- SEO Checker

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Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
0,58 s
Tamaño HTML
226,80 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
267 internos / 18 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
MarTech - Marketing Technology News and Community for MarTech Professionals
Con 734 píxeles, el título de esta página es demasiado largo. Optimizar el título
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
MarTech is on a mission to educate marketers about marketing technology and strategy through news and feature reporting, newsletters, research reports, live conferences and digital events. MarTech is marketing.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
Rel next URL
Las etiquetas de paginación rel next y prev no contienen errores.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no
robotsindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1
descriptionMarTech is on a mission to educate marketers about marketing technology and strategy through news and feature reporting, newsletters, research reports, live conferences and digital events. MarTech is marketing.
generatorWP Rocket
og:descriptionMarTech is on a mission to educate marketers about marketing technology and strategy through news and feature reporting, newsletters, research reports, live conferences and digital events. MarTech is marketing.

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Hay 2 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado: 2025 is not for big martech spend but for laying an AI-ready foundatio...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2048 palabras.
Un 25.8% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 37 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 14.27 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 41 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 1 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
La página contiene una marcación de autoría de Google sin imagen.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo MarTech is Marketing Logo
data:[...] Base64apply-now-job-hiring-help-ss-1920
data:[...] Base64AI-adoption-concept
data:[...] Base64The-results-of-their-successful-teamwork
data:[...] Base64Business-targets-and-goals-in-2025
data:[...] Base64santaroundup
data:[...] Base64Woman-holding-smartphone-checking-email-or-SMS
data:[...] Base64Wordpress
data:[...] Base642025-new-year-progress-bar
data:[...] Base64mt-WYNTK-white
data:[...] Base64google-ads-black-google-ads-shutterstock_1169319226
data:[...] Base64AI-customer-support
data:[...] Base64Customer-journey-analysis-concept
data:[...] Base64mt-WYNTK-white
data:[...] Base64Business-visionary-points-to-AI-icon
data:[...] Base64Llarge-language-model-LLM-concept
data:[...] Base64Adobe-logo-on-white-background
data:[...] Base64MarTech-Live-Event-Save-your-spot
data:[...] Base64Generative-Engine-Optimization-GEO-concept
data:[...] Base64HubSpots-July-releases-The-managers-guide
data:[...] Base64The-impact-of-martech-on-company-value
data:[...] Base64MT-chatbot-OG
data:[...] Base64dollars
data:[...] Base64mt-WYNTK-white
data:[...] Base64Omnicom
data:[...] Base64AI-strategy-concept
data:[...] Base64Optimove-20241209
data:[...] Base64HubSpot-office
data:[...] Base64Oganizational-chart-of-blocks-on-yellow-background
data:[...] Base64teamwork-merger-acquisition-ss-1920
data:[...] Base64AI-assistant-concept
data:[...] Base64MarTech-Podcast-Cover-2
data:[...] Base64Live-webinar-Reserve-your-spot
data:[...] Base64Retail-media-network
data:[...] Base64Blocked-email-concept
data:[...] Base64roundup999
data:[...] Base64Agentforce-Image-3
data:[...] Base64Different-aged-business-professionals-collaborating
data:[...] Base64mtcs-2024-bg
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data:[...] Base64Woman-to-return-a-defective-product
...s/2021/05/martech21_logo_hrzntl.png.webpMartech: Martech is Marketing
...tent/uploads/2019/10/smxlogo_270x130.pngSearch Marketing Expo
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante) is the leading marketing technology digital publication.
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 42 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 is the leading marketing technology digital publication.
H2 The latest jobs in martech
H2 AI adoption gap found between executives and entry-level marketers
H2 How shared goals and incentives improve marketing results
H2 What every marketer should watch for in 2025
H2 AI-powered martech news and releases: December 12
H2 Why syncing email and SMS is critical to marketing success
H2 Judge blocks WordPress from blocking WP Engine
H2 Why 2025 is the year for martech optimization, not expansion
H2 U.S. state data privacy laws: What you need to know
H2 Google Ads tests video asset option
H2 Mitel makes customer experience Talkative
H2 Understanding customer entry and exit in event-based journeys
H2 Email deliverability: What you need to know
H2 The two approaches to AI implementation: Collaboration vs. independence
H2 Why your company needs a brand LLM to thrive
H2 Adobe Express partners with Box
H2 Start 2025 with smarter, more impactful email marketing
H2 How marketers can succeed with generative engine optimization
H2 The 14 most impactful HubSpot updates from November 2024
H2 How AI can revolutionize creative impact measurement
H2 Improving video to boost sales: Best of the MarTechBot
H2 Global ad revenue to top $1 trillion, dominated by Google and Meta
H2 Marketing on Threads: What you need to know
H2 Omnicom becomes the world’s largest agency holding company
H2 How to reframe AI adoption to focus on outcomes, not tools
H2 In 2025, the AI-infused world will require humans bring strategy and judgement
H2 HubSpot to acquire conversational intelligence platform Frame AI
H2 Where do martech practitioners sit in organizations?
H2 Uniphore acquires ActionIQ and Infoworks
H2 A co-pilot approach to genAI (with prompt examples)
H2 Marketers discuss using AI beyond content creation
H2 How AI is radically reshaping marketing budgets
H2 IAB finalizes retail media networks standards for in-store
H2 Why bad business decisions can hurt email deliverability
H2 AI-powered martech news and releases: December 5
H2 SharkNinja embarks on its Salesforce AI journey
H2 Why personality data is key to scalable B2B marketing
H2 Want to speak at MarTech? Submit your session ideas now for the March 2025 online event!
H2 6 things to look for in a B2B influencer
H2 How to balance customer experience and returns in ecommerce
H3 Why 2025 is the year for martech optimization, not expansion Texto duplicado
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 18 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla logo
IMG-ALT MarTech: MarTech is Marketing Logo
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...Trending: AI
/topic/account-based-marketing...> Account-based marketing (ABM)
/topic/agile-marketing/> Agile marketing
/topic/b2b-marketing/> B2B marketing
/topic/b2c-marketing/> B2C marketing
/topic/call-analytics/> Call analytics
/topic/connected-tv-and-ott/> Connected TV and OTT
/topic/content-management-syst...> Content management systems (CMS)
/topic/content-marketing/> Content marketing
/topic/customer-data-platform-...> Customer data platform (CDP)
/topic/customer-experience/> Customer experience
/topic/customer-journey-orches...> Customer journey
/topic/customer-relationship-m...> Customer relationship management (CRM)
/topic/customer-service-and-su...> Customer service and success
/topic/data-management-platfor...> Data management platform (DMP)
/topic/digital-advertising/> Digital advertising
/topic/digital-asset-managemen...> Digital asset management (DAM)
/topic/digital-experience-plat...> Digital experience platform (DXP)
/topic/digital-transformation/> Digital transformation
/topic/diversity-and-inclusion/> Diversity and inclusion in marketing
/topic/ecommerce/> Ecommerce
/topic/email-marketing/> Email marketing
/topic/event-marketing/> Event marketing
/topic/marketing-analytics/goo...> Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
/topic/identity-resolution/> Identity resolution
/topic/local-location-marketing/> Local / location marketing
/topic/marketing-analytics/> Marketing analytics
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...> Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)
/topic/marketing-attribution/> Marketing attribution
/topic/marketing-automation/> Marketing automation
/topic/marketing-management/> Marketing management
/topic/marketing-operations/> Marketing operations (MOps)
/topic/marketing-privacy/> Marketing privacy
/topic/marketing-technology/> Marketing technology
/topic/mobile-marketing/> Mobile marketing
/topic/optimization-and-person...> Optimization and personalization
/topic/performance-marketing/> Performance marketing
/topic/programmatic-advertising/> Programmatic advertising
/topic/project-and-workflow-ma...> Project and workflow management
/topic/regulations-compliance/> Regulations and Compliance
/topic/retail-media-networks/> Retail media networks
/topic/search-marketing/> Search marketing
/topic/social-media-marketing/> Social media marketing
/topic/video-marketing/> Video marketing
/topic/virtual-and-augmented-r...> Virtual and augmented reality
/topic/martech-special-reports/> MarTech special reports
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...> MarTechBot
/martech-topics/> All topics
/intelligence-reports/Intelligence reports papers
/what-is-martech/What is martech?> Welcome to MarTechBot
/martechbot/personas/> Personas
/martechbot/martechbot-image-g...> Image generator
/martechbot/martechbot-faq/> MarTechBot FAQ
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...> MarTechBot blog
/why-2025-is-the-year-for-mart...IMG-ALT 2025-new-year-progress-bar
/topic/marketing-technology/Marketing technology
/why-2025-is-the-year-for-mart...Why 2025 is the year for martech optimization, not expansion
/author/anita-brearton/Anita Brearton
A-TITLE Posts by Anita Brearton
/mitel-makes-customer-experien...IMG-ALT AI-customer-support
/topic/customer-service-and-su...Customer service and success
/mitel-makes-customer-experien...Mitel makes customer experience Talkative
/author/kim-davis/Kim Davis
A-TITLE Posts by Kim Davis
/understanding-customer-entry-...IMG-ALT Customer-journey-analysis-concept
/topic/customer-journey-orches...Customer journey orchestration
/understanding-customer-entry-...Understanding customer entry and exit in event-based journeys
/author/mohit-palriwal/Mohit Palriwal
A-TITLE Posts by Mohit Palriwal
/what-every-marketer-should-wa...IMG-ALT Business-targets-and-goals-in-2025
/topic/marketing-management/Marketing management
/what-every-marketer-should-wa...What every marketer should watch for in 2025
/author/ryan-phelan/Ryan Phelan
A-TITLE Posts by Ryan Phelan
/in-2025-the-ai-infused-world-...IMG-ALT Optimove-20241209
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)
/in-2025-the-ai-infused-world-...In 2025, the AI-infused world will require humans bring strategy and judgement
A-TITLE Posts by Optimove
/terms-of-service/Nueva ventana See terms.
/the-latest-jobs-in-martech/IMG-ALT apply-now-job-hiring-help-ss-1920
/topic/marketing-technology/Texto duplicado Marketing technology
/the-latest-jobs-in-martech/The latest jobs in martech
/author/chris-wood/Chris Wood
A-TITLE Posts by Chris Wood
/ai-adoption-gap-found-between...IMG-ALT AI-adoption-concept
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...Texto duplicado Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)
/ai-adoption-gap-found-between...AI adoption gap found between executives and entry-level marketers
/author/chris-wood/Texto duplicado Chris Wood
A-TITLE Posts by Chris Wood
/how-shared-goals-and-incentiv...IMG-ALT The-results-of-their-successful-teamwork
/topic/marketing-management/Texto duplicado Marketing management
/how-shared-goals-and-incentiv...How shared goals and incentives improve marketing results
/author/greg-kihlstrom/Greg Kihlstrom
A-TITLE Posts by Greg Kihlstrom
/what-every-marketer-should-wa...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Business-targets-and-goals-in-2025
/topic/marketing-management/Texto duplicado Marketing management
/what-every-marketer-should-wa...Texto duplicado What every marketer should watch for in 2025
/author/ryan-phelan/Texto duplicado Ryan Phelan
A-TITLE Posts by Ryan Phelan
/ai-powered-martech-news-and-r...IMG-ALT santaroundup
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...Texto duplicado Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)
/ai-powered-martech-news-and-r...AI-powered martech news and releases: December 12
/author/constantine-von-hoffman/Constantine von Hoffman
A-TITLE Posts by Constantine von Hoffman
/why-syncing-email-and-sms-is-...IMG-ALT Woman-holding-smartphone-checking-email-or-SMS
/topic/email-marketing/Email marketing
/why-syncing-email-and-sms-is-...Why syncing email and SMS is critical to marketing success
/author/alex-melone/Alexander Melone
A-TITLE Posts by Alexander Melone
/judge-blocks-wordpress-from-b...IMG-ALT Wordpress
/topic/content-management-syst...Content management systems (CMS)
/judge-blocks-wordpress-from-b...Judge blocks WordPress from blocking WP Engine
/author/kim-davis/Texto duplicado Kim Davis
A-TITLE Posts by Kim Davis
/why-2025-is-the-year-for-mart...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT 2025-new-year-progress-bar
/topic/marketing-technology/Texto duplicado Marketing technology
/why-2025-is-the-year-for-mart...Texto duplicado Why 2025 is the year for martech optimization, not expansion
/author/anita-brearton/Texto duplicado Anita Brearton
A-TITLE Posts by Anita Brearton
/the-marketers-guide-to-state-...IMG-ALT mt-WYNTK-white
/topic/marketing-privacy/Marketing privacy
/the-marketers-guide-to-state-...U.S. state data privacy laws: What you need to know
/author/constantine-von-hoffman/Texto duplicado Constantine von Hoffman
A-TITLE Posts by Constantine von Hoffman
/google-ads-tests-video-asset-...IMG-ALT google-ads-black-google-ads-shutterstock_1169319226
/topic/video-marketing/Video marketing
/google-ads-tests-video-asset-...Google Ads tests video asset option
/author/anu-adegbola/Anu Adegbola
A-TITLE Posts by Anu Adegbola
/mitel-makes-customer-experien...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT AI-customer-support
/topic/customer-service-and-su...Texto duplicado Customer service and success
/mitel-makes-customer-experien...Texto duplicado Mitel makes customer experience Talkative
/author/kim-davis/Texto duplicado Kim Davis
A-TITLE Posts by Kim Davis
/understanding-customer-entry-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Customer-journey-analysis-concept
/topic/customer-journey-orches...Texto duplicado Customer journey orchestration
/understanding-customer-entry-...Texto duplicado Understanding customer entry and exit in event-based journeys
/author/mohit-palriwal/Texto duplicado Mohit Palriwal
A-TITLE Posts by Mohit Palriwal
/what-marketers-need-to-know-a...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT mt-WYNTK-white
/topic/email-marketing/Texto duplicado Email marketing
/what-marketers-need-to-know-a...Email deliverability: What you need to know
/author/constantine-von-hoffman/Texto duplicado Constantine von Hoffman
A-TITLE Posts by Constantine von Hoffman
/the-two-approaches-to-ai-impl...IMG-ALT Business-visionary-points-to-AI-icon
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...Texto duplicado Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)
/the-two-approaches-to-ai-impl...The two approaches to AI implementation: Collaboration vs. independence
/author/allen-martinez/Allen Martinez
A-TITLE Posts by Allen Martinez
/why-your-company-needs-a-bran...IMG-ALT Llarge-language-model-LLM-concept
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...Texto duplicado Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)
/why-your-company-needs-a-bran...Why your company needs a brand LLM to thrive
/author/frans-riemersma/Frans Riemersma
A-TITLE Posts by Frans Riemersma
/adobe-express-partners-with-box/IMG-ALT Adobe-logo-on-white-background
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...Texto duplicado Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)
/adobe-express-partners-with-box/Adobe Express partners with Box
/author/chris-wood/Texto duplicado Chris Wood
A-TITLE Posts by Chris Wood
/start-2025-with-smarter-more-...IMG-ALT MarTech-Live-Event-Save-your-spot
/topic/email-marketing/Texto duplicado Email marketing
/start-2025-with-smarter-more-...Start 2025 with smarter, more impactful email marketing
/author/edna-chavira/Edna Chavira
A-TITLE Posts by Edna Chavira
/how-marketers-can-succeed-wit...IMG-ALT Generative-Engine-Optimization-GEO-concept
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...Texto duplicado Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)
/how-marketers-can-succeed-wit...How marketers can succeed with generative engine optimization
/author/dave-minifie/Dave Minifie
A-TITLE Posts by Dave Minifie
/14-most-impactful-hubspot-upd...IMG-ALT HubSpots-July-releases-The-managers-guide
/14-most-impactful-hubspot-upd...The 14 most impactful HubSpot updates from November 2024
/author/tyler-samani-sprunk/Tyler Samani-Sprunk
A-TITLE Posts by Tyler Samani-Sprunk
/how-ai-can-revolutionize-crea...IMG-ALT The-impact-of-martech-on-company-value
/topic/digital-advertising/Digital advertising
/how-ai-can-revolutionize-crea...How AI can revolutionize creative impact measurement
/author/constantine-von-hoffman/Texto duplicado Constantine von Hoffman
A-TITLE Posts by Constantine von Hoffman
/improving-video-to-boost-sale...IMG-ALT MT-chatbot-OG
/topic/marketing-technology/Texto duplicado Marketing technology
/improving-video-to-boost-sale...Improving video to boost sales: Best of the MarTechBot
A-TITLE Posts by MarTechBot
/global-ad-revenue-to-top-1-tr...IMG-ALT dollars
/topic/digital-advertising/Texto duplicado Digital advertising
/global-ad-revenue-to-top-1-tr...Global ad revenue to top $1 trillion, dominated by Google and Meta
/author/anu-adegbola/Texto duplicado Anu Adegbola
A-TITLE Posts by Anu Adegbola
/marketing-on-threads-what-you...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT mt-WYNTK-white
/topic/social-media-marketing/Social media marketing
/marketing-on-threads-what-you...Marketing on Threads: What you need to know
/author/mike-pastore/Mike Pastore
A-TITLE Posts by Mike Pastore
/omnicom-becomes-the-worlds-la...IMG-ALT Omnicom
/topic/digital-advertising/Texto duplicado Digital advertising
/omnicom-becomes-the-worlds-la...Omnicom becomes the world’s largest agency holding company
/author/kim-davis/Texto duplicado Kim Davis
A-TITLE Posts by Kim Davis
/how-to-reframe-ai-adoption-to...IMG-ALT AI-strategy-concept
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...Texto duplicado Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)
/how-to-reframe-ai-adoption-to...How to reframe AI adoption to focus on outcomes, not tools
/author/stephanie-miller/Stephanie Miller
A-TITLE Posts by Stephanie Miller
/in-2025-the-ai-infused-world-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Optimove-20241209
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...Texto duplicado Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)
/in-2025-the-ai-infused-world-...Texto duplicado In 2025, the AI-infused world will require humans bring strategy and judgement
/author/optimove/Texto duplicado Optimove
A-TITLE Posts by Optimove
/hubspot-to-acquire-conversati...IMG-ALT HubSpot-office
/topic/customer-relationship-m...Customer relationship management (CRM)
/hubspot-to-acquire-conversati...HubSpot to acquire conversational intelligence platform Frame AI
/author/chris-wood/Texto duplicado Chris Wood
A-TITLE Posts by Chris Wood
/where-do-martech-practitioner...IMG-ALT Oganizational-chart-of-blocks-on-yellow-background
/topic/marketing-technology/Texto duplicado Marketing technology
/where-do-martech-practitioner...Where do martech practitioners sit in organizations?
/author/steve-petersen/Steve Petersen
A-TITLE Posts by Steve Petersen
/uniphore-acquires-actioniq-an...IMG-ALT teamwork-merger-acquisition-ss-1920
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...Texto duplicado Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)
/uniphore-acquires-actioniq-an...Uniphore acquires ActionIQ and Infoworks
/author/constantine-von-hoffman/Texto duplicado Constantine von Hoffman
A-TITLE Posts by Constantine von Hoffman
/a-co-pilot-approach-to-genai-...IMG-ALT AI-assistant-concept
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...Texto duplicado Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)
/a-co-pilot-approach-to-genai-...A co-pilot approach to genAI (with prompt examples)
/author/jim-ewel/Jim Ewel
A-TITLE Posts by Jim Ewel
/marketers-discuss-using-ai-be...IMG-ALT MarTech-Podcast-Cover-2
/topic/marketing-technology/Texto duplicado Marketing technology
/marketers-discuss-using-ai-be...Marketers discuss using AI beyond content creation
/author/mike-pastore/Texto duplicado Mike Pastore
A-TITLE Posts by Mike Pastore
/how-ai-is-radically-reshaping...IMG-ALT Live-webinar-Reserve-your-spot
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...Texto duplicado Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)
/how-ai-is-radically-reshaping...How AI is radically reshaping marketing budgets
/author/edna-chavira/Texto duplicado Edna Chavira
A-TITLE Posts by Edna Chavira
/iab-finalizes-retail-media-ne...IMG-ALT Retail-media-network
/topic/retail-media-networks/Retail media networks
/iab-finalizes-retail-media-ne...IAB finalizes retail media networks standards for in-store
/author/chris-wood/Texto duplicado Chris Wood
A-TITLE Posts by Chris Wood
/why-bad-business-decisions-ca...IMG-ALT Blocked-email-concept
/topic/email-marketing/Texto duplicado Email marketing
/why-bad-business-decisions-ca...Why bad business decisions can hurt email deliverability
/author/kath-pay/Kath Pay
A-TITLE Posts by Kath Pay
/ai-powered-martech-news-and-r...IMG-ALT roundup999
/topic/marketing-artificial-in...Texto duplicado Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)
/ai-powered-martech-news-and-r...AI-powered martech news and releases: December 5
/author/constantine-von-hoffman/Texto duplicado Constantine von Hoffman
A-TITLE Posts by Constantine von Hoffman
/sharkninja-embarks-on-its-sal...IMG-ALT Agentforce-Image-3
/sharkninja-embarks-on-its-sal...SharkNinja embarks on its Salesforce AI journey
/author/kim-davis/Texto duplicado Kim Davis
A-TITLE Posts by Kim Davis
/why-personality-data-is-key-t...IMG-ALT Different-aged-business-professionals-collaborating
/topic/b2b-marketing/B2B marketing
/why-personality-data-is-key-t...Why personality data is key to scalable B2B marketing
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MarTech - Marketing Technology News and Community for MarTech Profe...
MarTech is on a mission to educate marketers about marketing technology and strategy through news and feature reporting, newsletters, research reports, live conferences and digital events. MarTech is marketing.

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