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Born and bred in a small Belgian town within walking distance from each other, the four friends that are Moments stand to share the same intimate connection with their fans. Channeling the power of heavy riffs and catchy choruses, Moments strive to be a vessel of hope, unity and friendship. Having already played renowned festivals such as Groezrock, Jera On Air, Graspop Metal Meeting or Summerblast to name a few, Moments have an expansive live experience of hundreds of shows and have no intention of slowing down. Their latest album “Tidal Waves” marks the beginning of a new era with a new singer. With this record the band will continue to raise awareness on topics such as mental health, justice, human rights, freedom of speech, climate change and bring light to other controversial matters.
Born and bred in a small Belgian town within walking distance from each other, the four friends that are Moments stand to share the same intimate connection with their fans. Channeling the power of heavy riffs and catchy choruses, Moments strive to be a vessel of hope, unity and friendship. Having already played renowned festivals such as Groezrock, Jera On Air, Graspop Metal Meeting or Summerblast to name a few, Moments have an expansive live experience of hundreds of shows and have no intention of slowing down. Their latest album “Tidal Waves” marks the beginning of a new era with a new singer. With this record the band will continue to raise awareness on topics such as mental health, justice, human rights, freedom of speech, climate change and bring light to other controversial matters.
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Con 0,91 segundos, el tiempo de respuesta de la página es superior al límite recomendado de 0,4 segundos. Un tiempo de respuesta elevado ralentiza innecesariamente el rastreo de los buscadores y propicia una mala experiencia de uso.
Born and bred in a small Belgian town within walking distance from each other, the four friends that are Moments stand to share the same intimate connection with their fans. Channeling the power of heavy riffs and catchy choruses, Moments strive to be a vessel of hope, unity and friendship. Having already played renowned festivals such as Groezrock, Jera On Air, Graspop Metal Meeting or Summerblast to name a few, Moments have an expansive live experience of hundreds of shows and have no intention of slowing down. Their latest album “Tidal Waves” marks the beginning of a new era with a new singer. With this record the band will continue to raise awareness on topics such as mental health, justice, human rights, freedom of speech, climate change and bring light to other controversial matters.
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