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Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Saving the Past for the Future
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
New varieties for 2024 For 2024, we're adding 24 new varieties to our listings. Pictured here: Xiye Butternut Squash, Ashwagandha, and Biquinho Spice Peppers. Other new varieties for 2024 include Pink Zinnia, Soleado Zinnia, Green Finger Cucumber, Beaujolais Spinach, Golden Guardian Marigold, Showstar Melampodium, Purple Viking Potato, Queensland Lettuce, Quan Yin Lettuce, Orange-Fleshed Cekirdegi Oyali Watermelon and Spinner's Ivory Cotton. Featured Customer Favorites Pictured here, Contender snap bush bean, Cossack Pineapple ground cherries, and Crawford lettuce. Other customer favorites include Lacinato kale, Sugar Snap Peas, Dark Green Italian parsley, and Yellow Potato Onions. Books by Ira Wallace Find our seeds at a store near you! Try Our Garden Planner This online tool helps manage your garden throughout the season and from year to year. You can order our seeds directly from the planner. Try our Garden Planner Tool free for 1 week We donate 30% of sales of our Virginia Heritage Seed Collection and our Welcome-to-the-Garden Pollinator Colleciton to the Piedmont Environmental Council and Buy Fresh, Buy Local. Request a Catalog & Garden Guide. Our 2024 catalog is available for preorder! You can also view it online as a 13MB PDF. For fastest service, we recommend ordering online. Browse the listings above to fill your cart or Quick Order by Item Number. If you want to mail in your order instead, you can print our mail-in order form.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
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application-nameSouthern Exposure Seed Exchange
apple-mobile-web-app-titleSouthern Exposure Seed Exchange
description<div class="row"> <div class="col-md-9"> <div id="homepage-carousel" class="carousel slide lazy"> <ol class="carousel-indicators"> <li class="active"></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ol> <div class="carousel-inner"> <div class="carousel-item active"> <a href="/growing-guides/"> <img class="d-block w-100" src="/images/ira_growing_guide4.jpg" alt="Visit our Growing Guides page" /> </a> </div> <div class="carousel-item"> <a href="/products/utopian-ultracross-collard/"> <img class="d-block w-100" src="images/collards.jpg" alt="Try our Utopian Ultracross Collards!" /> </a> </div> <div class="carousel-item"> <a href="/support-small-seed-companies/"> <img class="d-block w-100" src="/images/carousel/tiny-seed-companies-order-from.jpg" alt="Support Tiny Seed Companies" /> </a> </div> </div></div> <hr /> <h3>New varieties for 2024</h3> <p class="text-center"> <a href="/products/xiye-butternut-winter-squash/"> <img style="margin:3px;height:120px" alt="Xiye Butternut Squash" src="/images/culture/xiye-from-megan-allen-small.jpg" /> </a> <a href="/products/ashwagandha/"> <img style="margin:3px;height:120px" alt="Ashwagandha" src="/images/culture/ashwagandha-taylor-wilmott-fairfield-farm-small.jpg" /> </a> <a href="/products/biquinho-pepper/"> <img style="margin:3px;height:120px" alt="Biquinho Spice Pepper" src="/images/culture/biquinho-red-spice-pepper-small.jpg" /> </a> </p> <p> For 2024, we're adding 24 new varieties to our listings. Pictured here: <a href="/products/xiye-butternut-winter-squash/">Xiye Butternut Squash</a>, <a href="/products/ashwagandha/">Ashwagandha</a>, and <a href="/products/biquinho-spice-pepper/">Biquinho Spice Peppers</a>. Other new varieties for 2024 include <a href="/products/zinnia-pink/">Pink Zinnia</a>, <a href="/products/zinnia-soleado/">Soleado Zinnia</a>, <a href="/products/green-finger-slicing-cucumber/">Green Finger Cucumber</a>, <a href="/products/beaujolais-spinach/">Beaujolais Spinach</a>, <a href="/products/french-marigold-golden-guardian/">Golden Guardian Marigold</a>, <a href="/products/melampodium-showstar/">Showstar Melampodium</a>, <a href="/products/purple-viking-seed-potato/">Purple Viking Potato</a>, <a href="/products/queensland-romaine-lettuce/">Queensland Lettuce</a>, <a href="/products/quan-yin-batavian-lettuce/">Quan Yin Lettuce</a>, <a href="/products/cekirdegi-oyali-watermelon-orange-flesh/">Orange-Fleshed Cekirdegi Oyali Watermelon</a> and <a href="/products/spinners-ivory-cotton/">Spinner's Ivory Cotton</a>. <hr /> <h3>Featured Customer Favorites</h3> <p class="text-center"> <a href="/products/contender-buff-valentine-bush-snap-bean/"> <img style="margin:3px;height:120px" alt="Contender bush bean" src="/media/products/width-400/bean-snap-contender-bae382113ff5ac12db175ce81fe68ef6.jpg" /></a> <a href="/products/cossack-pineapple-ground-cherry/"> <img style="margin:3px;height:120px" alt="Cossack Pineapple ground cherries" src="/media/products/width-400/cossack-pineapple-ground-cherry-6dbe8ea2c14b1f1e6f94c4cc994a0d97.jpg" /></a> <a href="/products/crawford-bibb-butterhead-lettuce/"> <img style="margin:3px;height:120px" alt="Crawford lettuce" src="/media/products/width-400/lettuce-crawford-a7aa137fbf549f7e21549dcf105635ce.jpg" /> </a> </p> <p> Pictured here, <a href="/products/contender-buff-valentine-bush-snap-bean/">Contender snap bush bean</a>, <a href="/products/cossack-pineapple-ground-cherry/">Cossack Pineapple ground cherries</a>, and <a href="/products/crawford-bibb-butterhead-lettuce/">Crawford lettuce</a>. Other customer favorites include <a href="/products/lacinato-dinosaur-kale/">Lacinato kale</a>, <a href="/products/sugar-snap-tall-snap-pea/">Sugar Snap Peas</a>, <a href="/products/dark-green-italian-plain-leaf-parsley/">Dark Green Italian parsley</a>, and <a href="/products/yellow-potato-onion/">Yellow Potato Onions</a>. <hr /> <h3>Books by Ira Wallace</h3> <p class="text-center"> <a href="/vegetable-gardening-in-the-southeast-the-timber-press-guide-to-p-1722.html"> <img style="margin:3px;height:180px" alt="Vegetable Gardening in the SE" src="/images/medium/book-vegetable-gardening-in-the-southeast_MED.jpg" /> </a> <a href="/products/grow-great-vegetables-in-virginia/"> <img style="margin:3px;height:180px" alt="Grow Great Virginia Vegetables" src="/media/products/width-400/book-grow-great-vegetables-in-virginia-d908973fbb23f23ce37229e73898d21c.jpg" /> </a> <a href="/products/grow-great-vegetables-in-north-carolina/"> <img style="margin:3px;height:180px" alt="Grow Great North Carolina Vegetables" src="/media/products/width-400/book-grow-great-vegetables-in-north-carolina-ed61cec36f3ef90a69c44ee4af76377c.jpg" /> </a> </p> <p class="text-center"> <a href="/products/grow-great-vegetables-in-tennessee/"> <img style="margin:3px;height:180px" alt="Grow Great Tennessee Vegetables" src="/media/products/width-400/book-grow-great-vegetables-in-tennessee-10a61588dffda0a1e88f22d5f43a6a90.jpg" /> </a> <a href="/products/grow-great-vegetables-in-georgia/"> <img style="margin:3px;height:180px" alt="Grow Great Georgia Vegetables" src="/media/products/width-400/book-grow-great-vegetables-in-georgia-faf1a6eb7df5cfea8c6a46ba98eb45e0.jpg" /> </a> <a href=""> <img style="margin:3px;height:180px" alt="Grow Great South Carolina Vegetables" src="/media/products/width-400/book-grow-great-vegetables-in-south-carolina-435233794f40165cac992e41ca9e1f4f.jpg" /> </a> </p> <p> </p> <hr /> </div> <hr class="visible-xs visible-sm" /> <div class="col-md-3"> <a class="d-block text-center" href="/retail-stores-ezp-17.html"> <img src="images/home/seed-rack.jpg" alt="Seed Rack" class="img-fluid mx-auto" /> </a> <a href="/retail-stores-ezp-17.html"> Find our seeds at a store near you! <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right"></span></a> <hr /> <a href="/gardenplanner"> <img src="/newsletter/2012-december/sese-garden-planner-screenshots.jpg" alt="Southern Exposure Garden Planner" class="img-fluid mx-auto" /> </a> <h4 class="text-center"><a href="/gardenplanner">Try Our Garden Planner</a></h4> <p> This online tool helps manage your garden throughout the season and from year to year. You can order our seeds directly from the planner. <a href="/gardenplanner">Try our Garden Planner Tool free for 1 week <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right"></span></a> </p> <hr /> <a class="d-block text-center" href=""> <img src="images/home/mobile-friendly-flipbook-button-2019-200.jpg" alt="Southern Exposure Mobile-Friendly Flipbook" class="img-fluid mx-auto" /> </a> <hr /> <a href="/virginia-heritage-seed-collection-p-1314.html"> <img src="/images/veg/virginia-heritage-seed-sampler.jpg" alt="Virginia Heritage Seed Sampler" class="img-fluid mx-auto" /> </a> <p>We <strong>donate 30% of sales</strong> of our <a href="/virginia-heritage-seed-collection-p-1314.html">Virginia Heritage Seed Collection</a> and our <a href="/products/welcome-to-the-garden-pollinator-collection/">Welcome-to-the-Garden Pollinator Colleciton</a> to the <a href="">Piedmont Environmental Council</a> and Buy Fresh, Buy Local.</p> <hr /> <p><a class="d-block text-center" href="/request-a-catalog-c-215.html"> <img class="img-fluid" src="/media/products/width-400/sese-cover-2024-highres-53f648fbf23a9d602fd3f70cf06950cd.jpg" alt="Southern Exposure Catalog" /> </a></p> <p> <a href="/request-a-catalog-c-215.html" target="_blank">Request a Catalog & Garden Guide.</a> Our 2024 catalog is available for preorder! You can also view it online <a href="/catalog/sese-catalog-2024-for-web.pdf" target="_blank">as a 13MB PDF</a>.</p> <p> For fastest service, <strong>we recommend ordering online</strong>. Browse the listings above to fill your cart or <a href="/index.php?main_page=quick_order"> Quick Order by Item Number</a>. If you want to mail in your order instead, you can print our <a href="/catalog/sese-order-form-2024.pdf"> mail-in order form</a>. </p> <hr /> </div> </div>
og:site_nameSouthern Exposure Seed Exchange
og:titleSouthern Exposure Seed Exchange, Saving the Past for the Future
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Un 22.3% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
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URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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/images/ira_growing_guide4.jpgVisit our Growing Guides page
/images/collards.jpgTry our Utopian Ultracross Collards!
...ousel/tiny-seed-companies-order-from.jpgSupport Tiny Seed Companies
.../culture/xiye-from-megan-allen-small.jpgXiye Butternut Squash
...ture/biquinho-red-spice-pepper-small.jpgBiquinho Spice Pepper
...der-bae382113ff5ac12db175ce81fe68ef6.jpgContender bush bean
...rry-6dbe8ea2c14b1f1e6f94c4cc994a0d97.jpgCossack Pineapple ground cherries
...ord-a7aa137fbf549f7e21549dcf105635ce.jpgCrawford lettuce
...table-gardening-in-the-southeast_MED.jpgVegetable Gardening in the SE
...nia-d908973fbb23f23ce37229e73898d21c.jpgGrow Great Virginia Vegetables
...ina-ed61cec36f3ef90a69c44ee4af76377c.jpgGrow Great North Carolina Vegetables
...see-10a61588dffda0a1e88f22d5f43a6a90.jpgGrow Great Tennessee Vegetables
...gia-faf1a6eb7df5cfea8c6a46ba98eb45e0.jpgGrow Great Georgia Vegetables
...ina-435233794f40165cac992e41ca9e1f4f.jpgGrow Great South Carolina Vegetables
/images/home/seed-rack.jpgSeed Rack
...mber/sese-garden-planner-screenshots.jpgSouthern Exposure Garden Planner
...le-friendly-flipbook-button-2019-200.jpgSouthern Exposure Mobile-Friendly Flipbook
...s/veg/virginia-heritage-seed-sampler.jpgVirginia Heritage Seed Sampler
...res-53f648fbf23a9d602fd3f70cf06950cd.jpgSouthern Exposure Catalog
/static/img/icons/organic-certified.pngCertified Organic by Quality Certification Services
/static/img/icons/heirloom.pngHeirlooms introduced before 1940
/static/img/icons/southeast.pngVarieties well-suited to the Mid-Atlantic & further South
/static/img/icons/small-growers.pngSeed from small farms in our Seed Grower Network
/static/img/logos/facebook-big-icon.pngFacebook Logo
/static/img/logos/smart-gardener.jpgSmart Gardener - Simply Grow Great Food
/static/img/logos/local-harvest.jpgLocal Harvest - Real Food, Real Farmers, Real Community

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
H3 New varieties for 2024
H3 Featured Customer Favorites
H3 Books by Ira Wallace
H4 Try Our Garden Planner
H4 Information
H4 Important Links
H4 Contact Us
H5 Newsletter
H6 Certified Organic
H6 Heirloom
H6 Especially well-suited to the South-East
H6 From Small Farms
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Hay 1 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay 5 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content SESE's Logo - Two Hands Supporting a Growing Flower Exposure Seed Exchange
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/categories/brussels-sprouts/Brussels Sprouts
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/categories/garden-huckleberry/Garden Huckleberry
/categories/ground-cherries/Ground Cherries
/categories/southern-peas-cowp...Southern Peas (Cowpeas)
/categories/summer-squash-zucc...Summer Squash & Zucchini
/categories/sweet-potatoes/Sweet Potatoes
/categories/winter-squash/Winter Squash
/categories/general-fresh-flow...General Fresh Flowers
/categories/bachelor-s-buttons/Bachelor's Buttons
/categories/drying-flowers/Drying Flowers
/categories/general-culinary-h...General Culinary Herbs
/categories/medicinal-herbs/Medicinal Herbs
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/categories/more/Texto ancla no relevante
/categories/grains-cover-crops/Grains & Cover Crops
/categories/mixes-blends/Mixes & Blends
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/growing-guides/IMG-ALT Visit our Growing Guides page
/products/utopian-ultracross-c...IMG-ALT Try our Utopian Ultracross Collards!
/support-small-seed-companies/IMG-ALT Support Tiny Seed Companies
/products/xiye-butternut-winte...IMG-ALT Xiye Butternut Squash
/products/ashwagandha/IMG-ALT Ashwagandha
/products/biquinho-pepper/IMG-ALT Biquinho Spice Pepper
/products/xiye-butternut-winte...Texto duplicado Xiye Butternut Squash
/products/ashwagandha/Texto duplicado Ashwagandha
/products/biquinho-spice-pepper/Biquinho Spice Peppers
/products/zinnia-pink/Pink Zinnia
/products/zinnia-soleado/Soleado Zinnia
/products/green-finger-slicing...Green Finger Cucumber
/products/beaujolais-spinach/Beaujolais Spinach
/products/french-marigold-gold...Golden Guardian Marigold
/products/melampodium-showstar/Showstar Melampodium
/products/purple-viking-seed-p...Purple Viking Potato
/products/queensland-romaine-l...Queensland Lettuce
/products/quan-yin-batavian-le...Quan Yin Lettuce
/products/cekirdegi-oyali-wate...Orange-Fleshed Cekirdegi Oyali Watermelon
/products/spinners-ivory-cotton/Spinner’s Ivory Cotton
/products/contender-buff-valen...IMG-ALT Contender bush bean
/products/cossack-pineapple-gr...IMG-ALT Cossack Pineapple ground cherries
/products/crawford-bibb-butter...IMG-ALT Crawford lettuce
/products/contender-buff-valen...Contender snap bush bean
/products/cossack-pineapple-gr...Texto duplicado Cossack Pineapple ground cherries
/products/crawford-bibb-butter...Texto duplicado Crawford lettuce
/products/lacinato-dinosaur-kale/Lacinato kale
/products/sugar-snap-tall-snap...Sugar Snap Peas
/products/dark-green-italian-p...Dark Green Italian parsley
/products/yellow-potato-onion/Yellow Potato Onions
/vegetable-gardening-in-the-so...IMG-ALT Vegetable Gardening in the SE
/products/grow-great-vegetable...IMG-ALT Grow Great Virginia Vegetables
/products/grow-great-vegetable...IMG-ALT Grow Great North Carolina Vegetables
/products/grow-great-vegetable...IMG-ALT Grow Great Tennessee Vegetables
/products/grow-great-vegetable...IMG-ALT Grow Great Georgia Vegetables
/products/grow-great-vegetable...IMG-ALT Grow Great South Carolina Vegetables
/retail-stores-ezp-17.htmlIMG-ALT Seed Rack
/retail-stores-ezp-17.htmlFind our seeds at a store near you!
/gardenplannerIMG-ALT Southern Exposure Garden Planner
/gardenplannerTry Our Garden Planner
/gardenplannerTry our Garden Planner Tool free for 1 week Subdominio IMG-ALT Southern Exposure Mobile-Friendly Flipbook
/virginia-heritage-seed-collec...IMG-ALT Virginia Heritage Seed Sampler
/virginia-heritage-seed-collec...Virginia Heritage Seed Collection
/products/welcome-to-the-garde...Welcome-to-the-Garden Pollinator Colleciton Subdominio Piedmont Environmental Council
/request-a-catalog-c-215.htmlIMG-ALT Southern Exposure Catalog
/request-a-catalog-c-215.htmlNueva ventana Request a Catalog & Garden Guide.
/catalog/sese-catalog-2024-for...Nueva ventana as a 13MB PDF
/index.php?main_page=quick_orderQuick Order by Item Number
/catalog/sese-order-form-2024.pdfmail-in order form
/quick-order/Texto duplicado Quick Order
/about-us/Texto duplicado About Us
/growing-guides/Texto duplicado Growing Guides
/retail-stores/Texto duplicado Retail Stores
/blog/Nueva ventana Blog
/contact-us/Contact Us
/all-products/All Products
/organic/Certified Organic
IMG-ALT Certified Organic by Quality Certification Services
IMG-ALT Heirlooms introduced before 1940
/south-east/Especially well-suited to the South-East
IMG-ALT Varieties well-suited to the Mid-Atlantic & further South
/small-grower/From Small Farms
IMG-ALT Seed from small farms in our Seed Grower Network ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Facebook Logo ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Smart Gardener - Simply Grow Great Food ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Local Harvest - Real Food, Real Farmers, Real Community
/shipping-info/Shipping & Returns
/privacy/Privacy Notice
/conditions/Conditions of Use
/contact-us/Texto duplicado Contact Us
/our-seed-growers/Our Seed Growers
/our-nongmo-policy/Our Non-GMO Policy
/quality-promise/Quality Promise
/growing-guides/Texto duplicado Growing Guides
/fundraisers/Texto duplicado Fundraisers

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Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Saving the Past for the Future
New varieties for 2024 For 2024, we're adding 24 new varieties to our listings. Pictured here: Xiye Butternut Squash, Ashwagandha, and Biquinho Spice Peppers. Other new varieties for 2024 include Pink Zinnia, Soleado Zinnia, Green Finger Cucumber, Beaujolais Spinach, Golden Guardian Marigold, Showstar Melampodium, Purple Viking Potato, Queensland Lettuce, Quan Yin Lettuce, Orange-Fleshed Cekirdegi Oyali Watermelon and Spinner's Ivory Cotton. Featured Customer Favorites Pictured here, Contender snap bush bean, Cossack Pineapple ground cherries, and Crawford lettuce. Other customer favorites include Lacinato kale, Sugar Snap Peas, Dark Green Italian parsley, and Yellow Potato Onions. Books by Ira Wallace Find our seeds at a store near you! Try Our Garden Planner This online tool helps manage your garden throughout the season and from year to year. You can order our seeds directly from the planner. Try our Garden Planner Tool free for 1 week We donate 30% of sales of our Virg...

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Southern Exposure Seed80%Check
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange77%Check
New varieties58%Check
New varieties 202456%Check

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