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...travs-1-scaled.jpg?resize=1200,550&ssl=1PASTA ET AL
...-board-cropped.jpg?resize=1200,550&ssl=1RED DRAGONFRUIT TORTELLI
...chopping-board.jpg?resize=1200,550&ssl=1FOUR CHEESE FAGOTTINI
...-it-on-a-spoon.jpg?resize=1200,550&ssl=1PRESSURE COOKER BONE BROTH
...ile-on-a-plate.jpg?resize=1200,550&ssl=1SMOKY NETTLE CAPPELLACCI
...chopping-board.jpg?resize=1200,550&ssl=1BREAD FLOUR CASARECCE
...ies-on-a-plate.jpg?resize=1200,550&ssl=1FIG AND ANISETTE CARAMELLE
...ed-sage-leaves.jpg?resize=1200,550&ssl=1PAN-FRIED GNOCCHI RIPIENI WITH EGGPLANT
...chopping-board.jpg?resize=1200,550&ssl=1WILD OLIVE PAPPARDELLE
...-ragu-in-a-pot.jpg?resize=1200,550&ssl=1SHORT-RIB RAGU
...-puree-passata.jpg?resize=1200,550&ssl=1HOMEMADE TOMATO PASSATA
...a-and-saltbush.jpg?resize=1200,550&ssl=190S PRINT TRIANGOLI WITH RICOTTA AND SALTBUSH
...-a-banana-leaf.jpg?resize=1200,550&ssl=1CASSAVA LEAF AND RENDANG FAGOTTINI POTSTICKERS
...40101-Edit-Edit.jpg?resize=760,400&ssl=1Pork, Banana Prawn, and Shiso Matcha Casoncelli with Rib and Red Radish Broth,400&ssl=1Pasta et Al: Familientradition in Nudelform
...ut-brown-butter.jpg?resize=760,400&ssl=1Doppio Ravioli and Agnolotti of Caramelised Fig and Mascarpone with Toasted Perilla Seed, Limoncello, and Walnut Brown Butter
...2024/04/chth-36.jpg?resize=760,400&ssl=1Growing Chillies from Seed, and Homemade Fermented Chilli Sauce
...a-serving-board.jpg?resize=760,400&ssl=1Handcut Pappardelle with Three Meat Ragù | Pappardelle Fatte a Mano al Ragù di Tre Carni
...h-Pasta-Machine.jpg?resize=760,400&ssl=1Pink and Black Pepper Tortellini with Pumpkin, Corn, Chorizo, and Chimichurri, in Locro Bone Broth
...amily-Tradition.jpg?resize=760,400&ssl=1Pasta et Al, The Book
...oasted-tomatoes.jpg?resize=760,400&ssl=1Tabasco Spaghetti alla Chitarra with Stracciatella and Roasted Tomatoes
...ato-Day-2023-32.jpg?resize=760,400&ssl=1Tomato Day 2023
...2/PB195619-Edit.jpg?resize=760,400&ssl=1Striped Ricotta Fagottini with Garlic and Fennel Confit Purée
...tal-thepastadraw.jpg?fit=1920,2560&ssl=1Pasta et Al - The Pasta Drawer,75&ssl=1Carece de atributo ALT
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...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngSorpresine, patterned with ground paprika 🧡 #pastaetal #sorpesine #pastashapes #paprikapasta #pastaia #pastaio #pastafresca #acquafarinamarcato #agfg #buzzfeast #makeitdelicious #foodblogfeed #chowhound #bbcgoodfood
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngA batch of paprika-striped sorpresine (little surprises) from last weekend. Unfortunately, I manage my phone notifications and app permissions so badly that something paused the video recording for the whole critical sheet unveiling moment. So I suppose you get a bit of a surprise after all. This dough uses a standard whole egg recipe, with half of it coloured by a random and unrecorded amount of ground paprika (actual recipes are up on our blog and in our book). Half of each dough is cut into fettuccine and it's all layered together. The bit that you miss is cutting across the narrower edge of the final block of dough, before laying those pieces on their sides next to each other. Then you roll through as normal, from thick to thin. Incidentally, sorpresine is a great shape for using up any pasta squares that you'd cut to fill but not gotten to before your filling ran out 👌 #pastaetal #sorpesine #pastashapes #paprikapasta #pastaia #pastaio #pastafresca #acquafarinamarcato #agfg #buzzfeast #makeitdelicious #foodblogfeed #chowhound #bbcgoodfood
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png✖️Gluten Free Cappellacci✖️ Because a little traitorous gluten shouldn’t stand in the way of good pasta! You can find the recipe for our gluten free dough in our book, or up on our blog 💪🍝 #pastaetal #pastatutorials #glutenfreepasta #glutenfree #gf #howtomakepasta #pastashapes #cappellacci #pastaia #pastaio #pastafresca #acquafarinamarcato #agfg #buzzfeast #makeitdelicious #foodblogfeed #chowhound #bbcgoodfood
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngGluten free cappellacci with beef, salami, and potato 👌🍝 We use a simple off-the-shelf flour mix of maize and tapioca starches, rice and maize flours, and rice bran. Add in a little xanthan gum, egg, oil, and salt and you're good to go! It can be a little harder to handle than regular dough (and you might get a few cracked edges here and there), but take some time getting your hydration right and there's not much you can't make with it 🤙 #pastaetal #pastatutorials #glutenfreepasta #glutenfree #gf #howtomakepasta #pastashapes #cappellacci #pastaia #pastaio #pastafresca #acquafarinamarcato #agfg #buzzfeast #makeitdelicious #foodblogfeed #chowhound #bbcgoodfood
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngThe secret to pasta ruvida is to sheet your dough on the thickest setting, lay it out uncovered on a wooden surface, and then have two small warring children create such mayhem in the next room that you're required to entirely abandon the kitchen for ten minutes. Then step through to your desired thickness, and cut 👌 #pastaetal #ruvida #pastaruvida #fettuccine #acquafarinamarcato ##pastamachine #howtomakepasta #pastaia #pastaio #pastafresca ##pastafattaincasa ##pastafattaamano #cookgoodfoodau
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png✖️Pork, Banana Prawn, and Shiso Matcha Casoncelli with Rib and Red Radish Broth✖️ One more shot from our recent Japanese-inspired pasta dish. The three of us boys have actually been trying to keep ourselves out of trouble with Mum in Japan for the last couple of weeks, but we're down to only three more sleeps before order is restored and the full gang can reunite for pasta night 😌 The full recipe for these curious things is up on our blog now, just follow the link in our bio 😊👌 #pastaetal #recipe #pastarecipe #casoncelli #matchapasta #greenpasta #ribsoup #broth #brodo #pastafresca #pastafattaincasa #pastafattaamano #foodblog #freshpasta #howtomakepasta #pastaia #pastaio
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngPork, banana prawn, and shiso casoncelli made with a matcha and stoneground flour dough 👌 If you missed it, there’s a recipe up on our blog now! Just follow the link in our bio 💚 #pastaetal #recipe #pastarecipe #casoncelli #matchapasta #greenpasta #pastafresca #pastafattaincasa #pastafattaamano #foodblog #freshpasta #howtomakepasta #filledpasta #pastaia #pastaio
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngThis is the simple folding method that we used for our casoncelli this week. Here they're made with a matcha dough (very roughly 10g for every 100g of flour), and filled with a mixture of pork rib, banana prawn, shisho, ginger, spring onion, sesame oil, soy sauce, and egg. Yes, it’s essentially a dumpling in disguise... 1. Spoon a grape-sized dollop of filling into one corner of a pasta square (these are about 6cm across). 2. Fold the corner with the filling over itself. 3. Roll the sealed filling towards the centre of the square so that the opposite corner just peaks out. 4. Press down on either side of the filling to seal the outer edges. Check out the full recipe, what we filled them with and what we served them in, up on our blog now. Link in bio 😊🍝 #pastaetal #recipe #pastarecipe #casoncelli #matchapasta #greenpasta #pastafresca #pastafattaincasa #pastafattaamano #foodblog #freshpasta #howtomakepasta #filledpasta #pastaia #pastaio
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngAs well as all those good regen ag ingredients from Dirty Clean Food, this week's recipe features the humble red radish and shiso leaf, sourced from the backyard of a nice woman who lives on the way to Nonna's house. Our pork, banana prawn, and shiso casoncelli are served in what would ordinarily be a rib and daikon broth, but for a little colour to accompany the green matcha dough, we've swapped daikon for red radish. And those shiso leaves left over from the filling fried up nicely for a crispy garnish 👌 The full recipe is up on our blog now (link in bio) 🍝 #pastaetal #recipe #pastarecipe #casoncelli #howtomakepasta #filledpasta #pastaia #pastaio #regenag #regenerativeagriculture #sustainability #redradish #shiso
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png✖️Pork, Banana Prawn, and Shiso Matcha Casoncelli with Rib and Red Radish Broth✖️ It’s been a while since we tried out something a little different, so this week we’re taking a love of dumplings and colourful things, and mixing that with pasta in our Japanese-inspired pork, banana prawn, and shiso casoncelli. These are made with a matcha dough, served in a rib and red radish broth, and garnished with sour plum, puffed quinoa, and fried shiso leaves. We've also partnered once more with @dirtycleanfood, so have a peak and see what we've done with their regen ag goodness! We have ingredients from all our favs: eggs from @runnymede_uduc, flour from @goodiesfarm, extra virgin olive oil from @greatsoutherngroves, salt from @lakedeborahsalt, ribs from Yanmah Pasture Raised Pork, and prawns from @finsseafood. Head over to our blog now for the full recipe (and happy Sunday)! Link in bio 🍝👋 #pastaetal #recipe #pastarecipe #casoncelli #matchapasta #greenpasta #ribsoup #broth #brodo #pastafresca #pastafattaincasa #pastafattaamano #foodblog #freshpasta #howtomakepasta #filledpasta #pastaia #pastaio #regenag #regenerativeagriculture #sustainability
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngHello! I’m Al, 50% of the pun behind our blog and book title. I prefer to hide on the other side of the camera, but every now and then I get a haircut and decide to seize the opportunity for a little intro. So for those who need the tech specs, I made my first pasta with my Nonna when I was a kid, and have been making it more or less every weekend since. When my boys came along @sprugles talked me into blogging about the whole thing, despite my opinion that it was the most unremarkable meal I’d cook in a week. Many, many plates of pasta, a few blog awards, and a book later, and here we are! You can read more about all that pasta stuff on our site, but for now I thought I’d share one completely unrelated thing about me, something you might not know about the book, and one of my favourite Calabrese sayings 🤷 1. Me. I love books! Some of my favourites, in no particular order, are One Hundred Years of (Márquez), The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (Murakami), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Adams), Cloudstreet (Winton), The English Patient (Ondaatje), Dracula (Stoker), and The Master and Margarita (Bulgakov). 2. The book. Only about 5% of the 300+ photos I took for the book Pasta et Al use natural light. The rest use a mixture of cunning and a quadruple-folded bedsheet bulldog-clipped to a giant octobox to make you think it's natural light. I previously side hustled as a photographer, mostly fashion and portraiture, and came to first love studio lighting and then straight-up hate the sun. Luckily my obsession with controlling the elements allowed me to knock up a mini-studio in the boys’ playroom where I could snap away to all hours as I endlessly trudged dishes back and forth from the kitchen. 3. And a favourite Calabrese saying. ‘Un staiu cca a sparaciari’ or, in Italian, ‘non sto qui a cercare asparagi’. Which translates to ‘I’m not here looking for asparagus’. The exasperation speaks to me. Ten points for picking our Aussie equivalent 🕷️ Welcome to all of our new followers, cheers to the old-timers, and thanks to all of you for being a part of Pasta et Al 👋 PS. I do want to know who you are too... So drop something about yourself in the comments!
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngGiant ravs! We love these things 💛 This week’s filling is fresh ricotta, stirred through the tomato that we strained out and blended from a recent consommé. Waste nothing! They’re made with our favourite @44_handmade_turkey mould, which our Aussie and NZ friends can grab now from our store 🍝🛒 #pastaetal #ravioli #raviolimould #decorativepasta #giantravioli #pastaia #pastaio #pastafresca #pastafattaincasa #pastavideo #howtomakepasta
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngGuten Tag! Pasta et Al: Familientradition in Nudelform is coming soon! I am extremely excited to announce that our little old book has been translated into German and is available now for pre-order ahead of its release on 1 June 🎉 Thank you so much to the lovely folks at @gerstenbergverlag for believing in us, and to Melanie Goldmann for the incredible work that has gone into the translation. I hope that our new audience enjoys reading it as much as we enjoyed making it. And now I think I’m off to dig out the spaetzle maker... 🇦🇺🇩🇪🍝 NB. Preorder is currently available from @thalia_buchhandlungen and Amazon Germany. #pastaetal #pastabook #cookbook #pastaia #pastaio #pastafresca #freshpasta #homecooking #gourmettraveller #foodlover #nytcooking #makeitdelicious #cookbookclub
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png✖️Doppio Ravioli and Agnolotti of Caramelised Fig and Mascarpone, with Toasted Perilla Seed, Limoncello, and Walnut Brown Butter✖️ Here’s how we did it! This is our super special Mother’s Day pasta, from start to finish. Yes, it was as delicious as it sounds, and was approved by 100% of mums that ate it. Follow the link in our bio for the full recipe 🍝💛 #pastaetal #recipe #pastarecipe #ravioli #agnolotti #doppioravioli #caramelisedfig #brownbutter #mothersdaypasta #mothersday #limoncello #pastasauce #pastafresca #pastafattaincasa #pastafattaamano #foodblog #freshpasta #howtomakepasta #pastaia #pastaio
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngTwo of the components in this year’s Mother’s Day pasta: agnolotti made from a limoncello and toasted perilla seed dough, half filled with caramelised fig and the other half with mascarpone, goat cheese, and walnut; and a walnut brown butter with limoncello and apple cider vinegar. Scroll all the way over to see the finished dish, and follow the link in our bio for the recipe! 💛 #pastaetal #recipe #pastarecipe #ravioli #agnolotti #doppioravioli #caramelisedfig #brownbutter #mothersdaypasta #mothersday #limoncello #pastasauce #pastafresca #pastafattaincasa #pastafattaamano #foodblog #freshpasta #howtomakepasta #pastaia #pastaio
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngThis week’s doppio ravioli are made by marking nested and centred circles of 4.5-5 cm, 10 cm, and 13-14 cm diameter on your pasta sheet. Small bowls and measuring cups can be useful for this. Pipe the caramelised fig filling generously into the centre circle, and the mascarpone-based filling between the outer two. Cover with another pasta sheet and use the same utensils to first seal around the centre filling, smoothing the dough outwards, before sealing around the outer circle. Trim to a circle with a rolling cutter! Pictured here is a doppio rav, a sheet of our limoncello and toasted perilla seed dough, the caramelised fig that from one of our two fillings, and the flour well where it all begins. Head over to our blog for the full recipe now! Link in bio 🍝 #pastaetal #recipe #pastarecipe #ravioli #doppioravioli #caramelisedfig #mothersdaypasta #mothersday #limoncello #pastasauce #pastafresca #pastafattaincasa #pastafattaamano #foodblog #freshpasta #howtomakepasta #pastaia #pastaio
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png✖️Doppio Ravioli and Agnolotti of Caramelised Fig and Mascarpone, with Toasted Perilla Seed, Limoncello, and Walnut Brown Butter✖️ Happy Mother’s Day! We’re a little overdue for something new, so here’s one just in time for Mum. Our pasta this week is doppio ravioli and agnolotti, snuggled up on the same dish. We teamed up with @chillocollection to create a dough using their famous limoncello, as well as toasted perilla seeds, and filled half the pasta with caramelised fig and the other with mascarpone, goat cheese, and walnut. Those agnolotti nestle up inside the giant doppio ravs, in a delicious brown butter of walnut, limoncello, and apple cider vinegar, and the whole thing is served with pomegranate molasses, freeze-dried blueberries, pink peppercorns, and a few edible flowers. So if you’re looking for something special to plate up this Mother’s Day, head on over to our blog for the full recipe (link in bio). Ciao to your Ma ❤️ #pastaetal #recipe #pastarecipe #ravioli #agnolotti #doppioravioli #caramelisedfig #brownbutter #mothersdaypasta #mothersday #limoncello #pastasauce #pastafresca #pastafattaincasa #pastafattaamano #foodblog #freshpasta #howtomakepasta #pastaia #pastaio
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngSunday Cappelletti ☀️ Potato, mascarpone, goat cheese, pecorino, black pepper, and good tunes 👌 #pastaetal #cappelletti #pastaia #pastaio #filledpasta #pastafresca #pastafattaamano #chefsalert #acquafarinamarcato #agfg #cookgoodfoodau #f52grams #f52home #buzzfeast #makeitdelicious #foodblogfeed #chowhound #chefsofinstagram
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png✨Mother's Day Sale✨ Set Mum up for pasta adventures this Mother’s Day! From our bestselling cookbook filled with our favourite recipes and family stories, to a collection of stunning handmade tools, you’ll find everything Mum needs to get rolling. And for this week only, we’re cutting 15% off everything, applied automatically to your cart! So head on over via the link in our bio, and ciao to you Ma 👋❤️ NB: Shipping only available to Australia and New Zealand (sorry everyone else). Sale ends midnight 12 May. #pastaetal #cookbook #pastafresca #pastafattaincasa #pastafattaamano #pastaia #pastaio #pastafresca #pastatools #pastamaking #pastalover
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png✖️Homemade Fermented Chilli Sauce✖️ If you're excited by hot sauces, believe in the power of probiotics, and love doing things yourself, then this week's recipe is for you! And you don't even have to spend 4 months constructing growing apparatuses and germinating seeds, or a further 2 months procrastinating over writing a blog about it. You'll just need a whole heap of chillies, some salt water and vinegar, and a few veggies for flavour. This is a delicious, deeply flavoured sauce that you can completely tailor to your own taste. Good luck making it last though! Check out the recipe on our blog now (link in bio) 🌶 NB. Photos run backwards from the finished sauce variations to my tiny chefs harvesting the chillies ✌️ #pastaetal #pastaia #pastaio #chillies #growingchillies #hotsauce #chillisauce #fermentedchillisauce #sauce #saucerecipe #homeproject #pepperlovers #growyourfood #fermentation #smallbatch
...-Shop-17-scaled.jpg?resize=300,300&ssl=1Wooden Ravioli Mould
...hop-07-1-scaled.jpg?resize=300,300&ssl=1Fluted Brass Pasta Cutter
...-Shop-01-scaled.jpg?resize=300,300&ssl=1Pasta et Al: The Many Shapes Of A Family Tradition
...hop-22-1-scaled.jpg?resize=300,300&ssl=1Pasta et Al Book & Pasta Cutter Bundle
...op-Up-Opt-In-New21.jpg?fit=610,280&ssl=1Carece de atributo ALT

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Pasta et Al
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H2 Sauces, Oils, Condiments
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H2 Farfalle, sorpresine.
H2 Funghini.
H2 Garganelli, tortiglioni, paccheri, rigatoni.
H2 Anolini.
H2 Ravioli, agnolotti, agnolotti del plin.
H2 Caramelle.
H2 Scarpinocc, mezzelune, triangoli, pansotti, casoncelli.
H2 Fagottini.
H2 Sacchettoni.
H2 Tortelli, tortellini.
H2 Stelle, anelli, fregula.
H2 Linguine.
H2 Fettuccine.
H2 Tagliolini.
H2 Spaghetti alla chitarra.
H2 Fusilli, fileja, bucatini.
H2 Reginette, mafalde.
H2 Malloreddus, gnocchetti sardi.
H2 Fazzoletti, rotolo.
H2 Pici.
H2 Orecchiette, foglie d'ulivo, cavatelli, casarecce, trofie, gnocchi, gnocchi ripieni, capunti.
H2 Cappellacci, cappelletti.
H2 Pappardelle.
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H3 Pork, Banana Prawn, and Shiso Matcha Casoncelli with Rib and Red Radish Broth
H3 Pasta et Al: Familientradition in Nudelform
H3 Doppio Ravioli and Agnolotti of Caramelised Fig and Mascarpone with Toasted Perilla Seed, Limoncello, and Walnut Brown Butter
H3 Growing Chillies from Seed, and Homemade Fermented Chilli Sauce
H3 Handcut Pappardelle with Three Meat Ragù | Pappardelle Fatte a Mano al Ragù di Tre Carni
H3 Pink and Black Pepper Tortellini with Pumpkin, Corn, Chorizo, and Chimichurri, in Locro Bone Broth
H3 Pasta et Al, The Book
H3 Tabasco Spaghetti alla Chitarra with Stracciatella and Roasted Tomatoes
H3 Tomato Day 2023
H3 Striped Ricotta Fagottini with Garlic and Fennel Confit Purée
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/recipes/pasta-recipes/red-dra...RED DRAGONFRUIT TORTELLI
/recipes/pasta-recipes/four-ch...FOUR CHEESE FAGOTTINI
/recipes/sauce-recipes/bone-br...PRESSURE COOKER BONE BROTH
/recipes/pasta-recipes/smoky-n...SMOKY NETTLE CAPPELLACCI
/recipes/pasta-recipes/bread-f...BREAD FLOUR CASARECCE
/recipes/pasta-recipes/fig-and...FIG AND ANISETTE CARAMELLE
/recipes/pasta-recipes/gnocchi...PAN-FRIED GNOCCHI RIPIENI WITH EGGPLANT
/recipes/pasta-recipes/wild-ol...WILD OLIVE PAPPARDELLE
/recipes/sauce-recipes/short-r...SHORT-RIB RAGU
/recipes/sauce-recipes/homemad...HOMEMADE TOMATO PASSATA
/recipes/pasta-recipes/90s-pri...90S PRINT TRIANGOLI WITH RICOTTA AND SALTBUSH
/recipes/pasta-recipes/matcha-...IMG-ALT Pork, Banana Prawn, and Shiso Matcha Casoncelli with Rib and Red Radish Broth
/recipes/pasta-recipes/matcha-...May 26, 2024
/recipes/pasta-recipes/matcha-...Texto duplicado Pork, Banana Prawn, and Shiso Matcha Casoncelli with Rib and Red Radish Broth
A-TITLE Pork, Banana Prawn, and Shiso Matcha Casoncelli with Rib and Red Radish Broth
/category/recipes/pasta-recipes/Texto duplicado Pasta Recipes
/recipes/pasta-recipes/matcha-...Texto ancla 0 Comments
/recipes/pasta-recipes/pasta-e...IMG-ALT Pasta et Al: Familientradition in Nudelform
/recipes/pasta-recipes/pasta-e...May 16, 2024
/recipes/pasta-recipes/pasta-e...Texto duplicado Pasta et Al: Familientradition in Nudelform
A-TITLE Pasta et Al: Familientradition in Nudelform
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/recipes/pasta-recipes/pasta-e...Texto ancla Texto duplicado 0 Comments
/recipes/pasta-recipes/doppio-...IMG-ALT Doppio Ravioli and Agnolotti of Caramelised Fig and Mascarpone with Toasted Perilla Seed, Limoncello, and Walnut Brown Butter
/recipes/pasta-recipes/doppio-...May 12, 2024
/recipes/pasta-recipes/doppio-...Texto duplicado Doppio Ravioli and Agnolotti of Caramelised Fig and Mascarpone with Toasted Perilla Seed, Limoncello, and Walnut Brown Butter
A-TITLE Doppio Ravioli and Agnolotti of Caramelised Fig and Mascarpone with Toasted Perilla Seed, Limoncello, and Walnut Brown Butter
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/recipes/pasta-recipes/doppio-...Texto ancla Texto duplicado 0 Comments
/recipes/sauce-recipes/growing...IMG-ALT Growing Chillies from Seed, and Homemade Fermented Chilli Sauce
/recipes/sauce-recipes/growing...April 24, 2024
/recipes/sauce-recipes/growing...Texto duplicado Growing Chillies from Seed, and Homemade Fermented Chilli Sauce
A-TITLE Growing Chillies from Seed, and Homemade Fermented Chilli Sauce
/category/recipes/sauce-recipes/Texto duplicado Sauce Recipes
/recipes/sauce-recipes/growing...Texto ancla Texto duplicado 0 Comments
/recipes/pasta-recipes/handcut...IMG-ALT Handcut Pappardelle with Three Meat Ragù | Pappardelle Fatte a Mano al Ragù di Tre Carni
/recipes/pasta-recipes/handcut...March 16, 2024
/recipes/pasta-recipes/handcut...Texto duplicado Handcut Pappardelle with Three Meat Ragù | Pappardelle Fatte a Mano al Ragù di Tre Carni
A-TITLE Handcut Pappardelle with Three Meat Ragù | Pappardelle Fatte a Mano al Ragù di Tre Carni
/category/recipes/pasta-recipes/Texto duplicado Pasta Recipes
/recipes/pasta-recipes/handcut...Texto ancla Texto duplicado 0 Comments
/recipes/pasta-recipes/pink-bl...IMG-ALT Pink and Black Pepper Tortellini with Pumpkin, Corn, Chorizo, and Chimichurri, in Locro Bone Broth
/recipes/pasta-recipes/pink-bl...September 23, 2023
/recipes/pasta-recipes/pink-bl...Texto duplicado Pink and Black Pepper Tortellini with Pumpkin, Corn, Chorizo, and Chimichurri, in Locro Bone Broth
A-TITLE Pink and Black Pepper Tortellini with Pumpkin, Corn, Chorizo, and Chimichurri, in Locro Bone Broth
/category/recipes/pasta-recipes/Texto duplicado Pasta Recipes
/recipes/pasta-recipes/pink-bl...Texto ancla 3 Comments
/information/news/pasta-et-al-...IMG-ALT Pasta et Al, The Book
/information/news/pasta-et-al-...May 12, 2023
/information/news/pasta-et-al-...Texto duplicado Pasta et Al, The Book
A-TITLE Pasta et Al, The Book
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/information/news/pasta-et-al-...Texto ancla Texto duplicado 0 Comments
/recipes/pasta-recipes/tabasco...IMG-ALT Tabasco Spaghetti alla Chitarra with Stracciatella and Roasted Tomatoes
/recipes/pasta-recipes/tabasco...April 30, 2023
/recipes/pasta-recipes/tabasco...Texto duplicado Tabasco Spaghetti alla Chitarra with Stracciatella and Roasted Tomatoes
A-TITLE Tabasco Spaghetti alla Chitarra with Stracciatella and Roasted Tomatoes
/category/recipes/pasta-recipes/Texto duplicado Pasta Recipes
/recipes/pasta-recipes/tabasco...Texto ancla Texto duplicado 0 Comments
/recipes/sauce-recipes/tomato-...IMG-ALT Tomato Day 2023
/recipes/sauce-recipes/tomato-...April 1, 2023
/recipes/sauce-recipes/tomato-...Texto duplicado Tomato Day 2023
A-TITLE Tomato Day 2023
/category/recipes/sauce-recipes/Texto duplicado Sauce Recipes
/recipes/sauce-recipes/tomato-...Texto ancla 4 Comments
/recipes/pasta-recipes/striped...IMG-ALT Striped Ricotta Fagottini with Garlic and Fennel Confit Purée
/recipes/pasta-recipes/striped...March 12, 2023
/recipes/pasta-recipes/striped...Texto duplicado Striped Ricotta Fagottini with Garlic and Fennel Confit Purée
A-TITLE Striped Ricotta Fagottini with Garlic and Fennel Confit Purée
/category/recipes/pasta-recipes/Texto duplicado Pasta Recipes
/recipes/pasta-recipes/striped...Texto ancla 5 Comments Posts
/the-pasta-drawer/Nueva ventana THE PASTA DRAWER – INTERACTIVE RECIPE INDEX
/recipes/sauce-recipes/growing...Nueva ventana Homemade Fermented Chilli Sauce
/recipes/sauce-recipes/tomato-...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado Tomato Day 2023
/recipes/sauce-recipes/homemad...Nueva ventana Homemade Tomato Passata
/recipes/sauce-recipes/short-r...Nueva ventana Short-Rib Ragu
/recipes/sauce-recipes/osso-buco/Nueva ventana Osso Buco
/recipes/sauce-recipes/sausage...Nueva ventana Sausage Ragu
/recipes/sauce-recipes/white-b...Nueva ventana White Bean and Chorizo Sauce
/recipes/sauce-recipes/bone-br...Nueva ventana Pressure Cooker Bone Broth
/recipes/sauce-recipes/mushroo...Nueva ventana Mushroom and Taleggio Sauce
/recipes/sauce-recipes/brown-b...Nueva ventana Brown Butter with Pink Peppercorns and Lemon Thyme
/recipes/sauce-recipes/tomato-...Nueva ventana Tomato and Basil Sauce
/recipes/sauce-recipes/slow-co...Nueva ventana Slow-Cooked Pork Shoulder Ragu
/recipes/sauce-recipes/meatbal...Nueva ventana Meatballs in Tomato Sauce
/recipes/pasta-recipes/wholeme...Nueva ventana Wholemeal Spelt Gemelli
/recipes/pasta-recipes/farfall...Nueva ventana Farfalle with Rye Flour
/recipes/pasta-recipes/spinach...Nueva ventana Spinach and Paprika Funghini Arrabbiata
/recipes/pasta-recipes/sumac-g...Nueva ventana Sumac Garganelli with Ricotta, Chicory, and Spinach
/recipes/pasta-recipes/rigaton...Nueva ventana Rigatoni with Veal and Eggplant Meatballs in Tomato Sauce
/recipes/pasta-recipes/baked-t...Nueva ventana Baked Tortiglioni
/recipes/pasta-recipes/handmad...Nueva ventana Handmade Paccheri
/recipes/pasta-recipes/pistach...Nueva ventana Pistachio and Spinach Anolini
/recipes/pasta-recipes/rye-and...Nueva ventana Rye and Pumpkin Ravioli with Lamb and Spinach
/recipes/pasta-recipes/doppio-...Nueva ventana Doppio Ravioli of Peperonata with Balsamic Tomatoes
/recipes/pasta-recipes/spinach...Nueva ventana Spinach and Ricotta Ravioli
/recipes/pasta-recipes/fig-and...Nueva ventana Fig and Anisette Caramelle
/recipes/pasta-recipes/matcha-...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado Pork, Banana Prawn, and Shiso Matcha Casoncelli with Rib and Red Radish Broth
/recipes/pasta-recipes/90s-pri...Nueva ventana 90s Print Triangoli with Ricotta and Saltbush
/recipes/pasta-recipes/lemon-a...Nueva ventana Lemon and Poppy Seed Scarpinocc with Citrus-Infused Olive Oil
/recipes/pasta-recipes/bitter-...Nueva ventana Bitter Greens Pansotti with Walnut Sauce
/recipes/pasta-recipes/striped...Texto duplicado Striped Ricotta Fagottini with Garlic and Fennel Confit Purée
/recipes/pasta-recipes/cassava...Nueva ventana Cassava Leaf and Rendang Fagottini Potstickers with Terong Balado and Sambal Ijo
/recipes/pasta-recipes/four-ch...Nueva ventana Four Cheese Fagottini
/recipes/pasta-recipes/tequila...Nueva ventana Tequila Prawn Sacchettoni
/recipes/pasta-recipes/charcoa...Nueva ventana Charcoal Sacchettoni with Garlic Yoghurt Sauce
/recipes/pasta-recipes/pink-bl...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado Pink and Black Pepper Tortellini with Pumpkin, Corn, Chorizo, and Chimichurri, in Locro Bone Broth
/recipes/pasta-recipes/red-win...Nueva ventana Red Wine Tortelli with Pork and Radicchio in Garlic Oil
/recipes/pasta-recipes/red-dra...Nueva ventana Red Dragonfruit Tortelli
/recipes/pasta-recipes/squid-i...Nueva ventana Squid Ink and Lemon Linguine with Whitebait
/recipes/pasta-recipes/cocoa-f...Nueva ventana Cocoa Fettuccine with Mascarpone and Walnut Sauce
/recipes/pasta-recipes/cracked...Nueva ventana Cracked Pepper Fettuccine Puttanesca
/recipes/pasta-recipes/spinach...Nueva ventana Spinach Fettuccine
/recipes/pasta-recipes/saltbus...Nueva ventana Saltbush and Squid Ink Tagliolini with Crab and Finger Lime
/recipes/pasta-recipes/tabasco...Texto duplicado Tabasco Spaghetti alla Chitarra with Stracciatella and Roasted Tomatoes
/recipes/pasta-recipes/smoked-...Nueva ventana Smoked Rye Tonnarelli Carbonara
/recipes/pasta-recipes/spaghet...Nueva ventana Spaghetti alla Chitarra with Capsicum and Homemade Tuna in Oil
/recipes/pasta-recipes/squid-i...Nueva ventana Squid Ink Bucatini con le Sarde
/recipes/pasta-recipes/dark-ry...Nueva ventana Dark Rye Fileja with Onions
/recipes/pasta-recipes/tomato-...Nueva ventana Tomato and Spinach Fusilli with Nduja Sugu
/recipes/pasta-recipes/gluten-...Nueva ventana Gluten-Free Reginette
/recipes/pasta-recipes/wattles...Nueva ventana Wattleseed and Peppermint Gum Malloreddus with Sea Celery and Macadamia Pesto
/recipes/pasta-recipes/spinach...Nueva ventana Spinach and Ricotta Rotolo
/recipes/pasta-recipes/fazzole...Nueva ventana Fazzoletti with Pesto
/recipes/pasta-recipes/red-win...Nueva ventana Red Wine Pici with Sausage and Fried Bread
/recipes/pasta-recipes/smoked-...Smoked Paprika Foglie d'Ulivo with Saffron Brown Butter
/recipes/pasta-recipes/pulled-...Pulled Pork Gnocchi Ripieni with Brown Butter Corn and Jalapeño Vinaigrette
/recipes/pasta-recipes/capunti...Nueva ventana Capunti with Broccoli and Roasted Black Beans
/recipes/pasta-recipes/gnocchi...Nueva ventana Pan-fried Gnocchi Ripieni with Eggplant
/recipes/pasta-recipes/bread-f...Nueva ventana Bread Flour Casarecce
/recipes/pasta-recipes/fennel-...Nueva ventana Fennel and Potato Cappelletti
/recipes/pasta-recipes/beef-an...Nueva ventana Beef and Beetroot Cappelletti with White Beans and Roasted Vegetables
/recipes/pasta-recipes/asparag...Nueva ventana Asparagus and Mascarpone Cappellacci in Red Cabbage Broth
/recipes/pasta-recipes/smoky-n...Nueva ventana Smoky Nettle Cappellacci with Beetroot Purée and Cocoa-Rhubarb Crumb
/recipes/pasta-recipes/handcut...Handcut Pappardelle with Three Meat Ragù
/recipes/pasta-recipes/wild-ol...Nueva ventana Wild Olive Pappardelle
/recipes/pasta-recipes/egg-yol...Nueva ventana Egg Yolk Pappardelle ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Sorpresine, patterned with ground paprika 🧡 #p
IMG-ALT Sorpresine, patterned with ground paprika 🧡 #pastaetal #sorpesine #pastashapes #paprikapasta #pastaia #pastaio #pastafresca #acquafarinamarcato #agfg #buzzfe... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio A batch of paprika-striped sorpresine (little surp
IMG-ALT A batch of paprika-striped sorpresine (little surprises) from last weekend. Unfortunately, I manage my phone notifications and app permissions so badly that ... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio ✖️Gluten Free Cappellacci✖️ Because a lit
IMG-ALT ✖️Gluten Free Cappellacci✖️ Because a little traitorous gluten shouldn’t stand in the way of good pasta! You can find the recipe for our gluten free dough in... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Gluten free cappellacci with beef, salami, and pot
IMG-ALT Gluten free cappellacci with beef, salami, and potato 👌🍝 We use a simple off-the-shelf flour mix of maize and tapioca starches, rice and maize flours, and ri... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio The secret to pasta ruvida is to sheet your dough
IMG-ALT The secret to pasta ruvida is to sheet your dough on the thickest setting, lay it out uncovered on a wooden surface, and then have two small warring children... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio ✖️Pork, Banana Prawn, and Shiso Matcha Casonce
IMG-ALT ✖️Pork, Banana Prawn, and Shiso Matcha Casoncelli with Rib and Red Radish Broth✖️ One more shot from our recent Japanese-inspired pasta dish. The three of us... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Pork, banana prawn, and shiso casoncelli made with
IMG-ALT Pork, banana prawn, and shiso casoncelli made with a matcha and stoneground flour dough 👌 If you missed it, there’s a recipe up on our blog now! Just follow ... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio This is the simple folding method that we used for
IMG-ALT This is the simple folding method that we used for our casoncelli this week. Here they're made with a matcha dough (very roughly 10g for every 100g of flour)... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio As well as all those good regen ag ingredients fro
IMG-ALT As well as all those good regen ag ingredients from Dirty Clean Food, this week's recipe features the humble red radish and shiso leaf, sourced from the back... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado ✖️Pork, Banana Prawn, and Shiso Matcha Casonce
IMG-ALT ✖️Pork, Banana Prawn, and Shiso Matcha Casoncelli with Rib and Red Radish Broth✖️ It’s been a while since we tried out something a little different, so this ... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Hello! I’m Al, 50% of the pun behind our blog an
IMG-ALT Hello! I’m Al, 50% of the pun behind our blog and book title. I prefer to hide on the other side of the camera, but every now and then I get a haircut and de... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Giant ravs! We love these things 💛 This week’s filling is fresh ricotta, stirred through the tomato that we strained out and blended from a recent consommé. ... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Guten Tag! Pasta et Al: Familientradition in Nudel
IMG-ALT Guten Tag! Pasta et Al: Familientradition in Nudelform is coming soon! I am extremely excited to announce that our little old book has been translated into G... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio ✖️Doppio Ravioli and Agnolotti of Caramelised
IMG-ALT ✖️Doppio Ravioli and Agnolotti of Caramelised Fig and Mascarpone, with Toasted Perilla Seed, Limoncello, and Walnut Brown Butter✖️ Here’s how we did it! This... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Two of the components in this year’s Mother’s
IMG-ALT Two of the components in this year’s Mother’s Day pasta: agnolotti made from a limoncello and toasted perilla seed dough, half filled with caramelised fig an... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio This week’s doppio ravioli are made by marking n
IMG-ALT This week’s doppio ravioli are made by marking nested and centred circles of 4.5-5 cm, 10 cm, and 13-14 cm diameter on your pasta sheet. Small bowls and meas... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado ✖️Doppio Ravioli and Agnolotti of Caramelised
IMG-ALT ✖️Doppio Ravioli and Agnolotti of Caramelised Fig and Mascarpone, with Toasted Perilla Seed, Limoncello, and Walnut Brown Butter✖️ Happy Mother’s Day! We’re ... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Sunday Cappelletti ☀️ Potato, mascarpone, goa
IMG-ALT Sunday Cappelletti ☀️ Potato, mascarpone, goat cheese, pecorino, black pepper, and good tunes 👌 #pastaetal #cappelletti #pastaia #pastaio #filledpasta #pasta... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio ✨Mother's Day Sale✨ Set Mum up for pasta adve
IMG-ALT ✨Mother's Day Sale✨ Set Mum up for pasta adventures this Mother’s Day! From our bestselling cookbook filled with our favourite recipes and family stories, to... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio ✖️Homemade Fermented Chilli Sauce✖️ If y
IMG-ALT ✖️Homemade Fermented Chilli Sauce✖️ If you're excited by hot sauces, believe in the power of probiotics, and love doing things yourself, then this week's rec... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Follow on Instagram
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IMG-ALT Wooden Ravioli Mould
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/product/fluted-brass-pasta-cu...Fluted Brass Pasta Cutter
IMG-ALT Fluted Brass Pasta Cutter
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/product/pasta-et-al-the-book/Pasta et Al: The Many Shapes Of A Family Tradition
IMG-ALT Pasta et Al: The Many Shapes Of A Family Tradition
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/privacy-policyPrivacy | Advertising. Subdominio Kale Pro Subdominio LyraThemes ancla A-TITLE Sauces, Oils, Condiments ancla A-TITLE Gemelli, lorighittas. ancla A-TITLE Farfalle, sorpresine. ancla A-TITLE Funghini. ancla A-TITLE Garganelli, tortiglioni, paccheri, rigatoni. ancla A-TITLE Anolini. ancla A-TITLE Ravioli, agnolotti, agnolotti del plin. ancla A-TITLE Caramelle. ancla A-TITLE Scarpinocc, mezzelune, triangoli, pansotti, casoncelli. ancla A-TITLE Fagottini. ancla A-TITLE Sacchettoni. ancla A-TITLE Tortelli, tortellini. ancla A-TITLE Stelle, anelli, fregula. ancla A-TITLE Linguine. ancla A-TITLE Fettuccine. ancla A-TITLE Tagliolini. ancla A-TITLE Spaghetti alla chitarra. ancla A-TITLE Fusilli, fileja, bucatini. ancla A-TITLE Reginette, mafalde. ancla A-TITLE Malloreddus, gnocchetti sardi. ancla A-TITLE Fazzoletti, rotolo. ancla A-TITLE Pici. ancla A-TITLE Orecchiette, foglie d'ulivo, cavatelli, casarecce, trofie, gnocchi, gnocchi ripieni, capunti. ancla A-TITLE Cappellacci, cappelletti. ancla A-TITLE Pappardelle.

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Pasta et Al - A family tradition of pasta recipes and stories, shar...
A family tradition of pasta recipes and stories, shared with love

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