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Home | Ralf Schirmer
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WELCOME! this is raaly. Here you can find some infos about me. Ralf (raaly) Schirmer born August, 28'th in 1971. I am german and live there, too. I am working now for 30 years in the show bizz, mainly as FOH sound engineer.
WELCOME! this is raaly. Here you can find some infos about me. Ralf (raaly) Schirmer born August, 28'th in 1971. I am german and live there, too. I am working now for 30 years in the show bizz, mainly as FOH sound engineer.
Home | Ralf Schirmer
Ralf Schirmer
WELCOME! this is raaly. Here you can find some infos about me. Ralf (raaly) Schirmer born August, 28'th in 1971. I am german and live there, too. I am working now for 30 years in the show bizz, mainly as FOH sound engineer.
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Artists (national): ABI Festival Lingen, Blues Company, Blues Factory, Bugsy Malloy, Die Prinzen, Errorhead, Huschke, Josephs amazing technicolor Dreamcoat, Kane, Linie 1, Six Pack, Stone, Tommy Sc...
currently: Soundengineer at the "Dortmund Opera House"
But also I am available as a soundengineer Freelancer ;)
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WELCOME! this is raaly. Here you can find some infos about me. Ralf (raaly) Schirmer born August, 28'th in 1971. I am german and live there, too. I am working now for 30 years in the show bizz, mainly as FOH sound engineer.
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