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(Extremadamente importante)
Minimalist Baker - Simple Recipes That Make You Feel Good
La longitud del título es óptima (546 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Celebrating simple cooking with recipes that require 10 ingredients or less, 1 bowl, or 30 minute or less to prepare. All eaters are welcome.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (853 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-us
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-us.
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URL de la página
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descriptionCelebrating simple cooking with recipes that require 10 ingredients or less, 1 bowl, or 30 minute or less to prepare. All eaters are welcome.
generatorWooCommerce 8.9.3
twitter:titleHome Page
og:titleSimple Recipes That Make You Feel Good
og:descriptionCelebrating simple cooking with recipes that require 10 ingredients or less, 1 bowl, or 30 minute or less to prepare. All eaters are welcome.
og:site_nameMinimalist Baker

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(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 560 palabras.
Un 16.6% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 3 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 14.4 palabras.
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Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
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El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
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Etiquetas Bold y Strong
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Algunas etiquetas de negritas son demasiado largas (más de 70 caracteres). Con 71 caracteres:
"subscribe here and we'll send you an email as new recipes are published".
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La descripción del atributo ALT se utiliza correctamente en todas las imágenes rastreadas.
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Etiquetas markup adicionales
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...e-Seedy-Tahini-Snack-Bites-8-500x750.jpgPicking up a nut-free tahini snack bites from a stack of more energy bites
...lutenfree-lasagna-recipe-easy-dinner.jpgCeramic baking dish filled with eggplant lasagna for an easy plant-based meal summer dessert of gluten-free vegan Blackberry Cobbler
...tenfree-salad-recipe-minimalistbaker.jpgGrilled Corn Zucchini Salad for a plant-based summer salad recipe
...Italian-White-Bean-Skillet-7-600x600.jpgSkillet of Italian white beans with burst tomatoes, spinach, basil, and cashew cream
...-Gluten-Free-Vanilla-Cake-10-400x400.jpgSlice of gluten-free vanilla cake on a plate
...05/Southwest-Quinoa-Salad-10-400x400.jpgOverhead photo of a bowl of our southwest quinoa black bean salad recipe
...23/05/Chicken-Kofta-Kebabs-7-400x400.jpgChicken kofta kebabs on a plate over lemon rice with other items around it for serving
...ite-Bean-Eggplant-Caponata-8-400x400.jpgSlices of toasted bread topped with white bean eggplant caponata
...listbaker-nutella-672x1024-1-500x750.jpgStack of sandwiches crafted using our Grilled Nutella Banana Sandwich recipe
...4/06/Easy-Eggplant-Recipes-1-500x750.jpgGrilled eggplant slices on a wood cutting board with a spoonful of tahini
...egan-recipe-plantbased-spicy-healthy.jpgAmazing vegan Buffalo Chickpea Wraps served on pita bread
...-vegan-glutenfree-minimalistbaker-10.jpgSlicing into Vegan Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread
...e-Seedy-Tahini-Snack-Bites-8-500x750.jpgPicking up a nut-free tahini snack bites from a stack of more energy bites
...anut-Butter-Ice-Cream-Bars-9-500x750.jpgStack of creamy vegan peanut butter ice cream bars with a chocolate coating
...ker-chocolate-vegan-recipe10-500x750.jpgStack of four homemade peanut butter cups with scoops of apricot sorbet topped with candied pistachios
...Vegan-Chocolate-Milkshake-17-500x750.jpgGlasses filled with our vegan chocolate milkshake and topped with dairy-free whipped cream and sprinkles
...infree-glutenfree-berrycrisp-dessert.jpgBowls of Grain-Free Berry Crisp for a delicious plant-based dessert
...-Gluten-Free-Vanilla-Cake-10-500x750.jpgSlice of gluten-free vanilla cake on a plate
...-Chocolate-Tahini-Truffles-9-500x750.jpgClose up shot of a partially eaten chocolate tahini truffle to show the inner texture
...3/11/Sheet-Pan-Ratatouille-8-500x750.jpgDrizzling pesto sauce onto a bowl of polenta with sheet pan ratatouille and tofu
...23/05/Chicken-Kofta-Kebabs-7-500x750.jpgChicken kofta kebabs on a plate over lemon rice with other items around it for serving
...-and-Eggplant-Lettuce-Cups-6-500x750.jpgDrizzling a savory sesame sauce onto tofu and eggplant lettuce cups
...ite-Bean-Eggplant-Caponata-8-500x750.jpgSlices of toasted bread topped with white bean eggplant caponata
...edded-Tofu-Vegan-Taco-Meat-6-500x750.jpgUsing a wooden spoon to mix a skillet of our shredded tofu taco meat recipe
...12/Jerk-Cauliiflower-Tacos-8-500x750.jpgHolding up a vegan jerk cauliflower taco topped with avocado and mango hot sauce
...Pesto-Baked-Chicken-Thighs-8-500x750.jpgBowl with pesto pasta, pesto chicken, and roasted vegetables
...-Sticky-Baked-Sesame-Tofu-10-500x750.jpgUsing chopsticks to pick up a bite of sesame tofu from a bowl with rice and steamed broccoli
...e-Seedy-Tahini-Snack-Bites-8-500x750.jpgPicking up a nut-free tahini snack bites from a stack of more energy bites
...listbaker-nutella-672x1024-1-500x750.jpgStack of sandwiches crafted using our Grilled Nutella Banana Sandwich recipe
...olate-Cherry-Protein-Shake-7-500x750.jpgPlacing a fresh cherry on the top of a chocolate cherry protein smoothie
...2023/04/Candied-Pistachios-8-500x750.jpgHolding a cluster of candied pistachios over a jar with more of them
.../Sun-Dried-Tomatoes-Hummus-8-500x750.jpgBowl of sun-dried tomato hummus surrounded by sliced veggies and pita bread for dipping
...-Chocolate-Tahini-Truffles-9-500x750.jpgClose up shot of a partially eaten chocolate tahini truffle to show the inner texture
...p-Seed-Florentine-Cookies-11-500x750.jpgHolding up a florentine cookie decorated with a drizzle of dark chocolate
...amy-Vegan-White-Bean-Queso-8-500x750.jpgDipping a tortilla chip into a bowl of vegan white bean queso
...ploads/2023/02/Cashew-Milk-5-500x750.jpgPouring homemade cashew milk into a pitcher
...ow-To-Make-Buckwheat-Flour-4-500x750.jpgJar of homemade buckwheat flour next to a bowl of buckwheat groats used to make it
...Vegan-Cashew-Whipped-Cream-8-500x750.jpgDipping a fresh strawberry into a bowl of vegan cashew whipped cream
...Gluten-Free-Hamburger-Buns-7-500x750.jpgHomemade vegan gluten-free hamburger buns on a cooling rack
...-1-Gluten-Free-Flour-Blend-5-500x750.jpgPicking up a spoonful of gluten-free flour blend from a jar
...ST-Homemade-Taco-Seasoning-6-500x750.jpgSprinkling taco seasoning into a glass jar
.../2023/02/Sweet-Potato-Rice-8-500x750.jpgSautéing sweet potato rice in a cast iron skillet
...t/uploads/2023/02/Mint-Tea-6-500x750.jpgClear glass mugs filled with homemade fresh mint tea
...20/assets/images/fan-favorites-ebook.pngfan favorites ebook
.../Desktop-Popup-Fan-Favorites-232x300.jpgFan Favorites eBook
.../Desktop-Popup-Fan-Favorites-232x300.jpgFan Favorites eBook

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Minimalist Baker
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (16 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 56 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Minimalist Baker
H2 Recipes
H2 Recent Reader Favorites
H2 Explore Recipes
H2 Shop
H3 Seedy Tahini Snack Bites (Nut-Free!)
H3 Lentil & Eggplant Lasagna
H3 Simple Blackberry Cobbler (Vegan + GF)
H3 Grilled Corn & Zucchini Salad with Sun-Dried Tomato Vinaigrette
H3 Creamy Italian White Bean Skillet Meal (25 Minutes!)
H3 The BEST Gluten-Free Vanilla Cake (1 Bowl!)
H3 Simple Quinoa Black Bean Salad
H3 Chicken Kofta Kebabs (Middle Eastern-Inspired)
H3 White Bean Eggplant Caponata (1 Pan!)
H3 Easy Back-to-School Snack Recipes
H3 20 Easy Eggplant Recipes
H3 Quick Summer Dinners (No Oven Required!)
H3 15 Best Zucchini Recipes (Sweet & Savory!)
H3 Seedy Tahini Snack Bites (Nut-Free!) Texto duplicado
H3 Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Bars (Vegan)
H3 25 Easy Chocolate Peanut Butter Desserts
H3 Easy Apricot Sorbet (No-Churn!)
H3 Creamy Vegan Chocolate Milkshake
H3 Easy Berry Desserts for Summer
H3 The BEST Gluten-Free Vanilla Cake (1 Bowl!) Texto duplicado
H3 5-Ingredient Chocolate Tahini Truffles
H3 Sheet Pan Ratatouille with Crispy Baked Tofu
H3 Chicken Kofta Kebabs (Middle Eastern-Inspired) Texto duplicado
H3 Crispy Tofu & Eggplant Lettuce Wraps
H3 White Bean Eggplant Caponata (1 Pan!) Texto duplicado
H3 Smoky Shredded Tofu Taco “Meat”
H3 Jerk Cauliflower Tacos with Mango Hot Sauce
H3 Pesto Baked Chicken Thighs
H3 Spicy Garlicky Sesame Tofu (30 Minutes!)
H3 Seedy Tahini Snack Bites (Nut-Free!) Texto duplicado
H3 Easy Back-to-School Snack Recipes Texto duplicado
H3 Chocolate Cherry Protein Shake
H3 Candied Pistachios (4 Ingredients!)
H3 Simple Sun-Dried Tomato Hummus
H3 5-Ingredient Chocolate Tahini Truffles Texto duplicado
H3 Hemp Seed Florentine Cookies (Vegan + GF)
H3 Best Game Day Snacks (Vegan + GF)
H3 How to Make Cashew Milk (No Straining!)
H3 How to Make Buckwheat Flour
H3 Magical Vegan Cashew Whipped Cream
H3 Gluten-Free Hamburger Buns (Vegan)
H3 Best 1:1 Gluten-Free Flour Blend (Our Secret Recipe!)
H3 The BEST Homemade Taco Seasoning
H3 Easy Sweet Potato “Rice”
H3 Fresh Mint Tea (Hot or Iced!)
H3 Want More Deliciousness?
H3 Want More Deliciousness? Texto duplicado
H4 *Want more deliciousness?
H4 Recipe Key
H4 Want More Deliciousness? Texto duplicado
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay 13 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to primary navigation ancla Skip to main content ventana Externo Subdominio Facebook ventana Externo Instagram ventana Externo Subdominio Pinterest ventana Externo Twitter ventana Externo Subdominio YouTube
/recipe-index/All Recipes
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Gluten-Free Baker
/resources/Blogger Resources
/recipe-index/Texto duplicado All Recipes
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado Vegan
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado Gluten-Free
/recipe-index/Show Me Everything
/seedy-tahini-snack-bites/IMG-ALT Picking up a nut-free tahini snack bites from a stack of more energy bites
/seedy-tahini-snack-bites/Seedy Tahini Snack Bites (Nut-Free!)
/recipe-index/New Recipes
/lentil-eggplant-lasagna/IMG-ALT Ceramic baking dish filled with eggplant lasagna for an easy plant-based meal
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado GF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado VG
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado V
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado DF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado NS
/lentil-eggplant-lasagna/Lentil & Eggplant Lasagna
/recipes/hearty-meals/Hearty Meals
/simple-blackberry-cobbler-veg...IMG-ALT Delicious summer dessert of gluten-free vegan Blackberry Cobbler
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado GF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado VG
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado V
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado DF
/simple-blackberry-cobbler-veg...Simple Blackberry Cobbler (Vegan + GF)
/grilled-corn-zucchini-salad-s...IMG-ALT Grilled Corn Zucchini Salad for a plant-based summer salad recipe
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado GF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado VG
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado V
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado DF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado NS
/grilled-corn-zucchini-salad-s...Grilled Corn & Zucchini Salad with Sun-Dried Tomato Vinaigrette
/recipe-index/?fwp_season=summerWhat's In Season
/recipe-index/show me everything
/creamy-italian-white-bean-ski...View Recipe
/creamy-italian-white-bean-ski...IMG-ALT Skillet of Italian white beans with burst tomatoes, spinach, basil, and cashew cream
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado GF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado Gluten-Free
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado VG
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado Vegan
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado V
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado DF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado NS
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Naturally Sweetened
/the-best-gluten-free-vanilla-...The BEST Gluten-Free Vanilla Cake (1 Bowl!)
/the-best-gluten-free-vanilla-...IMG-ALT Slice of gluten-free vanilla cake on a plate
/the-best-gluten-free-vanilla-...Texto duplicado The BEST Gluten-Free Vanilla Cake (1 Bowl!)
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado GF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado V
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado DF
/simple-quinoa-black-bean-salad/Simple Quinoa Black Bean Salad
/simple-quinoa-black-bean-salad/IMG-ALT Overhead photo of a bowl of our southwest quinoa black bean salad recipe
/simple-quinoa-black-bean-salad/Texto duplicado Simple Quinoa Black Bean Salad
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado GF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado VG
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado V
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado DF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado NS
/chicken-kofta-kebabs/Chicken Kofta Kebabs (Middle Eastern-Inspired)
/chicken-kofta-kebabs/IMG-ALT Chicken kofta kebabs on a plate over lemon rice with other items around it for serving
/chicken-kofta-kebabs/Texto duplicado Chicken Kofta Kebabs (Middle Eastern-Inspired)
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado GF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado DF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado NS
/white-bean-eggplant-caponata/White Bean Eggplant Caponata (1 Pan!)
/white-bean-eggplant-caponata/IMG-ALT Slices of toasted bread topped with white bean eggplant caponata
/white-bean-eggplant-caponata/Texto duplicado White Bean Eggplant Caponata (1 Pan!)
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado GF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado VG
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado V
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado DF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado NS
/roundup/Texto duplicado show me everything
/easy-back-to-school-snack-rec...IMG-ALT Stack of sandwiches crafted using our Grilled Nutella Banana Sandwich recipe
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado V
/easy-back-to-school-snack-rec...Easy Back-to-School Snack Recipes
/easy-eggplant-recipes/IMG-ALT Grilled eggplant slices on a wood cutting board with a spoonful of tahini
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado DF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado NS
/easy-eggplant-recipes/20 Easy Eggplant Recipes
/quick-summer-dinners-no-oven/IMG-ALT Amazing vegan Buffalo Chickpea Wraps served on pita bread
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado DF
/quick-summer-dinners-no-oven/Quick Summer Dinners (No Oven Required!)
/best-zucchini-recipes/IMG-ALT Slicing into Vegan Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado GF
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado V
/recipe-index/?fwp_special-die...Texto duplicado DF
/best-zucchini-recipes/15 Best Zucchini Recipes (Sweet & Savory!)
/roundup/Texto duplicado show me everything
/seedy-tahini-snack-bites/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Picking up a nut-free tahini snack bites from a stack of more energy bites
/seedy-tahini-snack-bites/Texto duplicado Seedy Tahini Snack Bites (Nut-Free!)
/chocolate-peanut-butter-ice-c...IMG-ALT Stack of creamy vegan peanut butter ice cream bars with a chocolate coating
/chocolate-peanut-butter-ice-c...Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Bars (Vegan)
/easy-chocolate-peanut-butter-...IMG-ALT Stack of four homemade peanut butter cups
/easy-chocolate-peanut-butter-...25 Easy Chocolate Peanut Butter Desserts
/easy-apricot-sorbet-no-churn/IMG-ALT Bowl with scoops of apricot sorbet topped with candied pistachios
/easy-apricot-sorbet-no-churn/Easy Apricot Sorbet (No-Churn!)
/creamy-vegan-chocolate-milksh...IMG-ALT Glasses filled with our vegan chocolate milkshake and topped with dairy-free whipped cream and sprinkles
/creamy-vegan-chocolate-milksh...Creamy Vegan Chocolate Milkshake
/easy-berry-desserts/IMG-ALT Bowls of Grain-Free Berry Crisp for a delicious plant-based dessert
/easy-berry-desserts/Easy Berry Desserts for Summer
/the-best-gluten-free-vanilla-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Slice of gluten-free vanilla cake on a plate
/the-best-gluten-free-vanilla-...Texto duplicado The BEST Gluten-Free Vanilla Cake (1 Bowl!)
/chocolate-tahini-truffles/IMG-ALT Close up shot of a partially eaten chocolate tahini truffle to show the inner texture
/chocolate-tahini-truffles/5-Ingredient Chocolate Tahini Truffles
/sheet-pan-ratatouille-with-cr...IMG-ALT Drizzling pesto sauce onto a bowl of polenta with sheet pan ratatouille and tofu
/sheet-pan-ratatouille-with-cr...Sheet Pan Ratatouille with Crispy Baked Tofu
/chicken-kofta-kebabs/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Chicken kofta kebabs on a plate over lemon rice with other items around it for serving
/chicken-kofta-kebabs/Texto duplicado Chicken Kofta Kebabs (Middle Eastern-Inspired)
/crispy-baked-tofu-eggplant-le...IMG-ALT Drizzling a savory sesame sauce onto tofu and eggplant lettuce cups
/crispy-baked-tofu-eggplant-le...Crispy Tofu & Eggplant Lettuce Wraps
/white-bean-eggplant-caponata/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Slices of toasted bread topped with white bean eggplant caponata
/white-bean-eggplant-caponata/Texto duplicado White Bean Eggplant Caponata (1 Pan!)
/smoky-shredded-tofu-taco-meat/IMG-ALT Using a wooden spoon to mix a skillet of our shredded tofu taco meat recipe
/smoky-shredded-tofu-taco-meat/Smoky Shredded Tofu Taco “Meat”
/jerk-cauliflower-tacos/IMG-ALT Holding up a vegan jerk cauliflower taco topped with avocado and mango hot sauce
/jerk-cauliflower-tacos/Jerk Cauliflower Tacos with Mango Hot Sauce
/pesto-baked-chicken-thighs/IMG-ALT Bowl with pesto pasta, pesto chicken, and roasted vegetables
/pesto-baked-chicken-thighs/Pesto Baked Chicken Thighs
/spicy-garlicky-sesame-tofu/IMG-ALT Using chopsticks to pick up a bite of sesame tofu from a bowl with rice and steamed broccoli
/spicy-garlicky-sesame-tofu/Spicy Garlicky Sesame Tofu (30 Minutes!)
/seedy-tahini-snack-bites/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Picking up a nut-free tahini snack bites from a stack of more energy bites
/seedy-tahini-snack-bites/Texto duplicado Seedy Tahini Snack Bites (Nut-Free!)
/easy-back-to-school-snack-rec...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Stack of sandwiches crafted using our Grilled Nutella Banana Sandwich recipe
/easy-back-to-school-snack-rec...Texto duplicado Easy Back-to-School Snack Recipes
/chocolate-cherry-protein-shake/IMG-ALT Placing a fresh cherry on the top of a chocolate cherry protein smoothie
/chocolate-cherry-protein-shake/Chocolate Cherry Protein Shake
/candied-pistachios/IMG-ALT Holding a cluster of candied pistachios over a jar with more of them
/candied-pistachios/Candied Pistachios (4 Ingredients!)
/simple-sun-dried-tomato-hummus/IMG-ALT Bowl of sun-dried tomato hummus surrounded by sliced veggies and pita bread for dipping
/simple-sun-dried-tomato-hummus/Simple Sun-Dried Tomato Hummus
/chocolate-tahini-truffles/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Close up shot of a partially eaten chocolate tahini truffle to show the inner texture
/chocolate-tahini-truffles/Texto duplicado 5-Ingredient Chocolate Tahini Truffles
/hemp-seed-florentine-cookies/IMG-ALT Holding up a florentine cookie decorated with a drizzle of dark chocolate
/hemp-seed-florentine-cookies/Hemp Seed Florentine Cookies (Vegan + GF)
/easy-game-day-snacks-vegan-gl...IMG-ALT Dipping a tortilla chip into a bowl of vegan white bean queso
/easy-game-day-snacks-vegan-gl...Best Game Day Snacks (Vegan + GF)
/how-to-make-cashew-milk/IMG-ALT Pouring homemade cashew milk into a pitcher
/how-to-make-cashew-milk/How to Make Cashew Milk (No Straining!)
/how-to-make-buckwheat-flour/IMG-ALT Jar of homemade buckwheat flour next to a bowl of buckwheat groats used to make it
/how-to-make-buckwheat-flour/How to Make Buckwheat Flour
/magical-vegan-cashew-whipped-...IMG-ALT Dipping a fresh strawberry into a bowl of vegan cashew whipped cream
/magical-vegan-cashew-whipped-...Magical Vegan Cashew Whipped Cream
/gluten-free-hamburger-buns-ve...IMG-ALT Homemade vegan gluten-free hamburger buns on a cooling rack
/gluten-free-hamburger-buns-ve...Gluten-Free Hamburger Buns (Vegan)
/best-gluten-free-flour-blend/IMG-ALT Picking up a spoonful of gluten-free flour blend from a jar
/best-gluten-free-flour-blend/Best 1:1 Gluten-Free Flour Blend (Our Secret Recipe!)
/the-best-homemade-taco-season...IMG-ALT Sprinkling taco seasoning into a glass jar
/the-best-homemade-taco-season...The BEST Homemade Taco Seasoning
/easy-sweet-potato-rice/IMG-ALT Sautéing sweet potato rice in a cast iron skillet
/easy-sweet-potato-rice/Easy Sweet Potato “Rice”
/fresh-mint-tea-hot-or-iced/IMG-ALT Clear glass mugs filled with homemade fresh mint tea
/fresh-mint-tea-hot-or-iced/Fresh Mint Tea (Hot or Iced!)
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Minimalist Baker - Simple Recipes That Make You Feel Good
Celebrating simple cooking with recipes that require 10 ingredients or less, 1 bowl, or 30 minute or less to prepare. All eaters are welcome.

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Minimalist Baker80%Check
simple recipes70%Check
Recipes Easy60%Check
New Recipes58%Check

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