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734,00 kB
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314 internos / 31 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
The Scottish Sun – Latest news, sports, showbiz, and celebrities
La longitud del título es óptima (579 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Get the latest Scottish, UK and world news, sport, celebrity gossip, showbiz, politics, business and lifestyle from The Scottish Sun
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (796 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-gb
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-gb.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
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Falta el enlace alternativo a esta misma página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


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descriptionGet the latest Scottish, UK and world news, sport, celebrity gossip, showbiz, politics, business and lifestyle from The Scottish Sun
og:titleThe Scottish Sun
og:descriptionLatest news, sports, showbiz, and celebrities
og:site_nameThe Scottish Sun

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Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2180 palabras.
Un 25.8% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 11 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 18.3 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
Con 734 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, width=device-width, viewport-fit=cover).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 44 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 70 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
The Scottish Sun – Latest news, sports, showbiz, and celebrities
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 108 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 The Scottish Sun – Latest news, sports, showbiz, and celebrities
H2 Football
H2 Showbiz
H2 motors
H3 'HIT' LINK PROBEScots couple 'tortured to death' in French holiday home as cops launch gangland hit probe
H3 Scots hit by biggest increase in pint prices in UK as eyewatering hike revealed
H3 Devastated mum slams 'vicious' killer who murdered son with kettle
H3 Lidl set to open brand new store on site of eyesore hotel in Scots town
H3 Gino D'Acampo is little pig - why didn't ITV do anything, says his Kim Woodburn
H3 Pauline Quirke 'struggles to identity family' amid dementia battle
H3 Almost 200 Scots schools to close THIS MONTH as teachers vote to strike
H3 AC/DC fans furious as they call for 'boycott' over latest gig fiasco
H3 Gerard Butler greets fans & signs autographs as star returns to Scotland
H3 IT'S EMBARRASSINGAberdeen fans are in denial - Jimmy Thelin's Dons are in total freefall, writes Kris Boyd
H3 Scott Brown dealt devastating Scottish Cup blow as ex-team and Bushiri end run
H3 All you need to know as road to Hampden is mapped out further
H3 Jim Delahunt's 16/1 acca and tips for Celtic v Raith & Rangers v Queen's Park
H3 David Gray opens up on THAT Scottish Cup Final winner for Hibs against Rangers
H3 Luke Mitchell launches fresh bid for freedom over murder of Jodi Jones
H3 Noughties indie legends announce huge Glasgow show
H3 Jessica Alba ‘files for divorce’ from Cash Warren after 16 years of marriage
H3 I wanted to propose to my girlfriend - but then she cheated with man at a bar
H3 Deposit & Bet £10 to Get £60 in free bets for Scottish football at William Hill
H3 RAMPAGE ARRESTSCeltic-Rangers League Cup final chaos update as four charged in connection with Glasgow mayhem
H3 Inside Calvin Harris' property empire - from Ibiza farm to LA party house
H3 Pop Idol star Darius Danesh left six-figure fortune after his tragic death
H3 The 7 unusual household items that make your fresh bunch of flowers last longer
H3 Spotify reveals big change to subscriptions & fans fear price HIKE is coming
H3 Unlock even MORE award-winning articles as The Sun launches Sun Club
H3 Moment cop rams into e-bike rider & passenger with police car sending both flying
H3 Scots perv lured schoolgirl into making OnlyFans content so he could pocket cash
H3 I’m from New Zealand but love Scots baby name, haters say my version's ‘made up’
H3 Panic as 'giant' SWANS strike jet at take-off forcing emergency landing
H3 Lucy Letby should be released IMMEDIATELY - families deserve truth, says doc
H3 PM thinks he should run everything. But look at NHS, immigration & police
H3 Major retailer with almost 90 branches to close 2 stores in weeks
H3 Fears iPhone feature could END as Government 'demands back door data access'
H3 Ricky Gervais in two-year property war over flooded £4.3m mansion
H3 Flight radar shows moment plane vanishes after taking off with 10 on board
H3 ‘Biggest shark EVER tagged by researchers’ is 14ft great white dubbed Contender
H3 Gino hit with fresh 'inappropriate behaviour' claims as 'over 40' speak out
H3 Deadly plant worse than Japanese knotweed kills at least 4 dogs on UK beaches
H3 Financial firm set to axe 150 jobs in Scots city
H3 Family jewellers to shut after 71 years as locals will miss Scots town staple
H3 GINO AXEDGino D’Acampo SACKED by ITV who'll 'never work with him again’ as shows pulled over ‘sexually inappropriate behaviour’
H3 FOR DUCK SAKEMy giant duck egg exploded sending foam beads everywhere - locals are furious but it’s been great for business
H3 James Watt & fiance Toff branded 'unbearable' after latest confession
H3 Suspect accused of setting Scots court building on fire appears in the dock
H3 ‘Absolute tragedy’ cry locals as much loved Scots butcher to close for good
H3 Sign up to our FREE newsletters for the latest news, politics and sport daily
H3 How to join The Scottish Sun's brilliant new WhatsApp channel in three easy steps
H3 NO DUN DEALRangers boss Philippe Clement reveals why he couldn't sign Lyall Cameron in January as he opens up on transfer regret
H3 Hibs post staggering £7.1MILLION loss as shockwaves sent through club
H3 Celtic fans DODGE ban for Bayern away trip after shock Uefa judgement
H3 Bob MacIntyre spied in 'Celtic top' as he delights fans at boozy stadium hole
H3 I'd have Celtic star Schlupp back at Leicester in an instant says Foxes hero
H3 Ex-Rangers and Scotland star Fleck rushed to hospital after falling ill on pitch
H3 I’m an OnlyFans star in my 70s - my daughter joined when she turned 18 too
H3 Single? A face from the other side of the world seems instantly familiar
H3 Lidl fans empty-handed at the checkout after trying to nab the new beauty boxes
H3 I threw my little girl a magical Harry Potter birthday for £80 using Temu buys
H3 Mrs Hinch urges fans to RUN to Home Bargains for £9.99 Easter buy
H3 Huge sum Holly Willoughby earned every MINUTE on Celebrity Bear Hunt revealed
H3 Watch Gino say he ‘played around Holly’s genitals’ in resurfaced ITV clip
H3 Charlotte Crosby ‘recovering’ after C section as she reveals birth details
H3 Joey Essex breaks his silence as ex Grace explodes at Luca on Love Island All Stars
H3 Dragons' Den: Meet the creators of a coffee brand and plant based dog food
H3 Molly-Mae thrown from horse before shocking film crew with Tommy Fury comment
H3 Nepo baby with rockstar dad sits front row at Fashion Week - can you guess who?
H3 Nick Chevallier: Meet Michaela Strachan's boyfriend
H3 Ex-Towie star Jake Hall shocks fans as he parties with Kanye West
H3 I’ve had a f***ing great time, said Ozzy Osbourne as he gets set for last hurrah
H3 Inside Brazil's magical, wonderful, wildlife-filled Pantanal paradise
H3 New £16m attraction inspired by Coney Island to open in underrated UK city
H3 New £31million train station to open in English market town
H3 UK's best-loved Wetherspoons including underground bank vaults and ex-theatres
H3 Scots hotel with secret bookcase and ancient castle crowned 'most romantic'
H3 Supermarket chain 'copying Poundland' by selling £1 Valentine’s Day ring
H3 EV charging firm boss says company broke law after receiving £55m from taxpayers
H3 Financial firm set to axe 150 jobs in Scots city Texto duplicado
H3 Aldi's selling tools to tackle mould and make tiles white again from £3.49
H3 Three pub chains giving out FREE pints this weekend - is your local listed?
H3 Sex that binge eats more while watching TV revealed in study and why
H3 My little girl was bumping into things - I never imagined the devastating cause
H3 Two dementia signs could appear 11 years before symptoms - are you at risk?
H3 'Highly contagious' Ebola strain infects 7 & leaves hundreds quarantined
H3 The 5 foods that could BANISH grey hairs for good - and they cost less than £1
H3 Spotify reveals big change to subscriptions & fans fear price HIKE is coming Texto duplicado
H3 Clever Netflix button saves storage and makes using TV app so much faster
H3 Fears iPhone feature could END as Government 'demands back door data access' Texto duplicado
H3 AI reveals how Gen Z and Millennials think their future retirement will look
H3 Sky reveals fate of FOUR popular TV channels following spate of closures
H3 VW to launch new budget ‘China-killer’ EV to compete in booming electric market
H3 Luxury carmaker launches budget hybrid rival to OWN EV with ‘premium’ features
H3 I failed my driving test over ridiculous ‘rule’ and it WASN’T my fault
H3 Wheeler Dealers' Mike Brewer gives heartbreaking update on stolen Ford Fiesta
H3 Car dealer axes SIX locations across UK in its biggest round of closures ever
H3 Follow The Sun
H3 Services
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
86 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (31) en esta página.
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/news/14298211/couple-tortured...Subdominio 'HIT' LINK PROBEScots couple 'tortured to death' in French holiday home as cops launch gangland hit probe
/news/scottish-news/Subdominio Scottish News
/money/14297847/scotland-bars-...Subdominio BEER BLOW Scots hit by biggest increase in pint prices in UK as eyewatering hike revealed
/money/news-money/Subdominio News Money
/money/14297847/scotland-bars-...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/14296634/mum-murder-kett...Subdominio 'LOCK HER UP FOREVER' Devastated mum slams 'vicious' killer who murdered son with kettle
/news/scottish-news/Subdominio Texto duplicado Scottish News
/news/14296634/mum-murder-kett...Subdominio Sin texto
/money/14297270/lidl-bids-take...Subdominio YOU LIDL BEAUTY Lidl set to open brand new store on site of eyesore hotel in Scots town
/money/news-money/Subdominio Texto duplicado News Money
/money/14297270/lidl-bids-take...Subdominio Sin texto
/tv/14298595/kim-woodburn-gino...Subdominio 'VILE' GINO Gino D'Acampo is little pig - why didn't ITV do anything, says his Kim Woodburn KIM became the first named person to speak out about the Italian ...
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/tv/14298595/kim-woodburn-gino...Subdominio Sin texto
/tv/14298447/pauline-quirke-st...Subdominio STAR'S STRUGGLE Pauline Quirke 'struggles to identity family' amid dementia battle
/tv/Subdominio Texto duplicado TV
/tv/14298447/pauline-quirke-st...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/14296452/glasgow-teacher...Subdominio ON STRIKE Almost 200 Scots schools to close THIS MONTH as teachers vote to strike
/news/scottish-news/Subdominio Texto duplicado Scottish News
/news/14296452/glasgow-teacher...Subdominio Sin texto
/tvandshowbiz/14294700/acdc-ti...Subdominio BLUNDER-STRUCK AC/DC fans furious as they call for 'boycott' over latest gig fiasco
/tvandshowbiz/music/Subdominio Music
/tvandshowbiz/14294700/acdc-ti...Subdominio Sin texto
/tvandshowbiz/14295092/gerard-...Subdominio ON GER BIKE Gerard Butler greets fans & signs autographs as star returns to Scotland
/tvandshowbiz/celebrity/Subdominio Celebrity
/tvandshowbiz/14295092/gerard-...Subdominio Sin texto
/sport/14297891/aberdeen-fans-...Subdominio Comment IT'S EMBARRASSINGAberdeen fans are in denial - Jimmy Thelin's Dons are in total freefall, writes Kris Boyd
/sun-club/Texto duplicado Sun Club
/sport/14297909/ayr-united-vs-...Subdominio AYR 0 HIBS 1 Scott Brown dealt devastating Scottish Cup blow as ex-team and Bushiri end run
/sport/football/Subdominio Football
/sport/14297909/ayr-united-vs-...Subdominio Sin texto
/sport/14288538/scottish-cup-q...Subdominio SCOTTISH CUP DRAW All you need to know as road to Hampden is mapped out further
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/sport/14288538/scottish-cup-q...Subdominio Sin texto
/sport/14295330/jim-delahunt-t...Subdominio BOOKIE BASHER Jim Delahunt's 16/1 acca and tips for Celtic v Raith & Rangers v Queen's Park
/sport/football/Subdominio Texto duplicado Football
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/news/14296221/luke-mitchell-f...Subdominio KILLER'S CLAIM Luke Mitchell launches fresh bid for freedom over murder of Jodi Jones Mitchell, 36, is pursuing his case through the Court of Session in Edin...
/news/scottish-news/Subdominio Texto duplicado Scottish News
/news/14296221/luke-mitchell-f...Subdominio Sin texto
/tvandshowbiz/14297442/razorli...Subdominio BIG RETURN Noughties indie legends announce huge Glasgow show
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/tvandshowbiz/14298171/jessica...Subdominio REALLY OVER Jessica Alba ‘files for divorce’ from Cash Warren after 16 years of marriage
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/sun-club/Texto duplicado Sun Club
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/sport/football/12807014/willi...Subdominio FREE BETS Deposit & Bet £10 to Get £60 in free bets for Scottish football at William Hill
/sport/football/Subdominio Texto duplicado Football
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/sport/football/Subdominio Texto duplicado Football
/tvandshowbiz/14286414/inside-...Subdominio HOUSE MUSIC Inside Calvin Harris' property empire - from Ibiza farm to LA party house The superstar has amassed a remarkable property portfolio over his 15-y...
/sun-club/Texto duplicado Sun Club
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/tvandshowbiz/14292901/darius-...Subdominio LEGACY LEFT Pop Idol star Darius Danesh left six-figure fortune after his tragic death
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/fabulous/14293475/fresh-flowe...Subdominio IN BLOOM The 7 unusual household items that make your fresh bunch of flowers last longer
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/news/14257194/sun-club-member...Subdominio JOIN THE CLUB Unlock even MORE award-winning articles as The Sun launches Sun Club
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/news/14294752/cop-bike-crash-...Subdominio COP CRASH Moment cop rams into e-bike rider & passenger with police car sending both flying FOOTAGE showed ex-PC Tim Bradshaw hurtling towards Mason McGarry ...
/news/Subdominio Texto duplicado News
/news/14294752/cop-bike-crash-...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/14295621/pervert-lured-s...Subdominio VILE PERV Scots perv lured schoolgirl into making OnlyFans content so he could pocket cash
/news/scottish-news/Subdominio Texto duplicado Scottish News
/news/14295621/pervert-lured-s...Subdominio Sin texto
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/news/14291121/plane-two-swans...Subdominio 'IT WAS CARNAGE' Panic as 'giant' SWANS strike jet at take-off forcing emergency landing
/news/Subdominio Texto duplicado News
/news/14291121/plane-two-swans...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/14293428/lucy-letby-rele...Subdominio LET HER OUT Lucy Letby should be released IMMEDIATELY - families deserve truth, says doc
/news/Subdominio Texto duplicado News
/news/14293428/lucy-letby-rele...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/14295318/keir-starmer-ru...Subdominio JEREMY CLARKSON PM thinks he should run everything. But look at NHS, immigration & police WE see the same problems in Germany, Holland, Denmark and America a...
/sun-club/Texto duplicado Sun Club
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/money/14291977/major-high-str...Subdominio DIAMONDS AREN'T FOREVER Major retailer with almost 90 branches to close 2 stores in weeks
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/money/14291977/major-high-str...Subdominio Sin texto
/tech/14295342/iphone-apple-en...Subdominio APPLE BITE Fears iPhone feature could END as Government 'demands back door data access'
/tech/news-tech/Subdominio Texto duplicado News Tech
/tech/14295342/iphone-apple-en...Subdominio Sin texto
/tvandshowbiz/14293233/ricky-g...Subdominio not so funny Ricky Gervais in two-year property war over flooded £4.3m mansion
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/news/14291935/bering-missing-...Subdominio FLIGHT MYSTERY Flight radar shows moment plane vanishes after taking off with 10 on board
/news/us-news/Subdominio US News
/news/14291935/bering-missing-...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/14297642/biggest-shark-e...Subdominio MEGA SHARK ‘Biggest shark EVER tagged by researchers’ is 14ft great white dubbed Contender A GIANT 14ft great white is lurking in the southwest Atlantic wate...
/news/Subdominio Texto duplicado News
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/tv/14298380/gino-dacampo-fres...Subdominio FRESH CLAIMS Gino hit with fresh 'inappropriate behaviour' claims as 'over 40' speak out
/tv/Subdominio Texto duplicado TV
/tv/14298380/gino-dacampo-fres...Subdominio Sin texto
/news/14297674/deadly-plant-kn...Subdominio HIGHLY TOXIC Deadly plant worse than Japanese knotweed kills at least 4 dogs on UK beaches
/news/Subdominio Texto duplicado News
/news/14297674/deadly-plant-kn...Subdominio Sin texto
/money/14298260/financial-firm...Subdominio JOB CRISIS Financial firm set to axe 150 jobs in Scots city
/money/news-money/Subdominio Texto duplicado News Money
/money/14298260/financial-firm...Subdominio Sin texto
/money/14290906/family-jewelle...Subdominio 'A SAD LOSS' Family jewellers to shut after 71 years as locals will miss Scots town staple
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/tvandshowbiz/14294453/gino-da...Subdominio GINO AXEDGino D’Acampo SACKED by ITV who'll 'never work with him again’ as shows pulled over ‘sexually inappropriate behaviour’
/tvandshowbiz/Subdominio Texto duplicado Showbiz
/news/Subdominio SCOTTISH NEWS
/news/14290025/my-giant-duck-e...Subdominio FOR DUCK SAKEMy giant duck egg exploded sending foam beads everywhere - locals are furious but it’s been great for business
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/tvandshowbiz/14294032/james-w...Subdominio ARE BREW KIDDING? James Watt & fiance Toff branded 'unbearable' after latest confession
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/news/14297072/fayth-davidson-...Subdominio COURT BLAZE Suspect accused of setting Scots court building on fire appears in the dock
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/news/14297072/fayth-davidson-...Subdominio Sin texto
/money/14291391/scots-butcher-...Subdominio 'WHAT A SHAME' ‘Absolute tragedy’ cry locals as much loved Scots butcher to close for good
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/news/8486795/scottish-sun-new...Subdominio GET INVOLVED Sign up to our FREE newsletters for the latest news, politics and sport daily
/news/scottish-news/Subdominio Texto duplicado Scottish News
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/news/11480612/how-join-scotti...Subdominio WHATSUPP How to join The Scottish Sun's brilliant new WhatsApp channel in three easy steps
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/sport/football/Subdominio Texto duplicado Football
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/sport/14293667/spfl-premiersh...Subdominio MONEY WORRIES Hibs post staggering £7.1MILLION loss as shockwaves sent through club THE news comes just weeks after the shock departure of the club's chief e...
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/sport/14291454/celtic-jeffrey...Subdominio FOX IN THE BOX I'd have Celtic star Schlupp back at Leicester in an instant says Foxes hero
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/fabulous/Subdominio FABULOUS
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/tv/Subdominio Texto duplicado TV
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/tvandshowbiz/14284378/towie-j...Subdominio Sin texto
/tvandshowbiz/14291759/ozzy-os...Subdominio IRON MAN I’ve had a f***ing great time, said Ozzy Osbourne as he gets set for last hurrah
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/tvandshowbiz/Subdominio More Showbiz
/topic/travel/Subdominio TRAVEL
/travel/14294137/brazil-pantan...Subdominio ROAR-SOME Inside Brazil's magical, wonderful, wildlife-filled Pantanal paradise The Pantanal is one of the world's largest and most treasured wetlands
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/travel/14285059/underrated-uk...Subdominio TYNE TO GO New £16m attraction inspired by Coney Island to open in underrated UK city
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/travel/14289877/new-uk-train-...Subdominio ON TRACK New £31million train station to open in English market town
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/money/Subdominio MONEY
/money/14299617/poundland-vale...Subdominio LOVE IS IN THE AIR Supermarket chain 'copying Poundland' by selling £1 Valentine’s Day ring SHOPPERS have joked "there's going to be lots of engagement posts...
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/money/14299389/electric-car-c...Subdominio CEO GUILTY EV charging firm boss says company broke law after receiving £55m from taxpayers
/money/business/Subdominio Business
/money/14299389/electric-car-c...Subdominio Sin texto
/money/14298260/financial-firm...Subdominio Texto duplicado JOB CRISIS Financial firm set to axe 150 jobs in Scots city
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/money/14298500/aldi-specialbu...Subdominio MOULD AWAY Aldi's selling tools to tackle mould and make tiles white again from £3.49
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/money/14298396/three-pub-chai...Subdominio CHEERS! Three pub chains giving out FREE pints this weekend - is your local listed?
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/money/14298396/three-pub-chai...Subdominio Sin texto
/money/Subdominio More on Money
/topic/health/Subdominio HEALTH
/health/14298737/sex-binge-eat...Subdominio NETFLIX AND FILL Sex that binge eats more while watching TV revealed in study and why BOTH sexes scoffed more as they sat glued to a box set or Netflix movie...
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/health/14297015/little-girl-b...Subdominio FATAL CLUES My little girl was bumping into things - I never imagined the devastating cause
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/health/14296680/signs-dementi...Subdominio COGNITIVE CLUES Two dementia signs could appear 11 years before symptoms - are you at risk?
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/health/14296384/highly-contag...Subdominio VIRAL SPREAD 'Highly contagious' Ebola strain infects 7 & leaves hundreds quarantined
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/health/14295886/foods-banish-...Subdominio AWAY GREYS The 5 foods that could BANISH grey hairs for good - and they cost less than £1
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/topic/tech/Subdominio TECH & SCIENCE
/tech/14296716/spotify-subscri...Subdominio SPOT OF BOTHER Spotify reveals big change to subscriptions & fans fear price HIKE is coming AMAZON Music Unlimited recently announced its prices are going up.
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/tech/14295342/iphone-apple-en...Subdominio Texto duplicado APPLE BITE Fears iPhone feature could END as Government 'demands back door data access'
/tech/news-tech/Subdominio Texto duplicado News Tech
/tech/14295342/iphone-apple-en...Subdominio Sin texto
/tech/14294232/gen-z-millennia...Subdominio FUTURE WORLD AI reveals how Gen Z and Millennials think their future retirement will look
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/tech/14294232/gen-z-millennia...Subdominio Sin texto
/tech/14293896/sky-channels-hi...Subdominio REACH FOR THE SKY Sky reveals fate of FOUR popular TV channels following spate of closures
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/topic/motors/Subdominio motors
/motors/14296433/volkswagen-ch...Subdominio EN ROUTE VW to launch new budget ‘China-killer’ EV to compete in booming electric market THE electric vehicle will cost just £16,700 and go into production f...
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/motors/14293772/luxury-car-bu...Subdominio TOP RIDE Luxury carmaker launches budget hybrid rival to OWN EV with ‘premium’ features
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/motors/14291427/failed-my-dri...Subdominio TESTING TIMES I failed my driving test over ridiculous ‘rule’ and it WASN’T my fault
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/motors/14291269/mike-brewer-s...Subdominio Sin texto
/motors/14290027/car-dealer-uk...Subdominio OUT OF GAS Car dealer axes SIX locations across UK in its biggest round of closures ever
/motors/news-motors/Subdominio Texto duplicado News Motors
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The Scottish Sun – Latest news, sports, showbiz, and celebrities
Get the latest Scottish, UK and world news, sport, celebrity gossip, showbiz, politics, business and lifestyle from The Scottish Sun

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Scottish Sun92%Check
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