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Retail News and Trends | Retail Dive
La longitud del título es óptima (329 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Retail Dive provides news and analysis for retail executives. We cover topics like retail tech, marketing, e-commerce, logistics, in-store operations, corporate retail news, and more.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
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URL de la página
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descriptionRetail Dive provides news and analysis for retail executives. We cover topics like retail tech, marketing, e-commerce, logistics, in-store operations, corporate retail news, and more.

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Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1797 palabras.
Un 27.2% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 32 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 15.77 palabras.
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Etiquetas Bold y Strong
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Optimización de imágenes
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No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 7 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
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Etiquetas markup adicionales
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo Dive Dive
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...y8vZGl2ZWltYWdlL0lNR18xODI5LmpwZw==.webpExterior of a Foxtrot store in Washington, D.C.
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...2VzLTEzNDkwNTEyNjJfTmhvQjJ0bS5qcGc=.webpBarbie dolls are seen at a Target store on October 25, 2021 in Houston, Texas.
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...0dldHR5SW1hZ2VzLTE2NDA4NjM4My5qcGc=.webpA close up of the Lululemon sign on a store front.
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...Ww6Ly8vZGl2ZWltYWdlL01pbmlzby5qcGc=.webpThe interior of a Miniso store.
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...WltYWdlL2Fib3V0X2tvaGxzXzJ4MS5wbmc=.webpA brown-brick facade with a white "Kohl's" sign decorates a cream-colored building and main entrance of a store, with small trees in the foreground.
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...2FsbGJpcmRzX2dlb3JnZXRvd24uanBlZw==.webpExterior of an Allbirds store in Washington, D.C.'s Georgetown neighborhood
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Don't miss tomorrow's retail industry news
Más de un encabezado H1.
Hay 46 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Don't miss tomorrow's retail industry news
H1 Simon Property Group would put up no capital to buy Express
H2 Top stories
H2 The Latest
H3 Kohl’s announces locations of 200 Babies R Us shop-in-shops
H3 Allbirds revenue plummets 28% in Q1 as CEO says the brand is ‘executing with urgency’
H3 Warby Parker narrows losses in Q1 as it posts 16.3% revenue growth
H3 Shopsense launches retail media platform for second-screen shopping
H3 Oddity posts ‘record’ revenue growth in Q1, raises full-year outlook
H3 ‘The death of the mall was a myth’: Brookfield Properties CEO on the evolution of an aging retail concept
H3 The Vitamin Shoppe launches telehealth service
H3 Foxtrot’s assets to be sold this week
H3 Mattel to shutter supplier plant in China this year
H3 The running list of major retail deals
H3 Gap names new global chief marketing officer amid push to revitalize brand
H3 Qurate Retail Group swings to a net loss as revenue falls 11% in Q1
H3 The Weekly Closeout: Boscia plans to shutter website and L’Occitane takes steps to go private
H3 Lululemon leans into pickleball with Life Time partnership
H3 Pacsun and Formula 1 showcase new sports collection at Miami pop-up
H3 Healthy soda brand Poppi denies being M&A target of large beverage companies
H3 Heydude still a drag on Crocs in Q1
H3 Etsy pushes for delivery date precision with new machine learning model
H3 The running list of major retail bankruptcies
H3 Brooks Running reports ‘highest quarterly results in brand’s history’
H3 Amazon extends transition period for low inventory fee
H3 Grove Collaborative CEO talks new subscription model, winning over ‘dark green customers’
H3 Miniso opens at American Dream Mall
H3 Meati bucks trend and gets $100M funding boost
H3 The Weekly Closeout: Layoffs at Lululemon and Mango opens more stores
H3 Beyond Inc. focuses on brand differentiation as losses widen in Q1
H3 Daily Harvest launches at Target
H3 The Backroom: With more closures ahead, what’s next for Macy’s?
H3 Amazon’s Summer Beauty Haul returns
H3 Automatic age verification comes to self-checkout
H3 Get the free newsletter
H3 Most Popular
H3 Library resources
H3 Company Announcements
H3 What We're Reading
H3 Events
H3 Industry Intel
H3 Retail Dive news delivered to your inbox
H3 Get Retail Dive in your inbox
H4 Explore
H4 Reach our audience
H4 Related Publications
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
3 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (35) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content
/user_media/thumbnails/newslet...Nueva ventana view sample
/user_media/thumbnails/newslet...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado view sample
/user_media/thumbnails/newslet...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado view sample ventana Externo Subdominio Terms of Use ventana Externo Subdominio Privacy Policy Retail Dive
/deep-dive/Deep Dive
/press-release/Press Releases
/signup/?signup_location=headerSign up
/signup/?signup_location=headerTexto duplicado Sign up
/topic/distressed-retail/Distressed Retail
/topic/department-stores/Department Stores
/topic/financial-news/Financial News
/news/simon-property-group-exp...IMG-ALT A bright-red mall entrance to a clothing store.
/news/simon-property-group-exp...Simon Property Group would put up no capital to buy Express
/news/simon-property-group-exp...Read more ➔
/news/kohls-babies-r-us-200-st...Kohl’s announces locations of 200 Babies R Us shop-in-shops
/news/allbirds-sales-declines-...Allbirds revenue plummets 28% in Q1 as CEO says the brand is ‘executing with urgency’
/news/warby-parker-narrows-los...Warby Parker narrows losses in Q1 as it posts 16.3% revenue growth
/news/shopsense-paramount-laun...Shopsense launches retail media platform for second-screen shopping
/news/oddity-revenue-growth-in...Oddity posts ‘record’ revenue growth in Q1, raises full-year outlook
/news/Brookfield-Properties-CE...IMG-ALT tba
/news/Brookfield-Properties-CE...‘The death of the mall was a myth’: Brookfield Properties CEO on the evolution of an aging retail concept
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/the-vitamin-shoppe-teleh...IMG-ALT Website landing page for The Vitamin Shoppe's telehealth services.
/news/the-vitamin-shoppe-teleh...The Vitamin Shoppe launches telehealth service
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/foxtrots-assets-sale/715...IMG-ALT Exterior of a Foxtrot store in Washington, D.C.
/news/foxtrots-assets-sale/715...Foxtrot’s assets to be sold this week
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/mattel-tier-1-barbie-sup...IMG-ALT Barbie dolls are seen at a Target store on October 25, 2021 in Houston, Texas.
/news/mattel-tier-1-barbie-sup...Mattel to shutter supplier plant in China this year
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/the-running-list-of-majo...Sin texto
/news/the-running-list-of-majo...The running list of major retail deals
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/gap-brand-appoints-new-g...IMG-ALT Gap Store at Hillcrest Mall ventana Externo Subdominio Texto ancla Gap in Hillcrest Mall ventana Externo Subdominio Texto ancla Raysonho @ Open Grid Scheduler / Scalable Grid Engine ventana Externo CC BY 1.0
/news/gap-brand-appoints-new-g...Gap names new global chief marketing officer amid push to revitalize brand
/topic/marketing/Texto duplicado Marketing
/news/qurate-qvc-hsn-revenue-f...IMG-ALT In a screenshot, two people demonstrate a kitchen stand mixer during a QVC segment
/news/qurate-qvc-hsn-revenue-f...Qurate Retail Group swings to a net loss as revenue falls 11% in Q1
/topic/technology/Texto duplicado Technology
/news/boscia-shutter-website-l...Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Le grand Cricri
/news/boscia-shutter-website-l...The Weekly Closeout: Boscia plans to shutter website and L’Occitane takes steps to go private
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/lululemon-life-time-pick...IMG-ALT A close up of the Lululemon sign on a store front.
/news/lululemon-life-time-pick...Lululemon leans into pickleball with Life Time partnership
/topic/marketing/Texto duplicado Marketing
/news/pacsun-and-formula-1-sho...IMG-ALT Pacsun x Formula 1's pop-up truck at the Miami Grand Prix
/news/pacsun-and-formula-1-sho...Pacsun and Formula 1 showcase new sports collection at Miami pop-up
/topic/marketing/Texto duplicado Marketing
/news/healthy-soda-brand-poppi...IMG-ALT Poppi, soda
/news/healthy-soda-brand-poppi...Healthy soda brand Poppi denies being M&A target of large beverage companies
/topic/dtc/Texto duplicado DTC
/news/heydude-drags-crocs-q1-c...IMG-ALT Person wearing HeyDude shoes stands on the grass.
/news/heydude-drags-crocs-q1-c...Heydude still a drag on Crocs in Q1
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/etsy-delivery-date-estim...IMG-ALT A brand image of Etsy's "gift mode"
/news/etsy-delivery-date-estim...Etsy pushes for delivery date precision with new machine learning model
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/running-list-major-retai...IMG-ALT An illustration of a person hanging onto a coin in rough seas.
/news/running-list-major-retai...The running list of major retail bankruptcies
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/brooks-running-reports-h...IMG-ALT Brooks Running launches 6 new shoes in Q1 2024 helping record revenue
/news/brooks-running-reports-h...Brooks Running reports ‘highest quarterly results in brand’s history’
/topic/marketing/Texto duplicado Marketing
/news/amazon-low-inventory-fee...IMG-ALT An Amazon sign is seen with a building in the background
/news/amazon-low-inventory-fee...Amazon extends transition period for low inventory fee
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/grove-collaborative-ceo-...IMG-ALT Green shelves with clear and colorful cleaning bottles next to paper towel rolls
/news/grove-collaborative-ceo-...Grove Collaborative CEO talks new subscription model, winning over ‘dark green customers’
/topic/marketing/Texto duplicado Marketing
/news/miniso-opens-at-american...IMG-ALT The interior of a Miniso store.
/news/miniso-opens-at-american...Miniso opens at American Dream Mall
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/meati-foods-closes-100m-...IMG-ALT A hand holds a bundle of herbs above a fiery double-decker grill with Meati Steaks and Cutlets with grill marks on the bottom left, asparagus on the bottom r...
/news/meati-foods-closes-100m-...Meati bucks trend and gets $100M funding boost
/topic/dtc/Texto duplicado DTC
/news/lululemon-distribution-c...IMG-ALT A Mango storefront.
/news/lululemon-distribution-c...The Weekly Closeout: Layoffs at Lululemon and Mango opens more stores
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/beyond-brand-differentai...IMG-ALT Two people walk by a Bed Bath & Beyond store on a cloudy day.
/news/beyond-brand-differentai...Beyond Inc. focuses on brand differentiation as losses widen in Q1
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/daily-harvest-launches-t...IMG-ALT An assortment of Daily Harvest pops
/news/daily-harvest-launches-t...Daily Harvest launches at Target
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/news/podcast-the-backroom-mac...IMG-ALT A quotation mark on a blue background.
/news/podcast-the-backroom-mac...The Backroom: With more closures ahead, what’s next for Macy’s?
/topic/podcasts/The Backroom with Retail Dive
/news/amazon-summer-beauty-hau...IMG-ALT Celebrity Gwyneth Paltrow wearing a light blue shirt posed in front of three white product bottles
/news/amazon-summer-beauty-hau...Amazon’s Summer Beauty Haul returns
/topic/marketing/Texto duplicado Marketing
/news/automatic-age-verificati...IMG-ALT A photo of a self checkout kiosk with automated age verification technology.
/news/automatic-age-verificati...Automatic age verification comes to self-checkout
/topic/operations/Texto duplicado Operations
/?page=2More stories
IMG-ALT next icon ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Terms of Use ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Privacy Policy
/news/kohls-babies-r-us-200-st...IMG-ALT A brown-brick facade with a white "Kohl's" sign decorates a cream-colored building and main entrance of a store, with small trees in the foreground.
/news/kohls-babies-r-us-200-st...Texto duplicado Kohl’s announces locations of 200 Babies R Us shop-in-shops
/news/simon-property-group-exp...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT A bright-red mall entrance to a clothing store.
/news/simon-property-group-exp...Texto duplicado Simon Property Group would put up no capital to buy Express
/news/allbirds-sales-declines-...IMG-ALT Exterior of an Allbirds store in Washington, D.C.'s Georgetown neighborhood
/news/allbirds-sales-declines-...Texto duplicado Allbirds revenue plummets 28% in Q1 as CEO says the brand is ‘executing with urgency’
/news/gap-brand-appoints-new-g...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Gap Store at Hillcrest Mall
/news/gap-brand-appoints-new-g...Texto duplicado Gap names new global chief marketing officer amid push to revitalize brand
http://resources.industrydive....Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio How Omnichannel Marketing Drives In-Store Results
http://resources.industrydive....Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio How to Fill The Gaps in Your Additive Manufacturing Strategy
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