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Recalibrating Afrikanistik | Home
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Recalibrating Afrikanistik (RecAf) funded by the Volkswagen Foundation is to thematically and strategically set the ground for the future of the study of African languages and literatures.
Recalibrating Afrikanistik (RecAf) funded by the Volkswagen Foundation is to thematically and strategically set the ground for the future of the study of African languages and literatures.
Recalibrating Afrikanistik
In a globalized world, language regiments the flow of knowledge. Against the background of its "difficult heritage", Afrikanistik as the study of African languages, literatures and texts is in a privileged position to mediate heterotopic and heterogeneous knowledge practices. We invite young scholars to recalibrate Afrikanistik with their innovative ideas in dialogue with African Studies.
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Calidad de la página 42% conseguido
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El número total de palabras en la página es insuficiente: 377 palabras. Una buena página de contenidos debería tener una longitud de, al menos, unas 1.000 palabras.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es elevada: 35.14 palabras.
Un 30.8% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
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Grant Proposal Write-Up Capacity Building (03-04 April 2025) “Recalibrating Afrikanistik” (RecAf) and the Graduate School Global and Area Studies (GSGAS), Un...
RecAf Forum - Poetry Works In this session of the RecAf Forum on Language Work, Clarissa Vierke, Professor of Literatures in African Languages at the Univers...
AHYU Special Issue As an outcome of the RecAf seasonal school in Abuja, AHYU (A JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE) recently published the special issue "Cre...
Forum on (African) Language Work Every first Tuesday of the Month, RecAf hosts the Forum on (African) Language Work highlighting diverse perspectives of and ...
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - 2025/26 Fellowships The “Recalibrating Afrikanistik” (RecAf) project invites young researchers and lecturers working in the field of ...
Con 0,94 segundos, el tiempo de respuesta de la página es superior al límite recomendado de 0,4 segundos. Un tiempo de respuesta elevado ralentiza innecesariamente el rastreo de los buscadores y propicia una mala experiencia de uso.
Recalibrating Afrikanistik (RecAf) funded by the Volkswagen Foundation is to thematically and strategically set the ground for the future of the study of African languages and literatures.
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