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/events/id131228-3_kolloquia_t... | | 22.11 - Social Sciences 3. KOLLOQUIA Triesen 2024 «Begründungsprobleme in den Sozialwissenschaften» | | | Find an event A-TITLE All Events |
/news/wire | | wire.myScience |
/news/wire | | News in Brief |
/en/news/wire/the_swiss_nation... | | The Swiss National Science Foundation funds nine research projects presented by USI |
/en/news/wire/researchers_from... | | Researchers from the University of Bern involved in NASA mission IMG-ALT Researchers from the University of Bern involved in NASA mission |
/en/news/wire/team_rsl_at_cyba... | | Team RSL at Cybathlon: when four legs are another pair of hands IMG-ALT Team RSL at Cybathlon: when four legs are another pair of hands |
/en/news/wire/20_years_of_pion... | | 20 Years of Pioneering HIV and Chronic Disease Care in Rural Tanzania IMG-ALT 20 Years of Pioneering HIV and Chronic Disease Care in Rural Tanzania |
/en/news/wire/biofabrication_s... | | Biofabrication should be sustainable IMG-ALT Biofabrication should be sustainable |
/en/news/wire/dry_summers_reus... | | Dry summers: reusing treated wastewater could help IMG-ALT Dry summers: reusing treated wastewater could help |
/en/news/wire/steigende_reguli... | | Increasing regulations prevent economically sustainable investments in real estate |
/en/news/wire/herausgabewerk_a... | | Published by: Applied Psychology in Business |
/en/news/wire/smart_home_fuer_... | | Smart homes for everyone: HSLU develops data rooms for greater energy efficiency in buildings |
/en/news/wire/you_can_ask_a_ch... | | 'You can ask a chatbot things you might not dare to ask in a lecture' IMG-ALT You can ask a chatbot things you might not dare to ask in a lecture |
/en/news/wire/university_fundi... | | University funding: a national debate is needed IMG-ALT University funding: a national debate is needed |
/en/news/wire/hochschule_luzer... | | Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts launches complementary Bachelor's degree program in Hospitality Management |
/en/news/wire/my_job_is_to_giv... | | 'My job is to give students confidence in their abilities' IMG-ALT My job is to give students confidence in their abilities |
/en/news/wire/particle_physici... | | Particle physicists chart a course to the future |
/en/news/wire/new_endowed_lect... | | New endowed lectureship in molecular quantum materials |
/news/wire | | More short news |
/en/news/2024/new_benchmark_he... | | New benchmark helps solve the hardest quantum problems |
/en/sciences/natural-sciences/... | | Physics |
/news/2024/new_benchmark_helps... | Texto duplicado | IMG-ALT Physics |
/en/sciences/medicine-and-life... | | Life Sciences |
/en/news/2024/catching_prey_wi... | | Catching prey with grappling hooks and cannons |
/news/2024/catching_prey_with_... | Texto duplicado | IMG-ALT Life Sciences |
/en/sciences/medicine-and-life... | | Health |
/en/news/2024/une_nouvelle_met... | | A new method for detecting cancer-related mutations |
/news/2024/une_nouvelle_method... | Texto duplicado | IMG-ALT Health |
/en/sciences/medicine-and-life... | Texto duplicado | Life Sciences |
/en/news/2024/ai_with_consciou... | | AI with consciousness - but pain-free? |
/en/sciences/earth-and-environ... | | Environment |
/en/news/2024/new_discovery_re... | | New discovery reveals how diatoms capture CO2 so effectively |
/news/2024/new_discovery_revea... | Texto duplicado | IMG-ALT Environment | | | » More news | | | jobs.myScience | | | The science job portal |
/jobs/id65601-wissenschaftlich... | | Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in mit Fokus NLP 80-100% |
/jobs/id65590-3_wissenschaftli... | | 3 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende Kompetenzzentrum Versorgungssicherheit |
/jobs/id65597-wissenschaftlich... | | Wissenschaftliche:r Assistent:in 60% (m/w/d) |
/jobs/id65585-postdoctorand_ue... | | Postdoctorand UE project "DeepHorizon" |
/jobs/id65589-chief_executive_... | | Chief Executive Officer |
/jobs/id65577-postdoc_scientis... | | Postdoc Scientist in Clinical Bioinformatics (80-100 %) |
/jobs/id65536-associate_profes... | | Associate Professor of Educational Testing |
/jobs/id65554-cheffe-chef_de_l... | | Cheffe / Chef de la section eaux de surface et déchets (80-100%) Chefin / Chef der Sektion Oberflächengewässer... |
/directory/universities/unige | | IMG-ALT University of Geneva |
/directory/research_institutio... | | IMG-ALT Agroscope |
/jobs?q=Etat+du+Valais+-+Servi... | | IMG-ALT Etat du Valais - Service de l’environnement |
/directory/universities_of_app... | | IMG-ALT Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW |
/directory/universities_of_app... | | IMG-ALT University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI |
/jobs?q=Luxembourg+Institute+o... | | IMG-ALT Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology |
/directory/universities_of_app... | | IMG-ALT Hochschule Luzern - Informatik |
/jobs?q=University+of+Luxembourg | | IMG-ALT University of Luxembourg |
/directory/universities_of_edu... | | IMG-ALT Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG | | | » All job offers |
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/jobs/id65601-wissenschaftlich... | Texto duplicado | Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in mit Fokus NLP 80-100% |
/jobs/id65597-wissenschaftlich... | Texto duplicado | Wissenschaftliche:r Assistent:in 60% (m/w/d) |
/jobs/id65590-3_wissenschaftli... | Texto duplicado | 3 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende Kompetenzzentrum Versorgungssicherheit |
/jobs/id65585-postdoctorand_ue... | Texto duplicado | Postdoctorand UE project "DeepHorizon" |
/jobs/id65589-chief_executive_... | Texto duplicado | Chief Executive Officer |
/jobs/id65577-postdoc_scientis... | Texto duplicado | Postdoc Scientist in Clinical Bioinformatics (80-100 %) |
/jobs/id65536-associate_profes... | Texto duplicado | Associate Professor of Educational Testing |
/jobs/id65554-cheffe-chef_de_l... | Texto duplicado | Cheffe / Chef de la section eaux de surface et déchets (80-100%) Chefin / Chef der Sektion Oberflächengewässer... | | | Search for job |
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https://www.ausbildung-weiterb... | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Kurse, Seminare oder Lehrgänge zu über 1800 Themen. IMG-ALT |
/news/wire | Texto duplicado | wire.myScience |
/news/wire | Texto duplicado | News in Brief |
/en/news/wire/the_swiss_nation... | Texto duplicado | The Swiss National Science Foundation funds nine research projects presented by USI |
/en/news/wire/researchers_from... | Texto duplicado | Researchers from the University of Bern involved in NASA mission IMG-ALT Researchers from the University of Bern involved in NASA mission |
/en/news/wire/team_rsl_at_cyba... | Texto duplicado | Team RSL at Cybathlon: when four legs are another pair of hands IMG-ALT Team RSL at Cybathlon: when four legs are another pair of hands |
/en/news/wire/20_years_of_pion... | Texto duplicado | 20 Years of Pioneering HIV and Chronic Disease Care in Rural Tanzania IMG-ALT 20 Years of Pioneering HIV and Chronic Disease Care in Rural Tanzania |
/en/news/wire/biofabrication_s... | Texto duplicado | Biofabrication should be sustainable IMG-ALT Biofabrication should be sustainable |
/en/news/wire/dry_summers_reus... | Texto duplicado | Dry summers: reusing treated wastewater could help IMG-ALT Dry summers: reusing treated wastewater could help |
/en/news/wire/steigende_reguli... | Texto duplicado | Increasing regulations prevent economically sustainable investments in real estate |
/en/news/wire/herausgabewerk_a... | Texto duplicado | Published by: Applied Psychology in Business |
/en/news/wire/smart_home_fuer_... | Texto duplicado | Smart homes for everyone: HSLU develops data rooms for greater energy efficiency in buildings |
/en/news/wire/you_can_ask_a_ch... | Texto duplicado | 'You can ask a chatbot things you might not dare to ask in a lecture' IMG-ALT You can ask a chatbot things you might not dare to ask in a lecture |
/en/news/wire/university_fundi... | Texto duplicado | University funding: a national debate is needed IMG-ALT University funding: a national debate is needed |
/en/news/wire/hochschule_luzer... | Texto duplicado | Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts launches complementary Bachelor's degree program in Hospitality Management |
/en/news/wire/my_job_is_to_giv... | Texto duplicado | 'My job is to give students confidence in their abilities' IMG-ALT My job is to give students confidence in their abilities |
/en/news/wire/particle_physici... | Texto duplicado | Particle physicists chart a course to the future |
/en/news/wire/new_endowed_lect... | Texto duplicado | New endowed lectureship in molecular quantum materials |
/news/wire | Texto duplicado | More short news |
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