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0,55 s
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302,10 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
112 internos / 3 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Spaciously | Team building activities and fun workshops
La longitud del título es óptima (497 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Book fun corporate team building activities, workshops, and team outings → 600+ unique top-rated experiences in over 40 U.S. cities → Fast and easy booking.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (984 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) no se especifica en los headers HTTP.
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


descriptionBook fun corporate team building activities, workshops, and team outings → 600+ unique top-rated experiences in over 40 U.S. cities → Fast and easy booking.
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
twitter:titleSpaciously | Team building activities and fun workshops
twitter:descriptionBook fun corporate team building activities, workshops, and team outings → 600+ unique top-rated experiences in over 40 U.S. cities → Fast and easy booking.
og:titleSpaciously | Team building activities and fun workshops
og:descriptionBook fun corporate team building activities, workshops, and team outings → 600+ unique top-rated experiences in over 40 U.S. cities → Fast and easy booking.

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1651 palabras.
Un 21.1% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 5 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 10.45 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 33 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 2 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...ass-new-york/rec2BkkLRSfHJFkcC_w720.webpTwo people having fun during an improv class team building event man at the counter giving another man a sample of tea to taste team member is smiling and showing off her felted corgi creation
...hop-new-york/recNTgIH9jJb9JahC_w720.webpDIY tie dye fabrics with very colorful prints
...hop-new-york/reckUD6MFXCBCPVfK_w720.webpA local New York pottery artist displaying her handmade art at a Spaciously event
...-los-angeles/recmLWX9fNz0mdKCB_w720.webpSomeone pouring latte in an artistic way man is using a wood-burning tool to burn the San Francisco skyline design into a wooden cheeseboard woman is dipping a cookie into a pot full of chocolate at a team building event in San Francisco
...ass-new-york/recRUl37MI40Meo51_w720.webpA Japanese ink painting workshop in New York
...class-fresno/rec4zdSL3z32ClaUZ_w720.webpA group of six people enjoy a sushi-making class, with ingredients and tools arranged on a large table. person is making artisanal pasta using pasta maker diverse group participates in a home fragrance class, listening to a speaker next to a colorful wheel in San Francisco. photo of participants holding their crafted candles during a team-building activity in San Francisco.
...hai-new-york/recWIj2MW3rSs6Pct_w720.webpA woman pouring chai into a cup
...-los-angeles/recwsSuMipB3TWzzY_w720.webpTeam building event with cocktails and mocktails, people making their own drinks and having a competition between each other whilst smiling and having fun
...-los-angeles/recGYRnWHCEpRHwqt_w720.webpA group of people participates in a candle-making workshop in Los Angeles, smiling and engaged in the activity.
...y-in-seattle/recswaMQ5qcTArvRB_w720.webpA hand holds out to catch a pink-frosted cupcake with sprinkles, set against a festive background.
...s-in-seattle/rec1roL7tRkf7RtAG_w720.webpGroup of women decorating cakes in a Vintage Pastel Cake Decorating Class in Seattle. Focused and engaged in the activity.
...s-in-seattle/recbWmliw0x1l2tuZ_w720.webpParticipants enjoying a cake decorating class, smiling and working on colorful cakes at a Seattle venue.
...redwood-city/rec4tufsa6lBEjTVS_w720.webpFreshly baked chocolate chip cookies arranged on a wooden surface.
...t-in-seattle/recVGi86doGmLRwlT_w720.webpA team is posing in colorful outfits during a scavenger hunt
...-santa-clara/rec4FjgN4Xfq79XUy_w720.webpA man is using a wood-burning tool to burn the San Francisco skyline design into a wooden cheeseboard
...-santa-clara/recQoGhSx573Kr0Hh_w720.webpTeam working on a vision board design in a creative art studio in San Francisco
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...-santa-clara/recg2uNfNV5JgcmzS_w720.webpA team member proudly displays the gold-leaf bowl they crafted during the art studio session.
...-santa-clara/recQTkZmJZTQJfJG2_w720.webpTwo smiling participants hold their colorful handmade clocks during a team-building activity in Santa Clara.
...-santa-clara/recWPggj9fyugTp7s_w720.webpA man is posing with a block-printed bag (with blue shark patterns) he just created at a team building workshop.
...-in-sandwich/recSI8ekPL9WgPHXk_w720.webppeople climbing trees and courses and zip-lining outdoors, smiling for team building experience team is posing with the wood-burned cheeseboards they just made building event showing people holding wine glasses and painting pretty designs on them whilst smiling and being social example of a vision board collage made of different pieces of magazine building event where people are painting on a tote bag with bright colors in a fun and social setting painted at a team workshop in San Mateo building event with happy people smiling, painting on canvases and drinking wine painted colorful coaster set created in a team building workshop in San Mateo building class building terrariums with plants and rocks in a glass jar team is sitting at a table and working on their needle felt pets group of team members learning how to make mandoo woman in a team building class making a mini Japanese hanging moss garden with plants kimchi team-building instructor is holding a gigantic cabbage. with pride, a team member poses with the gold-leaf bowl they made at the studio. Workshop painting on one collective painting together smiling making closed terrariums in glass jars for a team building experience smiling participants hold colorful, handmade clocks during a team-building activity in San Mateo. of people at a Bojagi Workshop in San Mateo, smiling and holding colorful fabric-wrapped boxes. friends are showing off their block printed bag designs
...-in-san-jose/recevu0hhwlTEaf58_w720.webpA woman is showing the design of a wood-burned cheeseboard with two bottles on it
...-in-san-jose/rec2xa150Ey4nJY1s_w720.webpA woman is explaining the vision board she just created to her team
...-in-san-jose/recbkUmZaY6GmRJu1_w720.webpA man is showing a grey needle felted hippo he just made at a workshop
...-in-san-jose/recjBkU2mgGWVJXRN_w720.webpA team is posing in colorful outfits during a scavenger hunt
...-in-san-jose/rec861OIGPOWjLOPf_w720.webpWith a big smile, a team member shows off the gold-leaf bowl they designed at the art class.
...-in-san-jose/recS1waySRR8241CI_w720.webpTwo smiling participants hold their painted clock creations during a team building activity in San Jose.
...-in-san-jose/recPHOVNYunb6IGb2_w720.webpA team is posing with block-printed bags they created in a workshop working on a vision board design in a creative art studio in San Francisco chef serves pasta from a large cheese wheel during a Tastes of Little Italy food tour in San Francisco. smiling as they work with clay spinning on a wheel making bowls for a team building class person is painting with a brush using reference colorful succulent terrarium with green plants, vibrant moss, and decorative stones, showcased in a glass container. group of team members learning how to cook at a Spaciously event in San Francisco woman in a team building class making a mini Japanese hanging moss garden with plants kimchi team-building instructor is holding a gigantic cabbage. group of people with rainbow flags on kayaks explains the team building tour group what plants are around them in the forest. team is posing with the gold-leaf painted bowls they just created at an art studio. team members are holding pitchforks and garden gloves after a day of team-building in the garden. team member holding a fused glass art piece and scissors at a team building build a bouquet workshop smiling making closed terrariums in glass jars for a team building experience participants smile while holding their colorful handmade clocks during a team-building activity in San Francisco. in a Chinatown having tea, eating soup and making fortune cookies eating Chinese and italian food of five people smiling and holding wrapped items at a Bojagi Workshop in San Francisco.
...ames-session/recLV4UVt9vhz5Da0_w720.webpA group of colleagues playing boardgames at a Spaciously team event in San Francisco man is posing with a block-printed bag (with blue shark patterns) he just created at a team building workshop. woman next to an espresso machine is learning how to steam milk team is posing in colorful outfits during a scavenger hunt
...redwood-city/reckJC04nmL0BTiYf_w720.webpA man is using a wood-burning tool to burn the San Francisco skyline design into a wooden cheeseboard
...redwood-city/recScB6FkGJpnQHNH_w720.webpTeam working on a vision board design in a creative art studio in San Francisco
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...redwood-city/rec5fyfRx4wRDfhd1_w720.webpParticipants enjoy a Mediterranean cooking class in Redwood City, preparing fresh ingredients and sharing smiles.
...a7781b39c89babd_Newsletter_icon_(8).webpHow to socialize in hybrid workplace
...941324823_6907322250501785362_n_(2).webpLast-minute team event planning: how I hacked the 2023 holiday edition
...5d7215_SpaciouslyABCFitness-054_(1).webpHalf-day team building in Manhattan, New York
...ed12962_Scavenger Hunt Pictures (13).pngA scavenger hunt team adventure in SF
...NWEU95phBKJnb0eMKsxh5TQrA99ZYTIsDGg.webpHalf-day team building in Old Town Scottsdale, Arizona
...9f4476251c3c795b3973ae_alemany_farm.webpLogo of Alemany Farm featuring a stylized landscape with fields and a windmill, promoting sustainable agriculture.
...9f435cc8e146310b782e0f_Ning picture.webpA barista examines coffee samples, holding a cup and spooning from bowls in a coffee tasting setup.
...20makers%20to%20the%20main%20street.webpMother-daughter team smiles together, promoting holistic products at their booth for metaphysical healing treasures.
...e6237186b893493_portrait_selects_01.webpJudy Kim, fashion designer and founder of Bojagi Home Decor, promotes sustainable Korean art and eco-friendly home décor.
...389273ac87680649_Bold_and_Sprinkles.webpSmiling host with dark hair stands in front of a table filled with colorful flowers, ready for a terrarium workshop.
...NR0wQkE5uuzC5AIwIbyGaRhkPku1D14JHjMU.pngGroup photo in front of a vibrant mural reading "LOVE YOURS," showcasing hosts of art classes and events.
...d2a83f198767_The_Salvation_Army_logo.svgThe logo of a company that ran a team building event with Spaciously
...ce0fe0ffec39158ad0344_Bloomberg_Logo.svgThe logo of a company that ran a team building event with Spaciously
...670ce1196ec5ff439205c1fc_Ripple_logo.svgThe logo of a company that ran a team building event with Spaciously
...670ce16f9aa9f93260576984_Pfizer_logo.svgThe logo of a company that ran a team building event with Spaciously
...70ce1aebc6a2c73a59aa1be_Sephora_logo.svgThe logo of a company that ran a team building event with Spaciously
...f4ce/670cdda9efd2b1e0bb12a151_airbnb.svgThe logo of a company that ran a team building event with Spaciously
...74d782_Techstars_Logo_Primary_Black.webpThe logo of a company that ran a team building event with Spaciously
...ce0581ae481_1280px-HubSpot_Logo.svg.webpThe logo of a company that ran a team building event with Spaciously
...70ce4ca6de0b9f5f3e6c31b_notion_llogo.svgThe logo of a company that ran a team building event with Spaciously
...7dc83094ce0581ae47a_Levi's_logo.svg.webpThe logo of a company that ran a team building event with Spaciously
...670ce4644e1abe2275ab3f49_TikTok_logo.svgThe logo of a company that ran a team building event with Spaciously
...6601d1dd992279d265d2ee0d_lululemon-1.svgThe logo of a company that ran a team building event with Spaciously
.../670cf15fcb38abd9f990bec4_Adobe_logo.svgThe logo of a company that ran a team building event with Spaciously

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Fun team-building activities
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 91 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Fun team-building activities
H2 All team activities
H2 Building stronger teams: our success stories
H2 Client testimonials
H2 Meet your team activity hosts
H2 Our clients
H2 Site footer
H3 Improv Class
H3 Tea Ceremony
H3 Needle Felt Your Pet
H3 Tie Dye Workshop
H3 Handmade Ceramics Workshop
H3 Latte Art Class
H3 Wood Burn a Cheeseboard
H3 Wine & Chocolate Candy Making
H3 Japanese Ink-painting Class
H3 Sushi Making Class
H3 Pasta Artistry Class
H3 Home Fragrance Class
H3 Candle Making Class
H3 Yoga and Chai Session
H3 Cocktail Combat Experience
H3 Candle Making Workshop
H3 Sprinkle Cupcakes
H3 Vintage Pastel Cake Decorating Class
H3 Cake Decorating Class
H3 Cookie Dough Workshop
H3 Hosted Scavenger Hunt
H3 Wood Burn a Cheeseboard Texto duplicado
H3 Vision Board Session
H3 Needle Felt Your Pet Texto duplicado
H3 Gold-Leaf Bowl Art Class
H3 Clock Making
H3 Block Printed Bag Class
H3 Zipline & Climbing
H3 Wood Burn a Cheeseboard Texto duplicado
H3 Wine Glass Painting Class
H3 Vision Board Session Texto duplicado
H3 Tote Bag Painting Class
H3 Skateboard Art Workshop
H3 Paint and Sip Class
H3 Paint a Coaster Set
H3 Open Succulent Terrarium Workshop
H3 Needle Felt Your Pet Texto duplicado
H3 Korean Cuisine Class
H3 Kokedama Workshop
H3 Kimchi Making Class
H3 Gold-Leaf Bowl Art Class Texto duplicado
H3 Communication & Collaboration Painting Class
H3 Closed Eco-System Terrarium Workshop
H3 Clock Making Texto duplicado
H3 Bojagi Workshop
H3 Block Printed Bag Class Texto duplicado
H3 Wood Burn a Cheeseboard Texto duplicado
H3 Vision Board Session Texto duplicado
H3 Needle Felt Your Pet Texto duplicado
H3 Hosted Scavenger Hunt Texto duplicado
H3 Gold-Leaf Bowl Art Class Texto duplicado
H3 Clock Making Texto duplicado
H3 Block Printed Bag Class Texto duplicado
H3 Vision Board Session Texto duplicado
H3 Tastes of Little Italy Food Tour
H3 Pottery Wheel Throwing Class
H3 Paint a Mural Activity
H3 Open Succulent Terrarium Workshop Texto duplicado
H3 Korean Cooking Class
H3 Kokedama Workshop Texto duplicado
H3 Kimchi Making Class Texto duplicado
H3 Kayaking Lesson and Tour
H3 Herbal Foraging Walk
H3 Gold-Leaf Bowl Art Class Texto duplicado
H3 Garden Volunteering
H3 Fused Glass Art
H3 Floral Arranging Workshop
H3 Closed Eco-System Terrarium Workshop Texto duplicado
H3 Clock Making Texto duplicado
H3 Chinatown Day Tour
H3 Chinatown and Little Italy Food Tour
H3 Bojagi Workshop Texto duplicado
H3 Board Games Session
H3 Block Printed Bag Class Texto duplicado
H3 Latte Art Class Texto duplicado
H3 Hosted Scavenger Hunt Texto duplicado
H3 Wood Burn a Cheeseboard Texto duplicado
H3 Vision Board Session Texto duplicado
H3 Needle Felt Your Pet Texto duplicado
H3 Mediterranean Cooking Class
H3 Become a Spaciously host
H3 Important resources
H3 Top team building ideas by city
H3 Subscribe
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 3 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla Spaciously logo (text that says Spaciously) team activities
A-TITLE Explore all our team-building activities
/team-building-ideas-and-resou...Ideas and resources
A-TITLE Explore team building resources, activities, and expert guides
/about-usAbout us
A-TITLE About Spaciously: Our Mission, Impact, and Unique Team-Building Experiences duplicado All team activities
/team-building-ideas-and-resou...Texto duplicado Ideas and resources
/about-usTexto duplicado About us
/experience/private-improv-cla...Nueva ventana Improv Class New York City Up to 100 people $ 110 per person Team Challenges and Games
IMG-ALT Two people having fun during an improv class team building event
/experience/tea-ceremony-san-f...Nueva ventana Tea Ceremony San Francisco Up to 30 people $ 100 per person Drink Crafting and Tasting
IMG-ALT A man at the counter giving another man a sample of tea to taste
/experience/needle-felted-succ...Nueva ventana Needle Felt Your Pet San Francisco Up to 25 people $ 85 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A team member is smiling and showing off her felted corgi creation
/experience/tie-dye-workshop-n...Nueva ventana Tie Dye Workshop New York City Up to 40 people $ 60 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT DIY tie dye fabrics with very colorful prints
/experience/handmade-ceramics-...Nueva ventana Handmade Ceramics Workshop New York City Up to 8 people $ 65 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A local New York pottery artist displaying her handmade art at a Spaciously event
/experience/latte-art-class-lo...Nueva ventana Latte Art Class Los Angeles Up to 30 people $ 90 per person Drink Crafting and Tasting
IMG-ALT Someone pouring latte in an artistic way
/experience/burned-treasure-bo...Nueva ventana Wood Burn a Cheeseboard San Francisco Up to 25 people $ 95 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A man is using a wood-burning tool to burn the San Francisco skyline design into a wooden cheeseboard
/experience/wine-chocolate-can...Nueva ventana Wine & Chocolate Candy Making San Francisco Up to 20 people $ 120 per person Culinary Adventures
IMG-ALT A woman is dipping a cookie into a pot full of chocolate at a team building event in San Francisco
/experience/japanese-ink-paint...Nueva ventana Japanese Ink-painting Class New York City Up to 50 people $ 48 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A Japanese ink painting workshop in New York
/experience/sushi-making-class...Nueva ventana Sushi Making Class Fresno Up to 30 people $ 100 per person Culinary Adventures
IMG-ALT A group of six people enjoy a sushi-making class, with ingredients and tools arranged on a large table.
/experience/pasta-artistry-san...Nueva ventana Pasta Artistry Class San Francisco Up to 20 people $ 90 per person Culinary Adventures
IMG-ALT A person is making artisanal pasta using pasta maker
/experience/blend-a-home-fragr...Nueva ventana Home Fragrance Class San Francisco Up to 60 people $ 80 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A diverse group participates in a home fragrance class, listening to a speaker next to a colorful wheel in San Francisco.
/experience/craft-your-own-can...Nueva ventana Candle Making Class San Francisco Up to 80 people $ 80 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Group photo of participants holding their crafted candles during a team-building activity in San Francisco.
/experience/yoga-chai-new-yorkNueva ventana Yoga and Chai Session New York City Up to 25 people $ 30 per person Wellness and Mindfulness
IMG-ALT A woman pouring chai into a cup
/experience/cocktail-combat-ex...Nueva ventana Cocktail Combat Experience Los Angeles Up to 65 people $ 199 per person Drink Crafting and Tasting
IMG-ALT Team building event with cocktails and mocktails, people making their own drinks and having a competition between each other whilst smiling and having fun
/experience/candle-making-work...Nueva ventana Candle Making Workshop Los Angeles Up to 25 people $ 65 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A group of people participates in a candle-making workshop in Los Angeles, smiling and engaged in the activity.
/experience/cupcake-sprinkle-p...Nueva ventana Sprinkle Cupcakes Seattle Up to 12 people $ 35 per person Culinary Adventures
IMG-ALT A hand holds out to catch a pink-frosted cupcake with sprinkles, set against a festive background.
/experience/vintage-pastel-cak...Nueva ventana Vintage Pastel Cake Decorating Class Seattle Up to 10 people $ 245 per person Culinary Adventures
IMG-ALT Group of women decorating cakes in a Vintage Pastel Cake Decorating Class in Seattle. Focused and engaged in the activity.
/experience/cake-decorating-cl...Nueva ventana Cake Decorating Class Seattle Up to 10 people $ 400 per person Culinary Adventures
IMG-ALT Participants enjoying a cake decorating class, smiling and working on colorful cakes at a Seattle venue.
/experience/cookie-dough-works...Nueva ventana Cookie Dough Workshop Redwood City Up to 30 people $ 115 per person Culinary Adventures Seasonal and Holiday
IMG-ALT Freshly baked chocolate chip cookies arranged on a wooden surface.
/experience/hosted-scavenger-h...Nueva ventana Hosted Scavenger Hunt Seattle Up to 1000 people $ 65 per person Team Challenges and Games Outdoor Adventures
IMG-ALT A team is posing in colorful outfits during a scavenger hunt
/experience/wood-burn-a-cheese...Nueva ventana Wood Burn a Cheeseboard Santa Clara Up to 60 people $ 95 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A man is using a wood-burning tool to burn the San Francisco skyline design into a wooden cheeseboard
/experience/vision-board-sessi...Nueva ventana Vision Board Session Santa Clara Up to 60 people $ 75 per person Wellness and Mindfulness Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Team working on a vision board design in a creative art studio in San Francisco
/experience/needle-felt-your-p...Nueva ventana Needle Felt Your Pet Santa Clara Up to 60 people $ 85 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A team member is smiling and showing off her felted corgi creation
/experience/gold-leaf-bowl-art...Nueva ventana Gold-Leaf Bowl Art Class Santa Clara Up to 50 people $ 85 per person Art Craft and Design Wellness and Mindfulness
IMG-ALT A team member proudly displays the gold-leaf bowl they crafted during the art studio session.
/experience/clock-making-in-sa...Nueva ventana Clock Making Santa Clara Up to 50 people $ 105 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Two smiling participants hold their colorful handmade clocks during a team-building activity in Santa Clara.
/experience/block-printed-bag-...Nueva ventana Block Printed Bag Class Santa Clara Up to 60 people $ 95 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A man is posing with a block-printed bag (with blue shark patterns) he just created at a team building workshop.
/experience/zipline-and-climbi...Nueva ventana Zipline & Climbing Sandwich Up to 25 people $ 66 per person Outdoor Adventures
IMG-ALT people climbing trees and courses and zip-lining outdoors, smiling for team building experience
/experience/wood-burn-a-cheese...Nueva ventana Wood Burn a Cheeseboard San Mateo Up to 60 people $ 95 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A team is posing with the wood-burned cheeseboards they just made
/experience/wine-glass-paintin...Nueva ventana Wine Glass Painting Class San Mateo Up to 64 people $ 60 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Team building event showing people holding wine glasses and painting pretty designs on them whilst smiling and being social
/experience/vision-board-sessi...Nueva ventana Vision Board Session San Mateo Up to 60 people $ 75 per person Wellness and Mindfulness Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT An example of a vision board collage made of different pieces of magazine
/experience/tote-bag-painting-...Nueva ventana Tote Bag Painting Class San Mateo Up to 64 people $ 55 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Team building event where people are painting on a tote bag with bright colors in a fun and social setting
/experience/skateboard-art-wor...Nueva ventana Skateboard Art Workshop San Mateo Up to 64 people $ 85 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Skateboards painted at a team workshop in San Mateo
/experience/paint-and-sip-in-s...Nueva ventana Paint and Sip Class San Mateo Up to 64 people $ 45 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Team building event with happy people smiling, painting on canvases and drinking wine
/experience/paint-a-coaster-se...Nueva ventana Paint a Coaster Set San Mateo Up to 64 people $ 65 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A painted colorful coaster set created in a team building workshop in San Mateo
/experience/open-succulent-ter...Nueva ventana Open Succulent Terrarium Workshop San Mateo Up to 200 people $ 85 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Team building class building terrariums with plants and rocks in a glass jar
/experience/needle-felt-your-p...Nueva ventana Needle Felt Your Pet San Mateo Up to 60 people $ 85 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A team is sitting at a table and working on their needle felt pets
/experience/korean-cuisine-cla...Nueva ventana Korean Cuisine Class San Mateo Up to 20 people $ 150 per person Culinary Adventures
IMG-ALT A group of team members learning how to make mandoo
/experience/kokedama-workshop-...Nueva ventana Kokedama Workshop San Mateo Up to 200 people $ 95 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Happy woman in a team building class making a mini Japanese hanging moss garden with plants
/experience/kimchi-making-clas...Nueva ventana Kimchi Making Class San Mateo Up to 25 people $ 112 per person Culinary Adventures
IMG-ALT The kimchi team-building instructor is holding a gigantic cabbage.
/experience/gold-leaf-bowl-art...Nueva ventana Gold-Leaf Bowl Art Class San Mateo Up to 50 people $ 85 per person Art Craft and Design Wellness and Mindfulness
IMG-ALT Beaming with pride, a team member poses with the gold-leaf bowl they made at the studio.
/experience/communication-coll...Nueva ventana Communication & Collaboration Painting Class San Mateo Up to 64 people $ 85 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Team Workshop painting on one collective painting together
/experience/closed-eco-system-...Nueva ventana Closed Eco-System Terrarium Workshop San Mateo Up to 200 people $ 95 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT People smiling making closed terrariums in glass jars for a team building experience
/experience/clock-making-in-sa...Nueva ventana Clock Making San Mateo Up to 50 people $ 105 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Two smiling participants hold colorful, handmade clocks during a team-building activity in San Mateo.
/experience/bojagi-workshop-in...Nueva ventana Bojagi Workshop San Mateo Up to 20 people $ 90 per person Art Craft and Design Seasonal and Holiday
IMG-ALT Group of people at a Bojagi Workshop in San Mateo, smiling and holding colorful fabric-wrapped boxes.
/experience/block-printed-bag-...Nueva ventana Block Printed Bag Class San Mateo Up to 60 people $ 95 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Two friends are showing off their block printed bag designs
/experience/wood-burn-a-cheese...Nueva ventana Wood Burn a Cheeseboard San Jose Up to 60 people $ 95 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A woman is showing the design of a wood-burned cheeseboard with two bottles on it
/experience/vision-board-sessi...Nueva ventana Vision Board Session San Jose Up to 60 people $ 75 per person Wellness and Mindfulness Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A woman is explaining the vision board she just created to her team
/experience/needle-felt-your-p...Nueva ventana Needle Felt Your Pet San Jose Up to 60 people $ 85 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A man is showing a grey needle felted hippo he just made at a workshop
/experience/hosted-scavenger-h...Nueva ventana Hosted Scavenger Hunt San Jose Up to 1000 people $ 65 per person Team Challenges and Games Outdoor Adventures
IMG-ALT A team is posing in colorful outfits during a scavenger hunt
/experience/gold-leaf-bowl-art...Nueva ventana Gold-Leaf Bowl Art Class San Jose Up to 50 people $ 85 per person Art Craft and Design Wellness and Mindfulness
IMG-ALT With a big smile, a team member shows off the gold-leaf bowl they designed at the art class.
/experience/clock-making-in-sa...Nueva ventana Clock Making San Jose Up to 50 people $ 105 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Two smiling participants hold their painted clock creations during a team building activity in San Jose.
/experience/block-printed-bag-...Nueva ventana Block Printed Bag Class San Jose Up to 60 people $ 95 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A team is posing with block-printed bags they created in a workshop
/experience/create-a-vision-bo...Nueva ventana Vision Board Session San Francisco Up to 25 people $ 75 per person Wellness and Mindfulness Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Team working on a vision board design in a creative art studio in San Francisco
/experience/tastes-of-little-i...Nueva ventana Tastes of Little Italy Food Tour San Francisco Up to 10 people $ 83 per person Culinary Adventures Outdoor Adventures
IMG-ALT A chef serves pasta from a large cheese wheel during a Tastes of Little Italy food tour in San Francisco.
/experience/pottery-wheel-clas...Nueva ventana Pottery Wheel Throwing Class San Francisco Up to 52 people $ 115 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT People smiling as they work with clay spinning on a wheel making bowls for a team building class
/experience/paint-a-mural-san-...Nueva ventana Paint a Mural Activity San Francisco Up to 50 people $ 90 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A person is painting with a brush using reference
/experience/open-succulent-ter...Nueva ventana Open Succulent Terrarium Workshop San Francisco Up to 200 people $ 85 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A colorful succulent terrarium with green plants, vibrant moss, and decorative stones, showcased in a glass container.
/experience/korean-cuisine-coo...Nueva ventana Korean Cooking Class San Francisco Up to 20 people $ 150 per person Culinary Adventures
IMG-ALT A group of team members learning how to cook at a Spaciously event in San Francisco
/experience/kokedama-workshop-...Nueva ventana Kokedama Workshop San Francisco Up to 200 people $ 95 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Happy woman in a team building class making a mini Japanese hanging moss garden with plants
/experience/kimchi-making-san-...Nueva ventana Kimchi Making Class San Francisco Up to 25 people $ 112 per person Culinary Adventures
IMG-ALT The kimchi team-building instructor is holding a gigantic cabbage.
/experience/kayaking-lesson-an...Nueva ventana Kayaking Lesson and Tour San Francisco Up to 40 people $ 150 per person Outdoor Adventures
IMG-ALT A group of people with rainbow flags on kayaks
/experience/herbal-foraging-tr...Nueva ventana Herbal Foraging Walk San Francisco Up to 30 people $ 40 per person Outdoor Adventures Wellness and Mindfulness
IMG-ALT Crystal explains the team building tour group what plants are around them in the forest.
/experience/design-a-gold-leaf...Nueva ventana Gold-Leaf Bowl Art Class San Francisco Up to 35 people $ 85 per person Art Craft and Design Wellness and Mindfulness
IMG-ALT A team is posing with the gold-leaf painted bowls they just created at an art studio.
/experience/garden-for-the-env...Nueva ventana Garden Volunteering San Francisco Up to 30 people $ 90 per person Outdoor Adventures
IMG-ALT Three team members are holding pitchforks and garden gloves after a day of team-building in the garden.
/experience/fuzed-glass-art-sa...Nueva ventana Fused Glass Art San Francisco Up to 50 people $ 60 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A team member holding a fused glass art piece
/experience/floral-arranging-w...Nueva ventana Floral Arranging Workshop San Francisco Up to 30 people $ 120 per person Art Craft and Design Seasonal and Holiday
IMG-ALT Flowers and scissors at a team building build a bouquet workshop
/experience/closed-eco-system-...Nueva ventana Closed Eco-System Terrarium Workshop San Francisco Up to 200 people $ 95 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT People smiling making closed terrariums in glass jars for a team building experience
/experience/clock-making-in-sa...Nueva ventana Clock Making San Francisco Up to 25 people $ 105 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Two participants smile while holding their colorful handmade clocks during a team-building activity in San Francisco.
/experience/chinatown-day-tour...Nueva ventana Chinatown Day Tour San Francisco Up to 10 people $ 83 per person Culinary Adventures Outdoor Adventures
IMG-ALT People in a Chinatown having tea, eating soup and making fortune cookies
/experience/chinatown-and-litt...Nueva ventana Chinatown and Little Italy Food Tour San Francisco Up to 20 people $ 94 per person Culinary Adventures Outdoor Adventures
IMG-ALT People eating Chinese and italian food
/experience/bojagi-workshop-sa...Nueva ventana Bojagi Workshop San Francisco Up to 20 people $ 90 per person Art Craft and Design Seasonal and Holiday
IMG-ALT Group of five people smiling and holding wrapped items at a Bojagi Workshop in San Francisco.
/experience/dogpatch-games-ses...Nueva ventana Board Games Session San Francisco Up to 100 people $ 35 per person Team Challenges and Games
IMG-ALT A group of colleagues playing boardgames at a Spaciously team event in San Francisco
/experience/block-printing-san...Nueva ventana Block Printed Bag Class San Francisco Up to 60 people $ 95 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A man is posing with a block-printed bag (with blue shark patterns) he just created at a team building workshop.
/experience/latte-art-class-sa...Nueva ventana Latte Art Class San Diego Up to 20 people $ 90 per person Drink Crafting and Tasting
IMG-ALT A woman next to an espresso machine is learning how to steam milk
/experience/hosted-scavenger-h...Nueva ventana Hosted Scavenger Hunt San Diego Up to 1000 people $ 65 per person Team Challenges and Games Outdoor Adventures
IMG-ALT A team is posing in colorful outfits during a scavenger hunt
/experience/wood-burn-a-cheese...Nueva ventana Wood Burn a Cheeseboard Redwood City Up to 60 people $ 95 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A man is using a wood-burning tool to burn the San Francisco skyline design into a wooden cheeseboard
/experience/vision-board-sessi...Nueva ventana Vision Board Session Redwood City Up to 60 people $ 75 per person Wellness and Mindfulness Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT Team working on a vision board design in a creative art studio in San Francisco
/experience/needle-felt-your-p...Nueva ventana Needle Felt Your Pet Redwood City Up to 60 people $ 85 per person Art Craft and Design
IMG-ALT A team member is smiling and showing off her felted corgi creation
/experience/mediterranean-cook...Nueva ventana Mediterranean Cooking Class Redwood City Up to 45 people $ 175 per person Culinary Adventures
IMG-ALT Participants enjoy a Mediterranean cooking class in Redwood City, preparing fresh ingredients and sharing smiles.
/?a5dbc022_page=2Show more
/post/how-spaciously-helped-hu...Nueva ventana IMG-ALT How to socialize in hybrid workplace
/post/how-spaciously-helped-hu...Nueva ventana A Full-Year Social Event Program (Hubspot)
/post/last-minute-team-event-p...Nueva ventana IMG-ALT Last-minute team event planning: how I hacked the 2023 holiday edition
/post/last-minute-team-event-p...Nueva ventana Sushi Making Class (Criteo)
/post/half-day-team-building-i...Nueva ventana IMG-ALT Half-day team building in Manhattan, New York
/post/half-day-team-building-i...Nueva ventana Tie Dye and Dinner in New York (ABC Fitness)
/post/dogpatch-scavenger-hunt-...Nueva ventana IMG-ALT A scavenger hunt team adventure in SF
/post/dogpatch-scavenger-hunt-...Nueva ventana Wildtype spends a day exploring their neighborhood
/post/half-day-team-building-i...Nueva ventana IMG-ALT Half-day team building in Old Town Scottsdale, Arizona
/post/half-day-team-building-i...Nueva ventana Candle Making and Dinner in Phoenix (ABC Fitness) ventana Externo Subdominio See all reviews on Trustpilot (⭐️ 4.7)
/vendor-searchNueva ventana Discover all hosts
/host/alemany-farmAlemany Farm
IMG-ALT Logo of Alemany Farm featuring a stylized landscape with fields and a windmill, promoting sustainable agriculture.
/host/balam-organic-coffeeBalam Organic Coffee
IMG-ALT A barista examines coffee samples, holding a cup and spooning from bowls in a coffee tasting setup.
/host/balance-and-gravityBalance and Gravity
IMG-ALT Mother-daughter team smiles together, promoting holistic products at their booth for metaphysical healing treasures.
/host/bojagi-homeBojagi Home
IMG-ALT Judy Kim, fashion designer and founder of Bojagi Home Decor, promotes sustainable Korean art and eco-friendly home décor.
/host/bold-and-sprinklesBold and Sprinkles
IMG-ALT Smiling host with dark hair stands in front of a table filled with colorful flowers, ready for a terrarium workshop.
/host/brooklyn-paintsBrooklyn Paints
IMG-ALT Group photo in front of a vibrant mural reading "LOVE YOURS," showcasing hosts of art classes and events.
/for-vendorsNueva ventana Apply to offer a group activity
/vendor-searchNueva ventana Meet the hosts
/team-building-ideas-and-resou...Nueva ventana Corporate team building tips and ideas ventana Sitemap
/best-team-building-events-nea...Nueva ventana Subdominio Top team events in New York City
/best-team-building-events-nea...Nueva ventana Subdominio Top team events in San Francisco
/best-team-building-events-nea...Nueva ventana Subdominio Top team events in Chicago ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto Subdominio Sin texto

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Spaciously | Team building activities and fun workshops
Book fun corporate team building activities, workshops, and team outings → 600+ unique top-rated experiences in over 40 U.S. cities → Fast and easy booking.

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Team Building79%Check
building activities78%Check
team building activities75%Check
Corporate Team Building71%Check

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