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0,51 s
Tamaño HTML
703,80 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
369 internos / 3 externos

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No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
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No hay ninunga meta descripción.
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-us
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-us.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
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El dominio no es un subdominio.
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URL de la página
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No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
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La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
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Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 3867 palabras.
Un 32.7% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Se han encontrado 10 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 15.26 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
Con 703.8 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (initial-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
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El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 77 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
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Redes Sociales
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Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
NEWS & Civics
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (13 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 NEWS & Civics
H1 Culture & HEritage
H1 Profiles
H1 Community Response
H1 Omaha’s Forgotten Panthers
H1 Black Legacy Families
H1 Black Women Business Owners
H2 Latest
H3 NOISE does not endorse political candidates or policies. This page shares community voices and opinions, but does not reflect an editorial position on behalf of NOISE.
H3 A series by Kietryn Zychal
H3 A series by Leo Adam Biga
H3 A series by Leo Adam Biga Texto duplicado
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 3 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla NOISE 0 texto
/community-responseCommunity Response
/omahas-forgotten-panthers-seriesOmaha's Forgotten Panthers Series
/resources/2021/2/4/omaha-civi...Subdominio Civil Rights History Timeline
/saint-francis-ministries-seriesSaint Francis Ministries Series
/republication-guidelinesRepublication Guidelines ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Sin texto ventana Externo Sin texto duplicado Cart 0
/news-nowTexto duplicado News
/resourcesTexto duplicado Resources
/profilesTexto duplicado Profiles
/community-responseTexto duplicado Community Response
/podcastsTexto duplicado Podcasts
/cultureTexto duplicado Culture
/omahas-forgotten-panthers-seriesTexto duplicado Omaha's Forgotten Panthers Series
/resources/2021/2/4/omaha-civi...Subdominio Texto duplicado Civil Rights History Timeline
/saint-francis-ministries-seriesTexto duplicado Saint Francis Ministries Series
/about-2Texto duplicado About duplicado About
/republication-guidelinesTexto duplicado Republication Guidelines duplicado IMG-ALT NOISE
/news-now/2022/8/3/2022-face-t...IMG-ALT 2022 Face-to-Face With Black History Civil Rights Tour: “The Best One Yet.”
/news-now/2022/8/3/2022-face-t...Texto duplicado 2022 Face-to-Face With Black History Civil Rights Tour: “The Best One Yet.”
/news-now/2022/7/28/youre-invi...IMG-ALT Flatwater Free Press and NOISE Celebrate First Class of Omaha News Academy Graduates
/news-now/2022/7/28/youre-invi...Texto duplicado Flatwater Free Press and NOISE Celebrate First Class of Omaha News Academy Graduates
/news-now/2022/7/21/north-omah...IMG-ALT North Omaha Station Could Be Burning Coal Until 2026 Instead of Stopping in 2023.
/news-now/2022/7/21/north-omah...Texto duplicado North Omaha Station Could Be Burning Coal Until 2026 Instead of Stopping in 2023.
/news-now/2022/7/19/urban-plan...IMG-ALT Urban Planning for a Better Future for Omaha’s Black Community. A Conversation With Tamika Butler
/news-now/2022/7/19/urban-plan...Texto duplicado Urban Planning for a Better Future for Omaha’s Black Community. A Conversation With Tamika Butler
/news-now/2022/7/15/what-covid...IMG-ALT What COVID-19 variants are going around in July 2022?
/news-now/2022/7/15/what-covid...Texto duplicado What COVID-19 variants are going around in July 2022?
/news-now/2022/7/12/the-fund-j...IMG-ALT ‘The Fund Just Keeps Getting Bigger’: Nebraskans Denied Help as State Stockpiles $108M in Federal Funds
/news-now/2022/7/12/the-fund-j...Texto duplicado ‘The Fund Just Keeps Getting Bigger’: Nebraskans Denied Help as State Stockpiles $108M in Federal Funds
/news-now/2022/7/8/protecting-...IMG-ALT Protecting Black Women in Nebraska in a Post-Roe World
/news-now/2022/7/8/protecting-...Texto duplicado Protecting Black Women in Nebraska in a Post-Roe World
/news-now/2022/7/5/giant-compa...IMG-ALT Giant Companies are Buying up Nebraska Homes. Is There Any Way to Stop Them?
/news-now/2022/7/5/giant-compa...Texto duplicado Giant Companies are Buying up Nebraska Homes. Is There Any Way to Stop Them?
/news-now/2022/7/1/covid-19-va...IMG-ALT From UNMC/Nebraska Med: COVID-19 Vaccine For Kids Under Five Now Available
/news-now/2022/7/1/covid-19-va...Texto duplicado From UNMC/Nebraska Med: COVID-19 Vaccine For Kids Under Five Now Available
/news-now/2022/6/29/omaha-char...IMG-ALT Omaha Charter Convention Continues Tonight, June 30. What happened last week.
/news-now/2022/6/29/omaha-char...Texto duplicado Omaha Charter Convention Continues Tonight, June 30. What happened last week.
/news-now/2022/8/3/2022-face-t...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT 2022 Face-to-Face With Black History Civil Rights Tour: “The Best One Yet.”
/news-now/2022/8/3/2022-face-t...Texto duplicado 2022 Face-to-Face With Black History Civil Rights Tour: “The Best One Yet.”
/news-now/2022/7/28/youre-invi...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Flatwater Free Press and NOISE Celebrate First Class of Omaha News Academy Graduates
/news-now/2022/7/28/youre-invi...Texto duplicado Flatwater Free Press and NOISE Celebrate First Class of Omaha News Academy Graduates
/news-now/2022/7/21/north-omah...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT North Omaha Station Could Be Burning Coal Until 2026 Instead of Stopping in 2023.
/news-now/2022/7/21/north-omah...Texto duplicado North Omaha Station Could Be Burning Coal Until 2026 Instead of Stopping in 2023.
/news-now/2022/7/19/urban-plan...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Urban Planning for a Better Future for Omaha’s Black Community. A Conversation With Tamika Butler
/news-now/2022/7/19/urban-plan...Texto duplicado Urban Planning for a Better Future for Omaha’s Black Community. A Conversation With Tamika Butler
/news-now/2022/8/3/2022-face-t...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT 2022 Face-to-Face With Black History Civil Rights Tour: “The Best One Yet.”
/news-now/2022/8/3/2022-face-t...Texto duplicado 2022 Face-to-Face With Black History Civil Rights Tour: “The Best One Yet.”
/news-now/2022/7/28/youre-invi...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Flatwater Free Press and NOISE Celebrate First Class of Omaha News Academy Graduates
/news-now/2022/7/28/youre-invi...Texto duplicado Flatwater Free Press and NOISE Celebrate First Class of Omaha News Academy Graduates
/news-now/2022/7/21/north-omah...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT North Omaha Station Could Be Burning Coal Until 2026 Instead of Stopping in 2023.
/news-now/2022/7/21/north-omah...Texto duplicado North Omaha Station Could Be Burning Coal Until 2026 Instead of Stopping in 2023.
/news-now/2022/7/19/urban-plan...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Urban Planning for a Better Future for Omaha’s Black Community. A Conversation With Tamika Butler
/news-now/2022/7/19/urban-plan...Texto duplicado Urban Planning for a Better Future for Omaha’s Black Community. A Conversation With Tamika Butler
/news-now/2022/7/15/what-covid...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT What COVID-19 variants are going around in July 2022?
/news-now/2022/7/15/what-covid...Texto duplicado What COVID-19 variants are going around in July 2022?
/news-now/2022/7/12/the-fund-j...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT ‘The Fund Just Keeps Getting Bigger’: Nebraskans Denied Help as State Stockpiles $108M in Federal Funds
/news-now/2022/7/12/the-fund-j...Texto duplicado ‘The Fund Just Keeps Getting Bigger’: Nebraskans Denied Help as State Stockpiles $108M in Federal Funds
/news-now/2022/7/8/protecting-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Protecting Black Women in Nebraska in a Post-Roe World
/news-now/2022/7/8/protecting-...Texto duplicado Protecting Black Women in Nebraska in a Post-Roe World
/news-now/2022/7/5/giant-compa...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Giant Companies are Buying up Nebraska Homes. Is There Any Way to Stop Them?
/news-now/2022/7/5/giant-compa...Texto duplicado Giant Companies are Buying up Nebraska Homes. Is There Any Way to Stop Them?
/news-now/2022/7/1/covid-19-va...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT From UNMC/Nebraska Med: COVID-19 Vaccine For Kids Under Five Now Available
/news-now/2022/7/1/covid-19-va...Texto duplicado From UNMC/Nebraska Med: COVID-19 Vaccine For Kids Under Five Now Available
/news-now/2022/6/29/omaha-char...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Omaha Charter Convention Continues Tonight, June 30. What happened last week.
/news-now/2022/6/29/omaha-char...Texto duplicado Omaha Charter Convention Continues Tonight, June 30. What happened last week.
/news-now/2022/6/27/minority-s...IMG-ALT Minority Small Business Summit Features Speaker Veta Jeffery and $10,000 Pitch Competition
/news-now/2022/6/27/minority-s...Texto duplicado Minority Small Business Summit Features Speaker Veta Jeffery and $10,000 Pitch Competition
/news-now/2022/6/24/roe-v-wade...IMG-ALT Roe v. Wade Overturned. Abortion Still Legal in Nebraska For Now.
/news-now/2022/6/24/roe-v-wade...Texto duplicado Roe v. Wade Overturned. Abortion Still Legal in Nebraska For Now.
/news-now/2022/6/17/halfway-ov...IMG-ALT Halfway Over, an Update on the Omaha City Charter Convention
/news-now/2022/6/17/halfway-ov...Texto duplicado Halfway Over, an Update on the Omaha City Charter Convention
/news-now/2022/6/16/we-care-fo...IMG-ALT "We Care for Kids" Campaign Launches in Nebraska With Focus on Quality Early Childhood Education
/news-now/2022/6/16/we-care-fo...Texto duplicado "We Care for Kids" Campaign Launches in Nebraska With Focus on Quality Early Childhood Education
/news-now/2022/6/1/how-the-lea...IMG-ALT How the Lead Industry Misled the Public About its Toxic Problem for Decades
/news-now/2022/6/1/how-the-lea...Texto duplicado How the Lead Industry Misled the Public About its Toxic Problem for Decades
/news-now/2022/5/30/noise-invi...IMG-ALT UPDATED: NOISE and Flatwater Free Press Partner on Free Journalism Classes at Omaha News Academy
/news-now/2022/5/30/noise-invi...Texto duplicado UPDATED: NOISE and Flatwater Free Press Partner on Free Journalism Classes at Omaha News Academy
/news-now/2022/5/25/three-year...IMG-ALT Three Years Ago, It Didn’t Exist Here. Today, an Ohio Company is One of Omaha’s Biggest Landlords
/news-now/2022/5/25/three-year...Texto duplicado Three Years Ago, It Didn’t Exist Here. Today, an Ohio Company is One of Omaha’s Biggest Landlords
/news-now/2022/5/20/long-miles...IMG-ALT Long Miles, Big Dollars: What Abortion for Nebraskans Looks Like Post Roe v. Wade
/news-now/2022/5/20/long-miles...Texto duplicado Long Miles, Big Dollars: What Abortion for Nebraskans Looks Like Post Roe v. Wade
/news-now/2022/5/19/malcolm-x-...IMG-ALT Malcolm X Foundation Celebrates Nebraska's Most Famous Son All Weekend
/news-now/2022/5/19/malcolm-x-...Texto duplicado Malcolm X Foundation Celebrates Nebraska's Most Famous Son All Weekend
/news-now/2022/5/10/25-million...IMG-ALT $25 Million Bluestem Prairie Residential Pocket Ready to Sprout in North Omaha
/news-now/2022/5/10/25-million...Texto duplicado $25 Million Bluestem Prairie Residential Pocket Ready to Sprout in North Omaha
/news-now/2022/5/2/cydny-frank...IMG-ALT Cydney Franklin and Nancy Williams Share Their Vision for the Greenhouse at the Highlander
/news-now/2022/5/2/cydny-frank...Texto duplicado Cydney Franklin and Nancy Williams Share Their Vision for the Greenhouse at the Highlander
/news-now/2022/5/2/greater-oma...IMG-ALT Greater Omaha Chamber Selects New Leader
/news-now/2022/5/2/greater-oma...Texto duplicado Greater Omaha Chamber Selects New Leader
/news-now/2022/4/27/after-fail...IMG-ALT After Failure of LB 28, How Can the Wrongful Conviction of Earnest Jackson Be Reversed?
/news-now/2022/4/27/after-fail...Texto duplicado After Failure of LB 28, How Can the Wrongful Conviction of Earnest Jackson Be Reversed?
/news-now/2022/4/28/lincoln-ci...IMG-ALT Lincoln City Council Approves Half Million Dollar Settlement with Injured Protester
/news-now/2022/4/28/lincoln-ci...Texto duplicado Lincoln City Council Approves Half Million Dollar Settlement with Injured Protester
/news-now/2022/4/22/google-ann...IMG-ALT Google Announces Nebraska Growth Plan that Includes New Northwest Omaha Data Center
/news-now/2022/4/22/google-ann...Texto duplicado Google Announces Nebraska Growth Plan that Includes New Northwest Omaha Data Center
/news-now/2022/4/21/candidate-...IMG-ALT Candidate Forums: What Happened This Past Week. What’s Happening This Weekend.
/news-now/2022/4/21/candidate-...Texto duplicado Candidate Forums: What Happened This Past Week. What’s Happening This Weekend.
/news-now/ojpIMG-ALT NOISE Launches Omaha Journalism Project with AIM Institute Leading Tech Training
/news-now/ojpTexto duplicado NOISE Launches Omaha Journalism Project with AIM Institute Leading Tech Training
/news-now/2022/4/18/black-pare...IMG-ALT Black Parents of Autistic Children Create Resources for Each Other
/news-now/2022/4/18/black-pare...Texto duplicado Black Parents of Autistic Children Create Resources for Each Other
/news-now/2022/4/11/yates-illu...IMG-ALT Yates Illuminates Awarded $1 Million in ARPA Funding
/news-now/2022/4/11/yates-illu...Texto duplicado Yates Illuminates Awarded $1 Million in ARPA Funding
/news-now/2022/4/11/known-to-b...IMG-ALT Known to be Toxic for a Century, Lead Still Poisons Thousands of Midwestern Kids
/news-now/2022/4/11/known-to-b...Texto duplicado Known to be Toxic for a Century, Lead Still Poisons Thousands of Midwestern Kids
/culture/2022/8/9/theatre-proj...IMG-ALT Theatre Project Helps Incarcerated Men Prove They Are "More Than A Number"
/culture/2022/8/9/theatre-proj...Texto duplicado Theatre Project Helps Incarcerated Men Prove They Are "More Than A Number"
/culture/2022/7/7/the-nebraska...IMG-ALT The Nebraska Valkyries: The State’s Very Own Semi-Professional Women’s Football Team
/culture/2022/7/7/the-nebraska...Texto duplicado The Nebraska Valkyries: The State’s Very Own Semi-Professional Women’s Football Team
/culture/2022/6/23/the-bard-an...IMG-ALT The Bard and Diversity, Too.
/culture/2022/6/23/the-bard-an...Texto duplicado The Bard and Diversity, Too.
/culture/2022/6/21/omahas-forg...IMG-ALT “Omaha’s Forgotten Century” at the Orpheum Theater Takes Multicultural Look Back at Omaha
/culture/2022/6/21/omahas-forg...Texto duplicado “Omaha’s Forgotten Century” at the Orpheum Theater Takes Multicultural Look Back at Omaha
/culture/2022/6/20/bianca-swif...IMG-ALT Bianca Swift Received a Standing Ovation at Verbal Gumbo for Her Poem About Juneteenth
/culture/2022/6/20/bianca-swif...Texto duplicado Bianca Swift Received a Standing Ovation at Verbal Gumbo for Her Poem About Juneteenth
/culture/2022/6/15/juneteenth-...IMG-ALT Juneteenth Events in Omaha, 2022
/culture/2022/6/15/juneteenth-...Texto duplicado Juneteenth Events in Omaha, 2022
/culture/2022/6/13/verbal-gumb...IMG-ALT Verbal Gumbo Reunion to Stir the Pot Again on June 16 at the Benson Theatre
/culture/2022/6/13/verbal-gumb...Texto duplicado Verbal Gumbo Reunion to Stir the Pot Again on June 16 at the Benson Theatre
/culture/2022/6/8/uno-criss-li...IMG-ALT UNO Criss Library Features Works by Incarcerated LGBTQ+ Artists Through July 31
/culture/2022/6/8/uno-criss-li...Texto duplicado UNO Criss Library Features Works by Incarcerated LGBTQ+ Artists Through July 31
/culture/2022/6/2/podcast-city...IMG-ALT Podcast: City Sprouts— Omaha's Original Community Garden Keeps Growing
/culture/2022/6/2/podcast-city...Texto duplicado Podcast: City Sprouts— Omaha's Original Community Garden Keeps Growing
/culture/2022/5/24/in-the-uppe...IMG-ALT Updated: ‘In the Upper Room’ by Local Playwright Beaufield Berry
/culture/2022/5/24/in-the-uppe...Texto duplicado Updated: ‘In the Upper Room’ by Local Playwright Beaufield Berry
/culture/2022/5/12/how-to-supp...IMG-ALT Support Black-Led, Black-Benefitting Nonprofits During Do Good Days
/culture/2022/5/12/how-to-supp...Texto duplicado Support Black-Led, Black-Benefitting Nonprofits During Do Good Days
/culture/2022/5/11/nelson-mand...IMG-ALT Nelson Mandela Exhibit at the Durham Museum Through July 3
/culture/2022/5/11/nelson-mand...Texto duplicado Nelson Mandela Exhibit at the Durham Museum Through July 3
/culture/2022/5/3/mini-grants-...IMG-ALT Mini-Grants Available to Empower Collective Growth in Omaha
/culture/2022/5/3/mini-grants-...Texto duplicado Mini-Grants Available to Empower Collective Growth in Omaha
/culture/2022/4/29/no-more-emp...IMG-ALT No More Empty Pots to Occupy Highlander Accelerator’s Greenhouse
/culture/2022/4/29/no-more-emp...Texto duplicado No More Empty Pots to Occupy Highlander Accelerator’s Greenhouse
/culture/2022/4/14/common-sens...IMG-ALT Common Senses Festival and KANEKO Highlight Works by Autistic Artists this April
/culture/2022/4/14/common-sens...Texto duplicado Common Senses Festival and KANEKO Highlight Works by Autistic Artists this April
/culture/2022/4/10/broadways-c...IMG-ALT "Choir Boy" Invites Attendees to Keep Their Eyes on the Prize
/culture/2022/4/10/broadways-c...Texto duplicado "Choir Boy" Invites Attendees to Keep Their Eyes on the Prize
/culture/2022/4/7/april-garden...IMG-ALT April Gardening News: Another Community Garden, a Big Plant Sale, and an Easy-to-Read Year Round Planting Guide
/culture/2022/4/7/april-garden...Texto duplicado April Gardening News: Another Community Garden, a Big Plant Sale, and an Easy-to-Read Year Round Planting Guide
/culture/2022/4/5/new-way-to-l...IMG-ALT New Way to Look at Famed Plains Paintings: Through Native Eyes
/culture/2022/4/5/new-way-to-l...Texto duplicado New Way to Look at Famed Plains Paintings: Through Native Eyes
/culture/2022/3/30/carolyn-wil...IMG-ALT Carolyn Williamson, Legend of Girls Inc., Retires.
/culture/2022/3/30/carolyn-wil...Texto duplicado Carolyn Williamson, Legend of Girls Inc., Retires.
/culture/2022/3/31/two-artists...IMG-ALT Two Artists with Omaha Ties Nominated for 2022 Grammys on Sunday Apr. 3
/culture/2022/3/31/two-artists...Texto duplicado Two Artists with Omaha Ties Nominated for 2022 Grammys on Sunday Apr. 3
/culture/2022/3/24/podcast-oma...IMG-ALT Podcast: Omaha Film Festival Online— Reviewing "From the Hood to the Holler" and More
/culture/2022/3/24/podcast-oma...Texto duplicado Podcast: Omaha Film Festival Online— Reviewing "From the Hood to the Holler" and More
/culture/2022/3/4/so-you-want-...IMG-ALT Updated: If You Want to Have a Garden This Summer, Plant Your Seeds This Spring
/culture/2022/3/4/so-you-want-...Texto duplicado Updated: If You Want to Have a Garden This Summer, Plant Your Seeds This Spring
/culture/2022/3/1/in-our-mothe...IMG-ALT Podcast: In Our Mother's Gardens
/culture/2022/3/1/in-our-mothe...Texto duplicado Podcast: In Our Mother's Gardens
/culture/2021/11/15/a-beekeepe...IMG-ALT Podcast: A Beekeeper’s Paradise in North Omaha
/culture/2021/11/15/a-beekeepe...Texto duplicado Podcast: A Beekeeper’s Paradise in North Omaha
/culture/2022/2/3/remastered-1...IMG-ALT Remastered 1960s Oscar-Nominee ‘A Time for Burning’ and 2018’s ‘Out of Omaha’ Screen at Aksarben Cinema This Week
/culture/2022/2/3/remastered-1...Texto duplicado Remastered 1960s Oscar-Nominee ‘A Time for Burning’ and 2018’s ‘Out of Omaha’ Screen at Aksarben Cinema This Week
/culture/2022/1/28/lawmaker-ob...IMG-ALT Lawmaker Objects to TIF Use for Omaha Streetcar
/culture/2022/1/28/lawmaker-ob...Texto duplicado Lawmaker Objects to TIF Use for Omaha Streetcar
/culture/2022/1/28/how-white-s...IMG-ALT How White Supremacy Changed Herbie Husker
/culture/2022/1/28/how-white-s...Texto duplicado How White Supremacy Changed Herbie Husker
/culture/2022/1/18/the-beasley...IMG-ALT The Beasleys: A Family that Sows Together, Reaps Together
/culture/2022/1/18/the-beasley...Texto duplicado The Beasleys: A Family that Sows Together, Reaps Together
/culture/2022/1/12/in-north-om...IMG-ALT In North Omaha, Bud Crawford Mentors Young Fighter. “He Reminds Me of Me.”
/culture/2022/1/12/in-north-om...Texto duplicado In North Omaha, Bud Crawford Mentors Young Fighter. “He Reminds Me of Me.”
/culture/2021/12/10/dewitty-be...IMG-ALT Dewitty Became ‘Springboard’ for Black Nebraska Homesteaders
/culture/2021/12/10/dewitty-be...Texto duplicado Dewitty Became ‘Springboard’ for Black Nebraska Homesteaders
/resources/2021/10/4/city-coun...IMG-ALT City Council Updates
/resources/2021/10/4/city-coun...Texto duplicado City Council Updates
/resources/2022/5/12/mental-he...IMG-ALT Mental Health Resources
/resources/2022/5/12/mental-he...Texto duplicado Mental Health Resources
/resources/2022/6/10/how-do-we...IMG-ALT How Do We Talk to Children Who Have Been Victims or Witnesses to Violence?
/resources/2022/6/10/how-do-we...Texto duplicado How Do We Talk to Children Who Have Been Victims or Witnesses to Violence?
/resources/2022/5/23/part-iii-...IMG-ALT Part III: How the Buffalo Mass Murder Creates Collective Trauma in the Black Community
/resources/2022/5/23/part-iii-...Texto duplicado Part III: How the Buffalo Mass Murder Creates Collective Trauma in the Black Community
/resources/2021/12/13/reproduc...IMG-ALT Updated: Reproductive Rights Resources in Nebraska
/resources/2021/12/13/reproduc...Texto duplicado Updated: Reproductive Rights Resources in Nebraska
/resources/2022/5/4/part-ii-tr...IMG-ALT Part II: Trauma in the Black Community. Economic Disinvestment and the Trauma It Creates
/resources/2022/5/4/part-ii-tr...Texto duplicado Part II: Trauma in the Black Community. Economic Disinvestment and the Trauma It Creates
/resources/2022/4/22/are-you-s...IMG-ALT Are You Suffering from Trauma?
/resources/2022/4/22/are-you-s...Texto duplicado Are You Suffering from Trauma?
/resources/northo-responseIMG-ALT COVID-19 Resource Page
/resources/northo-responseTexto duplicado COVID-19 Resource Page
/resources/2022/4/8/2lusbbs3w6...IMG-ALT Is it Substance Use, Abuse or Addiction? Know the Difference
/resources/2022/4/8/2lusbbs3w6...Texto duplicado Is it Substance Use, Abuse or Addiction? Know the Difference
/resources/2022/3/24/is-social...IMG-ALT Is Social Media Affecting Your Mental Health?
/resources/2022/3/24/is-social...Texto duplicado Is Social Media Affecting Your Mental Health?
/resources/2022/3/9/five-signs...IMG-ALT Five Signs You Might Be Experiencing Depression
/resources/2022/3/9/five-signs...Texto duplicado Five Signs You Might Be Experiencing Depression
/resources/2022/2/24/so-you-wa...IMG-ALT So You Want to See a Therapist
/resources/2022/2/24/so-you-wa...Texto duplicado So You Want to See a Therapist
/resources/2021/2/4/omaha-civi...IMG-ALT Omaha Civil Rights History Timeline
/resources/2021/2/4/omaha-civi...Texto duplicado Omaha Civil Rights History Timeline
/resources/2021/10/28/domestic...IMG-ALT Domestic Violence Resource Page
/resources/2021/10/28/domestic...Texto duplicado Domestic Violence Resource Page
/resources/2021/7/15/federal-b...IMG-ALT Federal Ban on Evictions Expires at the End of July: How Douglas County Renters Can Prepare
/resources/2021/7/15/federal-b...Texto duplicado Federal Ban on Evictions Expires at the End of July: How Douglas County Renters Can Prepare
/resources/2021/7/10/july-2021...IMG-ALT Storm Damage Resources, July 2021
/resources/2021/7/10/july-2021...Texto duplicado Storm Damage Resources, July 2021
/resources/2021/7/1/a-brief-hi...IMG-ALT A Brief History of the Word Pig as Slang for Police
/resources/2021/7/1/a-brief-hi...Texto duplicado A Brief History of the Word Pig as Slang for Police
/resources/2021/6/15/juneteent...IMG-ALT Celebrating Juneteenth: local and national contexts
/resources/2021/6/15/juneteent...Texto duplicado Celebrating Juneteenth: local and national contexts
/resources/2021/5/6/fifty-year...IMG-ALT Omaha’s Forgotten Panthers Part III: Fifty Years Behind Bars. Was it Justice? Or “One Monstrous Fraud?”
/resources/2021/5/6/fifty-year...Texto duplicado Omaha’s Forgotten Panthers Part III: Fifty Years Behind Bars. Was it Justice? Or “One Monstrous Fraud?”
/resources/2021/5/11/navigatin...IMG-ALT Navigating Systemic Racism: The Education You Never Got in School
/resources/2021/5/11/navigatin...Texto duplicado Navigating Systemic Racism: The Education You Never Got in School
/resources/2021/4/23/black-and...IMG-ALT Black and Pink Announces Purchase of North Omaha Church to Create Housing for LGBTQIA+ Youth
/resources/2021/4/23/black-and...Texto duplicado Black and Pink Announces Purchase of North Omaha Church to Create Housing for LGBTQIA+ Youth
/resources/2020/6/6/connecting...IMG-ALT Connecting Black Omaha
/resources/2020/6/6/connecting...Texto duplicado Connecting Black Omaha
/resources/2021/2/25/ete1ku543...IMG-ALT Emergency Rental Assistance Program granted $200M to help Nebraska Renters
/resources/2021/2/25/ete1ku543...Texto duplicado Emergency Rental Assistance Program granted $200M to help Nebraska Renters
/resources/2021/2/24/civil-rig...IMG-ALT Civil Rights Era Surveillance of Omaha Activists
/resources/2021/2/24/civil-rig...Texto duplicado Civil Rights Era Surveillance of Omaha Activists
/resources/2021/2/24/the-landm...IMG-ALT The Landmark 1976 Church Committee Report and the Evolution of Language used for Black Activists by Law Enforcement and FBI
/resources/2021/2/24/the-landm...Texto duplicado The Landmark 1976 Church Committee Report and the Evolution of Language used for Black Activists by Law Enforcement and FBI
/resources/2021/1/26/2021-legi...IMG-ALT 2021 Legislative Bills and Hearings Breakdown
/resources/2021/1/26/2021-legi...Texto duplicado 2021 Legislative Bills and Hearings Breakdown
/resources/2021/1/18/esu0r5hll...IMG-ALT A Thought to Consider: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
/resources/2021/1/18/esu0r5hll...Texto duplicado A Thought to Consider: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
/resources/2021/1/9/omaha-poli...IMG-ALT Omaha Police Department to conduct Tow Sweep Operation
/resources/2021/1/9/omaha-poli...Texto duplicado Omaha Police Department to conduct Tow Sweep Operation
/resources/2021/1/7/a-noisey-b...IMG-ALT A Very NOISEy Book Club
/resources/2021/1/7/a-noisey-b...Texto duplicado A Very NOISEy Book Club
/resources/2020/12/18/kwanzaaIMG-ALT Kwanzaa 2020: Why me, why now? 
/resources/2020/12/18/kwanzaaKwanzaa 2020: Why me, why now?
/profilesTexto duplicado Profiles
/profiles/2022/6/6/ronald-john...IMG-ALT Ronald Johnson, Omaha Victim of Lead Poisoning, Remembers Inspiration of Environmental Activism
/profiles/2022/6/6/ronald-john...Texto duplicado Ronald Johnson, Omaha Victim of Lead Poisoning, Remembers Inspiration of Environmental Activism
/profiles/2022/4/26/the-black-...IMG-ALT The Black Church in Omaha
/profiles/2022/4/26/the-black-...Texto duplicado The Black Church in Omaha
/profiles/2021/8/1/uq2gqrfsczm...IMG-ALT Serial Entrepreneur Candice Price Moves in the Fast Lane
/profiles/2021/8/1/uq2gqrfsczm...Texto duplicado Serial Entrepreneur Candice Price Moves in the Fast Lane
/profiles/the-black-church-in-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT The Black Church in Omaha
/profiles/the-black-church-in-...Texto duplicado The Black Church in Omaha
/profiles/2021/8/1/0pebu60frvv...IMG-ALT Black Legacy Families, Installment III: The Eures Making Arts and Activism the Family Business
/profiles/2021/8/1/0pebu60frvv...Texto duplicado Black Legacy Families, Installment III: The Eures Making Arts and Activism the Family Business
/profiles/2021/7/1/0lxvfpwjk1n...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT The Black Church in Omaha
/profiles/2021/7/1/0lxvfpwjk1n...Texto duplicado The Black Church in Omaha
/profiles/2021/6/29/etqvad27xv...IMG-ALT Kara Warner on Manifesting her Destiny
/profiles/2021/6/29/etqvad27xv...Texto duplicado Kara Warner on Manifesting her Destiny
/profiles/2021/6/17/black-men-...IMG-ALT Black Men Out: African Americans in Baseball
/profiles/2021/6/17/black-men-...Texto duplicado Black Men Out: African Americans in Baseball
/profiles/2021/6/14/yolonda-ro...IMG-ALT Yolonda Ross Thrives
/profiles/2021/6/14/yolonda-ro...Texto duplicado Yolonda Ross Thrives
/profiles/2021/6/8/bound-by-ba...IMG-ALT Bound by Basketball With Omaha’s Finest, Tra-Deon Hollins and Tre’Shawn Thurman Continue Their Hoops Odyssey Together
/profiles/2021/6/8/bound-by-ba...Texto duplicado Bound by Basketball With Omaha’s Finest, Tra-Deon Hollins and Tre’Shawn Thurman Continue Their Hoops Odyssey Together
/profiles/2021/5/27/fr8ga08137...IMG-ALT Sharnelle Shelton Combines a Love of Black Business, Community and Clothing
/profiles/2021/5/27/fr8ga08137...Texto duplicado Sharnelle Shelton Combines a Love of Black Business, Community and Clothing
/profiles/2021/5/4/black-churchTexto duplicado IMG-ALT The Black Church in Omaha
/profiles/2021/5/4/black-churchTexto duplicado The Black Church in Omaha
/profiles/2021/4/21/9mbyc8i1o0...IMG-ALT Black Legacy Families, Installment II: The Goodwins
/profiles/2021/4/21/9mbyc8i1o0...Texto duplicado Black Legacy Families, Installment II: The Goodwins
/profiles/2021/3/26/black-wome...IMG-ALT Social Entrepreneur Nicka Johnson Driven to Create Legacy for Her Family and Community
/profiles/2021/3/26/black-wome...Texto duplicado Social Entrepreneur Nicka Johnson Driven to Create Legacy for Her Family and Community
/profiles/2021/3/25/singer-son...IMG-ALT Singer-songwriter Jocelyn and Boys Town Collaborate on a “Kindness Tour”
/profiles/2021/3/25/singer-son...Texto duplicado Singer-songwriter Jocelyn and Boys Town Collaborate on a “Kindness Tour”
/profiles/2021/3/22/uvdqrz1dch...IMG-ALT Black Legacy Families, Installment I: The Metoyers
/profiles/2021/3/22/uvdqrz1dch...Texto duplicado Black Legacy Families, Installment I: The Metoyers
/profiles/2021/3/9/fm028sqeq6k...IMG-ALT The Brilliant & Resilient Racquel Henderson
/profiles/2021/3/9/fm028sqeq6k...The Brilliant & Resilient Racquel Henderson
/profiles/2021/3/5/lindsey-ste...IMG-ALT Aiming to Empower Youth Affected by Family Incarceration
/profiles/2021/3/5/lindsey-ste...Texto duplicado Aiming to Empower Youth Affected by Family Incarceration
/profiles/2021/3/2/north-omaha...IMG-ALT North Omaha and Other Areas Stand to Gain from Cultural Districts Legislation
/profiles/2021/3/2/north-omaha...Texto duplicado North Omaha and Other Areas Stand to Gain from Cultural Districts Legislation
/profiles/2021/2/10/once-upon-...IMG-ALT Once Upon a Time in Omaha: A Prodigal Son Returns to Reactivate his Hometown
/profiles/2021/2/10/once-upon-...Texto duplicado Once Upon a Time in Omaha: A Prodigal Son Returns to Reactivate his Hometown
/profiles/2021/2/22/rememberin...IMG-ALT Remembering Nebraska’s Last Tuskegee Airmen, Robert Holts
/profiles/2021/2/22/rememberin...Texto duplicado Remembering Nebraska’s Last Tuskegee Airmen, Robert Holts
/profiles/2021/1/4/katrina-ada...IMG-ALT Katrina Adams pours all of herself into the community she serves as a philanthropic program officer, entrepreneur and nonprofit executive
/profiles/2021/1/4/katrina-ada...Texto duplicado Katrina Adams pours all of herself into the community she serves as a philanthropic program officer, entrepreneur and nonprofit executive
/profiles/2020/11/26/snewmhwbh...IMG-ALT In everything she does, Ashlei Spivey celebrates Blackness, builds power and advocates for community
/profiles/2020/11/26/snewmhwbh...Texto duplicado In everything she does, Ashlei Spivey celebrates Blackness, builds power and advocates for community
/profiles/2020/12/11/susie-buf...IMG-ALT Susie Buffett addresses the role her Sherwood Foundation and RH Land Management play in North Omaha property acquisitions
/profiles/2020/12/11/susie-buf...Texto duplicado Susie Buffett addresses the role her Sherwood Foundation and RH Land Management play in North Omaha property acquisitions
/profiles/2020/12/10/new-commu...IMG-ALT Do School offers support for children learning at home, due to the pandemic
/profiles/2020/12/10/new-commu...Texto duplicado Do School offers support for children learning at home, due to the pandemic
/profiles/2020/10/19/dreion-so...IMG-ALT Dreion Sounds the Alarm of Injustice through Music
/profiles/2020/10/19/dreion-so...Texto duplicado Dreion Sounds the Alarm of Injustice through Music
/profiles/2020/9/7/omaha-fashi...IMG-ALT Omaha Fashion Week 2020
/profiles/2020/9/7/omaha-fashi...Texto duplicado Omaha Fashion Week 2020
/profiles/2020/8/24/felicia-we...IMG-ALT Aligned with the Spirit, Felicia Webster Creates in Love
/profiles/2020/8/24/felicia-we...Texto duplicado Aligned with the Spirit, Felicia Webster Creates in Love
/profiles/2020/8/19/centering-...IMG-ALT Centering the Margins: Gabrielle Union Speaks on Racial Equity, Trans Visibility, and Advocating for Change
/profiles/2020/8/19/centering-...Texto duplicado Centering the Margins: Gabrielle Union Speaks on Racial Equity, Trans Visibility, and Advocating for Change
/profiles/2020/8/17/rememberin...IMG-ALT Remembering Marshall Taylor: Founder of the Aframerican Bookstore
/profiles/2020/8/17/rememberin...Texto duplicado Remembering Marshall Taylor: Founder of the Aframerican Bookstore
/community-response/2022/6/13/...IMG-ALT Do Space Tech Pack Program Giving Away 950 Free Laptop Computers and Hotspots
/community-response/2022/6/13/...Texto duplicado Do Space Tech Pack Program Giving Away 950 Free Laptop Computers and Hotspots
/community-response/2022/6/10/...IMG-ALT Citizen Email to the Charter Convention About How Council Members Shouldn’t Vote For Their Replacements
/community-response/2022/6/10/...Texto duplicado Citizen Email to the Charter Convention About How Council Members Shouldn’t Vote For Their Replacements
/community-response/2022/5/12/...IMG-ALT Poor People’s Campaign Headed From Nebraska to Washington D.C. on June 18
/community-response/2022/5/12/...Texto duplicado Poor People’s Campaign Headed From Nebraska to Washington D.C. on June 18
/community-response/2022/5/4/s...IMG-ALT Sen. Megan Hunt on the Future of Abortion Access in Nebraska
/community-response/2022/5/4/s...Texto duplicado Sen. Megan Hunt on the Future of Abortion Access in Nebraska
/community-response/2022/4/1/o...IMG-ALT Omaha’s City Charter Convention (and How to Get Involved Now.)
/community-response/2022/4/1/o...Texto duplicado Omaha’s City Charter Convention (and How to Get Involved Now.)
/community-response/2022/3/25/...IMG-ALT Omaha Has a Strong Mayor, Weak Council System of Government. Why? Can it Be Changed?
/community-response/2022/3/25/...Texto duplicado Omaha Has a Strong Mayor, Weak Council System of Government. Why? Can it Be Changed?
/community-response/2022/3/15/...IMG-ALT They would be governor: Race-baiting and CRT in Nebraska
/community-response/2022/3/15/...Texto duplicado They would be governor: Race-baiting and CRT in Nebraska
/community-response/2022/3/7/u...IMG-ALT UNO Chancellor: Every Maverick Has a Seat at the Table Thanks to the UNO 54
/community-response/2022/3/7/u...Texto duplicado UNO Chancellor: Every Maverick Has a Seat at the Table Thanks to the UNO 54
/community-response/2022/2/10/...IMG-ALT Sarah Johnson to City Council: "I’m Done!"
/community-response/2022/2/10/...Texto duplicado Sarah Johnson to City Council: "I’m Done!"
/community-response/2022/2/9/w...IMG-ALT Why are Decisions in Omaha Made Behind Closed Doors?
/community-response/2022/2/9/w...Texto duplicado Why are Decisions in Omaha Made Behind Closed Doors?
/community-response/2022/2/4/f...IMG-ALT Former W. Dale Clark Employee and Others Speak Out About Library Demolition
/community-response/2022/2/4/f...Texto duplicado Former W. Dale Clark Employee and Others Speak Out About Library Demolition
/community-response/2022/2/2/b...IMG-ALT Black People Excluded From Conversation about Omaha’s Future
/community-response/2022/2/2/b...Texto duplicado Black People Excluded From Conversation about Omaha’s Future
/community-response/2022/2/1/a...IMG-ALT Planning for Omaha’s New Library: A Librarian's Perspective
/community-response/2022/2/1/a...Texto duplicado Planning for Omaha’s New Library: A Librarian's Perspective
/community-response/2022/1/19/...IMG-ALT IBeBlackGirl_Oped.jpg
/community-response/2022/1/19/...I Be Black Girl Wants You to Pay Close Attention to These Bills: LB 781 & LB 933
/community-response/2021/12/21...IMG-ALT Without Prominent Characters of Color, do Alexander Payne’s Films Truly Represent Omaha?
/community-response/2021/12/21...Texto duplicado Without Prominent Characters of Color, do Alexander Payne’s Films Truly Represent Omaha?
/community-response/2021/9/23/...IMG-ALT Lack of Sex Education Leaves LGBTQ+ Students to Fall Through the Cracks
/community-response/2021/9/23/...Texto duplicado Lack of Sex Education Leaves LGBTQ+ Students to Fall Through the Cracks
/community-response/2021/7/29/...IMG-ALT Reimagining the North Freeway
/community-response/2021/7/29/...Texto duplicado Reimagining the North Freeway
/community-response/2021/6/3/b...IMG-ALT "Back to Normal"
/community-response/2021/6/3/b...Texto duplicado "Back to Normal"
/community-response/2021/5/5/o...IMG-ALT OPOA’s Contemporary Midwest Strategy
/community-response/2021/5/5/o...Texto duplicado OPOA’s Contemporary Midwest Strategy
/community-response/2021/3/10/...IMG-ALT Building Tenant Power
/community-response/2021/3/10/...Texto duplicado Building Tenant Power
/community-response/2021/3/1/m...IMG-ALT A Sticky Reality: Uncovering “Minor Feelings” by Cathy Park Hong
/community-response/2021/3/1/m...Texto duplicado A Sticky Reality: Uncovering “Minor Feelings” by Cathy Park Hong
/resources/2021/5/6/fifty-year...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Omaha’s Forgotten Panthers Part III: Fifty Years Behind Bars. Was it Justice? Or “One Monstrous Fraud?”
/resources/2021/5/6/fifty-year...Texto duplicado Omaha’s Forgotten Panthers Part III: Fifty Years Behind Bars. Was it Justice? Or “One Monstrous Fraud?”
/resources/2020/10/20/omahas-f...IMG-ALT Omaha's Forgotten Panthers Part II: "Who made the bomb?"
/resources/2020/10/20/omahas-f...Texto duplicado Omaha's Forgotten Panthers Part II: "Who made the bomb?"
/resources/2020/10/14/why-the-...IMG-ALT Bonus: Why the Illegal Search of Mondo's Home Did Not Lead to a New Trial
/resources/2020/10/14/why-the-...Texto duplicado Bonus: Why the Illegal Search of Mondo's Home Did Not Lead to a New Trial
/resources/2020/7/27/ricepoind...IMG-ALT Omaha’s Forgotten Panthers Part I "A Tragedy Begins."
/resources/2020/7/27/ricepoind...Texto duplicado Omaha’s Forgotten Panthers Part I "A Tragedy Begins."
/omahas-forgotten-panthers-seriesInteractive Timeline and More
/profiles/2021/8/1/0pebu60frvv...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Black Legacy Families, Installment III: The Eures Making Arts and Activism the Family Business
/profiles/2021/8/1/0pebu60frvv...Texto duplicado Black Legacy Families, Installment III: The Eures Making Arts and Activism the Family Business
/profiles/2021/4/21/9mbyc8i1o0...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Black Legacy Families, Installment II: The Goodwins
/profiles/2021/4/21/9mbyc8i1o0...Texto duplicado Black Legacy Families, Installment II: The Goodwins
/profiles/2021/3/22/uvdqrz1dch...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Black Legacy Families, Installment I: The Metoyers
/profiles/2021/3/22/uvdqrz1dch...Texto duplicado Black Legacy Families, Installment I: The Metoyers
/profiles/2021/8/1/uq2gqrfsczm...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Serial Entrepreneur Candice Price Moves in the Fast Lane
/profiles/2021/8/1/uq2gqrfsczm...Texto duplicado Serial Entrepreneur Candice Price Moves in the Fast Lane
/profiles/2021/6/29/etqvad27xv...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Kara Warner on Manifesting her Destiny
/profiles/2021/6/29/etqvad27xv...Texto duplicado Kara Warner on Manifesting her Destiny
/profiles/2021/5/27/fr8ga08137...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Sharnelle Shelton Combines a Love of Black Business, Community and Clothing
/profiles/2021/5/27/fr8ga08137...Texto duplicado Sharnelle Shelton Combines a Love of Black Business, Community and Clothing
/profiles/2021/3/26/black-wome...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Social Entrepreneur Nicka Johnson Driven to Create Legacy for Her Family and Community
/profiles/2021/3/26/black-wome...Texto duplicado Social Entrepreneur Nicka Johnson Driven to Create Legacy for Her Family and Community
/profiles/2021/3/9/fm028sqeq6k...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT The Brilliant & Resilient Racquel Henderson
/profiles/2021/3/9/fm028sqeq6k...Texto duplicado The Brilliant & Resilient Racquel Henderson
/annual-report-2020Annual Report 2020
/s/NorthOmaha_InformationEcoys...Nueva ventana North O Report

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