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Whitewater Rafting Trips and Adventure Vacations - OARS
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Take an adventure vacation with OARS! Our adventure vacations include whitewater rafting, sea kayaking, hiking, multi-sport adventures & more.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (895 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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descriptionTake an adventure vacation with OARS! Our adventure vacations include whitewater rafting, sea kayaking, hiking, multi-sport adventures & more.
og:descriptionTake an adventure vacation with OARS! Our adventure vacations include whitewater rafting, sea kayaking, hiking, multi-sport adventures & more.

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Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
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Se han encontrado 5 párrafos en esta página.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...ntent/uploads/2023/05/main-logo-dark.svgO.A.R.S Logo
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...ntent/uploads/2023/03/MFA060222-33-1.jpgRafting Tunnel Chute on the Middle Fork of the American River in Torres Del Paine
...ent/uploads/2023/03/Grand-Canyon-191.jpgRafting the Colorado River through Grand Canyon National Park
/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/MER041222-5.jpgRafting the Merced River near Yosemite National Park
...s/2023/03/Oars-Middle-Fork-Salmon-37.jpgMiddle Fork of the Salmon River, Idaho
...ntent/uploads/2023/03/SFA_Outpost-25.jpgLinked image leads to OARS day trips
...-Salmon-Dory-school-featured-600x600.jpgA man rowing a dory slices through whitewater on Idaho's Lower Salmon River
...ploads/2023/03/Gerand-Canyon-600x600.jpgGroup rafting the Gerand Canyon.
...s/2018/05/inca-trail-trek-19-600x600.jpgScenic view of Machu Picchu in Peru person paddles a single kayak near the shore of Baja's Espiritu Santo
...uploads/2024/04/LGBTQ-header-600x600.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...ent/uploads/2023/04/IMG_0080-600x600.jpgGroup of people doing yoga on a beach along the Colorado River in Cataract Canyon
.../2024/04/OARS_deso_2023-0640-600x600.jpgThree yellow rafts float down the Green River in Desolation Canyon, Utah.
.../2023/10/20210520-631A9011-1-600x600.jpgA group of adults do yoga in a clearing surrounded by trees on an OARS Yampa River Mindfulness trip.
...023/12/Rafting-101-thumbnail-410x232.jpgMulti-day Rafting 101: What to Expect on an OARS River Trip
...ah-Meyer-on-the-Salmon-River-410x232.jpgand his childhood best friend on the Main Salmon River in Idaho
...ent/uploads/2023/04/galap-13-600x600.jpgGiant galapagos turtle nestled in the grass
...s/2023/03/20150702-Deso-1458-600x600.jpgDesolation Canyon with OARS rafts along the river
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...loads/2015/12/SFA1D-featured-410x232.jpgA paddle raft full of smiling happy people going through a rapid on the South Fork of the American River
...uploads/2015/12/LOD-featured-410x232.jpgTwo yellow OARS rafts full of people on the Green River through the Gates of Lodore.
...ds/2015/12/SplitMTN-featured-410x232.jpgThree children sit in the front of a paddle raft with two adults and a guide behind them all smiling and having a blast on the Green River through Split Mountain Canyon
...uploads/2015/12/CAT-featured-410x232.jpgriver running through a canyon.
...ploads/2022/09/ROG-1HERO1-LG-410x232.jpgOar rafts and inflatable kayaks tackle rapids on a family adventure down Oregon's Rogue River with OARS
...uploads/2015/12/TUO-featured-410x232.jpgLandscape view of three yellow rafts and a catamaran on an OARS Tuolumne River trip in California.
...uploads/2019/10/MAS-featured-410x232.jpgLandscape view of the Main Salmon River in Idaho.
...uploads/2015/12/HCN-featured-410x232.jpgLandscape view of the Snake River through Hells Canyon on an OARS trip.
...2022/10/LowerCanyon-featured-410x232.jpgYellow OARS rafts in lower section of Grand Canyon
.../Middle-Fork-Salmon-featured-410x232.jpgVibrant green landscape view of camp on an OARS Middle Fork of the Salmon River trip.
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.../2022/11/american-river-hero-400x760.jpgGroups rafting down the American River.
...tent/uploads/2023/04/DSC1185-400x400.jpgRelaxing in Baja with OARS
...05/Colorado-River-dest-fea2t-400x400.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...ploads/2022/11/Dinosaur-hero-400x760.jpgGroup rafting on a river near Dinosaur National Monument.
.../uploads/2022/11/canada-hero-400x400.jpgCalm misty morning on a lake in Canada.
...Oars-Middle-Fork-Salmon-79-1-400x400.jpgCamping along Idaho's Middle Fork of the Salmon River.
...nt/uploads/2022/11/peru-hero-400x760.jpgPerson hiking in the mountains of Peru.
...023/04/Patagonia-Hero-scaled-400x400.jpgPatagonia's Cerro Torre in the distance with a fly fisherman in the foreground. rogue river in Oregon.
...ploads/2022/11/yosemite-hero-400x760.jpgWaterfall at Yosemite National Park.
...tent/uploads/2022/11/river-rock-wall.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...mes-kaiser-cataract-2015-716-400x400.jpgAn OARS guide rows a raft through whitewater in Cataract Canyon in Utah
...-french-valley_15819730589_o-400x400.jpgA hiker celebrates hiking the W Trek in Patagonia snorketing with a sea lion in the Galapagos.
...ds/2022/11/sea-kayaking-hero-400x400.jpgGroup of people sea kayaking.
...s-Ferry-to-Pearce-Ferry-hero-400x400.jpgGrand Canyon dory trip from Less Ferry to Pearce Ferry.
...s/2022/11/rowing-clinic-hero-400x400.jpgAn OARS guide helps a Green River Rowing Clinic guest perfect his oar stroke.
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...023/12/Rafting-101-thumbnail-410x232.jpgMulti-day Rafting 101: What to Expect on an OARS River Trip
...mes-kaiser-cataract-2015-128-410x232.jpgAerial view of the Colorado River with several tiny, bright yellow rafts floating downstream
...nada-chilko-chilcotin-021-2-410x232.jpegRafting Canada's Chilko River
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Find Your Next Greatest Adventure
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 32 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Find Your Next Greatest Adventure
H2 Our Most Popular Trips
H2 Adventure is in Our Roots
H2 Featured Destinations
H2 Explore Activities
H2 Stay As Long As You’d Like
H2 Explore the Eddy
H2 Discover your next OARS adventure.
H3 What to Expect on a Multi-day River Trip
H3 Why River Rafting Trips are the Best Way to Travel
H3 South Fork American River Rafting Gorge 1-Day
H3 Green River Rafting through the Gates of Lodore
H3 Utah Whitewater Rafting through Split Mountain Canyon
H3 Cataract Canyon Whitewater Rafting
H3 Rogue River Rafting
H3 Tuolumne River Rafting Near Yosemite National Park
H3 Main Salmon River Rafting on the River of No Return
H3 Snake River Rafting through Hells Canyon
H3 Grand Canyon Rafting: Whitmore Wash to Pearce Ferry
H3 Middle Fork of the Salmon River Rafting
H3 Family-Owned & Operated
H3 Professionalism
H3 Personal Service
H3 High-Quality Equipment
H3 Responsible Travel
H3 Unparalleled Access
H3 Multi-day Trips
H3 Day Trips
H3 What to Expect on a Multi-day River Trip Texto duplicado
H3 Cataract Canyon: A Bright Spot in the Colorado River Basin
H3 10 of the World’s Most Notorious Whitewater Rapids
H3 Compare Adventures
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 9 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla IMG-ALT O.A.R.S Logo
/alaska-adventures/Subdominio Alaska
/california-rafting-hiking/Subdominio California
/colorado-whitewater-rafting/Subdominio Colorado
/grand-canyon-rafting/Subdominio Grand Canyon, Arizona
/idaho-rafting/Subdominio Idaho
/oregon-rafting-hiking-vacations/Subdominio Oregon
/utah-river-rafting/Subdominio Utah
/multi-day-trips/Subdominio Multi-Day Trips
IMG-ALT OARS rafts and camping on the bank of the Colorado River Day Trips
IMG-ALT Rafting Tunnel Chute on the Middle Fork of the American River
/baja-adventures/Subdominio Baja, Mexico
/canada-adventures/Subdominio Canada
/costa-rica-adventures/Subdominio Costa Rica
/adventures/croatia-montenegro...Subdominio Croatia
/adventures/cuba-cultural-tour/Subdominio Cuba
/fiji-whitewater-rafting/Subdominio Fiji
/galapagos-adventures/Subdominio Galápagos, Ecuador
/peru-vacations/Subdominio Machu Picchu, Peru
/patagonia-rafting-hiking/Subdominio Patagonia, Chile
/zimbabwe-safari-adventuresSubdominio Zimbabwe
/international/Subdominio International Trips
IMG-ALT Guanacos in Torres Del Paine
/grand-canyon-rafting/Subdominio Grand Canyon National Park
/canyonlands-national-park/Subdominio Canyonlands National Park
/dinosaur-national-monument/Subdominio Dinosaur National Monument
/yosemite-national-park/Subdominio Yosemite National Park
/multi-day-trips/Subdominio Texto duplicado Multi-Day Trips
IMG-ALT Rafting the Colorado River through Grand Canyon National Park Texto duplicado Day Trips
IMG-ALT Rafting the Merced River near Yosemite National Park
/american-river-rafting/Subdominio American River
/colorado-river-rafting/Subdominio Colorado River
/green-river-rafting/Subdominio Green River Navua River
/rogue-river-trips/Subdominio Rogue River
/salmon-river-rafting/Subdominio Salmon River
/san-juan-river/Subdominio San Juan River
/adventures/snake-river-raftin...Subdominio Snake River
/tuolumne-river-trips/Subdominio Tuolumne River
/adventures/yampa-river-rafting/Subdominio Yampa River View All Trips
/multi-day-trips/Subdominio Texto duplicado Multi-Day Trips
IMG-ALT Middle Fork of the Salmon River, Idaho Texto duplicado Day Trips
IMG-ALT Linked image leads to OARS day trips
/grand-canyon-rafting/Subdominio Colorado River – Grand Canyon, AZ
/adventures/cataract-canyon-wh...Subdominio Colorado River – Cataract Canyon
/adventures/green-river-raftin...Subdominio Green River – Gates of Lodore, CO
/adventures/rogue-river-rafting/Subdominio Rogue River, OR
/adventures/main-salmon-river-...Subdominio Main Salmon River, ID
/adventures/split-mountain-uta...Subdominio Green River – Split Mountain, UT
/adventures/merced-river-rafti...Subdominio Merced River, CA
/adventures/middle-fork-americ...Subdominio Middle Fork American River, CA
/adventures/south-fork-america...Subdominio South Fork American River, CA
/multi-day-trips/Subdominio View all Multi-day Trips View all day Trips All Trips
IMG-ALT A man rowing a dory slices through whitewater on Idaho's Lower Salmon River Compare Trips
IMG-ALT Group rafting the Gerand Canyon.
/whitewater-rafting/Subdominio Whitewater Rafting
/hiking-trips/Subdominio Hiking
/multi-sport-vacations/Subdominio Multi-Sport Sea Kayaking Dory Trips
/learn-to-row/Subdominio Rowing Clinics
/raft-guide-training/Subdominio Whitewater Guide School Texto duplicado View All Trips
/adventures/inca-trail-peru-tr...Subdominio Inca Trail Trekking
IMG-ALT Scenic view of Machu Picchu in Peru
/adventures/sea-kayaking-espir...Subdominio Sea Kayaking Espiritu Santo Island
IMG-ALT A person paddles a single kayak near the shore of Baja's Espiritu Santo
/family-adventure-vacations/Subdominio Family Adventures
/adult-only-vacations/Subdominio All Adults
/women-adventures/Subdominio All Women Group Trips
/lgbtq-rafting-trips/Subdominio LGBTQ+
/specialty-trips-events/lgbtq-...Subdominio LGBTQ+ Rafting through Desolation Canyon – 6 Days
/specialty-trips-events/catara...Subdominio Cataract Canyon Women’s Wellness Retreat – 6 Days
IMG-ALT Group of people doing yoga on a beach along the Colorado River in Cataract Canyon
/beer-vacations/Subdominio Craft Beer Tasting
/geology-trips/Subdominio Geology
/astronomy-trips/Subdominio Stars & Guitars
/culinary-adventures/Subdominio Wilderness Gourmet
/wine-tasting-tours/Subdominio Wine Tasting
/wellness-retreat/Subdominio Yoga & Wellness
/specialty-trips-events/Subdominio View All Specialty Trips
/specialty-trips-events/lgbtq-...Subdominio LGBTQ+ Rafting in Desolation Canyon – 6 Days
IMG-ALT Three yellow rafts float down the Green River in Desolation Canyon, Utah.
/specialty-trips-events/yampa-...Subdominio Yampa River Mindfulness Retreat – 5 Days
IMG-ALT A group of adults do yoga in a clearing surrounded by trees on an OARS Yampa River Mindfulness trip.
/type/pro-tips/Subdominio Pro Tips
/type/river-culture/Subdominio River Culture
/type/adventures-we-love/Subdominio Adventures We Love Videos View The Eddy Blog
/blog/multi-day-rafting-101-wh...Subdominio IMG-ALT Multi-day Rafting 101: What to Expect on an OARS River Trip
/topic/rafting-101/Subdominio Rafting 101
/blog/multi-day-rafting-101-wh...Subdominio What to Expect on a Multi-day River Trip
/blog/why-river-rafting-trips-...Subdominio IMG-ALT and his childhood best friend on the Main Salmon River in Idaho
/topic/travel-ideas/Subdominio Travel Ideas
/blog/why-river-rafting-trips-...Subdominio Why River Rafting Trips are the Best Way to Travel
/american-whitewater/Subdominio American Whitewater Classics
/the-best-road-trips-in-the-west/Subdominio The Best Road Trips in the West
/hidden-canyons/Subdominio Hidden Canyons
/national-park-adventures/Subdominio National Park Adventures
/wildlife-viewing/Subdominio Wildlife Viewing
/whitewater-wonders/Subdominio Seven Whitewater Wonders of the World
/wild-scenic-rivers/Subdominio Wild & Scenic Rivers
/world-heritage-sites/Subdominio World Heritage Sites
/adventures/galapagos-origins-...Subdominio Origins of Species: Galápagos Islands Vacation
IMG-ALT Giant galapagos turtle nestled in the grass Our Story
/oars-difference/Subdominio The OARS Difference
/team-members/Subdominio Meet the Team Partners
/pam-george-wendt-foundation/Subdominio Pam & George Wendt Foundation Employment News & Press
/responsible-travel-philosophy/Subdominio Responsible Travel Philosophy Adventure is in Our Roots
IMG-ALT Desolation Canyon with OARS rafts along the river Contact
/trip-resources/Subdominio Trip Resources
/ways-to-save/Subdominio Ways To Save ventana Externo Subdominio Login Texto duplicado Contact
/trip-resources/Subdominio Texto duplicado Trip Resources
/ways-to-save/Subdominio Texto duplicado Ways To Save ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Login
/saved-adventures/Subdominio A-TITLE View Favorites
/request-catalog/Subdominio Request Catalog
/adventures/south-fork-america...Subdominio View trip details
/adventures/grand-canyon-dorie...Subdominio Texto duplicado View trip details
/adventures/main-salmon-river-...Subdominio Texto duplicado View trip details
/adventures/green-river-raftin...Subdominio View Trip Details
/adventures/main-salmon-river-...Subdominio Texto duplicado View Trip Details
/adventures/rogue-river-rafting/Subdominio Texto duplicado View Trip Details View All Adventures
/adventures/south-fork-america...Subdominio IMG-ALT A paddle raft full of smiling happy people going through a rapid on the South Fork of the American River
/whitewater-rafting/Subdominio Texto duplicado Whitewater Rafting
/adventures/south-fork-america...Subdominio South Fork American River Rafting Gorge 1-Day
/adventures/green-river-raftin...Subdominio IMG-ALT Two yellow OARS rafts full of people on the Green River through the Gates of Lodore.
/whitewater-rafting/Subdominio Texto duplicado Whitewater Rafting
/adventures/green-river-raftin...Subdominio Green River Rafting through the Gates of Lodore
/adventures/split-mountain-uta...Subdominio IMG-ALT Three children sit in the front of a paddle raft with two adults and a guide behind them all smiling and having a blast on the Green River through Split Moun...
/whitewater-rafting/Subdominio Texto duplicado Whitewater Rafting
/adventures/split-mountain-uta...Subdominio Utah Whitewater Rafting through Split Mountain Canyon
/adventures/cataract-canyon-wh...Subdominio IMG-ALT river running through a canyon.
/whitewater-rafting/Subdominio Texto duplicado Whitewater Rafting
/adventures/cataract-canyon-wh...Subdominio Cataract Canyon Whitewater Rafting
/adventures/rogue-river-rafting/Subdominio IMG-ALT Oar rafts and inflatable kayaks tackle rapids on a family adventure down Oregon's Rogue River with OARS
/whitewater-rafting/Subdominio Texto duplicado Whitewater Rafting
/adventures/rogue-river-rafting/Subdominio Rogue River Rafting
/adventures/tuolumne-river-raf...Subdominio IMG-ALT Landscape view of three yellow rafts and a catamaran on an OARS Tuolumne River trip in California.
/whitewater-rafting/Subdominio Texto duplicado Whitewater Rafting
/adventures/tuolumne-river-raf...Subdominio Tuolumne River Rafting Near Yosemite National Park
/adventures/main-salmon-river-...Subdominio IMG-ALT Landscape view of the Main Salmon River in Idaho.
/whitewater-rafting/Subdominio Texto duplicado Whitewater Rafting
/adventures/main-salmon-river-...Subdominio Main Salmon River Rafting on the River of No Return
/adventures/snake-river-raftin...Subdominio IMG-ALT Landscape view of the Snake River through Hells Canyon on an OARS trip.
/whitewater-rafting/Subdominio Texto duplicado Whitewater Rafting
/adventures/snake-river-raftin...Subdominio Snake River Rafting through Hells Canyon
/adventures/grand-canyon-rafti...Subdominio IMG-ALT Yellow OARS rafts in lower section of Grand Canyon
/whitewater-rafting/Subdominio Texto duplicado Whitewater Rafting
/adventures/grand-canyon-rafti...Subdominio Grand Canyon Rafting: Whitmore Wash to Pearce Ferry
/adventures/middle-fork-of-the...Subdominio IMG-ALT Vibrant green landscape view of camp on an OARS Middle Fork of the Salmon River trip.
/whitewater-rafting/Subdominio Texto duplicado Whitewater Rafting
/adventures/middle-fork-of-the...Subdominio Middle Fork of the Salmon River Rafting Discover Why OARS View all Adventures
/american-river-rafting/Subdominio Texto duplicado American River
/baja-adventures/Subdominio Texto duplicado Baja, Mexico
/colorado-river-rafting/Subdominio Texto duplicado Colorado River
/dinosaur-national-monument/Subdominio Texto duplicado Dinosaur National Monument
/canada-adventures/Subdominio Texto duplicado Canada
/idaho-rafting/Subdominio Texto duplicado Idaho
/peru-vacations/Subdominio Texto duplicado Machu Picchu, Peru
/patagonia-rafting-hiking/Subdominio Texto duplicado Patagonia, Chile
/rogue-river-trips/Subdominio Texto duplicado Rogue River
/yosemite-national-park/Subdominio Texto duplicado Yosemite National Park See all activities
/whitewater-rafting/Subdominio Activities – Whitewater Rafting
/hiking-trips/Subdominio Activities – Hiking Trips
/multi-sport-vacations/Subdominio Activities – Multi-Sport Trips Activities – Sea Kayaking Trips Activities – Dory Trips
/learn-to-row/Subdominio Activities – Rowing Clinics
/raft-guide-training/Subdominio Activities – Whitewater Guide School
/multi-day-trips/Subdominio View Multi-day Trips View All Day Trips View all Blog Posts
/blog/multi-day-rafting-101-wh...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Multi-day Rafting 101: What to Expect on an OARS River Trip Texto duplicado Videos
/blog/multi-day-rafting-101-wh...Subdominio Texto duplicado What to Expect on a Multi-day River Trip
/blog/cataract-canyon-a-bright...Subdominio IMG-ALT Aerial view of the Colorado River with several tiny, bright yellow rafts floating downstream
/type/river-culture/Subdominio Texto duplicado River Culture
/blog/cataract-canyon-a-bright...Subdominio Cataract Canyon: A Bright Spot in the Colorado River Basin
/blog/10-of-the-worlds-best-wh...Subdominio IMG-ALT Rafting Canada's Chilko River
/type/river-culture/Subdominio Texto duplicado River Culture
/blog/10-of-the-worlds-best-wh...Subdominio 10 of the World’s Most Notorious Whitewater Rapids
/request-catalog/Subdominio Request catalog Compare Texto duplicado IMG-ALT O.A.R.S Logo ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto Contact Us ventana Externo Subdominio Gift Cards ventana Externo Subdominio OARS Store
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Whitewater Rafting Trips and Adventure Vacations - OARS
Take an adventure vacation with OARS! Our adventure vacations include whitewater rafting, sea kayaking, hiking, multi-sport adventures & more.

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Rafting Adventure74%Check
Whitewater Rafting67%Check
Adventure Level63%Check
Adventure Travel63%Check
Whitewater Rafting Trips63%Check
White Water Rafting61%Check

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