: Jefferson Highway Heritage Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
...at_river_road_north_sm.jpg?itok=mGvzwPopIowa Byways: Great River Road National Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
..._river_road_central_sm.jpg?itok=2bv-SEe1Iowa Byways: Great River Road National Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
...at_river_road_south_sm.jpg?itok=mAOcFUGlIowa Byways: Great River Road National Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
...valley_scenic_byway_sm.jpg?itok=-EWuwjqBIowa Byways: Iowa Valley Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
...ic_byway_master_web_sm.jpg?itok=XLPyDeBlIowa Byways: Covered Bridges Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
...white_pole_road_web_sm.jpg?itok=h-oRTJs0Iowa Byways: White Pole Road Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
...ng_scenic_byway_web_sm.jpg?itok=ibvGV5gKIowa Byways: Delaware Crossing Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
...theme-transportation-2.jpg?itok=c8yIHtS2A black steam locomotive travels down the tracks
...nd-theme-thumb-culture.jpg?itok=yQz5DKFzYoung boy stands in a field of tulips with a wood windmill in the background
...-find-theme-thumb-99_0.jpg?itok=6TgKj5BZYoung girl stands at the state capitol
...-find-theme-thumb-ugrr.jpg?itok=SHe5amcNStanding inside a house looking out a white pane window at a large tree next to a gravel road
...nd-theme-thumb-geology.jpg?itok=OwRuXjP0Boy holds a magnifying class at a caves site
...ind-theme-thumb-energy.jpg?itok=AjquRbzwYoung girl stands in the foreground of a landscape filled with wind turbines
...d-theme-thumb-prairies.jpg?itok=9fQEKQqTYoung girl uses binoculars in a tall grass prairie
...on-find-theme-thumb-ag.jpg?itok=5_GvUf6-Young girl displays food grown in Iowa with a corn field in the background
...find-theme-thumb-urban.jpg?itok=xCXZHxXHYoung boy stands on a park blacktop with a forest in the background
...SMTA-Showcase_1556x875.JPG?itok=rishsrenHigh school students on stage, each one with one arm raised in the air and looking toward the ceiling.
...y_phillips_718_x_404_0.jpg?itok=N5Afn_R5An image of Molly Phillips, a white woman with short blonde hair wearing a magenta blazer, standing in front of the Iowa Press television set.
...omo2022image_1920x1080.jpg?itok=0D_GALCPA soccer player in a maroon uniform is in mid-kick of a soccer ball. Another player wearing a white uniform approaches her to defend the ball from advancing down the field. Additional players are in the background, wearing maroon or white uniforms, as well as a referee wearing a yellow uniform. PBS

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 54 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Astrid
H2 Featured Shows
H2 What's on Now Iowa PBS
H2 This Week
H2 Stories
H2 Road Trip Iowa
H2 FIND Iowa Virtual Field Trips
H2 News & Events
H3 Delaware Crossing Scenic Byway
H3 2024 IGHSAU Girls State Soccer Championships
H3 Class 3A - West Des Moines Valley Tigers vs. Bettendorf Bulldogs
H3 Class 2A - North Polk Comets vs. Dallas Center-Grimes Mustangs
H3 Class 1A - Nevada Cubs vs. Denver Cyclones
H3 County Supervisors
H3 Market to Market - May 31, 2024
H3 2024 Iowa High School Musical Theater Awards Showcase
H3 White Pole Road & Glacial Trail Scenic Byway
H3 Top Gardening Tips from Aaron Steil
H3 Take a Trip: White Pole Road and Glacial Trail Scenic Byways
H3 Take a Trip: Covered Bridges Scenic Byway
H3 Take a Trip: Iowa Valley Scenic Byway
H3 Road Trip Iowa Quiz
H3 Saluting Service: Must-Watch Shows This Month
H3 What's in a Name: What Cheer
H3 Take a Trip: Great River Road National Scenic Byway (South)
H3 Exploring Motherhood With Iowa PBS Passport
H3 New Dramas Coming to Iowa PBS this month
H3 Take a Trip: Great River Road National Scenic Byway (Central)
H3 Get Involved: Antiques Roadshow Comes to Iowa
H3 Western Skies Scenic Byway
H3 Jefferson Highway Heritage Byway - South
H3 Jefferson Highway Heritage Byway - North
H3 Great River Road National Scenic Byway - North
H3 Great River Road National Scenic Byway - Central
H3 Great River Road National Scenic Byway - South
H3 Iowa Valley Scenic Byway
H3 Covered Bridges Scenic Byway
H3 White Pole Road & Glacial Trail Scenic Byway Texto duplicado
H3 Delaware Crossing Scenic Byway Texto duplicado
H3 Transportation
H3 Culture
H3 99 Counties
H3 Underground Railroad
H3 Geology
H3 Energy
H3 Prairies
H3 Agriculture
H3 Urban Outdoors
H3 Iowa High School Musical Theater Awards Showcase on Iowa PBS
H3 PBS Honors Molly Phillips, Former General Manager of Iowa PBS, With Dan Miller Station Leadership Award
H3 Iowa PBS to provide free, live coverage of the 2024 IGHSAU Girls State Soccer Championships
H3 Explore
H3 Support
H3 Connect with us
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 14 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content Us duplicado Contact Us
https://iowapbsfoundation.tfaf...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Donate
/watch/liveLive TV UsContact Us Iowa PBS PBS
/watch/liveTexto duplicado Live TV
/support/membership/benefitsMembership Benefits
/support/membership/giftsThank-You Gifts
/support/membership/accountMy Member Account
/support/corporateCorporate Support
/support/plannedPlanned Giving
/support/leadershipLeadership Circle
/support/giveOther Ways to Give
/support/give/vehicleVehicle Donation
/support/give/memorialMemorial Gifts
/support/give/matchingMatching Gifts
/about/reportsCommunity Reports
https://iowapbsfoundation.tfaf...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Donate duplicado Education
/education/trainingProfessional Development duplicado Families
/watch/liveSubdominio Livestream on Sunday Subdominio On Passport Now
/shows/musicaltheaterIMG-ALT Iowa High School Musical Theater Awards Showcase
/shows/girls-soccerIMG-ALT Iowa Girls Soccer State Championships Subdominio IMG-ALT Two actresses from the tv show face each other with a vertical bar of light illuminating their faces in an otherwise dark space. Bar of light strikes through... Subdominio IMG-ALT Disco: Soundtrack of a Revolution logo over a simple purple-patterned background. Subdominio IMG-ALT Four panorama scenes from around the globe stacked on each other - each featuring a person facing the camera: a man and snowy mountains and icy water, a woma... Subdominio IMG-ALT Grantchester Subdominio IMG-ALT Hosts Baratunde Thurston, Shailene Woodley and Martha Stewart are featured in front of an underwater ocean scene looking up towards the sun.
/shows/great-american-recipeIMG-ALT The Great American Recipe
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...IMG-ALT Iowa Byways: Delaware Crossing Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Delaware Crossing Scenic Byway
/shows/girls-soccer/episode/11...IMG-ALT A girls high school soccer game - a player in maroon runs up to the soccer ball to kick it downfield.
/shows/girls-soccer/episode/11...2024 IGHSAU Girls State Soccer Championships
/shows/girls-soccer/game/11205...IMG-ALT Class 3A - Valley Tigers vs. Bettendorf Bulldogs
/shows/girls-soccer/game/11205...Class 3A - West Des Moines Valley Tigers vs. Bettendorf Bulldogs
/shows/girls-soccer/game/11206...IMG-ALT Class 2A - North Polk Comets vs. Dallas Center-Grimes Mustangs
/shows/girls-soccer/game/11206...Texto duplicado Class 2A - North Polk Comets vs. Dallas Center-Grimes Mustangs
/shows/girls-soccer/game/11204...IMG-ALT Class 1A - Nevada Cubs vs. Denver Cyclones
/shows/girls-soccer/game/11204...Texto duplicado Class 1A - Nevada Cubs vs. Denver Cyclones
/shows/iowapress/iowa-press/ep...IMG-ALT Mark Campbell and Barry Anderson
/shows/iowapress/iowa-press/ep...County Supervisors
/shows/mtom/episode/11203/mark...IMG-ALT Market to Market - May 31, 2024
/shows/mtom/episode/11203/mark...Texto duplicado Market to Market - May 31, 2024
/shows/musicaltheater/episode/...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Iowa High School Musical Theater Awards Showcase
/shows/musicaltheater/episode/...2024 Iowa High School Musical Theater Awards Showcase
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...IMG-ALT Iowa Byways: White Pole Road Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...White Pole Road & Glacial Trail Scenic Byway
/article/11178/top-gardening-t...IMG-ALT Host Aaron Steil surrounded by plants
/article/11178/top-gardening-t...Top Gardening Tips from Aaron Steil
/article/11176/take-trip-white...IMG-ALT A white building store front with the words Doe A Deer above the doors
/article/11176/take-trip-white...Take a Trip: White Pole Road and Glacial Trail Scenic Byways
/article/11164/take-trip-cover...IMG-ALT Drone image of yellow and green lush trees with a curving road through the middle
/article/11164/take-trip-cover...Take a Trip: Covered Bridges Scenic Byway
/article/11129/take-trip-iowa-...IMG-ALT Drone image of green farm land
/article/11129/take-trip-iowa-...Take a Trip: Iowa Valley Scenic Byway
/article/11149/road-trip-iowa-...IMG-ALT Road Trip Iowa collage
/article/11149/road-trip-iowa-...Road Trip Iowa Quiz
/article/11133/saluting-servic...IMG-ALT Two warships featured in USS Iowa
/article/11133/saluting-servic...Saluting Service: Must-Watch Shows This Month
/article/11132/whats-name-what...IMG-ALT What Cheer water tower
/article/11132/whats-name-what...What's in a Name: What Cheer
/article/11130/take-trip-great...IMG-ALT A curvy road shot from above
/article/11130/take-trip-great...Take a Trip: Great River Road National Scenic Byway (South)
/article/11128/exploring-mothe...IMG-ALT Annika sits along the shore.
/article/11128/exploring-mothe...Exploring Motherhood With Iowa PBS Passport
/article/11113/new-dramas-comi...IMG-ALT Two women standing in front of a building on Maryland on Masterpiece
/article/11113/new-dramas-comi...New Dramas Coming to Iowa PBS this month
/article/11110/take-trip-great...IMG-ALT A white riverboat
/article/11110/take-trip-great...Take a Trip: Great River Road National Scenic Byway (Central)
/article/10970/get-involved-an...IMG-ALT Antiques Roadshow 2024 Tour Logo
/article/10970/get-involved-an...Get Involved: Antiques Roadshow Comes to Iowa
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...IMG-ALT Iowa Byways: Western Skies Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Western Skies Scenic Byway
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...IMG-ALT Iowa Byways: Jefferson Highway Heritage Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Jefferson Highway Heritage Byway - South
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Iowa Byways: Jefferson Highway Heritage Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Jefferson Highway Heritage Byway - North
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...IMG-ALT Iowa Byways: Great River Road National Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Great River Road National Scenic Byway - North
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Iowa Byways: Great River Road National Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Great River Road National Scenic Byway - Central
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Iowa Byways: Great River Road National Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Great River Road National Scenic Byway - South
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...IMG-ALT Iowa Byways: Iowa Valley Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Iowa Valley Scenic Byway
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...IMG-ALT Iowa Byways: Covered Bridges Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Covered Bridges Scenic Byway
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Iowa Byways: White Pole Road Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Texto duplicado White Pole Road & Glacial Trail Scenic Byway
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Iowa Byways: Delaware Crossing Scenic Byway sign overlayed on a road background.
/shows/roadtripiowa/episode/11...Texto duplicado Delaware Crossing Scenic Byway
/education/findiowa/transporta...IMG-ALT A black steam locomotive travels down the tracks
/education/findiowa/cultureIMG-ALT Young boy stands in a field of tulips with a wood windmill in the background
/education/findiowa/99countiesIMG-ALT Young girl stands at the state capitol
/education/findiowa/99counties99 Counties
/education/findiowa/undergroun...IMG-ALT Standing inside a house looking out a white pane window at a large tree next to a gravel road
/education/findiowa/undergroun...Underground Railroad
/education/findiowa/geologyIMG-ALT Boy holds a magnifying class at a caves site
/education/findiowa/energyIMG-ALT Young girl stands in the foreground of a landscape filled with wind turbines
/education/findiowa/prairiesIMG-ALT Young girl uses binoculars in a tall grass prairie
/education/findiowa/agricultureIMG-ALT Young girl displays food grown in Iowa with a corn field in the background
/education/findiowa/urbanoutdoorsIMG-ALT Young boy stands on a park blacktop with a forest in the background
/education/findiowa/urbanoutdoorsUrban Outdoors
/about/newsroom/11180/iowa-hig...IMG-ALT High school students on stage, each one with one arm raised in the air and looking toward the ceiling.
/about/newsroom/11180/iowa-hig...Iowa High School Musical Theater Awards Showcase on Iowa PBS
/about/newsroom/11148/pbs-hono...IMG-ALT An image of Molly Phillips, a white woman with short blonde hair wearing a magenta blazer, standing in front of the Iowa Press television set.
/about/newsroom/11148/pbs-hono...PBS Honors Molly Phillips, Former General Manager of Iowa PBS, With Dan Miller Station Leadership Award
/about/newsroom/11147/iowa-pbs...IMG-ALT A soccer player in a maroon uniform is in mid-kick of a soccer ball. Another player wearing a white uniform approaches her to defend the ball from advancing ...
/about/newsroom/11147/iowa-pbs...Iowa PBS to provide free, live coverage of the 2024 IGHSAU Girls State Soccer Championships duplicado About
/about/newsroomTexto duplicado Newsroom duplicado Schedule duplicado Shows to Watch
https://iowapbsfoundation.tfaf...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Donate
/support/membershipTexto duplicado Membership PBS Passport
/support/corporateTexto duplicado Corporate Support PBS Foundation ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Facebook ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Instagram ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT YouTube ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT LinkedIn ventana Externo IMG-ALT Twitter duplicado Contact Us duplicado Events Media of Use Policy

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Factores externos

Listas negras
Esta página no está clasificada como “contenido para adultos”.
Esta página recibe enlaces de calidad de otros sitios web.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 3.883 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 126.240 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 1.708 direcciones IP distintas.
Popularidad en Facebook
(Poco importante)
Esta página tiene 0 compartir y comentarios en Facebook.

Backlinks desde Wikipedia

No se ha encontrado ningún enlace lanzado desde la Wikipedia.


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# Paths (no clean URLs)
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Home | Iowa PBS

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Iowa PBS71%Check
Iowa PBS Passport61%Check
Iowa State60%Check
Iowa Girls60%Check
Iowa PBS month57%Check
Road Trip Iowa55%Check
Iowa High School Musical54%Check
Discover Iowa54%Check

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