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0,93 s
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88,40 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
219 internos / 30 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
IT Service Catalog | Emory University | Atlanta GA
La longitud del título es óptima (449 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
No hay ninunga meta descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Idioma definido en la metaetiqueta HTTP-Equiv: en-us
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
Se especifican diferentes idiomas en el marcado de la página o las especificaciones de idioma se contradicen entre sí.
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-us.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
Esta página está alojada en un subdominio. Para que la optimización de tu web en los buscadores tenga éxito, deberías utilizar tu propio dominio.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
No se detecta ningún favicon enlazado en el código HTML.


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copyrightEmory University
twitter:titleIT Service Catalog | Emory University | Atlanta GA
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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El contenido de esta página es demasiado extenso (4813 palabras). Tal vez podrías dividirlo en varias páginas según el tema.
Hay 93 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: Adirondack gives students the ability to select their Residence Hall R...
  • Texto duplicado 2: Azure Self Supported Subscriptions are part of Microsoft's Azure Cloud...
  • Texto duplicado 3: Canvas is a cloud-based online learning environment used to support te...
  • Texto duplicado 4: Collaboration and conferencing tools help bring people together to com...
  • Texto duplicado 5: Commercial data protection for Microsoft Copilot is Emory's secure ins...
  • Texto duplicado 6: Database Management provides OIT and departmental customers/applicatio...
  • Texto duplicado 7: Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides messaging and ...
  • Texto duplicado 8: The RAVE Emergency Alert Service is the primary mobile text notificati...
  • Texto duplicado 9: Software Distribution administers academic software licensed by the Un...
  • Texto duplicado 10: ECDS brings together librarians and IT professionals in support of act...
  • Texto duplicado 11: GitHub at Emory is the software development platform and source code c...
  • Texto duplicado 12: At Emory, Identity and Access Management facilitates the management of...
  • Texto duplicado 13: Emory IT strives for excellence in technology and customer service. To...
  • Texto duplicado 14: Microsoft Copilot is an AI-powered productivity tool that uses large l...
  • Texto duplicado 15: Mobile App Distribution provides processes and tools around the review...
  • Texto duplicado 16: Emory OIT Network Services provides a robust network management servic...
  • Texto duplicado 17: Current students, prospective students, faculty, administrative staff,...
  • Texto duplicado 18: Storage Management provides central IT, academic, and research custome...
  • Texto duplicado 19: Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) is a leading national t...
  • Texto duplicado 20: Emory's Office of Information Technology Services (OIT) provides Voice...
  • Texto duplicado 21: AWS at Emory is Emory University's preferred and recommended cloud ser...
  • Texto duplicado 22: Emory Document Management is the service that provides the ability to ...
  • Texto duplicado 23: Emory Healthcare Information Services (EHC IS) provides access to on c...
  • Texto duplicado 24: Emory's Microsoft 365 software license is available to all Emory Emplo...
  • Texto duplicado 25: Operations Control and Management is a suite of offerings that helps e...
  • Texto duplicado 26: Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) Project Management Offi...
  • Texto duplicado 27: The Business Analyst team within Emory's Office of Information Technol...
  • Texto duplicado 28: Emory University's administrative Data Warehouse forms part of the Bus...
  • Texto duplicado 29: The Client Services team offers desktop support services based on a ne...
  • Texto duplicado 30: Tableau enables the Emory community to see and understand their data, ...
Un 28.1% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 120 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 24.7 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 96 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
La descripción del atributo ALT se utiliza correctamente en todas las imágenes rastreadas.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
/_includes/images/system/lits_signature.pngEmory IT Services

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
IT Service Catalog
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (18 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 132 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 IT Service Catalog
H2 25Live
H2 Academic Course Delivery and Support
H2 Adirondack
H2 Azure Self Supported Subscriptions
H2 Canvas
H2 Collaboration and Conferencing
H2 Commercial Data Protection for Microsoft Copilot (formerly Bing chat)
H2 Database Management
H2 EaglePrint
H2 Email
H2 Emergency Notification
H2 Emory's Software Distribution
H2 Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
H2 GitHub at Emory
H2 Identity and Access Management
H2 IT Service Management
H2 IT Service Management: ServiceNow
H2 Microsoft Copilot
H2 Mobile Application Development
H2 Network Management
H2 Storage Management
H2 Student Technology Support
H2 Video Technologies
H2 Voice Service
H2 What is Web Hosting?
H2 WordPress (ScholarBlogs)
H2 25Live Texto duplicado
H2 Academic Course Delivery and Support Texto duplicado
H2 Adirondack Texto duplicado
H2 AWS at Emory
H2 Azure Self Supported Subscriptions Texto duplicado
H2 Canvas Texto duplicado
H2 Collaboration and Conferencing Texto duplicado
H2 Commercial Data Protection for Microsoft Copilot (formerly Bing chat) Texto duplicado
H2 Confluence Wiki
H2 Database Management Texto duplicado
H2 Document Management
H2 EHConnect
H2 Email Texto duplicado
H2 Emergency Notification Texto duplicado
H2 Emory's Software Distribution Texto duplicado
H2 Emory Center for Digital Scholarship Texto duplicado
H2 Emory FIRST
H2 GitHub at Emory Texto duplicado
H2 Identity and Access Management Texto duplicado
H2 IT Service Management Texto duplicado
H2 IT Service Management: ServiceNow Texto duplicado
H2 Microsoft 365 Software
H2 Microsoft Copilot Texto duplicado
H2 Mobile Application Development Texto duplicado
H2 Network Management Texto duplicado
H2 Operations Control-Management
H2 OPUS Texto duplicado
H2 Project Management
H2 Project Management: Business Analyst
H2 Reporting and Analytics
H2 Server Management
H2 Staff-Faculty Technology Support
H2 Storage Management Texto duplicado
H2 Tableau
H2 Video Technologies Texto duplicado
H2 Voice Service Texto duplicado
H2 What is Web Hosting? Texto duplicado
H2 WordPress (ScholarBlogs) Texto duplicado
H2 25Live Texto duplicado
H2 Academic Course Delivery and Support Texto duplicado
H2 Adirondack Texto duplicado
H2 AWS at Emory Texto duplicado
H2 Azure Self Supported Subscriptions Texto duplicado
H2 Call Center Management
H2 Canvas Texto duplicado
H2 Collaboration and Conferencing Texto duplicado
H2 Commercial Data Protection for Microsoft Copilot (formerly Bing chat) Texto duplicado
H2 Confluence Wiki Texto duplicado
H2 Database Management Texto duplicado
H2 Document Management Texto duplicado
H2 EHConnect Texto duplicado
H2 Email Texto duplicado
H2 Emergency Notification Texto duplicado
H2 Emory's Software Distribution Texto duplicado
H2 Enterprise Cloud Services
H2 GitHub at Emory Texto duplicado
H2 Identity and Access Management Texto duplicado
H2 Integration Operations
H2 IT Service Management Texto duplicado
H2 IT Service Management: ServiceNow Texto duplicado
H2 Microsoft 365 Software Texto duplicado
H2 Microsoft Copilot Texto duplicado
H2 Mobile Application Development Texto duplicado
H2 Network Management Texto duplicado
H2 Operations Control-Management Texto duplicado
H2 OPUS Texto duplicado
H2 Project Management Texto duplicado
H2 Project Management: Business Analyst Texto duplicado
H2 Reporting and Analytics Texto duplicado
H2 Server Management Texto duplicado
H2 Staff-Faculty Technology Support Texto duplicado
H2 Storage Management Texto duplicado
H2 Tableau Texto duplicado
H2 Video Technologies Texto duplicado
H2 Voice Service Texto duplicado
H2 What is Web Hosting? Texto duplicado
H2 WordPress (ScholarBlogs) Texto duplicado
H2 AWS at Emory Texto duplicado
H2 Azure Self Supported Subscriptions Texto duplicado
H2 Commercial Data Protection for Microsoft Copilot (formerly Bing chat) Texto duplicado
H2 Document Management Texto duplicado
H2 Emergency Notification Texto duplicado
H2 Emory Research Subject Registry
H2 GitHub at Emory Texto duplicado
H2 High Performance Computing
H2 HyPER C3 – Community Cloud HPC Cluster
H2 LabKey
H2 LIMS - OpenSpecimen
H2 Microsoft 365 Software Texto duplicado
H2 Microsoft Copilot Texto duplicado
H2 Operations Control-Management Texto duplicado
H2 Reporting and Analytics Texto duplicado
H2 Server Management Texto duplicado
H2 Storage Management Texto duplicado
H2 Tableau Texto duplicado
H2 Video Technologies Texto duplicado
H2 Voice Service Texto duplicado
H3 Quick Links
H4 Students
H4 Faculty
H4 Staff
H4 Researchers
H4 Project Stakeholders
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (30) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla IMG-ALT Emory IT Services
/catalog/index.htmlTexto ancla Skip to main content
/about-us/index.htmlAbout Us Subdominio Get Help
/governance/index.htmlIT Governance
/catalog/index.htmlTexto ancla By Category
/catalog/index.htmlTexto ancla Services A-Z
/catalog/index.htmlTexto ancla By Group
/catalog/ai_services/index.htmlAI Services IT Service Offerings related to the use of AI.
/catalog/cloud-services/index....Cloud Services Cloud services are designed to provide easy, scalable access to applications, resources and services, and are fully managed by a cloud service...
/catalog/collaboration/index.htmlCollaboration Technology-enhanced communication, coordination, and collaboration services that facilitate the creation, sharing, and exchange of information ...
/catalog/communication/index.htmlCommunication Services that provide telephony and paging solutions to the Emory community, including emergency notifications, teleconferencing, and on-call c...
/catalog/computer-and-software...Computer and Software Services that enable community members to do their day-to-day work, including providing access to enterprise services
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...Consulting and Support Services that are consultative in nature in contrast to the other categories which tend to be technology-based
/catalog/data-and-reporting/in...Data and Reporting Enterprise and local services that support the administrative and business functions of an institution.
/catalog/email-and-calendaring...Email and Calendaring Services associated with e-mail, calendaring, contacts, broadcast mail, enterprise-wide mailing list management, and messaging.
/catalog/emory-center-for-digi...Emory Center for Digital Scholarship ECDS brings together librarians and IT professionals in support of activities related to digital scholarship
/catalog/finance-and-hr/index....Finance and HR Administration and maintenance of enterprise systems (integrated or stand-alone) that support financial management, human capital management, ...
/catalog/mobile-development/in...Mobile Development Application and Mobile Application Development
/catalog/research-services/ind...Research Services Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) supports a variety of platforms and services for researchers – infrastructure to store and m...
/catalog/security/index.htmlSecurity Services relating to institutional policy or compliance guidelines and requirements
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Teaching and Learning Instructional technology, tools, and resources directly supporting teaching and learning. Includes learning management systems, in-clas...
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Technical Infrastructure Enterprise-level hardware, software, systems, and network infrastructure that provide underlying support for institutional activities
/catalog/video/index.htmlVideo A broad menu of video services is available to Emory faculty/staff and sanctioned student groups, Emory Healthcare, and Emory affiliates.
/catalog/web-resources/index.htmlWeb Resources Services related to websites, including content management systems
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Academic Course Delivery and Support
/catalog/cloud-services/aws-at...AWS at Emory
/catalog/cloud-services/azure-...Azure Self Supported Subscriptions
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...Call Center Management Subdominio Canvas
/catalog/collaboration/collabo...Collaboration and Conferencing
/catalog/ai_services/commercia...Commercial Data Protection for Microsoft Copilot (formerly Bing chat)
/catalog/web-resources/conflue...Confluence Wiki
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Database Management
/catalog/collaboration/documen...Document Management
/studentdigitallife/services/e...Subdominio EaglePrint
/catalog/communication/emergen...Emergency Notification
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Emory's Digital Media Gallery
/catalog/computer-and-software...Emory's Software Distribution
http://digitalscholarship.emor...Externo Subdominio Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
/catalog/data-and-reporting/em...Emory FIRST
/catalog/data-and-reporting/em...Emory Research Subject Registry
/catalog/cloud-services/enterp...Enterprise Cloud Services Subdominio Finance
/catalog/collaboration/github-...GitHub at Emory
/catalog/data-and-reporting/hi...High Performance Computing Subdominio Human Resources
/catalog/cloud-services/hyper-...HyPER C3 – Community Cloud HPC Cluster
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Identity and Access Management
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Integration Operations
/catalog/computer-and-software...International Travel Loaner Devices Program IT Security
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...IT Service Management
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...IT Service Management: ServiceNow
/catalog/data-and-reporting/li...LIMS - OpenSpecimen
/catalog/computer-and-software...Microsoft 365 Software
/catalog/ai_services/microsoft...Microsoft Copilot
/catalog/mobile-development/mo...Mobile Application Development
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Network Management
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Operations Control-Management
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...Project Management
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...Project Management: Business Analyst
/catalog/data-and-reporting/re...Reporting and Analytics
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Server Management
/catalog/computer-and-software...Staff-Faculty Technology Support
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Storage Management Subdominio Student Technology Support
/catalog/video/video-technolog...Video Technologies
/catalog/communication/voice-s...Voice Service
/catalog/web-resources/web-hos...What is Web Hosting?
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...WordPress (ScholarBlogs)
/catalog/index.htmlTexto ancla Students
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...25Live Room and Space Management application offers scheduling and optimized space utilization solutions
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Academic Course Delivery and Support Supports the teaching and learning mission of Emory University through a variety of services
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Adirondack Adirondack gives students the ability to select their Residence Hall Room, Dining Plans, and associated options.
/catalog/cloud-services/azure-...Azure Self Supported Subscriptions Azure Self Supported Subscriptions are part of Microsoft's Azure Cloud Services offering. This capability is not supported... Subdominio Canvas Canvas is a cloud-based online learning environment used to support teaching and learning at Emory. Canvas provides tools for sharing documents and ot...
/catalog/collaboration/collabo...Collaboration and Conferencing Collaboration and conferencing tools help bring people together to communicate and achieve a common goal. A range of technolog...
/catalog/ai_services/commercia...Commercial Data Protection for Microsoft Copilot (formerly Bing chat) Commercial data protection for Microsoft Copilot is Emory's secure instance of Microsof...
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Database Management Database Management provides OIT and departmental customers/applications with the most robust, scalable, and highly available database se...
/studentdigitallife/services/e...Subdominio EaglePrint EaglePrint is Emory's campus-wide student printing service. EaglePrint allows students to print from their own computers and university workstatio...
/catalog/email-and-calendaring...Email Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides messaging and collaborative software to all Emory (both University and Healthcare) faculty, stu...
/catalog/communication/emergen...Emergency Notification The RAVE Emergency Alert Service is the primary mobile text notification system used by Emory University & Emory Healthcare and other ...
/catalog/computer-and-software...Emory's Software Distribution Software Distribution administers academic software licensed by the University and also consults with faculty, staff and studen...
http://digitalscholarship.emor...Externo Subdominio Emory Center for Digital Scholarship ECDS brings together librarians and IT professionals in support of activities related to digital scholarship, ranging fr...
/catalog/collaboration/github-...GitHub at Emory GitHub at Emory is the software development platform and source code control system offered by Emory OIT through GitHub Enterprise.
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Identity and Access Management At Emory, Identity and Access Management facilitates the management of electronic identities, used to initiate, capture, recor...
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...IT Service Management People, processes, and tools that enable service management
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...IT Service Management: ServiceNow Emory IT strives for excellence in technology and customer service. To best accomplish this, Emory IT professionals use an ...
/catalog/ai_services/microsoft...Microsoft Copilot Microsoft Copilot is an AI-powered productivity tool that uses large language models (LLMs) and integrates your data with the Microsoft Gra...
/catalog/mobile-development/mo...Mobile Application Development Mobile App Distribution provides processes and tools around the review, approval, publication, and distribution of both intern...
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Network Management Emory OIT Network Services provides a robust network management service referring to the activities, methods, procedures, and tools that p...
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...OPUS Current students, prospective students, faculty, administrative staff, and former students can access student information through OPUS.
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Storage Management Storage Management provides central IT, academic, and research customers with a cost effective and highly available service to address the... Subdominio Student Technology Support Student Technology Support (STS) is a free service for Emory students providing technical support and assistance for a variety of ...
/catalog/video/video-technolog...Video Technologies Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) is a leading national trendsetter in providing innovative video technologies and broadcast ...
/catalog/communication/voice-s...Voice Service Emory's Office of Information Technology Services (OIT) provides Voice Service for over 30,000 telephone lines across the Emory Enterprise, inc...
/catalog/web-resources/web-hos...What is Web Hosting? The Web Hosting service provides a web presence for Emory University and related organizations.
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...WordPress (ScholarBlogs) An open source blog tool that is easy to use and customize
/catalog/index.htmlTexto ancla Faculty
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Texto duplicado 25Live Room and Space Management application offers scheduling and optimized space utilization solutions
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Texto duplicado Academic Course Delivery and Support Supports the teaching and learning mission of Emory University through a variety of services
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Texto duplicado Adirondack Adirondack gives students the ability to select their Residence Hall Room, Dining Plans, and associated options.
/catalog/cloud-services/aws-at...AWS at Emory AWS at Emory is Emory University's preferred and recommended cloud service for faculty-led computational needs. The service provides access to A...
/catalog/cloud-services/azure-...Texto duplicado Azure Self Supported Subscriptions Azure Self Supported Subscriptions are part of Microsoft's Azure Cloud Services offering. This capability is not supported... Subdominio Texto duplicado Canvas Canvas is a cloud-based online learning environment used to support teaching and learning at Emory. Canvas provides tools for sharing documents and ot...
/catalog/collaboration/collabo...Texto duplicado Collaboration and Conferencing Collaboration and conferencing tools help bring people together to communicate and achieve a common goal. A range of technolog...
/catalog/ai_services/commercia...Texto duplicado Commercial Data Protection for Microsoft Copilot (formerly Bing chat) Commercial data protection for Microsoft Copilot is Emory's secure instance of Microsof...
/catalog/web-resources/conflue...Confluence Wiki Confluence Wiki provides a tool for groups to document and collaborate together.
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Texto duplicado Database Management Database Management provides OIT and departmental customers/applications with the most robust, scalable, and highly available database se...
/catalog/collaboration/documen...Document Management Emory Document Management is the service that provides the ability to access files online at any time, from anywhere.
/catalog/communication/ehconne...EHConnect Emory Healthcare Information Services (EHC IS) provides access to on call calendars, paging services, Spok Mobile (secure messaging), and hospital ...
/catalog/email-and-calendaring...Texto duplicado Email Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides messaging and collaborative software to all Emory (both University and Healthcare) faculty, stu...
/catalog/communication/emergen...Texto duplicado Emergency Notification The RAVE Emergency Alert Service is the primary mobile text notification system used by Emory University & Emory Healthcare and other ...
/catalog/computer-and-software...Texto duplicado Emory's Software Distribution Software Distribution administers academic software licensed by the University and also consults with faculty, staff and studen...
http://digitalscholarship.emor...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Emory Center for Digital Scholarship ECDS brings together librarians and IT professionals in support of activities related to digital scholarship, ranging fr...
/catalog/data-and-reporting/em...Emory FIRST Emory FIRST (Faculty Information on Research, Scholarship, and Teaching) is the authoritative source for Faculty information on Research, Service...
/catalog/collaboration/github-...Texto duplicado GitHub at Emory GitHub at Emory is the software development platform and source code control system offered by Emory OIT through GitHub Enterprise.
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Texto duplicado Identity and Access Management At Emory, Identity and Access Management facilitates the management of electronic identities, used to initiate, capture, recor...
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...Texto duplicado IT Service Management People, processes, and tools that enable service management
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...Texto duplicado IT Service Management: ServiceNow Emory IT strives for excellence in technology and customer service. To best accomplish this, Emory IT professionals use an ...
/catalog/computer-and-software...Microsoft 365 Software Emory's Microsoft 365 software license is available to all Emory Employees (Faculty, Staff, Students and Healthcare) and is paid for b...
/catalog/ai_services/microsoft...Texto duplicado Microsoft Copilot Microsoft Copilot is an AI-powered productivity tool that uses large language models (LLMs) and integrates your data with the Microsoft Gra...
/catalog/mobile-development/mo...Texto duplicado Mobile Application Development Mobile App Distribution provides processes and tools around the review, approval, publication, and distribution of both intern...
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Texto duplicado Network Management Emory OIT Network Services provides a robust network management service referring to the activities, methods, procedures, and tools that p...
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Operations Control-Management Operations Control and Management is a suite of offerings that helps ensure our IT services are delivered effectively and effic...
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Texto duplicado OPUS Current students, prospective students, faculty, administrative staff, and former students can access student information through OPUS.
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...Project Management Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) Project Management Office (PMO) is here to deliver value to the Emory Enterprise by enablin...
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...Project Management: Business Analyst The Business Analyst team within Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides a range of services that suppor...
/catalog/data-and-reporting/re...Reporting and Analytics Emory University's administrative Data Warehouse forms part of the Business Information Management service consisting of a central re...
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Server Management Running multiple independent virtual operating systems (VMs) on a single physical computer
/catalog/computer-and-software...Staff-Faculty Technology Support The Client Services team offers desktop support services based on a negotiated and executed Service Level Agreement (SLA). T...
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Texto duplicado Storage Management Storage Management provides central IT, academic, and research customers with a cost effective and highly available service to address the...
/catalog/data-and-reporting/ta...Tableau Tableau enables the Emory community to see and understand their data, answering valuable business questions and giving insight into a large data sets...
/catalog/video/video-technolog...Texto duplicado Video Technologies Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) is a leading national trendsetter in providing innovative video technologies and broadcast ...
/catalog/communication/voice-s...Texto duplicado Voice Service Emory's Office of Information Technology Services (OIT) provides Voice Service for over 30,000 telephone lines across the Emory Enterprise, inc...
/catalog/web-resources/web-hos...Texto duplicado What is Web Hosting? The Web Hosting service provides a web presence for Emory University and related organizations.
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Texto duplicado WordPress (ScholarBlogs) An open source blog tool that is easy to use and customize
/catalog/index.htmlTexto ancla Staff
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Texto duplicado 25Live Room and Space Management application offers scheduling and optimized space utilization solutions
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Texto duplicado Academic Course Delivery and Support Supports the teaching and learning mission of Emory University through a variety of services
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Texto duplicado Adirondack Adirondack gives students the ability to select their Residence Hall Room, Dining Plans, and associated options.
/catalog/cloud-services/aws-at...Texto duplicado AWS at Emory AWS at Emory is Emory University's preferred and recommended cloud service for faculty-led computational needs. The service provides access to A...
/catalog/cloud-services/azure-...Texto duplicado Azure Self Supported Subscriptions Azure Self Supported Subscriptions are part of Microsoft's Azure Cloud Services offering. This capability is not supported...
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...Call Center Management The Call Management System interfaces with the telephone system to collect call traffic and performance data Subdominio Texto duplicado Canvas Canvas is a cloud-based online learning environment used to support teaching and learning at Emory. Canvas provides tools for sharing documents and ot...
/catalog/collaboration/collabo...Texto duplicado Collaboration and Conferencing Collaboration and conferencing tools help bring people together to communicate and achieve a common goal. A range of technolog...
/catalog/ai_services/commercia...Texto duplicado Commercial Data Protection for Microsoft Copilot (formerly Bing chat) Commercial data protection for Microsoft Copilot is Emory's secure instance of Microsof...
/catalog/web-resources/conflue...Texto duplicado Confluence Wiki Confluence Wiki provides a tool for groups to document and collaborate together.
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Texto duplicado Database Management Database Management provides OIT and departmental customers/applications with the most robust, scalable, and highly available database se...
/catalog/collaboration/documen...Texto duplicado Document Management Emory Document Management is the service that provides the ability to access files online at any time, from anywhere.
/catalog/communication/ehconne...Texto duplicado EHConnect Emory Healthcare Information Services (EHC IS) provides access to on call calendars, paging services, Spok Mobile (secure messaging), and hospital ...
/catalog/email-and-calendaring...Texto duplicado Email Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides messaging and collaborative software to all Emory (both University and Healthcare) faculty, stu...
/catalog/communication/emergen...Texto duplicado Emergency Notification The RAVE Emergency Alert Service is the primary mobile text notification system used by Emory University & Emory Healthcare and other ...
/catalog/computer-and-software...Texto duplicado Emory's Software Distribution Software Distribution administers academic software licensed by the University and also consults with faculty, staff and studen...
/catalog/cloud-services/enterp...Enterprise Cloud Services Enterprise Cloud Services (ECS) is Emory University's preferred and recommended Cloud service for enterprise applications. The serv...
/catalog/collaboration/github-...Texto duplicado GitHub at Emory GitHub at Emory is the software development platform and source code control system offered by Emory OIT through GitHub Enterprise.
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Texto duplicado Identity and Access Management At Emory, Identity and Access Management facilitates the management of electronic identities, used to initiate, capture, recor...
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Integration Operations This service most commonly used for software that enables communication and management of data in distributed applications
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...Texto duplicado IT Service Management People, processes, and tools that enable service management
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...Texto duplicado IT Service Management: ServiceNow Emory IT strives for excellence in technology and customer service. To best accomplish this, Emory IT professionals use an ...
/catalog/computer-and-software...Texto duplicado Microsoft 365 Software Emory's Microsoft 365 software license is available to all Emory Employees (Faculty, Staff, Students and Healthcare) and is paid for b...
/catalog/ai_services/microsoft...Texto duplicado Microsoft Copilot Microsoft Copilot is an AI-powered productivity tool that uses large language models (LLMs) and integrates your data with the Microsoft Gra...
/catalog/mobile-development/mo...Texto duplicado Mobile Application Development Mobile App Distribution provides processes and tools around the review, approval, publication, and distribution of both intern...
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Texto duplicado Network Management Emory OIT Network Services provides a robust network management service referring to the activities, methods, procedures, and tools that p...
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Texto duplicado Operations Control-Management Operations Control and Management is a suite of offerings that helps ensure our IT services are delivered effectively and effic...
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Texto duplicado OPUS Current students, prospective students, faculty, administrative staff, and former students can access student information through OPUS.
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...Texto duplicado Project Management Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) Project Management Office (PMO) is here to deliver value to the Emory Enterprise by enablin...
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...Texto duplicado Project Management: Business Analyst The Business Analyst team within Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides a range of services that suppor...
/catalog/data-and-reporting/re...Texto duplicado Reporting and Analytics Emory University's administrative Data Warehouse forms part of the Business Information Management service consisting of a central re...
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Texto duplicado Server Management Running multiple independent virtual operating systems (VMs) on a single physical computer
/catalog/computer-and-software...Texto duplicado Staff-Faculty Technology Support The Client Services team offers desktop support services based on a negotiated and executed Service Level Agreement (SLA). T...
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Texto duplicado Storage Management Storage Management provides central IT, academic, and research customers with a cost effective and highly available service to address the...
/catalog/data-and-reporting/ta...Texto duplicado Tableau Tableau enables the Emory community to see and understand their data, answering valuable business questions and giving insight into a large data sets...
/catalog/video/video-technolog...Texto duplicado Video Technologies Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) is a leading national trendsetter in providing innovative video technologies and broadcast ...
/catalog/communication/voice-s...Texto duplicado Voice Service Emory's Office of Information Technology Services (OIT) provides Voice Service for over 30,000 telephone lines across the Emory Enterprise, inc...
/catalog/web-resources/web-hos...Texto duplicado What is Web Hosting? The Web Hosting service provides a web presence for Emory University and related organizations.
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Texto duplicado WordPress (ScholarBlogs) An open source blog tool that is easy to use and customize
/catalog/index.htmlTexto ancla Researchers
/catalog/cloud-services/aws-at...Texto duplicado AWS at Emory AWS at Emory is Emory University's preferred and recommended cloud service for faculty-led computational needs. The service provides access to A...
/catalog/cloud-services/azure-...Texto duplicado Azure Self Supported Subscriptions Azure Self Supported Subscriptions are part of Microsoft's Azure Cloud Services offering. This capability is not supported...
/catalog/ai_services/commercia...Texto duplicado Commercial Data Protection for Microsoft Copilot (formerly Bing chat) Commercial data protection for Microsoft Copilot is Emory's secure instance of Microsof...
/catalog/collaboration/documen...Texto duplicado Document Management Emory Document Management is the service that provides the ability to access files online at any time, from anywhere.
/catalog/communication/emergen...Texto duplicado Emergency Notification The RAVE Emergency Alert Service is the primary mobile text notification system used by Emory University & Emory Healthcare and other ...
/catalog/data-and-reporting/em...Emory Research Subject Registry Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) Research Solutions Team supports the Emory Research Subject Registry. The Emor...
/catalog/collaboration/github-...Texto duplicado GitHub at Emory GitHub at Emory is the software development platform and source code control system offered by Emory OIT through GitHub Enterprise.
/catalog/data-and-reporting/hi...High Performance Computing Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) supports High Performance Computing (HPC) on campus by maintaining some of Emory's ...
/catalog/cloud-services/hyper-...HyPER C3 – Community Cloud HPC Cluster HyPER C3 provides a community high-performance computing (HPC) cluster to support compute-intensive scholarship at Emo...
/catalog/data-and-reporting/la...LabKey LabKey provides software solutions that help researchers overcome the data management and workflow challenges faced in today's research environment. L...
/catalog/data-and-reporting/li...LIMS - OpenSpecimen Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) Laboratory Solutions team supports the OpenSpecimen application as part of Emory's enterpr...
/catalog/computer-and-software...Texto duplicado Microsoft 365 Software Emory's Microsoft 365 software license is available to all Emory Employees (Faculty, Staff, Students and Healthcare) and is paid for b...
/catalog/ai_services/microsoft...Texto duplicado Microsoft Copilot Microsoft Copilot is an AI-powered productivity tool that uses large language models (LLMs) and integrates your data with the Microsoft Gra...
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Texto duplicado Operations Control-Management Operations Control and Management is a suite of offerings that helps ensure our IT services are delivered effectively and effic...
/catalog/data-and-reporting/re...REDCap REDCap is a secure, internally hosted web-based application designed exclusively to support data capture for research studies.
/catalog/data-and-reporting/re...Texto duplicado Reporting and Analytics Emory University's administrative Data Warehouse forms part of the Business Information Management service consisting of a central re...
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Texto duplicado Server Management Running multiple independent virtual operating systems (VMs) on a single physical computer
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Texto duplicado Storage Management Storage Management provides central IT, academic, and research customers with a cost effective and highly available service to address the...
/catalog/data-and-reporting/ta...Texto duplicado Tableau Tableau enables the Emory community to see and understand their data, answering valuable business questions and giving insight into a large data sets...
/catalog/video/video-technolog...Texto duplicado Video Technologies Emory's Office of Information Technology (OIT) is a leading national trendsetter in providing innovative video technologies and broadcast ...
/catalog/communication/voice-s...Texto duplicado Voice Service Emory's Office of Information Technology Services (OIT) provides Voice Service for over 30,000 telephone lines across the Emory Enterprise, inc...
/catalog/index.htmlTexto ancla Project Stakeholders ventana Externo Subdominio Sponsored Account Request: Person or Department ventana Externo Subdominio Event or Classroom Support Request ventana Externo Subdominio DNS and Static IP: Create Request ventana Externo Subdominio Firewall: Add or Remove Exception ventana Externo Subdominio VPN: Additional Core Access Texto duplicado Get Help
/research-services/index.htmlResearch Services Subdominio ServiceNow Change Calendar Subdominio Other EHC Resources
A-TITLE Other EHC Resources
/billing/index.htmlBilling Information
A-TITLE Billing Information Subdominio Password Reset or Change
A-TITLE Password Reset or Change Subdominio OPUS (Student) Help Subdominio OIT Shopping Cart & Billing Portal
A-TITLE OIT Shopping Cart & Billing Portal or search "Shopping Cart"
/catalog/index.htmlIT Service Catalog
/catalog/ai_services/index.htmlAI Services
/catalog/cloud-services/index....Cloud Services
/catalog/computer-and-software...Computer and Software
/catalog/consulting-and-suppor...Consulting and Support
/catalog/data-and-reporting/in...Data and Reporting
/catalog/email-and-calendaring...Email and Calendaring
/catalog/emory-center-for-digi...Texto duplicado Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
/catalog/finance-and-hr/index....Finance and HR
/catalog/mobile-development/in...Mobile Development
/catalog/research-services/ind...Texto duplicado Research Services
/catalog/teaching-and-learning...Teaching and Learning
/catalog/technical-infrastruct...Technical Infrastructure
/catalog/web-resources/index.htmlWeb Resources ventana Externo Subdominio EMORY HOME
A-TITLE Emory University main website ventana Externo Subdominio CONTACTS
A-TITLE Contacts ventana Externo Subdominio EMERGENCY
A-TITLE Emergency ventana Externo Subdominio CAREERS
A-TITLE Careers ventana Externo Subdominio GIVE TO EMORY
A-TITLE Give to Emory
http://communications.emory.ed...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio ABOUT EMORY'S WEB
A-TITLE About Emory's Web
http://communications.emory.ed...Externo Subdominio Copyright
A-TITLE Copyright Subdominio Emory University
A-TITLE Emory Homepage

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IT Service Catalog | Emory University | Atlanta GA

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Service Catalog71%Check
Emory University60%Check
Hosting Service57%Check
Service Desk57%Check
Service Management57%Check
Cloud Service57%Check
Voice Service57%Check

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