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ScienceDaily: Your source for the latest research news
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Breaking science news and articles on global warming, extrasolar planets, stem cells, bird flu, autism, nanotechnology, dinosaurs, evolution -- the latest discoveries in astronomy, anthropology, biology, chemistry, climate & environment, computers, engineering, health & medicine, math, physics, psychology, technology, and more -- from the world's leading universities and research organizations.
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descriptionBreaking science news and articles on global warming, extrasolar planets, stem cells, bird flu, autism, nanotechnology, dinosaurs, evolution -- the latest discoveries in astronomy, anthropology, biology, chemistry, climate & environment, computers, engineering, health & medicine, math, physics, psychology, technology, and more -- from the world's leading universities and research organizations.
keywordsagriculture, animals, anthropology, astronomy, bacteria, biology, botany, brain, breakthroughs, cancer, cell, chemistry, climate, climate change, computer science, computers, daily, dinosaurs, discover, discoveries, discovery, diseases, earth, energy, engineering, environment, environmental science, findings, fossils, genetics, geography, geology, global warming, health, heart disease, journal, magazine, mammals, math, mathematics, matter, medical, medicine, nanotechnology, neuroscience, new species, news, nuclear, nucleus, peer review, physics, planet, plants, pollution, psychology, research, researcher, robotics, robots, science, science daily, science news, scientific, scientist, solar, space, stars, stem cells, technology, universities, university, viral, virus, zoology
last-modifiedThu, 25 Apr 2024 19:31:01 GMT
expiresThu, 25 Apr 2024 19:51:01 GMT
og:titleScienceDaily: Your source for the latest research news
og:descriptionBreaking science news and articles on global warming, extrasolar planets, stem cells, bird flu, autism, nanotechnology, dinosaurs, evolution -- the latest discoveries in astronomy, anthropology, biology, chemistry, climate & environment, computers, engineering, health & medicine, math, physics, psychology, technology, and more -- from the world's leading universities and research organizations.

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Top Science News
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/releases/2024/04/240423135213...Researchers Create Artificial Cells That Act Like Living Cells
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/news/plants_animals/evolution/Evolutionary Biology
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/news/fossils_ruins/fossils/Texto duplicado Fossils
/news/plants_animals/frogs_and...Frogs and Reptiles
/news/top/health/Top Health
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/news/top/environment/Top Environment
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/releases/2024/04/240423113048...Texto duplicado Fossil Frogs Share Their Skincare Secrets
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/news/health_medicine/crohn's_...Crohn's Disease
/news/health_medicine/diseases...Diseases and Conditions
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/news/health_medicine/cancer/Texto duplicado Cancer
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/news/mind_brain/neuroscience/Texto duplicado Neuroscience
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/news/mind_brain/intelligence/Texto duplicado Intelligence
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/news/health_medicine/nutrition/Texto duplicado Nutrition
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/news/mind_brain/social_psycho...Social Psychology
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/news/mind_brain/social_psycho...Texto duplicado Social Psychology
/news/health_medicine/Health & Medicine
/releases/2024/04/240424111453...Single-Cell Analysis Helps Crohn's Disease
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/news/earth_climate/energy/Texto duplicado Energy and the Environment
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/news/space_time/solar_system/Solar System
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/news/space_time/galaxies/Texto duplicado Galaxies
/news/space_time/astrophysics/Texto duplicado Astrophysics
/news/space_time/stars/Texto duplicado Stars
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/news/plants_animals/nature/Texto duplicado Nature
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/news/matter_energy/nature_of_...Texto duplicado Optics
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/news/matter_energy/materials_...Texto duplicado Materials Science
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/news/matter_energy/Matter & Energy
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/releases/2024/04/240423135159...Toward Unification of Turbulence Framework
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/news/plants_animals/nature/Texto duplicado Nature
/news/plants_animals/evolution/Texto duplicado Evolutionary Biology
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/news/earth_climate/global_war...Texto duplicado Global Warming
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/news/plants_animals/ecology/Ecology Research
/releases/2024/04/240424160652...How Light Can Vaporize Water Without the Need for Heat
/news/matter_energy/nature_of_...Texto duplicado Nature of Water
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/news/earth_climate/environmen...Texto duplicado Environmental Issues
/releases/2024/04/240424111544...Modeling Broader Effects of Wildfires in Siberia
/news/earth_climate/environmen...Texto duplicado Environmental Issues
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/news/matter_energy/civil_engi...Texto duplicado Civil Engineering
/news/earth_climate/climate/Texto duplicado Climate
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/news/earth_climate/hazardous_...Hazardous Waste
/news/earth_climate/recycling_...Recycling and Waste
/releases/2024/04/240422120737...Everest Mountaineer's Letters Digitized
/news/earth_climate/severe_wea...Severe Weather
/news/earth_climate/weather/Texto duplicado Weather
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/news/fossils_ruins/ancient_ci...Ancient Civilizations
/news/fossils_ruins/lost_treas...Lost Treasures
/releases/2024/04/240417120142...New Butterfly Species Created 200,000 Years Ago by Two Species Interbreeding
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/news/plants_animals/nature/Texto duplicado Nature
/releases/2024/04/240418111806...RNA's Hidden Potential: New Study Unveils Its Role in Early Life and Future Bioengineering
/news/plants_animals/biochemis...Biochemistry Research
/news/plants_animals/cell_biol...Cell Biology
/news/plants_animals/Plants & Animals
/releases/2024/04/240423184759...Frog Species Evolved Rapidly Due to Road Salts
/releases/2024/04/240424160555...Hurricanes Jeopardize Carbon-Storing in Forests
/releases/2024/04/240424111607...Texto duplicado Giant Viruses Infect Deadly Parasite
/releases/2024/04/240424111552...Texto duplicado How Parasites Shape Complex Food Webs
/news/earth_climate/Earth & Climate
/releases/2024/04/240424160652...Light Without Heat Can Vaporize Water
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/releases/2024/04/240423184756...Sustainable Recovery of Minerals from E-Waste
/news/fossils_ruins/Fossils & Ruins
/releases/2024/04/240422120737...Texto duplicado Everest Mountaineer's Letters Digitized
/releases/2024/04/240419181947...'Forgotten City'
/releases/2024/04/240417120142...Two Species Interbreeding Created New Butterfly
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/releases/2024/04/240423135207...New Study Uncovers Lasting Financial Hardship Associated With Cancer Diagnosis for Working-Age Adults in the U.S.
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/news/science_society/public_h...Public Health
/news/health_medicine/breast_c...Texto duplicado Breast Cancer
/releases/2024/04/240423135202...'Sunny Day Flooding' Increases Fecal Contamination of Coastal Waters
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/news/earth_climate/oceanography/Texto duplicado Oceanography
/releases/2024/04/240423113136...Major Milestone Reached for Key Weapons Component
/news/science_society/security...Security and Defense
/news/matter_energy/weapons_te...Weapons Technology
/releases/2024/04/240422170805...Eye-Opener: Pupils Enlarge When People Focus on Tasks
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/news/mind_brain/intelligence/Texto duplicado Intelligence
/news/mind_brain/neuroscience/Texto duplicado Neuroscience
/releases/2024/04/240409123954...More Synchrony Between Parents and Children Not Always Better
/news/mind_brain/child_psychol...Child Psychology
/news/mind_brain/child_develop...Child Development
/releases/2024/04/240410112640...The Evolving Attitudes of Gen X Toward Evolution
/news/mind_brain/k-12_education/K-12 Education
/news/science_society/stem_edu...STEM Education
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