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(Extremadamente importante)
Movie reviews and ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert
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Algunas palabras se repiten en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Movie reviews and ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (597 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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URL de la página
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descriptionMovie reviews and ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert
authorRoger Ebert
copyright© Copyright 2024
DC.titleMovie reviews and ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert
DC.descriptionMovie reviews and ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert
DC.creatorRoger Ebert
og:titleMovie reviews and ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert
og:descriptionMovie reviews and ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert
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twitter:titleMovie reviews and ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert
twitter:descriptionMovie reviews and ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert

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Solo se han encontrado 1 párrafos en esta página.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 582 palabras.
Un 24.2% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 16 palabras.
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Lista de medios

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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 117 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Wildcat
H2 It's Time To Give a FECK: Book Tour Dates Announced
H3 Now playing
H3 From the blog
H3 Review collections
H3 Latest reviews
H3 Popular reviews
H4 Movie Reviews
H4 TV/Streaming
H4 Interviews
H4 Collections
H4 Great Movies Great Movies
H4 Chaz's Journal
H4 Contributors
H4 The Weight of Smoke (and Blue in the Face): The Magic of Paul Auster
H4 Chicago Critics Film Festival Announces Full 2024 Lineup with Sing Sing, Ghostlight, Babes, I Saw the TV Glow, More
H4 Retrospective: Oscar Micheaux and the Birth of Black Independent Cinema
H4 Phil Lord and Chris Miller Made the Multiplex Safe for ‘The Fall Guy’
H4 Initially Promising Dark Matter Sinks Under Weight of Prestige TV Bloat
H4 Tomorrow There Will Be Fine Weather: A Preview of NYC's Upcoming Hiroshi Shimizu Retrospective
H4 AMC's Interview with the Vampire Has a Different Flavor in Season Two
H4 Female Filmmakers in Focus: Marija Kavtaradzė on Slow
H4 The Unloved, Part 125: Mother Night
H4 Facets to Honor Academy Museum President Jacqueline Stewart at the 2024 Screen Gems Benefit
H4 How The Phantom Menace Predicted Hollywood’s Prequel Future
H4 No Easy Answers: On the Power of The Teachers' Lounge
H4 The Best Horror Movies of the 2010s
H4 The History of Ebertfest
H4 The 2024 Oscar Nominees
H4 The History of James Bond
H4 The best movie reviews, in your inbox
H4 Movie reviews
H4 Ebert Prime
H4 Movie genres
H4 Blogs
H4 Ebert Co.
H4 "Roger Ebert loved movies."
H5 Wildcat Texto duplicado
H5 Unfrosted
H5 Slow
H5 Jeanne du Barry
H5 The Roundup: Punishment
H5 Prom Dates
H5 Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg
H5 The Idea of You
H5 The Fall Guy
H5 Turtles All the Way Down
H5 A Man in Full
H5 The Contestant
H5 I Saw the TV Glow
H5 The Tattooist of Auschwitz
H5 Evil Does Not Exist
H5 Challengers
H5 Boy Kills World
H5 Infested
H5 The Feeling That the Time for Doing Something Has Passed
H5 Humane
H5 Unsung Hero
H5 Terrestrial Verses
H5 Omen
H5 Art College 1994
H5 Late Night with the Devil
H5 The Judge
H5 Boy Kills World Texto duplicado
H5 The Fall Guy Texto duplicado
H6 Unfrosted Texto duplicado
H6 Matt Zoller Seitz
H6 Slow Texto duplicado
H6 Peter Sobczynski
H6 Jeanne du Barry Texto duplicado
H6 Sheila O'Malley
H6 The Roundup: Punishment Texto duplicado
H6 Simon Abrams
H6 Prom Dates Texto duplicado
H6 Matt Zoller Seitz Texto duplicado
H6 Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg Texto duplicado
H6 Marya E. Gates
H6 The Idea of You Texto duplicado
H6 Nell Minow
H6 The Fall Guy Texto duplicado
H6 Brian Tallerico
H6 Turtles All the Way Down Texto duplicado
H6 Peyton Robinson
H6 A Man in Full Texto duplicado
H6 Rendy Jones
H6 The Contestant Texto duplicado
H6 Monica Castillo
H6 I Saw the TV Glow Texto duplicado
H6 Robert Daniels
H6 Christy Lemire
H6 Matt Zoller Seitz Texto duplicado
H6 Peter Sobczynski Texto duplicado
H6 Sheila O'Malley Texto duplicado
H6 Simon Abrams Texto duplicado
H6 Matt Zoller Seitz Texto duplicado
H6 Marya E. Gates Texto duplicado
H6 Nell Minow Texto duplicado
H6 Brian Tallerico Texto duplicado
H6 Peyton Robinson Texto duplicado
H6 Rendy Jones Texto duplicado
H6 Monica Castillo Texto duplicado
H6 Robert Daniels Texto duplicado
H6 Clint Worthington
H6 Glenn Kenny
H6 Matt Zoller Seitz Texto duplicado
H6 Simon Abrams Texto duplicado
H6 Monica Castillo Texto duplicado
H6 Katie Rife
H6 Brian Tallerico Texto duplicado
H6 Christy Lemire Texto duplicado
H6 Godfrey Cheshire
H6 Peyton Robinson Texto duplicado
H6 Simon Abrams Texto duplicado
H6 Matt Zoller Seitz Texto duplicado
H6 Susan Wloszczyna
H6 Simon Abrams Texto duplicado
H6 Brian Tallerico Texto duplicado
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
46 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 4 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla Roger Ebert Home duplicado IMG-ALT Roger Ebert Home
/reviewsMovie Reviews
A-TITLE Movie Reviews
A-TITLE TV/Streaming
A-TITLE Interviews
A-TITLE Collections
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IMG-ALT Great Movies
A-TITLE Great Movies
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A-TITLE Chaz's Journal
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A-TITLE Contributors
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/reviews/unfrosted-2024Unfrosted Matt Zoller Seitz
/reviews/slow-2024Slow Peter Sobczynski
/reviews/jeanne-du-barry-2024Jeanne du Barry Sheila O'Malley
/reviews/the-roundup-punishmen...The Roundup: Punishment Simon Abrams
/reviews/prom-dates-2024Prom Dates Matt Zoller Seitz
/reviews/catching-fire-the-sto...Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg Marya E. Gates
/reviews/the-idea-of-you-2024The Idea of You Nell Minow
/reviews/the-fall-guy-movie-re...The Fall Guy Brian Tallerico
/reviews/turtles-all-the-way-d...Turtles All the Way Down Peyton Robinson
/reviews/a-man-in-full-tv-revi...A Man in Full Rendy Jones
/reviews/the-contestant-2024The Contestant Monica Castillo
/reviews/i-saw-the-tv-glow-fil...I Saw the TV Glow Robert Daniels
/collections/in-theatersSee all in theater movie reviews
/chazs-blog/its-time-to-give-a...Sin texto
/chazs-blog/its-time-to-give-a...It's Time To Give a FECK: Book Tour Dates Announced
/mzs/smoke-blue-in-the-face-pa...Sin texto
/mzs/smoke-blue-in-the-face-pa...The Weight of Smoke (and Blue in the Face): The Magic of Paul Auster
/festivals/chicago-critics-fil...Sin texto
/festivals/chicago-critics-fil...Chicago Critics Film Festival Announces Full 2024 Lineup with Sing Sing, Ghostlight, Babes, I Saw the TV Glow, More
/features/retrospective-oscar-...Sin texto
/features/retrospective-oscar-...Retrospective: Oscar Micheaux and the Birth of Black Independent Cinema
/features/phil-lord-and-chris-...Sin texto
/features/phil-lord-and-chris-...Phil Lord and Chris Miller Made the Multiplex Safe for ‘The Fall Guy’
/streaming/dark-matter-tv-reviewSin texto
/streaming/dark-matter-tv-reviewInitially Promising Dark Matter Sinks Under Weight of Prestige TV Bloat
/features/hiroshi-shimizu-retr...Sin texto
/features/hiroshi-shimizu-retr...Tomorrow There Will Be Fine Weather: A Preview of NYC's Upcoming Hiroshi Shimizu Retrospective
/streaming/interview-with-the-...Sin texto
/streaming/interview-with-the-...AMC's Interview with the Vampire Has a Different Flavor in Season Two
/features/female-filmmakers-in...Sin texto
/features/female-filmmakers-in...Female Filmmakers in Focus: Marija Kavtaradzė on Slow
/mzs/the-unloved-part-125-moth...Sin texto
/mzs/the-unloved-part-125-moth...The Unloved, Part 125: Mother Night
/chazs-blog/facets-to-honor-ac...Sin texto
/chazs-blog/facets-to-honor-ac...Facets to Honor Academy Museum President Jacqueline Stewart at the 2024 Screen Gems Benefit
/features/the-phantom-menace-p...Sin texto
/features/the-phantom-menace-p...How The Phantom Menace Predicted Hollywood’s Prequel Future
/far-flung-correspondents/no-e...Sin texto
/far-flung-correspondents/no-e...No Easy Answers: On the Power of The Teachers' Lounge
/collections/the-best-horror-m...Sin texto
/collections/the-best-horror-m...The Best Horror Movies of the 2010s
/collections/the-history-of-eb...Sin texto
/collections/the-history-of-eb...The History of Ebertfest
/collections/oscar-nominees-2024Sin texto
/collections/oscar-nominees-2024The 2024 Oscar Nominees
/collections/the-history-of-ja...Sin texto
/collections/the-history-of-ja...The History of James Bond
/reviews/wildcat-film-review-2024Sin texto
/reviews/wildcat-film-review-2024Texto duplicado Wildcat
/reviews/unfrosted-2024Sin texto
/reviews/slow-2024Sin texto
/reviews/jeanne-du-barry-2024Sin texto
/reviews/jeanne-du-barry-2024Jeanne du Barry
/reviews/the-roundup-punishmen...Sin texto
/reviews/the-roundup-punishmen...The Roundup: Punishment
/reviews/prom-dates-2024Sin texto
/reviews/prom-dates-2024Prom Dates
/reviews/catching-fire-the-sto...Sin texto
/reviews/catching-fire-the-sto...Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg
/reviews/the-idea-of-you-2024Sin texto
/reviews/the-idea-of-you-2024The Idea of You
/reviews/the-fall-guy-movie-re...Sin texto
/reviews/the-fall-guy-movie-re...The Fall Guy
/reviews/turtles-all-the-way-d...Sin texto
/reviews/turtles-all-the-way-d...Turtles All the Way Down
/reviews/a-man-in-full-tv-revi...Sin texto
/reviews/a-man-in-full-tv-revi...A Man in Full
/reviews/the-contestant-2024Sin texto
/reviews/the-contestant-2024The Contestant
/reviews/i-saw-the-tv-glow-fil...Sin texto
/reviews/i-saw-the-tv-glow-fil...I Saw the TV Glow
/reviews/the-tattooist-of-ausc...Sin texto
/reviews/the-tattooist-of-ausc...The Tattooist of Auschwitz
/reviews/evil-does-not-exist-f...Sin texto
/reviews/evil-does-not-exist-f...Evil Does Not Exist
/reviews/challengers-film-revi...Sin texto
/reviews/boy-kills-world-movie...Sin texto
/reviews/boy-kills-world-movie...Boy Kills World
/reviews/infested-movie-review...Sin texto
/reviews/the-feeling-that-the-...Sin texto
/reviews/the-feeling-that-the-...The Feeling That the Time for Doing Something Has Passed
/reviews/humane-film-review-2024Sin texto
/reviews/unsung-hero-movie-rev...Sin texto
/reviews/unsung-hero-movie-rev...Unsung Hero
/reviews/terrestrial-verses-fi...Sin texto
/reviews/terrestrial-verses-fi...Terrestrial Verses
/reviews/omen-film-review-2024Sin texto
/reviews/art-college-1994-film...Sin texto
/reviews/art-college-1994-film...Art College 1994
/reviewsSee all movie reviews
/reviews/late-night-with-the-d...Sin texto
/reviews/late-night-with-the-d...Late Night with the Devil
/reviews/the-judge-2014Sin texto
/reviews/the-judge-2014The Judge
/reviews/boy-kills-world-movie...Sin texto
/reviews/boy-kills-world-movie...Texto duplicado Boy Kills World
/reviews/the-fall-guy-movie-re...Sin texto
/reviews/the-fall-guy-movie-re...Texto duplicado The Fall Guy
/great-moviesRoger's Greatest Movies
/reviewsAll Reviews
/cast-and-crewCast and crew
A-TITLE Cast and crew Up
A-TITLE Sign up for Ebert Prime
/collections/amazon-prime-moviesAmazon Prime
/collections/science-fiction-m...Science Fiction
/chazs-blogTexto duplicado Chaz's Journal
/great-moviesTexto duplicado Great Movies
/far-flung-correspondentsFar Flungers
/interviewsTexto duplicado Interviews
/video-gamesVideo Games
/black-writers-weekBlack Writers Week
/streamingTexto duplicado TV/Streaming
/roger-ebertRoger Ebert
/festivalsFestivals & Awards the site
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/memoriamIn Memoriam 1942-2013
A-TITLE In Memoriam 1942-2013
/memoriamIMG-ALT Roger Ebert giving Thumbs up
A-TITLE In Memoriam 1942-2013 Subdominio Ebert Digital LLC
A-TITLE Ebert Digital LLC
/privacy-policyPrivacy policy
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Movie reviews and ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert
Movie reviews and ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert

Palabras clave más importantes

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Roger Ebert81%Check
Movie Reviews70%Check
Critic Roger Ebert68%Check
Film Critic Roger Ebert67%Check
Film Critic64%Check

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Con estas cookies podemos entender mejor cómo navegan las y los visitantes por nuestra web

Estas cookies nos ayudan a ofrecerte anuncios y promociones que se ajusten a tus intereses