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Research and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems
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URLAtributo ALTTítulo
https://ourworldindata.org/oms-logo.pngOxford Martin School logo
https://ourworldindata.org/gcdl-logo.pngGlobal Change Data Lab logo
https://ourworldindata.org/media-logos.svgLogos of the publications that have used our content. From left to right: Science, Nature, PNAS, BBC, Financial Times, The New York Times, The Guardian, The Atlantic, and The Washington Post
...4dca3-733b-4e55-481d-66d83f6c8900/w=1200The image features an abstract design with flowing, wavy lines in varying shades of green and purple.
...927af-1028-4c0a-7372-c0c988051f00/w=1936Carece de atributo ALT
...9751d-f29d-46bb-8e3f-31eaf6087d00/w=3600Featured image
...bf2c1-8af6-4e65-2e92-d5e4d781d800/w=1200Carece de atributo ALT
...29637-7d81-4492-8e8f-2e46b03b7c00/w=3600A colorful, abstract data visualization featuring horizontal bands of various colors, including teal, blue, purple, orange, and brown. These bands are overlaid with flowing lines in different hues that crisscross and interact, creating intricate patterns. The lines represent connections or relationships between the different color bands, suggesting data movement or transitions. The background is a pale cream color, enhancing the contrast and visibility of the colored bands and lines. No specific labels or data sources are visible in the image.
...90ca5-2030-4798-eca9-259994fb3d00/w=2160A line graph illustrates the share of the population in Bangladesh with access to basic electricity from 1991 to 2021. Basic electricity means it can provide lighting, and charge a phone or power a radio for at least four hours per day. Annotations on the graph explain: "In 1991, only ~14% of the Bangladeshi population had basic access to electricity" and "In 2021, 99% of people had electricity access."
...853e0-9476-4109-df59-591a24dcef00/w=1620The chart shows global cement production from 1926 to 2023, highlighting a significant rise in production over the last century. The y-axis represents production in billions of tons, and the x-axis shows the timeline. From 1926 to around 2000, there was a steady increase in cement production, followed by rapid growth between 2003 and 2013, during which production doubled. The chart notes this doubling with a marker. After 2013, growth slowed, with the line showing a plateau and slight fluctuations. The graph emphasizes that growth in cement production has decelerated over the last decade after the earlier rapid expansion.
...db631-c20d-4eb5-1dd4-53b3060cdc00/w=1620A bar chart displays the number of refugees per 1,000 people in various countries for the year 2023. The countries are listed on the left alongside their corresponding values represented by horizontal bars. Lebanon has the highest number, with 137 refugees per 1,000 people, followed by Jordan with 60. Turkey follows with 37, while Germany has 31. Poland shows 25 refugees per 1,000, and the Netherlands has 13. France reports 10, the UK shows 6.5, Italy has 5, and the US has the lowest with 1.2. Each country is accompanied by its national flag. The data is sourced from UNHCR for 2024 and can be found at OurWorldInData.org/migration.
...17bc6-8169-40f4-b6c9-feaabc1f8800/w=1620A world map illustrates the share of the population living in multidimensional poverty, defined as deprivation in health, education, and living standards. The map employs varying shades of purple and pink to indicate the percentage of the population affected by multidimensional poverty in different countries. Countries are marked with a gradient from light pink (representing 0% of the population living in multidimensional poverty) to dark purple (representing 100%). For some countries, specific percentages are highlighted, such as 91% in Niger, 84% in Chad, and 80% in the Central African Republic. Areas with no data are shown in diagonal stripes. The footer notes the data comes from Alkire, Kanagaratnam, and Suppa (2024) as part of the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 2024. It mentions that the estimates are based on recent household survey data from 2011 to 2023, but for 62% of countries, the data refers to the period after 2018. The chart is published by Our World in Data.
...abfe9-1819-48b6-0303-d8723cc87a00/w=1080This chart titled "The world has passed 'peak child'" shows the historical and projected population of three age groups: young people under 25 years, young people under 15 years, and children under 5 years. Data spans from 1950 to 2100, based on UN estimates and projections. The blue line represents the population under 25 years, showing steady growth until around 2050 when it starts to slightly decline. The red line represents those under 15 years, peaking around 2020, and then gradually declining after that point. The green line shows children under 5 years, which has largely plateaued since the 1990s and is projected to decrease over time. The chart indicates that the global number of children has reached its peak, and a long-term decline in younger populations is expected.
...2fff6-2062-4f2a-cdb3-68a19b838000/w=1080This is an image of a scatter plot comparing the share of adult men and women who smoke any form of tobacco across different countries. The x-axis represents the share of women who smoke, while the y-axis represents the share of men who smoke. Each dot on the graph represents a country, and countries are color-coded by region: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, and South America. The plot shows that in almost every country, a higher percentage of men smoke compared to women, as most countries fall above the diagonal line labeled "A higher share of men smoke."
...dc2d8-d8f5-44b4-8f70-acd4d5e06300/w=1080This chart presents US cancer death rates in children under five years old, measured in reported annual death rates per 100,000 children. It consists of four graphs: 1. All Malignant Cancers Combined: This graph, shown in black, illustrates a decline in childhood cancer death rates from about 11 per 100,000 in 1950 to around 1.8 in 2021, indicating a six-fold decrease since the 1950s. 2. Leukemia: This graph shows a decrease from around 5 per 100,000 in 1950 to less than 1 in 2021, following a similar declining trend throughout the decades. 3. Brain and Nervous System Cancers: This chart shows some fluctuations but overall a decline from nearly 0.8 per 100,000 in 1950 to about 0.4 in 2021. 4. Lymphomas and Multiple Myeloma: This graph shows fluctuations and a decline from around 0.8 in the late 1950s to less than 0.2 by 2021. The data is sourced from the WHO Mortality Database (2024), with a note indicating that figures may fluctuate year-by-year due to low numbers.
....org/grapher/exports/child-mortality.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...are-of-population-in-extreme-poverty.svgCarece de atributo ALT
....org/grapher/exports/life-expectancy.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...pher/exports/co-emissions-per-capita.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...pher/exports/gdp-per-capita-maddison.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...ports/prevalence-of-undernourishment.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...exports/cross-country-literacy-rates.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...opulation-with-access-to-electricity.svgCarece de atributo ALT
/images/tag-icons/Poverty.svgIcon for topic Poverty
...ns/Population and Demographic Change.svgIcon for topic Population and Demographic Change
/images/tag-icons/Global%20Health.svgIcon for topic Global Health
/images/tag-icons/Energy.svgIcon for topic Energy
https://ourworldindata.org/oms-logo.pngOxford Martin School logo
https://ourworldindata.org/yc-logo.pngY Combinator logo
https://ourworldindata.org/gcdl-logo.pngGlobal Change Data Lab logo

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 43 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Research and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems.
H2 Our Mission
H2 Featured work
H2 Daily Data Insights
H2 Explore our data
H2 Data explorers
H2 Subscribe to our newsletters
H2 Follow us
H2 All our topics
H2 Population and Demographic Change
H2 Health
H2 Energy and Environment
H2 Food and Agriculture
H2 Poverty and Economic Development
H2 Education and Knowledge
H2 Innovation and Technological Change
H2 Living Conditions, Community, and Wellbeing
H2 Human Rights and Democracy
H2 Violence and War
H3 In the last 30 years, almost everybody in Bangladesh gained access to basic electricity
H3 Global cement production has plateaued over the last decade
H3 Countries differ sharply in how many refugees they host
H3 In many countries, more than half of the population faces poverty in multiple dimensions
H3 The world has passed “peak child”
H3 Men are more likely to smoke than women almost everywhere in the world
H3 Childhood cancer deaths in the United States have declined six-fold over the last seventy years
H3 Get Daily Data Insights delivered to your inbox
H3 Under-five mortality rateLong-run estimates combining data from UN & Gapminder
H3 Share of population living in extreme povertyWorld Bank
H3 Life expectancy at birthLong-run estimates collated from multiple sources by Our World in Data
H3 Per capita CO₂ emissionsLong-run estimates from the Global Carbon Budget
H3 GDP per capitaLong-run estimates from the Maddison Project Database
H3 Share of people that are undernourishedFAO
H3 Literacy rateLong-run estimates collated from multiple sources by Our World in Data
H3 Share of the population with access to electricityWorld Bank
H4 What share of children die before their fifth birthday?
H4 What share of the population lives in extreme poverty?
H4 How has people’s life expectancy changed over time?
H4 How have CO₂ emissions per capita changed?
H4 How do average incomes compare between countries around the world?
H4 What share of the population is suffering from hunger?
H4 When has literacy become a widespread skill?
H4 Where do people lack access to even the most basic electricity supply?
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 21 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
https://ourworldindata.org/Our World in Data
https://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac...Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Oxford Martin School logo
https://global-change-data-lab...Externo IMG-ALT Global Change Data Lab logo
/co2-and-greenhouse-gas-emissionsCO₂ Emissions
/economic-inequalityEconomic Inequality
/human-rightsHuman Rights
/life-expectancyLife Expectancy
/causes-of-deathCauses of Death
/population-growthPopulation Growth
https://ourworldindata.org/data13,214 charts
https://ourworldindata.org/Texto ancla 120 topics
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/great-global-redistributor-mo...Article · 9 min read The great global redistributor we never hear about: money sent or brought back by migrants Migrants send or bring back over three times ...
IMG-ALT The image features an abstract design with flowing, wavy lines in varying shades of green and purple.
/poverty-minimum-growth-neededFrom our classics How much economic growth is necessary to reduce global poverty substantially? We study the data on today's global inequality to calculate t...
/simon-ehrlich-betArticle · 8 min read Who would have won the Simon-Ehrlich bet over different decades, and what do long-term prices tell us about resource scarcity? In the 19...
IMG-ALT Featured image
/golden-age-antibioticsArticle · 7 min read What was the Golden Age of Antibiotics, and how can we spark a new one? Many antibiotics were developed during the “Golden Age of Antibi...
/international-migrants-dont-m...Article · 7 min read Most international migrants don’t move very far from their home countries Long-distance moves are becoming more common, but they remain ...
IMG-ALT A colorful, abstract data visualization featuring horizontal bands of various colors, including teal, blue, purple, orange, and brown. These bands are overla...
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https://ourworldindata.org/latestTexto duplicado See all our latest work
/data-insightsSee all Daily Data Insights
/data-insightsYesterday In the last 30 years, almost everybody in Bangladesh gained access to basic electricity In 1991, fewer than 15% of people in Bangladesh had access ...
IMG-ALT A line graph illustrates the share of the population in Bangladesh with access to basic electricity from 1991 to 2021. Basic electricity means it can provide...
/data-insightsJanuary 16 Global cement production has plateaued over the last decade Global cement production grew rapidly through the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s. In the...
IMG-ALT The chart shows global cement production from 1926 to 2023, highlighting a significant rise in production over the last century. The y-axis represents produc...
https://www.iea.org/news/cemen...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio 2
/data-insightsJanuary 15 Countries differ sharply in how many refugees they host Some countries take in far more refugees than others relative to their population. A refug...
IMG-ALT A bar chart displays the number of refugees per 1,000 people in various countries for the year 2023. The countries are listed on the left alongside their cor...
/data-insightsJanuary 14 In many countries, more than half of the population faces poverty in multiple dimensions The experience of poverty goes far beyond having no or lo...
IMG-ALT A world map illustrates the share of the population living in multidimensional poverty, defined as deprivation in health, education, and living standards. Th...
/data-insightsJanuary 13 The world has passed “peak child” The number of children in the world has stopped growing. This moment in time was given the term “peak child” by ...
IMG-ALT This chart titled "The world has passed 'peak child'" shows the historical and projected population of three age groups: young people under 25 years, young p...
/data-insightsJanuary 10 Men are more likely to smoke than women almost everywhere in the world Almost one-quarter of adults in the world smoke tobacco. However, there are...
IMG-ALT This is an image of a scatter plot comparing the share of adult men and women who smoke any form of tobacco across different countries. The x-axis represents...
/data-insightsJanuary 09 Childhood cancer deaths in the United States have declined six-fold over the last seventy years Childhood cancer deaths in the United States have ...
IMG-ALT This chart presents US cancer death rates in children under five years old, measured in reported annual death rates per 100,000 children. It consists of four...
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/much-better-awful-can-be-betterNueva ventana extremely common
/child-mortality-big-problem-i...Nueva ventana is possible
/financing-healthcareNueva ventana good healthcare
/hunger-and-undernourishmentNueva ventana good nutrition
/clean-water-sanitationNueva ventana clean water and sanitation
/maternal-mortalityNueva ventana maternal health
/economic-growthNueva ventana living standards
/child-mortalityNueva ventana child mortality
/grapher/child-mortality?time=...Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/child-mortality?time=...Nueva ventana Click to open interactive version
/grapher/child-mortality?time=...Texto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/share-of-population-i...Share of population living in extreme povertyWorld Bank
/extreme-poverty-in-briefNueva ventana the majority
/what-is-economic-growthNueva ventana makes it possible
/grapher/share-of-population-i...Texto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/share-of-population-i...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado Click to open interactive version
/grapher/share-of-population-i...Texto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/life-expectancyLife expectancy at birthLong-run estimates collated from multiple sources by Our World in Data
/life-expectancy-globallyNueva ventana around the world
/its-not-just-about-child-mort...Nueva ventana at all ages
/coronavirusNueva ventana COVID-19 pandemic
/grapher/life-expectancyTexto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/life-expectancyNueva ventana Texto duplicado Click to open interactive version
/grapher/life-expectancyTexto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/co-emissions-per-capi...Per capita CO₂ emissionsLong-run estimates from the Global Carbon Budget
/co2-and-greenhouse-gas-emissionsNueva ventana greenhouse gas
/explorers/climate-changeclimate change
/explorers/co2?facet=none&coun...Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data Explorer
/grapher/co-emissions-per-capi...Texto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/co-emissions-per-capi...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado Click to open interactive version
/grapher/co-emissions-per-capi...Texto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/gdp-per-capita-maddisonGDP per capitaLong-run estimates from the Maddison Project Database
/what-is-economic-growthNueva ventana average income
/extreme-history-methodsNueva ventana were poor
/economic-growthNueva ventana economic growth
/breaking-the-malthusian-trapNueva ventana to leave
/grapher/gdp-per-capita-maddisonTexto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/gdp-per-capita-maddisonNueva ventana Texto duplicado Click to open interactive version
/grapher/gdp-per-capita-maddisonTexto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/prevalence-of-underno...Share of people that are undernourishedFAO
/hunger-and-undernourishmentNueva ventana Hunger
/faminesNueva ventana famines
/grapher/prevalence-of-underno...Texto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/prevalence-of-underno...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado Click to open interactive version
/grapher/prevalence-of-underno...Texto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/cross-country-literac...Literacy rateLong-run estimates collated from multiple sources by Our World in Data
/better-learningNueva ventana it remains
/how-is-literacy-measuredNueva ventana we investigated
/grapher/cross-country-literac...Texto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/cross-country-literac...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado Click to open interactive version
/grapher/cross-country-literac...Texto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/share-of-the-populati...Share of the population with access to electricityWorld Bank
/light-at-nightNueva ventana Light at night
/grapher/mobile-cellular-subsc...mobile phones
/grapher/technology-adoption-b...household appliances
/definition-electricity-accessNueva ventana most basic
/grapher/share-of-the-populati...Texto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/share-of-the-populati...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado Click to open interactive version
/grapher/share-of-the-populati...Texto duplicado Explore and learn more about this data
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IMG-ALT Icon for topic Poverty
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/privacy-policyTexto duplicado privacy policy
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A-TITLE Daily Data Insights RSS Feed
/population-growthTexto duplicado Population Growth
/age-structureAge Structure
/gender-ratioGender Ratio
/life-expectancyTexto duplicado Life Expectancy
/fertility-rateFertility Rate
/child-mortalityChild and Infant Mortality
/health-metaGlobal Health
/causes-of-deathTexto duplicado Causes of Death
/child-mortalityTexto duplicado Child and Infant Mortality
/burden-of-diseaseBurden of Disease
/life-expectancyTexto duplicado Life Expectancy
/mental-healthMental Health
/cardiovascular-diseasesCardiovascular Diseases
/maternal-mortalityMaternal Mortality
/air-pollutionAir Pollution
/outdoor-air-pollutionOutdoor Air Pollution
/indoor-air-pollutionIndoor Air Pollution
/lead-pollutionLead Pollution
/alcohol-consumptionAlcohol Consumption
/illicit-drug-useOpioids, Cocaine, Cannabis, and Other Illicit Drugs
/coronavirusCoronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)
/diarrheal-diseasesDiarrheal Diseases
/neglected-tropical-diseasesNeglected Tropical Diseases
/eradication-of-diseasesEradication of Diseases
/antibioticsAntibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance
/financing-healthcareHealthcare Spending
/climate-changeClimate Change
/co2-and-greenhouse-gas-emissionsCO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
/air-pollutionTexto duplicado Air Pollution
/outdoor-air-pollutionTexto duplicado Outdoor Air Pollution
/indoor-air-pollutionTexto duplicado Indoor Air Pollution
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/environmental-impacts-of-foodEnvironmental Impacts of Food Production
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/water-use-stressWater Use and Stress
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/lead-pollutionTexto duplicado Lead Pollution
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/meat-productionMeat and Dairy Production
/fish-and-overfishingTexto duplicado Fish and Overfishing
/crop-yieldsCrop Yields
/animal-welfareTexto duplicado Animal Welfare
/environmental-impacts-of-foodTexto duplicado Environmental Impacts of Food Production
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/obesityTexto duplicado Obesity
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/economic-inequalityTexto duplicado Economic Inequality
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/state-capacityState Capacity
/financing-healthcareTexto duplicado Healthcare Spending
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/lgbt-rightsLGBT+ Rights
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/child-laborTexto duplicado Child Labor
/violence-against-rights-for-c...Violence Against Children and Children’s Rights
/war-and-peaceWar and Peace
/nuclear-weaponsNuclear Weapons
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World Population64%Check
World Bank62%Check
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data explorer61%Check
Data explorers61%Check
World Map60%Check
historical data60%Check

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