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(Extremadamente importante)
New Stratos
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No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
The official website of the New Stratos Project provides all Stratos-Fans worldwide with news about development and construction of the New Stratos - from idea to presentation of the supercar on the Circuit Paul Ricard.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
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Codificación de caracteres
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descriptionThe official website of the New Stratos Project provides all Stratos-Fans worldwide with news about development and construction of the New Stratos - from idea to presentation of the supercar on the Circuit Paul Ricard.
keywordsNew Stratos, neuer Stratos, Lancia Stratos, Michael Stoschek, Stratos Design
authorNew Stratos GbR

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El contenido de esta página es demasiado extenso (8657 palabras). Tal vez podrías dividirlo en varias páginas según el tema.
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • successfull => successful
Un 40.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 158 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 22.48 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=1010).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Algunas etiquetas de negritas son demasiado largas (más de 70 caracteres). Con 255 caracteres:
"small stand, big enthusiasm. amongst the many attractions presented at the iaa 2011, there were only a...".
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 93 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
New Stratos
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (11 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 100 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 New Stratos
H1 02.
H1 Lancia Stratos
H1 03.
H1 Initiators
H1 04.
H1 New Stratos Texto duplicado
H1 05.
H1 Design
H1 06.
H1 Road Tests
H1 07.
H1 Aerodynamics
H1 08.
H1 Engineering
H1 09.
H1 Handover
H1 10.
H1 Presentation
H1 11.
H1 Media Response
H1 12.
H1 Performance
H1 13.
H1 Road tests in Zwickau and Spa
H1 14.
H1 Upcoming Presentations
H1 15.
H1 Rally Isla Mallorca 2020
H1 16.
H1 Classic Days Schloss Dyck
H1 17.
H1 Black magic
H1 18.
H1 New Stratos Rennrad
H1 19.
H1 Photo Book and DVD
H1 20.
H1 68. FIA Hillclimbing Race Trento-Bondone
H1 22.
H1 New: Limited Run
H1 Technical Specifications
H1 Downloads
H1 Contact
H1 Legal notice
H1 Privacy policy
H2 The New Stratos at the IAA
H2 The New Stratos at the CTI Conference on Lightweight Construction
H2 Technical data
H2 Dimensions
H2 Weights
H2 Chassis
H2 Body
H2 Aerodynamics Texto duplicado
H2 Engine
H2 Gearbox
H2 Suspension
H2 Wheels & Tyres
H2 Brakes
H2 Accessories
H2 Safety
H2 Steering system
H2 Fuel System
H2 Electrics
H2 Electronics modifications
H2 Responsible for the content of this website
H2 Copywriting and project management:
H2 Design and implementation:
H2 Liability for Content
H2 1. Controller
H2 2. Visiting pages on
H2 3. Contact form, communication by email
H2 4. Cookies
H2 5. Data security
H2 6. Newsletter
H2 7. Your rights
H3 Liability for Links
H3 Copyrights
H3 Data Protection
H3 2.1. For what purposes do we process your data?
H3 2.2. On what legal basis do we process your data?
H3 2.3. Is there an obligation for you to provide your data and what happens if you choose not to?
H3 2.4. Is your data shared with anyone? Or, who participates in the processing of my data?
H3 2.5. How long is your data stored?
H3 3.1. For what purposes do we process your data?
H3 3.2. On what legal basis do we process your data?
H3 3.3. Is there an obligation for you to provide your data and what happens if you choose not to?
H3 3.4. Is your data shared with anyone? Or, who participates in the processing of my data?
H3 3.5. How long is your data stored?
H3 4.1. Web analysis using Google-Analytics
H3 6.1. For what purposes do we process your data?
H3 6.2. On what legal basis do we process your data?
H3 6.3. Is your data shared with anyone? Or, who participates in the processing of my data?
H3 6.4. How long is your data stored?
H4 4.1.1. For what purposes do we process your data?
H4 4.1.2. On what legal basis do we process your data?
H4 4.1.3. Is your data shared with anyone? Or, who participates in the processing of my data?
H4 4.1.4. How long is your data stored?
H4 4.1.5. What rights do I have?
H4 4.2. Google-Analytics Cookies
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
34 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 10 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla New Stratos ancla Contact ancla Legal notice ancla Privacy policy ancla 01. A legend returns ancla 02. Lancia Stratos ancla 03. Initiators ancla 04. New Stratos ancla 05. Design ancla 06. Road tests ancla 07. Aerodynamics ancla 08. Engineering ancla 09. Handover ancla 10. Presentation ancla 11. Media response ancla 12. Performance ancla 13. Road tests in Zwickau and Spa ancla 14. Upcoming presentations ancla 15. Rally Isla Mallorca 2020 ancla 16. Classic Days Schloss Dyck ancla 17. Black magic ancla 18. New Stratos Racing Bike ancla 19. Photo Book and DVD ancla 20. 68. FIA Hillclimbing Race Trento-Bondone ancla 21. New Stratos X-Ray ancla 22. New: Limited run ancla Technical specifications ancla Downloads English version Deutsche Version
/img/content/gallery/DSC_1885.jpgA-TITLE Cross section of an early Alitalia works car
/img/content/gallery/P5030005.jpgA-TITLE Pyhrn-Eisenwurzen Rallye 2004 (Stoschek/Jentsch)
/img/content/gallery/IMG_9963.jpgA-TITLE Metz Rallye 2008 (Stoschek/Hawranke)
/img/content/gallery/DSC_0149.jpgA-TITLE Arosa Bergrennen 2007 (Stoschek)
/img/content/gallery/GBF_2209.jpgA-TITLE Rallye Piancavallo 2009 (Stoschek/Hawranke)
/img/content/gallery/_D3X6659.jpgA-TITLE Michael and Maximilian Stoschek
/img/content/gallery/38.jpgA-TITLE Rallye du Var 2006 - 2006 FIA European Rally Championship (Stoschek/Hawranke)
/img/content/gallery/40.jpgA-TITLE The FIA award for winning the 2005 European Historic Rallye Championship
/img/content/gallery/L1000866.jpgA-TITLE Award ceremony, Trento-Bondone July 2010
/img/content/gallery/saarlandr...A-TITLE Rallye KÜS-Saarland 2005 (Stoschek/Berßen)
/img/content/gallery/IMG00051.jpgA-TITLE Rallye Finland 1000 Lakes 2006 (Stoschek/Schneppenheim)
/img/content/gallery/104_Cobur...A-TITLE Rallye Coburg 2006 (Stoschek/Schneppenheim)
/img/content/gallery/Catalunia...A-TITLE Rallye Catalunya 2001, Michael Stoschek (Lancia Stratos) and Maximilian Stoschek (Porsche 911), © McKlein
/downloads/michael_stoschek.pdfdownload the German version in PDF format here
/img/content/gallery/DSC_7424.jpgSin texto
/img/content/gallery/D3X0225.jpgA-TITLE Michael Stoschek and the New Stratos
/img/content/gallery/brose_449...Sin texto
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/img/content/gallery/D3X0361.jpgSin texto
/img/content/gallery/D3X0352.jpgSin texto
/img/content/gallery/D3X0316.jpgA-TITLE The distinctive roof and rear spoiler of the original are also a feature of the New Stratos
/img/content/gallery/DSC_1837.jpgA-TITLE The New Stratos is modeled on the Lancia Stratos
/img/content/gallery/IMG1234.jpgA-TITLE Michael and Maximilian Stoschek, Pininfarina design studio, May 2010
/img/content/gallery/SNV81257.jpgA-TITLE Max and Michael Stoschek with Chris Hrabalek at the rear of the Lancia Stratos Stradale
/img/content/gallery/L1000457_...A-TITLE Body studies on both halves of a clay model
/img/content/gallery/DSC_0478.jpgA-TITLE New Stratos tail variants
/img/content/gallery/L1000449.jpgA-TITLE Designer Luca Borgogno was responsible for implementation of the client’s formal specifications
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/img/content/gallery/D3X0180.jpgSin texto
/img/content/gallery/Exterior1...Sin texto
/img/content/gallery/D3X0304.jpgA-TITLE The shortened chassis based on the aluminum structure of the Ferrari 430 Scuderia
/img/content/gallery/DSC_1795.jpgA-TITLE The body of the New Stratos is made entirely of carbon fiber
/img/content/gallery/18_TostaI...A-TITLE The interior is composed entirely of carbon fiber, aluminum and Alcantara. The door compartments are designed to hold two carbon helmets
/img/content/gallery/17_TostaI...A-TITLE Instruments, instrument panel and dashboard in Stratos-style
/img/content/gallery/DSC_7239.jpgSin texto
/img/content/gallery/DSC0380.jpgA-TITLE Michael Stoschek testing on a test run at Balocco handling track
/img/content/gallery/_D3X0967.jpgSin texto
/img/content/gallery/D3X1496c_...Sin texto
/img/content/gallery/L1000923.jpgA-TITLE WTTC and former Formula-1-Pilot Tiago Monteiro fine-tuning the chassis of the New Stratos
/img/content/gallery/D3X0476.jpgA-TITLE Michael Stoschek at the wheel with Tiago Monteiro in the passenger seat, on the Balocco test track
/img/content/gallery/DSC9850.jpgA-TITLE Michael and Maximilian Stoschek about to start the test runs
/img/content/gallery/D3X1803.jpgA-TITLE Tiago Monteiro and Michael Stoschek
/img/content/gallery/D3X1819.jpgA-TITLE Matthias Mohr, test engineer from Sachs ZF, tried out individual damper adjustments while the car was being driven
/img/content/gallery/New-Strat...A-TITLE The quality of both the surface and the body’s aerodynamic performance could be verified.
/img/content/gallery/_D3X3758.jpgA-TITLE The body is configured to different height values to test the effect of these on the perfect balance of the contact pressure.
/img/content/gallery/_D3X3609.jpgA-TITLE Michael and Maximilian Stoschek at the start of the final wind tunnel test on September 13th at Pininfarina in Turin.
/img/content/gallery/_DSC3754.jpgA-TITLE The inflow conditions are realistically simulated at wind speeds of 140-200 km/h on the wind tunnel’s "rolling road"
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/img/content/gallery/L1000634.jpgA-TITLE The roll cage made from steel tubing has been welded into the aluminum chassis
/img/content/gallery/DSC_1981.jpgA-TITLE The Ferrari 430 Scuderia V8 is the heart of the New Stratos
/img/content/gallery/430_capri...A-TITLE Capristo Exhaust System
/img/content/gallery/DSC_1895.jpgA-TITLE New chassis (ZF/Sachs, Eibach)
/img/content/gallery/DSC_1991.jpgA-TITLE Stratos-style 19-inch wide center lock wheel
/img/content/gallery/DSC_1893-...A-TITLE Electro-hydraulic steering system
/img/content/gallery/Battery.jpgA-TITLE Li battery with carbon casing
/img/content/gallery/IMG_4995.jpgA-TITLE The structure and drivetrain of the New Stratos
/img/content/gallery/_DSC6950.jpgA-TITLE The unveiling of the New Stratos
/img/content/gallery/_D3X6396.jpgA-TITLE All smiles: The Pininfarina team and the new owners
/img/content/gallery/_D3X6570.jpgA-TITLE The New Stratos in front of the Pininfarina showroom
/img/content/gallery/_DSC9093.jpgA-TITLE Underway in the Alps
/img/content/gallery/_DSC3272.jpgA-TITLE The team of drivers: Michael Stoschek, Tiago Monteiro and Maximilian Stoschek
/img/content/gallery/_DSC1195.jpgA-TITLE Maximilian and Michael Stoschek
/img/content/gallery/_DSC2631.jpgA-TITLE Bernard Darniche, most successfull Rallye driver in the Lancia Stratos
/img/content/gallery/_DSC2763.jpgA-TITLE Tiago Monteiro, Bernard Darniche, Michael Stoschek
/img/content/gallery/_DSC2338.jpgA-TITLE Michael Stoschek with the New Stratos in the Alitalia Design
/img/content/gallery/TS-RG10-0...A-TITLE Lancia Stratos and New Stratos
/img/content/gallery/4860_001.jpgA-TITLE The international press response to the presentation at Paul Ricard exceeded all expectations.
/img/content/gallery/classicdr...A-TITLE The New Stratos team was delighted that the vehicle was voted Sports Car of the Year, 2010.
/img/content/gallery/New-Strat...A-TITLE The New Stratos Alitalia model will be on display at Retro Classics in Stuttgart from March 10th-13th, 2011.
https://www.rallyislamallorca....Externo Subdominio
/img/content/gallery/DSC_2736.jpgSin texto Subdominio Texto ancla no relevante
/img/content/gallery/Seiten-au...Sin texto
/img/content/gallery/calobrapa...A-TITLE The breathtaking curves of Sa Calobra are the ideal terrain for the New Stratos.
/img/content/gallery/jay-kay.jpgA-TITLE Jay Kay, famous rock star and car collector, on the New Stratos: "I would love to have one!"
https://www.manifatturaautomob...Externo Subdominio Texto ancla URL
/img/content/gallery/lancia-st...A-TITLE Michael Stoschek at the wheel of the legendary Lancia Stratos Stradale.
/img/content/gallery/DSC_1182_...A-TITLE A tent to themselves: the Lancia Stratos and New Stratos side by side for direct comparison.
/img/content/gallery/Lancia-un...A-TITLE The two Stratos' start their special run on the 2.8 kilometer circuit.
/img/content/downloads/autobil...Nueva ventana A-TITLE Download article as PDF (German)
/img/content/downloads/autobil...Nueva ventana here (German)
A-TITLE Download article as PDF (German)
/img/content/gallery/New-Strat...A-TITLE All details of the racing bike were borrowed from the New Stratos.
/img/content/gallery/New-Strat...A-TITLE Michael Stoschek with his three ultralight racers.
/img/content/gallery/P1240058.jpgA-TITLE The book (German) cum DVD (English/German) is available in a limited edition for the cost price of € 25 plus postage.
/img/content/gallery/Trento-Bo...Sin texto
/img/content/gallery/IMG_0274.jpgSin texto
https://manifatturaautomobilit...Externo Texto ancla URL
/downloads/20180306_press-info...PDF Download
/downloads/Press-Information-N...Texto duplicado PDF Download
/downloads/press_2010-12-10_en...Texto duplicado PDF Download
/downloads/stratos_0421c_offen...Sin texto
/downloads/stratos_0552d_full.jpgSin texto
/downloads/stratos_0552d_full.jpgTexto duplicado Download
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
New Stratos
The official website of the New Stratos Project provides all Stratos-Fans worldwide with news about development and construction of the New Stratos - from idea to presentation of the supercar on the Circuit Paul Ricard.

Palabras clave más importantes

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
New Stratos90%Check
New Stratos project77%Check
New Stratos first75%Check
New Stratos GbR75%Check
New Stratos weighs73%Check
New Stratos team73%Check
Stratos project71%Check
Lancia Stratos66%Check

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