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LTF Labortechnik - Ihr Partner für Molekularbiologie und Life Science
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
LTF-Labortechnik ist ein unabhängiger Großhandel für Laborgeräte und steht für sorgfältig ausgewählte Produkte, faire Preise und umfassenden Service. Seit 1996 haben wir unseren Sitz in Wasserburg am Bodensee und sind ein verlässlicher Partner rund um das Thema Biowissenschaften und Bioanalytik.
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descriptionLTF-Labortechnik ist ein unabhängiger Großhandel für Laborgeräte und steht für sorgfältig ausgewählte Produkte, faire Preise und umfassenden Service. Seit 1996 haben wir unseren Sitz in Wasserburg am Bodensee und sind ein verlässlicher Partner rund um das Thema Biowissenschaften und Bioanalytik.
keywordslabortechnik-forschung-geraete, laborgeraete-laborbedarf, life-science-molekularbiologie
GeneratorDrupal 10 (; Commerce 2
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Solo se han encontrado 1 párrafos en esta página.
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • mass => Maß
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 505 palabras.
Un 9.5% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 13 palabras.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
.../files/2024-05/slider_d_ar-uvc-lampe.jpgUVC Lampe zur Sterilisation
...er_d_hochdurchsatz-pcr-cycler-turbo3.jpgHochdurchsatz Thermocycler Turbo3
...ider_d_uv-airclean-pcr-workstation_0.jpgUV Airclean Workstation für sauberes Arbeiten im Labor
...s/2024-05/uvc-licht-einstecken-los-d.jpgUVC Licht für Laborarbeitsplatz PCR Thermocycler Turbo3 Arbeitsplatz mit UV
...ermostat-KT-08-42.png.jpeg?itok=ZBEAAm2OKältethermostat KT 08-42
...otometer-kuvetten.png.jpeg?itok=2vvql1bUCarece de atributo ALT
/sites/default/files/neu.pngneu Turbo3
...-incubator-shaker.png.jpeg?itok=oFQbZN7LCarece de atributo ALT
...eptune-automation.png.jpeg?itok=reh57HQtPipettenspitzen für Automation Neptune
/sites/default/files/percent.pngSpecial offer
...-m-ar-workstation.png.jpeg?itok=aK5m2GW-Workstation UVC-T-M-AR Biosan
/sites/default/files/percent.pngSpecial offer
...-rnase-free-spray.png.jpeg?itok=Pt58hnUHCarece de atributo ALT
/sites/default/files/percent.pngSpecial offer
...08/pcr-cooler-sbs.png.jpeg?itok=AvKhyEmwCarece de atributo ALT
/sites/default/files/percent.pngSpecial offer
...inium-96well-rack.png.jpeg?itok=VFILyZjUCarece de atributo ALT
/sites/default/files/percent.pngSpecial offer
...-wasserbad-WB-4MS.png.jpeg?itok=8qz3qMeFRührwasserbad WB-4MS Biosan
/sites/default/files/percent.pngSpecial offer
...eptune-automation.png.jpeg?itok=reh57HQtPipettenspitzen für Automation Neptune
/sites/default/files/percent.pngSpecial offer
...2023-08/purifiair.jpg.jpeg?itok=KhOAjRjMCarece de atributo ALT
/sites/default/files/percent.pngSpecial offer
...ooler-block-basis.png.jpeg?itok=tmCG1FE7Carece de atributo ALT
/sites/default/files/percent.pngSpecial offer
...rrier-tips-racked.png.jpeg?itok=WNq-5HX8Barrier Tips racked
/sites/default/files/percent.pngSpecial offer
...eptune-automation.png.jpeg?itok=reh57HQtPipettenspitzen für Automation Neptune
/sites/default/files/percent.pngSpecial offer
...eptune-automation.png.jpeg?itok=reh57HQtPipettenspitzen für Automation Neptune
/sites/default/files/percent.pngSpecial offer
...eptune-automation.png.jpeg?itok=reh57HQtPipettenspitzen für Automation Neptune
/sites/default/files/percent.pngSpecial offer
...eptune-automation.png.jpeg?itok=reh57HQtPipettenspitzen für Automation Neptune
/sites/default/files/percent.pngSpecial offer
...1/boehringer-ingelheim.png?itok=ttMGMD5RBoehringer Ingelheim
...ogo-labor-becker-olgem.png?itok=ENvb-MRfLabor Becker
...ublic/2023-11/mri-logo.png?itok=TiwPNGtBMRI Max Rubner Institut
...23-11/logo-tib-molbiol.png?itok=cA9HDkBWTIB Molbiol
...logo-universitaet-bonn.png?itok=WmzqmZyrUniversität Bonn

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Neu im Sortiment
H2 Preisaktion Neugeräte
H2 Zufriedene Kunden
H5 Kältethermostat - Serie KT Thermostate
H5 EzDrop 1000C Spektralphotometer Spektralphotometer
H5 Gradienten Cycler Turbo3 PCR Thermo-Cycler
H5 Schüttler für CO2 Inkubatoren - CPS-20 Orbitalschüttler
H5 Filterspitzen BT100 Spitzen mit Filter
H5 PCR Workstation UV-Airclean PCR Workstations UV/HEPA
H5 Dekontaminations-Spray DNAse/RNAse DNA/RNA Dekontaminations-Spray
H5 PCR-Cooler mit Farbwechsel PCR Kühlblocks
H5 96 Well SBS-Kühlrack PCR Kühlblocks
H5 Wasserbad mit Magnetrührer - WB-4MS Wasserbäder
H5 Filterspitzen BT1000 Spitzen mit Filter
H5 PURIFIAIR.620 Luftfilter-System UV-Sterilisation / Luftreinigungs-Systeme
H5 Black Cube SBS Rack mit Kühlbehälter PCR Kühlblocks
H5 Filterspitzen BT20 - Barrier Tips Spitzen mit Filter
H5 Filterspitzen BT10XL/S Spitzen mit Filter
H5 Filterspitzen BT300 Spitzen mit Filter
H5 Filterspitzen BT1250 Spitzen mit Filter
H5 Filterspitzen BT200 Spitzen mit Filter
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
18 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Esta página no contiene ningún enlace externo.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Direkt zum Inhalt Startseite
A-TITLE Startseite
/de/kontaktWie bestellen? duplicado Startseite
A-TITLE <p>Wholesale of UV workstations, PCR workstations, safety cabinets, UV air filtration systems, UV laboratory goggles, APEX decontamination spray, RNAse-Free ...
/de/uv-pcr-workstation/uv-arbe...PCR Workstations UV/HEPA
A-TITLE <p>Inexpensive and high-quality PCR workstation with high UV radiation (25 watts). Additional internal air purification during work via a UV-supported recirc...
/de/safety-cabinet-class2/sich...Sicherheitswerkbank Klasse2
A-TITLE <p>Class 2 microbiological safety cabinet in accordance with DIN/EN 12469. The latest energy-saving fans are used in the Mars Pro series safety cabinets.</p>
/de/uv-entkeimung-klinik/uv-lu...UV-Sterilisation / Luftreinigungs-Systeme
A-TITLE <p>UV lamps for disinfection and sterilization in research and laboratories. The use of UV light is a sensitive area. We are aware of this responsibility and...
/de/uv-schutzbrillen/uvc-gesic...UV Schutz-Brillen / UV-Visier
A-TITLE <p>Working with UV light in the laboratory requires protective measures for the user. We offer UV safety goggles and UV safety visors for all wavelengths. Ou...
/de/dna-rna-disinfection-liqui...DNA/RNA Dekontaminations-Spray
A-TITLE <p>DNA/RNA decontamination liquid is ready-to-use and removes nucleases and nucleic acid contamination. Spray, wipe or soak labware then wipe or rinse the su...
A-TITLE <p>Gel-Dokumentationssystem und Dünnschichtchromatographie-Systeme in verschiedenen Ausführungen und Qualitäten.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Gel documentation systems for DNA/protein gels, ready-to-use gels and mini-gels. Imaging systems for fluorescence and colorimetric applications. Only from...
A-TITLE <p>Dark chambers for the visualization of thin-layer chromatography (TLC) gels in brilliant colors, such as Ginko Biloba. The software supplied with the syst...
A-TITLE <p>Compact and portable imaging devices for imaging colorimetric microarrays, elispots and fluorescence. The devices can be powered by a portable 20-volt lit...
A-TITLE <p>Live cell microscope for observing cell behavior without removing the vessels from the incubator. Imaging system for a variety of cell-related assays, suc...
/de/vision-works/analysis-soft...Analyse-Software für Gel-Dokumentation
A-TITLE <p>VisionWorks2D Analysis Software, VisionWorksLS Analysis Software.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Elektrophoreseausstattung für Labor- und Bildungseinrichtungen. Blotter, Agarosegele, Gradientenmischer, horizontal/vertikal Gelsysteme und Stromversorgun...
/de/agarose-gelkammern/horizon...Horizontal-Kammern für die Gel-Elektrophorese
A-TITLE <p>Agarose gel chambers in various designs and sizes for all gel sizes. Sturdy construction. Made in Germany.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Vertical gel chambers for ready-to-use gels from most manufacturers. A wide range of combs is available for each chamber.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Power supply units suitable for electrophoresis. Generate a constant voltage and constant current.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Blot systems and tank blotters for gel electrophoresis.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Gradient mixer for gel electrophoresis, column chromatography and ultra centrifugation.</p>
/de/gel-electrophoresis/gel-el...Elektrophorese Gele
A-TITLE <p>Tris-Glycine ready-to-use gels for electrophoresis for Western blot protocols and standard in-gel digestion protocols. Suitable for Bio-Rad and Novex mini...
A-TITLE <p>Tris-Glycine ready-to-use gels from NuSep. have a particularly good purity. Suitable for Western blot protocols, standard in-gel digestion protocols and m...
/de/gel-electrophoresis/agaros...Agarose Gele
/de/gel-trockner/gel-dryerElektrophorese Gel-Trockner
A-TITLE <p>Gel dryer with a large drying surface on which several protein polyacrylamide gels, sequencing gels or other gel types can be dried without prior trimming...
A-TITLE <p>Laborkleingeräte, UV-Lampen und Gel-Dokumentationssysteme für Klinik und Forschung.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Horizontal and veritcal autoclaves especially for sterilization processes in the laboratory, automated culture media processors and culture media steriliz...
A-TITLE <p>Bioreactors record microbial growth in 50 ml tubes in real time. RTS-1C is able to measure the optical density of the sample in real time non-invasively.<...
/de/densitometer/photometerDensitometer / Photometer
A-TITLE <p>Densitometers allow the measurement of solution turbidity over a wide range (up to 15.0 McFarland units). DEN-600 is a compact, portable, rechargeable, ba...
/de/laboratory-equipment/muffl...Muffelofen / Niedertemperaturofen
A-TITLE <p>High-temperature ovens and muffle ovens with fiber-insulated chambers made of high-quality materials in various designs and sizes. Laboratory chamber furn...
A-TITLE <p>Hybridization ovens provide precise temperature and rotation control for thorough mixing of materials. For Northern, Southern and Western blots.</p>
/de/inkubatoren/co2-inkubatorInkubatoren / Inkubationshauben
A-TITLE <p>Various models of orbital shaking incubators, incubation hoods and CO2 incubators.</p>
A-TITLE <p>CFC-free closed-circuit coolers are used as universal coolers for the entire laboratory sector. Cooling for e.g. electrophoresis chambers, thermocyclers, ...
/de/magnet-ruehrer/heiz-ruehrerMagnetrührer / Heizrührer
A-TITLE <p>Compact magnetic stirrers with stainless steel work surface. The devices offer stirring of liquids at a rotation speed of the magnetic element of up to 30...
A-TITLE <p>Rollenmischer für liegendes Mischen von Flaschen und Tubes in verschiedenen Größen. Mit robustem Rollenantrieb ohne auf und ab. RollerBottle hält Ihre Pro...
A-TITLE <p>Stable and flexible tube rotator for the serial rotation of tubes and test tubes from 4-40 mm.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Small laboratory equipment such as shakers, mixers, centrifuges, temperature control units, thermo-shakers, vortexes, rocker tables and much more.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Neu: Orbital-Schüttler für Inkubator geeignet. Orbital-Schüttler für generelles Mixen, Kultivierung von Mikroben, Western Blots. Für sanftes Mischen mit N...
/de/ueberkopf-mischer/overhead...Überkopfmischer / Rollmischer
/de/wipp-schuettler-elmi/wipp-...Wipptische / Wippschüttler
A-TITLE <p>Wipp-Schüttler mit unterschiedlichen Plattformen für unterschiedlichste Laboranwendungen. Für leichte bis starke Probenmix-Vorgänge.</p>
/de/stirrermixerRührer / Mischer
A-TITLE <p>Laboratory stirrer and mixer for stirring liquids with a volume of up to 20 liters. An ideal instrument for use in biotechnology, for organic analyses and...
A-TITLE <p>Photometer for micro-volume and cuvette detection. UV-Vis spectrophotometer EzDrop measures sample concentrations in the micro-volume range within three s...
A-TITLE <p>Compact and easy-to-use block thermostats for microtubes. Especially suitable for long incubation at different temperatures.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Immersion circulators and circulation circulators for routine laboratory applications. As an immersion thermostat on water baths with clamp or as a bath t...
A-TITLE <p>Thermal shaker for tubes and deepwell plates in various designs. For sample preparation for the following applications: Genetic analysis - extraction of D...
A-TITLE <p>Freezer boxes and chest freezers. Stay cold, even when opened and closed frequently. Ideally suited for temperature-constant and energy-saving storage of ...
/de/vortex-mischer/vibrationsm...Vortex / Homogenisator
A-TITLE <p>Vortex for daily routine tasks. Tube mixer with rotation speeds of 50-4500 rpm. New: Homogenizer for mixing, grinding, homogenizing and emulsifying.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Vacuum pump and vacuum centrifuge for gentle and fast concentration and drying of samples. The Conjet cooled vacuum pump can be used universally in the la...
/de/wasch-absauggeraete/mikrop...Tube-Aspirator / Platten-Wäscher
A-TITLE <p>Washing and aspiration system for microtiter plates, microarrays and microstrips.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Easy-to-operate, reliable and powerful thermostating systems for a wide range of laboratory applications. And water baths with magnetic stirrers for chemi...
A-TITLE <p>The Labaqua systems produce ultrapure and fresh water directly from tap water. LabAqua produces ultrapure (grade 1) water or pure (grade 2) water.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Centrifuges for a wide range of applications. For use in microbiological, biochemical, clinical and biotechnological laboratories. Large selection, fast d...
/de/automatisierte-extraktion-...Automatisierte Extraktion
A-TITLE <p>BioMagPure 12 Plus is a compact bench-top extractor for the automated purification of nucleic acids. The proven magnetic separation technology makes purif...
/de/mag-sorb16-manuelle-extrak...Manuelle Extraktion
A-TITLE <p>MagSorb is a magnetic rack developed for the isolation of nucleic acids using magnetic particles. Powerful neodymium permanent magnets are built into the ...
A-TITLE <p>Reagents for laboratory extraction. The Vector Best extraction kits are CE and RUO certified.</p>
/de/liquid-handling/pipettiere...Liquid Handling
/de/liquid-handling/pipettier-...Liquid Handling automatisiert
A-TITLE <p>With a very small footprint, the PIRO pipetting robot offers maximum flexibility for a wide range of liquid handling tasks. We also supply suitable consum...
A-TITLE <p>Pipettierroboter PIRO für automatisches Liquid Handling.</p>
/de/piro-pipettier-roboter/pir...Pipettierroboter Konfiguration
A-TITLE <p>Pipettierköpfe, HEPA-Filter, UV-Set und Kalibier-Set für PIRO-Pipettierroboter direkt vom Spezialisten. Wir führen auch Wartungen und Kalibrierungen durch...
/de/piro-pipetting-robot/piro-...PIRO Verbrauchsmaterial
/de/piro-pipetting-robot-adapt...Pipettierroboter Zubehör
/de/piro-pipettier-roboter/pir...PIRO Plate Racks
/de/piro-pipettier-roboter/pir...PIRO Tip Racks
/de/piro-pipettier-roboter/pir...PIRO Tube Racks
/de/piro-pipettier-roboter/pir...PIRO Adapter
/de/piro-pipettier-roboter/pir...PIRO Waste
/de/handpipetten-kaufen/ergono...Liquid Handling manuell
A-TITLE <p>Manual pipettes from single-channel to multi-channel pipettes. Manual liquid handling with ergonomic handle shape and low weight. Available in all common ...
A-TITLE <p>Thermocycler für Standard-PCR und Real-Time PCR Anwendungen. Anwendungsbereiche: Relative und absolute Quantifizierung, Schmelzpunktanalyse, TaqMan Genoty...
/de/pcr-thermo-cycler/gradient...PCR Thermo-Cycler
A-TITLE <p>Stable and powerful thermal cycler with gradient function. Suitable for standard PCR, CRISPR/Cas assays and NGS sample preparation.</p>
/de/real-time-pcr-cycler/rt-pc...Real-Time PCR Cycler
A-TITLE <p>Small and flexible real-time PCR cyclers for laboratory and research. Robust PCR systems for field research and rapid testing on the move or on site.</p>
/de/rt-pcr-cycler/bioquant-96Texto duplicado Real-Time PCR Cycler
A-TITLE <p>Temperaturvalidierungs-System QTAS für alle Thermocycler.</p>
/de/real-time-pcr-kits/ready-m...Real-Time PCR Kits
A-TITLE <p>High-quality PCR kits for human genetics, pathogen detection and pharmacogenetics.</p>
/de/humangenetik-ivd-kits/nahr...Humangenetik (IVD)
A-TITLE <p>Das Kit-Angebot von Geno-Sen´s ist geeignet für Real-Time PCR-, Molekular- und Gen-Diagnostik. Sie basieren auf der Taqman Probe Technologie zur Quantifiz...
/de/pathogen-detection/geno-sensGeno Sen´s
/de/pharmakogenetik-detoxifika...Pharmakogenetik / Detoxifikation (IVD)
/de/gvo-analysen/rt-pcr-strip-...StripKits für GVO-Analysen
A-TITLE <p>Diese StripKits sind "ready-to-use" Real-Time PCR Kits. Sie sind einfach zu gebrauchen und werden auf Anfrage kundenspezifisch hergestellt.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Floating tube racks, stainless steel freezer racks, standard microtube racks, tube cooler units, tube storage boxes with lids, flipper-racks...</p>
/de/tubelager-box/polypropylen...Polypropylen Lagerboxen (-90°C)
A-TITLE <p>Polypropylene boxes for sample storage for tubes from 0.2 ml to 50 ml. Available in various designs and sizes.</p>
/de/cryovial-lagerbox/probenla...Polycarbonat Kryo-Boxen (-196°C)
A-TITLE <p>Polycarbonate boxes for tube storage from -196°C to +121°C. With index numbers on the bottom of the box for clear allocation and labeling.</p>
/de/reagenzglasgestell-acrylgl...Tubeständer aus Acrylglas
A-TITLE <p>Tube racks and test tube racks made of Plexiglas.</p>
/de/rostfreie-lagersysteme/tub...Edelstahl-Regal für Lagerboxen
A-TITLE <p>Stainless steel shelves for storing samples. Horizontal and vertical shelves for storing bottles or tube boxes.</p>
/de/kuehlregal-rostfrei/proben...Horizontale Regale Schubladenauszug
/de/kuehlregal-gestell/probenl...Horizontal seitlich beladbar
/de/tubelager-system/vertikale...Vertikale Regale
/de/freeze-racks-tubes/pcr-kue...Proben Kühlung
A-TITLE <p>The cooling of laboratory samples during sample preparation is an important factor for sensitive samples. We offer various systems for plate and tube cool...
/de/iso-freeze-racks/proben-ku...Iso Freeze Racks
/de/floating-tube-rack/mini-ei...Eisbad für Tubes
/de/bio-cooler/tube-lagerung-k...Bio Cooler
/de/tube-cooling-block/pcr-kue...PCR Kühlblocks
A-TITLE <p>PCR Kühlblöcke in verschiedenen Ausführungen für Tubes während der Anwendung. Kühlracks für Anwendungen in der Automation oder für manuelles Liquid Handli...
/de/uv-equipment/uv-lampen-lab...UV Ausrüstung
A-TITLE <p>Hand lamps, UV sterilization lamps, black light UV lamps, Pen-Ray Lamps, filtered UV Lamps, replacement bulbs, fixtures and stands, transilluminators, dar...
/de/uv-lampen-labor/sterilisat...UV Lampen
A-TITLE <p>Here you will find UV hand lamps and hanging lamps for laboratory tests. We offer advice and service on all aspects of UV light for laboratories and resea...
/de/taxonomy/term/198UV Hängelampen
/de/uv-schwarzlicht-lampen/lab...UV Lampe ohne Filter
/de/high-intensity-lamp/inspec...UV Hochintensitäts-Lampen
/de/uv-lampen-gefiltert/fluore...UV Lampen gefiltert
/de/uv-handlampen/uv-mini-lampenUV Handlampen
A-TITLE <p><span style="-webkit-text-stroke-width:0px;background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);color:rgb(0, 0, 0);display:inline !important;float:none;font-family:"O...
/de/uv-lampen-staender/lampens...Halterungen + Ständer
A-TITLE <p><span style="-webkit-text-stroke-width:0px;background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);color:rgb(0, 0, 0);display:inline !important;float:none;font-family:"O...
/de/uv-sterilisationslampen-kl...UVC Sterilisation / Desinfektion
A-TITLE <p>UVC light is an important factor in disinfection and sterilization in laboratories and clinics. We offer simple and effective UV systems and lamps to prot...
/de/uv-ersatz-roehren/uv-lampe...UV Ersatzröhren
A-TITLE <p>UV replacement tubes for various lamps and wavelengths. We will be happy to advise you on your model.</p>
/de/pen-ray-lampen/edelgaslamp...UV Speziallampen Pen-Ray
A-TITLE <p>Specialized trade for Pen-Ray rare gas lamps, Pen-Ray low pressure lamps, Pen-Ray PCQ lamps, Pen-Ray zinc and cadmium lamps, power supplies for Pen-Ray la...
/de/uv-transilluminatoren/uv-l...UV / LED Transilluminatoren
A-TITLE <p>Different models of transilluminators for gel electrophoresis. ECX Compact, ETX, benchtop transilluminators, high perfomance, multiband, super-bright, UV/...
/de/uv-dunkelkammern/uv-viewin...UV Dunkelkammern
A-TITLE <p>UV dark chambers for laboratory analysis and gel documentation. Darkroom in various designs and Chromato-Vue darkrooms.</p>
/de/uv-crosslinker/translinker...UV Crosslinker
A-TITLE <p>UV irradiation system for DNA crosslinking and for the elimination of PCR contamination. Available in three versions: 254 nm / 302 nm / 365 nm.</p>
/de/uv-bestrahlungs-system/bes...UV Bestrahlungssystem
A-TITLE <p>Bio-Sun is a microprocessor-controlled, cooled UV irradiation system for Petri dishes and microtiter plates. The gold standard for UV irradiation of cells...
/de/geldschein-kontrolle/kredi...UV Fälschungskontroll-Lampe
A-TITLE <p>The UV lamp for counterfeit detection is easy to use. Simply pass the object in question under the long-wave ultraviolet light.</p>
/de/uv-radiometer/uv-analyse-i...UV Messgeräte + Radiometer
A-TITLE <p>Radiometer for measuring and controlling UV intensity. Measure irradiance levels of short waves, medium waves and long waves.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Mobile ozone generators for shock disinfection and odor elimination in rooms with predominantly dry ambient conditions without the presence of people.</p>
A-TITLE <p>Labcor solution basins, microtiter plates, PCR plates, PCR tubes, pipette tips, paper for thermo printers.</p>
/de/reservoire-reagenzien/pipe...Reservoire / Lösungsbehälter
A-TITLE <p>Our robust solution containers have a V-shaped base and are compatible with 8- and 12-channel pipetting systems.</p>
A-TITLE <p>High-quality microtiter plates for PCR and other applications. Can be used without autoclaving. Free from: DNase, RNase, metal and pyrogens.</p>
/de/cryo-tubes/mikrozentrifuge...Tubes und Röhrchen
A-TITLE <p>Wholesale for laboratory tubes. Our range of consumables is specially designed for PCR applications and automation. We also offer suitable tubes for MyGo ...
A-TITLE <p><span style="-webkit-text-stroke-width:0px;background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);color:rgb(0, 0, 0);display:inline !important;float:none;font-family:"O...
A-TITLE <p><span style="-webkit-text-stroke-width:0px;background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);color:rgb(0, 0, 0);display:inline !important;float:none;font-family:"O...
A-TITLE <p><span style="-webkit-text-stroke-width:0px;background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);color:rgb(0, 0, 0);display:inline !important;float:none;font-family:"O...
/de/master-mix-tubes/schraubde...Mikrotubes mit Schraubdeckel
A-TITLE <p><span style="-webkit-text-stroke-width:0px;background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);color:rgb(0, 0, 0);display:inline !important;float:none;font-family:"O...
A-TITLE <p><span style="-webkit-text-stroke-width:0px;background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);color:rgb(0, 0, 0);display:inline !important;float:none;font-family:"O...
A-TITLE <p><span style="-webkit-text-stroke-width:0px;background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);color:rgb(0, 0, 0);display:inline !important;float:none;font-family:"O...
A-TITLE <p>High-quality filter tips for automation in many volumes. Sterile tips racked from polypropylene. Tips without filters for manual or automated liquid handl...
/de/filterspitzen/pipettenspit...Spitzen mit Filter
A-TITLE <p><span style="-webkit-text-stroke-width:0px;background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);color:rgb(0, 0, 0);display:inline !important;float:none;font-family:"O...
/de/pipetten-spitzen/ohne-filterSpitzen ohne Filter
A-TITLE <p><span style="-webkit-text-stroke-width:0px;background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);color:rgb(0, 0, 0);display:inline !important;float:none;font-family:"O...
/de/konduktive-filterspitzen/f...konduktive Spitzen
A-TITLE <p><span style="-webkit-text-stroke-width:0px;background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);color:rgb(0, 0, 0);display:inline !important;float:none;font-family:"O...
A-TITLE <p>Original video priinter paper for Mitsubishi printer.</p>
/de/preisaktion-neugeraetePreisaktion Neugeräte
/de/ueber-ltf/unternehmenÜber uns
/de/ueber-ltf/allgemeine-gesch...Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
A-TITLE LTF-Labortechnik is an independent wholesaler for laboratory equipment and stands for carefully selected products, fair prices and comprehensive service.
/de/service/wie-bestellenTexto duplicado Wie bestellen?
/de/uvc-desinfektion-oberflaec...IMG-ALT UVC Lampe zur Sterilisation
/de/pcr-thermocycler/gradient-...IMG-ALT Hochdurchsatz Thermocycler Turbo3
/de/pcr-workstation-uv-airclea...IMG-ALT UV Airclean Workstation für sauberes Arbeiten im Labor
/de/uvc-desinfektion-oberflaec...IMG-ALT UVC Licht für Laborarbeitsplatz
/de/pcr-thermocycler/gradient-...IMG-ALT Hochdurchsatz PCR Thermocycler Turbo3
/de/pcr-workstation-uv-airclea...IMG-ALT PCR Arbeitsplatz mit UV
/de/laborgeraete/thermostate/k...Sin texto
/de/laborgeraete/thermostate/k...Kältethermostat - Serie KT
/de/spektrophotometer-kuevette...Sin texto
/de/spektrophotometer-kuevette...EzDrop 1000C Spektralphotometer
/de/pcr-thermocycler/gradient-...Sin texto
/de/pcr-thermocycler/gradient-...Gradienten Cycler Turbo3
/de/orbital-schuettler-cps-20/...Sin texto
/de/orbital-schuettler-cps-20/...Schüttler für CO2 Inkubatoren - CPS-20
/de/verbrauchsmaterial-pipette...Sin texto
/de/verbrauchsmaterial-pipette...Filterspitzen BT100
/de/pcr-workstation-uv-airclea...Sin texto
/de/pcr-workstation-uv-airclea...PCR Workstation UV-Airclean
/de/arbeitssicherheit/dna-rna-...Sin texto
/de/arbeitssicherheit/dna-rna-...Dekontaminations-Spray DNAse/RNAse
/de/pcr-kuehlrack-sbs/pcr-cool...Sin texto
/de/pcr-kuehlrack-sbs/pcr-cool...PCR-Cooler mit Farbwechsel
/de/pcr-cooling-rack-aluminium...Sin texto
/de/pcr-cooling-rack-aluminium...96 Well SBS-Kühlrack
/de/ruehr-wasserbad-wb-4msSin texto
/de/ruehr-wasserbad-wb-4msWasserbad mit Magnetrührer - WB-4MS
/de/filter-spitzen/barrier-tip...Sin texto
/de/filter-spitzen/barrier-tip...Filterspitzen BT1000
/de/arbeitssicherheit/uv-desin...Sin texto
/de/arbeitssicherheit/uv-desin...PURIFIAIR.620 Luftfilter-System
/de/sbs-cooling-rack/black-cub...Sin texto
/de/sbs-cooling-rack/black-cub...Black Cube SBS Rack mit Kühlbehälter
/de/filterspitzen-barrier-tips...Sin texto
/de/filterspitzen-barrier-tips...Filterspitzen BT20 - Barrier Tips
/de/barrier-tips/filterspitzen...Sin texto
/de/barrier-tips/filterspitzen...Filterspitzen BT10XL/S
/de/filter-spitzen/barrier-tip...Sin texto
/de/filter-spitzen/barrier-tip...Filterspitzen BT300
/de/barrier-tips-filterspitzen...Sin texto
/de/barrier-tips-filterspitzen...Filterspitzen BT1250
/de/barrier-tips/filterspitzen...Sin texto
/de/barrier-tips/filterspitzen...Filterspitzen BT200

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LTF Labortechnik - Ihr Partner für Molekularbiologie und Life Science
LTF-Labortechnik ist ein unabhängiger Großhandel für Laborgeräte und steht für sorgfältig ausgewählte Produkte, faire Preise und umfassenden Service. Seit 1996 haben wir unseren Sitz in Wasserburg am Bodensee und sind ein verlässlicher Partner rund um das Thema Biowissenschaften und Bioanalytik.

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LTF Labortechnik69%Check
Labortechnik GmbH56%Check

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