Micropayment.de - SEO Checker

Visión general del análisis SEO
Calidad de la página
Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
0,53 s
Tamaño HTML
120,40 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
260 internos / 17 externos

Lista de tareas pendientes para mejorar tu SEO


(Extremadamente importante)
Online payment processing for your business ★ Micropayment GmbH
Con 622 píxeles, el título de esta página es demasiado largo. Optimizar el título
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Optimize your payment processes with Micropayment and save time and money. At Micropayment you get ready-to-use online payment solutions for your requirements.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Idioma declarado en las etiquetas meta: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
Falta el enlace alternativo a esta misma página.
Hay un enlace alternativo o alternate que contiene de forma errónea una URL con una ruta (path) relativa.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
authorMicropayment GmbH
publisherMicropayment GmbH
copyrightCopyright 2006 - 2024 by Micropayment GmbH
robotsindex, follow, archive
googlebotindex, follow, archive
descriptionOptimize your payment processes with Micropayment and save time and money. At Micropayment you get ready-to-use online payment solutions for your requirements.
keywordspayment, paymentsolutions, payment processing, means of payment, pay, paymentserviceprovider, payment services, financial service providers, Online payment systems, payment solution, Micropayment
twitter:titleonline payment processing for your business 🔥 Micropayment GmbH
twitter:descriptionOptimize your payment processes with Micropayment and save time and money. At Micropayment you get ready-to-use online payment solutions for your individual requirements.
og:site_nameMicropayment GmbH
og:titleonline payment processing for your business 🔥 Micropayment GmbH
og:descriptionOptimize your payment processes with Micropayment and save time and money. At Micropayment you get ready-to-use online payment solutions for your individual requirements.
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Hay 4 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: Attention! There are currently mails in circulation, supposedly from G...
  • Texto duplicado 2: membership fee or special features. Calculate your additional features...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2582 palabras.
Un 32.2% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 47 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 13.11 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Esta página carga 3 archivos JavaScript, lo cual es bueno.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: community & dating portals.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 4 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de Schema.org) adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...ic/img/menu/en/menu-white.svg?v=20240625menu icon
...u/micropayment-logo-white.svg?v=20240625Micropayment GmbH | payment solutions from a single provider
...u/micropayment-logo-white.svg?v=20240625Micropayment GmbH | payment solutions from a single provider
...nt-service-provider-thumb.jpg?v=20240625Carece de atributo ALT
...ile-payment-loesung-thumb.jpg?v=20240625Carece de atributo ALT
...ome/payment-experte-thumb.jpg?v=20240625Carece de atributo ALT
...ome/payment-germany-thumb.jpg?v=20240625Carece de atributo ALT

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
online payment processing for your business
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Hay 41 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 online payment processing for your business
H2 Payment methods for your individual needs
H2 Better. Easy. Payment.
H2 We make payment possible!
H2 Our expertise is your advantage!
H2 Our payment solutions fully documented for you
H2 We would like to help you!
H2 Start through!
H3 payment with credit card
H3 payment via SEPA direct debit
H3 Payment via Online Bank Transfer
H3 Payment via bank transfer
H3 paysafecard payment
H3 payment via paypal
H3 payment via phone
H3 payment via SMS
H3 We are here for you!
H3 Let us advise you for free!
H3 Micropayment GmbH - your payment service provider
H3 free registration for merchants and shop operators
H4 Individual advice is the best basis for sustainable success!
H5 certified data security
H5 High-end data center
H5 secured by SSL
H5 Community
H5 e-Commerce
H5 Dating
H5 E-Books
H5 Fundraising
H5 Gaming
H5 Infotainment
H5 Software as a Service
H5 Start Up
H5 Video On Demand
H5 Ticketing
H5 Webhosting
H5 public hand
H5 other
H5 you individual payment
H5 possible industries
H5 friendly customer service
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
Hay 8 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 17 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
A-TITLE Micropayment - professional payment from one source!
A-TITLE CreditCard - the solution for international payments
/products/debit/SEPA Debit
A-TITLE Direct debit - the eCommerce's classic payment method
/products/onlinebanktransfer/Online Bank Transfer
A-TITLE Online bank transfer. - the quick and effective solution for any type of amount
/products/prepay/Bank Transfer
A-TITLE The most intelligent prepayment system ever.
A-TITLE paysafecard - online payments for everyone
/products/call2pay/Telephone / Call
A-TITLE Call2Pay - the easy way to pay online
/products/handypay/Mobile Pay / SMS
A-TITLE MobilePay - quick & mobile payment
A-TITLE Your individual payment package
/partner/benefits/10 good reasons
A-TITLE Pay online with Micropayment
A-TITLE HighEnd computer centre for optimal performance
/products/mobilepayment/Mobile payment
A-TITLE mobile payment - intuitive and responsive
/partner/bankaccount/payment account 4.0
A-TITLE payment account 4.0
/partner/official/Official Partners
A-TITLE Just a few of Micropayment's many satisfied partners:
A-TITLE Our references
/partner/interview/Product reviews
A-TITLE Micropayment product reviews
/partner/projectowner/Project Owner
A-TITLE You got the products - we got the payment methods
A-TITLE Reseller - overview
/partner/consultingsales/Consulting & Sales
A-TITLE Let us advise you!
https://controlcenter.micropay...Externo Subdominio Registration
A-TITLE Registration
/products/fundraising/Donation solution
A-TITLE Online fundraising donation solution
/products/features/Individual donation checkout
A-TITLE Individual payment checkout Micropayment
A-TITLE Altruja Fundraising
A-TITLE Fundraisingbox
A-TITLE HelpMundo GmbH Fundraising
/products/fundraising/spendino/GRÜN Software Group GmbH
A-TITLE GRÜN Spendino Fundraising
A-TITLE Conditions you can count on
/about/jobs/?reset=1Jobs & Career
A-TITLE Jobs & career at Micropayment
A-TITLE Benefits
/about/company/?reset=1About us
A-TITLE About us
/about/awards/?reset=1Dual studies & social commitment
A-TITLE Dual studies & social commitment
/about/history/?reset=1Company history
A-TITLE Company history
/about/media/?reset=1press profile
A-TITLE press profile
https://controlcenter.micropay...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Integration guides
A-TITLE Integration guides
https://techdoc.micropayment.d...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio API Center
https://techdoc.micropayment.d...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Micropayment service client (PHP)
A-TITLE Micropayment service client (PHP)
https://techdoc.micropayment.d...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Description of the NVP protocol
A-TITLE Description of the NVP protocol
A-TITLE The Controlcenter - Variety of possibilities
/products/debitorenmanagement/Debtor management
A-TITLE debtor management as versatile as your business
/partner/billing/Partner account billing
A-TITLE Partner account billing
/products/plugins/Texto duplicado Overview
A-TITLE Micropayment payment methods for shop solutions
/products/plugins/magento/?res...Magento Shop
IMG-ALT magento
A-TITLE Magento Shop Plugin
IMG-ALT woocommerce
A-TITLE woocommerce Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/shopware6/?r...Shopware 6
IMG-ALT shopware 6
A-TITLE shopware 6 Payment-Plugin
/products/plugins/shopware/?re...Shopware 5
IMG-ALT shopware 5
A-TITLE shopware Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/oxid6/?reset=1Oxid 6
IMG-ALT oxid6
A-TITLE Oxid 6 payment Plugin
/products/plugins/oxid/?reset=1Oxid 4 eSales
IMG-ALT oxid
A-TITLE Oxid 4 Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/modified/?re...modified Shopsoftware
IMG-ALT modified
A-TITLE modified Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/jtl5/?reset=1JTL-Shop 5
IMG-ALT JTL 5 Payment Plugin
A-TITLE jtl 5 Payment Plugin
IMG-ALT jtl shop
A-TITLE jtl Shop Plugin
IMG-ALT presta
A-TITLE PrestaShop Plugin
IMG-ALT randshop
A-TITLE randshop Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/apt/?reset=1APT Shop
A-TITLE apt Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/wpshopgerman...Wordpress Plugin
IMG-ALT Wordpress Plugin
A-TITLE Wordpress shop germany Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/xonic/?reset=1Xonic Solutions
IMG-ALT xonic
A-TITLE xonic Shop Plugin
IMG-ALT whmcs
A-TITLE whmcs Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/atrox/?reset=1Atrox Development
IMG-ALT Atrox Development payment plugin
A-TITLE Atrox Development Shop Plugin
IMG-ALT Auktionssoftware Auktion:NG - Auktionen im Internet durchführen
A-TITLE Auktion:NG Shop Plugin
A-TITLE Certified data security of Micropayment GmbH pursuant to PCI-DSS Standard Level 1 guidelines.
/products/psd2_zahlungsdienste...PSD2 payment services directive
A-TITLE PSD2 payment services directive
/products/security/Security Modules
A-TITLE Micropayment security modules
/partner/consultingsales/Texto duplicado Consulting & Sales
A-TITLE Let us advise you!
A-TITLE Contact
https://controlcenter.micropay...Externo Subdominio Sign in
A-TITLE Access to ControlCenter
/about/media/Subdominio Micropayment
A-TITLE Micropayment payment service provider
/redirect/?context=78537031596...Nueva ventana A-TITLE Find us on Facebook | Micropayment
/redirect/?context=78537031596...Nueva ventana A-TITLE Find us on Twitter | Micropayment
/redirect/?context=78537031596...Nueva ventana A-TITLE follow us on LinkedIn | Micropayment
/redirect/?context=78537031596...Nueva ventana A-TITLE Find us on Xing | Micropayment
/redirect/?context=78537031596...Nueva ventana A-TITLE follow us on instagram | Micropayment
/index/IMG-ALT Micropayment GmbH | payment solutions from a single provider
A-TITLE Micropayment GmbH | payment solutions from a single provider
/partner/consultingsales/A-TITLE Let us advise you!
https://controlcenter.micropay...Externo Subdominio Sin texto
/index/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Micropayment GmbH | payment solutions from a single provider
A-TITLE Micropayment GmbH | payment solutions from a single provider
/products/index/Texto duplicado Overview
A-TITLE Micropayment - professional payment from one source!
/products/index/Overview page
A-TITLE Micropayment - professional payment from one source!
/products/creditcard/Texto duplicado CreditCard
IMG-ALT CreditCard logo
A-TITLE CreditCard - the solution for international payments
/products/debit/Texto duplicado SEPA Debit
A-TITLE Direct debit - the eCommerce's classic payment method
/products/onlinebanktransfer/Texto duplicado Online Bank Transfer
IMG-ALT Online Bank Transfer Logo
A-TITLE Online Bank Transfer - the quick and effective solution for any type of amount
/products/prepay/Texto duplicado Bank Transfer
IMG-ALT Bank Transfer Logo
A-TITLE The most intelligent prepayment system ever.
/products/paysafecard/Texto duplicado paysafecard
IMG-ALT paysafecard Logo
A-TITLE paysafecard - online payments for everyone
/products/paypal/Texto duplicado PayPal
IMG-ALT PayPal Logo
/products/call2pay/Texto duplicado Telephone / Call
IMG-ALT Telephone / Call Logo
A-TITLE Call2Pay - the easy way to pay online
/products/handypay/Texto duplicado Mobile Pay / SMS
IMG-ALT Mobile Pay / SMS Logo
A-TITLE MobilePay - quick & mobile payment
/products/index/Texto duplicado Overview page
A-TITLE Micropayment - professional payment from one source!
/products/index/Unique selling proposition (USP)
/products/features/Texto duplicado Features
A-TITLE Your individual payment package
/partner/benefits/Texto duplicado 10 good reasons
A-TITLE Pay online with Micropayment
/about/technics/Texto duplicado Technics
A-TITLE HighEnd computer centre for optimal performance
/products/mobilepayment/Texto duplicado Mobile payment
A-TITLE mobile payment - intuitive and responsive
/partner/bankaccount/Texto duplicado payment account 4.0
A-TITLE payment account 4.0
/partner/official/Texto duplicado Official Partners
A-TITLE Just a few of Micropayment's many satisfied partners:
/partner/references/Texto duplicado References
A-TITLE Our references
/partner/interview/Texto duplicado Product reviews
A-TITLE Micropayment product reviews
/partner/projectowner/Texto duplicado Project Owner
A-TITLE You got the products - we got the payment methods
/partner/reseller/Texto duplicado Reseller
A-TITLE Reseller - overview
/partner/consultingsales/Texto duplicado Consulting & Sales
A-TITLE Let us advise you!
https://controlcenter.micropay...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Registration
A-TITLE Registration
/products/fundraising/Texto duplicado Donation solution
A-TITLE Online fundraising donation solution
/products/features/Texto duplicado Individual donation checkout
A-TITLE Individual payment checkout Micropayment
/products/fundraising/altruja/Texto duplicado Altruja
A-TITLE Altruja Fundraising
/products/fundraising/fundrais...Texto duplicado FundraisingBox
A-TITLE Fundraisingbox
/products/fundraising/helpmundo/Texto duplicado HelpMundo
A-TITLE HelpMundo GmbH Fundraising
/products/fundraising/spendino/Texto duplicado GRÜN Software Group GmbH
A-TITLE GRÜN Spendino Fundraising
/partner/conditions/Texto duplicado Conditions
A-TITLE Conditions you can count on
/about/company/?reset=1Texto duplicado About us
A-TITLE About us
/about/awards/?reset=1Texto duplicado Dual studies & social commitment
A-TITLE Dual studies & social commitment
/about/history/?reset=1Texto duplicado Company history
A-TITLE Company history
/about/media/?reset=1Texto duplicado press profile
A-TITLE press profile
/about/jobs/Job offers
A-TITLE Jobs & career at Micropayment
https://controlcenter.micropay...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Integration guides
A-TITLE Integration guides
https://techdoc.micropayment.d...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado API Center
https://techdoc.micropayment.d...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Micropayment service client (PHP)
A-TITLE Micropayment service client (PHP)
https://techdoc.micropayment.d...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Description of the NVP protocol
A-TITLE Description of the NVP protocol
/partner/controlcenter/Texto duplicado ControlCenter
/partner/controlcenter/Texto duplicado ControlCenter
A-TITLE The Controlcenter - Variety of possibilities
/products/debitorenmanagement/Texto duplicado Debtor management
A-TITLE debtor management as versatile as your business
/partner/billing/Texto duplicado Partner account billing
A-TITLE Partner account billing
/products/plugins/Shop plugin
/products/plugins/Texto duplicado Overview
A-TITLE Micropayment payment methods for shop solutions
/products/plugins/magento/?res...Texto duplicado Magento Shop
IMG-ALT magento
A-TITLE Magento Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/woocommerce/...Texto duplicado WooCommerce
IMG-ALT woocommerce
A-TITLE woocommerce Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/shopware6/?r...Texto duplicado Shopware 6
IMG-ALT shopware 6
A-TITLE shopware 6 Payment-Plugin
/products/plugins/shopware/?re...Texto duplicado Shopware 5
IMG-ALT shopware 5
A-TITLE shopware Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/oxid6/?reset=1Texto duplicado Oxid 6
IMG-ALT oxid6
A-TITLE Oxid 6 payment Plugin
/products/plugins/oxid/?reset=1Texto duplicado Oxid 4 eSales
IMG-ALT oxid
A-TITLE Oxid 4 Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/modified/?re...Texto duplicado modified Shopsoftware
IMG-ALT modified
A-TITLE modified Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/jtl5/?reset=1Texto duplicado JTL-Shop 5
IMG-ALT JTL 5 Payment Plugin
A-TITLE JTL 5 Payment Plugin
/products/plugins/jtl/?reset=1Texto duplicado JTL-Shop
IMG-ALT jtl shop
A-TITLE jtl Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/presta/?reset=1Texto duplicado PrestaShop
IMG-ALT presta
A-TITLE PrestaShop Payment Plugin
/products/plugins/randshop/?re...Texto duplicado Randshop
IMG-ALT randshop
A-TITLE randshop Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/apt/?reset=1Texto duplicado APT Shop
A-TITLE apt Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/wpshopgerman...Texto duplicado Wordpress Plugin
IMG-ALT Wordpress Plugin
A-TITLE Wordpress shop germany Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/xonic/?reset=1Texto duplicado Xonic Solutions
IMG-ALT xonic
A-TITLE xonic Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/whmcs/?reset=1Texto duplicado WHMCS-Plugin
IMG-ALT whmcs
A-TITLE whmcs Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/atrox/?reset=1Texto duplicado Atrox Development
IMG-ALT Atrox Development payment plugin
A-TITLE Atrox Development Shop Plugin
/products/plugins/auktion/?res...Texto duplicado Auktion:NG
IMG-ALT Auktionssoftware Auktion:NG - Auktionen im Internet durchführen
A-TITLE Auktion:NG Shop Plugin
/products/pci/Texto duplicado PCI:DSS
A-TITLE Certified data security of Micropayment GmbH pursuant to PCI-DSS Standard Level 1 guidelines.
/products/psd2_zahlungsdienste...Texto duplicado PSD2 payment services directive
A-TITLE PSD2 payment services directive
/products/security/Texto duplicado Security Modules
A-TITLE Micropayment security modules
/partner/consultingsales/Texto duplicado Consulting & Sales
A-TITLE Let us advise you!
/about/contact/?reset=1Texto duplicado Contact
A-TITLE Contact
https://controlcenter.micropay...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Sign in
A-TITLE Access to ControlCenter
/about/privacy/Privacy statement
A-TITLE Privacy statement
https://controlcenter.micropay...Externo Subdominio Start through!
A-TITLE Start through!
https://www.micropayment.de/home/Texto ancla online payment
https://www.micropayment.de/home/Texto ancla 100% compatible
https://www.micropayment.de/home/Texto ancla data analysis
https://www.micropayment.de/home/Texto ancla Certified safety
/products/index/Micropayment payment methods
A-TITLE Micropayment payment methods
/products/creditcard/IMG-ALT Mastercard - Make secure payments from anywhere in the world - Payment service provider Micropayment
A-TITLE Mastercard - Make secure payments from anywhere in the world - Payment service provider Micropayment
/products/debit/IMG-ALT SEPA direct debit - payment method for eCommerce
A-TITLE SEPA direct debit - payment method for eCommerce
/products/creditcard/IMG-ALT Visa credit card - Global payment facility Micropayment
A-TITLE Visa credit card - Global payment facility Micropayment
/products/onlinebanktransfer/IMG-ALT Online Bank Transfer - comfortable online payments
A-TITLE Online Bank Transfer - comfortable online payments
/products/creditcard/IMG-ALT amex logo
A-TITLE American Express - Online payment service Micropayment
/products/paypal/IMG-ALT PayPal settlement via Micropayment
A-TITLE PayPal settlement via Micropayment
/products/creditcard/IMG-ALT Discover - Online payment system - Micropayment
A-TITLE Discover - Online payment system - Micropayment
/products/handypay/IMG-ALT Online payment via mobile phone / SMS
A-TITLE Online payment via mobile phone / SMS
/products/creditcard/IMG-ALT JCB credit cards settlement via payment service provider Micropayment GmbH
A-TITLE JCB credit cards settlement via payment service provider Micropayment GmbH
/products/prepay/IMG-ALT Prepayment / Bank Transfer - fully automated solutions for merchants
A-TITLE Prepayment / Bank Transfer - fully automated solutions for merchants
/products/call2pay/IMG-ALT call2pay logo
A-TITLE Online payment via telephone / call
/products/paysafecard/IMG-ALT paysafecard - online payments for everyone
A-TITLE paysafecard - online payments for everyone
/products/creditcard/IMG-ALT Pay online easily using your Diners Club credit card
A-TITLE Pay online easily using your Diners Club credit card
/products/debit/IMG-ALT SEPA direct debit - payment method for B2B and eCommerce
A-TITLE SEPA direct debit - payment method for B2B and eCommerce
/products/index/IMG-ALT Maestrocard cashless payments are convenient and secure and can be made from anywhere
A-TITLE Maestrocard cashless payments are convenient and secure and can be made from anywhere
https://controlcenter.micropay...Externo Subdominio Create your Micropayment account
A-TITLE Create your Micropayment account
https://controlcenter.micropay...Externo Subdominio Join now
A-TITLE Create your Micropayment account
/products/creditcard/IMG-ALT creditcard example
/products/creditcard/Texto ancla no relevante
A-TITLE Payment method credit card
/products/debit/IMG-ALT sepa example
/products/debit/Texto ancla no relevante
A-TITLE Payments Direct Debit
/products/onlinebanktransfer/IMG-ALT onlinebanktransfer example
/products/onlinebanktransfer/Texto duplicado Online Bank Transfer
A-TITLE Payment method Online Bank Transfer
/products/onlinebanktransfer/Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
A-TITLE Payment method Online Bank Transfer
/products/prepay/IMG-ALT prepay example
/products/prepay/Prepayment by bank transfer
A-TITLE payment method prepayment by bank transfer
/products/prepay/Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
A-TITLE payment via bank transfer
/products/paysafecard/IMG-ALT paysafecard example
/products/paysafecard/Texto duplicado paysafecard
A-TITLE payment method paysafecard
/products/paysafecard/Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
A-TITLE payment method paysafecard
/products/paypal/IMG-ALT paypal example
A-TITLE payment method paypal
/products/paypal/Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
A-TITLE paypal payment method
/products/call2pay/IMG-ALT call2pay example
/products/call2pay/pay by phone
A-TITLE payment method payment via telephone
/products/call2pay/Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
A-TITLE Payment method Call2Pay
/products/handypay/IMG-ALT handypay example
/products/handypay/SMS payment
A-TITLE payment via SMS
/products/handypay/Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
A-TITLE Payment method handypay
https://www.micropayment.de/home/Texto ancla security
https://www.micropayment.de/home/Texto ancla shop-plugins
https://www.micropayment.de/home/Texto ancla testimonials
https://www.micropayment.de/home/Texto ancla industry sectors
/products/pci/certified data security The IT infrastructure and the complete application level of Micropayment are certified according to the Payment Card Industry Data Se...
A-TITLE certified data security
/about/technics/High-end data center As one of the few payment providers, Micropayment operates its own data center in Berlin, Germany. All servers are monitored around the ...
IMG-ALT Data center in Germany
A-TITLE High-end data center
/products/security/secured by SSL All payment windows of Micropayment are only offered with secure SSL certificates. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is an encryption protocol that e...
A-TITLE secured by SSL
/products/plugins/modified/Modified - eCommerce Shopsoftware
IMG-ALT modified logo
A-TITLE Modified - eCommerce Shopsoftware
/products/plugins/magento/Magento - Open Source eCommerce
IMG-ALT magento logo
A-TITLE Magento - Open Source eCommerce
/products/plugins/woocommerce/Woo Commerce
IMG-ALT woocommerce logo
A-TITLE Woo Commerce
/products/plugins/xonic/Texto duplicado Xonic Solutions
IMG-ALT xonic logo
A-TITLE Xonic Solutions
/products/plugins/oxid/OXID esales
IMG-ALT oxid logo
/products/plugins/jtl/JTL Shop
IMG-ALT jtl logo
/products/plugins/shopware/?re...Shopware payment Plugin
IMG-ALT shopware
A-TITLE shopware payment Plugin
/products/plugins/randshop/?re...randshop Shop payment Plugin
IMG-ALT randshop
A-TITLE randshop payment Plugin
/products/plugins/apt/?reset=1apt Shop payment Plugin
A-TITLE apt Shop payment Plugin
/products/plugins/wpshopgerman...Wordpress shop germany payment Plugin
IMG-ALT Wordpress Plugin
A-TITLE Wordpress shop germany payment Plugin
/products/plugins/whmcs/?reset=1whmcs Shop payment Plugin
IMG-ALT whmcs
A-TITLE whmcs Shop payment Plugin
/products/plugins/Alle Shopmodule
A-TITLE more
/partner/interview/germandoctors/[ read interview ]
A-TITLE German Doctors e.V.
/partner/interview/more product reviews
A-TITLE Interview - your opinions
/partner/interview/drk/Texto duplicado [ read interview ]
A-TITLE Deutsches Rotes Kreuz e.V.
/partner/interview/Texto duplicado more product reviews
A-TITLE Interview - your opinions
/partner/interview/adh/Texto duplicado [ read interview ]
A-TITLE Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.
/partner/interview/Texto duplicado more product reviews
A-TITLE Interview - your opinions
/partner/interview/smartsteuer/Texto duplicado [ read interview ]
A-TITLE smartsteuer GmbH
/partner/interview/Texto duplicado more product reviews
A-TITLE Interview - your opinions
/partner/interview/wikimedia/Texto duplicado [ read interview ]
A-TITLE Wikimedia Germany
/partner/interview/Texto duplicado more product reviews
A-TITLE Interview - your opinions
/partner/interview/upjers/Texto duplicado [ read interview ]
A-TITLE upjers GmbH & Co KG
/partner/interview/Texto duplicado more product reviews
A-TITLE Interview - your opinions
/partner/interview/gameduell/Texto duplicado [ read interview ]
A-TITLE GameDuell GmbH
/partner/interview/Texto duplicado more product reviews
A-TITLE Interview - your opinions
/partner/references/our customers
A-TITLE Zur Übersicht
/glossar/community/How does Micropayment support a community?
A-TITLE How does Micropayment support a community?
/glossar/dating/Which payment methods are in the dating
A-TITLE Which payment methods are in the dating
A-TITLE Payment plugins for your online shop
/glossar/ecommerce/What does Micropayment offer to e-commerce merchants?
A-TITLE What does Micropayment offer to e-commerce merchants?
/glossar/community/Texto duplicado How does Micropayment support a community?
A-TITLE How does Micropayment support a community?
/glossar/dating/Texto duplicado Which payment methods are in the dating
A-TITLE Which payment methods are in the dating
/glossar/fundraising/Fundraising with Micropayment – A successful model
A-TITLE Fundraising with Micropayment
/glossar/saas/What does Micropayment have to do with it?
A-TITLE What does Micropayment have to do with it
/glossar/startups/Start Up
A-TITLE Start Up
/glossar/vod/VOD – the future of home entertainment
A-TITLE VOD – the future of home entertainment
A-TITLE Webhosting
/products/features/you individual payment Our payment systems are offered as ready-made web solutions. The integration of Micropayment payment systems ist therefore really easy.
IMG-ALT Responsive Icon
A-TITLE to the specifics
/products/features/possible industries PAYMENT SERVICE FOR YOUR INDUSTRY - as individual as your customers.
IMG-ALT Responsive Icon
A-TITLE to the specifics
/about/contact/friendly customer service Do you have questions about one of our payment systems or do you need advice on a feature? Micropayment GmbH is there for you!
IMG-ALT friendly customer service
A-TITLE friendly customer service
/demologin/auto/?logindestinat...go to techdoc center
https://www.micropayment.de/home/Texto ancla sales team
https://www.micropayment.de/home/Texto ancla support team
https://www.micropayment.de/home/Texto ancla the company
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/about/team/tknoth/Contact us!
A-TITLE Contact us!
/about/team/dtrommer/Texto duplicado Contact us!
A-TITLE Contact us!
/about/team/fvaternam/Texto duplicado Contact us!
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/about/company/Learn more about us.
A-TITLE Learn more about us.
/about/jobs/Apply now!
A-TITLE Apply now!
/about/jobs/Texto duplicado Apply now!
A-TITLE Apply now!
/partner/consultingsales/Texto duplicado Contact us!
A-TITLE Contact us!
https://www.micropayment.de/home/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Micropayment
/about/company/Texto duplicado About us
A-TITLE Our company - Micropayment GmbH
/about/technics/Texto duplicado Technics
A-TITLE HighEnd computer centre for optimal performance
/partner/controlcenter/Texto duplicado ControlCenter
A-TITLE The Controlcenter - Variety of possibilities
/about/contact/?reset=1Texto duplicado Contact
A-TITLE Contact
https://www.micropayment.de/home/Texto ancla Company
/partner/references/Texto duplicado References
A-TITLE Our references
/partner/official/Texto duplicado Official Partners
A-TITLE Just a few of Micropayment's many satisfied partners:
/partner/benefits/Texto duplicado 10 good reasons
A-TITLE Pay online with Micropayment
/partner/interview/Texto duplicado Product reviews
A-TITLE Micropayment product reviews
/products/pci/Texto duplicado PCI:DSS
A-TITLE Certified data security of Micropayment GmbH pursuant to PCI-DSS Standard Level 1 guidelines.
/products/psd2_zahlungsdienste...Texto duplicado PSD2 payment services directive
A-TITLE PSD2 payment services directive
https://www.micropayment.de/home/Texto ancla Legal
/about/impress/Legal Notice
A-TITLE Legal Notice
/about/tob/General Terms and Conditions
A-TITLE General Terms and Conditions
/about/privacy/Texto duplicado Privacy statement
A-TITLE Privacy statement
/about/privacy/social/GDPR Social-Media
A-TITLE GDPR Social-Media
/about/consumerprotection/Consumer Information
A-TITLE Consumer Information
A-TITLE Compliance
/redirect/?context=78537031596...Nueva ventana A-TITLE Find us on Facebook
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/products/pci/IMG-ALT PCI:DSS zertifiziert
A-TITLE PCI:DSS zertifiziert
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www.micropayment.de › home
Online payment processing for your business ★ Micropayment GmbH
Optimize your payment processes with Micropayment and save time and money. At Micropayment you get ready-to-use online payment solutions for your requirements.

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Online Payment84%Check
Micropayment payment79%Check
online payment processing74%Check
Online Payment Solutions72%Check
Payment Processing71%Check
Payment Solutions69%Check

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