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Beautiful Wigs at Discount Prices –
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Shop both the newest and best selling name brand wigs - human hair, lace front, and synthetic wigs. Our small-town real customer service team can't wait to help you with anything related to your wig questions. Especially finding the right one for you!
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descriptionShop both the newest and best selling name brand wigs - human hair, lace front, and synthetic wigs. Our small-town real customer service team can't wait to help you with anything related to your wig questions. Especially finding the right one for you!
twitter:titleBeautiful Wigs at Discount Prices
twitter:descriptionShop both the newest and best selling name brand wigs - human hair, lace front, and synthetic wigs. Our small-town real customer service team can't wait to help you with anything related to your wig questions. Especially finding the right one for you!
og:titleBeautiful Wigs at Discount Prices
og:descriptionShop both the newest and best selling name brand wigs - human hair, lace front, and synthetic wigs. Our small-town real customer service team can't wait to help you with anything related to your wig questions. Especially finding the right one for you!

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URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...igs-for-Women-logo_660x.png?v=1702418675Name Brand Wigs for Women, Beautiful Hair logo

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Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Name Brand Wigs for Women, Beautiful Hair logo
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Name Brand Wigs for Women, Beautiful Hair logo
H2 This Sale's Hottest Picks
H2 Shop styles from amazing brands!
H2 Trending Now
H2 Best Sellers
H2 Quality Starts With Excellent Customer Service
H2 New Releases
H2 Blog posts
H3 Traveling Tips & Tricks
H3 New Wigs for the New Year!
H3 2024 Wigs - It's A Wrap!
H6 Name Brand Wigs provides the highest quality genuine name brands to you at the lowest prices! We hope to become your favorite online wig store with our quality products and top notch customer servi...
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
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/collections/current-sale30% off Ellen Wille, Envy, Noriko, & more!
A-TITLE Current Sale ancla Sin texto Name Brand Wigs for Women, Beautiful Hair logo
/pages/name-brands/Subdominio Texto ancla Shop By Brand
/pages/name-brandsBrands A - F
/collections/the-alexander-cou...Alexander Couture
/collections/belle-tress-wigsBelle Tress
/collections/ellen-wille-wigsEllen Wille
/collections/fair-fashion-wigsFair Fashion
/pages/name-brandsBrands G - P
/collections/henry-margu-wigsHenry Margu
/collections/jon-renau-wigsJon Renau
/collections/kim-kimble-wigsKim Kimble
/collections/mane-attraction-wigsMane Attraction
/collections/muse-seriesMuse Series
/pages/name-brandsBrands N - Z
/collections/raquel-welch-wigsRaquel Welch
/collections/rene-of-paris-wigsRene of Paris
/collections/toni-brattin-wigsToni Brattin
/collections/tony-of-beverly-wigsTony of Beverly
/pages/shop-by-hairstyleShop By Style
/collections/wigs-with-bangsWigs With Bangs
/collections/bob-cutsBob Wigs
/collections/perfect-pixiesPixie Wigs
/collections/wig-type-wavyWavy Wigs
/collections/wig-type-curlyCurly Wigs
/collections/wig-type-straightStraight Wigs
/collections/wig-type-layeredSubdominio Layered Wigs
/collections/wig-types~~~Shop by Lengths:
/collections/wig-type-shortShort Wigs
/collections/wig-type-medium-l...Medium Length Wigs
/collections/wig-type-longLong Wigs
/collections/all-itemsWig Types
/pages/shop-by-categorySHOP BY CATEGORY
/collections/womens-wigsWomen's Wigs
/collections/wig-type-menMen's Wigs
/collections/wig-type-children...Children's Wigs
/collections/wigs-for-alopecia...Alopecia Wigs
/collections/wig-type-african-...Multi Cultural Wigs
/pages/shop-by-wig-featuresWIG FEATURES
/collections/wig-type-lace-frontLace Front Wigs
/collections/wig-type-hand-tied~ Hand Tied
/collections/wig-type-hand-tie...~ 100% Hand Tied
/collections/wig-type-monofila...Monofilament Wigs
/collections/wig-type-caplessCapless Wigs
/collections/standard-capStandard / Open Wefted Cap
/collections/wig-type-3-4-wigs3/4 Wigs
/pages/shop-by-hair-fiberHAIR FIBER
/collections/wig-type-syntheticSynthetic Wigs
/collections/wig-type-heat-fri...Heat Friendly Wigs
/collections/wig-type-human-ha...Human Hair Wigs
/collections/wig-type-human-ha...Human Hair Blend Wigs
/collections/wig-type-human-ha...Remy Human Hair Wigs BY SIZE
/collections/wig-type-petitePetite Wigs
/collections/wig-type-averageAverage Wigs
/collections/wig-type-large-wigsLarge Wigs
/collections/wig-type-children...Children Size
/pages/saleCurrent Sale
/collections/im-salesInventory Clearance Sales
/collections/bargain-closetBargain Closet
/collections/newA - F
/collections/newAll New
/collections/new-alexander-cou...Texto duplicado Alexander Couture
/collections/new-amoreTexto duplicado Amore
/collections/new-belle-tressTexto duplicado Belle Tress
/collections/new-easihairTexto duplicado EasiHair
/collections/new-ellen-willeTexto duplicado Ellen Wille
/collections/new-envyTexto duplicado Envy
/collections/new-esteticaTexto duplicado Estetica
/collections/new-fair-fashionTexto duplicado Fair Fashion
/collections/newG - P
/collections/new-gaborTexto duplicado Gabor
/collections/new-hairdoTexto duplicado Hairdo
/collections/new-henry-marguTexto duplicado Henry Margu
/collections/new-himTexto duplicado HIM
/collections/new-jon-renauTexto duplicado Jon Renau
/collections/new-kim-kimble-1Texto duplicado Kim Kimble
/collections/new-mane-attractionTexto duplicado Mane Attraction
/collections/new-muse-seriesTexto duplicado Muse Series
/collections/newN - Z
/collections/new-norikoTexto duplicado Noriko
/collections/new-orchid-wigsTexto duplicado Orchid
/collections/new-raquel-welchTexto duplicado Raquel Welch
/collections/new-ropTexto duplicado Rene of Paris
/collections/new-toni-brattinTexto duplicado Toni Brattin
/collections/new-tony-of-beverlyTexto duplicado Tony of Beverly
/collections/new-tressallureTexto duplicado TressAllure
/pages/7-steps-to-wash-your-hu...Care Products
/collections/wig-accessories-allPRODUCTS BY BRAND
/collections/wig-accessories-b...Texto duplicado Belle Tress
/collections/wig-accessories-envyTexto duplicado Envy
/collections/wig-accessories-e...Texto duplicado Estetica
/collections/wig-accessories-h...Texto duplicado Henry Margu
/collections/wig-accessories-j...Texto duplicado Jon Renau
/collections/wig-accessories-r...Texto duplicado Rene of Paris
/collections/wig-accessories-t...Texto duplicado TressAllure
/collections/wig-accessories-s...SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER
/collections/synthetic-shampooSynthetic Shampoo
/collections/synthetic-conditi...Synthetic Conditioner
/collections/human-hair-shampooHuman Hair Shampoo
/collections/human-hair-condit...Human Hair Conditioner
/collections/wig-accessories-b...Brushes and Combs
/collections/wig-accessories-c...Caps & Liners
/collections/headwearHats, Turbans, Scarves
/collections/wig-accessories-t...Tape | Clips | Hair Grips
/collections/wig-accessories-w...Travel Stands
/collections/wig-accessories-h...Heat Defiant Accessories
/collections/wig-accessories-h...Human Hair Accessories
/collections/wig-accessories-l...Lace Front Accessories
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/pages/about-name-brand-wigsAbout Us
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/collections/current-saleSin texto
/collections/top-sellersThis Sale's Hottest Picks
/collections/top-sellers/produ...IMG-ALT Ellen Wille Wigs - Girl Mono wig Ellen Wille
/collections/top-sellers/produ...Ellen Wille Wigs - Girl Mono $ 323.00 $ 380.00
/collections/top-sellers/produ...IMG-ALT Model wearing the Rene of Paris wig Laine #2317 1.
/collections/top-sellers/produ...Rene of Paris Wigs - Laine #2317 From $ 151.30 $ 178.00
/collections/top-sellers/produ...IMG-ALT Model styling Tatum in the color Sugar Cane by Amore wigs.
/collections/top-sellers/produ...Amore Wigs - Tatum #2548 $ 321.00 $ 378.00
/collections/top-sellers/produ...IMG-ALT TressAllure Wigs - Charlotte (V1313) wig TressAllure
/collections/top-sellers/produ...TressAllure Wigs - Charlotte (V1313) $ 126.65 $ 149.00
/collections/top-sellers/produ...IMG-ALT Model wearing the Noriko wig Alva #1715 1.
/collections/top-sellers/produ...Noriko Wigs - Alva #1715 From $ 196.00 $ 249.00
/collections/ellen-wille-wigsShop Styles From ELLEN WILLE
/collections/envy-wigsShop styles from ENVY
/collections/noriko-wigsShop styles from NORIKO
/collections/tressallure-wigsShop Styles From TRESSALLURE
/collections/new-ellen-willeSin texto
/products/raquel-welch-wigs-lo...Sin texto
/collections/jon-renauSin texto
/collections/new-muse-seriesSin texto
/collections/tressallure-wigsSin texto
/collections/new-tressallureSin texto
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Sin texto
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Trending Now
/collections/best-sellers-tren...View all
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Model styling a short length pixie cut wig with a flip at the end and bangs.
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Belle Tress Wigs - Roma (CT-1019) $ 353.81 $ 416.25
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Model wearing Gia Mono by Envy Wigs in the color Cinnamon Raisin.
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Envy Wigs - Gia Mono $ 365.50 $ 430.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Woman wearing Ignite by Jon Renau, a short a-line wig in a pretty natural blonde.
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Jon Renau Wigs - Ignite (#5142) $ 217.60 $ 256.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Woman wearing a medium length wig with a bob cut and subtle layering.
/collections/best-sellers-tren...TressAllure Wigs - Euro Chic (MC1423) $ 424.15 $ 499.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Toni Brattin Wigs - Trendsetter HF #305 wig Toni Brattin
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Toni Brattin Wigs - Trendsetter HF #305 $ 135.15 $ 159.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Model wearing the Noriko wig Reese #1660 1.
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Noriko Wigs - Reese #1660 From $ 198.05 $ 233.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Woman styling a medium length wavy wig with feathered bangs.
/collections/best-sellers-tren...TressAllure Wigs - Beach Wave Magic (MC1419) $ 415.65 $ 489.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Model wearing the Noriko wig Sky #1649 4.
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Noriko Wigs - Sky #1649 From $ 215.05 $ 253.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Model wearing Codi by Amore wigs in the color Iced Mocha..
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Amore Wigs - Codi #2543 From $ 306.00 $ 360.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Model wearing the Amore wig Erika #2532 1.
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Amore Wigs - Erika #2532 $ 309.00 $ 363.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Model wearing Raquel Welch wig Sparkle 1.
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Raquel Welch Wigs - Sparkle From $ 158.95 $ 187.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Model wearing the Noriko wig Seville #1685 1.
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Noriko Wigs - Seville #1685 From $ 253.30 $ 298.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Model wearing Raquel Welch wig Always 1.
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Raquel Welch Wigs - Always From $ 186.15 $ 219.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Model wearing the Rene of Paris wig Laine #2317 1.
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Texto duplicado Rene of Paris Wigs - Laine #2317 From $ 151.30 $ 178.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Belle Tress Wigs - Caliente E (#6058-1) wig Belle Tress
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Belle Tress Wigs - Caliente (#6058 / #6058A) $ 302.05 $ 355.35
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Estetica Wigs - True wig Estetica
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Estetica Wigs - True $ 180.00 $ 199.96
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Hairdo Wigs - Textured Fringe Bob (#HDTFWG) wig Hairdo by Hair U Wear
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Hairdo Wigs - Textured Fringe Bob (#HDTFWG) $ 135.15 $ 159.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Model wearing Jade by Rene of Paris Wigs.
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Rene of Paris Wigs - Jade #2313 $ 146.20 $ 172.00
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Estetica Wigs - Ocean wig Estetica
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Estetica Wigs - Ocean From $ 259.00 $ 287.96
/collections/best-sellers-tren...IMG-ALT Model wearing Tony of Beverly wig Kenzie 1.
/collections/best-sellers-tren...Tony of Beverly Wigs - Kenzie From $ 137.25 $ 178.00
/collections/best-sellers-cust...Best Sellers
/collections/best-sellers-cust...Texto duplicado View all
/collections/best-sellers-cust...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Model wearing the Noriko wig Reese #1660 1.
/collections/best-sellers-cust...Texto duplicado Noriko Wigs - Reese #1660 From $ 198.05 $ 233.00
/collections/best-sellers-cust...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Model wearing the Noriko wig Sky #1649 4.
/collections/best-sellers-cust...Texto duplicado Noriko Wigs - Sky #1649 From $ 215.05 $ 253.00
/collections/best-sellers-cust...IMG-ALT Model wearing the Noriko wig Angelica #1625 3.
/collections/best-sellers-cust...Noriko Wigs - Angelica #1625 From $ 253.30 $ 298.00
/collections/best-sellers-cust...IMG-ALT Model wearing the Noriko wig Jackson, a style similar to Jennifer Aniston's on Friends.
/collections/best-sellers-cust...Noriko Wigs - Jackson #1669 From $ 228.65 $ 269.00
/collections/newNew Releases
/collections/newTexto duplicado View all
/collections/new/products/tres...IMG-ALT Woman wearing Charlotte Realistic by TressAllure in the color EL12/22/R8.
/collections/new/products/tres...TressAllure Wigs - Charlotte Realistic (MC1421) $ 415.65 $ 489.00
/collections/new/products/muse...IMG-ALT Close up of model wearing a medium length wavy and layered wig.
/collections/new/products/muse...Muse Series Wigs - Dazzling Wavez (#1513) $ 173.00 $ 204.00
/collections/new/products/muse...IMG-ALT Model wearing a wavy long length layered wig.
/collections/new/products/muse...Muse Series Wigs - Glam Wavez (#1512) $ 184.00 $ 216.00
/collections/new/products/him-...IMG-ALT Close up of man styling a short length mens wig.
/collections/new/products/him-...HIM Wigs - Style Elite $ 518.50 $ 610.00
/collections/new/products/him-...IMG-ALT Close up of model wearing a medium length mens wig with layers.
/collections/new/products/him-...HIM Wigs - Daring Elite $ 509.15 $ 599.00
/collections/new/products/elle...IMG-ALT Woman wearing Estate by Ellen Wille in the color Sand Multi Rooted.
/collections/new/products/elle...Ellen Wille Wigs - Estate Mono $ 433.50 $ 510.00
/collections/new/products/elle...IMG-ALT Woman wearing Like by Ellen Wille in the color Champagne Mix.
/collections/new/products/elle...Ellen Wille Wigs - Like Mono $ 412.25 $ 485.00
/collections/new/products/elle...IMG-ALT Woman wearing Flash Mono Part by Ellen Wille in the color Dark Chocolate Mix.
/collections/new/products/elle...Ellen Wille Wigs - Flash Mono Part $ 352.75 $ 415.00
/collections/new/products/hair...IMG-ALT Woman wearing an angled bob.
/collections/new/products/hair...Hairdo Wigs - Blue Babe $ 160.65 $ 189.00
/collections/new/products/hair...IMG-ALT Woman wearing a long, wavy wig.
/collections/new/products/hair...Hairdo Wigs - That's My Jam $ 135.15 $ 159.00
/collections/new/products/toni...IMG-ALT Close up of short layered wig by Toni Brattin.
/collections/new/products/toni...Toni Brattin Wigs - Marvelous Plus (#325) $ 135.15 $ 159.00
/collections/new/products/toni...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Close up of short layered wig by Toni Brattin.
/collections/new/products/toni...Toni Brattin Wigs - Marvelous (#325) $ 135.15 $ 159.00
/collections/new/products/toni...IMG-ALT Close up of a tapered modern bob wig.
/collections/new/products/toni...Toni Brattin Wigs - Contemporary Bob Plus (#328) $ 135.15 $ 159.00
/collections/new/products/toni...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Close up of a tapered modern bob wig.
/collections/new/products/toni...Toni Brattin Wigs - Contemporary Bob (#328) $ 135.15 $ 159.00
/collections/new/products/bell...IMG-ALT Belle Tress Wigs - Califia E (#6111-1) wig Belle Tress
/collections/new/products/bell...Belle Tress Wigs - Califia E (#6111-1) $ 353.05 $ 415.35
/collections/new/products/bell...IMG-ALT Belle Tress Wigs - City Roast E (#6087-1) wig Belle Tress
/collections/new/products/bell...Belle Tress Wigs - City Roast E (#6087-1) $ 347.95 $ 409.35
/collections/new/products/bell...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Belle Tress Wigs - Caliente E (#6058-1) wig Belle Tress
/collections/new/products/bell...Belle Tress Wigs - Caliente E (#6058-1) $ 353.05 $ 415.35
/collections/new/products/bell...IMG-ALT Belle Tress Wigs - Cafe Chic E (#6025-1) wig Belle Tress
/collections/new/products/bell...Belle Tress Wigs - Cafe Chic E (#6025-1) $ 353.05 $ 415.35
/collections/new/products/bell...IMG-ALT Belle Tress Wigs - Bona Vita E (#6109-1) wig Belle Tress
/collections/new/products/bell...Belle Tress Wigs - Bona Vita E (#6109-1) $ 353.05 $ 415.35
/collections/new/products/bell...IMG-ALT Belle Tress Wigs - Bespoke E (#6113-1) wig Belle Tress
/collections/new/products/bell...Belle Tress Wigs - Bespoke E (#6113-1) $ 404.05 $ 475.35
/collections/toppers-by-gaborSin texto
/collections/new-himSin texto
/collections/new-kim-kimble-1Sin texto
/blogs/the-beautiful-hair-blogBlog posts
/blogs/the-beautiful-hair-blog...IMG-ALT Traveling Tips & Tricks
/blogs/the-beautiful-hair-blog...Texto duplicado Traveling Tips & Tricks
/blogs/the-beautiful-hair-blog...IMG-ALT New Wigs for the New Year!
/blogs/the-beautiful-hair-blog...Texto duplicado New Wigs for the New Year!
/blogs/the-beautiful-hair-blog...IMG-ALT 2024 Wigs - It's A Wrap!
/blogs/the-beautiful-hair-blog...Texto duplicado 2024 Wigs - It's A Wrap!
/pages/testimoniesSin texto
/pages/testimoniesSin texto
/pages/testimoniesSin texto
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Cabecera HTTP

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Factores externos

Esta página recibe enlaces de calidad de otros sitios web.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 148 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 3.930 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 120 direcciones IP distintas.

Backlinks desde Wikipedia

No se ha encontrado ningún enlace lanzado desde la Wikipedia.


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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Beautiful Wigs at Discount Prices –
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Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Name Brand Wigs90%Check
Hair Wigs81%Check
new wig75%Check
Front Wigs72%Check
Synthetic Wigs71%Check
Human Hair Wigs69%Check
name brands66%Check

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