| Texto ancla | Skip to main content | | Externo Subdominio | IMG-ALT Help Desk | | | About TEA |
/about-tea/welcome-and-overview | | Welcome & Overview |
/about-tea/agency-finances | | Agency Finances |
/about-tea/contact-us | | Contact Us |
/about-tea/laws-and-rules | | Laws & Rules |
/about-tea/leadership | | Leadership |
/about-tea/government-relation... | | Government Relations & Legal |
/about-tea/news-and-multimedia | | News & Multimedia |
/about-tea/other-services | | Other Services |
/texas-schools | | Texas Schools |
/texas-schools/general-informa... | | General Information |
/texas-schools/accountability | | Accountability |
/texas-schools/texas-schools-c... | | Charter Schools |
/texas-schools/district-initia... | | District Initiatives |
/texas-schools/health-safety-d... | | Health, Safety, & Discipline |
/texas-schools/school-boards | | School Boards |
/texas-schools/support-for-at-... | | Support for At-Risk Schools & Students |
/texas-schools/waivers | | Waivers | | | Academics |
/academics/college-career-and-... | | College, Career, & Military Prep |
/academics/curriculum-standards | | Curriculum Standards |
/academics/early-childhood-edu... | | Early Childhood Education |
/academics/graduation-information | | Graduation Information |
/academics/instructional-mater... | | Instructional Materials |
/academics/learning-support-an... | | Learning Support and Programs |
/academics/special-student-pop... | | Special Populations |
/academics/subject-areas | | Subject Areas |
/finance-and-grants | | Finance & Grants |
/finance-and-grants/financial-... | | Financial Compliance |
/finance-and-grants/grants | | Grants |
/finance-and-grants/state-funding | | State Funding |
/reports-and-data | | Reports & Data |
/reports-and-data/data-submission | | Data Submission |
/reports-and-data/educator-data | | Educator Data |
/reports-and-data/financial-re... | | Financial Reports |
/reports-and-data/legislative-... | | Legislative Information |
/reports-and-data/program-eval... | | Program Evaluations |
/reports-and-data/school-data | | School Data |
/reports-and-data/school-perfo... | | School Performance |
/reports-and-data/student-data | | Student Data |
/student-assessment | | Student Assessment |
/student-assessment/student-as... | | Student Assessment Overview |
/student-assessment/assessment... | | Assessment Initiatives |
/student-assessment/certificat... | | Certificate of High School Equivalency (TxCHSE) |
/student-assessment/monitoring... | | Monitoring & Interventions |
/texas-educators | | Texas Educators |
/texas-educators/aligned-frame... | | Aligned Frameworks |
/texas-educators/certification | | Certification |
/texas-educators/educator-eval... | | Educator Evaluation and Support System |
/texas-educators/educator-init... | | Educator Initiatives |
/texas-educators/investigations | | Investigations |
/texas-educators/preparation-a... | | Preparation and Continuing Education |
/texas-educators/salary-and-se... | | Salary and Service Record |
/texas-educators/superintendents | | Superintendent Resources and Guidance | | Subdominio | AskTED |
/Texas_Educators/Certification... | | ECOS for Educators |
https://tealprod.tea.state.tx.... | Externo Subdominio | Grant Opportunities |
/About_TEA/Other_Services/Secu... | | Secure Applications | | Externo Subdominio | TEAL Login |
https://www.texasstudentdatasy... | Externo Subdominio | TSDS | | | IMG-ALT Home A-TITLE Home |
/About_TEA/Welcome_and_Overvie... | | A-Z Index |
/about-tea/contact-us | | Contact |
/About_TEA/Welcome_and_Overvie... | | Employment | | Externo Subdominio | State Board of Education | | Externo Subdominio | Sign Up for Updates | | | TEA Correspondence | | Texto duplicado | About TEA |
/about-tea/welcome-and-overview | Texto duplicado | Welcome & Overview |
/about-tea/welcome-and-overvie... | | Strategic Plan |
/about-tea/welcome-and-overvie... | Texto duplicado | A-Z Index |
/about-tea/welcome-and-overvie... | | Calendars |
/about-tea/welcome-and-overvie... | Texto duplicado | Employment |
/about-tea/glossary-of-acronyms | | Glossary of Acronyms |
/about-tea/agency-finances | Texto duplicado | Agency Finances |
/about-tea/agency-finances/con... | | Contracts and Purchasing |
/about-tea/agency-finances/leg... | | Legislative Appropriations Request |
/about-tea/contact-us | Texto duplicado | Contact Us |
/about-tea/contact-us/general-... | | General Education Complaints |
/about-tea/contact-us/tea-divi... | | Divisions Directory |
/about-tea/contact-us/general-... | | Equal Educational Opportunity |
/about-tea/contact-us/general-... | | General Inquiry |
/staff-directory/ | | Staff Directory |
/about-tea/laws-and-rules | Texto duplicado | Laws & Rules |
/about-tea/laws-and-rules/comm... | | Commissioner Rules (TAC) |
/about-tea/laws-and-rules/sbec... | | SBEC Rules (TAC) |
/about-tea/laws-and-rules/sboe... | | SBOE Rules (TAC) |
/academics/special-student-pop... | | Special Education Rules and Regulations |
/about-tea/laws-and-rules/essa | | Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) |
/about-tea/leadership | Texto duplicado | Leadership |
/about-tea/leadership/commissi... | | Office of the Commissioner |
/about-tea/leadership/deputy-c... | | Deputy Commissioners | | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | State Board of Education |
/about-tea/leadership/state-bo... | | State Board for Educator Certification |
/about-tea/government-relation... | Texto duplicado | Government Relations & Legal |
/about-tea/government-relation... | | Office of the General Counsel |
/about-tea/government-relation... | | 86th Legislature Advisory Committees |
/about-tea/government-relation... | | Governmental Relations |
/about-tea/government-relation... | | Hearings and Appeals |
/about-tea/government-relation... | | House Bill 3 86(R) |
/about-tea/contact-us/public-i... | | Public Information |
/about-tea/government-relation... | | Special Education Dispute Resolution |
/about-tea/news-and-multimedia | Texto duplicado | News & Multimedia |
/about-tea/news-and-multimedia... | | Branding Standards |
/about-tea/news-and-multimedia... | | News Releases |
/about-tea/news-and-multimedia... | | Annual Reports |
/about-tea/news-and-multimedia... | | Publications Directory |
/about-tea/other-services | Texto duplicado | Other Services |
/about-tea/other-services/educ... | | Education Service Center Information |
/about-tea/other-services/ment... | | Mental Health and Behavioral Health |
/about-tea/other-services/weat... | | Weather and Disaster Information |
/texas-schools | Texto duplicado | Texas Schools |
/texas-schools/general-informa... | Texto duplicado | General Information | | Externo | Finding a School for your Child |
/Texas_Schools/General_Informa... | | Census Block Group Tools | | Subdominio | District Directory (AskTED) |
/texas-schools/district-initia... | | Districts of Innovation |
/texas-schools/general-informa... | | Enroll Your Child |
/texas-schools/general-informa... | | School District Locator |
/texas-schools/general-informa... | | Student Fairness Feeding Act |
/texas-schools/accountability | Texto duplicado | Accountability |
/texas-schools/accountability/... | | A–F Accountability |
/texas-schools/accountability/... | | Performance Reporting |
/texas-schools/accountability/... | | Accreditation Status |
/texas-schools/accountability/... | | Blue Ribbon Schools |
/texas-schools/accountability/... | | Local Accountability System |
/texas-schools/texas-schools-c... | Texto duplicado | Charter Schools |
/texas-schools/texas-schools-c... | | Applicants |
/texas-schools/texas-schools-c... | | Charter Operators |
/texas-schools/texas-schools-c... | | Charter School Incubator |
/texas-schools/texas-schools-c... | | Resources for Parents and Students |
/texas-schools/texas-schools-c... | | Texas Partnerships |
/texas-schools/district-initia... | Texto duplicado | District Initiatives |
/Academics/Learning_Support_an... | Subdominio | Classroom Connectivity |
/texas-schools/district-initia... | Texto duplicado | Districts of Innovation |
/texas-schools/district-initia... | | Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership Program |
/texas-schools/district-initia... | | School Action Fund |
/texas-schools/district-initia... | | System of Great Schools |
/texas-schools/health-safety-d... | Texto duplicado | Health, Safety, & Discipline |
/texas-schools/health-safety-d... | | Safe and Supportive Schools |
/texas-schools/health-safety-d... | | Student Discipline |
/texas-schools/health-safety-d... | | Child Abuse Prevention Overview |
/texas-schools/health-safety-d... | | Coordinated School Health |
/about-tea/other-services/huma... | | Human Trafficking |
/texas-schools/health-safety-d... | | Physical Fitness Assessment |
/texas-schools/health-safety-d... | | Pregnancy Related Services |
/texas-schools/health-safety-d... | | Restorative Discipline Practices |
/texas-schools/school-boards | Texto duplicado | School Boards |
/texas-schools/school-boards/l... | | Frequently Asked Questions |
/texas-schools/school-boards/r... | | Resources |
/texas-schools/school-boards/l... | | Lone Star Governance |
/texas-schools/school-boards/s... | | School Board Member Training |
/texas-schools/school-boards/s... | | School Governance |
/texas-schools/school-boards/r... | | Recommended Policies |
/texas-schools/support-for-at-... | Texto duplicado | Support for At-Risk Schools & Students |
/texas-schools/support-for-at-... | | Texas ACE |
/texas-schools/support-for-at-... | | After School Programs |
/texas-schools/support-for-at-... | | Communities In Schools |
/texas-schools/support-for-at-... | | Community Partnerships |
/texas-schools/support-for-at-... | | Dropout Information |
/texas-schools/support-for-at-... | | High School Equivalency Program |
/finance-and-grants/financial-... | | State Compensatory Education |
/texas-schools/waivers | Texto duplicado | Waivers |
/academics/special-student-pop... | | Bilingual Education Exception and ESL Waiver |
/texas-schools/waivers/state-w... | | State Waivers Unit |
/Texas_Educators/Certification... | Subdominio | Test-Limit Waiver Information |
https://tealprod.tea.state.tx.... | Externo Subdominio | Waivers Online Report | | Texto duplicado | Academics |
/academics/college-career-and-... | Texto duplicado | College, Career, & Military Prep |
/academics/college-career-and-... | | Advanced Academics |
/academics/college-career-and-... | | Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) |
/academics/college-career-and-... | | Career and Technical Education |
/academics/college-career-and-... | | College Preparatory Courses for CCMR Accountability |
/academics/college-career-and-... | | Counseling, Advising, and Student Supports |
/academics/college-career-and-... | | STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) |
/academics/college-career-and-... | | Texas College and Career Readiness School Models |
/academics/curriculum-standards | Texto duplicado | Curriculum Standards |
/academics/curriculum-standard... | | TEKS Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills |
/academics/curriculum-standard... | | TEKS in Spanish |
/academics/curriculum-standard... | | TEKS Review and Revision |
/academics/early-childhood-edu... | Texto duplicado | Early Childhood Education |
/academics/early-childhood-edu... | | Early Learning Assessments |
/academics/early-childhood-edu... | | Early Learning Partnerships |
/academics/early-childhood-edu... | | Educator Resources |
/academics/early-childhood-edu... | | Family Resources |
/academics/early-childhood-edu... | | Prekindergarten |
/academics/graduation-information | Texto duplicado | Graduation Information |
/academics/graduation-informat... | | Automatic College Admissions |
/academics/graduation-informat... | | Foundation High School Program | | Externo Subdominio | Graduation Reports - PEIMS Standard Reports |
/academics/graduation-informat... | | Individual Graduation Committees |
/academics/graduation-informat... | | State Graduation Requirements |
/academics/instructional-mater... | Texto duplicado | Instructional Materials |
/academics/instructional-mater... | | House Bill 1605 and IMRA |
/academics/instructional-mater... | | Bluebonnet Learning |
/academics/instructional-mater... | | High-Quality Instructional Materials |
/academics/instructional-mater... | | TEA Available Instructional Materials |
/academics/instructional-mater... | | Procure Instructional Materials in EMAT |
/academics/instructional-mater... | | Strong Foundations |
/academics/instructional-mater... | | The Review and Adoption Process |
/academics/learning-support-an... | Texto duplicado | Learning Support and Programs |
/academics/learning-support-an... | | Accelerated Instruction |
/academics/learning-support-an... | | Additional Days School Year |
/academics/learning-support-an... | | Blended Learning Support |
/academics/learning-support-an... | | Credit by Examination |
/academics/learning-support-an... | | Mathematics and Reading Academies |
/academics/subject-areas/spani... | | Spanish Language Support |
/academics/learning-support-an... | | Technology Planning |
/academics/learning-support-an... | | Texas Elementary Agriculture Education Program | | Externo Subdominio | Texas Gateway |
/academics/learning-support-an... | | Texas Virtual School Network |
/academics/learning-support-an... | | Remote Learning |
/academics/special-student-pop... | Texto duplicado | Special Populations |
/academics/special-student-pop... | | Dyslexia |
/academics/special-student-pop... | | English Learner Support |
/academics/special-student-pop... | | Gifted and Talented Education |
/academics/special-student-pop... | | Highly Mobile and At Risk Student Programs A-TITLE Highly Mobile and At Risk Student Programs |
/academics/special-student-pop... | | Review and Support |
/academics/special-student-pop... | | Section 504 |
/academics/special-student-pop... | | Special Education |
/academics/subject-areas | Texto duplicado | Subject Areas |
/Academics/College,_Career,_an... | Subdominio | Career & Technical Education |
/academics/subject-areas/engli... | | English Language Arts and Reading |
/academics/subject-areas/fine-... | | Fine Arts |
/academics/subject-areas/healt... | | Health Education |
/academics/learning-support-an... | | Innovative Courses |
/academics/subject-areas/langu... | | Languages Other Than English |
/academics/subject-areas/mathe... | | Mathematics |
/academics/subject-areas/healt... | | Physical Education |
/academics/subject-areas/science | | Science |
/academics/subject-areas/socia... | | Social Studies |
/academics/subject-areas/techn... | | Technology Applications |
/finance-and-grants | Texto duplicado | Finance & Grants |
/finance-and-grants/financial-... | Texto duplicado | Financial Compliance |
/finance-and-grants/financial-... | | Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas |
/finance-and-grants/financial-... | | Student Attendance Accounting Handbook |
/finance-and-grants/financial-... | | Annual Financial and Compliance Reports (AFRs) |
/finance-and-grants/financial-... | | Resource Guide (FASRG) |
/finance-and-grants/grants | Texto duplicado | Grants |
/finance-and-grants/grants/gra... | | Grants Administration |
/finance-and-grants/grants/ess... | | Federal Program Compliance |
/finance-and-grants/grants/fed... | | Compliance and Reporting |
/finance-and-grants/grants/fed... | | Federal Fiscal Monitoring |
/finance-and-grants/grants/spe... | | Special Monitoring Division |
/finance-and-grants/grants/tra... | | Training and Other Resources |
/finance-and-grants/state-funding | Texto duplicado | State Funding |
/finance-and-grants/state-fund... | | Excess Local Revenue |
/finance-and-grants/state-fund... | | Facilities Funding and Standards |
/about-tea/government-relation... | | House Bill 3 |
/finance-and-grants/state-fund... | | School District Expenditure Reports |
/finance-and-grants/state-fund... | | State Funding Reports and Data |
https://tealprod.tea.state.tx.... | Externo Subdominio | Summary of Finances - Reports |
/reports-and-data | Texto duplicado | Reports & Data |
/reports-and-data/data-submission | Texto duplicado | Data Submission |
/student-assessment/monitoring... | | Data Reporting Compliance |
/reports-and-data/school-perfo... | | District Reporting Schedule |
/reports-and-data/data-submiss... | | PEIMS |
/reports-and-data/data-submiss... | | Texas Records Exchange (TREx) |
https://www.texasstudentdatasy... | Externo Subdominio | Texas Student Data System |
/reports-and-data/educator-data | Texto duplicado | Educator Data |
/reports-and-data/educator-dat... | | Educator Reports and Data |
/texas-educators/educator-init... | | Highly Qualified Teacher Reports |
https://www.texaseducationinfo... | Externo Subdominio | TPEIR Teacher Certification Report |
/reports-and-data/financial-re... | Texto duplicado | Financial Reports |
/finance-and-grants/financial-... | Texto duplicado | Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas |
/finance-and-grants/state-fund... | | PEIMS Financial Data Downloads |
/finance-and-grants/state-fund... | | PEIMS Financial Reports |
/finance-and-grants/state-fund... | | School Funding Reports & Data |
https://tea4avfaulk.tea.texas.... | Externo Subdominio | TEA Payment Report | | Externo Subdominio | Where the Money Goes |
/reports-and-data/legislative-... | Texto duplicado | Legislative Information |
/reports-and-data/legislative-... | | Legislative Briefing Book |
/reports-and-data/legislative-... | | Reports to Current Legislature |
/reports-and-data/program-eval... | Texto duplicado | Program Evaluations |
/reports-and-data/program-eval... | Texto duplicado | Charter Schools |
/reports-and-data/program-eval... | | Middle School, High School, and College Preparation Initiatives |
/reports-and-data/program-eval... | | Other Initiatives |
/reports-and-data/program-eval... | | Out-of-School Learning Opportunities |
/reports-and-data/program-eval... | | Reading, Math, Science, and Technology Initiatives |
/reports-and-data/program-eval... | | Research Reports |
/reports-and-data/school-data | Texto duplicado | School Data |
/texas-schools/texas-schools-c... | | Charter School Reports |
/reports-and-data/school-perfo... | | Comprehensive Report on Texas Public Schools |
/reports-and-data/student-data... | | Discipline Data |
/reports-and-data/school-data/... | | Campus and District Type Data Search |
/reports-and-data/school-data/... | Texto duplicado | General Information |
/texas-schools/accountability/... | | Snapshot |
https://tealprod.tea.state.tx.... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | Waivers Online Report |
/reports-and-data/school-perfo... | Texto duplicado | School Performance |
/texas-schools/accountability/... | Subdominio | A-F Accountability | | Externo Subdominio | Texas Academic Performance Reports |
/reports-and-data/school-perfo... | | Results Driven Accountability Data and Reports |
/texas-schools/accountability/... | | School Report Cards |
/texas-schools/accountability/... | | Texas Performance Reporting System |
/reports-and-data/school-perfo... | | Accountability Research |
/reports-and-data/student-data | Texto duplicado | Student Data |
/reports-and-data/school-perfo... | | AP/IB and SAT/ACT |
/reports-and-data/school-perfo... | | Completion, Graduation, and Dropout |
/reports-and-data/student-data... | | Discipline Data Products |
/reports-and-data/school-perfo... | | Enrollment Trends |
/reports-and-data/school-perfo... | | Grade-Level Retention |
/reports-and-data/student-data... | | PEIMS Standard Reports Overview |
http://www.texaseducationinfo.... | Externo Subdominio | TPEIR Reports |
/student-assessment | Texto duplicado | Student Assessment |
/student-assessment/student-as... | Texto duplicado | Student Assessment Overview |
/student-assessment/staar | | STAAR |
/student-assessment/staar-alte... | | STAAR Alternate 2 |
/student-assessment/telpas | | TELPAS |
/student-assessment/telpas-alt... | | TELPAS Alternate |
/student-assessment/assessment... | Texto duplicado | Assessment Initiatives |
/student-assessment/assessment... | | Educator Advisory Committee |
/student-assessment/assessment... | | STAAR Interim Assessments |
/student-assessment/assessment... | | STAAR Redesign |
/student-assessment/assessment... | | State-Approved Group-Administered Achievement Tests |
/student-assessment/assessment... | | Texas Formative Assessment Resource |
/student-assessment/assessment... | | Texas Through-year Assessment Pilot |
/student-assessment/certificat... | Texto duplicado | Certificate of High School Equivalency (TxCHSE) |
/student-assessment/certificat... | | Certificate and Transcript Search Information |
/student-assessment/certificat... | | Eligibility Requirements |
/student-assessment/certificat... | Texto duplicado | Frequently Asked Questions |
/student-assessment/certificat... | | GED Information |
/student-assessment/certificat... | | Steps to Earn a Certificate of High School Equivalency |
/student-assessment/monitoring... | Texto duplicado | Monitoring & Interventions |
/student-assessment/monitoring... | | Data Validation Monitoring |
/student-assessment/monitoring... | | School Improvement |
/texas-educators | Texto duplicado | Texas Educators |
/texas-educators/aligned-frame... | Texto duplicado | Aligned Frameworks |
/texas-educators/aligned-frame... | | Effective District Framework |
/texas-educators/aligned-frame... | | Effective Schools Framework |
/texas-educators/aligned-frame... | | Effective Preparation Framework |
/texas-educators/certification | Texto duplicado | Certification |
/texas-educators/certification... | | Certificate Look Up |
/texas-educators/certification... | | Certification Renewals |
/texas-educators/certification... | | Educator Testing |
/texas-educators/certification... | | Initial Certification |
/texas-educators/certification... | | Out-of-State/Country Certified Educators |
/texas-educators/certification... | | Educational Aide Certification |
/texas-educators/certification... | | Military Community & First Responders |
/texas-educators/certification... | | School District Hiring Information |
/texas-educators/educator-eval... | Texto duplicado | Educator Evaluation and Support System |
/texas-educators/educator-eval... | | Appraisal Laws and Rules |
/texas-educators/educator-eval... | | Supporting Organizations |
/texas-educators/educator-eval... | | TESS Pilot Districts |
/texas-educators/educator-eval... | | Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System |
/texas-educators/educator-eval... | | Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System |
/texas-educators/educator-init... | Texto duplicado | Educator Initiatives |
/about-tea/other-services/educ... | | Educator Job Sites |
/texas-educators/educator-init... | | Federal Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program |
/texas-educators/educator-init... | | Grow Your Own |
/texas-educators/educator-init... | | Mentor Program Allotment |
/texas-educators/educator-init... | | Teacher Incentive Allotment |
/texas-educators/educator-init... | | Teacher Leadership Fellowship |
/texas-educators/educator-init... | | Texas Lesson Study |
/texas-educators/investigations | Texto duplicado | Investigations |
/texas-educators/investigation... | | Disciplinary Actions taken against Texas Educators |
/texas-educators/investigation... | | Disciplinary Rules and Guidelines |
/texas-educators/investigation... | | Do Not Hire Registry |
/texas-educators/investigation... | | Fingerprinting and Registry for Schools |
/texas-educators/investigation... | | Pre-Employment Affidavit for Educators |
/texas-educators/investigation... | | Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation FAQ |
/texas-educators/investigation... | | Superintendent Reporting |
/texas-educators/preparation-a... | Texto duplicado | Preparation and Continuing Education |
/texas-educators/preparation-a... | | Blended Learning Professional Development Opportunity |
/texas-educators/preparation-a... | | Choosing an Educator Preparation Program |
/texas-educators/preparation-a... | | Consumer Information |
/texas-educators/preparation-a... | | Continuing Professional Education (CPE) |
/texas-educators/preparation-a... | | Evaluation of Educator Preparation Programs by Teachers |
/texas-educators/preparation-a... | | Principal Survey |
/texas-educators/preparation-a... | | Program Provider Resources |
/texas-educators/preparation-a... | | Texas Educators Weekly Newsletters |
/texas-educators/salary-and-se... | Texto duplicado | Salary and Service Record |
/texas-educators/salary-and-se... | | College Verification Forms |
/texas-educators/salary-and-se... | | Map of Regional Accrediting Associations |
/texas-educators/salary-and-se... | | Minimum Salary Schedules |
/texas-educators/superintendents | Texto duplicado | Superintendent Resources and Guidance |
/texas-educators/superintenden... | | School Safety |
/texas-educators/superintenden... | Texto duplicado | Academics |
/texas-educators/superintenden... | Texto duplicado | Accountability |
/texas-educators/superintenden... | Texto duplicado | Finance & Grants |
/texas-educators/superintenden... | Texto duplicado | Texas Educators |
/texas-educators/superintenden... | | Student & Staff Health Resources |
/about-tea/other-services/mili... | | LEARN MORE A-TITLE Purple Star Campus Designation |
/node/1346151 | Texto duplicado | LEARN MORE A-TITLE Fentanyl Response Communications Toolkit |
/about-tea/news-and-multimedia... | Texto duplicado | LEARN MORE A-TITLE Annual Report 2023 |
/about-tea/news-and-multimedia... | Subdominio | news releases A-TITLE news releases |
/about-tea/news-and-multimedia... | Subdominio | online correspondence A-TITLE online correspondence | | Externo Subdominio | mailing lists A-TITLE mailing lists | | | 2023 Annual Report A-TITLE 2023 Annual Report | | | Pocket Edition A-TITLE 2023 Annual Report Pocket Edition |
/texas-educators/superintendents | Nueva ventana Subdominio | Superintendent Resources & Guidance page A-TITLE Superintendent Resources & Guidance page | | Nueva ventana Externo | A-TITLE | | Nueva ventana Externo | A-TITLE |
/student-assessment/testing/st... | | Log In & Learn More Toolkit A-TITLE 2024 Log In & Learn More Toolkit |
/texas-educators/certification | | educator certification A-TITLE educator certification |
/about-tea/leadership/state-bo... | Texto duplicado | State Board for Educator Certification A-TITLE State Board for Educator Certification |
/reports-and-data/educator-dat... | | educator reports and data A-TITLE educator reports and data |
/texas-educators/certification... | | other educator-specific topics A-TITLE other educator-specific topics |
/about-tea/welcome-and-overvie... | | Explore Careers A-TITLE Explore Careers |
/About_TEA/Other_Services/Mili... | Texto duplicado | Resources A-TITLE Resources | | | Contact Info A-TITLE Contact Info | | Externo Subdominio | STAAR Parent Portal A-TITLE STAAR Parent Portal |
/texas-schools/general-informa... | | Enrolling Your Child in Public Schools A-TITLE Enrolling Your Child in Public Schools |
https://www.texasassessment.go... | Externo Subdominio | Student Testing Resources A-TITLE Student Testing Resources | | Externo Subdominio | Accountability Ratings A-TITLE Accountability Ratings |
/texas-educators/certification... | | Educator Certification Records A-TITLE Educator Certification Records |
/academics/graduation-informat... | Texto duplicado | State Graduation Requirements A-TITLE State Graduation Requirements |
/texas-schools/general-informa... | Texto duplicado | School District Locator A-TITLE School District Locator |
/academics/curriculum-standards | Texto duplicado | Curriculum Standards A-TITLE Curriculum Standards |
/finance-and-grants/grants/gra... | | Applying for a Grant A-TITLE Applying for a Grant |
/texas-educators/certification... | | Certification Records A-TITLE Certificate Lookup |
https://tea4avfaulk.tea.texas.... | Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado | TEA Payment Report A-TITLE TEA Payment Report |
/academics/graduation-informat... | | House Bill 5 Graduation Plans A-TITLE House Bill 5 Graduation Plans |
/student-assessment/student-as... | | STAAR and Other Student Tests A-TITLE STAAR and Other Student Tests |
/finance-and-grants/state-funding | Texto duplicado | State Funding A-TITLE State Funding | | Externo Subdominio | A-TITLE Texas Hurricane Info |
/about-tea/other-services/weat... | Texto duplicado | Weather and Disaster Information A-TITLE Weather and Disaster Information | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | IMG-ALT Facebook Icon A-TITLE Facebook | | Nueva ventana Externo | IMG-ALT X Icon A-TITLE X | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | IMG-ALT YouTube Icon A-TITLE YouTube | | Nueva ventana Externo | IMG-ALT Instagram Icon A-TITLE Instagram | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | IMG-ALT Threads Icon A-TITLE Threads | | | Texas Education Agency | | Externo Subdominio | Map A-TITLE Map |
/about-tea/welcome-and-overvie... | | Site Policies A-TITLE Site Policies | | | Sitemap A-TITLE Sitemap |
/about-tea/welcome-and-overvie... | | Compact with Texans |
/about-tea/contact-us/general-... | Texto duplicado | General Education Complaints |
/About_TEA/Other_Services/Educ... | Subdominio | ESCs |
/About_TEA/Contact_Us/General_... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Equal Educational Opportunity |
/About_TEA/Contact_Us/Reportin... | Subdominio | Fraud Hotline |
/About_TEA/Agencywide_Frequent... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Frequently Asked Questions | | Externo Subdominio | Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities | | Externo Subdominio | Homeland Security | | Subdominio | Military Families |
/About_TEA/Contact_Us/Public_I... | Subdominio | Public Information Requests | | Externo | State of Texas | | Externo Subdominio | TRAIL | | Externo Subdominio | Texas Legislature |
https://veterans.portal.texas.... | Externo Subdominio | Texas Veterans Portal | | Externo Subdominio | Where Our Money Goes |