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Manchester University Press
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Meta descripción
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Manchester University Press is known globally as a publisher of Humanities and Social Sciences research. We currently publish over 170 books each year, as well as seven journals.
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descriptionManchester University Press is known globally as a publisher of Humanities and Social Sciences research. We currently publish over 170 books each year, as well as seven journals.
og:titleManchester University Press
og:descriptionManchester University Press is known globally as a publisher of Humanities and Social Sciences research. We currently publish over 170 books each year, as well as seven journals.
og:site_nameManchester University Press

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El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1482 palabras.
Un 36.7% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 19 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 19.76 palabras.
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...89461&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=17043Covert colonialism
...89433&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=17042The business of birth control
...89405&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=17041Law across imperial borders
...89377&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=17037Settlers at the end of empire
...89349&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=17036Ireland, slavery and the Caribbean
...89321&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=17032The elephant and the dragon in contemporary life sciences
...94227&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=16258Global solidarities against water grabbing
...91825&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=15969Supernatural bodies
...91783&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=15755Cases of citation
...86113&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=15385The mediated Arctic
...91867&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=15351The Cinema of Cecilia Bartolomé
...99666&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=14618Empire's daughters
...87057&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=15601Pistols in St Paul's
...82611&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=16325Readers and mistresses
...09937&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=17409Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 100/1
...91642&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=14786Clyde Walcott
...09857&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=15660Ireland and the Renaissance court
...42471&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=14441The Value of a Whale
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...77137&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=15591When nothing works
...07398&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=16375The art of darkness
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...48461&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=13954As Good as a Marriage
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...60246&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=14146Crafting crime fiction
...54898&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=14821Red closet
...55187&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=13178Now that's what I call a history of the 1980s
...65010&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=15320David Bowie, Enid Blyton and the sun machine
...67066&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=15811Mathematics for economists
...38729&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=14996Doggy people
...90301&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=15881B. R. Ambedkar
...55562&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=15257Carbon colonialism
...64738&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=14849Charles Dickens and Georgina Hogarth
...86028&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=14858The legacy of John Polidori
...87197&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=16410Shakespeare's borrowed feathers
...88351&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=16827The Malleus Maleficarum
...86070&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=13731Public information films
...99088&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=15482'Everyday health', embodiment, and selfhood since 1950
.../themes/mup/public/img/missingjacket.jpgBrexit and citizens' rights
...05834&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=14273Plagues of the heart
...93181&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=15688Mexican muralist, international Marxist
...89587&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=16876Sex and desire in British films of the 2000s
...89643&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=17048Queer cinema in contemporary France
...89671&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=17049Eradicating deafness?
...89699&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=17050Patient voices in Britain, 1840-1948
...89727&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=17051Humanitarianism, empire and transnationalism, 1760-1995
...139660&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=6852Tis Pity She's a Whore
...11953&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=16824Queer beyond London
...93223&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=12186'The industrialized designer'
...91966&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=16539Geoffrey Hill and the ends of poetry
...09495&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=14890Beyond nationalism
...04207&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=16511The political ecology of colonial capitalism
...86282&cat=default&size=largeweb&id=12785Romanticizing masculinity in Baathist Syria
...mup/public/img/logos/logowithouttext.pngManchester University Press

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 66 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Inspiration & Ideas
H2 Testimonials
H3 Edited by Douglas Field, Justin Joyce and Dwight McBride
H3 Edited by Martin Dodge, John Ayshford, Diana Leitch, Stuart Jones and Janet Wolff
H3 By Lynsey Black
H3 By Florence Mok
H3 By Claire L. Jones
H3 By Emily Whewell
H3 By Jean Smith
H3 Edited by Finola O'Kane and Ciarán O'Neill
H3 By Joy Y. Zhang and Saheli Datta Burton
H3 By Caitlin Schroering
H3 By Kristof Smeyers
H3 Edited by Chloë Julius, Michael Green and Matthew Holman
H3 Edited by Johannes Riquet
H3 By Sally Faulkner
H3 By Elizabeth Dillenburg
H3 By Fiona Smyth
H3 By Katie R. Peel
H3 Edited by Fred Schurink and Rachel Winchcombe
H3 By Peter Mason
H3 Edited by David Edwards and Brendan Kane
H3 By Adrienne Buller
H3 By Andy Spinoza
H3 By Peter Barry
H3 By Luca Calafati, Julie Froud, Colin Haslam, Sukhdev Johal and Karel Williams
H3 By John Robb
H3 By David Scott
H3 By Melissa Febos
H3 By Philip Norton
H3 By Jill Liddington
H3 Edited by Edward H. Wouk and Jennifer Spinks
H3 By Henry Sutton
H3 By Rustam Alexander
H3 By Lucy Robinson
H3 By Nicholas Royle
H3 By Ben Alderson-Day
H3 By Malcolm Pemberton and Nicholas Rau
H3 By Michael Worboys
H3 By Shashi Tharoor
H3 By Laurie Parsons
H3 By Christine Skelton
H3 Edited by Sam George and Bill Hughes
H3 By Darren Freebury-Jones
H3 Translated and Edited by Peter Maxwell-Stuart
H3 By Alan Harding
H3 Edited by Tracey Loughran, Hannah Froom, Kate Mahoney and Daisy Payling
H3 Edited by Djordje Sredanovic and Bridget Byrne
H3 By Michelle D. Brock
H3 By Curtis Swope
H3 By Nigel Mather
H3 By Todd Reeser
H3 By Marion Andrea Schmidt
H3 Edited by Anne Hanley and Jessica Meyer
H3 Edited by Joy Damousi, Trevor Burnard and Alan Lester
H3 Edited by Martin White
H3 By Matt Cook and Alison Oram
H3 By Leah Armstrong
H3 By Tom Docherty
H3 By João Labareda
H3 By Bikrum Gill
H3 By Rahaf Aldoughli
H3 More information
H3 About
H3 Resources
H3 Cookies
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
11 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
Hay 3 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 10 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
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/9781526176387/the-simons-of-m...Texto duplicado The Simons of Manchester
/9781526182340/gender-and-puni...IMG-ALT Gender and punishment in Ireland
/9781526182340/gender-and-puni...Texto duplicado Gender and punishment in Ireland
/9781526182333/covert-colonialismIMG-ALT Covert colonialism
/9781526182333/covert-colonialismTexto duplicado Covert colonialism
/9781526182326/the-business-of...IMG-ALT The business of birth control
/9781526182326/the-business-of...Texto duplicado The business of birth control
/9781526182319/law-across-impe...IMG-ALT Law across imperial borders
/9781526182319/law-across-impe...Texto duplicado Law across imperial borders
/9781526182302/settlers-at-the...IMG-ALT Settlers at the end of empire
/9781526182302/settlers-at-the...Texto duplicado Settlers at the end of empire
/9781526182296/ireland-slavery...IMG-ALT Ireland, slavery and the Caribbean
/9781526182296/ireland-slavery...Texto duplicado Ireland, slavery and the Caribbean
/9781526182289/the-elephant-an...IMG-ALT The elephant and the dragon in contemporary life sciences
/9781526182289/the-elephant-an...Texto duplicado The elephant and the dragon in contemporary life sciences
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/9781526177865/global-solidari...Texto duplicado Global solidarities against water grabbing
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/9781526177230/supernatural-bo...Texto duplicado Supernatural bodies
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/9781526173188/cases-of-citationTexto duplicado Cases of citation
/9781526174017/the-mediated-ar...IMG-ALT The mediated Arctic
/9781526174017/the-mediated-ar...Texto duplicado The mediated Arctic
/9781526169716/the-cinema-of-c...IMG-ALT The Cinema of Cecilia Bartolomé
/9781526169716/the-cinema-of-c...Texto duplicado The Cinema of Cecilia Bartolomé
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/9781526163516/empires-daughtersTexto duplicado Empire's daughters
/9781526180209/pistols-in-st-p...IMG-ALT Pistols in St Paul's
/9781526180209/pistols-in-st-p...Texto duplicado Pistols in St Paul's
/9781526176479/readers-and-mis...IMG-ALT Readers and mistresses
/9781526176479/readers-and-mis...Texto duplicado Readers and mistresses
/9781526185242/bulletin-of-the...IMG-ALT Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 100/1
/9781526185242/bulletin-of-the...Texto duplicado Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 100/1
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/9781526177292/ireland-and-the...IMG-ALT Ireland and the Renaissance court
/9781526177292/ireland-and-the...Texto duplicado Ireland and the Renaissance court
/9781526162632/the-value-of-a-...IMG-ALT The Value of a Whale
/9781526162632/the-value-of-a-...Texto duplicado The Value of a Whale
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/9781526121790/beginning-theoryIMG-ALT Beginning theory
/9781526121790/beginning-theoryTexto duplicado Beginning theory
/9781526173713/when-nothing-worksIMG-ALT When nothing works
/9781526173713/when-nothing-worksTexto duplicado When nothing works
/9781526176769/the-art-of-dark...IMG-ALT The art of darkness
/9781526176769/the-art-of-dark...Texto duplicado The art of darkness
/9781526161505/mancuniansIMG-ALT Mancunians
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/9781526173300/the-1922-committeeIMG-ALT The 1922 Committee
/9781526173300/the-1922-committeeTexto duplicado The 1922 Committee
/9781526157355/as-good-as-a-ma...IMG-ALT As Good as a Marriage
/9781526157355/as-good-as-a-ma...Texto duplicado As Good as a Marriage
/9781526167606/albrecht-durers...IMG-ALT Albrecht Dürer's material world
/9781526167606/albrecht-durers...Texto duplicado Albrecht Dürer's material world
/9781526160515/crafting-crime-...IMG-ALT Crafting crime fiction
/9781526160515/crafting-crime-...Texto duplicado Crafting crime fiction
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/9781526167453/red-closetTexto duplicado Red closet
/9781526167255/now-thats-what-...IMG-ALT Now that's what I call a history of the 1980s
/9781526167255/now-thats-what-...Texto duplicado Now that's what I call a history of the 1980s
/9781526173638/david-bowie-eni...IMG-ALT David Bowie, Enid Blyton and the sun machine
/9781526173638/david-bowie-eni...Texto duplicado David Bowie, Enid Blyton and the sun machine
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/9781526173508/presenceTexto duplicado Presence
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/9781526173539/mathematics-for...Texto duplicado Mathematics for economists
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/9781526173584/b-r-ambedkarIMG-ALT B. R. Ambedkar
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/9781526166081/charles-dickens...Texto duplicado Charles Dickens and Georgina Hogarth
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/9781526166388/the-legacy-of-j...Texto duplicado The legacy of John Polidori
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/9781526177322/shakespeares-bo...Texto duplicado Shakespeare's borrowed feathers
/9781526181473/the-malleus-mal...IMG-ALT The Malleus Maleficarum
/9781526181473/the-malleus-mal...Texto duplicado The Malleus Maleficarum
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/9781526154781/public-informat...Texto duplicado Public information films
/9781526170651/everyday-health...IMG-ALT 'Everyday health', embodiment, and selfhood since 1950
/9781526170651/everyday-health...Texto duplicado 'Everyday health', embodiment, and selfhood since 1950
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/9781526172655/mexican-muralis...Texto duplicado Mexican muralist, international Marxist
/9781526182364/sex-and-desire-...IMG-ALT Sex and desire in British films of the 2000s
/9781526182364/sex-and-desire-...Texto duplicado Sex and desire in British films of the 2000s
/9781526182388/queer-cinema-in...IMG-ALT Queer cinema in contemporary France
/9781526182388/queer-cinema-in...Texto duplicado Queer cinema in contemporary France
/9781526182395/eradicating-dea...IMG-ALT Eradicating deafness?
/9781526182395/eradicating-dea...Texto duplicado Eradicating deafness?
/9781526182401/patient-voices-...IMG-ALT Patient voices in Britain, 1840-1948
/9781526182401/patient-voices-...Texto duplicado Patient voices in Britain, 1840-1948
/9781526182418/humanitarianism...IMG-ALT Humanitarianism, empire and transnationalism, 1760-1995
/9781526182418/humanitarianism...Texto duplicado Humanitarianism, empire and transnationalism, 1760-1995
/9780719088438/tis-pity-shes-a...IMG-ALT Tis Pity She's a Whore
/9780719088438/tis-pity-shes-a...Texto duplicado Tis Pity She's a Whore
/9781526181442/queer-beyond-lo...IMG-ALT Queer beyond London
/9781526181442/queer-beyond-lo...Texto duplicado Queer beyond London
/9781526141033/the-industriali...IMG-ALT 'The industrialized designer'
/9781526141033/the-industriali...Texto duplicado 'The industrialized designer'
/9781526181893/geoffrey-hill-a...IMG-ALT Geoffrey Hill and the ends of poetry
/9781526181893/geoffrey-hill-a...Texto duplicado Geoffrey Hill and the ends of poetry
/9781526169099/beyond-nationalismIMG-ALT Beyond nationalism
/9781526169099/beyond-nationalismTexto duplicado Beyond nationalism
/9781526181350/the-political-e...IMG-ALT The political ecology of colonial capitalism
/9781526181350/the-political-e...Texto duplicado The political ecology of colonial capitalism
/9781526147622/romanticizing-m...IMG-ALT Romanticizing masculinity in Baathist Syria
/9781526147622/romanticizing-m...Texto duplicado Romanticizing masculinity in Baathist Syria
/blog/2023/10/30/welcome-to-th...Welcome to the club - DJ Paulette's Spotify playlist
A-TITLE Welcome to the club - DJ Paulette
/blog/2023/10/30/welcome-to-th...Texto ancla no relevante
Read More
A-TITLE Read More
/blog/2023/09/25/ten-things-yo...Ten things you didn’t know about The 1922 Committee
A-TITLE Ten things you didn’t know about The 1922 Committee
/blog/2023/09/25/ten-things-yo...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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A-TITLE Read More
/blog/2023/10/28/author-interv...Author interview with Nicholas Royle
A-TITLE Author interview with Nicholas Royle
/blog/2023/10/28/author-interv...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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Manchester University Press
Manchester University Press is known globally as a publisher of Humanities and Social Sciences research. We currently publish over 170 books each year, as well as seven journals.

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University Press73%Check
Manchester University73%Check
Manchester University Press73%Check
State University54%Check

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