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(Extremadamente importante)
Strange Ways — Shop Patches + Pins Online
La longitud del título es óptima (410 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Over 1,000 enamel pins and iron-on patches for sale. Unique gifts for art, style, home from indie artists and small brands. Buy online, we ship worldwide.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (938 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
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No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
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La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
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URL de la página
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La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


descriptionOver 1,000 enamel pins and iron-on patches for sale. Unique gifts for art, style, home from indie artists and small brands. Buy online, we ship worldwide.
pluginseoPlug in SEO Plus
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
og:titleStrange Ways — Shop Patches + Pins Online
og:descriptionOver 1,000 enamel pins and iron-on patches for sale. Unique gifts for art, style, home from indie artists and small brands. Buy online, we ship worldwide.
og:site_nameStrange Ways

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Solo se han encontrado 2 párrafos en esta página.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1069 palabras.
Un 16.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 18.5 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: *new*.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
La descripción del atributo ALT se utiliza correctamente en todas las imágenes rastreadas.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...e_3.jpg?v=169659033440889013491642539207Enamel Lapel Pins
...tches-silly-goose_large.jpg?v=1724356849Silly Goose Patch
...y-hurts-pill-case_large.jpg?v=1702580430My Tummy Hurts Pill Case
...ase-save-me-earth_large.jpg?v=1664391241Please Save Me Earth Patch Do I Get High? A Punk Guide To Relapse Prevention Zine
...-ct-hats-elm-city_large.jpg?v=1720814022Elm City Puff Embroidered Dad Hat
...oad-sign-elm-city_large.jpg?v=1719951895New Haven Highway Patch
...aven-postcard-pin_large.jpg?v=1719953305New Haven Postcard Pin
...hanger-alone-time_large.gif?v=1725044085Alone Time Reversible Door Hanger Tape Wallet - Rainbow Chrome
...s-moon-tarot-card_large.jpg?v=1564599269Moon Tarot Patch
...-shirt-tacos-beer_large.jpg?v=1721333436Tacos & Beer Chainstitched Unisex Button-Up Shirt
...hes-mushroom-frog_large.jpg?v=1724356353Mushroom Frog Patch
...-bad-so-sad-tiger_large.jpg?v=1692298661Too Bad, So Sad Tiger Patch (Limited Edition)
...ards-get-you-down_large.jpg?v=1645728877Don't Let The Bastards Get You Down Keychain
...ards-get-you-down_large.jpg?v=1645642472Don't Let The Bastards Get You Down Coffee Mug
...acetate-hair-clip_large.jpg?v=1665082492Rainbow Switchblade Acetate Hair Clip
...-seal-of-approval_large.jpg?v=1713296259Seal Of Approval Pin
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...patches-tuff-wolf_large.jpg?v=1567018468Tuff Wolf Large Patch
...patches-ace-cards_large.jpg?v=1724355970Aces Patch
...tha-vetiver-cedar_large.jpg?v=1723748841Litha Incense Sticks: Vetiver, Cedar, Pine (20ct)
...-songs-emo-beanie_large.jpg?v=1701456886Sad Songs Beanie
...hic-tee-stray-cat_large.jpg?v=1694199467At First I Was A Stray (Cat) Unisex Shirt
...tch-bright-future_large.jpg?v=1724260703Bright Future Large Back Patch
...ll-pill-pin-lapel_large.jpg?v=1701716065Chill Pill Pin
...chains-chill-pill_large.jpg?v=1598036217Chill Pill Keychain
...-email-finds-well_large.jpg?v=1723839695You've Got Mail Unisex Shirt
...orn-to-raise-hell_large.jpg?v=1695754532Born To Raise Hell Keychain
...busy-feel-nothing_large.jpg?v=1696100313Stay Busy, Feel Nothing Patch
...ys-down-for-tacos_large.jpg?v=1621709653Always Down For Tacos Patch
...ill-work-out-hand_large.jpg?v=1604084063Things Will Work Out Gift Pin
...ti-you-top-rocker_large.jpg?v=1632250430Anti-You Patch Emo Dad Hat
...ychains-still-emo_large.jpg?v=1658861659Still Emo Keychain
...k-butter-keychain_large.jpg?v=1720043048Stick Of Butter Keychain
...r-air-freshener-2_large.jpg?v=1720040368Stick Of Butter Air Freshener (Vanilla)
...od-luck-horseshoe_large.jpg?v=1703271590Good Luck My Love Horseshoe Patch
...tches-sword-skull_large.jpg?v=1720033151Strange Dead Skull Patch Mermaid Large Patch
...-stargazing-2oz-1_large.jpg?v=1664564026Stargazing Mini Soy Candle (2oz)
...-punk-stay-trashy_large.jpg?v=1723834665Stay Trashy Unisex Shirt
...-cold-brew-coffee_large.jpg?v=1665860237Cold Brew Dad Hat
...9455-fd31f50323b3_large.jpg?v=1608144891Head Of Medusa Large Back Patch
...hes-halloween-cat_large.jpg?v=1644519212Halloween Cat Large Chenille Back Patch

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Strange Ways
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (12 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 66 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Strange Ways
H2 Hot Right Now
H3 Follow @shopstrangeways on Instagram for the latest.
H4 Silly Goose Patch
H4 My Tummy Hurts Pill Case
H4 Please Save Me Earth Patch
H4 Why Do I Get High? A Punk Guide To Relapse Prevention Zine
H4 Elm City Puff Embroidered Dad Hat
H4 New Haven Highway Patch
H4 New Haven Postcard Pin
H4 Alone Time Reversible Door Hanger
H4 Cassette Tape Wallet - Rainbow Chrome
H4 Moon Tarot Patch
H4 Tacos & Beer Chainstitched Unisex Button-Up Shirt
H4 Mushroom Frog Patch
H4 Too Bad, So Sad Tiger Patch (Limited Edition)
H4 Don't Let The Bastards Get You Down Keychain
H4 Don't Let The Bastards Get You Down Coffee Mug
H4 Rainbow Switchblade Acetate Hair Clip
H4 Seal Of Approval Pin
H4 Priorities Notepad
H4 Tuff Wolf Large Patch
H4 Aces Patch
H4 Litha Incense Sticks: Vetiver, Cedar, Pine (20ct)
H4 Sad Songs Beanie
H4 At First I Was A Stray (Cat) Unisex Shirt
H4 Bright Future Large Back Patch
H4 Chill Pill Pin
H4 Chill Pill Keychain
H4 You've Got Mail Unisex Shirt
H4 Born To Raise Hell Keychain
H4 Stay Busy, Feel Nothing Patch
H4 Always Down For Tacos Patch
H4 Things Will Work Out Gift Pin
H4 Anti-You Patch
H4 Still Emo Dad Hat
H4 Still Emo Keychain
H4 Stick Of Butter Keychain
H4 Stick Of Butter Air Freshener (Vanilla)
H4 Good Luck My Love Horseshoe Patch
H4 Strange Dead Skull Patch
H4 Tattoo Mermaid Large Patch
H4 Stargazing Mini Soy Candle (2oz)
H4 Stay Trashy Unisex Shirt
H4 Cold Brew Dad Hat
H4 Head Of Medusa Large Back Patch
H4 Halloween Cat Large Chenille Back Patch
H4 The Shop Blog
H4 Quick Links
H4 Want updates on news and sales? Sign up for our newsletter.
H4 Follow us – @shopstrangeways
H6 View All In Stock
H6 View All In Stock Texto duplicado
H6 View All In Stock Texto duplicado
H6 View All In Stock Texto duplicado
H6 View All Collections
H6 View All In Stock Texto duplicado
H6 View All In Stock Texto duplicado
H6 View All In Stock Texto duplicado
H6 View All In Stock Texto duplicado
H6 View All Collections Texto duplicado
H6 View All In Stock Texto duplicado
H6 View All In Stock Texto duplicado
H6 View All In Stock Texto duplicado
H6 View All In Stock Texto duplicado
H6 View All Collections Texto duplicado
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 5 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla 0
A-TITLE Shopping Cart ancla Rewards
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/collections/astrology-horosco...Birthday Zodiac Signs 💫
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/pages/storefrontNew Haven, CT Storefront
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/collections/patchesSubdominio IMG-ALT Iron On Jacket Patches
/collections/made-in-usaSubdominio IMG-ALT Made in USA
/collections/pinsSubdominio IMG-ALT Enamel Lapel Pins
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Silly Goose Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Silly Goose Patch These Are Things $ 5.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT My Tummy Hurts Pill Case
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...My Tummy Hurts Pill Case A Shop Of Things $ 11.99 Sold Out
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Please Save Me Earth Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Please Save Me Earth Patch These Are Things $ 5.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Why Do I Get High? A Punk Guide To Relapse Prevention Zine
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Why Do I Get High? A Punk Guide To Relapse Prevention Zine Tim Spock $ 5.99 Sold Out
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Elm City Puff Embroidered Dad Hat
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Elm City Puff Embroidered Dad Hat Strange Ways $ 34.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT New Haven Highway Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...New Haven Highway Patch Strange Ways $ 6.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT New Haven Postcard Pin
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...New Haven Postcard Pin Strange Ways $ 7.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Alone Time Reversible Door Hanger
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Alone Time Reversible Door Hanger People I've Loved $ 13.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Cassette Tape Wallet - Rainbow Chrome
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Cassette Tape Wallet - Rainbow Chrome Fydelity Bags $ 24.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Moon Tarot Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Moon Tarot Patch These Are Things $ 5.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Tacos & Beer Chainstitched Unisex Button-Up Shirt
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Tacos & Beer Chainstitched Unisex Button-Up Shirt Pyknic $ 47.99 Small Low Inventory Medium Low Inventory Large Low Inventory X-Large Out of stock XX-Large O...
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Mushroom Frog Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Mushroom Frog Patch These Are Things $ 5.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Too Bad, So Sad Tiger Patch (Limited Edition)
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Too Bad, So Sad Tiger Patch (Limited Edition) Stay Home Club $ 7.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Don't Let The Bastards Get You Down Keychain
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Don't Let The Bastards Get You Down Keychain Golden Gems $ 9.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Don't Let The Bastards Get You Down Coffee Mug
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Don't Let The Bastards Get You Down Coffee Mug Golden Gems $ 19.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Rainbow Switchblade Acetate Hair Clip
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Rainbow Switchblade Acetate Hair Clip Sara M. Lyons $ 14.99 Sold Out
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Seal Of Approval Pin
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Seal Of Approval Pin These Are Things $ 8.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Priorities Notepad
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Priorities Notepad People I've Loved $ 12.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Tuff Wolf Large Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Tuff Wolf Large Patch Frog and Toad Press $ 8.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Aces Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Aces Patch These Are Things $ 5.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Litha Incense Sticks: Vetiver, Cedar, Pine (20ct)
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Litha Incense Sticks: Vetiver, Cedar, Pine (20ct) Sea Witch Botanicals $ 17.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Sad Songs Beanie
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Sad Songs Beanie Stay Home Club $ 21.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT At First I Was A Stray (Cat) Unisex Shirt
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...At First I Was A Stray (Cat) Unisex Shirt Frog and Toad Press $ 25.99 Small Low Inventory Medium Low Inventory Large Low Inventory X-Large Low Inventory XX-L...
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Bright Future Large Back Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Bright Future Large Back Patch Badaboöm Studio $ 24.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Chill Pill Pin
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Chill Pill Pin These Are Things $ 8.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Chill Pill Keychain
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Chill Pill Keychain These Are Things $ 11.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT You've Got Mail Unisex Shirt
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...You've Got Mail Unisex Shirt Wicked Clothes $ 29.99 Small Low Inventory Medium Low Inventory Large Low Inventory X-Large Low Inventory XX-Large Low Inventory
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Born To Raise Hell Keychain
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Born To Raise Hell Keychain Golden Gems $ 11.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Stay Busy, Feel Nothing Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Stay Busy, Feel Nothing Patch Retrograde Supply $ 7.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Always Down For Tacos Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Always Down For Tacos Patch Pyknic $ 9.99 Sold Out
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Things Will Work Out Gift Pin
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Things Will Work Out Gift Pin People I've Loved $ 11.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Anti-You Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Anti-You Patch No Fun Press $ 8.49
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Still Emo Dad Hat
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Still Emo Dad Hat The Silver Spider $ 31.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Still Emo Keychain
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Still Emo Keychain The Silver Spider $ 9.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Stick Of Butter Keychain
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Stick Of Butter Keychain A Shop Of Things $ 9.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Stick Of Butter Air Freshener (Vanilla)
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Stick Of Butter Air Freshener (Vanilla) A Shop Of Things $ 5.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Good Luck My Love Horseshoe Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Good Luck My Love Horseshoe Patch Patch Ya Later $ 14.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Strange Dead Skull Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Strange Dead Skull Patch Ashlea Bechaz $ 8.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Tattoo Mermaid Large Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Tattoo Mermaid Large Patch Retro-a-go-go! $ 10.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Stargazing Mini Soy Candle (2oz)
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Stargazing Mini Soy Candle (2oz) True Hue $ 13.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Stay Trashy Unisex Shirt
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Stay Trashy Unisex Shirt Wicked Clothes $ 29.99 Small Low Inventory Medium Low Inventory Large Low Inventory X-Large Low Inventory XX-Large Low Inventory
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Cold Brew Dad Hat
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Cold Brew Dad Hat The Silver Spider $ 31.99
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Head Of Medusa Large Back Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Head Of Medusa Large Back Patch Inner Decay $ 31.99 Sold Out
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...IMG-ALT Halloween Cat Large Chenille Back Patch
/collections/hot-right-now/pro...Halloween Cat Large Chenille Back Patch BxE Buttons X Staciamade $ 29.99 ventana Externo Subdominio @shopstrangeways
/blogs/newsTexto duplicado The Shop Blog
/blogs/news/strange-ways-shop-...Strange Ways Shop Dad Vlog #5 - Death of Instagram for Business
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/collections/saleSubdominio Texto duplicado Sale + Clearance
A-TITLE Sale + Clearance
/collections/all?sort_by=best-...Subdominio Top Sellers
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/collectionsSubdominio Artists + Brands
A-TITLE Artists + Brands
/collections/pins-and-patchesTexto duplicado Pins + Patches
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Strange Ways — Shop Patches + Pins Online
Over 1,000 enamel pins and iron-on patches for sale. Unique gifts for art, style, home from indie artists and small brands. Buy online, we ship worldwide.

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Strange Ways86%Check
Strange Ways Shop77%Check
Strange Ways Shop Patches75%Check
Pin Patch70%Check
Ways Shop Patches Pins70%Check

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