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Scranton Times-Tribune
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...tent/uploads/2024/10/TimesTrib-black.pngScranton Times-Tribune
...tent/uploads/2024/10/TimesTrib-black.pngScranton Times-Tribune
...2025/03/STT-L-PARADE-0309-02-1.jpg?w=524SCRANTON — The smell of falafel mingled with the sounds of bag pipes, cheers, honking horns and noisemakers, and those who missed the 64th annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Scranton are sure to feel green with envy. The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile and Bazooka Candy made their first appearances in the parade, as did Dunmore native and Defensive Coordinator of the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles, Vic Fangio. The South Philadelphia String Band, winners of a “best string band” accolade at the Mummer’s Parade, also marched along Scranton’s parade path. In addition, 130 entries, including 10 bagpipe bands, five high […]SCRANTON — The smell of falafel mingled with the sounds of bag pipes, cheers, honking horns and noisemakers, and those who missed the 64th annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Scranton are sure to feel green with envy. The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile and Bazooka Candy made their first appearances in the parade, as did Dunmore native and Defensive Coordinator of the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles, Vic Fangio. The South Philadelphia String Band, winners of a “best string band” accolade at the Mummer’s Parade, also marched along Scranton’s parade path. In addition, 130 entries, including 10 bagpipe bands, five high […]
...2025/03/STT-L-PARADE-0309-02-1.jpg?w=524The Society of Irish Women participate in the annual St. Patrick’s Parade in Scranton on Saturday.(STAFF PHOTO) The Society of Irish Women participate in the annual St. Patrick’s Parade in Scranton on Saturday.(STAFF PHOTO)
...025/03/STT-L-PECKVILLE-0305-01.jpg?w=300Blakely is about to begin drafting blueprints for an estimated $8 million-plus community center at the former Mid-Valley Hospital.Blakely is about to begin drafting blueprints for an estimated $8 million-plus community center at the former Mid-Valley Hospital.
...01/handcuffs-1-webstock-courts.jpg?w=300A Florida man impersonated a vendor used by Lackawanna County’s arts and culture department and stole nearly $60,000 from the county, according to the county District Attorney’s office. Michael Anthony Patrylo, 23, of Oviedo, Florida, was arrested Friday by Oviedo Police Departmentofficers, District Attorney Brian Gallagher said. The county’s Arts and Culture Department informed the district attorney’s office in February of last year about two invoices totaling $56,689 to L&A Tent Rentals of New Jersey for tent rentals for the 2023 Lackawanna Winter Market. A representative from L&A Tent Rentals contacted Arts and Culture Department Director Maureen McGuigan and told […]A Florida man impersonated a vendor used by Lackawanna County’s arts and culture department and stole nearly $60,000 from the county, according to the county District Attorney’s office. Michael Anthony Patrylo, 23, of Oviedo, Florida, was arrested Friday by Oviedo Police Departmentofficers, District Attorney Brian Gallagher said. The county’s Arts and Culture Department informed the district attorney’s office in February of last year about two invoices totaling $56,689 to L&A Tent Rentals of New Jersey for tent rentals for the 2023 Lackawanna Winter Market. A representative from L&A Tent Rentals contacted Arts and Culture Department Director Maureen McGuigan and told […]
...2025/03/STT-L-DAYLIGHT-0308-02.jpg?w=281As clocks spring ahead early Sunday morning, students’ comprehension of classroom instruction may take a step back for several days following the time change. Lakeland School District Superintendent Mark Wyandt — who previously served as an educator and administrator in the Abington Heights School District — said the signs of the lost hour of sleep are easy to spot. “There is no doubt daylight saving time negatively impacts students and disrupts their routines,” he said. “There is an adjustment period and oftentimes the physiological effects are noticeable.” A good night’s rest remains an integral part of ensuring children are set […]As clocks spring ahead early Sunday morning, students’ comprehension of classroom instruction may take a step back for several days following the time change. Lakeland School District Superintendent Mark Wyandt — who previously served as an educator and administrator in the Abington Heights School District — said the signs of the lost hour of sleep are easy to spot. “There is no doubt daylight saving time negatively impacts students and disrupts their routines,” he said. “There is an adjustment period and oftentimes the physiological effects are noticeable.” A good night’s rest remains an integral part of ensuring children are set […]
...s/2025/03/STT-L-TOBYHANNA-0308.jpg?w=300Tobyhanna Army Depot in Monroe County, one of Northeast Pennsylvania’s largest employers, has not had any staffing cuts under President Donald Trump’s DOGE initiative — at least not yet — but workers wonder and worry if job cuts are coming, according to the union representing most employees there. The federal facility in Coolbaugh Township employees about 3,000 workers, and of those, 2,200 belong to the American Federation of Government Employees, said AFGE Local 1647 Secretary-Treasurer Lou Refice. Around 100 union employees are probationary hires who might be susceptible to job reductions under DOGE headed by billionaire Elon Musk, because DOGE […]Tobyhanna Army Depot in Monroe County, one of Northeast Pennsylvania’s largest employers, has not had any staffing cuts under President Donald Trump’s DOGE initiative — at least not yet — but workers wonder and worry if job cuts are coming, according to the union representing most employees there. The federal facility in Coolbaugh Township employees about 3,000 workers, and of those, 2,200 belong to the American Federation of Government Employees, said AFGE Local 1647 Secretary-Treasurer Lou Refice. Around 100 union employees are probationary hires who might be susceptible to job reductions under DOGE headed by billionaire Elon Musk, because DOGE […]
...-7c4f-4286-915f-c2f7a28a85ac&h=500&c=100Latest e-Edition
...ntent/uploads/2024/10/Times-Tribune2.jpgLetter: Bresnahan’s veterans bill eases access to benefitsLetter: Bresnahan’s veterans bill eases access to benefits
...tent/uploads/2024/10/TimesTrib-black.pngScranton Times-Tribune

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Scranton Times-Tribune
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 98 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Scranton Times-Tribune
H2 Scranton Times-Tribune Texto duplicado
H2 Scranton Times-Tribune Texto duplicado
H2 Breaking News
H2 Featured
H2 Latest Headlines
H2 Most Popular
H2 Crime and Public Safety
H2 Local News
H2 High School Sports
H2 Promotions
H2 Photos
H2 Photos and Videos
H2 National News
H2 World News
H2 Business
H2 Opinion
H2 National Politics
H2 Things To Do
H2 Best Reviews
H2 Pennsylvania News
H3 Gene Hackman died of heart disease, his wife died of hantavirus about 1 week prior, authorities say
H3 Scranton enjoys good craic with St. Patrick’s Day Parade
H3 Blakely to begin designing blueprints for community center at former Mid-Valley Hospital
H3 Florida man charged with stealing $56K from Lackawanna County Arts and Culture Department
H3 Daylight saving time takes toll on all ages
H3 No DOGE cuts yet at Tobyhanna Army Depot, but workers worry
H3 Developer proposes massive data center campus in Archbald along Business Route 6, Wildcat Road
H3 Geisinger implements new police program; bolsters security
H3 Consultants share five-year Lackawanna County financial management plan
H3 Harlem Wizards to take on Scranton School District teachers, administrators
H3 Commissioners accept McGloin’s resignation, Gaughan blasts replacement process
H3 Police: Scranton man intended to trade meth for sex
H3 Scranton eyes Astound Broadband as city’s second cable television service
H3 New restaurant planned for downtown Scranton
H3 Developer proposes massive data center campus in Archbald along Business Route 6, Wildcat Road Texto duplicado
H3 Police: Scranton man intended to trade meth for sex Texto duplicado
H3 PIAA Basketball Scoreboard — First-Round Games
H3 Lackawanna County president judge issues order on McGloin replacement process
H3 Florida man charged with stealing $56K from Lackawanna County Arts and Culture Department Texto duplicado
H3 Authorities: Two arrested in fentanyl deal sting in Scranton
H3 Scranton St. Patrick’s Parade steps off Saturday
H3 Lackawanna County Court Notes 3/6/25
H3 PIAA BOYS BASKETBALL: Valley View overmatches Big Spring; Prep advances, Comets ousted
H3 Eric’s Law revived amid opposition to death penalty
H3 Authorities: Two arrested in fentanyl deal sting in Scranton Texto duplicado
H3 Taylor woman accused of repeatedly stalking her ex
H3 Clarks Summit police: Two charged in domestic dispute
H3 Scranton Technical High School Class of 1979 45th reunion
H3 Bishop Hannan High School class of 1979 45th reunion
H3 An Aldi birthday: Supermarket hosts little girl’s party in Pittston Twp.
H3 Chris Kelly Opinion: When ‘Crackers’ and I agree, the apocalypse must be nigh
H3 WRESTLING COMMENTARY: No golds, but plenty of winners in District 2
H3 PIAA GIRLS BASKETBALL: Scranton Prep, Valley View advance in Class 4A
H3 PIAA BOYS 2A BASKETBALL: Old Forge cruises past Sayre, advances to second round; Trail ousted
H3 PIAA BOYS BASKETBALL: Scranton completes comeback over Cheltenham
H3 Here are some famous Yankees who had to go from beard to no beard
H3 Groundhog Day 2025 photos: Punxsutawney Phil makes his prediction
H3 HS GIRLS BASKETBALL: Hazleton Area outlasts Scranton
H3 See entertainment’s biggest moments in 2024, through the lens of Associated Press photographers
H3 A timeline of the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson and search for his killer
H3 The spiritual heart of Paris awakens: Notre Dame hosts first Mass since 2019 fire
H3 Oscars photos: See reunions, props and more candid moments from the red carpet
H3 Photos: Ariana Grande, Cynthia Erivo and more on the Oscars red carpet
H3 Winter in Pinnacles: What to do (and what to avoid) at your next National Park visit
H3 Photos: A look at Louisiana’s Mardi Gras festivities through the years
H3 Raw milk jitters? In this immigrant LA subculture, they spike theirs with alcohol
H3 How one US organization reunites military personnel with the animals they rescued overseas
H3 Costs of child care now outpace college tuition in 38 states, analysis finds
H3 Today in History: March 8, first U.S. combat troops arrive in Vietnam
H3 International Women’s Day is a celebration and a call to action. Here are things to know
H3 Mexican cartel leader’s son is sentenced to life in prison for role in major drug trafficking plot
H3 China’s foreign minister criticizes US tariffs and accuses the country of ‘meeting good with evil’
H3 The Pope has now been in the hospital for 3 weeks battling double pneumonia. How serious is that?
H3 Best startup and small business grants for women
H3 G90 a swift, swank and smooth tool for continent conquering
H3 5 ways to know if unretirement is right for you
H3 County adopts ordinance imposing fee on tax, sheriff sale purchases to fight blight
H3 Letter: Bresnahan’s veterans bill eases access to benefits
H3 Letter: Instability reigns in the Oval Office
H3 Letter: Ukraine victimized by Putin and Trump
H3 Letter: Red-light cameras are unreliable, unfair
H3 New EPA guidance says spending items greater than $50,000 must get approval from DOGE
H3 A single day of Trump and Musk’s cost-cutting campaign remakes huge sections of government
H3 Trump tells crypto leaders at White House summit he’s committed to helping their industry
H3 States sue President Trump’s administration over mass firings of probationary federal workers
H3 Book Review: ‘Air-borne’ transforms scientific history into detective story
H3 Review: ‘Daredevil’ is back — and better than ever
H3 A citrusy fruit salad for the depths of winter
H3 Clipboard 3/8/25
H3 The best Birkenstock sandals for women
H3 Stay dry in spring rain with the best men’s raincoats
H3 Best soil test kits
H3 The best broom
H3 Voice recorder likely wasn’t working for years before Philadelphia medical plane crash
H3 Josh Shapiro wants to recruit laid-off federal workers to fill Pa. job openings
H3 Bryan Kohberger judge tells attorneys to stop being so secretive in Idaho student murders trial
H3 Scrantonians’ efforts send over $250,000 in medical supplies to Ukraine
El texto ancla es una URL.
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (37) en esta página.
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A-TITLE Current Weather Conditions
https://enewspaper.thetimes-tr...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado e-Edition
A-TITLE Link to E-Edition opens in a new window Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Scranton Times-Tribune
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/2025/03/07/researchers-doctor...Subdominio Out of the lab and into the streets, researchers and doctors rally for science against Trump cuts
A-TITLE Out of the lab and into the streets, researchers and doctors rally for science against Trump cuts
/2025/03/07/gene-hackman-myste...Subdominio Gene Hackman died of heart disease, his wife died of hantavirus about 1 week prior, authorities say
A-TITLE Gene Hackman died of heart disease, his wife died of hantavirus about 1 week prior, authorities say
/2025/03/08/scranton-enjoys-go...Subdominio Scranton enjoys good craic with St. Patrick’s Day Parade
A-TITLE Scranton enjoys good craic with St. Patrick’s Day Parade
/2025/03/08/scranton-enjoys-go...Subdominio Texto duplicado A-TITLE Scranton enjoys good craic with St. Patrick’s Day Parade
/2025/03/08/scranton-enjoys-go...Subdominio IMG-ALT SCRANTON — The smell of falafel mingled with the sounds of bag pipes, cheers, honking horns and noisemakers, and those who missed the 64th annual St. Patrick...
A-TITLE Scranton enjoys good craic with St. Patrick’s Day Parade
/2025/03/08/scranton-enjoys-go...Subdominio IMG-ALT The Society of Irish Women participate in the annual St. Patrick’s Parade in Scranton on Saturday.(STAFF PHOTO)
/2025/03/07/blakely-to-begin-d...Subdominio A-TITLE Blakely to begin designing blueprints for community center at former Mid-Valley Hospital
/2025/03/07/blakely-to-begin-d...Subdominio IMG-ALT Blakely is about to begin drafting blueprints for an estimated $8 million-plus community center at the former Mid-Valley Hospital.
A-TITLE Blakely to begin designing blueprints for community center at former Mid-Valley Hospital
/2025/03/07/blakely-to-begin-d...Subdominio Texto duplicado Blakely to begin designing blueprints for community center at former Mid-Valley Hospital
A-TITLE Blakely to begin designing blueprints for community center at former Mid-Valley Hospital
/2025/03/07/florida-man-charge...Subdominio A-TITLE Florida man charged with stealing $56K from Lackawanna County Arts and Culture Department
/2025/03/07/florida-man-charge...Subdominio IMG-ALT A Florida man impersonated a vendor used by Lackawanna County’s arts and culture department and stole nearly $60,000 from the county, according to the county...
A-TITLE Florida man charged with stealing $56K from Lackawanna County Arts and Culture Department
/2025/03/07/florida-man-charge...Subdominio Texto duplicado Florida man charged with stealing $56K from Lackawanna County Arts and Culture Department
A-TITLE Florida man charged with stealing $56K from Lackawanna County Arts and Culture Department
/2025/03/07/daylight-saving-ti...Subdominio A-TITLE Daylight saving time takes toll on all ages
/2025/03/07/daylight-saving-ti...Subdominio IMG-ALT As clocks spring ahead early Sunday morning, students’ comprehension of classroom instruction may take a step back for several days following the time change...
A-TITLE Daylight saving time takes toll on all ages
/2025/03/07/daylight-saving-ti...Subdominio Texto duplicado Daylight saving time takes toll on all ages
A-TITLE Daylight saving time takes toll on all ages
/2025/03/07/no-doge-cuts-yet-a...Subdominio A-TITLE No DOGE cuts yet at Tobyhanna Army Depot, but workers worry
/2025/03/07/no-doge-cuts-yet-a...Subdominio IMG-ALT Tobyhanna Army Depot in Monroe County, one of Northeast Pennsylvania’s largest employers, has not had any staffing cuts under President Donald Trump’s DOGE i...
A-TITLE No DOGE cuts yet at Tobyhanna Army Depot, but workers worry
/2025/03/07/no-doge-cuts-yet-a...Subdominio Texto duplicado No DOGE cuts yet at Tobyhanna Army Depot, but workers worry
A-TITLE No DOGE cuts yet at Tobyhanna Army Depot, but workers worry
/2025/03/06/developer-proposes...Subdominio A-TITLE Developer proposes massive data center campus in Archbald along Business Route 6, Wildcat Road
/2025/03/06/developer-proposes...Subdominio Texto duplicado Developer proposes massive data center campus in Archbald along Business Route 6, Wildcat Road
A-TITLE Developer proposes massive data center campus in Archbald along Business Route 6, Wildcat Road
/2025/03/05/geisinger-implemen...Subdominio A-TITLE Geisinger implements new police program; bolsters security
/2025/03/05/geisinger-implemen...Subdominio Texto duplicado Geisinger implements new police program; bolsters security
A-TITLE Geisinger implements new police program; bolsters security
/2025/03/06/consultants-shares...Subdominio A-TITLE Consultants share five-year Lackawanna County financial management plan
/2025/03/06/consultants-shares...Subdominio Texto duplicado Consultants share five-year Lackawanna County financial management plan
A-TITLE Consultants share five-year Lackawanna County financial management plan
/2025/03/06/harlem-wizards-to-...Subdominio A-TITLE Harlem Wizards to take on Scranton School District teachers, administrators
/2025/03/06/harlem-wizards-to-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Harlem Wizards to take on Scranton School District teachers, administrators
A-TITLE Harlem Wizards to take on Scranton School District teachers, administrators
/2025/03/05/commissioners-acce...Subdominio A-TITLE Commissioners accept McGloin’s resignation, Gaughan blasts replacement process
/2025/03/05/commissioners-acce...Subdominio Texto duplicado Commissioners accept McGloin’s resignation, Gaughan blasts replacement process
A-TITLE Commissioners accept McGloin’s resignation, Gaughan blasts replacement process
/2025/03/06/police-scranton-ma...Subdominio A-TITLE Police: Scranton man intended to trade meth for sex
/2025/03/06/police-scranton-ma...Subdominio Texto duplicado Police: Scranton man intended to trade meth for sex
A-TITLE Police: Scranton man intended to trade meth for sex
/2025/03/05/scranton-eyes-asto...Subdominio A-TITLE Scranton eyes Astound Broadband as city’s second cable television service
/2025/03/05/scranton-eyes-asto...Subdominio Texto duplicado Scranton eyes Astound Broadband as city’s second cable television service
A-TITLE Scranton eyes Astound Broadband as city’s second cable television service
https://myaccount.thetimes-tri...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Sign Up
http://enewspaper.thetimes-tri...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Latest e-Edition
/2025/03/06/new-restaurant-pla...Subdominio New restaurant planned for downtown Scranton
/2025/03/06/developer-proposes...Subdominio Texto duplicado Developer proposes massive data center campus in Archbald along Business Route 6, Wildcat Road
/2025/03/06/police-scranton-ma...Subdominio Texto duplicado Police: Scranton man intended to trade meth for sex
/2025/03/07/piaa-basketball-sc...Subdominio PIAA Basketball Scoreboard — First-Round Games
/2025/03/06/lackawanna-county-...Subdominio Lackawanna County president judge issues order on McGloin replacement process
/2025/03/07/florida-man-charge...Subdominio Texto duplicado Florida man charged with stealing $56K from Lackawanna County Arts and Culture Department
/2025/03/06/authorities-two-ar...Subdominio Authorities: Two arrested in fentanyl deal sting in Scranton
/2025/03/07/scranton-st-patric...Subdominio Scranton St. Patrick’s Parade steps off Saturday
/2025/03/05/lackawanna-county-...Subdominio Lackawanna County Court Notes 3/6/25
/2025/03/07/piaa-boys-basketba...Subdominio PIAA BOYS BASKETBALL: Valley View overmatches Big Spring; Prep advances, Comets ousted
/news/crime-public-safety/Subdominio Texto duplicado Crime and Public Safety
/2025/03/07/erics-law-revived-...Subdominio A-TITLE Eric’s Law revived amid opposition to death penalty
/2025/03/07/erics-law-revived-...Subdominio IMG-ALT For more than 12 years, a sense of justice has eluded the Williams family.
A-TITLE Eric’s Law revived amid opposition to death penalty
/2025/03/07/erics-law-revived-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Eric’s Law revived amid opposition to death penalty
A-TITLE Eric’s Law revived amid opposition to death penalty
/2025/03/06/authorities-two-ar...Subdominio Texto duplicado A-TITLE Authorities: Two arrested in fentanyl deal sting in Scranton
/2025/03/06/authorities-two-ar...Subdominio Texto duplicado Authorities: Two arrested in fentanyl deal sting in Scranton
A-TITLE Authorities: Two arrested in fentanyl deal sting in Scranton
/2025/03/06/taylor-woman-accus...Subdominio A-TITLE Taylor woman accused of repeatedly stalking her ex
/2025/03/06/taylor-woman-accus...Subdominio Texto duplicado Taylor woman accused of repeatedly stalking her ex
A-TITLE Taylor woman accused of repeatedly stalking her ex
/2025/03/05/clarks-summit-poli...Subdominio A-TITLE Clarks Summit police: Two charged in domestic dispute
/2025/03/05/clarks-summit-poli...Subdominio Texto duplicado Clarks Summit police: Two charged in domestic dispute
A-TITLE Clarks Summit police: Two charged in domestic dispute
/local-news/Subdominio Texto duplicado Local News
/2025/03/08/scranton-technical...Subdominio A-TITLE Scranton Technical High School Class of 1979 45th reunion
/2025/03/08/scranton-technical...Subdominio IMG-ALT Scranton Technical High School class of 1979 held its 45th reunion at the Waldorf Tiki bar, Scranton, in September.
A-TITLE Scranton Technical High School Class of 1979 45th reunion
/2025/03/08/scranton-technical...Subdominio Texto duplicado Scranton Technical High School Class of 1979 45th reunion
A-TITLE Scranton Technical High School Class of 1979 45th reunion
/2025/03/08/bishop-hannan-high...Subdominio A-TITLE Bishop Hannan High School class of 1979 45th reunion
/2025/03/08/bishop-hannan-high...Subdominio Texto duplicado Bishop Hannan High School class of 1979 45th reunion
A-TITLE Bishop Hannan High School class of 1979 45th reunion
/2025/03/07/an-aldi-birthday-s...Subdominio A-TITLE An Aldi birthday: Supermarket hosts little girl’s party in Pittston Twp.
/2025/03/07/an-aldi-birthday-s...Subdominio Texto duplicado An Aldi birthday: Supermarket hosts little girl’s party in Pittston Twp.
A-TITLE An Aldi birthday: Supermarket hosts little girl’s party in Pittston Twp.
/2025/03/07/chris-kelly-opinio...Subdominio A-TITLE Chris Kelly Opinion: When ‘Crackers’ and I agree, the apocalypse must be nigh
/2025/03/07/chris-kelly-opinio...Subdominio Texto duplicado Chris Kelly Opinion: When ‘Crackers’ and I agree, the apocalypse must be nigh
A-TITLE Chris Kelly Opinion: When ‘Crackers’ and I agree, the apocalypse must be nigh
/sports/high-school-sports/Subdominio High School Sports
/2025/03/08/wrestling-commenta...Subdominio A-TITLE WRESTLING COMMENTARY: No golds, but plenty of winners in District 2
/2025/03/08/wrestling-commenta...Subdominio IMG-ALT HERSHEY — As the lights went down Saturday afternoon and the “Avengers” theme blared from the sound system of the Giant Center, no District 2 wrestlers walke...
A-TITLE WRESTLING COMMENTARY: No golds, but plenty of winners in District 2
/2025/03/08/wrestling-commenta...Subdominio Texto duplicado WRESTLING COMMENTARY: No golds, but plenty of winners in District 2
A-TITLE WRESTLING COMMENTARY: No golds, but plenty of winners in District 2
/2025/03/08/piaa-girls-basketb...Subdominio A-TITLE PIAA GIRLS BASKETBALL: Scranton Prep, Valley View advance in Class 4A
/2025/03/08/piaa-girls-basketb...Subdominio Texto duplicado PIAA GIRLS BASKETBALL: Scranton Prep, Valley View advance in Class 4A
A-TITLE PIAA GIRLS BASKETBALL: Scranton Prep, Valley View advance in Class 4A
/2025/03/08/piaa-boys-2a-baske...Subdominio A-TITLE PIAA BOYS 2A BASKETBALL: Old Forge cruises past Sayre, advances to second round; Trail ousted
/2025/03/08/piaa-boys-2a-baske...Subdominio Texto duplicado PIAA BOYS 2A BASKETBALL: Old Forge cruises past Sayre, advances to second round; Trail ousted
A-TITLE PIAA BOYS 2A BASKETBALL: Old Forge cruises past Sayre, advances to second round; Trail ousted
/2025/03/08/piaa-boys-basketba...Subdominio A-TITLE PIAA BOYS BASKETBALL: Scranton completes comeback over Cheltenham
/2025/03/08/piaa-boys-basketba...Subdominio Texto duplicado PIAA BOYS BASKETBALL: Scranton completes comeback over Cheltenham
A-TITLE PIAA BOYS BASKETBALL: Scranton completes comeback over Cheltenham
/comics/Subdominio Texto duplicado Comics
/comics/Nueva ventana Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Comics
http://enewspaper.thetimes-tri...Externo Subdominio E-Edition
http://enewspaper.thetimes-tri...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT E-Edition
/puzzles/Subdominio Texto duplicado Puzzles
/puzzles/Nueva ventana Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Puzzles
/2025/02/21/here-are-some-famo...Subdominio A-TITLE Here are some famous Yankees who had to go from beard to no beard
/2025/02/21/here-are-some-famo...Subdominio IMG-ALT The New York Yankees have dropped their ban on beards, 49 years after it was imposed by owner George Steinbrenner. Current owner Hal Steinbrenner, son of The...
A-TITLE Here are some famous Yankees who had to go from beard to no beard
/2025/02/21/here-are-some-famo...Subdominio Texto duplicado Here are some famous Yankees who had to go from beard to no beard
A-TITLE Here are some famous Yankees who had to go from beard to no beard
/2025/02/02/groundhog-day-2025...Subdominio A-TITLE Groundhog Day 2025 photos: Punxsutawney Phil makes his prediction
/2025/02/02/groundhog-day-2025...Subdominio IMG-ALT Did Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow? See photos from Groundhog Day 2025.
A-TITLE Groundhog Day 2025 photos: Punxsutawney Phil makes his prediction
/2025/02/02/groundhog-day-2025...Subdominio Texto duplicado Groundhog Day 2025 photos: Punxsutawney Phil makes his prediction
A-TITLE Groundhog Day 2025 photos: Punxsutawney Phil makes his prediction
/2024/12/11/hs-girls-basketbal...Subdominio A-TITLE HS GIRLS BASKETBALL: Hazleton Area outlasts Scranton
/2024/12/11/hs-girls-basketbal...Subdominio IMG-ALT SCRANTON — It started off as many Hazleton Area girls basketball games have this season. The Lady Cougars flexed their muscle on defense, dominated the board...
A-TITLE HS GIRLS BASKETBALL: Hazleton Area outlasts Scranton
/2024/12/11/hs-girls-basketbal...Subdominio Texto duplicado HS GIRLS BASKETBALL: Hazleton Area outlasts Scranton
A-TITLE HS GIRLS BASKETBALL: Hazleton Area outlasts Scranton
/2024/12/08/see-entertainments...Subdominio A-TITLE See entertainment’s biggest moments in 2024, through the lens of Associated Press photographers
/2024/12/08/see-entertainments...Subdominio IMG-ALT By The Associated Press 2024 wasn’t all “Wicked.” The year draws to a close with the film dominating the box office and discourse after a marketing blitz tha...
A-TITLE See entertainment’s biggest moments in 2024, through the lens of Associated Press photographers
/2024/12/08/see-entertainments...Subdominio Texto duplicado See entertainment’s biggest moments in 2024, through the lens of Associated Press photographers
A-TITLE See entertainment’s biggest moments in 2024, through the lens of Associated Press photographers
/2024/12/08/a-timeline-of-the-...Subdominio A-TITLE A timeline of the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson and search for his killer
/2024/12/08/a-timeline-of-the-...Subdominio IMG-ALT By MICHAEL R. SISAK and CEDAR ATTANASIO NEW YORK (AP) — The search for UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson ’s killer since Thompson was ambushed Wednesday ou...
A-TITLE A timeline of the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson and search for his killer
/2024/12/08/a-timeline-of-the-...Subdominio Texto duplicado A timeline of the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson and search for his killer
A-TITLE A timeline of the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson and search for his killer
/2024/12/08/the-spiritual-hear...Subdominio A-TITLE The spiritual heart of Paris awakens: Notre Dame hosts first Mass since 2019 fire
/2024/12/08/the-spiritual-hear...Subdominio IMG-ALT Notre Dame Cathedral, its air thick with the smell of incense, hosted its first Mass on Sunday since the catastrophic fire of 2019, a moment that transcended...
A-TITLE The spiritual heart of Paris awakens: Notre Dame hosts first Mass since 2019 fire
/2024/12/08/the-spiritual-hear...Subdominio Texto duplicado The spiritual heart of Paris awakens: Notre Dame hosts first Mass since 2019 fire
A-TITLE The spiritual heart of Paris awakens: Notre Dame hosts first Mass since 2019 fire
/tag/photos-and-videos/Subdominio Texto duplicado Photos and Videos
/2025/03/02/oscars-photos-red-...Subdominio A-TITLE Oscars photos: See reunions, props and more candid moments from the red carpet
/2025/03/02/oscars-photos-red-...Subdominio IMG-ALT Elle Fanning and Ariana Grande arrive at the Oscars
A-TITLE Oscars photos: See reunions, props and more candid moments from the red carpet
/2025/03/02/oscars-photos-red-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Oscars photos: See reunions, props and more candid moments from the red carpet
A-TITLE Oscars photos: See reunions, props and more candid moments from the red carpet
/2025/03/02/oscars-2025-red-ca...Subdominio A-TITLE Photos: Ariana Grande, Cynthia Erivo and more on the Oscars red carpet
/2025/03/02/oscars-2025-red-ca...Subdominio Texto duplicado Photos: Ariana Grande, Cynthia Erivo and more on the Oscars red carpet
A-TITLE Photos: Ariana Grande, Cynthia Erivo and more on the Oscars red carpet
/2025/02/28/winter-in-pinnacle...Subdominio A-TITLE Winter in Pinnacles: What to do (and what to avoid) at your next National Park visit
/2025/02/28/winter-in-pinnacle...Subdominio Texto duplicado Winter in Pinnacles: What to do (and what to avoid) at your next National Park visit
A-TITLE Winter in Pinnacles: What to do (and what to avoid) at your next National Park visit
/2025/02/27/louisiana-mardi-gr...Subdominio A-TITLE Photos: A look at Louisiana’s Mardi Gras festivities through the years
/2025/02/27/louisiana-mardi-gr...Subdominio Texto duplicado Photos: A look at Louisiana’s Mardi Gras festivities through the years
A-TITLE Photos: A look at Louisiana’s Mardi Gras festivities through the years
/news/national-news/Subdominio National News
/2025/03/08/pajarete-mexico-ra...Subdominio A-TITLE Raw milk jitters? In this immigrant LA subculture, they spike theirs with alcohol
/2025/03/08/pajarete-mexico-ra...Subdominio IMG-ALT Drinking unpasteurized milk is an old custom in dairy-producing regions of Mexico.
A-TITLE Raw milk jitters? In this immigrant LA subculture, they spike theirs with alcohol
/2025/03/08/pajarete-mexico-ra...Subdominio Texto duplicado Raw milk jitters? In this immigrant LA subculture, they spike theirs with alcohol
A-TITLE Raw milk jitters? In this immigrant LA subculture, they spike theirs with alcohol
/2025/03/08/how-one-us-organiz...Subdominio A-TITLE How one US organization reunites military personnel with the animals they rescued overseas
/2025/03/08/how-one-us-organiz...Subdominio Texto duplicado How one US organization reunites military personnel with the animals they rescued overseas
A-TITLE How one US organization reunites military personnel with the animals they rescued overseas
/2025/03/08/costs-of-child-car...Subdominio A-TITLE Costs of child care now outpace college tuition in 38 states, analysis finds
/2025/03/08/costs-of-child-car...Subdominio Texto duplicado Costs of child care now outpace college tuition in 38 states, analysis finds
A-TITLE Costs of child care now outpace college tuition in 38 states, analysis finds
/2025/03/08/today-in-history-m...Subdominio A-TITLE Today in History: March 8, first U.S. combat troops arrive in Vietnam
/2025/03/08/today-in-history-m...Subdominio Texto duplicado Today in History: March 8, first U.S. combat troops arrive in Vietnam
A-TITLE Today in History: March 8, first U.S. combat troops arrive in Vietnam
/news/world/Subdominio World News
/2025/03/07/international-wome...Subdominio A-TITLE International Women’s Day is a celebration and a call to action. Here are things to know
/2025/03/07/international-wome...Subdominio IMG-ALT Demonstrations are planned from Tokyo to Mexico City.
A-TITLE International Women’s Day is a celebration and a call to action. Here are things to know
/2025/03/07/international-wome...Subdominio Texto duplicado International Women’s Day is a celebration and a call to action. Here are things to know
A-TITLE International Women’s Day is a celebration and a call to action. Here are things to know
/2025/03/07/drug-cartel-senten...Subdominio A-TITLE Mexican cartel leader’s son is sentenced to life in prison for role in major drug trafficking plot
/2025/03/07/drug-cartel-senten...Subdominio Texto duplicado Mexican cartel leader’s son is sentenced to life in prison for role in major drug trafficking plot
A-TITLE Mexican cartel leader’s son is sentenced to life in prison for role in major drug trafficking plot
/2025/03/07/china-congress/Subdominio A-TITLE China’s foreign minister criticizes US tariffs and accuses the country of ‘meeting good with evil’
/2025/03/07/china-congress/Subdominio Texto duplicado China’s foreign minister criticizes US tariffs and accuses the country of ‘meeting good with evil’
A-TITLE China’s foreign minister criticizes US tariffs and accuses the country of ‘meeting good with evil’
/2025/03/07/pope-hospitalization/Subdominio A-TITLE The Pope has now been in the hospital for 3 weeks battling double pneumonia. How serious is that?
/2025/03/07/pope-hospitalization/Subdominio Texto duplicado The Pope has now been in the hospital for 3 weeks battling double pneumonia. How serious is that?
A-TITLE The Pope has now been in the hospital for 3 weeks battling double pneumonia. How serious is that?
/business/Subdominio Texto duplicado Business
/2025/03/08/best-startup-and-s...Subdominio A-TITLE Best startup and small business grants for women
/2025/03/08/best-startup-and-s...Subdominio IMG-ALT businesswomen gather around a computer
A-TITLE Best startup and small business grants for women
/2025/03/08/best-startup-and-s...Subdominio Texto duplicado Best startup and small business grants for women
A-TITLE Best startup and small business grants for women
/2025/03/08/g90-a-swift-swank-...Subdominio A-TITLE G90 a swift, swank and smooth tool for continent conquering
/2025/03/08/g90-a-swift-swank-...Subdominio Texto duplicado G90 a swift, swank and smooth tool for continent conquering
A-TITLE G90 a swift, swank and smooth tool for continent conquering
/2025/03/07/unretirement-how-t...Subdominio A-TITLE 5 ways to know if unretirement is right for you
/2025/03/07/unretirement-how-t...Subdominio Texto duplicado 5 ways to know if unretirement is right for you
A-TITLE 5 ways to know if unretirement is right for you
/2025/03/07/county-adopts-ordi...Subdominio A-TITLE County adopts ordinance imposing fee on tax, sheriff sale purchases to fight blight
/2025/03/07/county-adopts-ordi...Subdominio Texto duplicado County adopts ordinance imposing fee on tax, sheriff sale purchases to fight blight
A-TITLE County adopts ordinance imposing fee on tax, sheriff sale purchases to fight blight
/opinion/Subdominio Texto duplicado Opinion
/2025/03/07/letter-bresnahans-...Subdominio A-TITLE Letter: Bresnahan’s veterans bill eases access to benefits
/2025/03/07/letter-bresnahans-...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Letter: Bresnahan’s veterans bill eases access to benefits
A-TITLE Letter: Bresnahan’s veterans bill eases access to benefits
/2025/03/07/letter-bresnahans-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Letter: Bresnahan’s veterans bill eases access to benefits
A-TITLE Letter: Bresnahan’s veterans bill eases access to benefits
/2025/03/07/letter-instability...Subdominio A-TITLE Letter: Instability reigns in the Oval Office
/2025/03/07/letter-instability...Subdominio Texto duplicado Letter: Instability reigns in the Oval Office
A-TITLE Letter: Instability reigns in the Oval Office
/2025/03/07/letter-ukraine-vic...Subdominio A-TITLE Letter: Ukraine victimized by Putin and Trump
/2025/03/07/letter-ukraine-vic...Subdominio Texto duplicado Letter: Ukraine victimized by Putin and Trump
A-TITLE Letter: Ukraine victimized by Putin and Trump
/2025/03/07/letter-red-light-c...Subdominio A-TITLE Letter: Red-light cameras are unreliable, unfair
/2025/03/07/letter-red-light-c...Subdominio Texto duplicado Letter: Red-light cameras are unreliable, unfair
A-TITLE Letter: Red-light cameras are unreliable, unfair
/news/politics/national-politics/Subdominio National Politics
/2025/03/07/epa-spending-doge/Subdominio A-TITLE New EPA guidance says spending items greater than $50,000 must get approval from DOGE
/2025/03/07/epa-spending-doge/Subdominio IMG-ALT The guidance escalates the role that DOGE plays in EPA operations.
A-TITLE New EPA guidance says spending items greater than $50,000 must get approval from DOGE
/2025/03/07/epa-spending-doge/Subdominio Texto duplicado New EPA guidance says spending items greater than $50,000 must get approval from DOGE
A-TITLE New EPA guidance says spending items greater than $50,000 must get approval from DOGE
/2025/03/07/trump-doge-epa/Subdominio A-TITLE A single day of Trump and Musk’s cost-cutting campaign remakes huge sections of government
/2025/03/07/trump-doge-epa/Subdominio Texto duplicado A single day of Trump and Musk’s cost-cutting campaign remakes huge sections of government
A-TITLE A single day of Trump and Musk’s cost-cutting campaign remakes huge sections of government
/2025/03/07/trump-crypto-summit/Subdominio A-TITLE Trump tells crypto leaders at White House summit he’s committed to helping their industry
/2025/03/07/trump-crypto-summit/Subdominio Texto duplicado Trump tells crypto leaders at White House summit he’s committed to helping their industry
A-TITLE Trump tells crypto leaders at White House summit he’s committed to helping their industry
/2025/03/07/states-sue-federal...Subdominio A-TITLE States sue President Trump’s administration over mass firings of probationary federal workers
/2025/03/07/states-sue-federal...Subdominio Texto duplicado States sue President Trump’s administration over mass firings of probationary federal workers
A-TITLE States sue President Trump’s administration over mass firings of probationary federal workers
/things-to-do/Subdominio Things To Do
/2025/03/08/book-review-air-bo...Subdominio A-TITLE Book Review: ‘Air-borne’ transforms scientific history into detective story
/2025/03/08/book-review-air-bo...Subdominio IMG-ALT Carl Zimmer transforms aerobiology into a combination of detective and horror stories.
A-TITLE Book Review: ‘Air-borne’ transforms scientific history into detective story
/2025/03/08/book-review-air-bo...Subdominio Texto duplicado Book Review: ‘Air-borne’ transforms scientific history into detective story
A-TITLE Book Review: ‘Air-borne’ transforms scientific history into detective story
/2025/03/07/review-daredevil-i...Subdominio A-TITLE Review: ‘Daredevil’ is back — and better than ever
/2025/03/07/review-daredevil-i...Subdominio Texto duplicado Review: ‘Daredevil’ is back — and better than ever
A-TITLE Review: ‘Daredevil’ is back — and better than ever
/2025/03/07/quick-cook-a-citru...Subdominio A-TITLE Quick Cook: A citrusy fruit salad for the depths of winter
/2025/03/07/quick-cook-a-citru...Subdominio A citrusy fruit salad for the depths of winter
A-TITLE Quick Cook: A citrusy fruit salad for the depths of winter
/2025/03/07/clipboard-3-8-25/Subdominio A-TITLE Clipboard 3/8/25
/2025/03/07/clipboard-3-8-25/Subdominio Texto duplicado Clipboard 3/8/25
A-TITLE Clipboard 3/8/25
/best-reviews/Subdominio Best Reviews
/2025/03/06/the-best-birkensto...Subdominio A-TITLE The best Birkenstock sandals for women
/2025/03/06/the-best-birkensto...Subdominio Texto ancla URL
IMG-ALT <p>Our team of experts has selected the best Birkenstock sandals for women out of dozens of options. Don’t buy Birkenstock sandals before reading these revie...
A-TITLE The best Birkenstock sandals for women
/2025/03/06/the-best-birkensto...Subdominio Texto duplicado The best Birkenstock sandals for women
A-TITLE The best Birkenstock sandals for women
/2025/03/06/stay-dry-in-spring...Subdominio A-TITLE Stay dry in spring rain with the best men’s raincoats
/2025/03/06/stay-dry-in-spring...Subdominio Texto duplicado Stay dry in spring rain with the best men’s raincoats
A-TITLE Stay dry in spring rain with the best men’s raincoats
/2025/03/05/best-soil-test-kits/Subdominio A-TITLE Best soil test kits
/2025/03/05/best-soil-test-kits/Subdominio Texto duplicado Best soil test kits
A-TITLE Best soil test kits
/2025/03/05/the-best-broom/Subdominio A-TITLE The best broom
/2025/03/05/the-best-broom/Subdominio Texto duplicado The best broom
A-TITLE The best broom
/news/pennsylvania-news/Subdominio Texto duplicado Pennsylvania News
/2025/03/06/medical-planes-voi...Subdominio A-TITLE Voice recorder likely wasn’t working for years before Philadelphia medical plane crash
/2025/03/06/medical-planes-voi...Subdominio IMG-ALT The cockpit voice recorder was not working on a medical transport plane that killed seven people when it plummeted into a Philadelphia neighborhood in Januar...
A-TITLE Voice recorder likely wasn’t working for years before Philadelphia medical plane crash
/2025/03/06/medical-planes-voi...Subdominio Texto duplicado Voice recorder likely wasn’t working for years before Philadelphia medical plane crash
A-TITLE Voice recorder likely wasn’t working for years before Philadelphia medical plane crash
/2025/03/05/pennsylvania-gover...Subdominio A-TITLE Josh Shapiro wants to recruit laid-off federal workers to fill Pa. job openings
/2025/03/05/pennsylvania-gover...Subdominio Texto duplicado Josh Shapiro wants to recruit laid-off federal workers to fill Pa. job openings
A-TITLE Josh Shapiro wants to recruit laid-off federal workers to fill Pa. job openings
/2025/03/04/bryan-kohberger-ju...Subdominio A-TITLE Bryan Kohberger judge tells attorneys to stop being so secretive in Idaho student murders trial
/2025/03/04/bryan-kohberger-ju...Subdominio Texto duplicado Bryan Kohberger judge tells attorneys to stop being so secretive in Idaho student murders trial
A-TITLE Bryan Kohberger judge tells attorneys to stop being so secretive in Idaho student murders trial
/2025/03/03/scrantonians-effor...Subdominio A-TITLE Scrantonians’ efforts send over $250,000 in medical supplies to Ukraine
/2025/03/03/scrantonians-effor...Subdominio Texto duplicado Scrantonians’ efforts send over $250,000 in medical supplies to Ukraine
A-TITLE Scrantonians’ efforts send over $250,000 in medical supplies to Ukraine Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Scranton Times-Tribune
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Scranton Times-Tribune

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