## Website Sitemap Sitemap: https://static.kinguin.net/media/sitemap/sitemap.xml ## Enable robots.txt rules for all crawlers User-agent: * Crawl-Delay: 10 User-agent: Googlebot Disallow: User-agent: Googlebot-image Disallow: ## Do not crawl add to cart, checkout, and user account pages Disallow: */addToCart/* Disallow: */checkout/* Disallow: /customer/ Disallow: /customer/account/ Disallow: /customer/account/login/ Disallow: /contacts/ Disallow: /wishlist/ Disallow: /multivendor/ Disallow: */turpentine/ Disallow: */addToCart/* ## Disallow URL Shortener Disallow: */7en/* Allow: /customer/about/overview/ ## Do not crawl seach pages and not-SEO optimized catalog links Disallow: /catalogsearch/ Disallow: /catalog/product/view/ ## Do not crawl not-SEO optimized custom forms Disallow: /configurableform/ Disallow: /configurableform/ ## Do not crawl sub category pages that are sorted or filtered. Disallow: /*?dir* Disallow: /*?dir=desc Disallow: /*?dir=asc Disallow: /*?limit=all Disallow: /*?mode* ## Do not crawl links with session IDs Disallow: /*? Disallow: /*?SID= Allow: /*?nosalesbooster* Allow: /*?sort= Allow: /*?r= Allow: /*?country_store= Allow: /*?bannerid= Allow: /*?key Allow: /*?from_store Allow: /*?q= Allow: /*?max_price= Allow: /*?min_price= Allow: /*?dir_metacritic= Allow: /*?platform= Allow: /*?hide_outstock= Allow: /*?platform_id= Allow: /*?order= Allow: /*?region_limit= Allow: /*?metacritic= Allow: /*?content_type= Allow: /*page_id Allow: /*.js Allow: /*.css Disallow: /r/ Disallow: */salespage/* User-Agent: MJ12bot Crawl-Delay: 60 User-agent: Adidxbot Crawl-Delay: 0 User-agent: bingbot Crawl-Delay: 0 Disallow: /7en/ Disallow: /listing/ Disallow: //checkout/ Disallow: //cms/ Disallow: /buyer-protection Disallow: /faq Disallow: /indie-valley Disallow: /cdn-cgi/ User-agent: PetalBot User-agent: AppInsights User-agent: SemrushBot User-agent: SemanticScholarBot User-agent: dotbot User-agent: whatcms User-agent: rogerbot User-agent: trendictionbot User-agent: blexbot User-agent: linkfluence User-agent: magpie-crawler User-agent: MJ12bot User-agent: mediatoolkitbot User-agent: aspiegelbot User-agent: domainstatsbot User-agent: cincraw User-agent: nimbostratus User-agent: httrack User-agent: serpstatbot User-agent: omgili User-agent: grapeshotcrawler User-agent: megaindex User-agent: semanticbot User-agent: cocolyzebot User-agent: domcopbot User-agent: traackr User-agent: bomborabot User-agent: linguee User-agent: webtechbot User-agent: domainstatsbot User-agent: clickagy User-agent: sqlmap User-agent: internet-structure-research-project-bot User-agent: seekport User-agent: awariosmartbot User-agent: onalyticabot User-agent: buck User-agent: riddler User-agent: sbl-bot User-agent: df bot 1.0 User-agent: pubmatic crawler bot User-agent: bvbot User-agent: sogou User-agent: barkrowler User-agent: admantx User-agent: adbeat User-agent: embed.ly User-agent: semantic-visions User-agent: voluumdsp User-agent: wc-test-dev-bot User-agent: gulperbot Disallow: /
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