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Office of Financial Management |
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Hay 4 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: Washington’s projected Near General Fund revenue collections through 2...
  • Texto duplicado 2: The forecast is comprised of revenue estimates for the current bienniu...
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es elevada: 32.38 palabras.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1661 palabras.
Un 24.3% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...palbasecustom/assets/images/ofm-logo.svgOffice of Financial Management home pageOffice of Financial Management skyline from the air
...ages/slides/awards2024.jpg?itok=XbOHMmTrGroup of about 50 people on the steps of an ornate building
...pplier-diversity-light.jpg?itok=HmO4idrsAn Asian older female-presenting person talks on a cellphone while surrounded by packages package box at warehouse, merchant seller checking customer address order confirming parcel delivery Washington logo
.../default/files/public/images/PEAR_sm.pngPro-equity anti-racism
...mages/news/PSRW-header-2024-1920x669.jpgPublic Service Recognition Week, May 5-11, 2024
...s/public/images/govdelivery_envelope.pngRed email envelope icon
/sites/default/files/public/linkedIn.svgOFM on LinkedIn
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/sites/default/files/public/facebook.svgOFM on Facebook
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...default/files/public/ofm-footer-logo.svgOfficeof Financial Management

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Office of Financial Management
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Office of Financial Management
H2 Projected state revenue through 2029 down by $39 million
H2 New HEAL Act dashboards show state agencies’ progress in environmental justice
H2 Introducing our new logo
H2 Washington state tops 8 million residents in 2024
H2 State revenue projection for 2023–25 decreased by $477 million; 2025–27 down by $189 million
H2 Read about 25 state employee individuals and teams that went above and beyond in the past year
H2 Join us in celebrating state employees, May 5-11
H2 State revenue projection for 2023–25 increased by $122 million; 2025–27 up by $215 million
H2 Investing in Washington’s people and communities: Inslee budget prioritizes urgent needs in homelessness, fentanyl and behavioral health
H2 State revenue projection for 2023–25 increased by $191 million; 2025–27 up by $579 million
H2 Pages
H2 About us
H2 For the public
H2 For state agencies
H3 I'm looking for...
H3 Top story
H3 What's new
H3 OFM on Facebook
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
Hay 1 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 15 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content
A-TITLE Skip to main content Office of Financial Management home page
A-TITLE Office of Financial Management us
/about/contact-usContact us
/about/publications-and-reportsPublications & reports
/washington-data-researchWashington Data & Research
A-TITLE Washington Data & Research
/washington-data-research/stat...Statewide data
A-TITLE Statewide data
/washington-data-research/stat...Washington State Data Book
A-TITLE Washington State Data Book
/washington-data-research/stat...Washington trends
A-TITLE Washington trends
/washington-data-research/coun...County and city data
A-TITLE County and city data
/washington-data-research/popu...Population and demographics
A-TITLE Population and demographics
/washington-data-research/popu...Forecasts & projections
A-TITLE Forecasts & projections
/washington-data-research/popu...Population estimates
A-TITLE Population estimates
/washington-data-research/popu...Census data
A-TITLE Census data
/washington-data-research/popu...American Community Survey
A-TITLE American Community Survey
A-TITLE Annexations
/washington-data-research/crim...Crime & criminal justice
A-TITLE Crime & criminal justice
/washington-data-research/econ...Economy & labor force
A-TITLE Economy & labor force
A-TITLE Education
/washington-data-research/fisc...Fiscal research
A-TITLE Fiscal research
/washington-data-research/heal...Health care
A-TITLE Health care
/washington-data-research/heal...Access, utilization & quality
A-TITLE Access, utilization & quality
/washington-data-research/heal...Health care data resources
A-TITLE Health care data resources
/washington-data-research/huma...Human services
A-TITLE Human services
/washington-data-research/rese...Research Briefs
A-TITLE Research Briefs
/washington-data-research/traf...Traffic Records Integration Program (TRIP)
A-TITLE Traffic Records Integration Program (TRIP)
A-TITLE Budget
/budget/state-budgetsState budgets
A-TITLE State budgets
/budget/state-budgets/2023-25-...2023-25 enacted budgets
A-TITLE 2023-25 enacted budgets
/budget/state-budgets/gov-insl...2024 Governor's proposed supplemental budgets
A-TITLE 2024 Governor's proposed supplemental budgets
/budget/state-budgets/gov-insl...2023-25 Governor's proposed budgets
A-TITLE 2023-25 Governor's proposed budgets
/budget/budget-related-informa...Environmental justice and the HEAL Act
A-TITLE Environmental justice and the HEAL Act
/budget/budget-related-informa...Environmental justice assessment notices
A-TITLE Environmental justice assessment notices
/budget/budget-related-informa...Agency reporting for HEAL Act and CCA
A-TITLE Agency reporting for HEAL Act and CCA
/budget/budget-related-informa...HEAL Act dashboards
A-TITLE HEAL Act dashboards
/budget/budget-instructionsBudget instructions
A-TITLE Budget instructions
/budget/budget-instructions2024 supplemental budget instructions
A-TITLE 2024 supplemental budget instructions
/budget/budget-instructions/bu...Subdominio 2025-27 operating and transportation budget instructions
A-TITLE 2025-27 operating and transportation budget instructions
/budget/budget-instructions/bu...Subdominio 2025-27 capital budget instructions
A-TITLE 2025-27 capital budget instructions
/budget/budget-formsBudget forms
A-TITLE Budget forms
/budget/other-instructionsOther instructions
A-TITLE Other instructions
/budget/budget-related-informa...Agency activities & performance
A-TITLE Agency activities & performance
/budget/agency-activities-and-...Agency activity inventory
A-TITLE Agency activity inventory
/budget/budget-related-informa...Agency expenditure monitoring
A-TITLE Agency expenditure monitoring
/budget/fiscal-impact-ballot-m...Fiscal impact of ballot measures & proposed legislation
A-TITLE Fiscal impact of ballot measures & proposed legislation
/budget/fiscal-impact-ballot-m...2024 general election ballot fiscal information
A-TITLE 2024 general election ballot fiscal information
/budget/fiscal-impact-ballot-m...Tax & fee proposal cost analysis (I-960)
A-TITLE Tax & fee proposal cost analysis (I-960) Subdominio Fiscal notes (external site)
A-TITLE Find published fiscal impact statements for proposed legislation.
A-TITLE Accounting
/accounting/saamState Administrative & Accounting Manual (SAAM)
A-TITLE Statewide Administrative & Accounting Manual
/accounting/administrative-acc...Administrative & Accounting Resources
A-TITLE Administrative & Accounting Resources
A-TITLE Travel
A-TITLE Payroll
/accounting/administrative-acc...General ledger reconciliation
A-TITLE General ledger reconciliation
/accounting/administrative-acc...Open checkbook
A-TITLE Open checkbook
/accounting/federal-state-agre...Federal & state agreements
A-TITLE Federal & state agreements
/accounting/federal-state-agre...Statewide Cost Allocation Plan
A-TITLE Statewide Cost Allocation Plan
/accounting/federal-state-agre...Treasury-State Agreement
A-TITLE Treasury-State Agreement
/accounting/fund-reference-manualFund Reference Manual
A-TITLE Fund Reference Manual
/accounting/financial-audit-re...Financial & audit reports
A-TITLE Financial & audit reports
/accounting/financial-audit-re...Audit Resolution Report
A-TITLE Audit Resolution Report
/accounting/financial-audit-re...Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
A-TITLE Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
/accounting/financial-audit-re...Single Audit Report
A-TITLE Single Audit Report
/accounting/financial-manageme...Financial Management Advisory Council
A-TITLE Financial Management Advisory Council
/accounting/about-statewide-ac...About Statewide Accounting
A-TITLE About Statewide Accounting
A-TITLE Training
A-TITLE Facilities
/facilities/facilities-oversig...State facility planning & oversight
A-TITLE State facility planning & oversight
/facilities/facilities-oversig...Contact Facilities Oversight and Planning staff
A-TITLE Contact Facilities Oversight and Planning staff
/facilities/facilities-inventoryFacilities inventory
A-TITLE Facilities inventory
/facilities/facility-life-cycl...Facility life cycle cost model
A-TITLE Facility life cycle cost model
/facilities/lease-approvalsLease approvals
A-TITLE Lease approvals
/facilities/space-request-modi...Space request (modified pre-design)
A-TITLE Space request (modified pre-design)
/facilities/six-year-facilitie...Six-Year Facilities Plan
A-TITLE Six-Year Facilities Plan
/facilities/state-facilities-p...State facilities policies
A-TITLE State facilities policies
/facilities/modern-work-enviro...Building a modern work environment
A-TITLE Building a modern work environment
/state-human-resourcesState Human Resources
A-TITLE State Human Resources
/state-human-resources/compens...Compensation & job classes
A-TITLE Compensation & job classes
/state-human-resources/compens...Job classes & salaries
A-TITLE Job classes & salaries
/state-human-resources/compens...IT professional structure
A-TITLE IT professional structure
A-TITLE Benefits
/state-human-resources/compens...Compensation administration
A-TITLE Compensation administration
/state-human-resources/compens...Tools & services
A-TITLE Tools & services
/state-human-resources/compens...Management structures
A-TITLE Management structures
/state-human-resources/civil-s...Civil service rules
A-TITLE Civil service rules
/state-human-resources/workfor...Diversity, equity & inclusion
A-TITLE Diversity, equity & inclusion
/state-human-resources/workfor...Business resource groups
A-TITLE Business resource groups
/state-human-resources/workfor...DEI Empowerment Conference
A-TITLE Happening Wednesdays in June 2023
/state-human-resources/hr-dire...HR directives
A-TITLE HR directives
/state-human-resources/hr-formsHR forms
A-TITLE HR forms
/state-human-resources/hr-lead...HR leadership & development
A-TITLE HR leadership & development
/state-human-resources/hr-meet...HR meetings
A-TITLE HR meetings Subdominio HRMS support
A-TITLE HRMS support
/state-human-resources/hr-proj...HR projects
A-TITLE HR projects
/state-human-resources/hr-repo...HR reports & publications
A-TITLE HR reports & publications
/state-human-resources/labor-r...Labor relations
A-TITLE Labor relations
/state-human-resources/labor-r...Collective bargaining agreements
A-TITLE Collective bargaining agreements
/state-human-resources/labor-r...Interest arbitration awards
A-TITLE Interest arbitration awards
/state-human-resources/labor-r...Training and resources
A-TITLE Training and resources
/state-human-resources/furloug...Furlough and layoff info for employers
A-TITLE Furlough and layoff info for employers
/state-human-resources/reviews...Reviews & appeals
A-TITLE Reviews & appeals
/state-human-resources/reviews...Director's Reviews
A-TITLE Director's Reviews
/state-human-resources/reviews...Personnel Resources Board appeals
A-TITLE Personnel Resources Board appeals
/state-human-resources/statewi...Telework & hybrid work
A-TITLE Telework & hybrid work
/state-human-resources/workfor...Workforce data & planning
A-TITLE Workforce data & planning
/state-human-resources/workfor...HR Management Report
A-TITLE HR Management Report
/state-human-resources/workfor...HRMS data definitions
A-TITLE HRMS data definitions
/state-human-resources/workfor...State Employee Engagement Survey
A-TITLE State Employee Engagement Survey
/state-human-resources/workfor...Virtual Workforce Data Center
A-TITLE Dashboards showing workforce data for state agencies
/state-human-resources/workfor...Workforce data & trends
A-TITLE Workforce data & trends
/state-human-resources/workfor...Workforce planning
A-TITLE Workforce planning
A-TITLE News Systems
A-TITLE IT Systems
/it-systems/accounting-systemsAccounting systems
A-TITLE Accounting systems
/it-systems/accounting-systems...1099 Reporting
A-TITLE 1099 Reporting
/it-systems/accounting-systems...Agency Financial Reporting System (AFRS)
A-TITLE Agency Financial Reporting System (AFRS)
/it-systems/accounting-systems...Capital Asset Management System (CAMS)
A-TITLE Capital Asset Management System (CAMS)
/it-systems/accounting-systems...Subdominio DebtBook
A-TITLE DebtBook
/it-systems/accounting-systems...Disclosure Forms Application (DF)
A-TITLE Disclosure Forms Application (DF)
/it-systems/accounting-systems...Statewide Vendor/Payee Services
A-TITLE Statewide Vendor/Payee Services
/it-systems/accounting-systems...Travel and Expense Management (TEMS)
A-TITLE Travel and Expense Management (TEMS)
/it-systems/facility-systemFacilities system
A-TITLE Facilities system
/it-systems/facility-system/fa...Facilities Portfolio Management Tool (FPMT)
A-TITLE Facilities Portfolio Management Tool (FPMT)
/it-systems/budget-and-legisla...Budget and legislative systems
A-TITLE Budget and legislative systems
/it-systems/budget-and-legisla...Agency Budget Requests (ABR)
A-TITLE Agency Budget Requests (ABR)
/it-systems/budget-and-legisla...Agency Budget System (ABS)
A-TITLE Agency Budget System (ABS)
/it-systems/budget-and-legisla...Bill Enrollment and Agency Request System (BEARS)
A-TITLE Bill Enrollment and Agency Request System (BEARS)
/it-systems/budget-and-legisla...Capital Budget System (CBS)
A-TITLE Capital Budget System (CBS)
/it-systems/budget-and-legisla...Fiscal Note System (FNS)
A-TITLE Fiscal Note System (FNS)
/it-systems/budget-and-legisla...Results through Performance Management System (RPM)
A-TITLE Results through Performance Management System (RPM)
/it-systems/budget-and-legisla...The Allotment System (TALS)
A-TITLE The Allotment System (TALS)
/it-systems/budget-and-legisla...Salary Projection System (SPS)
A-TITLE Salary Projection System (SPS)
/it-systems/leave-and-payroll-...Leave and payroll systems
A-TITLE Leave and payroll systems
A-TITLE MyPortal Subdominio HRMS Support Hub
A-TITLE HRMS Support Hub
/it-systems/reporting-systemsReporting systems
A-TITLE Reporting systems
/it-systems/reporting-systems/...Enterprise Reporting (ER)
A-TITLE Enterprise Reporting (ER)
/it-systems/hr-data-mart-hrdmHR Data Mart (HRDM)
/it-systems/reporting-systems/...Washington Workforce Analytics (WWA)
A-TITLE Washington Workforce Analytics (WWA)
/it-systems/reporting-systems/...Statewide HR Data (SWHR)
A-TITLE Statewide HR Data (SWHR)
/it-systems/server-patching-sc...Server patching schedule
A-TITLE Server patching schedule
/it-systems/system-outagesSystem outages
A-TITLE System outages
/about/news/2024/06/washington...IMG-ALT Seattel skyline from the air
/about/news/2024/06/washington...Learn moreLearn more about Washington tops 8M residents
/state-human-resources/public-...IMG-ALT Group of about 50 people on the steps of an ornate building
/state-human-resources/public-...Learn moreLearn more about Public Service Recognition Awards
/about/procurements-sole-sourc...IMG-ALT An Asian older female-presenting person talks on a cellphone while surrounded by packages package box at warehouse, merchant seller checking customer address...
/about/procurements-sole-sourc...Learn moreLearn more about Supplier diversity at OFM ancla 1 ancla Texto duplicado 1 ancla 2 Subdominio Agency budget requests
/state-human-resources/civil-s...Texto duplicado Civil service rules
/state-human-resources/labor-r...Subdominio Texto duplicado Collective bargaining agreements
/budget/fiscal-impact-ballot-m...Fiscal impact statements for ballot initiatives
/about/procurements-sole-sourc...How to do business with OFM
/state-human-resources/compens...Job classes and salaries
/it-systems/myportalTexto duplicado MyPortal
/about/procurement-and-sole-so...Procurements and contracts
/accounting/saamState Administrative & Accounting Manual
/it-systems/accounting-systems...Statewide vendor/payee services
/accounting/administrative-acc...Travel expenses and per diem rates
/about/news/2024/09/projected-...Projected state revenue through 2029 down by $39 million
/about/news/2024/09/projected-...Texto ancla no relevante
Read more
/about/news/2024/09/projected-...Texto duplicado Projected state revenue through 2029 down by $39 million
/about/news/2024/09/september-...September 2024 Washington Monthly Economic Report
/about/news/2024/09/agency-bud...Agency budget requests for 2025-27 budget now available online
/about/news/2024/08/new-heal-a...New HEAL Act dashboards show state agencies’ progress in environmental justice
/budget/fiscal-impact-ballot-m...Fiscal impact statements for I-2109 and I-2117 Subdominio Gov. Inslee appoints Pat Sullivan to be next OFM director
/about/news/2024/07/introducin...Introducing our new logo all news Subdominio IMG-ALT One Washington logo Subdominio learn more
/about/our-pro-equity-anti-rac...IMG-ALT Pro-equity anti-racism
/about/our-pro-equity-anti-rac...Our PEAR statement
/about/news/2024/09/projected-...Texto duplicado Projected state revenue through 2029 down by $39 million
/about/news/2024/09/projected-...Read more about Projected state revenue through 2029 down by $39 million
A-TITLE Projected state revenue through 2029 down by $39 million
/about/news/2024/08/new-heal-a...Texto duplicado New HEAL Act dashboards show state agencies’ progress in environmental justice
/about/news/2024/08/new-heal-a...Read more about New HEAL Act dashboards show state agencies’ progress in environmental justice
A-TITLE New HEAL Act dashboards show state agencies’ progress in environmental justice
/about/news/2024/07/introducin...Texto duplicado Introducing our new logo
/about/what-we-domission, vision, and values
/about/news/2024/07/introducin...Read more about Introducing our new logo
A-TITLE Introducing our new logo
/about/news/2024/06/washington...Washington state tops 8 million residents in 2024
/about/news/2024/06/washington...Read more about Washington state tops 8 million residents in 2024
A-TITLE Washington state tops 8 million residents in 2024
/about/news/2024/06/state-reve...State revenue projection for 2023–25 decreased by $477 million; 2025–27 down by $189 million
/about/news/2024/06/state-reve...Read more about State revenue projection for 2023–25 decreased by $477 million; 2025–27 down by $189 million
A-TITLE State revenue projection for 2023–25 decreased by $477 million; 2025–27 down by $189 million
/about/news/2024/05/read-about...Read about 25 state employee individuals and teams that went above and beyond in the past year
/about/news/2024/05/read-about...Read more about Read about 25 state employee individuals and teams that went above and beyond in the past year
A-TITLE Read about 25 state employee individuals and teams that went above and beyond in the past year
/about/news/2024/04/join-us-ce...Join us in celebrating state employees, May 5-11
/about/news/2024/04/join-us-ce...Read more about Join us in celebrating state employees, May 5-11
A-TITLE Join us in celebrating state employees, May 5-11
/about/news/2024/02/state-reve...State revenue projection for 2023–25 increased by $122 million; 2025–27 up by $215 million
/about/news/2024/02/state-reve...Read more about State revenue projection for 2023–25 increased by $122 million; 2025–27 up by $215 million
A-TITLE State revenue projection for 2023–25 increased by $122 million; 2025–27 up by $215 million
/about/news/2023/12/investing-...Investing in Washington’s people and communities: Inslee budget prioritizes urgent needs in homelessness, fentanyl and behavioral health
/about/news/2023/12/investing-...Read more about Investing in Washington’s people and communities: Inslee budget prioritizes urgent needs in homelessness, fentanyl and behavioral health
A-TITLE Investing in Washington’s people and communities: Inslee budget prioritizes urgent needs in homelessness, fentanyl and behavioral health
/about/news/2023/11/state-reve...State revenue projection for 2023–25 increased by $191 million; 2025–27 up by $579 million
/about/news/2023/11/state-reve...Read more about State revenue projection for 2023–25 increased by $191 million; 2025–27 up by $579 million
A-TITLE State revenue projection for 2023–25 increased by $191 million; 2025–27 up by $579 million duplicado 2
A-TITLE Go to page 2
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/about/what-we-doWhat we do
/about/working-ofmWorking at OFM releases
/about/procurement-and-sole-so...Procurements & contracts
/about/publications-and-reportsTexto duplicado Publications & reports
/about/rulemaking-activitiesRulemaking activities ventana Externo Subdominio Get email updates
IMG-ALT Red email envelope icon
/about/make-public-records-req...Public record request Subdominio Salaries earned by state employees Subdominio State fiscal data (
/washington-data-research/coun...County & city data
/budget/fiscal-impact-ballot-m...Tax & fee proposals (I-960)
/budget/fiscal-impact-ballot-m...Texto duplicado 2024 general election ballot fiscal information
/sites/default/files/public/le...Petition for rulemaking [PDF]
/about/special-initiatives/one...One Washington - transformation of enterprise systems
/accounting/access-budget-and-...Access to systems
/accounting/training-accountin...Training for staff Subdominio Fiscal notes
/about/agencycommunicationsMemos sent to agencies and the Legislature
/it-systems/system-outagesTexto duplicado System outages
/about/contact-usTexto duplicado Contact us
/about/about-our-website/inten...Intended use
/about/about-our-website/file-...File types & downloads
/about/about-our-website/copyr...© Copyright 2024 OFM Subdominio IMG-ALT OFM on LinkedIn Subdominio IMG-ALT OFM on Instagram Subdominio IMG-ALT OFM on Facebook Subdominio IMG-ALT OFM on YouTube Officeof Financial Management

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Con 0,48 segundos, el tiempo de respuesta de la página es superior al límite recomendado de 0,4 segundos. Un tiempo de respuesta elevado ralentiza innecesariamente el rastreo de los buscadores y propicia una mala experiencia de uso.
Una red de distribución de contenidos como Bootstrap CDN puede ahorrarte ancho de banda al integrar componentes fron-end de las librerias Bootstrap.
El tamaño HTML de la página es adecuado: 184 kB.

Cabecera HTTP

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x-generatorDrupal 7 (
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Factores externos

Listas negras
Esta página no está clasificada como “contenido para adultos”.
Esta página recibe enlaces de calidad de otros sitios web.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 3.095 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 29.921 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 1.828 direcciones IP distintas.
Popularidad en Facebook
(Poco importante)
Esta página tiene 0 compartir y comentarios en Facebook.

Backlinks desde Wikipedia

No se ha encontrado ningún enlace lanzado desde la Wikipedia.


# robots.txt
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# CSS, JS, Images
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# Paths (clean URLs)
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# Paths (no clean URLs)
Disallow: /?q=admin/
Disallow: /?q=comment/reply/
Disallow: /?q=filter/tips/
Disallow: /?q=node/add/
Disallow: /?q=search/
Disallow: /?q=user/password/
Disallow: /?q=user/register/
Disallow: /?q=user/login/
Disallow: /?q=user/logout/

Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Financial Management65%Check
Asset Management51%Check
Management System50%Check
Management Tool50%Check
Expense Management50%Check
Financial Reporting50%Check

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