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Mathematics Stack Exchange
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Q&A for people studying math at any level and professionals in related fields
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
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Explore our questions
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 106 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Explore our questions
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H3 current community
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H3 more stack exchange communities
H3 Can a nonconstant function that is invariant to this affine transformation exist?
H3 Is There a Notation for "Out of" That Does Not Connotate a Fraction?
H3 How Do I simplify This Boolean Expression?
H3 Find $\sum_{k=1}^n\frac{x_k}{x_k-1}$, where $x_1,\dots,x_n$ are the roots of $x^n - 3x^{n-1} + 2x + 1$.
H3 Is every subset of C^n whose coordinates are real not open?
H3 Consistency of a hypothesis test
H3 How to calculate intersection points of diameters with an inner circle?
H3 Invariant Solutions of PDEs-Linear fokker-planck equation with an odd drift
H3 Proving the existence and uniqueness of multiplicative inverses in $\mathbb{C}$( LADR 4th edition (#5-1A))
H3 what is the smallest number whose square is between 15 and 30
H3 Incrementing Indices of Variables through some kind of Operator
H3 Weighted Averages with 2 Different % Variables
H3 Simplifying a reciprocal of a product of two quadratics using modular arithmetic
H3 Dynamical problem regarding radial and cross-radial acceleration
H3 when can we say a metric space is quasi-invariant under a mapping?
H3 Arc Length vs. Chord Length puzzle
H3 Fourier transform of real exponential
H3 Why does "The Twelve Days of Christmas" have space complexity O(sqrt(n/log n))?
H3 Possible indices of finite index subgroups of $SL_2(\mathbb{Z})$
H3 Homology and Brouwer degree theory over: the quotient space obtained of the suspension of $S^1 \vee S^1$ identifying its endpoints.
H3 Čech cohomolog of a good cover of the real projective plane
H3 Average Rank versus Ranked Average in Parameter Estimation
H3 Is there an example where U combinator is less powerful than Y combinator
H3 Partial Derivative of a Scalar Function
H3 Computing the posterior distribution in a Bayesian analysis of a normal linear regression model
H3 Is every strict ordering by inclusion a well-ordering?
H3 Continuity of radii of balls function
H3 Significance of Convergence Theorems in Analysis
H3 Why are filters ordered in reverse to inclusion?
H3 Bump function with integral $1$ and value $1$ at zero
H3 Definitions of "non-degenerative closed bounded intervals"
H3 Does iterating this function with primes as fixed points always result in a prime?
H3 Proof verification: A cube and a tetrahedron are not scissors congruent?
H3 Is there a maximum number of disjoint balls of fixed radius I can fit into a compact metric space?
H3 Determining the significance of a curve's factors
H3 Solution of recurrence relation with summation
H3 How do you determine the critical region/decision rule in hypothesis testing?
H3 Derivation of the Fourier Sine Transform of a Rational Function
H3 Will the domains of both these functions be equal?
H3 How to map identity to a sigmoid?
H3 Solving ODE system with less equations
H3 When are universal monomorphisms effective?
H3 Where am I going wrong here? is this a paradox? or are my assumptions bad?
H3 How to formally describe the illustrated area?
H3 Locus of a point whose distance from two points is fixed (but not necessarily equal) in 3D geometry
H3 Trying to solve a complex number question
H3 Intersection of a set with a von Neumann algebra
H3 Conjectures involving $\Lambda(n)$
H3 Is ${}_3 F_2(a,b,c;d,e;x)$ irrational for $ a,c,d,e,x \in \mathbb{Q} / \{0 \} $
H3 Lebesgue's monotone convergence theorem for upper integrals
H3 Geodesics on a Riemannian surface
H3 Closed form for the partial sums of the Harmonic Series?
H3 Mass conservation for a transport equation in mild form
H3 Confusion on Notations of Partial Derivatives on Manifolds
H3 Symmetry preserving quadratic forms
H3 Finishing the proof of the triangle inequality of Hausdorff metric
H3 Minimizing $\|Ax-b\|$ given that x can only take values 0 or 1
H3 How to sketch the series $S(x)=\sum_{n=2}^{\infty}\frac{\sin nx}{\ln n}$ near zero?
H3 Number of vectors of length $n$ over ${A,C,T,G}$ such that there are no $k$ consecutive $A$'s, $k\geq 2$
H3 Relative divisibility of derived subgroup of free group
H3 Diving $m$ pizzas among $n$ students
H3 Given is the system of differential equations
H3 Clarify on Propositions 3.36 and 3.38 in Qing Liu's algebraic geometry book
H3 One question about exponential martingale inequality at a paper of Ann. of Math.
H3 Inclusion of field extensions $\mathbb{Q}(\omega_p)$ and $\mathbb{Q}(\omega_{2p})$
H3 Showing $\int_{-1}^{1}\ln \left( \frac{x+1}{x-1} \right) \left( x - \sqrt{x^2 - 1} \right) \, dx=\frac{\pi^2 + 4}{2}$
H3 Markov versus Martingale
H3 A reference for Lie groups as groups of transformations of a target space
H3 How many fields $M$ are there with $\mathbb{Q} < M < L$ and $[M : \mathbb{Q}] = 4?$
H3 If $f$ is discontinuous but continuous for each component,is there a continuous function $g$ that makes $f \circ g$ discontinuous for some component?
H3 Ex. 8.21 in Einseidler & Ward FA book: where do we need that $G$ is abelian?
H3 How exactly is Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula used in Kalman Filter
H3 Power method convergence rate
H3 Optimal Strategy for Card Betting Game
H3 Help on Alon and Spencer problem on probability of $\epsilon$-regularity in a random graph
H3 Natural way to extend the ring $\mathbb{Z} / p^k \mathbb{Z}$ so that the equation $x^2 + 1 \equiv 0 (\text{mod }p^k)$ has a solution
H3 Convert $\partial_{\beta}\partial_{\gamma}(\epsilon_{\alpha\beta\nu}p_{\nu}p_{\beta})$ from index notation to vector notation
H3 How to prove $\sum_{n=0}^\infty (-1)^n f_n=-\frac{1}{2i}\int_{c-i\infty}^{c+i\infty}\frac{f_z}{\sin(\pi z)}dz$ in the sense of Borel summation?
H3 Self-Organizing maps: why input vectors (x) are dependent on steps (t)?
H3 Prove the transfer between roll. pitch, yaw to tilt, azimuth, swing
H3 How to reformulate the BigM constraints into its equivalent Convex-hull formulation?
H3 Numerically solved PDE of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process on 2-Simplex violates conservation of probability
H3 Is there an exact expression for the full width half maximum of a sech^2 curve convolved on itself?
H3 Connected Metric Spaces: Strategies
H3 Convex combination of equidistant curves
H3 Show that the given representation of the group $G$ is reducible
H3 'deducing' a bound using the first order taylor series. How to make it more precise?
H3 Reciprocals of positive integers in arithmetic progression
H3 Is there a non-trivial arithmetic progression of positive integers such that every number contains the digit $2?$
H3 Is there such a thing as the "Second Passage Time"?
H3 Book recommendation for mathematical physics
H3 Integrals of the form $\int f\left(x,\frac{\sqrt{x+m}}{\sqrt{x+n}}\right)\,dx$
H3 Reformulate an algorithm as a sequence of standard matrix operations
H3 Different definitions of the first variation in calculus of variations
H3 7-point North-East ILU decomposition
H3 Prove that sequence $(a_n)_{n\geq 1}$ is not convergent.
H4 Stack Exchange Network
H4 Hot Network Questions
H5 Mathematics
H5 Company
H5 Stack Exchange Network Texto duplicado
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/questions/4945643/can-a-nonco...Can a nonconstant function that is invariant to this affine transformation exist?
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/users/634859/foolIMG-ALT fool's user avatar
/questions/4945643/can-a-nonco...modified 4 mins ago
/questions/4945411/is-there-a-...Is There a Notation for "Out of" That Does Not Connotate a Fraction?
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/questions/4945411/is-there-a-...modified 5 mins ago
/questions/4945656/how-do-i-si...How Do I simplify This Boolean Expression?
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/users/1331365/mosaddeq-hussainMosaddeq Hussain
/questions/4945656/how-do-i-si...asked 7 mins ago
/questions/4945645/find-sum-k-...Find $\sum_{k=1}^n\frac{x_k}{x_k-1}$, where $x_1,\dots,x_n$ are the roots of $x^n - 3x^{n-1} + 2x + 1$.
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/users/7933/thomas-andrewsThomas Andrews
/questions/4945645/find-sum-k-...answered 7 mins ago
/questions/4945654/is-every-su...Is every subset of C^n whose coordinates are real not open?
/questions/tagged/general-topo...Texto duplicado general-topology
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/users/975419/jujumumuIMG-ALT jujumumu's user avatar
/questions/4945654/is-every-su...asked 9 mins ago
/questions/4945653/consistency...Consistency of a hypothesis test
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/questions/4945653/consistency...asked 10 mins ago
/questions/4945652/how-to-calc...How to calculate intersection points of diameters with an inner circle?
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/users/994574/ibrahim-khalilIbrahim Khalil
/questions/4945652/how-to-calc...asked 11 mins ago
/questions/4945651/invariant-s...Invariant Solutions of PDEs-Linear fokker-planck equation with an odd drift
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/users/1283826/george-beliyiannisGeorge Beliyiannis
/questions/4945651/invariant-s...asked 14 mins ago
/questions/4945650/proving-the...Proving the existence and uniqueness of multiplicative inverses in $\mathbb{C}$( LADR 4th edition (#5-1A))
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/users/1290639/edward-fallsEdward Falls
/questions/4945650/proving-the...asked 15 mins ago
/questions/4945640/what-is-the...what is the smallest number whose square is between 15 and 30
/questions/tagged/notationTexto duplicado notation
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/users/1044579/will-octagon-gi...IMG-ALT Will.Octagon.Gibson's user avatar
/questions/4945640/what-is-the...answered 17 mins ago
/questions/4945648/incrementin...Incrementing Indices of Variables through some kind of Operator
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/users/1179767/kiwiIMG-ALT Kiwi's user avatar
/questions/4945648/incrementin...asked 20 mins ago
/questions/2356456/weighted-av...Weighted Averages with 2 Different % Variables
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/users/-1/communityIMG-ALT Community's user avatar
/questions/2356456/weighted-av...modified 25 mins ago
/questions/4945594/simplifying...Simplifying a reciprocal of a product of two quadratics using modular arithmetic
/questions/tagged/abstract-alg...Texto duplicado abstract-algebra
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/users/1355056/polom-mataIMG-ALT Polom Mata's user avatar
/users/1355056/polom-mataPolom Mata
/questions/4945594/simplifying...modified 29 mins ago
/questions/4945647/dynamical-p...Dynamical problem regarding radial and cross-radial acceleration
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/users/568656/manjoy-dasIMG-ALT Manjoy Das's user avatar
/users/568656/manjoy-dasManjoy Das
/questions/4945647/dynamical-p...asked 30 mins ago
/questions/4945646/when-can-we...when can we say a metric space is quasi-invariant under a mapping?
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/users/1180972/daunIMG-ALT Daun's user avatar
/questions/4945646/when-can-we...modified 34 mins ago
/questions/4945644/arc-length-...Arc Length vs. Chord Length puzzle
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/users/1355117/tejloroIMG-ALT tejloro's user avatar
/questions/4945644/arc-length-...modified 40 mins ago
/questions/4945626/fourier-tra...Fourier transform of real exponential
/questions/tagged/linear-algebraTexto duplicado linear-algebra
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/questions/tagged/functional-a...Texto duplicado functional-analysis
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/users/833246/mtciceroIMG-ALT mtcicero's user avatar
/questions/4945626/fourier-tra...modified 43 mins ago
/questions/4945353/why-does-th...Why does "The Twelve Days of Christmas" have space complexity O(sqrt(n/log n))?
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/users/253966/carl-schildkrautIMG-ALT Carl Schildkraut's user avatar
/users/253966/carl-schildkrautCarl Schildkraut
/questions/4945353/why-does-th...modified 44 mins ago
/questions/4945506/possible-in...Possible indices of finite index subgroups of $SL_2(\mathbb{Z})$
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/users/232/qiaochu-yuanIMG-ALT Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
/users/232/qiaochu-yuanQiaochu Yuan
/questions/4945506/possible-in...modified 45 mins ago
/questions/4945583/homology-an...Homology and Brouwer degree theory over: the quotient space obtained of the suspension of $S^1 \vee S^1$ identifying its endpoints.
/questions/tagged/abstract-alg...Texto duplicado abstract-algebra
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/questions/tagged/general-topo...Texto duplicado general-topology
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/users/1355034/a-trainIMG-ALT A-Train's user avatar
/questions/4945583/homology-an...modified 53 mins ago
/questions/4945638/Čech-cohomo...Čech cohomolog of a good cover of the real projective plane
/questions/tagged/algebraic-to...Texto duplicado algebraic-topology
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/users/78637/xipan-xiaoIMG-ALT Xipan Xiao's user avatar
/users/78637/xipan-xiaoXipan Xiao
/questions/4945638/Čech-cohomo...asked 54 mins ago
/questions/4945635/average-ran...Average Rank versus Ranked Average in Parameter Estimation
/questions/tagged/statisticsTexto duplicado statistics
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/users/240768/starlightIMG-ALT Starlight's user avatar
/questions/4945635/average-ran...asked 1 hour ago
/questions/4945558/is-there-an...Is there an example where U combinator is less powerful than Y combinator
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'lambda-calculus'
/users/681666/ben-steffanIMG-ALT Ben Steffan's user avatar
/users/681666/ben-steffanBen Steffan
/questions/4945558/is-there-an...modified 1 hour ago
/questions/4945634/partial-der...Partial Derivative of a Scalar Function
/questions/tagged/calculusTexto duplicado calculus
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/questions/tagged/linear-algebraTexto duplicado linear-algebra
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/users/1108727/thineshIMG-ALT Thinesh's user avatar
/questions/4945634/partial-der...Texto duplicado asked 1 hour ago
/questions/4944204/computing-t...Computing the posterior distribution in a Bayesian analysis of a normal linear regression model
/questions/tagged/linear-algebraTexto duplicado linear-algebra
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/questions/tagged/probabilityTexto duplicado probability
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/questions/tagged/matricesTexto duplicado matrices
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/questions/tagged/statisticsTexto duplicado statistics
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/users/1261202/zack-fisherIMG-ALT Zack Fisher's user avatar
/users/1261202/zack-fisherZack Fisher
/questions/4944204/computing-t...answered 1 hour ago
/questions/4945632/is-every-st...Is every strict ordering by inclusion a well-ordering?
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'set-theory'
/users/150362/mark-fischlerIMG-ALT Mark Fischler's user avatar
/users/150362/mark-fischlerMark Fischler
/questions/4945632/is-every-st...Texto duplicado asked 1 hour ago
/questions/4945630/continuity-...Continuity of radii of balls function
/questions/tagged/general-topo...Texto duplicado general-topology
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/questions/tagged/solution-ver...Texto duplicado solution-verification
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/users/1226695/monoidaltransformIMG-ALT monoidaltransform's user avatar
/questions/4945630/continuity-...Texto duplicado modified 1 hour ago
/questions/4945616/significanc...Significance of Convergence Theorems in Analysis
/questions/tagged/real-analysisTexto duplicado real-analysis
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/users/1508/tonykIMG-ALT TonyK's user avatar
/questions/4945616/significanc...Texto duplicado modified 1 hour ago
/questions/4945628/why-are-fil...Why are filters ordered in reverse to inclusion?
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/users/361816/adomas-baliukaIMG-ALT Adomas Baliuka's user avatar
/users/361816/adomas-baliukaAdomas Baliuka
/questions/4945628/why-are-fil...Texto duplicado asked 1 hour ago
/questions/4945614/bump-functi...Bump function with integral $1$ and value $1$ at zero
/questions/tagged/real-analysisTexto duplicado real-analysis
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/questions/tagged/calculusTexto duplicado calculus
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/questions/tagged/analysisTexto duplicado analysis
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/users/15500/arthurIMG-ALT Arthur's user avatar
/questions/4945614/bump-functi...Texto duplicado answered 1 hour ago
/questions/2039304/definitions...Definitions of "non-degenerative closed bounded intervals"
/questions/tagged/real-analysisTexto duplicado real-analysis
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/questions/tagged/abstract-alg...Texto duplicado abstract-algebra
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/users/-1/communityTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Community's user avatar
/users/-1/communityTexto duplicado Community
/questions/2039304/definitions...Texto duplicado modified 1 hour ago
/questions/4945565/does-iterat...Does iterating this function with primes as fixed points always result in a prime?
/questions/tagged/sequences-an...Texto duplicado sequences-and-series
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/users/1319254/codebenderIMG-ALT codebender's user avatar
/questions/4945565/does-iterat...Texto duplicado modified 1 hour ago
/questions/4945323/proof-verif...Proof verification: A cube and a tetrahedron are not scissors congruent?
/questions/tagged/geometryTexto duplicado geometry
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/users/214490/ravenclawprefectIMG-ALT RavenclawPrefect's user avatar
/questions/4945323/proof-verif...Texto duplicado answered 1 hour ago
/questions/4945575/is-there-a-...Is there a maximum number of disjoint balls of fixed radius I can fit into a compact metric space?
/questions/tagged/metric-spacesTexto duplicado metric-spaces
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/users/302781/k-jiangIMG-ALT K. Jiang's user avatar
/users/302781/k-jiangK. Jiang
/questions/4945575/is-there-a-...Texto duplicado modified 1 hour ago
/questions/4945621/determining...Determining the significance of a curve's factors
/questions/tagged/calculusTexto duplicado calculus
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/questions/tagged/integrationTexto duplicado integration
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/users/1061101/slavacatIMG-ALT SlavaCat's user avatar
/questions/4945621/determining...Texto duplicado asked 1 hour ago
/questions/4945596/solution-of...Solution of recurrence relation with summation
/questions/tagged/sequences-an...Texto duplicado sequences-and-series
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/questions/tagged/combinatoricsTexto duplicado combinatorics
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/users/242/bill-dubuqueIMG-ALT Bill Dubuque's user avatar
/users/242/bill-dubuqueBill Dubuque
/questions/4945596/solution-of...Texto duplicado modified 1 hour ago
/questions/4944748/how-do-you-...How do you determine the critical region/decision rule in hypothesis testing?
/questions/tagged/statisticsTexto duplicado statistics
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/questions/tagged/hypothesis-t...Texto duplicado hypothesis-testing
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/users/1261202/zack-fisherTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Zack Fisher's user avatar
/users/1261202/zack-fisherTexto duplicado Zack Fisher
/questions/4944748/how-do-you-...Texto duplicado answered 1 hour ago
/questions/2412725/derivation-...Derivation of the Fourier Sine Transform of a Rational Function
/questions/tagged/integrationTexto duplicado integration
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/questions/tagged/fourier-anal...Texto duplicado fourier-analysis
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/users/16033/random-variableIMG-ALT Random Variable's user avatar
/users/16033/random-variableRandom Variable
/questions/2412725/derivation-...Texto duplicado modified 1 hour ago
/questions/4945618/will-the-do...Will the domains of both these functions be equal?
/questions/tagged/trigonometryTexto duplicado trigonometry
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/users/1311147/improvement-dudeIMG-ALT improvement dude's user avatar
/users/1311147/improvement-dudeimprovement dude
/questions/4945618/will-the-do...Texto duplicado modified 1 hour ago
/questions/4945619/how-to-map-...How to map identity to a sigmoid?
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'functions'
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/users/487230/sam-wolfeIMG-ALT sam wolfe's user avatar
/users/487230/sam-wolfesam wolfe
/questions/4945619/how-to-map-...Texto duplicado asked 1 hour ago
/questions/4945599/solving-ode...Solving ODE system with less equations
/questions/tagged/ordinary-dif...Texto duplicado ordinary-differential-equations
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/questions/tagged/partial-diff...Texto duplicado partial-differential-equations
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/users/115115/lutz-lehmannIMG-ALT Lutz Lehmann's user avatar
/users/115115/lutz-lehmannLutz Lehmann
/questions/4945599/solving-ode...Texto duplicado answered 1 hour ago
/questions/4945384/when-are-un...When are universal monomorphisms effective?
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'commutative-algebra'
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'category-theory'
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/users/408287/brendan-murphyIMG-ALT Brendan Murphy's user avatar
/users/408287/brendan-murphyBrendan Murphy
/questions/4945384/when-are-un...modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4944943/where-am-i-...Where am I going wrong here? is this a paradox? or are my assumptions bad?
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'probability-theory'
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'algorithms'
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'density-function'
/users/1162428/chinmay-the-mat...IMG-ALT Chinmay The Math Guy's user avatar
/users/1162428/chinmay-the-mat...Chinmay The Math Guy
/questions/4944943/where-am-i-...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4945610/how-to-form...How to formally describe the illustrated area?
/questions/tagged/integrationTexto duplicado integration
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/questions/tagged/areaTexto duplicado area
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/users/1322338/ufghd34IMG-ALT ufghd34's user avatar
/questions/4945610/how-to-form...asked 2 hours ago
/questions/4945556/locus-of-a-...Locus of a point whose distance from two points is fixed (but not necessarily equal) in 3D geometry
/questions/tagged/geometryTexto duplicado geometry
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A-TITLE show questions tagged 'conic-sections'
A-TITLE show questions tagged '3d'
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/users/783885/hellofriendsIMG-ALT hellofriends's user avatar
/questions/4945556/locus-of-a-...answered 2 hours ago
/questions/4945586/trying-to-s...Trying to solve a complex number question
/questions/tagged/geometryTexto duplicado geometry
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/questions/tagged/complex-numbersTexto duplicado complex-numbers
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/users/788724/didierIMG-ALT Didier's user avatar
/questions/4945586/trying-to-s...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4945597/intersectio...Intersection of a set with a von Neumann algebra
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'operator-algebras'
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'von-neumann-algebras'
/users/22857/martin-argeramiIMG-ALT Martin Argerami's user avatar
/users/22857/martin-argeramiMartin Argerami
/questions/4945597/intersectio...Texto duplicado answered 2 hours ago
/questions/4944240/conjectures...Conjectures involving $\Lambda(n)$
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/users/1245963/makoIMG-ALT Mako's user avatar
/questions/4944240/conjectures...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4945605/is-3-f-2a-b...Is ${}_3 F_2(a,b,c;d,e;x)$ irrational for $ a,c,d,e,x \in \mathbb{Q} / \{0 \} $
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'irrational-numbers'
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'hypergeometric-function'
/users/742/arturo-magidinIMG-ALT Arturo Magidin's user avatar
/users/742/arturo-magidinArturo Magidin
/questions/4945605/is-3-f-2a-b...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/1360353/lebesgues-m...Lebesgue's monotone convergence theorem for upper integrals
/questions/tagged/measure-theoryTexto duplicado measure-theory
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/users/-1/communityTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Community's user avatar
/users/-1/communityTexto duplicado Community
/questions/1360353/lebesgues-m...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4945587/geodesics-o...Geodesics on a Riemannian surface
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/users/1255055/user1255055IMG-ALT user1255055's user avatar
/questions/4945587/geodesics-o...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4944706/closed-form...Closed form for the partial sums of the Harmonic Series?
/questions/tagged/sequences-an...Texto duplicado sequences-and-series
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'sequences-and-series'
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'harmonic-numbers'
/users/683666/robprattIMG-ALT RobPratt's user avatar
/questions/4944706/closed-form...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4945514/mass-conser...Mass conservation for a transport equation in mild form
/questions/tagged/real-analysisTexto duplicado real-analysis
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/questions/tagged/integrationTexto duplicado integration
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/questions/tagged/partial-diff...Texto duplicado partial-differential-equations
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A-TITLE show questions tagged 'transport-equation'
/users/768573/kumquatIMG-ALT kumquat's user avatar
/questions/4945514/mass-conser...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4945516/confusion-o...Confusion on Notations of Partial Derivatives on Manifolds
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'differential-geometry'
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'manifolds'
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A-TITLE show questions tagged 'smooth-manifolds'
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'derivations'
/users/568204/peek-a-booIMG-ALT peek-a-boo's user avatar
/questions/4945516/confusion-o...Texto duplicado answered 2 hours ago
/questions/4945314/symmetry-pr...Symmetry preserving quadratic forms
/questions/tagged/linear-algebraTexto duplicado linear-algebra
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A-TITLE show questions tagged 'numerical-methods'
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/users/1248536/alex-nguyen-leIMG-ALT Alex Nguyen-Le's user avatar
/users/1248536/alex-nguyen-leAlex Nguyen-Le
/questions/4945314/symmetry-pr...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4945015/finishing-t...Finishing the proof of the triangle inequality of Hausdorff metric
/questions/tagged/real-analysisTexto duplicado real-analysis
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/questions/tagged/metric-spacesTexto duplicado metric-spaces
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/users/683666/robprattTexto duplicado IMG-ALT RobPratt's user avatar
/users/683666/robprattTexto duplicado RobPratt
/questions/4945015/finishing-t...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4945488/minimizing-...Minimizing $\|Ax-b\|$ given that x can only take values 0 or 1
/questions/tagged/linear-algebraTexto duplicado linear-algebra
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/users/683666/robprattTexto duplicado IMG-ALT RobPratt's user avatar
/users/683666/robprattTexto duplicado RobPratt
/questions/4945488/minimizing-...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4945528/how-to-sket...How to sketch the series $S(x)=\sum_{n=2}^{\infty}\frac{\sin nx}{\ln n}$ near zero?
/questions/tagged/sequences-an...Texto duplicado sequences-and-series
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/questions/tagged/analysisTexto duplicado analysis
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/users/85343/felix-marinIMG-ALT Felix Marin's user avatar
/users/85343/felix-marinFelix Marin
/questions/4945528/how-to-sket...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4945267/number-of-v...Number of vectors of length $n$ over ${A,C,T,G}$ such that there are no $k$ consecutive $A$'s, $k\geq 2$
/questions/tagged/combinatoricsTexto duplicado combinatorics
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/users/50739/arkeetIMG-ALT arkeet's user avatar
/questions/4945267/number-of-v...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4945566/relative-di...Relative divisibility of derived subgroup of free group
/questions/tagged/group-theoryTexto duplicado group-theory
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/users/742/arturo-magidinTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Arturo Magidin's user avatar
/users/742/arturo-magidinTexto duplicado Arturo Magidin
/questions/4945566/relative-di...Texto duplicado answered 2 hours ago
/questions/4945462/diving-m-pi...Diving $m$ pizzas among $n$ students
/questions/tagged/combinatoricsTexto duplicado combinatorics
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A-TITLE show questions tagged 'gcd-and-lcm'
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/users/1353674/adam-dougallIMG-ALT Adam Dougall's user avatar
/users/1353674/adam-dougallAdam Dougall
/questions/4945462/diving-m-pi...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4945435/given-is-th...Given is the system of differential equations
/questions/tagged/ordinary-dif...Texto duplicado ordinary-differential-equations
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A-TITLE show questions tagged 'stability-theory'
/users/1340098/general123IMG-ALT GENERAL123's user avatar
/questions/4945435/given-is-th...Texto duplicado modified 2 hours ago
/questions/4945501/clarify-on-...Clarify on Propositions 3.36 and 3.38 in Qing Liu's algebraic geometry book
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/questions/tagged/commutative-...Texto duplicado commutative-algebra
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/users/21412/kreiserIMG-ALT KReiser's user avatar
/questions/4945501/clarify-on-...modified 3 hours ago
/questions/4944601/one-questio...One question about exponential martingale inequality at a paper of Ann. of Math.
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'stochastic-processes'
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A-TITLE show questions tagged 'stochastic-integrals'
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'stochastic-analysis'
/users/1271365/shanlilinghuoIMG-ALT shanlilinghuo's user avatar
/questions/4944601/one-questio...Texto duplicado modified 3 hours ago
/questions/4945590/inclusion-o...Inclusion of field extensions $\mathbb{Q}(\omega_p)$ and $\mathbb{Q}(\omega_{2p})$
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'galois-theory'
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'extension-field'
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'primitive-roots'
/users/1230037/lkksnIMG-ALT lkksn's user avatar
/questions/4945590/inclusion-o...asked 3 hours ago
/questions/4945589/showing-int...Showing $\int_{-1}^{1}\ln \left( \frac{x+1}{x-1} \right) \left( x - \sqrt{x^2 - 1} \right) \, dx=\frac{\pi^2 + 4}{2}$
/questions/tagged/integrationTexto duplicado integration
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/questions/tagged/complex-anal...Texto duplicado complex-analysis
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/questions/tagged/definite-int...Texto duplicado definite-integrals
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/questions/tagged/complex-numbersTexto duplicado complex-numbers
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/users/356741/emmanuel-josé-ga...IMG-ALT Emmanuel José García's user avatar
/users/356741/emmanuel-josé-ga...Emmanuel José García
/questions/4945589/showing-int...Texto duplicado asked 3 hours ago
/questions/4945540/markov-vers...Markov versus Martingale
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'stochastic-calculus'
/questions/tagged/martingalesTexto duplicado martingales
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'martingales'
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/users/189130/john-dawkinsIMG-ALT John Dawkins's user avatar
/users/189130/john-dawkinsJohn Dawkins
/questions/4945540/markov-vers...answered 3 hours ago
/questions/4945582/a-reference...A reference for Lie groups as groups of transformations of a target space
/questions/tagged/group-theoryTexto duplicado group-theory
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/questions/tagged/lie-groupsTexto duplicado lie-groups
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/users/1158985/mahtabIMG-ALT Mahtab's user avatar
/questions/4945582/a-reference...Texto duplicado asked 3 hours ago
/questions/4945579/how-many-fi...How many fields $M$ are there with $\mathbb{Q} < M < L$ and $[M : \mathbb{Q}] = 4?$
/questions/tagged/abstract-alg...Texto duplicado abstract-algebra
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/questions/tagged/galois-theoryTexto duplicado galois-theory
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/users/557708/jasmineIMG-ALT jasmine's user avatar
/questions/4945579/how-many-fi...Texto duplicado modified 3 hours ago
/questions/4945552/if-f-is-dis...If $f$ is discontinuous but continuous for each component,is there a continuous function $g$ that makes $f \circ g$ discontinuous for some component?
/questions/tagged/calculusTexto duplicado calculus
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/users/1118406/sine-of-the-timeIMG-ALT Sine of the Time's user avatar
/users/1118406/sine-of-the-timeSine of the Time
/questions/4945552/if-f-is-dis...Texto duplicado modified 3 hours ago
/questions/4945578/ex-8-21-in-...Ex. 8.21 in Einseidler & Ward FA book: where do we need that $G$ is abelian?
/questions/tagged/functional-a...Texto duplicado functional-analysis
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/questions/tagged/solution-ver...Texto duplicado solution-verification
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/users/860795/while-i-amIMG-ALT While I Am's user avatar
/users/860795/while-i-amWhile I Am
/questions/4945578/ex-8-21-in-...Texto duplicado modified 3 hours ago
/questions/4945580/how-exactly...How exactly is Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula used in Kalman Filter
/questions/tagged/linear-algebraTexto duplicado linear-algebra
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/questions/tagged/matricesTexto duplicado matrices
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/questions/tagged/numerical-me...Texto duplicado numerical-methods
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/questions/tagged/numerical-li...Texto duplicado numerical-linear-algebra
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A-TITLE show questions tagged 'kalman-filter'
/users/219483/curiousmindIMG-ALT CuriousMind's user avatar
/questions/4945580/how-exactly...Texto duplicado asked 3 hours ago
/questions/4945562/power-metho...Power method convergence rate
/questions/tagged/matricesTexto duplicado matrices
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/questions/tagged/numerical-me...Texto duplicado numerical-methods
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/questions/tagged/numerical-li...Texto duplicado numerical-linear-algebra
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/users/907711/giorgos-giapitzakisIMG-ALT Giorgos Giapitzakis's user avatar
/users/907711/giorgos-giapitzakisGiorgos Giapitzakis
/questions/4945562/power-metho...Texto duplicado modified 3 hours ago
/questions/4945576/optimal-str...Optimal Strategy for Card Betting Game
/questions/tagged/probabilityTexto duplicado probability
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/users/1169700/mario-diwIMG-ALT Mario Diw's user avatar
/users/1169700/mario-diwMario Diw
/questions/4945576/optimal-str...Texto duplicado asked 3 hours ago
/questions/4944863/help-on-alo...Help on Alon and Spencer problem on probability of $\epsilon$-regularity in a random graph
/questions/tagged/probabilityTexto duplicado probability
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/questions/tagged/combinatoricsTexto duplicado combinatorics
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/questions/tagged/graph-theoryTexto duplicado graph-theory
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/users/228620/bob-kruegerIMG-ALT Bob Krueger's user avatar
/users/228620/bob-kruegerBob Krueger
/questions/4944863/help-on-alo...Texto duplicado answered 3 hours ago
/questions/4945572/natural-way...Natural way to extend the ring $\mathbb{Z} / p^k \mathbb{Z}$ so that the equation $x^2 + 1 \equiv 0 (\text{mod }p^k)$ has a solution
A-TITLE show questions tagged 'ring-theory'
/questions/tagged/modular-arit...Texto duplicado modular-arithmetic
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/questions/tagged/extension-fieldTexto duplicado extension-field
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/users/130992/john-jiangIMG-ALT John Jiang's user avatar
/users/130992/john-jiangJohn Jiang
/questions/4945572/natural-way...Texto duplicado asked 3 hours ago
/questions/4945568/convert-par...Convert $\partial_{\beta}\partial_{\gamma}(\epsilon_{\alpha\beta\nu}p_{\nu}p_{\beta})$ from index notation to vector notation
/questions/tagged/partial-diff...Texto duplicado partial-differential-equations
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/users/1288881/archie-brewIMG-ALT Archie Brew's user avatar
/users/1288881/archie-brewArchie Brew
/questions/4945568/convert-par...Texto duplicado asked 3 hours ago
/questions/4945392/how-to-prov...How to prove $\sum_{n=0}^\infty (-1)^n f_n=-\frac{1}{2i}\int_{c-i\infty}^{c+i\infty}\frac{f_z}{\sin(\pi z)}dz$ in the sense of Borel summation?
/questions/tagged/complex-anal...Texto duplicado complex-analysis
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A-TITLE show questions tagged 'asymptotics'
/questions/tagged/contour-inte...Texto duplicado contour-integration
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/users/1354664/hc-zhangIMG-ALT HC Zhang's user avatar
/users/1354664/hc-zhangHC Zhang
/questions/4945392/how-to-prov...Texto duplicado modified 3 hours ago
/questions/4944325/self-organi...Self-Organizing maps: why input vectors (x) are dependent on steps (t)?
/questions/tagged/statisticsTexto duplicado statistics
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/users/1316246/nauelIMG-ALT Nauel's user avatar
/questions/4944325/self-organi...Texto duplicado modified 3 hours ago
/questions/4945564/prove-the-t...Prove the transfer between roll. pitch, yaw to tilt, azimuth, swing
/questions/tagged/linear-algebraTexto duplicado linear-algebra
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/users/512284/idan-avivIMG-ALT Idan Aviv's user avatar
/users/512284/idan-avivIdan Aviv
/questions/4945564/prove-the-t...asked 4 hours ago
/questions/4945400/how-to-refo...How to reformulate the BigM constraints into its equivalent Convex-hull formulation?
/questions/tagged/linear-algebraTexto duplicado linear-algebra
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/users/683666/robprattTexto duplicado IMG-ALT RobPratt's user avatar
/users/683666/robprattTexto duplicado RobPratt
/questions/4945400/how-to-refo...modified 4 hours ago
/questions/4944641/numerically...Numerically solved PDE of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process on 2-Simplex violates conservation of probability
/questions/tagged/probabilityTexto duplicado probability
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/questions/tagged/partial-diff...Texto duplicado partial-differential-equations
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/questions/tagged/stochastic-p...Texto duplicado stochastic-processes
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/questions/tagged/numerical-me...Texto duplicado numerical-methods
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/users/980941/crtmonitorIMG-ALT CRTmonitor's user avatar
/questions/4944641/numerically...Texto duplicado modified 4 hours ago
/questions/4945560/is-there-an...Is there an exact expression for the full width half maximum of a sech^2 curve convolved on itself?
/questions/tagged/functionsTexto duplicado functions
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/users/1335171/chemguyIMG-ALT ChemGuy's user avatar
/questions/4945560/is-there-an...Texto duplicado asked 4 hours ago
/questions/4945559/connected-m...Connected Metric Spaces: Strategies
/questions/tagged/metric-spacesTexto duplicado metric-spaces
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/users/1336702/francisco-javie...IMG-ALT Francisco Javier Maciel Hennin's user avatar
/users/1336702/francisco-javie...Francisco Javier Maciel Hennin
/questions/4945559/connected-m...Texto duplicado asked 4 hours ago
/questions/4945527/convex-comb...Convex combination of equidistant curves
/questions/tagged/metric-spacesTexto duplicado metric-spaces
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/questions/tagged/vector-analysisTexto duplicado vector-analysis
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/questions/tagged/curvesTexto duplicado curves
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/users/788724/didierTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Didier's user avatar
/users/788724/didierTexto duplicado Didier
/questions/4945527/convex-comb...answered 4 hours ago
/questions/4945298/show-that-t...Show that the given representation of the group $G$ is reducible
/questions/tagged/group-theoryTexto duplicado group-theory
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/users/1293033/fançois-gatineIMG-ALT Fançois Gatine's user avatar
/users/1293033/fançois-gatineFançois Gatine
/questions/4945298/show-that-t...Texto duplicado answered 4 hours ago
/questions/4944158/deducing-a-...'deducing' a bound using the first order taylor series. How to make it more precise?
/questions/tagged/calculusTexto duplicado calculus
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/questions/tagged/asymptoticsTexto duplicado asymptotics
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/users/35478/josinalvoIMG-ALT josinalvo's user avatar
/questions/4944158/deducing-a-...Texto duplicado modified 4 hours ago
/questions/4945548/reciprocals...Reciprocals of positive integers in arithmetic progression
/questions/tagged/elementary-n...Texto duplicado elementary-number-theory
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/users/1151529/indecisiveIMG-ALT Indecisive's user avatar
/questions/4945548/reciprocals...Texto duplicado asked 4 hours ago
/questions/4942422/is-there-a-...Is there a non-trivial arithmetic progression of positive integers such that every number contains the digit $2?$
/questions/tagged/sequences-an...Texto duplicado sequences-and-series
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/users/81790/empy2IMG-ALT Empy2's user avatar
/questions/4942422/is-there-a-...modified 5 hours ago
/questions/4945546/is-there-su...Is there such a thing as the "Second Passage Time"?
/questions/tagged/calculusTexto duplicado calculus
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/questions/tagged/probabilityTexto duplicado probability
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/questions/tagged/stochastic-p...Texto duplicado stochastic-processes
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/users/1311897/konofosoIMG-ALT konofoso's user avatar
/questions/4945546/is-there-su...Texto duplicado modified 5 hours ago
/questions/4945483/book-recomm...Book recommendation for mathematical physics
/questions/tagged/reference-re...Texto duplicado reference-request
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/questions/tagged/mathematical...Texto duplicado mathematical-physics
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/users/1353397/cp-of-physicsIMG-ALT CP of Physics 's user avatar
/users/1353397/cp-of-physicsCP of Physics
/questions/4945483/book-recomm...Texto duplicado modified 5 hours ago
/questions/4941708/integrals-o...Integrals of the form $\int f\left(x,\frac{\sqrt{x+m}}{\sqrt{x+n}}\right)\,dx$
/questions/tagged/calculusTexto duplicado calculus
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/questions/tagged/integrationTexto duplicado integration
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/questions/tagged/complex-anal...Texto duplicado complex-analysis
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/questions/tagged/analysisTexto duplicado analysis
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/users/356741/emmanuel-josé-ga...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Emmanuel José García's user avatar
/users/356741/emmanuel-josé-ga...Texto duplicado Emmanuel José García
/questions/4941708/integrals-o...Texto duplicado modified 5 hours ago
/questions/4945536/reformulate...Reformulate an algorithm as a sequence of standard matrix operations
/questions/tagged/linear-algebraTexto duplicado linear-algebra
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/questions/tagged/matricesTexto duplicado matrices
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/questions/tagged/numerical-li...Texto duplicado numerical-linear-algebra
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/users/1354923/lehojIMG-ALT lehoj's user avatar
/questions/4945536/reformulate...Texto duplicado modified 5 hours ago
/questions/3596773/different-d...Different definitions of the first variation in calculus of variations
/questions/tagged/mathematical...Texto duplicado mathematical-physics
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A-TITLE show questions tagged 'calculus-of-variations'
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/users/1182217/aditya-krishna-...IMG-ALT Aditya Krishna Panickar's user avatar
/users/1182217/aditya-krishna-...Aditya Krishna Panickar
/questions/3596773/different-d...answered 6 hours ago
/questions/4945498/7-point-nor...7-point North-East ILU decomposition
/questions/tagged/linear-algebraTexto duplicado linear-algebra
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/questions/tagged/partial-diff...Texto duplicado partial-differential-equations
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/questions/tagged/numerical-me...Texto duplicado numerical-methods
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/questions/tagged/numerical-li...Texto duplicado numerical-linear-algebra
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/users/657986/sonny-jordanIMG-ALT Sonny Jordan's user avatar
/users/657986/sonny-jordanSonny Jordan
/questions/4945498/7-point-nor...asked 7 hours ago
/questions/4945167/prove-that-...Prove that sequence $(a_n)_{n\geq 1}$ is not convergent.
/questions/tagged/complex-anal...Texto duplicado complex-analysis
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A-TITLE show questions tagged 'limits'
/questions/tagged/analysisTexto duplicado analysis
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/questions/tagged/convergence-...Texto duplicado convergence-divergence
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/questions/tagged/logarithmsTexto duplicado logarithms
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/users/1150993/maxIMG-ALT Max's user avatar
/questions/4945167/prove-that-...modified 8 hours ago
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