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Home | London Metal Exchange
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
The London Metal Exchange (LME) is the world centre for industrial metals trading.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (512 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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copyright2024 The London Metal Exchange
authorThe London Metal Exchange
descriptionThe London Metal Exchange (LME) is the world centre for industrial metals trading.
twitter:titleHome | London Metal Exchange
twitter:descriptionThe London Metal Exchange (LME) is the world centre for industrial metals trading.
og:titleHome | London Metal Exchange
og:descriptionThe London Metal Exchange (LME) is the world centre for industrial metals trading.
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(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2008 palabras.
Un 19.7% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 23.59 palabras.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
/-/media/Images/Logos/LME_Logo_Main.svgLME Logo
/-/media/Images/Logos/LME_Logo_White.svgLME Logo
/-/media/Images/Logos/LME_Logo_Main.svgLME Logo
/-/media/Images/Logos/LME_Logo_White.svgLME Logo
/-/media/Images/Logos/LME_Logo_Main.svgLME Logo
...00&hash=05BDACB560F82059685DF1F5235592C7Lithium Cones
...00&hash=6C5DCBBF95493A62CC7882C03E60227BSteel structure
...00&hash=F06D198B561C4C47752BC1E65D245A5FWhite paper imageWebinar bridge
...00&hash=AB3537A76B63B22D06621EA3F0049377Metals SeminarMetals Seminar
...00&hash=AB742C3C3D3655841503D1A2A84C646EEV Charging stationEV Charging station
...00&hash=9E45DCD6638103F7DBBB0322471BA58CSteel RebarSteel Rebar
...00&hash=65FEDACB4CB22867F6FE1F1D2A0EE5EFglass globe on the grassSustainability-globe-345x229
...en&hash=D29CF28BE939B05401736655A1AFA6B5LMEselect red and white arrowsLMEselect red and white arrows
...en&hash=D29CF28BE939B05401736655A1AFA6B5LMEselect red and white arrowsLMEselect red and white arrows
...en&hash=DC30D6BC1CA6FB741CAAF889507CF0D1Red speech bubble with three white dots$name
...en&hash=DC30D6BC1CA6FB741CAAF889507CF0D1Red speech bubble with three white dots$name
...80&hash=716660CCBD03DEFF4CBD57A96EEA5DF7Steel scrapSteel scrap
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 99 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 All non-ferrous
H2 All ferrous
H2 All EV metals
H2 Platinum group
H2 Access the market
H2 Trading venues
H2 LME systems
H2 Volatility controls
H2 Contract types
H2 Initiatives
H2 Rulebook and notices
H2 How LME Clear works
H2 Collateral management
H2 Risk management
H2 Membership
H2 Rules and regulations
H2 LME Clear reports
H2 LME reference prices
H2 Reports and data
H2 Accessing market data
H2 Market data licensing
H2 Disruption Events
H2 Physical market benefits
H2 Warehousing
H2 Brands
H2 Featured pages
H2 Top results
H2 The world centre for industrial metals pricing... hedging... trading.
H2 Latest from the LME
H2 The LME is the trading and price-formation venue of choice for industrial metals globally
H2 Register with
H3 Featured Links
H3 Featured Links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured Links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured Links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured Links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured Links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured Links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured links
H3 Featured Links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured Links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured Links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured Links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured
H3 Featured Links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured Links Texto duplicado
H3 Featured Links Texto duplicado
H3 LME White Paper on Enhancing Liquidity
H3 Monthly (3W) futures quotes
H3 LME Metals Seminar 2024
H3 Fastmarkets Battery Raw Materials Europe
H3 European Battery Raw Materials Conference
H3 Dockside Chat - Episode 1
H3 resources
H3 Recent member notices and circulars
H3 Featured non-ferrous last traded 3-month prices, 15 minutes delayed (US$)
H3 Featured non-ferrous 3-month Closing Prices, day-delayed (US$)
H3 Featured ferrous month-2 Closing Prices, day-delayed (US$)
H3 Featured EVs month-2 Closing Prices, day-delayed (US$)
H3 Sustainability
H3 Trading
H4 LME Aluminium
H4 LME Copper
H4 LME Zinc
H4 LME Nickel
H4 LME Lead
H4 LME Tin
H4 LME Aluminium Texto duplicado
H4 LME Copper Texto duplicado
H4 LME Zinc Texto duplicado
H4 LME Nickel Texto duplicado
H4 LME Lead Texto duplicado
H4 LME Tin Texto duplicado
H4 LME Steel Scrap CFR Turkey (Platts)
H4 LME Steel Rebar FOB Turkey (Platts)
H4 LME Steel Scrap CFR Taiwan Argus
H4 LME Steel Scrap CFR India (Platts)
H4 LME Steel HRC FOB China (Argus)
H4 LME Steel HRC North America (Platts)
H4 LME HRC NW Europe (Argus)
H4 LME Cobalt (Fastmarkets MB)
H4 LME Lithium Hydroxide CIF (Fast Mkts MB)
H4 Governance
H4 Regulation
H4 Responsibility
H4 Contact Us
H5 Access the market Texto duplicado
H5 Reports on
H5 London
H5 Singapore
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 9 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla Events
/en/about/governance/lme-clear...Subdominio Other committees
/en/Market-data/Accessing-mark...Subdominio Accessing market data
/en/Market-data/Accessing-mark...Subdominio LMElive
/en/Market-dataSubdominio Market data News & notices
/en/about/ResponsibilitySubdominio Responsibility
/en/about/Responsibility/Commi...Subdominio LME commitments to net zero and tackling climate change
/en/Physical-services/BrandsSubdominio Brands Trading
/en/Metals/Non-ferrousSubdominio Non-ferrous metals
/en/Education/Course-calendarSubdominio Course calendar Legal Metals
/en/Education/Online-resources...Subdominio Webinars and podcasts
/en/Physical-servicesSubdominio Physical services
/en/Physical-services/WarehousingSubdominio Warehousing
/en/Metals/EV/About-LithiumSubdominio About Lithium
/en/Clearing/Collateral-manage...Subdominio Collateral management
/en/Trading/Contract-typesSubdominio Contract types
/en/Trading/Trading-venuesSubdominio Trading venues
/en/Physical-services/Physical...Subdominio Physical market benefits Clearing
/en/Market-data/Market-data-li...Subdominio Market data licensing
/en/Metals/PreciousSubdominio Precious metals
/en/Clearing/How-LME-Clear-worksSubdominio How LME Clear works
/en/Clearing/MembershipSubdominio Membership
/en/Clearing/LME-Clear-projectsSubdominio LME Clear projects
/en/Clearing/Risk-managementSubdominio Risk management
/en/Trading/SystemsSubdominio Systems
/en/about/RegulationSubdominio Regulation
/en/about/governance/lme-clear...Subdominio LME Clear Governance
/en/Education/Online-resourcesSubdominio Online resources LME Education
/en/about/governanceSubdominio Governance
/en/about/governance/lme-gover...Subdominio LME Governance
/en/Trading/Access-the-marketSubdominio Access the market
/en/Market-data/LME-reference-...Subdominio LME reference prices
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-dataSubdominio Reports and data
/en/Metals/Precious/LBMA-PlatinumSubdominio LBMA Platinum
/en/Metals/Precious/LBMA-Palla...Subdominio LBMA Palladium
/en/Events/LME-WeekSubdominio LME Week 2024 EV metals
/en/Trading/Initiatives/Streng...Subdominio LME Group announces action plan to strengthen its markets
/en/Metals/FerrousSubdominio Ferrous metals
/en/Clearing/Rules-and-regulat...Subdominio Rules and regulations
/en/Events/LME-Week/LME-Metals...Subdominio LME Metals Seminar 2024
/en/Trading/InitiativesSubdominio Initiatives Subdominio HKEX
/en/News?sc_camp=E648FC72E35D4...Subdominio Texto duplicado News & notices
/en/Events?sc_camp=EA0F117BA98...Subdominio Texto duplicado Events
/en/Education?sc_camp=96F062FA...Subdominio Education
/en/Contact-us?sc_camp=689F651...Subdominio Contact us
/en/about?sc_camp=8B7AEB5E2678...Subdominio About
/en/Account/Logout?redirectTo=/Log out
/en/Metals?sc_camp=54A50D03FB3...Subdominio Metals home
/en/Metals/Non-ferrousAll non-ferrous
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-Alu...LME Aluminium
A-TITLE LME Aluminium
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-CopperLME Copper
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-ZincLME Zinc
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-NickelLME Nickel
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-LeadLME Lead
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-TinLME Tin
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-Alu...LME Aluminium Alloy
A-TITLE LME Aluminium Alloy
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-NASAACLME NASAAC
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-Alu...LME Aluminium Premiums
A-TITLE LME Aluminium Premiums
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-Alu...LME Alumina (Platts)
A-TITLE LME Alumina (CRU/Fastmarkets MB)
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-Alu...LME Aluminium UBC Scrap US (Argus)
/en/Metals/FerrousAll ferrous
/en/Metals/Ferrous/LME-Steel-S...LME Steel Scrap CFR Turkey (Platts)
/en/Metals/Ferrous/LME-Steel-R...LME Steel Rebar FOB Turkey (Platts)
/en/Metals/Ferrous/LME-Steel-H...LME Steel HRC FOB China (Argus)
/en/Metals/Ferrous/LME-Steel-H...LME Steel HRC N.America (Platts)
/en/Metals/Ferrous/LME-Steel-H...LME Steel HRC NW Europe (Argus)
/en/Metals/Ferrous/LME-Steel-C...LME Steel Scrap CFR India (Platts)
/en/Metals/Ferrous/LME-Steel-C...LME Steel Scrap CFR Taiwan (Argus) EV metals
/en/Metals/EV/LME-CobaltLME Cobalt
/en/Metals/EV/LME-Cobalt-Fastm...LME Cobalt (Fastmarkets MB)
A-TITLE LME Cobalt (Fastmarkets MB)
/en/Metals/EV/LME-Molybdenum-P...LME Molybdenum (Platts)
A-TITLE LME Molybdenum (Platts)
/en/Metals/EV/LME-Lithium-Hydr...LME Lithium Hydroxide CIF (Fastmarkets MB)
/en/Metals/EV/About-LithiumLithium prices
A-TITLE Lithium prices
/en/Metals/PreciousPlatinum group
/en/Metals/Precious/LBMA-PlatinumTexto duplicado LBMA Platinum
/en/Metals/Precious/LBMA-Palla...Texto duplicado LBMA Palladium
A-TITLE LBMA Palladium
/en/Metals/EV/About-LithiumFind out more about our battery-grade lithium hydroxide futures contract.
A-TITLE Lithium/EV
/en/Trading?sc_camp=ED54A8DE0B...Subdominio Trading home
/en/Trading/Access-the-marketTexto duplicado Access the market
/en/Trading/Access-the-market/...Find a member
A-TITLE Find a member
/en/Trading/Access-the-market/...Become a member
A-TITLE Become a member
/en/Trading/Access-the-market/...ISVs and connectivity providers
A-TITLE ISVs and connectivity providers
/en/Trading/Access-the-market/...Incentive programmes
A-TITLE Incentive programs
/en/Trading/Trading-venuesTexto duplicado Trading venues
/en/Trading/Trading-venues/The...The Ring
A-TITLE The Ring
A-TITLE Electronic
A-TITLE Telephone
/en/Trading/Trading-venues/Tra...Trading times
A-TITLE Trading times
/en/Trading/SystemsLME systems
A-TITLE LMEmercury
/en/LME-Group-service-statusLME Group service status
/en/Trading/Volatility-control...Volatility controls
/en/Trading/Volatility-control...Volatility controls: price limits and price bands
/en/Trading/Contract-typesTexto duplicado Contract types
A-TITLE Futures
A-TITLE Options
/en/Trading/Contract-types/Tra...Trade at settlement
A-TITLE Trade at settlement
/en/Trading/Contract-types/Mon...Monthly average futures
A-TITLE Monthly average futures
/en/Trading/Contract-types/HKE...HKEX-London Minis
A-TITLE HKEX-London Minis
/en/Trading/InitiativesTexto duplicado Initiatives
/en/Trading/Initiatives/Modern...Modernising the market
/en/Trading/Initiatives/Streng...Strengthening the market
/en/Trading/Initiatives/New-tr...New trading platform
/en/Trading/Initiatives/LMEpas...LMEpassport duplicado EV metals
/en/Trading/Initiatives/Metals...Metalshub collaboration
/en/about/Regulation/RulesRulebook and notices
/en/Trading/Initiatives/New-tr...The LME is embarking on a programme of work to fully rebuild its electronic trading platform, LMEselect.
A-TITLE New trading platform
/en/Clearing?sc_camp=149B18CC2...Subdominio Clearing home
/en/Clearing/How-LME-Clear-worksTexto duplicado How LME Clear works
A-TITLE How LME Clear works
/en/Clearing/How-LME-Clear-wor...Account structure
A-TITLE Account structure
/en/Clearing/How-LME-Clear-wor...Service description
/en/Clearing/How-LME-Clear-wor...Products cleared
A-TITLE Products cleared
/en/Clearing/How-LME-Clear-wor...Business continuity
/en/Trading/Access-the-market/...Texto duplicado Fees
/en/Clearing/Collateral-manage...Texto duplicado Collateral management
A-TITLE Collateral management
/en/Clearing/Collateral-manage...Acceptable collateral
/en/Clearing/Collateral-manage...Haircut methodology
/en/Clearing/Collateral-manage...Secure payment system
/en/Clearing/Collateral-manage...Third party suppliers
/en/Clearing/Collateral-manage...Warrants as collateral
/en/Clearing/Risk-managementTexto duplicado Risk management
A-TITLE Risk Management
/en/Clearing/Risk-management/C...Credit risk management
/en/Clearing/Risk-management/D...Default management
/en/Clearing/Risk-management/M...Margin parameter files
/en/Clearing/Risk-management/M...Margin information
/en/Clearing/Risk-management/S...SPAN files
/en/Clearing/MembershipTexto duplicado Membership
A-TITLE Membership
/en/Clearing/Membership/Become...Become a clearing member
A-TITLE Become a clearing member
/en/Clearing/Membership/Cleari...Clearing members
A-TITLE Clearing membership
A-TITLE Connectivity
/en/Clearing/Rules-and-regulat...Texto duplicado Rules and regulations
A-TITLE Rules and regulations
/en/Clearing/Rules-and-regulat...Client information
A-TITLE Client information
/en/Clearing/Rules-and-regulat...Disclosure and transparency
A-TITLE Disclosure and transparency
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-da...LME Clear reports
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-da...Daily volumes
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-da...CPMI IOSCO Disclosure
/en/Clearing/Risk-management/S...Texto duplicado SPAN files
/en/Clearing/Risk-management/M...Texto duplicado Margin parameter files
/en/Clearing/LME-Clear-projectsFind out more about stakeholder facing projects being undertaken by LME Clear.
A-TITLE LME Clear projects
/en/Market-data?sc_camp=D97BF1...Subdominio Market data home
/en/Market-data/LME-reference-...Texto duplicado LME reference prices
A-TITLE LME reference prices
/en/Market-data/LME-reference-...LME Official Prices explained
A-TITLE Official Price
/en/Market-data/LME-reference-...LME Unofficial Prices explained
A-TITLE Unofficial Price
/en/Market-data/LME-reference-...LME Closing Prices explained
A-TITLE Closing Price
/en/Market-data/LME-reference-...LME Asian Reference Prices explained
A-TITLE Asian Reference Price
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-dataTexto duplicado Reports and data
A-TITLE Reports and data
/Market-data/Reports-and-data/...Subdominio 3rd Wednesday monthly futures quotes
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-da...Monthly averages
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-da...Monthly overview
A-TITLE Monthly overview
A-TITLE Volumes
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-da...Open interest
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-da...Futures banding
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-da...Warrant bandings
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-da...Commitments of traders
A-TITLE Commitments of traders
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-da...Historical data for cash settled futures
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-da...Warehouse and stock reports
A-TITLE Warehouse and stock reports
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-da...Texto duplicado LME Clear reports
/en/Market-data/Accessing-mark...Texto duplicado Accessing market data
A-TITLE Accessing market data
/en/Market-data/Accessing-mark...Texto duplicado LMElive
/en/Market-data/Accessing-mark...Licensed distributors
A-TITLE Licensed distributors
/en/Market-data/Accessing-mark...Reference and transparency data
A-TITLE Reference and transparency data
/en/Market-data/Accessing-mark...Historical data
A-TITLE Historical data
/en/Market-data/Accessing-mark...XML next day feed
A-TITLE XML next day feed
/en/Market-data/Market-data-li...Texto duplicado Market data licensing
A-TITLE Market data licensing
/en/Market-data/Market-data-li...Data distribution
A-TITLE Data distribution
/en/Market-data/Market-data-li...Derived data
A-TITLE Derived data
/en/Market-data/Market-data-li...Usage licence
A-TITLE Usage licence
/en/Market-data/Market-data-li...Non-display licence
A-TITLE Non-display licence
/en/Market-data/Market-data-li...Financial OTC booking fee
A-TITLE New fixed fee programme
/en/Market-data/disruption-eventsDisruption Events
/en/Market-data/disruption-eve...LME Nickel March 2022
/en/Market-data/Accessing-mark...LMElive is the LME's own data application, providing customers with key LME pricing, information and tools.
/en/Physical-services?sc_camp=...Subdominio Physical services home
/en/Physical-services/Physical...Texto duplicado Physical market benefits
A-TITLE Hedging
/en/Physical-services/Physical...Price discovery
A-TITLE Price discovery
/en/Physical-services/Physical...Price convergence
A-TITLE Price convergence
/en/Physical-services/Physical...Prompt-date structure
A-TITLE Prompt-date structure
/en/Physical-services/Physical...Reference pricing
A-TITLE Reference pricing
/en/Physical-services/WarehousingTexto duplicado Warehousing
/en/Physical-services/Warehous...Warehouse network
A-TITLE LME warehouse network
/en/Physical-services/Warehous...Approved warehouses
A-TITLE Approved warehouses
/en/Physical-services/Warehous...Warehouse reform
A-TITLE LME warehouse reform
/en/Physical-services/Warehous...Reporting off-warrant stock
A-TITLE Reporting off-warrant stock
A-TITLE LME warrants
/en/Physical-services/BrandsTexto duplicado Brands
A-TITLE Brands
/en/Physical-services/Brands/A...Approved brands
A-TITLE Approved brands
/en/Physical-services/Brands/C...Chemical composition
A-TITLE Chemical composition
/en/Physical-services/Brands/L...Listing process
A-TITLE Listing process
/en/Physical-services/Brands/S...Samplers and assayers
A-TITLE Samplers and assayers
/en/about/Responsibility/Respo...Responsible sourcing
/en/Trading/Initiatives/LMEpas...Find out more about LMEpassport, a key component of the LME’s drive for a more sustainable future.
A-TITLE LMEpassport
/en/Account/Login?returnUrl=/Texto duplicado Login
/en/Account/RegisterTexto duplicado Register duplicado Dashboard
/en/Account/Logout?redirectTo=/Texto duplicado Log out Subdominio Texto duplicado HKEX
/en/News?sc_camp=E648FC72E35D4...Subdominio Texto duplicado News & notices
/en/Events?sc_camp=EA0F117BA98...Subdominio Texto duplicado Events
/en/Education?sc_camp=96F062FA...Subdominio Texto duplicado Education
/en/Contact-us?sc_camp=689F651...Subdominio Texto duplicado Contact us
/en/about?sc_camp=8B7AEB5E2678...Subdominio Texto duplicado About
/en/Trading/Initiatives/Modern...IMG-ALT White paper image
/en/Trading/Initiatives/Modern...LME White Paper on Enhancing Liquidity
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-da...IMG-ALT Data
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-da...Monthly (3W) futures quotes
/en/Events/LME-Week/LME-Metals...IMG-ALT Metals Seminar
/en/Events/LME-Week/LME-Metals...Texto duplicado LME Metals Seminar 2024
/en/Events/2024/09/Fastmarkets...IMG-ALT EV Charging station
/en/Events/2024/09/Fastmarkets...Fastmarkets Battery Raw Materials Europe
/en/Events/2024/09/European-Ba...Sin texto
/en/Events/2024/09/European-Ba...European Battery Raw Materials Conference
/en/Events/2024/09/Dockside-Ch...IMG-ALT Steel Rebar
/en/Events/2024/09/Dockside-Ch...Dockside Chat - Episode 1 all events
/-/media/Files/Company/Market-...LME Rulebook (PDF)
/-/media/Files/Clearing/Rules-...LME Clear Rulebook (PDF)
/-/media/Files/News/Notices/20...24 249 Non Business Days for the Remainder of 2024 and for 2025
/-/media/Files/News/Member-Cir...24 023 LME Clear EMIR Risk Committee Clearing Members
/-/media/Files/News/Notices/20...24 022 LME Appoints Chief Financial and Administrative Officer
/-/media/Files/News/Notices/20...24 248 LME Appoints Chief Financial and Administrative Officer
/-/media/Files/News/Notices/20...24 247 Application to List TG JT Copper Grade A Brand all notices
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-Alu...LME Aluminium {{ price }} {{ change }} Last price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-CopperLME Copper {{ price }} {{ change }} Last price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-ZincLME Zinc {{ price }} {{ change }} Last price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-NickelLME Nickel {{ price }} {{ change }} Last price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-LeadLME Lead {{ price }} {{ change }} Last price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-TinLME Tin {{ price }} {{ change }} Last price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Non-ferrousView all non-ferrous metals
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-Alu...LME Aluminium {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-CopperLME Copper {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-ZincLME Zinc {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-NickelLME Nickel {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-LeadLME Lead {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Non-ferrous/LME-TinLME Tin {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/FerrousView all ferrous metals
/en/Metals/Ferrous/LME-Steel-S...LME Steel Scrap CFR Turkey (Platts) {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Ferrous/LME-Steel-R...LME Steel Rebar FOB Turkey (Platts) {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Ferrous/LME-Steel-C...LME Steel Scrap CFR Taiwan Argus {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Ferrous/LME-Steel-C...LME Steel Scrap CFR India (Platts) {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Ferrous/LME-Steel-H...LME Steel HRC FOB China (Argus) {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Ferrous/LME-Steel-H...LME Steel HRC North America (Platts) {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/Ferrous/LME-Steel-H...LME HRC NW Europe (Argus) {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }} all EV metals
/en/Metals/EV/LME-Cobalt-Fastm...LME Cobalt (Fastmarkets MB) {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/Metals/EV/LME-Lithium-Hydr...LME Lithium Hydroxide CIF (Fast Mkts MB) {{ price }} {{ change }} Closing price {{ expiryMessage }} {{ expiryDate }}
/en/about/Responsibility/Susta...Sustainability at the LME
/en/about/Responsibility/Respo...Responsible sourcing at the LME more
/en/Trading/Access-the-marketAccess the market Whether you are an industrial hedger, metal merchant or proprietary trading desk, there are broadly speaking two ways of accessing our mark...
IMG-ALT LMEselect red and white arrows
/en/Market-data/Reports-and-dataReports on From average prices and stock movements to warrant banding and the commitment of traders - we publish a number of reports, summarised here.
IMG-ALT Red speech bubble with three white dots
/en/Metals/Ferrous/Steel-Scrap...Subdominio Find out more
/en/Account/RegisterRegister now
/en/Metals?sc_camp=54A50D03FB3...Subdominio Texto duplicado Metals
/en/Trading?sc_camp=ED54A8DE0B...Subdominio Texto duplicado Trading
/en/Clearing?sc_camp=149B18CC2...Subdominio Texto duplicado Clearing
/en/Market-data?sc_camp=D97BF1...Subdominio Texto duplicado Market data
/en/Physical-services?sc_camp=...Subdominio Texto duplicado Physical services
/en/about/governanceTexto duplicado Governance
/en/about/governance/lme-gover...LME governance
A-TITLE About us
/en/about/governance/lme-clear...LME Clear governance
A-TITLE LME Holdings and share structure
/en/about/governance/LME-Holdi...LME holdings and share structure
/en/about/RegulationTexto duplicado Regulation
/-/media/Files/Company/Market-...LME Rulebook (Download)
/-/media/Files/Clearing/Rules-...LME Clear Rulebook (Download)
A-TITLE LME Clear rulebook
/-/media/Files/About/Regulatio...Guide to market structure (Download)
/en/about/Regulation/Rules/Key...Key compliance notices
A-TITLE Arbitration
/en/about/Regulation/Benchmark...Benchmark regulation
A-TITLE European Benchmark regulation
A-TITLE Brexit
/en/about/Regulation/Pre-trade...Pre-trade transparency
/en/about/Regulation/Key-infor...Key information documents
/en/about/ResponsibilityTexto duplicado Responsibility
/en/about/Responsibility/Respo...Texto duplicado Responsible sourcing
/en/about/Responsibility/Susta...Texto duplicado Sustainability
/en/about/Responsibility/Diver...Diversity and inclusion
/en/about/Responsibility/Corpo...Corporate disclosure
/en/about/Responsibility/Commi...Commitments Subdominio 10 Finsbury Square London EC2A 1AJ Subdominio 9 Battery Road #07-02 MYP Centre Raffles Place Singapore 049910 ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT LinkedIn ventana Externo IMG-ALT twitter ventana Externo IMG-ALT Vimeo ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT WeChat
/en/Account/RegisterTexto duplicado Register
/en/Account/LoginLog in duplicado Legal
/en/Legal/Privacy-statementPrivacy statement
/en/Legal/Cookie-policyCookie policy
/en/Legal/Website-terms-and-co...Website T&C's
/en/about/Responsibility/Corpo...Modern slavery statement
/en/News/russian-sanctionsRussian sanctions
/en/Cyber-security-awarenessCyber security awareness
/en/Suspicious-websitesSuspicious websites ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado HKEX

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Home | London Metal Exchange
The London Metal Exchange (LME) is the world centre for industrial metals trading.

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London Metal80%Check
Metal Exchange80%Check
London Metal Exchange79%Check
Industrial Metal68%Check
LME Steel60%Check

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