Portorocha.com - SEO Checker

Visión general del análisis SEO
Calidad de la página
Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
1,03 s
Tamaño HTML
474,90 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
129 internos / 159 externos

Lista de tareas pendientes para mejorar tu SEO


(Extremadamente importante)
El título es demasiado corto (151 píxeles de un máximo de 580 píxeles).Optimizar ahora
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
PORTO ROCHA is a New York-based design and branding agency developing creative and strategic work that engages deeply with the world we live in.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (936 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no
generatorGatsby 2.20.36
descriptionPORTO ROCHA is a New York-based design and branding agency developing creative and strategic work that engages deeply with the world we live in.
keywordsbranding, design studio, design, branding agency, design studio nyc, website design, campaign, graphic design, brand strategy, creative studio
twitter:descriptionPORTO ROCHA is a New York-based design and branding agency developing creative and strategic work that engages deeply with the world we live in.
og:descriptionPORTO ROCHA is a New York-based design and branding agency developing creative and strategic work that engages deeply with the world we live in.

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El contenido de esta página es demasiado extenso (7863 palabras). Tal vez podrías dividirlo en varias páginas según el tema.
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • cmo => com
Un 33% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Se han encontrado 149 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 21.74 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 157 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 36 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de Schema.org) adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
El encabezado H1 está vacío.
Hay 45 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Encabezado vacío
H2 About us
H2 Five Years
H2 Robinhood
H2 W Hotels
H2 Nike au Centre Pompidou
H2 Brazilian Homo
H2 Twitch
H2 Sundance Film Festival
H2 Nothing Precious
H2 Vevo
H2 Swipe
H2 Tudum Global
H2 No Free Pitches
H2 Shop
H2 Hiro
H2 Netflix Is a Joke: The Festival
H2 Olympikus
H2 Zigzag
H2 Design Threads
H2 Brooklyn Rail
H2 Upwork
H2 Nike Be True
H2 Year Two
H2 QuintoAndar
H2 Netflix Tudum
H2 Airbnb Tyrus
H2 Samba
H2 Museu Nacional
H2 Pollen
H2 Comrade
H2 Melissa Flygrl
H2 Electric Sky
H2 Bonde
H2 Chani Nicholas: You Were Born For This
H2 Emotional Landscapes
H2 ℓiⱴε
H2 Year in Review
H2 Studio Updates
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
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Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (159) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
https://portorocha.com/allShow All Projects
https://portorocha.com/Sin texto
https://portorocha.com/aboutInfoShow More About us We are a New York-based agency uniting strategy and design to make work that evolves with the world we live in.
https://portorocha.com/aboutTexto duplicado Open
https://fiveyears.portorocha.com/Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Open
https://fiveyears.portorocha.com/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio UpdatesShow More Five Years An inside look at what we've learned over five years of PORTO ROCHA.
https://fiveyears.portorocha.com/Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/robinhoodTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/robinhoodProjectsShow More Robinhood A grown-up identity for a finance pioneer
https://portorocha.com/robinhoodTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/whotelsTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/whotelsProjectsShow More W Hotels A global rebrand for a new era of luxury hospitality
https://portorocha.com/whotelsTexto duplicado Open
/nikepompidouTexto duplicado Open
/nikepompidouProjectsShow More Nike au Centre Pompidou An iconic takeover celebrating the Art of Victory at the Paris Olympics
/nikepompidouTexto duplicado Open
/brazilianhomoTexto duplicado Open
/brazilianhomoProjectsShow More Brazilian Homo Brazil’s hottest LGBTQ+ magazine
/brazilianhomoTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/TwitchTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/TwitchProjectsShow More Twitch An identity evolution to match the energy of livestream communities
https://portorocha.com/TwitchTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/SundanceTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/SundanceProjectsShow More Sundance Film Festival A flexible identity for the champion of independent stories
https://portorocha.com/SundanceTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/PACNYCTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/PACNYCProjectsShow More PAC NYC A performing arts identity designed to invite the world in
https://portorocha.com/PACNYCTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/GRAUTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/GRAUProjectsShow More GRAU An artful renaissance for a legacy lighting brand
https://portorocha.com/GRAUTexto duplicado Open
/nothingpreciousTexto duplicado Open
/nothingpreciousProjectsShow More Nothing Precious A publication exploring beauty through the eyes of Marcelo Gutierrez
/nothingpreciousTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/vevoTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/vevoProjectsShow More Vevo A new vision for the world’s leading music video network
https://portorocha.com/vevoTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/VEEPSTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/VEEPSProjectsShow More VEEPS An immersive brand and product redesign that transports fans to the front row
https://portorocha.com/VEEPSTexto duplicado Open
https://swipe.portorocha.com/Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Open
https://swipe.portorocha.com/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio ResearchShow More Swipe An ongoing series created artificially by Felipe Rocha as part of our research on A.I. generated images at PORTO ROCHA.
https://swipe.portorocha.com/Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Open
/tudum-globalTexto duplicado Open
/tudum-globalProjectsShow More Tudum Global A fan-first identity for the biggest event in Netflix history
/tudum-globalTexto duplicado Open
https://nofreepitches.com/Externo Texto duplicado Open
https://nofreepitches.com/Nueva ventana Externo ProjectsShow More No Free Pitches A resolution to say no to unpaid pitches and change our industry for the better
https://nofreepitches.com/Externo Texto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/BPMTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/BPMProjectsShow More BPM An identity that keeps technology and music culture in sync
https://portorocha.com/BPMTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/shopTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/shopProjectsShow More Shop A captivating brand world for the all-in-one shopping app
https://portorocha.com/shopTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/hiroTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/hiroProjectsShow More Hiro A forward-thinking identity for the company bringing Web3 to Bitcoin
https://portorocha.com/hiroTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/LUNGETexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/LUNGEProjectsShow More LUNGE A design-forward identity for a contemporary pet brand
https://portorocha.com/LUNGETexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/QUILOTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/QUILOProjectsShow More QUILO A 300-page photo magazine showcasing the untold story of Brazilian visual culture
https://portorocha.com/QUILOTexto duplicado Open
/netflixisajokeTexto duplicado Open
/netflixisajokeProjectsShow More Netflix Is a Joke: The Festival A type-driven identity for the biggest event in comedy history
/netflixisajokeTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/olympikusTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/olympikusProjectsShow More Olympikus A confident new identity for running and fitness powerhouse Olympikus
https://portorocha.com/olympikusTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/zigzagTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/zigzagProjectsShow More Zigzag A vibrant new identity for Korea's largest shopping app
https://portorocha.com/zigzagTexto duplicado Open
/design-threadsTexto duplicado Open
/design-threadsProjectsShow More Design Threads A collaborative digital report and exhibition unraveling the state of design today
/design-threadsTexto duplicado Open
/brooklynrailTexto duplicado Open
/brooklynrailProjectsShow More Brooklyn Rail Editorial design for “Only Anthropophagy Unites Us?”
/brooklynrailTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/upworkTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/upworkProjectsShow More Upwork A people-first identity system for the pioneer of remote work
https://portorocha.com/upworkTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/nikebetrueTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/nikebetrueProjectsShow More Nike Be True A platform to spotlight and celebrate LGBTQIA+ athletes and creators
https://portorocha.com/nikebetrueTexto duplicado Open
/year-in-review-21Texto duplicado Open
/year-in-review-21Nueva ventana UpdatesShow More Year Two What a year! Here is our 2021 retrospective
/year-in-review-21Texto duplicado Open
/quintoandarTexto duplicado Open
/quintoandarProjectsShow More QuintoAndar An inviting new identity for housing giant QuintoAndar
/quintoandarTexto duplicado Open
/netflix-tudumTexto duplicado Open
/netflix-tudumProjectsShow More Netflix Tudum Connecting Netflix fans to the shows they love most
/netflix-tudumTexto duplicado Open
/airbnb-tyrusTexto duplicado Open
/airbnb-tyrusProjectsShow More Airbnb Tyrus Designing Airbnb’s latest digital toolkit, built to empower illustrators
/airbnb-tyrusTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/sambaTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/sambaProjectsShow More Samba A contemporary publication shines a light on Brazilian queer culture
https://portorocha.com/sambaTexto duplicado Open
/museu-nacionalTexto duplicado Open
/museu-nacionalProjectsShow More Museu Nacional Reimagining the Museu Design Experience
/museu-nacionalTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/pollenTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/pollenProjectsShow More Pollen Designing Spotify's genre-less playlist
https://portorocha.com/pollenTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/comradeTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/comradeProjectsShow More Comrade An impactful book cover signals new notions of political belonging
https://portorocha.com/comradeTexto duplicado Open
/melissa-flygrlTexto duplicado Open
/melissa-flygrlProjectsShow More Melissa Flygrl Flying with freedom: An expressive visual identity for Melissa’s new collection
/melissa-flygrlTexto duplicado Open
/electric-skyTexto duplicado Open
/electric-skyProjectsShow More Electric Sky Unconventional branding for an unconventional wine brand
/electric-skyTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/bondeTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/bondeProjectsShow More Bonde Spotlighting new perspectives on Brazilian art and design
https://portorocha.com/bondeTexto duplicado Open
/chani-nicholas:-you-were-born...Texto duplicado Open
/chani-nicholas:-you-were-born...ProjectsShow More Chani Nicholas: You Were Born For This A mystical cover for a contemporary take on astrology
/chani-nicholas:-you-were-born...Texto duplicado Open
/emotional-landscapesTexto duplicado Open
/emotional-landscapesProjectsShow More Emotional Landscapes A sensorial perspective on Burle Marx’s Brazilian landscapes
/emotional-landscapesTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/ieTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/ieProjectsShow More ℓiⱴε An open-source identity for a new kind of agency
https://portorocha.com/ieTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/yagaTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/yagaProjectsShow More YAGA Designing a new music festival embracing queer identities and subcultures
https://portorocha.com/yagaTexto duplicado Open
/year-in-reviewTexto duplicado Open
/year-in-reviewNueva ventana UpdatesShow More Year in Review We decided to express our gratitude by sharing a retrospective of our first year as a studio
/year-in-reviewTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/newsTexto duplicado Open
https://portorocha.com/newsNewsShow More Studio Updates Check out the latest news, features and events from the studio
https://portorocha.com/newsTexto duplicado Open
https://fiveyears.portorocha.com/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 10 December 2024 Five Years of PORTO ROCHA 2024 was the year we celebrated five years of PORTO ROCHA — of exciting work, inspiring collaboration, an...
https://www.creativereview.co....Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 20 November 2024 PORTO ROCHA on setting and pushing boundaries Founders Leo and Felipe spoke with Megan Williams, News Editor at Creative Review, du...
https://www.creativeboom.com/n...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 12 November 2024 PORTO ROCHA's global refresh for W Hotels marks a "new era of luxury hospitality" The hotel group steps into a new era with a bold,...
https://www.creativeboom.com/i...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 28 October 2024 Creative Boom Hotlist 2025: PORTO ROCHA ranked N.2 by industry peers In an impressive lineup of studios and agencies from around the...
https://www.frontify.com/en/bl...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 24 October 2024 Paradigms 2024: Lasting lessons from the Eternal City Matt Valenzia, Associate Director at Siegel+Gale and Paradigms correspondent, ...
https://istdawards.com/winnersNueva ventana Externo Updates: 23 October 2024 PAC NYC wins Identity and Type Design at ISTD Since 1992, the ISTD’s International Typographic Awards have provided an overview of t...
https://paradigms.io/Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 7 October 2024 A Discussion on Client-Agency Relationships Leo Porto participated in a panel discussion at Paradigms conference in Rome. Conducted b...
https://intl.international/tic...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 7 October 2024 Joseph Lebus to speak at International Assembly Design Lead Joseph Lebus is joining an impressive lineup for International Assembly, ...
https://www.creativereview.co....Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 3 September 2024 Creative Review: Twitch brings the energy in its refreshed identity PORTO ROCHA has created an expanded identity system for the liv...
https://gdusa.com/news/porto-r...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 26 August 2024 Graphic Design USA: PORTO ROCHA Brands Final Piece of WTC Rebuild PORTO ROCHA’s identity design for the performing arts space at the ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 21 August 2024 Talking Thursdays: Marcos Rodrigues In this episode of Talking Thursdays, PORTO ROCHA's Digital Design Lead Marcos Rodrigues joined u...
https://the-brandidentity.com/...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 9 August 2024 The Brand Identity: A chat with Leo and Felipe about their upcoming talk at POV Budapest as they look back on 5 years of PORTO ROCHA.
https://open.spotify.com/episo...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 7 August 2024 Leo and Felipe discuss pitching with The NDA Podcast Founders Leo and Felipe and Toby Wilkinson of Aufi Studio join The NDA Podcast Ep...
https://www.underconsideration...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 24 July 2024 The Follow-Up Podcast Episode 86 PAC NYC Founder Leo Porto, Strategy-Copy Director Natalee Ranii-Dropcho and Bob Pilon, CMO and Senior ...
https://www.commarts.com/exhib...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 5 June 2024 Communication Arts: PORTO ROCHA’s rebrand gives VEEPS a versatile system that speaks to fans of all music genres. Leo Porto discusses th...
https://clios.com/entertainmen...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 4 June 2024 Netflix Tudum wins Silver Clio Award
https://www.creativereview.co....Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 29 May 2024 Creative Review: PORTO ROCHA's bold identity for live events streamer: VEEPS Creative Review covers our brand refresh for VEEPS, "This a...
https://www.dandad.org/awards/...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 24 May 2024 PAC NYC Identity System wins a pencil at D&AD Awards We're honored to receive a Wood Pencil for our Branding Design System for PAC NYC, ...
https://blog.readymag.com/end-...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 23 May 2024 Readymag: From frustration to action: The fight to end free pitching in design Readymag speaks with PORTO ROCHA about the No Free Pitch ...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C7...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 21 May 2024 Graphic Fest 2 Victionary released their latest book GRAPHIC FEST 2: Identities for Festivals & Fairs featuring our identity for Netflix...
https://www.creativereview.co....Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 8 May 2024 Creative Review’s podcast looks at pitching Felipe joins Creative Review's podcast, Creativity Sucks, to discuss pitching in the design i...
https://www.creativeboom.com/i...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 30 April 2024 Creative Boom: PAC NYC's barrier-breaking identity Joseph Lebus speaks to Creative Boom about how the new performing arts center’s ide...
https://www.clubedacriatividad...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 29 April 2024 PORTO ROCHA to speak at Clube da Criatividade Portugal Leo and Felipe will give a talk at the 26th annual CCP Festival in Portugal May...
https://www.itsnicethat.com/ar...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 23 April 2024 It's Nice That: PAC, the Performing Arts Centre at Ground Zero, Debuts Its Branding Design Lead Joseph Lebus speaks with It's Nice Tha...
https://www.underconsideration...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 23 April 2024 Brand New: New logo and identity for PAC NYC by PORTO ROCHA Brand New reviews our identity for PAC NYC, "The all-electric color palett...
https://resources.frontify.com...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 17 April 2024 Strategy & Copy Director Natalee Ranii-Dropcho named Brand Visionary 2024 Each year Frontify compiles a list of the best and most insp...
https://rio.websummit.com/sess...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 31 March 2024 Interactive Design Lead Marcos Rodrigues to speak at Web Summit in Rio de Janeiro On April 18th Interactive Design Lead, Marcos Rodrig...
https://swipe.portorocha.com/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 28 March 2024 Swipe: An ongoing A.I. generated image archive by PORTO ROCHA Today we launch Swipe, an ongoing series created artificially by Felipe ...
https://www.povbudapest.com/sp...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 20 March 2024 PORTO ROCHA to speak at Point of View Budapest conference PORTO ROCHA is coming to Budapest! Leo and Felipe will be giving a talk at t...
https://www.aprender.design/bi...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 1 March 2024 Aprender Design: Open Class with Marcos Rodrigues Interactive Design Lead Marcos Rodrigues will be hosting a free class on March 7th. M...
https://www.lsnglobal.com/news...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 27 February 2024 LS:N: LUNGE elevates luxury pet accessories with fashionable brand identity New York-based pet accessories brand LUNGE is redefinin...
https://ladawards.org/2024/en/...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 20 February 2024 LAD Awards: Martin Azambuja to serve as design jury president Martín Azambuja will serve as the Graphic Design Jury President in th...
https://www.itsnicethat.com/ar...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 19 February 2024 It's Nice That: PORTO ROCHA answers to the fandoms only in visual identity for Netflix It's Nice That speaks with Felipe Rocha abou...
https://www.clubedecriacao.com...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 9 February 2024 Clube De Criação: Brazilians create petition against free pitching Felipe Rocha and Leo Porto spoke with Clube De Criação about the ...
https://www.creativereview.co....Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 8 February 2024 Creative Review: A fashion-forward identity for luxury pet brand LUNGE Creative Review covered our identity for LUNGE "PORTO ROCHA h...
https://www.creativereview.co....Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 7 February 2024 Creative Review: Felipe Rocha on why he started the petition, No Free Pitches The open call against free pitching has resonated with...
https://www.itsnicethat.com/ar...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 5 February 2024 Could this be the end of pitching for free? In the first of a new series from It’s Nice That’s Insights department, co-founder and c...
http://nofreepitches.com/Nueva ventana Externo Texto ancla URL
Updates: 26 January 2024 Industry Call: No Free Pitches Let’s make 2024 the year we get paid for all our work. Along with industry leaders, other agencies, a...
http://nofreepitches.com/Externo Texto ancla URL
https://concoursidea.ca/jurysNueva ventana Externo Updates: 25 January 2024 Etienne Murphy joins the jury of Idéa 2024 Senior Designer Etienne Murphy joins the design category jury for Idéa 2024, the competit...
https://www.itsnicethat.com/fe...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 8 January 2024 It’s Nice That: Seven Visual Trends and How They’ll Unfold in 2024 Leo and Felipe speak with It’s Nice That about the use of the use ...
https://www.itsnicethat.com/fe...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 18 December 2023 It’s Nice That: Top 50 Most Read in 2023 Our work for Sundance Film Festival was listed as one of the top 50 most read 2023 article...
https://www.creativeboom.com/i...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 1 December 2023 PORTO ROCHA has given a fresh identity to BPM Music, which houses the largest catalog of DJ-ready tracks in the world
https://udit.es/referentum-tal...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 6 November 2023 Senior Designer Martín Azambuja to speak at Referentum Talks in Madrid On November 15th, Martín Azambuja will give a talk at the Uni...
https://www.frontify.com/en/bl...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 31 October 2023 Frontify: Reflections on rebranding with PORTO ROCHA PORTO ROCHA Founder Leo Porto sits down to discuss the rebranding of Olympikus ...
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/n...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 30 October 2023 PORTO ROCHA type designer Marek Nedelka to speak at Cooper Union On November 2nd, our very own type designer Marek Nedelka will be g...
https://a-g-i.org/Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 11 October 2023 AGI: Leo Porto and Felipe Rocha elected into the Alliance Graphique Internationale We are happy to announce that Leo Porto and Felip...
https://adclietuva.lt/Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 26 September 2023 Talk at Art Directors Club Lithuania Leo Porto and Felipe Rocha will speak at the #ADCLT23 festival conference in Lithuania where ...
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/l...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 25 September 2023 SVA Design Research Studio Sessions PORTO ROCHA will be hosting a design conversation as a part of SVA's D-Crit events. SVA Design...
https://www.youtube.com/playli...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 15 September 2023 YouTube Music: Los Himnos We partnered with Youtube Music to design their latest collection in celebration of Latinx Heritage Mont...
https://www.iadas.net/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 13 September 2023 Leo Porto and Felipe Rocha join The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. PORTO ROCHA founders Leo Porto and Felipe ...
https://theadcc.ca/events/2023...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 12 September 2023 Judging the 74th ADCC Awards Leo Porto was invited to be a judge at the 74th annual Advertising & Design Club of Canada Awards in ...
https://awards.latinamericande...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 30 August 2023 PORTO ROCHA Named Studio of the Year 2023 We’ve been named Studio of the Year and received 9 LAD Awards at the 7th annual Latin Ameri...
https://awards.latinamericande...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 21 August 2023 Senior Designer Martín Azambuja to speak at 2023 Latin American Design Awards Gala in Lima Graphic Designer, Martín Azambuja, will be...
https://www.instagram.com/lati...Externo Subdominio @latinamericandesign
https://www.instagram.com/mart...Externo Subdominio @martinazambuja
https://www.netflix.com/tudum/...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto ancla Updates: 21 June 2023 Live from Brazil: Netflix Tudum! Our continued collaboration with Netflix culminated in their biggest celebration ever: a 3-day event i...
https://open.spotify.com/episo...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 31 May 2023 Monocle on Design Hosted by Nic Monisse, Monocle interviews PORTO ROCHA founders Leo Porto and Felipe Rocha, as well as Black Panther's ...
https://www.dandad.org/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 25 May 2023 Design Threads and Sundance Film Festival Rebrand win pencils at the 2023 D&AD Awards Design Threads wins a Graphite Pencil for Web Desi...
https://ladfest.org/Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 19 May 2023 PORTO ROCHA at LADFEST 2023 PORTO ROCHA is coming to Lima! Founders Leo Porto and Felipe Rocha will be speaking at LADFEST on July 1st i...
https://open.spotify.com/playl...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 18 May 2023 PORTO ROCHA Vol.5 PORTO ROCHA Vol.5 ♪ [SINGING IN NON-ENGLISH] is now available on Spotify. Featuring only non-english songs, selected a...
https://forum-108412.square.si...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 10 May 2023 PORTO ROCHA to speak at Caserne’s FORUM Design Conference Leo and Felipe will be joining this year’s not-so-formal assembly of global cr...
https://caserne.com/Externo Caserne
https://forum-108412.square.si...Externo Subdominio on sale
https://www.frontify.com/en/re...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 25 April 2023 Frontify: The 30 Brand Visionaries of 2023 Leo and Felipe named among most inspiring, trailblazing brand visionaries in the US.
https://winners.webbyawards.co...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 25 April 2023 Design Threads wins a Webby! Excited to share that our collaborative digital report was awarded Best Individual Editorial Feature at t...
https://www.creativebloq.com/n...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 22 April 2023 Creative Bloq: New Sundance Film Festival logo is the perfect homage to the big screen See why it’s “so much more than just a rectangl...
https://www.itsnicethat.com/ne...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 21 April 2023 It's Nice That: Sundance Film Festival Unveils Flexible Brand Identity
https://www.aprender.design/li...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 20 April 2023 Marcos Rodrigues, Interactive Design Lead at PORTO ROCHA joins Aprender Design faculty Marcos Rodrigues joins Aprender Design’s facult...
https://designtaxi.com/news/42...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 19 April 2023 Design Taxi: Sundance Film Festival Unveils Identity Inspired by Moviemaking A look at the system that “resonate[s] with independent f...
https://www.sundance.org/blogs...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 17 April 2023 Sundance: The Inspiring History of Poster Art at the Sundance Film Festival Chelsea Christensen and Sundance Institute graphic designe...
https://the-brandidentity.com/...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 17 April 2023 How to Handover an Identity System to Your Client in the Digital World Founder and Creative Director Leo Porto shares more about our a...
https://rio.websummit.com/spea...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 13 April 2023 PORTO ROCHA founders to speak at Web Summit in Rio de Janeiro On May 4th, Leo Porto and Felipe Rocha will be sharing the stage with an...
https://the-brandidentity.com/...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 31 March 2023 The Brand Identity: PORTO ROCHA’s vibrant identity for Netflix is a Joke
https://the-brandidentity.com/...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 23 February 2023 The Process The Process Four book by The Brand Identity is launching this month, featuring unused and unseen branding work from Chr...
https://intl.international/ass...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 23 February 2023 International Assembly Conference: Natalia Oledzka & Natalee Ranii-Dropcho
https://www.typedrivesculture....Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 22 February 2023 TDC’s Cha Che Chi After party at PORTO ROCHA Type Directors Club is hosting Cha Che Chi; a two-day virtual conference on March 3rd ...
https://www.itsnicethat.com/ne...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 10 February 2023 It’s Nice That: Rebranding Korea’s largest shopping app Porto Rocha gives Zigzag a high-fidelity 3D mark specifically made to adapt...
https://www.dandadawards.cn/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 9 February 2023 D&AD Talk: Joseph Lebus & Chae Park
https://www.are.na/blog/make-m...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 13 January 2023 are.na: Make Me Your Manifesto Strategy Director Natalee Ranii-Dropcho challenges the role of the coveted “brand manifesto” through ...
https://www.itsnicethat.com/ar...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 13 December 2022 It's Nice That: Interview with Quilo Creative Director, Mico Toledo Mico Toledo chats with It's Nice That about Quilo; a 300-page p...
https://the-brandidentity.com/...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 13 December 2022 The Brand Identity: Design Threads is a "must-read for creatives" The Brand Identity features our Design Threads Report: "Design Th...
https://pangrampangram.com/blo...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 7 December 2022 Pangram Pangram: Interview with Senior Designer Gabriela Carnabuci Gabriela shares her tips for making a portfolio with young design...
https://www.itsnicethat.com/ne...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 1 December 2022 It's Nice That: Felipe Rocha shares four findings from our new design report, which covers everything from the politics of good tast...
https://victionary.com/product...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 30 November 2022 Featured: Book Cover for Chani Nicholas on "PALETTE mini 08: Iridescent"
https://www.designthreads.report/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 21 November 2022 Design Threads Report: Now Live NOW LIVE! Design Threads — A collaborative report unraveling the state of design today. By designer...
https://www.itsnicethat.com/ar...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 1 November 2022 It's Nice That: New book pieces together a thoughtful, “intricate puzzle” of Brazilian creatives Igor Furtado’s new book pieces toge...
https://www.pinupmagazine.org/...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 28 October 2022 PIN-UP Magazine: The artful rebirth of a lighting giant German lighting company Tobias Grau rebrands as GRAU. Developed in partnersh...
https://www.dazeddigital.com/a...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 24 October 2022 Dazed: Inside the new zine exploring love, nature and survival in Brazil. Born of a desire to celebrate Brazilian creativity, Extinç...
https://www.aigany.org/event/i...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 20 October 2022 AIGA Symposium: Unveiling Methods Behind Studio Growth Leo Porto and Felipe Rocha join Aaron Edwards and Mark Goldwell for a panel a...
https://www.kickstarter.com/pr...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 19 October 2022 Quilo Photo Magazine Created by creative director and photographer Mico Toledo and designed by PORTO ROCHA, Quilo is a single editio...
https://www.monotype.com/resou...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 7 October 2022 Monotype: 5 Takeaways from Brand New Conference Monotype covers 5 key takeaways from Brand New Conference, including some insights by...
https://www.wix.com/playground...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 24 September 2022 Design Threads: Exhibition Now Open Now open until October 8th, Design Threads is an exhibition unraveling the state of design tod...
https://emais.estadao.com.br/n...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 23 August 2022 Estadão: PORTO ROCHA named 2022 best independent studio. We’re proud to share a milestone moment for PORTO ROCHA. This week we were f...
https://open.spotify.com/playl...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 14 July 2022 PORTO ROCHA Playlist: Vol. 3 Our latest playlist is out, featuring a compilation of some of our team's favorite summer bops this year. ...
/bit.ly/3uO9NhNNueva ventana Updates: 14 July 2022 Calling All Designers! What does it mean to be a designer in 2022? What are the guiding principles for such urgent times? In our new st...
https://www.tdc.org/event/tdc6...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 13 July 2022 TDC68: Traveling Exhibition at Cooper Union The #TDC68 traveling exhibition has made its way to New York, featuring the work of TDC 68 ...
http://museu.cultura.df.gov.br/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 13 July 2022 Museu Website: Now Live After a long interlude, the website that we designed and developed for the Museu Nacional da República in Bras...
https://www.dandad.org/profile...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 26 May 2022 PORTO ROCHA named Independent Design Agency of the Year We’ve been named Independent Design Agency of the Year 2022 and awarded 4 Pencil...
https://www.underconsideration...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 17 May 2022 Brand New Conference: Speakers announced Leo and Felipe are confirmed to speak at Brand New Conference, a two-day event on brand identit...
https://typelab.fr/blogs/noise...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 15 May 2022 Noise Interview A chat with Harry Bennett from Noise about the transition from freelancing to founding, pricing projects and the financi...
https://www.instagram.com/offf...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 13 May 2022 PORTO ROCHA speaks at OFFF Festival Barcelona We had a blast speaking at the OFFF Festival this weekend in Barcelona. We shared some of ...
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...Externo Subdominio OFFF Festival
https://www.oneclub.org/awards...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 1 April 2022 TDC Awards Winner: Logo Design Our logo design for the pet-parent platform The Wildest has been awarded at The Type Directors Club! Thi...
https://www.counter-print.co.u...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 24 March 2022 ‘Big Type’ by Counter-Print Counter-Print has released a new book featuring our work and an interview with PORTO ROCHA. The visual lan...
https://www.loversmagazine.com...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 16 March 2022 Lovers Magazine: Interview with Joseph Lebus Joseph chats with Lovers Magazine and shares more about his background in London, his int...
https://www.itsnicethat.com/ar...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 16 March 2022 PORTO ROCHA speaks at Google's Visual Design Summit PORTO ROCHA has been invited to join Google's 3rd annual Visual Design Summit as g...
https://espaco.cc/ESPACOSDESIGNNueva ventana Externo Updates: 10 February 2022 Masterclass: Espaço.CC Espaço.CC is hosting classes, workshops and masterclasses with an impressive line up of design professionals...
https://awards.latinamericande...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 22 January 2022 Latin American Awards Jury PORTO ROCHA founders Leo Porto and Felipe Rocha will judge the branding and editorial design categories a...
https://the-brandidentity.com/...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 13 January 2022 The Brand Identity: PORTO ROCHA’s identity for Vevo reintroduces the music video network to its widespread audience
https://aigany.org/event/webin...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 10 January 2022 Tips From NYC Immigrant Designers Leo Porto and Felipe Rocha will join Al Lucca and Yuri Ha on January 25th to share their experienc...
https://www.underconsideration...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 4 January 2022 Brand New 2021 Year in Review: Best in Logo, Illustration and Motion Brand New's 2021 Year in Review listed our work for Vevo and Upw...
https://www.printmag.com/brand...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 21 November 2021 Print Magazine: Porto Rocha Designs Vevo’s New Brand Identity Print Magazine features our new identity design for Vevo: "Known as b...
https://open.spotify.com/playl...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 12 November 2021 PORTO ROCHA Playlist: Vol 2 We are back with Vol 2 of our playlist, featuring a compilation of some of our recent favorites from ev...
https://www.offf.barcelona/art...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 13 October 2021 OFFF Barcelona: PORTO ROCHA announced as 2022 speakers Among 20 other studios and creatives, Leo and Felipe have been selected to gi...
https://the-brandidentity.com/...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 17 August 2021 The Brand Identity: PORTO ROCHA’s identity for freelance platform Upwork signifies their dedication to community Senior Designer Jose...
https://the-brandidentity.com/...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 10 August 2021 The Brand Identity interviews PORTO ROCHA designer Maddy Angstreich
https://awards.latinamericande...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 21 July 2021 PORTO ROCHA named Studio of the Year 2021 This year, PORTO ROCHA received two Gold awards and a Grand Prix at the 2021 Latin American D...
https://50books50covers.secure...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 23 June 2021 AIGA 50 Books | 50 Covers 2020 Out of nearly 700 entries, our cover for Chani Nicholas’ bestselling book, You Were Born For This, was s...
https://the-brandidentity.com/...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 3 June 2021 The Brand Identity: PORTO ROCHA devise a maximalist and vibrant identity for Netflix Tudum
https://www.dandad.org/awards/...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 28 May 2021 Netflix Tudum awarded D&AD Pencil As our first ever entry in the D&AD Awards, our Netflix Tudum almanac earned a Wood Pencil for creativ...
https://www.creativeboom.com/f...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 17 May 2021 Creative Boom: PORTO ROCHA on play, potential, and process Felipe and Leo chat with Creative Boom about their collaborative process and ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 10 March 2021 Davi Sabbag ft. Kafé: Café Preto See our title design in Davi Sabbag's new music video. Chic.
https://magazine.workingnotwor...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 10 March 2021 Working Not Working: PORTO ROCHA named top 25 inspiring companies We’re honored to have been included alongside some amazing names on ...
https://www.sightunseen.com/20...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 4 March 2021 Sight Unseen: PORTO ROCHA featured in new Graphic Design column
https://shop.brooklynrail.org/...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 3 February 2021 Brooklyn Rail: Guest Designer We were invited to design The Brooklyn Rail's popular Guest Critic Section featuring Tiago Gualberto, ...
https://form.de/products/form-...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 13 January 2021 form Design Magazine: PORTO ROCHA featured in "Team and Design" What makes a design dream team? Felipe and Leo talk to form Design M...
https://the-brandidentity.com/...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 12 January 2021 The Brand Identity: PORTO ROCHA’s identity for Airbnb Tyrus juxtaposes function with luscious illustration The Brand Identity review...
https://www.underconsideration...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 7 January 2021 Brand New: The Best Work of 2020 We're thrilled to have the rebrand of Museu Nacional da República included in Brand New's Best Work ...
https://open.spotify.com/playl...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 15 December 2020 PORTO ROCHA 2020 Playlist From Bad Bunny to BADSISTA, we put together a playlist with some of our favorite tracks right now.
https://the-brandidentity.com/...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 14 December 2020 The Brand Identity: “Do Good Ideas Have Requirements?” The Brand Identity talks to Leo and Felipe for a new article in the series "...
https://www.itsnicethat.com/ne...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 26 October 2020 It’s Nice That: Airbnb launches Tyrus, a digital toolkit for freelance creatives Tyrus, a digital toolkit for freelance creatives we...
https://www.billboard.com/arti...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 21 August 2020 Billboard: Universal Music launches voter education campaign, reaching 200K voters in 1 hour We partnered with Universal Music Group ...
https://www.complex.com/music/...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 12 August 2020 COMPLEX: How a Hit Spotify Playlist Is Made in 2020 Complex went behind the scenes of Pollen to get an inside look at the anatomy of ...
https://www.commarts.com/fresh...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 27 July 2020 Communication Arts: A chat with the cofounders of Brooklyn-based PORTO ROCHA In conversation with Communication Arts, we discussed some...
https://www.underconsideration...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 14 July 2020 The Follow-up Podcast: PORTO ROCHA & Manufatura chat with Armin Vit from Brand New following up on the recent review of Museu Nacional ...
https://www.itsnicethat.com/ar...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 3 July 2020 It’s Nice That: PORTO ROCHA on making work that “has a presence” It’s Nice That covers the opening of PORTO ROCHA and the new identity w...
https://www.creativeboom.com/i...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 19 June 2020 Creative Boom: Queer-focused magazine Samba is a 'beacon of hope' in uncertain times In conversation with Creative Boom, we discuss Sam...
https://www.underconsideration...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 18 June 2020 Brand New: Museu Nacional Logo & Identity Review The identity we designed for Brasilia's public art museum Museu Nacional is reviewed b...
https://magazine.workingnotwor...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 18 June 2020 Working Not Working: The Brazilian Designers Behind Brooklyn Studio PORTO ROCHA Make Work that Moves at the Speed of Culture We recentl...
https://espaco.cc/leitura-de-p...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 17 June 2020 Portfolio Reviews with Espaço.cc In partnership with Espaço.cc, a cultural and educational nonprofit institution based in Brazil, Felip...
https://the-brandidentity.com/...Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 15 June 2020 The Brand Identity: Leo Porto and Felipe Rocha merge their practices as PORTO ROCHA The Brand Identity covers PORTO ROCHA’s launch, our...
https://www.instagram.com/apre...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 21 May 2020 Aprender Design: Live chat with Carlos Bocai & Julia B. Aguiar Extra is an open dialogue about design, technology and leadership. Hosted...
https://www.officesss.online/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 6 May 2020 Officesss Miss working from the office? Always wanted to know how it feels to work from our studio? Now there is a zoom background just f...
https://livetalkfrom.com/Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 7 April 2020 Live Talks! We were invited by Live! to share our favorite projects and creative process while quarantining from home. Live! is a serie...
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/0...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 4 January 2020 The New York Times: Your Favorite Internet Astrologer Wrote a Book We collaborated with Chani Nicholas on the cover design of her new...
https://www.creativedoc.co/ent...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 19 November 2019 Creative Doc Interview: Advice for Aspiring Designers (PT) In discussion with Creative Doc, a digital publication on design, creati...
https://bienaladg.org.br/Nueva ventana Externo Updates: 18 November 2019 Judging the 13th Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial Felipe Rocha was invited to be a judge at the 13th edition of the Brazilian Grap...
https://www.oneclub.org/articl...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 4 November 2019 Leo Porto wins Young Guns 17 In a year that could arguably be described as the most diverse class in Young Guns history, a jury of m...
http://design.ku.edu/spring-2019Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 11 April 2019 Felipe Rocha speaks at University of Kansas: The Hallmark Symposium Lecture Series As part of The Hallmark Symposium Lecture Series at...
https://www.riseupsummit.com/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Updates: 7 December 2018 Leo Porto talks about cultural identity & design at RiseUp Summit in Egypt. At RiseUp Summit in Egypt, the largest innovation and en...

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)

PORTO ROCHA is a New York-based design and branding agency developing creative and strategic work that engages deeply with the world we live in.

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studio Porto Rocha60%Check
PORTO ROCHA speak59%Check
Porto Felipe Rocha58%Check
PORTO ROCHA founders58%Check
PORTO ROCHA Named58%Check
interviews PORTO ROCHA58%Check
PORTO ROCHA speaks58%Check

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