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(Extremadamente importante)
Home | Natural History Museum online shop
La longitud del título es óptima (396 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Find ideas for gifts and souvenirs from the Natural History Museum online shop
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (488 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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URL de la página
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titleHome | Natural History Museum online shop
descriptionFind ideas for gifts and souvenirs from the Natural History Museum online shop
keywordsHomepage, home, online shop site, the Natural History Museum online shop, shop front
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El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 893 palabras.
Un 27.4% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 5 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 14.93 palabras.
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Esta página carga 2 archivos JavaScript, lo cual es bueno.
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No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 10 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...s/1/Online_shop_header-logo-large_1_.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...roduct_homepage_hero_banner_1200x400.jpgDinosaur-related models, games, food and homeware are grouped as if having a party, on a bright blue surface with a bright blue background.
...ess_Who_homepage_small-block_400x500.jpgThe two boards from Guess Who? Dinosaur Edition face each other as if being played on a yellow table with a yellow background. Next to them are yellow cups with orange juice in and yellow plates with popcorn.
...tionery_homepage_small-block_400x500.jpgNatural-world-themed stationary on a bright green surface and background. The dinosaurs calendar is central, surrounded by other calendars, notebooks and the Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2025 Diary.
..._family_homepage_small-block_400x500.jpgThree people wearing dinosaur Christmas jumpers (of which you only see their body and arms) are playing with dinosaur models on a red surface, with a red background.
...oup_homepage_mid-page_banner_480x400.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...Hintze_Hall_midpage_banner_480x400_2.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...n_christmas_jumper_front_arms_folded.jpgThe jumper’s front pattern shows a skeleton of Fern the Diplodocus in green, against a white background. The collar, hem and cuffs are bright red and there’s a row of green dinosaur skulls alternating with fir trees.The jumper’s front pattern shows a skeleton of Fern the Diplodocus in green, against a white background. The collar, hem and cuffs are bright red and there’s a row of green dinosaur skulls alternating with fir trees.
..._fern_the_diplodocus_replica_skull_1.jpgLeft-side of the Fern the Diplodocus Replica Skull on its plinth.Left-side of the Fern the Diplodocus Replica Skull on its plinth.
...fern_christmas_jumper_for_kids_front.jpgThe jumper’s front pattern shows a skeleton of Fern the Diplodocus in green, against a white background. The collar, hem and cuffs are bright red and there’s a row of green dinosaur skulls alternating with fir trees.The jumper’s front pattern shows a skeleton of Fern the Diplodocus in green, against a white background. The collar, hem and cuffs are bright red and there’s a row of green dinosaur skulls alternating with fir trees.
...1000_fern_christmas_scarf_for_kids_1.jpgThe whole scarf can be seen although it’s folded in the middle. The red trim and the green dinosaur skeleton are the main features of the white, red, blue and green pattern.The whole scarf can be seen although it’s folded in the middle. The red trim and the green dinosaur skeleton are the main features of the white, red, blue and green pattern.
...0x1000_t_rex_christmas_tree_topper_2.jpgT. rex Christmas Tree Topper with its green body, Santa-style red and white hat and white wings. It also has a halo.T. rex Christmas Tree Topper with its green body, Santa-style red and white hat and white wings. It also has a halo.
...ern_wooden_christmas_tree_decoration.jpgThe flat, round, decoration hangs on gold ribbon. Around the edge are the words: Fern the Diplodocus, Natural History Museum 2024. It shows a wood-cut scene of the Diplodocus skeleton outside the Museum at night as it snows.The flat, round, decoration hangs on gold ribbon. Around the edge are the words: Fern the Diplodocus, Natural History Museum 2024. It shows a wood-cut scene of the Diplodocus skeleton outside the Museum at night as it snows.
...1000_wpy_2025_desk_diary_front_cover.jpgThe diary's front cover image of a leopard lying on a rock at night, staring at the camera with the moon behind it was the 1999 winning image, taken by Jamie Thom.The diary's front cover image of a leopard lying on a rock at night, staring at the camera with the moon behind it was the 1999 winning image, taken by Jamie Thom.
...a_turtle_christmas_tree_decoration_1.jpgThe light-green body of the turtle has a darker green shell and wears red goggles and a red and white Santa-style hat. It hangs from a green thread.The light-green body of the turtle has a darker green shell and wears red goggles and a red and white Santa-style hat. It hangs from a green thread.
...4378f2/a/1/a16623-guess-who-new-12_3.jpgGuess Who? Dinosaur Edition Board GameGuess Who? Dinosaur Edition Board Game
...a/1/a10110-pocket-microscope-nhm-3_4.jpgPocket MicroscopePocket Microscope
..._brachiosaurus_soft_touch_dinosaur_1.jpgThe Brachiosaurus stands with its long, brown neck facing right.The Brachiosaurus stands with its long, brown neck facing right.
...8f2/a/2/a21269-diplodocus-with-egg-3.jpgItsy Bitsy Diplodocus in EggItsy Bitsy Diplodocus in Egg
...0x1000_t_rex_hatching_egg_in_a_box_1.jpgThe orange hatching egg is shown in its dark and light blue cardboard packaging, which features a T. rex and the words 'Roar' repeated in a circle.The orange hatching egg is shown in its dark and light blue cardboard packaging, which features a T. rex and the words 'Roar' repeated in a circle.
.../2/a21054_1000x1000s_lion_soft_toy_1.jpgLion Soft Toy positioned sat down, facing forward, showing its orange maneLion Soft Toy positioned sat down, facing forward, showing its orange mane
.../xms37934_1000x1000_t_rex_snow_globe.jpgTwo yellow-and-green painted dinosaur models stand either side of a volcano inside the see-through globe, surrounded by glitter. One is a T. rex and one is a Stegosaurus. The globe is displayed on a black, square block.Two yellow-and-green painted dinosaur models stand either side of a volcano inside the see-through globe, surrounded by glitter. One is a T. rex and one is a Stegosaurus. The globe is displayed on a black, square block.
...8d4378f2/a/1/a16624-nhm-top-trumps-1.jpgMuseum Dinosaurs Top TrumpsMuseum Dinosaurs Top Trumps
/media/wysiwyg/footer/visa_new.pngCarece de atributo ALT
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...yva/en_GB/Nhm_Content/images/Chevron.pngScroll to top

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Know a Christmasaurus?
Más de un encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Know a Christmasaurus?
H1 Know a Christmasaurus? Texto duplicado
H2 My basket
H2 Sign up for our emails and get 10% off your first order
H2 Free UK delivery on orders of £50 and over - find out more
H2 We're unable to deliver to the EU and Northern Ireland yet - find out why
H2 We can deliver to the USA - find out how
H2 We can deliver to you worldwide - find out more
H2 Top tree-toppers
H2 A year of discovery with gift membership
H2 Shop with us and help protect our planet's future - find out how
H3 Gift Ideas
H3 Bestsellers
H3 The online shop
H3 Help
H3 Join & support
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 9 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
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/featured/wildlife-photographe...Subdominio Wildlife Photographer of the Year
A-TITLE Wildlife Photographer of the Year
/featured/birds.htmlSubdominio Birds
/featured/museum-gardens.htmlSubdominio Museum Gardens
A-TITLE Museum Gardens
/featured/jurassic-park.htmlSubdominio Jurassic Park
A-TITLE Jurassic Park
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A-TITLE William Smith
/featured/food-drink.htmlSubdominio Food & drink
A-TITLE Food & drink
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A-TITLE Christmas
/christmas.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado View All
A-TITLE Christmas
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A-TITLE Gifts for kids
/christmas/gifts-for-adults.htmlSubdominio Gifts for adults
A-TITLE Gifts for adults
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A-TITLE Gifts under £20
/christmas/gifts-under-50.htmlSubdominio Gifts under £50
A-TITLE Gifts under £50
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A-TITLE Christmas decor & accessories
/dinosaurs.htmlSubdominio Dinosaurs
A-TITLE Dinosaurs
/dinosaurs.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado View All
A-TITLE Dinosaurs
/dinosaurs/dinosaur-toys.htmlSubdominio Dinosaur toys
A-TITLE Dinosaur toys
/dinosaurs/dinosaur-games-acti...Subdominio Dinosaur games & activities
A-TITLE Dinosaur games & activities
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A-TITLE Dinosaur decor & accessories
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A-TITLE Prints
/prints.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado View All
A-TITLE Prints
/prints/current-wildlife-photo...Subdominio Current Wildlife Photographer of the Year
A-TITLE Current Wildlife Photographer of the Year
/prints/previous-wildlife-phot...Subdominio Previous Wildlife Photographer of the Year
A-TITLE Previous Wildlife Photographer of the Year
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A-TITLE Dinosaur books for kids
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A-TITLE Story books for kids
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A-TITLE Science books for kids
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A-TITLE Activity books for kids
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A-TITLE Museum-related books
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A-TITLE Science books
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A-TITLE Coffee-table books
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A-TITLE Toys & games
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A-TITLE Clothing for kids
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A-TITLE Accessories for kids
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A-TITLE Costumes for kids
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A-TITLE Featured
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A-TITLE Wildlife Photographer of the Year
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A-TITLE Museum Gardens
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A-TITLE Jurassic Park
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A-TITLE William Smith
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A-TITLE Food & drink
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A-TITLE Christmas
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A-TITLE Gifts for kids
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A-TITLE Gifts for adults
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A-TITLE Gifts under £20
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A-TITLE Gifts under £50
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A-TITLE Christmas decor & accessories
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A-TITLE Dinosaurs
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A-TITLE Dinosaur toys
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A-TITLE Dinosaur games & activities
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A-TITLE Dinosaur decor & accessories
/prints.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Prints
A-TITLE Prints
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A-TITLE Current Wildlife Photographer of the Year
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A-TITLE Previous Wildlife Photographer of the Year
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A-TITLE Dinosaur books for kids
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A-TITLE Story books for kids
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A-TITLE Science books for kids
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A-TITLE Activity books for kids
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A-TITLE Museum-related books
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A-TITLE Science books
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A-TITLE Coffee-table books
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A-TITLE Toys & games
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A-TITLE Kits, puzzles & activities
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A-TITLE Clothing & accessories
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A-TITLE Clothing for kids
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A-TITLE Accessories for kids
/catalog/category/view/s/costu...Subdominio Texto duplicado Costumes for kids
A-TITLE Costumes for kids
/clothing-accessories/clothing...Subdominio Texto duplicado Clothing for adults
A-TITLE Clothing for adults
/clothing-accessories/accessor...Subdominio Texto duplicado Accessories for adults
A-TITLE Accessories for adults
/home-stationery.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Home & stationery
A-TITLE Home & stationery
/home-stationery/homeware-deco...Subdominio Texto duplicado Homeware & decor
A-TITLE Homeware & decor
/catalog/category/view/s/stati...Subdominio Texto duplicado Stationery
A-TITLE Stationery
/offers.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Offers
A-TITLE Offers
/dinosaurs.htmlFind that awesome gift
/dinosaurs.htmlShop dinosaur gifts
https://www.nhmshop.co.uk/Texto ancla Sign up
/christmas/gifts-under-20.htmlIMG-ALT The two boards from Guess Who? Dinosaur Edition face each other as if being played on a yellow table with a yellow background. Next to them are yellow cups w...
/christmas/gifts-under-20.htmlGuess who has great value games? Shop gifts £20 and under
/catalog/category/view/s/stati...IMG-ALT Natural-world-themed stationary on a bright green surface and background. The dinosaurs calendar is central, surrounded by other calendars, notebooks and the...
/catalog/category/view/s/stati...Make big plans for 2025 Shop calendars and notebooks
/christmas.htmlIMG-ALT Three people wearing dinosaur Christmas jumpers (of which you only see their body and arms) are playing with dinosaur models on a red surface, with a red bac...
/christmas.htmlJumpers for joy Shop festive knitwear
/delivery-informationSubdominio find out more
https://www.nhmshop.co.uk/faqSubdominio find out why
/delivery-informationSubdominio Texto ancla find out how
/delivery-informationSubdominio Texto ancla Texto duplicado find out more
/catalog/category/view/s/chris...Shop decorations
https://www.nhm.ac.uk/support-...Externo Subdominio Find out more
/about-usSubdominio Texto duplicado find out how
/fern-christmas-jumper.htmlSubdominio IMG-ALT The jumper’s front pattern shows a skeleton of Fern the Diplodocus in green, against a white background. The collar, hem and cuffs are bright red and there’s...
/fern-christmas-jumper.htmlSubdominio Fern Christmas Jumper
/fern-the-diplodocus-replica-s...Subdominio IMG-ALT Left-side of the Fern the Diplodocus Replica Skull on its plinth.
/fern-the-diplodocus-replica-s...Subdominio Fern the Diplodocus Replica Skull
/fern-christmas-jumper-for-kid...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT The jumper’s front pattern shows a skeleton of Fern the Diplodocus in green, against a white background. The collar, hem and cuffs are bright red and there’s...
/fern-christmas-jumper-for-kid...Subdominio Fern Christmas Jumper for Kids
/fern-christmas-scarf-for-kids...Subdominio IMG-ALT The whole scarf can be seen although it’s folded in the middle. The red trim and the green dinosaur skeleton are the main features of the white, red, blue an...
/fern-christmas-scarf-for-kids...Subdominio Fern Christmas Scarf for Kids
/trex-christmas-tree-topper.htmlSubdominio IMG-ALT T. rex Christmas Tree Topper with its green body, Santa-style red and white hat and white wings. It also has a halo.
/trex-christmas-tree-topper.htmlSubdominio T. rex Christmas Tree Topper
/fern-wooden-christmas-tree-de...Subdominio IMG-ALT The flat, round, decoration hangs on gold ribbon. Around the edge are the words: Fern the Diplodocus, Natural History Museum 2024. It shows a wood-cut scene ...
/fern-wooden-christmas-tree-de...Subdominio Fern Wooden Christmas Tree Decoration
/wildlife-photographer-of-the-...Subdominio IMG-ALT The diary's front cover image of a leopard lying on a rock at night, staring at the camera with the moon behind it was the 1999 winning image, taken by Jamie...
/wildlife-photographer-of-the-...Subdominio Wildlife Photographer of the Year Desk Diary 2025
/green-sea-turtle-christmas-tr...Subdominio IMG-ALT The light-green body of the turtle has a darker green shell and wears red goggles and a red and white Santa-style hat. It hangs from a green thread.
/green-sea-turtle-christmas-tr...Subdominio Green Sea Turtle Christmas Tree Decoration
/museum-dinosaur-guess-who-gam...Subdominio IMG-ALT Guess Who? Dinosaur Edition Board Game
/museum-dinosaur-guess-who-gam...Subdominio Texto duplicado Guess Who? Dinosaur Edition Board Game
/pocket-microscope.htmlSubdominio IMG-ALT Pocket Microscope
/pocket-microscope.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Pocket Microscope
/brachiosaurus-soft-touch-dino...Subdominio IMG-ALT The Brachiosaurus stands with its long, brown neck facing right.
/brachiosaurus-soft-touch-dino...Subdominio Brachiosaurus Soft Touch Dinosaur
/plush-itsy-bitsy-diplodocus-i...Subdominio IMG-ALT Itsy Bitsy Diplodocus in Egg
/plush-itsy-bitsy-diplodocus-i...Subdominio Texto duplicado Itsy Bitsy Diplodocus in Egg
/t-rex-hatching-egg-in-a-box.htmlSubdominio IMG-ALT The orange hatching egg is shown in its dark and light blue cardboard packaging, which features a T. rex and the words 'Roar' repeated in a circle.
/t-rex-hatching-egg-in-a-box.htmlSubdominio T. rex Hatching Egg in a Box
/lion-soft-toy.htmlSubdominio IMG-ALT Lion Soft Toy positioned sat down, facing forward, showing its orange mane
/lion-soft-toy.htmlSubdominio Lion Soft Toy
/dinosaurs-snow-globe.htmlSubdominio IMG-ALT Two yellow-and-green painted dinosaur models stand either side of a volcano inside the see-through globe, surrounded by glitter. One is a T. rex and one is a...
/dinosaurs-snow-globe.htmlSubdominio Dinosaurs Snow Globe
/museum-dinosaur-top-trumps.htmlSubdominio IMG-ALT Museum Dinosaurs Top Trumps
/museum-dinosaur-top-trumps.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Museum Dinosaurs Top Trumps
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)

Home | Natural History Museum online shop
Find ideas for gifts and souvenirs from the Natural History Museum online shop

Palabras clave más importantes

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Online Shop73%Check
Museum online shop66%Check
History Museum online shop64%Check
Shop Gifts63%Check
History Museum61%Check
Natural History61%Check
Natural History Museum61%Check

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