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The Sumter Item | Breaking News, Local News, Sports, Weather and Business covering Sumter, South Carolina and the Midlands – Sumter Item at
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Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
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El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 3011 palabras.
Un 31.1% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 49 párrafos en esta página.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 17.34 palabras.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
/images/SumterItem2018_horiz.pngCarece de atributo ALT de atributo ALT
/images/SumterItem2018_horiz.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...154521-290-20220815-sumterscho_60902.jpgThis map shows Sumter County broken down into school board trustee districts. snipers.jpgPolice snipers return fire after shots were fired while Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump was speaking at a campaign event in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, July 13, 2024. de atributo ALT
...3110-12c-SLTTHEATREFESTIVALFL_77845.jpegSumter Little Theatre will host its inaugural Theatre Festival on July 20 at 14 Mood Ave.
...240621-075051-144-impact Binder1.pdf.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
/images/logo-with-reverse.pngCarece de atributo ALT

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Youth have a blast at Summer Arts Institute in Manning
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 37 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Youth have a blast at Summer Arts Institute in Manning
H1 Saturday-Tuesday, July 13-16, 2024
H1 Welcome to Sumter Today!
H4 Alec Baldwin's involuntary manslaughter case dismissed in middle of trial and cannot be filed again
H4 Reflections by Sammy Way: Popular hardware store opened on East Liberty Street in 1954
H4 Sections
H4 Services
H4 Connect with us
H4 Connect with us Texto duplicado
H5 Shelley Duvall, star of 'The Shining,' 'Nashville,' dies at 75
H5 Kevin Costner's second 'Horizon' film pulled from theatrical release
H5 Little art enthusiasts enjoy annual Sumter County Gallery of Art camps
H5 Sumter Opera House to appear on big screen in September in 5th 'God's Not Dead' installment
H5 Paramount and Skydance merge, signaling end of a family reign in Hollywood and the rise of new power
H5 John Cena announces his retirement from professional wrestling after 2025 season
H5 'Despicable Me 4' debuts with $122.6M as boom times return to the box office
H5 What to stream this weekend: Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills, Emma Roberts in space, 'Bluey' minisodes
H5 Massive makos, Queen Bosses and a baby angel shark on Discovery 'Shark Week,' where women shine
H5 Reflections by Sammy Way: Sumter's historic homes, part II
H5 Reflections by Sammy Way: Sumter's historic homes
H5 Reflections by Sammy Way: Sumter becomes home to luxurious movie theater in 1967
H5 Reflections by Sammy Way: Traffic volume count made, noting number of gas stations downtown
H5 Reflections by Sammy Way: Millwood Plantation: A historic home loved by 7 generations
H5 Reflections by Sammy Way: June 6, 1944: D-Day, the invasion that changed the course of history
H5 Reflections by Sammy Way: New Wateree bridge provided convenient highway route
H5 Reflections by Sammy Way: Memorial Day: Fallen heroes provided freedoms we now enjoy
H6 Dear Abby, July 14, 2024: Son feels like the only adult when mom's around
H6 Dear Abby, July 13, 2024: Boyfriend is punished for an imagined event
H6 Dear Abby, July 12, 2024: Overeaters anonymous is still doing the hard work
H6 Dear Abby, July 11, 2024: Mystery of missing undies leaves hostess embarrassed
H6 Letter to the editor: Penny tax projected revenue should be divided by area
H6 Letter to the editor: Reading about good people like Miss Judy will cause us all to strive to be better
H6 Letter to the editor: Freedom meant something to the founders
H6 Letter to the editor: Is U.S. leadership prepared for now and the future?
H6 Letter to the editor: Sumter lost caring, dedicated citizen Dr. Tommy Jones
H6 Letter to the editor: Judicial system in Sumter is broken, violates rights
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
24 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
Hay 3 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (38) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
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/election2024/Election 2024
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/election2024/Texto duplicado Election 2024
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/government/Texto duplicado Local Government duplicado Sumter's Next Generation duplicado The Item Impact
/apstatenews/Texto duplicado State News duplicado National & World News
/nationaldata/Texto duplicado National Data Trends
/lifestyle/Texto duplicado Lifestyle Subdominio Texto duplicado Public Notices Subdominio Texto duplicado Archives High Schools
/crestwoodhs/Crestwood High School
/eastclarendonhs/East Clarendon High School
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/scottsbranchhs/Scott's Branch High School High School
/privatehs/Private High Schools
/clarendonhall/Clarendon Hall
/laurencemanningacademy/Laurence Manning Academy
/leeacademy/Lee Academy
/sumterchristian/Sumter Christian School
/thomassumteracademy/Thomas Sumter Academy
/wilsonhall/Wilson Hall
/collegesports/College Sports
/uscsumter/USC Sumter
/americanlegionbaseball/American Legion Baseball
/dalzell-shaw/Dalzell-Shaw Post 175 Jets
/manning-santee/Manning-Santee Post 68
/sumterp15s/Sumter Post 15 Grind
/stories/the-blitz,334445Subdominio The Blitz
/125sports/The Sumter Item's Top 125 Sports Figures duplicado Public High Schools
/crestwoodhs/Texto duplicado Crestwood High School
/eastclarendonhs/Texto duplicado East Clarendon High School
/lakewoodhs/Texto duplicado Lakewood High School
/leecentralhs/Texto duplicado Lee Central High School
/manninghs/Texto duplicado Manning High School
/scottsbranchhs/Texto duplicado Scott's Branch High School duplicado Sumter High School
/privatehs/Texto duplicado Private High Schools
/clarendonhall/Texto duplicado Clarendon Hall
/laurencemanningacademy/Texto duplicado Laurence Manning Academy
/leeacademy/Texto duplicado Lee Academy
/sumterchristian/Texto duplicado Sumter Christian School
/thomassumteracademy/Texto duplicado Thomas Sumter Academy
/wilsonhall/Texto duplicado Wilson Hall
/collegesports/Texto duplicado College Sports duplicado Clemson duplicado USC
/uscsumter/Texto duplicado USC Sumter
/americanlegionbaseball/Texto duplicado American Legion Baseball
/dalzell-shaw/Texto duplicado Dalzell-Shaw Post 175 Jets
/manning-santee/Texto duplicado Manning-Santee Post 68
/sumterp15s/Texto duplicado Sumter Post 15 duplicado The Grind
/stories/the-blitz,334445Subdominio Texto duplicado The Blitz
/125sports/Texto duplicado The Sumter Item's Top 125 Sports Figures Subdominio Sumter Today duplicado Podcasts
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/horoscopes/Texto duplicado Horoscopes duplicado Reviews duplicado TV Listings
/worship-directory/Texto duplicado Worship Directory
/submissions.htmlTexto duplicado Submission Forms
/uploads/files/25441ec3d3.pdfSubdominio Texto duplicado Wedding Form
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/uploads/files/eafa321660.pdfSubdominio Texto duplicado Birth Form
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/classifieds/Classified Magazines Lakeside Life is Good in Sumter Best of Sumter 2024 Best of Clarendon 2023 All About Sumter
/allaboutsumtersignupSubdominio All About Sumter Sign-UP Shaw Sumter Guide 2024 The Sumter Item Impact Browse All Texto duplicado Lakeside Texto duplicado Life is Good in Sumter Texto duplicado Best of Sumter 2024 Texto duplicado Best of Clarendon 2023 Texto duplicado All About Sumter
/allaboutsumtersignupSubdominio Texto duplicado All About Sumter Sign-UP Texto duplicado Shaw Sumter Guide 2024 Texto duplicado The Sumter Item Impact Texto duplicado Browse All
/bestof2024/Best of Sumter
/bestofclarendon2024/index.htmlBest of Clarendon
/seniorwall2023/The Senior Wall 2023
/TheBobbys2024/index.htmlThe Bobbys 2024
/athlete-of-the-year-2024/inde...Hines Furniture Athlete of the Year
/highschoolteacher/Morris College High School Teacher of the Month
/bestof2024/Texto duplicado Best of Sumter
/bestofclarendon2024/index.htmlTexto duplicado Best of Clarendon
/seniorwall2023/Texto duplicado The Senior Wall 2023
/TheBobbys2024/index.htmlTexto duplicado The Bobbys 2024
/athlete-of-the-year-2024/inde...Texto duplicado Hines Furniture Athlete of the Year
/highschoolteacher/Texto duplicado Morris College High School Teacher of the Month Us Our Staff Story
/for-print-subscribers-check-y...Missed Print Paper Delivery? duplicado Meet Our Staff duplicado Our Story
/for-print-subscribers-check-y...Texto duplicado Missed Print Paper Delivery?
/stories/filing-for-sumter-may...IMG-ALT This map shows Sumter County broken down into school board trustee districts.
/stories/filing-for-sumter-may...Filing for Sumter mayor, city council elections opens Monday, July 15
/stories/trump-heads-to-conven...IMG-ALT Police snipers return fire after shots were fired while Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump was speaking at a campaign event in B...
/stories/trump-heads-to-conven...Trump heads to convention as authorities investigate motive, security in assassination attempt
/stories/public-comment-bond-r...Sin texto
/stories/public-comment-bond-r...Public comment, bond referendum, textbooks on Sumter school board agenda
/stories/sumter-little-theatre...IMG-ALT Sumter Little Theatre will host its inaugural Theatre Festival on July 20 at 14 Mood Ave.
/stories/sumter-little-theatre...Sumter Little Theatre to launch new festival showcasing local talent
/stories/check-out-the-june-ju...Sin texto
/stories/check-out-the-june-ju...Check out the June / July 2024 issue of The Sumter Item Impact
/stories/youth-have-a-blast-at...Youth have a blast at Summer Arts Institute in Manning
/stories/youth-have-a-blast-at...IMG-ALT Youths dance at Jeffrey and Harriet Lampkin Foundation's 2024 Summer Arts Institute held at Weldon Auditorium in Manning.
/stories/k-9-and-kids-at-summe...Sin texto
/stories/k-9-and-kids-at-summe...K-9 and kids at Sumter summer camp
/stories/hookah-lounge-approve...Sin texto
/stories/hookah-lounge-approve...Hookah lounge approved to come to Broad Street in Sumter
/stories/older-adults-in-sumte...Sin texto
/stories/older-adults-in-sumte...Older adults in Sumter get free breakfast, free knowledge
/stories/scdot-proposes-reduce...Sin texto
/stories/scdot-proposes-reduce...SCDOT proposes reduced conflict intersection at Brick Church Road, U.S. 378, comment period open
/stories/saturday-tuesday-july...Sin texto
/stories/saturday-tuesday-july...Saturday-Tuesday, July 13-16, 2024
/stories/saturday-tuesday-july...View this issue
/printissues/Browse other issues
/stories/welcome-to-sumter-tod...Welcome to Sumter Today! Subdominio More Video from Studio Sumter
/stories/manning-santee-junior...Manning-Santee juniors advance to 2nd round of AAA playoffs
/stories/lady-patriots-run-out...Lady Patriots run out of gas in 11-8 playoff loss to The Quad
IMG-ALT Sumter's McKayla Mouradjian catches a ball at first against The Quad on Wednesday.
/stories/knight-at-the-helm-fo...Knight at the helm: Former Crestwood star Miller-McCray takes over girls basketball program
IMG-ALT Shaquanda Miller-McCray, right, seen coaching as an assistant for Crestwood last season, is taking over the head job for the Lady Knights this season.
/stories/local-teams-find-succ...Local teams find success at youth state tournaments
IMG-ALT The Sumter 10U Angels X-Play All-Stars finished as runners-up in the Dixie Youth State Softball Tournament over the weekend. The team are, kneeling from left...
/stories/as-cool-off-red-sox-w...A's cool off Red Sox with 5-2 win at Fenway behind Butler, Sears
IMG-ALT Former Wilson Hall standout and current Oakland Athletics pitcher JP Sears delivers against the Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park on Wednesday, July 10, in Boston.
/stories/10-high-impact-tips-t...Sin texto
/stories/10-high-impact-tips-t...10 high-impact tips to protect yourself from fraud
/stories/winners-of-the-payche...IMG-ALT Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo, right, heads the ball at the 2018 soccer World Cup at the Fisht Stadium in Sochi, Russia, Saturday, June 30, 2018.
/stories/winners-of-the-payche...Winners of the paycheck battle for world's highest-paid athletes
/stories/which-olympic-sports-...Sin texto
/stories/which-olympic-sports-...Which Olympic sports have had the biggest rise in popularity?
/stories/are-politics-american...Sin texto
/stories/are-politics-american...Are politics Americans' biggest dating deal-breaker?
/stories/10-summertime-plants-...Sin texto
/stories/10-summertime-plants-...10 summertime plants that are toxic to dogs
/stories/69-great-summer-sport...IMG-ALT In this June 19, 2016, file photo, Cleveland Cavaliers fans celebrate after the Cavaliers defeated the Golden State Warriors 93-89 in Game 7 of the NBA baske...
/stories/69-great-summer-sport...69 great summer sports moments
/nationaldata/Texto ancla no relevante
Read More
/stories/international-teacher...IMG-ALT Foreign Academic & Cultural Exchange Services Inc., or FACES for short, was founded to create a sharing of cultures through the hiring of international t...
/stories/international-teacher...International teacher program brings 20 educators to Sumter County
/stories/sumter-veteran-awarde...IMG-ALT Kenzie James, second from left, and his wife, Charlotte, are owners of Relinoca Farms LCC in Sumter. Kenzie, who is a veteran, was awarded $1,000 from Tracto...
/stories/sumter-veteran-awarde...Sumter veteran awarded $1,000 to support his farm
/stories/tri-county-in-severe-...IMG-ALT Ricky Atkinson inspects his corn fields on Thursday, July 11, that have been affected by the recent drought.
/stories/tri-county-in-severe-...Tri-county in severe drought; historic 3-level jump from normal spurred by hot, dry conditions causing wildfire, low streamflow, impacts to crops and livestock
/stories/against-the-family-ex...IMG-ALT SUMTER ITEM FILE PHOTO Fire officials with Sumter Fire Department and the City of Sumter are at the center of a lawsuit, filed by a former fire department as...
/stories/against-the-family-ex...'Against the family': Ex-Sumter assistant fire chief alleges blowback after reporting conduct of former co-workers
/stories/scdot-to-hold-a-drop-...Sin texto
/stories/scdot-to-hold-a-drop-...SCDOT to hold a drop-in public involvement meeting in Sumter on Thursday, July 11, about U.S. 378 intersection
/stories/morris-college-names-...IMG-ALT GRAHAM
/stories/morris-college-names-...Morris College names Graham chief academic affairs officer News
/stories/american-legion-baseb...Sin texto
/stories/american-legion-baseb...AMERICAN LEGION BASEBALL: Manning-Santee juniors force Game 3 against Horry on AAA playoffs
/stories/photos-sumter-lady-pa...Sin texto
/stories/photos-sumter-lady-pa...PHOTOS: Sumter Lady Patriots face The Quad in South Carolina American Legion softball playoffs
/stories/junior-p-15-advance-i...Sin texto
/stories/junior-p-15-advance-i...Junior P-15 advance in legion playoffs after rout of Marion
/stories/photos-sumter-lady-pa...Sin texto
/stories/photos-sumter-lady-pa...PHOTOS: Sumter Lady Patriots host Lady Legends in American Legion playoffs
/stories/lady-patriots-break-a...IMG-ALT Sumter Patriots shortstop Maliah Wright rounds second during a two-run triple against the Lady Legends on Tuesday in the second round of the American Legion ...
/stories/lady-patriots-break-a...Lady Patriots break away late for 7-1 playoff win over Lady Legends, set up matchup with The Quad
/stories/former-gator-holland-...IMG-ALT Former Lakewood standout Omar Holland (53) played right tackle during his time at Erskine but will move to the inside at guard as he transfers to Charleston ...
/stories/former-gator-holland-...Former Gator Holland prepares to make jump from upstart Erskine to Charleston Southern Sports
/stories/alec-baldwins-involun...IMG-ALT Actor Alec Baldwin, left, attends his trial for involuntary manslaughter for the 2021 fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins during filming of the...
/stories/alec-baldwins-involun...Alec Baldwin's involuntary manslaughter case dismissed in middle of trial and cannot be filed again
/stories/shelley-duvall-star-o...Shelley Duvall, star of 'The Shining,' 'Nashville,' dies at 75
/stories/kevin-costners-second...Kevin Costner's second 'Horizon' film pulled from theatrical release
/stories/little-art-enthusiast...Little art enthusiasts enjoy annual Sumter County Gallery of Art camps
/stories/sumter-opera-house-to...Sumter Opera House to appear on big screen in September in 5th 'God's Not Dead' installment
/stories/paramount-and-skydanc...Paramount and Skydance merge, signaling end of a family reign in Hollywood and the rise of new power
/stories/john-cena-announces-h...John Cena announces his retirement from professional wrestling after 2025 season
/stories/despicable-me-4-debut...'Despicable Me 4' debuts with $122.6M as boom times return to the box office
/stories/what-to-stream-this-w...What to stream this weekend: Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills, Emma Roberts in space, 'Bluey' minisodes
/stories/massive-makos-queen-b...Massive makos, Queen Bosses and a baby angel shark on Discovery 'Shark Week,' where women shine
/arts-and-entertainment/More Arts & Entertainment
/stories/former-fire-chief-who...IMG-ALT Helmets rest on the locker of firefighter Corey Comperatore at the Buffalo Township Fire Company 27 in Buffalo Township, Pa., Sunday, July 14, 2024. Comperat...
/stories/former-fire-chief-who...Former fire chief who died at Trump rally used his body to shield family from gunfire
/stories/the-latest-officials-...IMG-ALT Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is surrounded by U.S. Secret Service agents at a campaign rally, Saturday, July 13, 2024, in ...
/stories/the-latest-officials-...The Latest: Officials say man who opened fire at Trump rally was a 20-year-old from Pennsylvania
/stories/trump-says-he-is-fine...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is surrounded by U.S. Secret Service agents at a campaign rally, Saturday, July 13, 2024, in ...
/stories/trump-says-he-is-fine...Trump says he is fine after being whisked off stage following apparent gunfire at rally
/stories/russian-assassination...IMG-ALT Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin
/stories/russian-assassination...Russian assassination plots against those supporting Ukraine uncovered in Europe, official says
/stories/extreme-heat-and-some...IMG-ALT Temperature and humidity are monitored in a medicine cabinet at a medical center in California on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Extreme heat can raise the danger ...
/stories/extreme-heat-and-some...Extreme heat and some medicines can be a risky combo. Here's what to know Nation & World News
/stories/for-peach-lovers-an-a...IMG-ALT Peaches ripen on a tree recently at McLeod Farms.
/stories/for-peach-lovers-an-a...For peach lovers, an abundant year means lots of varieties
/stories/duke-energy-offers-ti...Sin texto
/stories/duke-energy-offers-ti...Duke Energy offers tips to save as temperatures remain high
/stories/new-law-changing-chil...IMG-ALT LEACH
/stories/new-law-changing-chil...New law changing child care employment requirements begins today
/stories/grab-your-fishing-gea...Sin texto
/stories/grab-your-fishing-gea...Grab your fishing gear and a trash bag and join SCWF's Plishing Challenge
/stories/sc-public-alligator-l...Sin texto
/stories/sc-public-alligator-l...S.C. public alligator lottery applications close July 15
/apstatenews/More State News
/stories/emma-l-williams,417574EMMA L. WILLIAMS
/stories/celestine-myers,417571CELESTINE MYERS
/stories/myra-elaine-moore-wil...IMG-ALT WILT
/stories/myra-elaine-moore-wil...MYRA ELAINE MOORE WILT
/stories/carrie-sinkler-parker...IMG-ALT SINKLER-PARKER
/stories/carrie-sinkler-parker...CARRIE SINKLER-PARKER
/stories/khyro-nicholai-alston...KHYRO NICHOLAI ALSTON-FLOYD
/stories/charlie-marion-single...CHARLIE MARION SINGLETON Obituaries
/stories/vatican-announces-it-...Sin texto
/stories/vatican-announces-it-...Vatican announces it will prepare a document on role of women in leadership in the Catholic Church
/stories/things-you-think-you-...IMG-ALT SMITH
/stories/things-you-think-you-...The Rev. Dr. Clay Smith: Things you think you know
/stories/slip-away-to-spend-qu...IMG-ALT HOLLAND
/stories/slip-away-to-spend-qu...Column: Slip away to spend quiet time with God, be encouraged
/stories/open-bible-baptist-ch...Sin texto
/stories/open-bible-baptist-ch...Open Bible Baptist Church welcomes new pastor, new members in Sumter
/stories/shumperts-celebrate-5...Sin texto
/stories/shumperts-celebrate-5...Shumperts celebrate 50 years
/celebrations/More Celebrations
/stories/dear-abby-july-14-202...Dear Abby, July 14, 2024: Son feels like the only adult when mom's around
/stories/dear-abby-july-13-202...Dear Abby, July 13, 2024: Boyfriend is punished for an imagined event
/stories/dear-abby-july-12-202...Dear Abby, July 12, 2024: Overeaters anonymous is still doing the hard work
/stories/dear-abby-july-11-202...Dear Abby, July 11, 2024: Mystery of missing undies leaves hostess embarrassed
/stories/nero-loves-people-and...Sin texto
/stories/nero-loves-people-and...Nero loves people and wants to be near them
/stories/walton-newman,415496IMG-ALT MRS. JAMES TYLER NEWMAN JR.
/stories/walton-newman,415496Walton-Newman Weddings
/stories/popular-hardware-stor...IMG-ALT Carolina Hardware Co. is seen in 1969. It opened in July 1954 with a variety of items for sale, including sporting goods and gardening products.
/stories/popular-hardware-stor...Reflections by Sammy Way: Popular hardware store opened on East Liberty Street in 1954
/stories/sumters-historic-home...Reflections by Sammy Way: Sumter's historic homes, part II
/stories/reflections-by-sammy-...Reflections by Sammy Way: Sumter's historic homes
/stories/sumter-becomes-home-t...Reflections by Sammy Way: Sumter becomes home to luxurious movie theater in 1967
/stories/traffic-volume-count-...Reflections by Sammy Way: Traffic volume count made, noting number of gas stations downtown
/stories/millwood-plantation-a...Reflections by Sammy Way: Millwood Plantation: A historic home loved by 7 generations
/stories/june-6-1944-d-day-the...Reflections by Sammy Way: June 6, 1944: D-Day, the invasion that changed the course of history
/stories/new-wateree-bridge-pr...Reflections by Sammy Way: New Wateree bridge provided convenient highway route
/stories/reflections-by-sammy-...Reflections by Sammy Way: Memorial Day: Fallen heroes provided freedoms we now enjoy
/reflections/Texto ancla no relevante
/yesteryear/Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
/stories/fail-safe-institution...IMG-ALT BARONE
/stories/fail-safe-institution...Opinion: Fail-safe institution proves not so safe
/stories/one-of-morris-college...IMG-ALT STAGGERS
/stories/one-of-morris-college...Column: One of Morris College's best, Dr. Staggers, leaves school
/stories/a-tale-of-two-debates...Sin texto
/stories/a-tale-of-two-debates...A tale of two debates
/stories/penny-tax-projected-r...Letter to the editor: Penny tax projected revenue should be divided by area
/stories/reading-about-good-pe...Letter to the editor: Reading about good people like Miss Judy will cause us all to strive to be better
/stories/freedom-meant-somethi...Letter to the editor: Freedom meant something to the founders
/stories/is-us-leadership-prep...Letter to the editor: Is U.S. leadership prepared for now and the future?
/stories/letter-to-the-editor-...Letter to the editor: Sumter lost caring, dedicated citizen Dr. Tommy Jones
/stories/letter-to-the-editor-...Letter to the editor: Judicial system in Sumter is broken, violates rights Texto duplicado Newsletters duplicado News duplicado Sports Subdominio Texto duplicado Sumter Today duplicado Obituaries
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