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(Extremadamente importante)
Secretlab Gaming Chairs & Gaming Desk | Secretlab CA
Algunas palabras se repiten en el título.
La longitud del título es óptima (508 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Discover multi-award winning Secretlab gaming chairs, engineered for comfort and ergonomics during long hours of work or gaming.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (816 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-ca
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-ca.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
El país especificado en los enlaces alternativos: en-je es erróneo.
El país especificado en los enlaces alternativos: en-gg es erróneo.
La misma URL se repite varias veces en los enlaces alternativos.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no
descriptionDiscover multi-award winning Secretlab gaming chairs, engineered for comfort and ergonomics during long hours of work or gaming.
authorSecretlab CA
twitter:titleSecretlab Gaming Chairs & Gaming Desk | Secretlab CA
twitter:descriptionDiscover multi-award winning Secretlab gaming chairs, engineered for comfort and ergonomics during long hours of work or gaming.
og:titleSecretlab Gaming Chairs & Gaming Desk | Secretlab CA
og:descriptionDiscover multi-award winning Secretlab gaming chairs, engineered for comfort and ergonomics during long hours of work or gaming.
og:site_nameSecretlab Canada
Content-Security-Policyframe-src 'self';

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Hay 6 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: Led by our founders Ian and Alaric - both former professional gamers -...
  • Texto duplicado 2: We keep your costs down by selling online direct to you. An ergonomic ...
  • Texto duplicado 3: An ergonomic chair migrates stress from tissue to tissue to prevent it...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2588 palabras.
Un 33.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
Se han encontrado 28 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 16.34 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: language.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 32 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

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data:[...] Base64Secretlab TITAN Evo NanoGen™ Edition
data:[...] Base64Secretlab TITAN Evo Lite
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data:[...] Base64Secretlab SKINS
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data:[...] Base64Secretlab MAGNUS Metal Desk
data:[...] Base64Secretlab MAGPAD™ Desk Mat
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data:[...] Base64Desk Add-Ons
data:[...] Base64Secretlab Gifts
data:[...] Base64Secretlab TITAN Evo
data:[...] Base64Secretlab TITAN Evo Lite
data:[...] Base64Secretlab TITAN Evo Lite
data:[...] Base64Secretlab Classics
data:[...] Base64Secretlab TITAN XXS
data:[...] Base64Secretlab MAGNUS Pro
data:[...] Base64Secretlab MAGNUS
data:[...] Base64Secretlab SKINS
data:[...] Base64Secretlab SKINS
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data:[...] Base64Secretlab TITAN XXS
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data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in NEO™ Hybrid Leatherette Cyberpunk 2077
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in NEO™ Hybrid Leatherette Cyberpunk 2077
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in SoftWeave® Plus Frost Blue
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in SoftWeave® Plus Frost Blue
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in NEO™ Hybrid Leatherette Stealth
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in NEO™ Hybrid Leatherette Stealth
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in SoftWeave® Plus Mint Green
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in SoftWeave® Plus Mint Green
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in NEO™ Hybrid Leatherette League of Legends Akari
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in NEO™ Hybrid Leatherette League of Legends Akari
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in NEO™ Hybrid Leatherette Dota2
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in NEO™ Hybrid Leatherette Dota2
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in SoftWeave® Plus BLACK3
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in SoftWeave® Plus BLACK3
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in SoftWeave® Plus Cookies & Cream
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in SoftWeave® Plus Cookies & Cream
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in NEO™ Hybrid Leatherette Classic
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in NEO™ Hybrid Leatherette Classic
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in SoftWeave® Plus Plush Pink
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in SoftWeave® Plus Plush Pink
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in NEO™ Hybrid Leatherette Harry Potter
data:[...] Base64Product setup photo of Secretlab TITAN Evo in NEO™ Hybrid Leatherette Harry Potter
data:[...] Base64Secretlab Chair Icon
data:[...] Base64Piggy Bank icon to represent Direct Pricing
data:[...] Base64Icon with person seated on chair with checklist
data:[...] Base64Secretlab Chair Icon
data:[...] Base64Piggy Bank icon to represent Direct Pricing
data:[...] Base64Icon with person seated on chair with checklist
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data:[...] Base64Secretlab Nanogen
data:[...] Base64Secretlab TITAN Evo
data:[...] Base64Secretlab Nanogen
data:[...] Base64Secretlab Nanogen
data:[...] Base64Secretlab TITAN Evo Lite
data:[...] Base64Secretlab SKINS
data:[...] Base64Secretlab MAGNUS PRO
data:[...] Base64Secretlab MAGNUS
data:[...] Base64Secretlab Desk Add-Ons
data:[...] Base64Secretlab SKINS
data:[...] Base64Secretlab Chair Add-Ons
data:[...] Base64Secretlab Footrests
data:[...] Base64Icon depicting fast delivery
data:[...] Base64Icon depicting Frequently Asked Questions
data:[...] Base64Affirm logo
data:[...] Base64Different series of Secretlab gaming chair
data:[...] Base64Different series of Secretlab gaming chair
data:[...] Base64Man and woman sitting on Secretlab TITAN Evo chairs in relaxed poses
data:[...] Base64Guy seated and reclined in a Secretlab chair
data:[...] Base64Backrest Icon
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
We make the best ergonomic chairs and desks in the world
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 85 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 We make the best ergonomic chairs and desks in the world
H1 Build your dream setup today
H1 Go from work to play and everything in between
H1 Work
H1 Play
H1 Ergonomic design for today’s gamers, creators, and hybrid workers
H1 Trusted by the best in the business
H1 Engineering Award-Winning comfort
H1 Show off who you really are
H1 The ultimate performance seat. Trusted by champions.
H1 Get inspired by Secretlab setups from our community
H1 Secretlab Chairs
H1 Secretlab Desks
H1 Secretlab Accessories
H2 Christmas Sale
H2 Secretlab TITAN Evo NanoGen™ Edition
H2 Christmas Sale Texto duplicado
H2 Secretlab TITAN Evo
H2 Secretlab MAGNUS Pro
H2 Secretlab TITAN Evo NanoGen™ Edition Texto duplicado
H2 Our flagship ergonomic chair
H2 All the core features, for less
H2 Your brand new chair all over again
H2 Performance that rises to the occasion
H2 Discover a new way to get organized
H2 Modular, secure, and easy to use
H2 Refresh your chair
H2 Personalize your Secretlab experience
H3 The Secretlab Difference
H3 Be the first to know
H3 Ergonomically engineered for everything you do
H3 Why movement matters
H3 Why movement matters Texto duplicado
H3 Support for every posture
H4 Ergonomic Chairs
H4 Metal Desks
H4 Accessories
H4 Ergonomic Chairs Texto duplicado
H4 Metal Desks Texto duplicado
H4 Accessories Texto duplicado
H4 Relentless pursuit of the best
H4 No middlemen. No unnecessary markups. All value for you.
H4 Purposeful design backed by ergonomics
H4 Relentless pursuit of the best Texto duplicado
H4 No middlemen. No unnecessary markups. All value for you. Texto duplicado
H4 Purposeful design backed by ergonomics Texto duplicado
H4 Read what our 3,000,000+ customers have to say about Secretlab
H5 Sculpted ergonomic backrest
H5 Proprietary pebble seat base
H5 Patent-pending cold-cure foam
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 Award-winning ergonomic comfort. Engineered to support your every move.
H6 Our flagship sit-to-stand desk. Made for best-in-class cable management.
H6 Next-generation materials. Now on our flagship chair.
H6 Award-winning ergonomic comfort. Engineered to support your every move. Texto duplicado
H6 Our flagship sit-to-stand desk. Made for best-in-class cable management. Texto duplicado
H6 Next-generation materials. Now on our flagship chair. Texto duplicado
H6 In a city divided, make your stand.
H6 Go Super Saiyan.
H6 Own a piece of the ultimate thrill.
H6 Heed the Crystal's call
H6 Wear the power armor of the Adeptus Astartes.
H6 Join the Demon Slayer Corps. Protect humanity from demonkind.
H6 Never leave for a hunt without the right gear.
H6 Unleash the hero within.
H6 Keep your foot on the pedal
H6 Get the Victory Royale.
H6 Create your own Domain.
H6 Everything you need for the Road to Radiant.
H6 Gear up for the Eternal Conflict.
H6 Feel every drop of the beat.
H6 Walk the path of the Shinobi.
H6 Bear the insignia of the Assassin and honor the Creed in award-winning comfort.
H6 Superhero, or villain? Make your choice with the Secretlab DC Collection.
H6 Step back into the Wizarding World.
H6 Choose your champion.
H6 Work, play and create in comfort.
H6 Gear up and take on the gangs of Night City.
H6 Gather the mobs.
H6 A seat fit for the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.
H6 Fast, Direct Shipping
H6 Frequently Asked Questions
H6 Flexible financing available
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
15 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 23 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/collections/promotionsChristmas Sale | Up to C$300 OFF select productsUp to additional C$164* OFF bundlesFree shipping on select products Sale ends in: Shop Sale texto texto texto
/collectionsShop Now
/pages/regionsSelect other country or region
/collections?Sin texto
/products/titan-evo-2022-seriesSecretlab TITAN Evo
/products/titan-evo-liteSecretlab TITAN Evo Lite
/products/skinsSecretlab SKINS
/products/magnus-proSecretlab MAGNUS Pro
/pages/deliveryShipping & Delivery
/pages/partnersView All
/pages/diabloivIMG-ALT Diablo IV
/pages/automobili-lamborghiniIMG-ALT Automobili Lamborghini
/pages/narutoIMG-ALT Naruto
/pages/finalfantasyxivIMG-ALT FINAL FANTASY XIV
/pages/dcIMG-ALT DC
/pages/leagueoflegendsIMG-ALT League of Legends
/collectionsShop All
/collections/gaming-chairsSecretlab Gaming Chairs
/collections/desksSecretlab Desks
/collections/promotionsView All Sale Information
/pages/titan-evo-2022-seriesSecretlab TITAN Evo Best Seller Award-winning ergonomics & comfort
IMG-ALT Secretlab TITAN Evo
/pages/nanogen?tab=featureSecretlab TITAN Evo NanoGen™ Edition New Next-generation materials
IMG-ALT Secretlab TITAN Evo NanoGen™ Edition
/pages/titan-evo-liteSecretlab TITAN Evo Lite All the core features, for less
IMG-ALT Secretlab TITAN Evo Lite
/products/secretlab-ergonomic-...Ergonomic Recliner Add-OnNew
IMG-ALT Secretlab Ergonomic Recliner
/pages/skinsSecretlab SKINSNew
/collections/accessories?colle...Chair Accessories
IMG-ALT Chair Accessories
/collections/gaming-chairs?col...Secretlab Classics
/products/titan-xxsSecretlab TITAN XXS
/collections/gaming-chairsAll Chairs
/collections/accessories?colle...All Chair Add-Ons
/pages/compareCompare Chairs
/pages/technologyEngineering the Secretlab TITAN Evo
/pages/nanogen?tab=leatheretteSecretlab NanoGen™ Hybrid Leatherette
/pages/nanogen?tab=foamSecretlab NanoFoam™ Composite
/pages/magnus-proSecretlab MAGNUS Pro New Sit-to-Stand Metal Desk with Magnetic Ecosystem
IMG-ALT Secretlab MAGNUS Pro
/pages/magnus-metal-deskSecretlab MAGNUS Metal Desk with Magnetic Ecosystem
IMG-ALT Secretlab MAGNUS Metal Desk
/products/magpad-desk-matSecretlab MAGPAD™ Desk Mat
IMG-ALT Secretlab MAGPAD™ Desk Mat
/collections/accessories?colle...Cable Management & Accessories Add-Ons
IMG-ALT Cable Management & Accessories Add-Ons
/collections/accessories?colle...Monitor Arms
IMG-ALT Monitor Arms
/collections/desksAll Desks
/collections/accessories?colle...All Desk Add-Ons
/collections/desks?help=compar...Compare Desks
/pages/magnus-proWhy Secretlab MAGNUS Pro?
/collections/accessoriesTexto duplicado Accessories
/pages/skinsSecretlab SKINS Best Seller Premium chair sleeves to refresh the look of your chair
/pages/monitor-armsMAGNUS Monitor Arms New Find your perfect ergonomic view
IMG-ALT Desk Add-Ons
/collections/accessories?colle...Chair Add-Ons Personalize your Secretlab sitting experience
IMG-ALT Chair Add-Ons
/collections/accessories?colle...Desk Add-Ons Achieve unrivaled cable management
IMG-ALT Desk Add-Ons
/products/secretlab-physical-g...Secretlab Physical Gift Box New Gift a TITAN Evo chair, without the heavy lifting.
IMG-ALT Secretlab Gifts
/products/titan-xxsTexto duplicado Secretlab TITAN XXS
/collections/accessories?colle...Footrests and Legrests New
/collections/accessories?colle...Texto duplicado Monitor Arms
/collections/accessories?colle...Upholstery Care
/collections/accessories?colle...Secretlab Gifts New
/collections/spare-partsSpare Parts
/collections/accessoriesAll Accessories
/collections/promotionsChristmas Sale
/collections/promotions?offer=...Bundle Up and Save
/pages/30-day-trial-free-returnsLearn More
/collections/gaming-chairs?ava...Shop Eligible Chairs
/pages/live-demoLive Demo
/pages/reviewsReviews & Awards
/pages/faqFrequently Asked Questions
/pages/deliveryTexto duplicado Shipping & Delivery
/for-businessFor Business
/pages/try-our-productsTry Our Products
/collections?Sin texto
/products/titan-evo-2022-seriesTexto duplicado Secretlab TITAN Evo
/products/skinsTexto duplicado Secretlab SKINS
/products/magnus-proTexto duplicado Secretlab MAGNUS Pro
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/pages/deliveryTexto duplicado Shipping & Delivery
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/pages/leagueoflegendsTexto duplicado IMG-ALT League of Legends
/pages/titan-evo-2022-seriesSecretlab TITAN Evo Award-winning ergonomics & comfort Best Seller
IMG-ALT Secretlab TITAN Evo
/pages/nanogenSecretlab TITAN Evo NanoGen™ Edition Next-generation materials New
IMG-ALT Secretlab TITAN Evo Lite
/pages/titan-evo-liteTexto duplicado Secretlab TITAN Evo Lite All the core features, for less
IMG-ALT Secretlab TITAN Evo Lite
/collections/gaming-chairsTexto duplicado All Chairs
/collections/accessories?colle...Texto duplicado All Chair Add-Ons
/pages/compareTexto duplicado Compare Chairs
/collections/gaming-chairs?col...Texto duplicado Secretlab Classics
IMG-ALT Secretlab Classics
/products/titan-xxsTexto duplicado Secretlab TITAN XXS
/pages/magnus-proNew Secretlab MAGNUS Pro Sit-to-Stand Metal Desk with Magnetic Ecosystem
IMG-ALT Secretlab MAGNUS Pro
/pages/magnus-metal-deskTexto duplicado Secretlab MAGNUS Metal Desk with Magnetic Ecosystem
/collections/desksTexto duplicado All Desks
/collections/accessories?colle...Texto duplicado All Desk Add-Ons
/collections/desks?help=compar...Texto duplicado Compare Desks
/products/secretlab-ergonomic-...Ergonomic Recliner Add-On Elevate your legs and unlock new sitting postures. New
/pages/skinsSecretlab SKINS Premium chair sleeves to refresh the look of your chair Best Seller
/pages/monitor-armsMAGNUS Monitor Arms Find your perfect ergonomic view New
/collections/accessories?colle...Texto duplicado Chair Add-Ons Personalize your Secretlab sitting experience
IMG-ALT Chair Add-Ons
/collections/accessories?colle...Texto duplicado Desk Add-Ons Achieve unrivaled cable management
IMG-ALT Desk Add-Ons
/products/titan-xxsSecretlab TITAN XXS A collectible designed for our truest fans
/collections/accessories?colle...New Secretlab Physical Gift Box Gift a TITAN Evo chair, without the heavy lifting.
IMG-ALT Secretlab Gifts
/collections/accessories?colle...Texto duplicado Pillows
IMG-ALT Pillows
/collections/accessories?colle...Texto duplicado Footrests and Legrests New
IMG-ALT Footrests
/collections/accessories?colle...Texto duplicado Monitor Arms
IMG-ALT Monitor Arms
/collections/accessories?colle...Texto duplicado Merchandise
IMG-ALT Merchandise
/collections/accessories?colle...Texto duplicado Upholstery Care
IMG-ALT Upholstery Care
/collections/accessories?colle...Texto duplicado Secretlab Gifts New
IMG-ALT Secretlab Gifts
/collections/spare-partsTexto duplicado Spare Parts
IMG-ALT Spare Parts
/collections/accessoriesTexto duplicado All Accessories
/collections/promotionsTexto duplicado Christmas Sale
/collections/promotions?offer-...Texto duplicado Bundle Up and Save
/collections/promotions?offer=...Sin texto
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/collections/gaming-chairs?ava...Texto duplicado Shop Eligible Chairs
/collections/gaming-chairs?ava...Texto duplicado Secretlab Gaming Chairs
/collections/desks?availabilit...Texto duplicado Secretlab Desks
/collections/accessories?avail...Texto duplicado Accessories
/collections/promotionsTexto duplicado View All Sale Information
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Secretlab Gaming Chairs & Gaming Desk | Secretlab CA
Discover multi-award winning Secretlab gaming chairs, engineered for comfort and ergonomics during long hours of work or gaming.

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Secretlab chairs89%Check
ergonomic chair86%Check
ergonomic chairs83%Check
Secretlab Gaming Chairs83%Check
Gaming Chairs80%Check
Chairs Gaming Desk76%Check
Secretlab CA76%Check

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